Interim Committee Appointed Foi N.C. College ••• ■ r•* ■ ~ '\., t •■ ,/•••' ■ ' ,3 *K •'■■■ :*'■ • .-’ y : *- ***** - - ' • /• - •'- .■. ' j- ; ; ';•• ; ►. ;’v -/?’ ■"i '£■;-? \ % Vv ■- .•■ ; '.- '»&><•'s*■£ •-.• V*. ■ : '3v . | j-'' ’• ' ■'•’•••>■•-:'"' •■•*• •’ ,'f ‘- i•: .• uh 11 riiijiftynaiitf J 8 Peonage System Worst According To Late Report Ne'v York (WDL) Cont-rar* g i.r. editorial denials h"-* the Mem * t -nis Commercial Appeal. Komar 1 j c h tin new-opapor, tire pcon'-oe situation in the- deep south is 'V. en worse than anticip-AitKl. S - ported Rowland Watts, nations secretary of the Workers TJefens League. upon returning fv<.tn 5 special trip to M'ssisippi i ■ eon > ection with the ■ ant; peonage campaign. Watts investigated in partk-;i!•. the case described by the WD-, in its fund appeal of a Negro vl v as kicked, later beaten and fin ally flogged almost to death win n he attempted to leave s plants lion for a better job To prote't riie man, his name is liebu ‘-viti , held at this time. An atmosphere of extreme fee tt-igns in the area ns a re-n't discovery of the derapilat , en body of a Negro voter: n :• a roadside The situation in an »:n;rt Alabama countv is equally na-i. Watts said An additional :nve tigator has been added ie t.e V/DI. staff rmw probing pi nag-- MISS B. PARHAM SUES! SPEAKER AT STATESVILLE Statesville ... The North Caro lina Association of Home Been > mists will be honored at its An :iual meeting which is to be held it Mornings id e High School ar i Unity High School. St.-tesvill.- October 18 by having as die >• its guest speakers Miss Bettie fi Parham, foundei of tie- Ncfional fceautv Supply Company, Ne-.v Ycrk. N. Y. Miss Parham is nationally re cognized as an outstanding bus; ness home economist. She hold the B. A. degree from Shaw tin vc-rsity, M. A. Columbia Unive~ s-tiy. and oust-graduate wo k > hew York University She oirec ttd. at on. time, the home eco nomies program at Shaw a n r.l Dillard Umversrtiras Afte which she gave vent to hei sriertifi fcMliry and to her desire and ur to settle in the New York City and place on the market the fir -,t formula foi beauty sides pro pared by a trained Negri, seier tit and home oconeme 1 Iri ftw years. Miss Parham dcv«- c-ted a progressive busines.- thru now demands the employment if approximately 100 people repre senting both races. Miss Parham comes to the Assn 'Continued on bark page) “SUPREMACY CLUBS’’ FORMED , Southerners Organize \ To Fight For Rights At Polls; Seek Equalities COLUMBIA. S. C. ' ANT* • Me .eves in South Carolio;,. Georgia. , Alabama. Mississipp. and othe: states of the south have organized use every legal weapon ••svallabk t 1 gain equality at the polls, in {tabu; transportation and in public schools. Funds arc bong raised tor the tlglr in Alabama where the Sta' c j NAACP is mapping the strategy for 1 the effort Plffts t'oi the Alabama ts»;hi wfeix i discisssed at a three*d»y "NAACT conference tjeio r-.jeinjL;, at. Mwl • (.apt. Mill/a. On Lfavr; K«'plaml \s Skipper \» H t(IPK wri r ,;V vrtfi in com- j tnanrtrr of flu- S. S Keeker T. j Ws-hincme v reported on j sirk leave this week fob wing j the- anrutum i mem Oiai hi- t hies I ntnte, lames 11. Rrmwi. had re- I ptaerri the popular wartime \ rommand'i. < apt. Brawn, a native of I < 7 i-nrcia, is said i - be the first \meriean-horn \rp,rn to rom mand a vessel in the merchant marine. WORKERS OECRY •PRYING' METHOD N' •-a Y irk ; AND Sc*tun - i..f puolic and private relief th:. fpi- south die Fei)«,v.