Nc R A PTKTQ TO HHI FI PIHHTIFTH QFQQfOM • 113 1.3 1 U 1 IV-IJuL/ JCjIVjI i i li:,* ill uLuDiUI 4 Ark. Cancels Wallace Speech MIXED SEATING ARRANGEMENTS STIRS OAISE Li ft If* Rn.;k (ANP) Th- A; Irtnsas Committee of the 'South op Conference Human welfare bts cancelled the scheduled ao rt.arance of Hcnn A. Wafluee •> the municipal auditorium Acre o'" Nev. 15 because of the refusal > th audito tum com mist. n ‘ • permit attendance on a non-set; related basis. The demand fhi ■ * there bo no seeregatio > cam-, from Wallace himself. Will Speak In Memphis The former vice preside rr wiit sneak instmd in Memnni; ■ 4 th Mr son Holiness temple on th*. come date, under the spor>snrshin cf the SCTiW. accordinp. to a" ar nouncement by the Rev S. V Freeman, president of the com mittee for Arkansas. Negro ts throughout this section are plan ring to make the trip to Mernpht* to hear the noted speaker much ;n the dismay of ma n v local whites. Wallace 1 has made it (non-see: legated audience) a condition fen ril his appearances in the south " p> plained Rev. Freeman, “and his *i quest has been granted in sue'- cities as Atlanta. Raleigh an d New Orleans. In view of the fee* F'ct Little Rock has had a good nrttny mixed audiences on specia’ occasions in the past, we did no' h el that the reauest would cans - an-- particular emibarrassmert. Auditorium Board Frowns We fel* that the imp nance of Wallace’s speech, which veil* ‘he fj rs t he makes after retun. r C on tinned on back psjgc'i uirWftff ALBINO CHILD LOUISBUHG - Mrs Lottie Bru tie el Tnglesidf will keep the eigh* month-old albino baby' which sh ifEtofticially adopted two nr nth..? ago. County Welfare Superintenner! •' 7 T MHebine • rC2vrfed tv ft Thursday. The case first came to the alien tlbrt of the welfare department when Mrs Battle appeared in town recently with the fait -dtinned cop per.-headed baby boy and whir *nd Negroes of this Milage com munity began stretching their eyes. Investiagtibji revealed that tin child was born to a married Negro couple on a Franklin County fa.r< early this year, the family had been broken up because f the col or of the child, and so far no suc cess has been achieved in reconcu ing the couple, both of whom *‘bsv< norma! c luring." The infant was Uft with th« maternal grandmothei -ho set ' for Mrs Battle who he roared sev en r l her own hlidfcn atm h„ been fostei moth*-, for six others Mrs B:-tt)c hvep a,.--,- i? five .. ties north of here where she operate t small farm and dm- domesti. u ork for white fanv’ies rtcaroy Sh- wants to keep ’he -»apt. tut v-pifq.-p official.- have warned th* •the i? taking a heavy .esponsibilif • irir; Negro Mbit! general'!’, 'or toms Mind due to lack of piem ’3*ion in the eyes, and that ;n the c?se the welfare department ■-* -ul-J ha w. ♦ place th- rlrild ir. sm in etifutein for th' blind EDISON'S jß7'! INVENTION Tlv- carbon filarn n< incandss. en bmp way p •-•feefep by Thomas E.i sen in 1R79 Eastern AME’s Give $5,000 To N. C. Old Folks Home Jersey Woman Doctor Dies Before Practicing NEWARK. N. 3. i>r, Vi. vian In** DotigJiu.. after * life time of mrrlfters for herself her parents. (Hod in the hospital if mewing itis here last week, witk»at ever being able ti* practice the profession she u erkerf so hard to reach. She pored five» medical books in her spare time while ihe worked at. receptionist for f»i Hutchins F. Inge and studied »i Newark liniversit; at night, while her father, a shipyard worker and truck driver, shov eled snow hi the winter and did other odd j'slv*. in spare time to b*>!p finance her education. Stricken with spina! menin