ATT ANT ft MW3PO PAT TfF PVfIMCAT f!VMWC 411 liltlv 1A nlivnlf ,fy!« wym f KUivwlli wßv%»w iii * rr is r i ci i i n n 2 I'hilpi | fiiii ftiyjyi* § \4ib|iiijci |!||P|| ; tJlflliii llf If illl/llll'lll ijtjllff'uM Ilfli ll ill LUS lii! I . VOU MKXXYII.NO. 17 KALKIOH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 10 17 PRICE 7c BOARD TURNS THUMBS DO WN ONMEADO W PARK FACILITY NO PLAUSIBLE REASON era FOP REFUSAL Raleigh The Board Educa tion ot Raii-igh has turned 'hunu , down on the use ot city evvtv t Dev ere ux Meadow Athletic rii '*■’ for Negro sponso" d athledc coa tests. Final action on a r'-nued made by Prof. H. C. Peri- n, of Shaw University. Prof. Arthur P Chippev, of St Augustim >• Co. lege, and P. R. Jeivey. :■ .tier’ Lei of the City Recreation Coir, ir-'sion. ft.-: the use of tin field v’&s announced in a letter to Mr. Cfcippey from Jesse O. Sanderson, superintendent of city schools aril secretary of the board. Mr Chip uey acted as secretary ot th t group whicn sought permission of city authorities to stage certa n football games at Devveux Mea dow, The leti from the Board dst <Continued on bat*, page' teachlSMi, MEET NOV. 1 RALEIGH - Th We.P; w Du tend Meeting of the N. C Touch ers Association will meet Sav t'j'day. November 1, at Stephens I-: ? High School in Asheviih 7hi morning session will begi.. 1 si 10:00. Sectional meeting-' will c.-nvtne at li:o’3. The guest speaker at the aftei - noon scsi ion will he Dr Arthur Linden, Professor of EGi.,n. Teachers' College, Gohmvr-C Ur: 'vrsity, N w York. 15. D, Robci tresident ?i the Western DUtri- ■ and principal ol Mvers Street Elementary School. Cha - lotte. '.-•ill preside at all general sc:; sinns. Or» Fi idav evening Octc btr 21, the- members of the Ashe ville-Bune-smbi County 7 niche Association will entertain w’t-h a rer option and dam's in the gvrr • n%ium of Stephens-Lee. WJUACE SEHSO USE BE CHUUCHES ATLANTA Henry A. Wallace 1 rmer vice preside:ii f the l/ri*- t d Stales as well as former Secre tary ot Agriculture, was denied 'he use oj two white c’uiv’ auditori ums for hi.*- speeches hwy this week. Being denied the privileges oi these two spots, the crusading Wal lace will speak N -vember 20 at Wheat Street Baptist Church, c. 1- <>red The Wallace speakinc date migi o«U> w.-i,- sdhednied for Nashviil. Toon but was cancelled been a w he was refused us* oi an audio.;, ium the.-.,- unless whlti and NcgnU listeners wvrv segregated Thi Rev, 1 J. Dcmiif ot the ttvii tariao-Universalist Church ,nd .-o •'Continued on back page: Banks Show Impressive Growth During ’4B Period WASHINGTON •. ANP) owned and operated banking insfcl ' unions showed an impressive : growth in assets ove. a period U seven year*. according to the lifts i annual business report issued her recently by lbs S Department i of commerce. The .•••port was com piled ami analyzed Framer Mar- ! Hn Lancaster, adviser on Negro of- | fairs, It .shows that for the year ißi.i ; total assets of Nr arc- banks were I $29,156,887, as corapurei. to a 19&J j aggregated amount of $8,00(1,000, a i gab of 348 per ce- ' Capital at j c ant:- totalled sl.f»-l.ftM. an in { jsrttas? during the y -ir of 18 per • I cent, while combi/: re deposit*' i i i indilvduals. pßfiß and csi ! poratons rose to ■ sß?