-• of Rcriiiu’il ipioip -.- J ,tu h- iirifiUiii ♦ers hi 392 ft;. vidua! te heltf th< • .-• F O R Slice's 1 - is,l 1 .id. T, ihr bock f bn.-, - nri - ip the front .id", is:n -th,.! be,.,- - ‘-tich action is token people -.hMin cet jo touch v/ith the FA AGP (•Continued on b;„ ;< n p.e:- ; pomcry. Funds Will \,t: raised to i carry The fight all the way to tne United States Supreme court m. these issues ii nec'essay. leaders any The Progressive Democratic lv : ty is heading the fight m this sta. ' with the aid oi the .-late Nft -\CF ‘Both groups will resist every on.-.. I i white Democrats to ;an ifegrocs ! f rom white Mississippi , leaders will fight the i ite Sen It - i bo’s followers who art detorrhihad to stand fcv the principles of then Vn The above seer-,* i- hr faneral u{ Hi- r>«-i>rq, \\ V f,:i Held at first Baptist ('hutch last Thurs day. The pallhearo s arc .id Its oris Memo Phillip- !i H. F; id Hay-'*, d. tlavirl llintnn •nit iah Tucker. 1. t T iifhtnii'. rente i (iin'ia) iHrector WWW TO STAB >' "b Mrs. Anna BrDc Oeuslass of New Oilcans, has rejoined the staff f the National <:ouncii for Permanent Ff.P< as a field rep hesf ntativc. THRONG ATTENDS FINAL BITES OF 08, I. E, SHEPARD Durhum - A'uriini. S*n: and i i : o'lai". coj.-.-gr- o. c-s*- '. nt.-‘. stu.i'-rits. relative-:, friend.- •up! admu-'-rs jeromori eve. >-• •. jiloble inch of -tanding roo-r. in .inn around Duke- auditorium il Xorth Carohn,.- collug her '. afternoon to 'otm -s ih«- fiftn! ’ for D. James- Ee Shop-, founder and press :C-ioti\tiwd on brick page) a\mai u.n \\\m\ sf.ntsdr.h.ltriu, At a meow meeting of the Raleigh t'hapter oi the Si. Awcus tine’s CtfHege Alumni Asociation, Dr H* toM Tris'c. recently in -1 -is the college's first Nr gn» president, was guest speak er, Os Hear »nd roimnithh of Hit Inca! chanter, pictured above are. - ■ . ’ Be? . . .. ————^—J YOMTME XXVII, NO 5 •"> U ALIoIOH. N'OKT'il ( AUOI.INA W KKK KNDINT, SATI ’ Ul.> AV. OCTOP.UK 18. 1017 LilK K7c lltisiiil »l Suapliims tpiii'il 111 imiiii il + If $ n !..<• V i:..unrig M:-s Margai ■' G 'N-V: Duke r-xpei :s pointed -*ut the ru.-ioi -I a r oabi' | inanagc-r. Mi il. n was ! manager ?t 'h- time the ■.■■■■■>(■>• t «Conll nncd r- • c *. pngo ♦ IVailiei b Vlav \Miliate i?h Delaware \ss*n. tVH.MI\<(Ti . it nt; oi t.ions dismiss the :-u. oi D . - W. Hipi r R-,iV;gV. X 1 --boai b X; ’. : : -y P:•-■"! . b'-.'d i.-i-oo: live F'tw m- •: and K viriee-is ;.u- a re.-e! the ulf.rntiff's di nuis.ii as a ft: in:m oi! S ;i!'e-ard Lint- r. H.iiioi: is ask it S; - OHIOO .- :u --tiyo d.-:n.,a,-: and Sza.COt; coin!? . it ry -Jomages be ..-o.irtis due :iii>. -'•c.-nisi: iu- lost the oreman's . - - : -year when the railroad chan*: eci from at, urn to d>-.». • pi'WW the Richmond I'i- ’i-igl, ine. and inj uneti':,n jostr.-uriing 'be Brot.u-:'- im it from fictir:.- :;s bt-.rgaini --, tent for him and .■ li;r ; Megs • .‘iro -1 Cor-drsued on i-r-ick page JBP-'**-*• tha Buti n-, Mtemmershtp Commit - tee; Mrs. t'. K. I.ig n, vice presi dent: Mrs. Leonidas Haywood, president; Mrs H. L. Trigg•. Miss V.mir;'. .?. Kt nm-tl'i, executive sec retary of General Alumni; Mbs. Mary Ibuniltim. serretary; Mtss Mary Phillips, treasurer; Stirs. >?ane, program commit tmiiMii) j iiiifci * i { ' , W 1 In Rnseoe <, ». tics, noted tS < go surgeon, vi h has bcei. • -vi tried to active duty on the sßTgi'-:i| s» aft ill Look County hospital. t the -hnryt*« in th- : world. A \ I’ SREENSBSRD’AN RIVEN RECESS APPOINTMENT Thfir •: r; r r:: -a "a :;i haia- t be c nftrmep : ry '.ht .