gitis last spring just before she took her final examinations at Meiutrry Mediw'i College. Her bines® prevented: her from becoming the first w- nan doci r at Lincoln Hospital a( Dm bum. M. where she was to have served Her ipterngtftigi. f t||||| k jlfcSi £ VOU MF XXVI k NO, Hi RALEKJH. NORTH CAROLINA V\ . ilk FIX DLN< -MM iiDAV, Oifok k :k>, ]:H . PRICE 7e TO i»F SPEAK Elt Hr. Fred I . Brownlee. secretary < i th< ymrrican Missionary Ss soeiaii' n Oivt-inn of the linmi- Mission Board of the ( ongrega tonal amt t bristSan < 'hitrches will deliver the Convocation srrnv n in Fisk Memorial Chapel. Nov .*. ending the Inaugural Ceremonies of Dr. diaries S. Johnson as the sixth president <"f Fisk University "The Religions Function of a University'' is jo be the theme of his address. A former president of LeVJnyne College. Memphis. Tennessee., Or Br ivniw is trus tee of several institutions includ ing Fisk,, . Powell May Run Again For Reelection; Mayor Not r m In Favor Os Minister NEW YORK ' ANPs Polj.icss observers here agreed unanimous ly last week that Rpp A Cia/t Powell would of >1 ■ Hiidifiate in siii. ceed himself in the • 1 fti-’-n <y-.k yo a i. Reason N . i lcu.-yling so ni Oern cratic Irader, was Re Rev ; Powell's sudd«n interes* n )h r> v> istx'at! n campaign which wit!, nrarly 78,090 Nerves becom ing eligible to v«t* C<.i»zrc.<-rt'M • Powell. iti a weil-tiiv.d man roc . sent, out p st cards tr 35.000 Her icmite.y on the last day of t.h r istrati'' n campaign. “As repvesfiuo* : vc in eon ; g.'ess." he wrote, H >nt y a - : be a registered rot' r and to write me i ic’ and : lion for me • ■ tak' on government ■)! affajvt in wifirh v•: n in 1 ’ . 'od Today is ixts *ha nee. T; i you don't -egfster nw \ n '1)1;. ran re ! vote m \ m her -in ' next year but vo : v.'i 1 ! m ' J a ti b an active vac: in the 2r. i session. 80th r. ttgre: a. v/hieh r ’••nc ; J anuary. 1948.' Politician- immed a'eU se,/., Bsltitrv.)! • t'ANP) A tori. ; < a'' throe st util action, mid-yea •• ..terem-es at Atlunhf City • i’biladclph/' and 'Bolliny e was completed last week by B; - hop-- !K. I. Wright. Ji. S. L. Greene ;at ri George W. Baber. Thi b ; j .“bops preside over the New Cork ; New England. New Jersay Phila ! drlphia. Delawerc and Baltimore | (' inferences The theme of the meetinv*. war. I the planning of a workable social ( action program whereby alt or ; ganizations of the AME church i along the Atlantic seaboard migh work together more effectively t . ; v Ivina snm ■ of the problems that j j fsec the ecdored citizens <.f those | : areas. Large audiences greeter* ou* [standing authorities in the ,>elds I if labor, education politic:.. s Huai problems and church stew ; «~dship. The conferences agreec, \ uranimously tot work to: ‘he teas I sage of the anti-lynch bill FEW' j 1! ill, federal education bill and ; M r!-tax bil at the next .session of congres Min- ovm V , hodv pledged itse'f to take \ j forthright St; id and bs, of j • resources .n oopos»r y Aon ’icon ; ; racism. •Merc thar, $57,000 was rmr rten j • t'C.f. AV ' ’ f>n b ’>'' CITIZENS GROUP ENTERTAIN NEW STUDENTS HERE RALEIGH The Raleigh Cui sens Committee ••nvi mined ih< ntweomers :■) thi city hiclurun.: new students and :• arbors it -S' Aiiersimc s(A • iegc •. i .Sha\\ - ... verstiy. in rcctv.r.u-n at i.. Bli-odworth Street /MCA Fridav night The C remit :'■<■ had 'he un -ye d.isttnelipn of Dr. Hat e-lcl Trigg, pr- ine.v. ~f Si, Aag iistirio’s (T wlio IS ;>* [jiiii.i.,; l h;. ; - ftrsf. !i*nr. r?s pi -. : of Ai* i local institution. Am ng 'tiers nl were <>.' Robert P Daniel o: St ~w ttoiv., i sity. the local school principals, the principal and faculty ' the Wash ington high school ‘he princi ; pal of the Slot; S-. -it sot the Flind and ))..