&’7h*B7, an ad HAMPTON'S 11015 ECO ill \(, Ql HAS aw*.- >i*t&aSgk: Kh -■ < M- ’ V,.*. ist A .**%*••*# , HAMPTON .Hiss 1 I’nikiiif iiimi of lVnsiv >*!. KJu . a junior anil an £>»i;‘isb ina. ; o >t Hampton institute, r.'is:H ..< tlw Hampton-Virginia »».«( tl**!ru canting f otbal! t.S itunl-j> afternoon. October '? on Arm House Fired When Negroes Move Into Atlanta Home 220 Negro Policemen Isi 41 Southern filics ATLANTA t\\V -- The Southern Regional cimneil here hs-, announced that r;o Negro iwliremrti arc non rmpl wd In 4! southern cities, •'VuJKv oi 2< pe’ ecu 1. Gr k: earnisift> surpassed iniar j for prevail - years by SIBS.WW w.lii ; tic percent increase. of ssit7.*fc2 j ! * ing shown as net earnings | The report shows tit.! a total 01 > 1.1 banks now , . ins in ni-.c j stales -itid the District f Cvlumoiu. ; Tni- number incl-.t.: >• recently j chart--red insiifrit'ot'ia, the Tii jS'ale ! wnk Os K.-s.:- fit;,- K Tri-State, openco for busbies? ! lasi December i<- with . pre. in J -capital of S2oo,o(i'j and reiti uj. ;ur |p!c of $40.00(1 roi.wcd resource j V'Hng $875,000 as ■ f last A,.ril 121- acc ullng ot bank esuminer* y. :*h Tennessee Stale Banfeiidj; d« i partmem. Dm. .-.las wa;. capitalized jat sr2b.aoo with sun plus and un divided profit? totaling $43,?50. - I ii-.' i ' Miss ntnimmtig i!*l< iwntcri, Vies Folkingb: r.-u hr: surrounded inr«rmall< to iif ; “i,t aUniriants S..ft to right. ,;P;*s Ttianila Walker, sopbarmr. • : ndant, from K;v. Ron. -. IVlii-higan: Miss Alma LiySitfool, Atlanta iANP- A iirmtp unidentified white- men >ei ire t< 0 house in a white residentiu : t-a here last Thursday, »‘iw !i mily of four Negr -,\* had moved in. According to Patrolman ft. H Bibbs, he and his partnei. H. W Brtes. were at the hou- ■- when , k fire started. A whirr »nsn w.i: . lid t have appr.-achei to: v n and asked hove .'do ss they ox no i: ted 1 there. When the •-■ifier-i sail •probably all night, - ’ the rein is ; .■■upposed to bare rejoined 1 ‘‘About VH! families of white - iving in this neigiiborho .d '-sen; •he fact til at this Negro fa*nr> ~oved in. /ou rr.ay not want t: ; ..nick around ard see vi’h.r. will • take .place."' Shortly afterwards flr. me s Mifst from the (ear of rhe .-.ous •'. The of 1 leers, who were M ts-c j (•el, had to break, dov. n dom ■ns viii-i.-I}-i, family. Tho-. hw: • l-wred them selves in th hous. • - hen the mob congregated nu! r!c. No arrests vy.-rc madi Farm Agent Experts To Be Placed In Fide a ? \ Washington Thom-is A. Harris, colored couniv aceoi ■ in Jackson Ccsunty, Florida, bss accepted a post Wit’’ the Methodist Church Board of . Mimic ns, reports T. M. Cane hell, Extension tvervioi field aewni of the U, S. Department • 1 of AgsicaiSura. . ('-:to-.v.M;- Y-i rear: Vi'.-* 1’ Uii'icfioriK-: Mir*. I'lances Bun <i l.orrJsituri;. New tun t and Mia an. Lawrence. f t rj "> l.iitt.P i’liotn. Prisoners Flee Qnar? • In State Velsiefe ASHEBORO A ws. f high way patrolmen deputies, suit .i u. n office- 1 - eiti/er,- and an air ni Thursd y kaned a nian-Viu!'- ft', four m. (. who i-.-n rp/d from , Hiind' lph County r ck qunrrv ,-.r 1> Thmsdav rnon-ing. ’•’ti brake -.vas m,.,,;.- about 8:0.