-./nale- wi Firs: i,u»uu.nttr ! 'Capiarm r.iei •;n T Jacks .:- Am C rps. 211 Kin. Si ret.-: and Firs’,. : ,i na:-' -.''’.a :-ai F’rocr ;> , '\;i C-a-.'s ••'■i f' i-- :iais a n ir : b -a ; First Li-ctilonant ■ f_ * ■: ■. -;■ - ii.-n rubai M. Cox A'. r . ':7a, - - ‘‘ an?*- .iriri F:i s; i. .e:"Ii-a.‘V ; ...r : f-'.ci- D. 1.-'s'ii-,'. Air Corps. 5558 iii rJiana Avi'-r;Chi age First LmuUmaut K'hw: Lieu!.' f\?>-motic: K :) -v. aeria Air C - as S-7t, L HHsbuvah. Kali- and ..First Lieul-fuam > Major • Krlwna < C C!- - :-i, An C Tp: 2if Hast F->ri.h Street. H i■ ■ ■’; K;- ms. -! 11! .Major) jerom- E. Act: i -.ports. Air C<>r:is. Hii V,':.? burtoti Avenue. H aw-tborne. ’"C. .v Second Lieu’enaii! i-krtst i .i,-.i. • - .’V-udrew Je rns ■; ,]i . Air Co: 3l:< l.av. Sire;-!. G; s-r r:sb> -CO N. s,. ter Bark rmv, B B Tivtrr. >lr% India B. Smith. Mr>. A. Davis., Mrs. Bessie Rise .lames Boyw, <’o«eh Ksjss" iKsiiat, Mrs. liuiiyv Sanders, John Shram, chairman *tf Serial c'crnniittee: WiOtom Pt‘Vry. Vlrs. (' ttnet' i- rjcul for DR. MANLEY IS NAMED PRESENT SCHOOL HEAD Dui ham -- A three-m.-mb' r ;u tcrim cornmitte, t? canv on th r-dn-smistrativi-' .ysponsibilitu - .u' • N rth Carolina College ;a- a c ielection -oi a successor la Dr. | i.iints F SiiC-pa.'-i’J wi’.:) o.’a.'ol Or-: i l et h, his been appointed. Jult Warren .f Raleigh, . e-reet try of he college trustee board an ; n -uru-eri h 're Friday night The comnr.tiv which is -bare . i with ‘ full administrate-.: r sDiiTisibilitv for the dipt ration ,i th.-- college" is composed oi D: •('optmtied ?n back page; Former Stunt 1 ill Manage Va. Hotel A WAWKsHOKft. Vk. An lioniuvmfM has been made oi the appointment - f William B. \V snufson of Waynesboro. Va.. .is M -ie. s,-r oi' Hose! Tarr> hi re. Mi. W<* ft son. a graduate of West Virginia State College, ••prved :..j- the nasi two years is : ookkeener oi shaw Cmver -iti He is 3lso co-< wner os trie hotel which meludes a ecmmodiofis riinine room, Prinlri's I ]>Fe!i] !ri lo Sinn New York iWDLi ■ 7 ini’- 1 vaphical cnion * iusin <4 : o s ig r > coii t. *t ' • n•*? hi Taft-Hanley isu v>- ..- iiei? ! s,gal by newkiird Wafts ere 1. -1 ;v of the Workers 'iii-feni-v J fagu- ’s' eftmmittee t-. ata ioca ' lcions under the Taft i T „rt'< •' In offering -.he league's lega i i 1 to Se:>'e]el Kate scv:-e! e s' 1. H 0.1 9!5. ITU. Watts - roil . '"W irclievi- ‘hat the position taken V -' Hr ITU nt s*st si Wishing shoe -.on c !lions inrii'-pcndfsni of eonli ai *. net only legal hut a basic hatter ior union sccm ity which will be tome increasingly neeessr v hi . 11 industry." The local has bi-t.-n accused V ‘hi Nassau Daily Review-Star ?■ complaint to the NLRB n ! including visiting librarian' ! 'ron i Virginia, lidiilh Carolina and ’ Ceorgia or* expected to atter.u liit two dav pr bossi n • ieurnaiism, and library sr’ierutc : be 'oatured on the prosrrar" Miss Shirley Graham, h<-- g 1 • . !.-nd, S r Y. famous author and ; lecturer will speak at a nitmiv it eeting Friday night at 7 etoed :»t Industrial School where al! sessions will bo held Cr. Friday afternoon at 2 o’ckiM ; P. Bernard Young, Norfolk. Va. \ T ’ce Pres■ ion! of the Journal ~i■ d Guide Publishing Ccmipsaov, . •ill address ih* public rr. etinc. The professional session Satimda j morning at 10 o’clock will be ad , dressed by .Toaeph B. R aso ! Washington. D. C.. i -bratieri or ; Howard Ui.ive’ site. Welcome Program Friday Prepar;.tinny for the entertaio :■ er.t n; the group and for tr'* \.