*af the j.,u-. ;-* i.-- .tits men. physi la > .wl nurse ' .-e city. Greetings were cxiendr-l by \V > Grene. >x<.-cutivo srcrcury the North C»roi.tin {'ivch-TS irtion and response xas made ly the Rev i.iovi L Aodcr-on. lv r.pp 'inter: bhapiau) ■ { SI Angus or., College. Th. entertainment eomrniite*. t i'-s eompesed of ti-.o f dloving. : j son- Misses Jeanette Ht<-, . r. 1 Gontintiod m p.-co* upon th;it to --prove' ‘that "A* at >s JflO octHv in. health end Us quit anyi- us ‘to hold on in his sIdHOO ar jib." If he does n i ran, i-.te if P.,v\ oil , a.ssrx'isp.'x said, he intende-.. cold veto power over he man who wins the supp 1 1 if 1 enriirsan.y hal l ■ : i- tvt.ll known amu..g the club a use leaders that Major Willi*.:., 1 - O Dwyer would like: very muc. Rev Powel Ito retire from • C Thai, the AMP intonn ,:u saic •: t'.rnef hine thf etChAi t ssmar. v. i I 'eride for himself. %€.n. VI. (.lark Hp-flupps /v{. % ood s Sci:. :;t Rar) Era nr ! ffvTsPA) Gen "k] Mark ■ mrk. Sixth Army • mmandcr, has reduced the ram: i.-iucht'-: 3onte:uv- ot .♦hiva.i l.emas Woods, Jr., of Dei: oi' ! om three veers to eighteeeti ■ rd h s I < Hil\ f oman ,' al l ied To An \ttorno> a Only Negro Judge » J i. ” Los Angeles (ANP) - Gali- only Negro woman attorney. Miss Martha Tyfa- j lone Williams, became the bride of another atfJrrey. Bernard Jefferson, in a ‘'’•ief ceremony performed in the home of Edwm L. Jefferson, the only Negro judge in the stale and the groom's eldest brother. Judge Jefferson, in trying the marital knot, also united the large individual practice of each attorney. The couple plans to combine operations under the name of "Jefferson and Jefferson." The new Mrs. Jefferson a brilliant yovng lawyer with offices in the dcwntvwn busi ness section, is pre-mint ni in social circles. This is her third marriage, and is the second for Aliy. J»ifer?cm. Be.ause of flwdr large practices the couple Will riot go on a hors oymfcon. M,\ . -.-ijpr- ...... '• jiSSST ' > . . Mmw* .. .4 1 V' fit is Miss S Ami 1. ■ - ; iianniiifi F”b-..'i- -f; y rw . r j • vine. V*.. has bren chosen by her schoolmates at North Caro lina A and T. * roi; kc to serve , Carver 3 Cent Stamps 7o Go On Sale By January 5 CARVER . UFA"!' ST \M r> :. Washing!;,.; AX:"' ./•■: f! n-t St'UTip !SS .v’ll j-; '>.->n ■ it.' < W.:' bi ptacod »n in F ; i■ u<t , Jc t r.. 5. ZD4B. a; Tusko«..-c im%: . - Pustma -•"••> Gen rri R -h-. ,-t ; ! A rtnegnn. Dr. Ca’ •'.'•■ r. l e renrwn.'r >■/-. < -;tor and '-a-a-iVin. a- bo :. - .. farm uea; Diammtd Gur,\ Mi in 13154. wa hr ..-MiUe.-i un he .eas . i ears ,Jd ! : - his adr-' at: -h :r. ‘hr high. . .'it Mi: K; ': L S .:. ; ."'i;:.' A'.'-'- i -.' St -tei in 1894 and sis \1 S i.; 18,-tfi. }l ?'ve:i o'S si Tnottie Baltic, elderly Ne.iir• of Frank!rn County. !« f»Tir*wn hold • an 1 ght-menSfe-old albino Noyro chilci whom she unofficially t adopted several weeks The county welfare ciepartittoht had io let her keep the child until some final disposition is made. The I woman hf:r> reared seven of her own children »pd othm : N. gro ? »f ' - '***»■# Up— " '*■ &M. 5» as wo n (jueen during lleiEn'-tm #’ing fwwisp frario- u'bb" T. \ irginia State U (ircenshoro, \ . this week crifi. I ,nir .n .- a '.'et t. iron v. ■ ■ ieh h" us , r, >' - 40 ...if.ii. D; :a; \e:' died ;e Tuskt on . ,0. !94;<. S ' iH I ’ » ■ '! • () •*- t*S is' 1 i\f .;' c i : ; a'v CROC' I ]] .• Uo'ns i>f this- r. \v C-v' : ramp • n <\‘ •-•f =■ i n o i ; n •- \cp : HCr- ■■ ; with i -.'