> flu: priari-rt. arnvea .it F uj;y Tot Qua r. near tb Dim: 1 son Coupn- line wh n tin men over pov.ered th- guard. ! ok his rihv -■’(u piste j and fled ir. a dump T> lick. she urn-!-; ,wis found about? 4 j b’T.l a mile and a half \vr m Den ii : and ;racks v.’«-r<- seen ’vnirb ’rated that three men went to her and the fourth set off b l - It oust If. Mt; e than 2S patr linen were nr. t-be scone (Jlii-inp the day. aidi-i tiffs doputlios from both D&vid :■( a and Raiidainh caumire. stutv i Tisooers. citizens of: the area aiv ! HoodhounrN -fi m -S -.lisbury tjli- and A-heboro. An Ashwbcvo -lirpert pilot flew "V. l (lie- area at a bright ■ t 25 it. 'ii feet for more than an hour and t'a post . si.(*ppe<H tb< High Point, Tli. ana- villi, and Denton friigh* tram, but no cluss wore found. SAYS ACTION IS TO PREVENT INVESTIGATION NEW YORK (A.VP • Medical m- o + i;c-};iL i-l V yr.t ii and C..- Jumbia Universities were accused week by City C nciim-an j Eugene Connell} of but nine all tr.eir application record.- • thwar, ■ c -s .! investigation of b> iho admission of students : C« nnoiiey's charee was made in , menv rrmdum to fnc State unive. - - - it; C omirassion which starto ’ < I roue of allt-red ui.ser.’iuiiaTiori re Doan Wllard C. Rappoieve. [ i Columbia's College of Physicians .rid surgeons, called the city k Js ■ eilor’s charges "non-ens;." 010. claimed that such records nave i b.vr destroyed for many years, e.x . ;o f r those of students. HR, WISE URGES NEW SET OP Albany Warning that the • •fclem oi discrimination ir edit ' national institutions would not b. sail ed mercty by the es; iblisn r. ent of a State University, Dr Si pifirn S Wise, President l! the American J* wish Congress, called for the enactment of fair educe-.- i. .-rial practices legislation in Netv York State- Dr. Wise tcstif ; '. d be the Temporary Commission the Need f.<. Stan '. •. - sity here today Dr. Wise urged the Commission '.i frame recomntend;--tions .vhkh di servo to extend the facilities bw higher learning in this Stats -1; make such ed ication eecnom icrilly accessible to ai sections our population; arid to si utt*. r the practice of racial and relig - (in discrimination in ail mstiti ■ '.■ns of higher learning " T n pre «Continued or. back page 1 525.000 ROES TO m Ml \M FUND DURHAM The .nerai i'du cation Board has appropriated E-r-.00f! to II North f arolina C 1- I<-::•• here to be used for the supi» r* • X tir. indent health r location pro curing the period eniin., August 31. according to an •nnnunct rnent from Dean A. E. '.vi r.ley ol the c llegt of arts and sciences. Di r« •'•<!! ved notice o f : appropriation in a letter Ao;;'. IV. W. Brierlev. secretary of th* ! Genera! Frlueatiom v.onrd who i r , ted that the decision was touched ■■: a recent meeting of the Board' j 1 :. cuivo committee. Bl iH >1 ASKED FOR ! The appropriation v-ill be. made ;I. the college semi-annually jnd ; Siege officials have been asked to submit a budget <*t the begin ; 'lin: of each year. Dean Manley • j n ted that the money will Sot- used r internal impr venients and ‘or } j a program of general xpansior. of | Rub lie Health Education and gen Aral health 'instruction. Tbt plan tot impro-> mg publk ! health education was submitted \sf era! months hr U the Educa ! i <i> Board aftei its dev.lopmen. •I ■ ' a committee consisting of faeul '1 ty members Irons Duke 'Univer j The University of North Caro ■: ling ana the N rth C -rolina Co!