> iiisketee, whose distintniished services us puhik health «*rsf hrctuflri her national attention. (h<ap'c • j UP IN POLITICAL ARMS | | Go. Group Working To j j Bar Negroes From Voting j ■ln Next Year’s Primary j Atlanta n assuring that au , gv.-erning bodies in the stK- win , .omwin in conu-ol of “whit- oil: ‘ ‘ i'criK nnlv,” according to j i 1 Kennedy, author of ; ‘So r'hrrr ' Sleposurt* ” here recently. Kennedy, who recent!,- con • i ipTvd a tour of Ok* KU * r • ‘ ! veiled that since last April, tines . ’■White Supremacy clubs hat • «prune up, t specially *n rural couniicß,' seek in" a vW-to ’y in ;« . V cr,... BETWEEN 300 TO 400 LEADERS ABE EXPECT?!! BV vv .1. KiA.MUV ,lr. Mcmtu't. ' i Recreation (’ mmissinn DUKHAM The \rmu»l JCorih O*rCinn Vi'.'v: . . iov. Conference will liv-id in Durban on Nov, :,n ev ? 4 nvi 5 a! the Wash in£t6n Duke Hold TV s!>i Keoruitior- Leaders from all see* ! ii>n of the i; ' .0: riiX'V',o v. r,H n is bp.'n:;n is- m by the \ . ca Ksci ar.T. So- • h, ati reereafi-n Imdsi . • 'nr -v* : <■ stoic both o>’ ! ‘ and " re. \o Khe: •; i.ce -awl u-» l>*“* com*- citliov act ivc or '<**3> ntemberr of the state Recreation Suviniy Aciivt m.-'iii!,, on:p in U;i* ofcrsnv urdlUi Ompi--. '?"' A, ~ ... • . v,-. , . ,v> h. y.\ . i i • 1 C(*>- j-ss.w yi •{•»}'. i-ict.ivc 1 ■- intern*:a in -.Continued on b-ck page* \ \ Si P Starts Out On Memlx'rship Drive RALF.IGH In the first of the srvH.'s of FaU-WmL r meetris* <">- Raleigh 8, me; of the \. A A C. <- iii or hHi! Vv >ov Or; Baptist Church, Sunday O ![J>.i iW, at 4:00 \cc . v'vilb Hi.*, ■• . n L Tavioi Aiiornet ar-' i Counsellor at Law >f R..k-:«n, *« -.neipai sneaker. Mr. Taylor; ha- Icoi a wei k’ own figure in legal and civ.-:- . ails so. ;.t .nuron : of y,: rs. H* ■ iveri aB. S. doj*w*e i: am Vh* Union lfna'c. ' ! was awarded a M. S. degree Star an L, L. B. decree from Cobrnifc** Mniversity. M;. Taylor has garner r • -viainf-nee in lb-- e-'i-jcai rma! a-' ; well as the legal field fo> meC-’ I reacted Che Dowarimenl of Coro ii eree at Vi; ginia in ion Umve" *tt\ at Ric-hmono Va.. and was 1 i.p; Profess o nt th-' Law - School of Nr.rts V rmiina C >ller* Mr T&vlo; i; ds a familia figure in if; . ciix - ;;c- o; the N A A C. P F ’ t-a v'-si’S he ■rv.yi P-o-o-arrh As>is‘ : -*if ro t;U Legal De- ;c : m;t ! of the Ks tjona! Or ie( >f the NAACP ; \;. w York -Ciiv. Mo bee -n his : legal practice in Raleigh in Juno . and it) a corona eat: ve- i v ?c>rr t space of Arm has '.or. wrti-de rved lan: ■ for himself by the ! efficient and b.illianl manner ■which he has carried out i, th' duties hr has oudeCaken M> Taylor is member ?f Th National Bar Association tir 'Corlinreri on back psge' narv hy Herman Flu gone madge. ’TheorPtioally, these clubs tsv* t associated with ‘.be T'drmdgft c ntroUed fkrmoeralu commit <•. s. Nor sr they affiliated with ihe KKK. Knu'-'vrr, Kennedy rp » ■ ,:rted that the same nr fpe ■>e ntly found on the DemnrnrtH •. •■remittees and hnidmg member • s-hip in the Klars, are also ii te s .r. ■member.- of the _ne« clubs Intentions Published. Unlike the K’.an. tlv eluK Vive 1: ;>zerdv published their .intent ;s& {Continued b?ck