•rniUn'H’C i'-v Ihe •,mr DIXIE STATES Si LIT ON 0, s. m TO SCHOOLS B /..'-'iHS ! ANP> Discws.wr 1 tr.v ‘-.'Oil{rov ui >. cj'ucsli ft o f , ' :■! I d to : 31 • c..• bo «i 1 1. a re te 11 meeting hu'e of the uihom : re::ftren.e !' rice Coufu:.’ 1 : : i.o governments. nmi with :ud' . : sttonr' bivryenct i oiiinievn . ) rleei-'inn ewiid oo noehe-d by by wiTf ;i who! > tooo ‘ o take. ,b . : .-•;o • f the riisa ;rrer. • bo!\>.oei! the so- .i.iey ios who r -Vs'-re CVeR SOUthe e states, u. r !>j' i i c;; y '. n‘i. •; a pohey Ih. rehinoil is an outgrowth o' senes of conferences held toy , e-; c-i oors of s-. iitheni .-lades four e I'ioc years ago. At that time. t.h. i gubernatorial h<wis met to ;:_e . what eould be dne stout tru i ; .tlines do. ision and issues inv-'lv :et; st parole school.- Finding the - , sues a bit dfficvtPt to so'so the gov ttr.ors fey mod the Council of S.atc ! ... a: i rni'i'ii.s which is -(imposed of ; ; Iwsei ifficials of member govern j '■ melit . Frank Bane white, is the j i xoeutiw director of the ccmnci ATLANTA SOCIAL WORK SCHOOL IS NOW INTEGRATED ATI .ANTA After 27 years -i i-iii'cessfui opera toi'n under a sep arate charter as an indeprndent if. rtittilion. Atlanta Utaveoity, a rbool of Social Work ■f • :i;ri, to btlio as the Arlan!,. Sahooi of So ■ i ini Work- ii .September 22 1047. ~avc ip its charter and became an anegraii par", if Atlanta Uni- ; Siofc SopU-mbci i. WIH ; ’■' 1 !rot of So iai Work tuts- ;ni:- - taiiied an •ffiisa'i > with A-knt:. ’. ifn'-ersity. Under the terms of thi.rl .wmmtt. the Unverritj u. wanted - ' \ Master of S ■•! i Work dfefb' top , n aid rites of the Scouol who ra - \ ■j i ' i-i aii of ’he rcqin: -.-merits t°r th ' - ( rie-a - to- but the School load cnnUie k ucd i opc-r-ite under its own ooard o! . istes-s ann officers The n< w ' :vh/tionship murks the c nslimmo. .* i • 'in -fa steadily inv re asi n r cctri :1a- I of tiic work of the School and i University iTi For • sic-r Wa-f yr, ’,.roe: ■■ of ;a- Sch-'-b of i:e w t'k f- -r the 'wri 20 years ' aid unde: whom in* School uar i ; wade mn-arknljic strides, and D. ; i . Hufiir E. Clenicrn. President of th." 1 t i : n;ver«it» both ox pro; .-ted piet-suri tin !:.••• that tht ac' ion was 1 i mended in. the tiocrr's of - itu • f the two institutions, and j oii feei tfiat 'he new relationsnip ; 1 ; :, i h: ftnutuaHy itcaeficinl. Dr ' ,- ■ - in yen will t" irt’e as the Di- c < ctoi 'it the Sdhtoi m. foidiwued on ora:., paget Dr* L. W. Upperman 1 ■ - ;s | Police Registration Exams ! j V.TI,MINT.TON In m tettc 1,0 | ;!■< edit r .-r ihr Jm.;rn .1. JDr. i \V ;• l : ppeni:an, ehairrni.i, ot the Civil ! '\fkiir- Committee of the Neg'iC | > ’Uizens Council and outstanding i 1 .id civic leader, j in-; stiroes will i iht Journal and nthet agencies ii . ihc offisrt to get Nektons registered for the forthcoming fireman an.’ | p 1 icemen examination Dr. Upper nap did n : sa\ so in h:s letter, oui j his ctimmiftee has dr.'a- a vatunhi i )• -co of vv rk in laying the ground i .cork for the naming of Negroes tin Wilminglin p-olir- force The .Mima! eontaeUid Chief Hi r, Haves of the Wiirrfihgten Po | d’o Department, and he stated t.ha j 'h ugh ho did not km w the exnc* hrte i the exartriiiai ions, he oe \ed they would he* held the Ills' week ip November Some time igo. j he a tided, the date oi November / ! w e set Whether this date has neen i imaged <>i not. the chief could not i 'lay He referred this newspaper to j the Rev W. J. Step/H nson, a hie'vi ’ her t the Civil Service Commls i sion. but he could net bn v.i ! before press time. ■ Persons interested he ' are "d to sdftta< nm\Y BRfDE A»»v. W* *** fw <A‘ > "N -- It .Clf Mi? \V Hedrick. McMiHian. abln c. the former Annie Ma M.uCrca whose marriage Lo'.k place August ?K. She is a cousin Mr and Mrs < ornctms S, 1,<411111, i)r. F, i). Patterson Named Io Freedom Tram Tnislee Board M.W YORK ■A\ T ■ -- Hr. I-'red I> uglas Patterson, presi dent of Tuskegce In.sLiluf'c. was namitl us one ot Live new mem bers so the hoard ot trustees of tie American Heritage f«tm rtaiiofs. sponsors s i the • Frcc doiw Train." it was announced here Last week by Winthrop ft .Udrii h, board ehairntan. The other new members are Fdward Eagle Brown, president oi the First National Bank. Cld ea g . Henry H. Lure, presi dent, Time and Life fne.. New York: Edward 1.. R>ersoti. presi dent, Inland Steel Company, and Thomas K. Wilson., presi dent. Wilson and Company, both of C hicago. Announcement Made ’s n -X All. USO Clubs T • b. Closed After Decernb NEW YORK AH IT,SO r u.,.- eofi other oper.-.iiorss- for Army inc a.:\porsonnel that, have used I ’SO lUTtdt- sVrl L’e.ire e‘ui: e ~e, . c, the rent •! Frid.av. Docembe : 26. The- a iii; .Liricenwr; r-ane -y ■ iUr die Ufiif) Boar-'i <vf DireetO:. approved a oomp'lefc- plan for i, tri:t;vi 1 ex: .rer:y veit.h a streamlined ! organization ! > net n.s the liquidui i : ng trustee of TJSO. So h« day aftei Ciiristmas w-iit | mark fire end of operations tied - wore-r February 4 !fr-l: with th- U S. prcpt-redncS' fft'ogram ~iid ( fomvi In 1944 Will; a iuo --il 6,085 chubs find - iher opcaher.':. ; AJloyethei mui-f- dial. 4.00e u.e, were opened during tor- life of tie !rgi«nir.ation being closed a.-: :h-. vYe.r and Na-v;- Depar:.rents- ire the scrc ii, -o, ■■ or women ' ; . ■ - core set up to serve. i:\TT\rn-.:r> Ail ovkk wori.u- ISO perations exi.nded to .o' f arts of the world, with clubs be low rite equator and almost t- the North Pole almost, everywhot> except the European theator o' .'■ur, but laSO-Carnp Sh ca -wo ‘.here as well as everywhere Ho Sc Louis ('jiambcr Ot i ommerce Raps Il'Pl, St. U>uts (ANPr The chamber of Commerce here went on record last week in j opposing a federal fair em ployment law The body took the position that employment is a state concern and that ■ j legislation on a national scale would result in unfavorable agitation which would be de trimental to the "proper handling ‘ of the mo tier. : During the last session of I congress, il was pointed cut. j IS bills were introduced in | the house end one in the i senate culling for a pe*,cfc ! nent FEPC. | ; ihe Rev. Mr. Stephenson immeo j in’Tv. His telephone number is jg-bilfi. j Dr. (Jpperin.:ii's complete le.i 1 II Hows Oct her 20th. 1947 Mr T. (" Jervay Editor. Wilmington J-IWynsl CONVERT; • „ BE II R • 30INU w-o, ;;;vj l'Sc : i.«t 181 S‘ H ' ; ■ {i; 11 . , ■?’ ' iKTty i;a- t; h.t . ■ y;'. jyh. i.'io a baa ■ r . -• ■ Dr/Dank;] Ai* . - k ■ AlVJOfty - - i r; -;. : ; . - -, -- eer,> - GOFS T ' I father, exeo.j ;l r , v;i ; Th-- w;’i i,--.. ! - , ' i * A-- ■ '■‘' ■ • ’' l - ; ■:‘V r\’l L‘ C 1 ‘ ’ VV-'• •' o ■,(■} Tic Sr-Jvr.vun A r . . b ,ffie Mr p: - ..i> jimmy ; f , > •. —ur - Si-yn jlicemci: Iv- Wd,; ■■■figlon, Jr i i lOr.H*. ! *Ctort< 'hi x-: Uiry-vm* | • r tsttik and V-r: <v>rrt] wa t:;.h ! ccreiy thb • ; ■ - 1 : :i} 1 roni ] - j''-- .!‘vk»: eVfrv n ; . • your yo/bu •to l;?kc rht .'r-fh-eeb'. *2 • civil ;-v:' , . their *iv'i' rr:-rjybr>*> l AUtv : vipuU iti 1 h'- [ vr , ? r ui!c ■rl , : - CW tc A tii ! -1 - L'o; T: rn j;t -■ ; Nrcn: Cbi ;:;,yfe Cv-'u U , y:-v. 1 L, 'A. Mu 1 : -' u;

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