* 1 ■ kt'ty jp addition n uriiciuls of the; ’. into board of health and the state j . i hoard of education. 11 The- Nodi Carolinu College l>e j , pi rtmcnt of public health educ-a- i don is headed by Dr. Lucy A. Mui- , gum. Candidate For Solicitor General Comes Oat Strong For Action #I,OOO Added !o Out 01 Slate Tuition Fund ! mu; KOOK lAM’i A confi-t s. nor between (Jin l.aney and representative of the l ni versitv «• Arkansas and Agri cultural Mechanical ,«nd Norm, 1 Oollege, Pine Bluff, here last • eck, bi ughi an agicement to i ipienient the out-of-state tui tion «u sd for Negro student- by s-i.(U»o The move was made at trr Ralph it Jones education cortunis.siunn - . had i Id the group that ui n-iiallj heavy de mands had ex!- nstcs! the SI i'Ofl appropriation foi payment of ifliti; n Kir student • seeking graduate and profejxional courses in ivan-Ai kasi-as Col lcsc. V. pi : sent, hi applications are pending. URBAN LEAGUE EXECUTIVES TO TOUR IN SOUTH ; ATLANTA • In : n effort id - ■ v ii.vv first -hand the program* ■ f local Urban League Affiliates I h, oughout the Southern Region 1 ! L.-.'.s'; r B Granger. Executive See i: ' National Urban League and ' i son fack.-un. Director. Southern !■ if-Id Division. Nut ...1! Urban Lea* ! coo. have . elected k.y south„rn . :itrs fii ,1 hc-duleti itinerary i-:-c . , ihrec: weeks period. Lb ginrina with Atianta. on Oe 1 ; r 23 and 30, ihc League ffi cials will visit Jacksonville. Fie. ‘ • Oct-.her 31 and November ’ Miami. November 3 and 4: Tampa Novem . -r 5; TaiLihassee. (> ,uni 7: Motai ' A late hi a November 8 and Sf; ?'iw X>; fca-Os.;,-'!; .1, . Lb 1 . in. v. 1 ; ana'll: Jacks n Mississippi. Novem ber 12 and Memphis Tennessee, November 13 and H This tie-up ‘ndicates the impm • tanct and urgency on the pari of every ebuaen for coup*, rauve ac tion locally, south -wide and not: J wido for a praetbra! e.-inaristralio: bcrly in;. - princple.x of thi Uroan | 1 fcigiit Movement. DAVIS WINNER IN CIVIL LIBERIT'ES SUIT NEW YORK Sy Knham II - pital. America’s omy inter-raeia; 1 1 ■h.sre.ary hospital in Harlem, a :t:'Jrd Street and Manhattan Avt nin was the recipient This woe tv o. ihi-; t iiew-’.yplastic oxygen ! can pies and an aspiv;. hon. repr-e renting the gift ■ i Ella belle Davis ' distinguished America:Negro cor i tert s prarjo . The oxygen canopu r. of a typ* I 1 providing free vision f' i the patieib and alleviating the fear 1 being 1 closed in under a tern in earditv. nneumona and accidem cases wn>--n (Continued on back page' African Chief Made Grenadier Captain l LONDON (ANPi -- King George of England has ap proved the grant 1c Mutesa the Second, Kebska oi Bu aanda, a young African cl iel of the honorary rank oi cap fain in the Grenadier guards, one of England's oldest rev.;;- 1 merits. The Kabaka, who is only 23, has been ai Cam bridge university for the past two years taking a spe- sal course of studies si Magdalen college there. He is the ecn* siituiionai ruler of the Ugan da protectorate having suc ceeded his father in SS33, Ahc'ut one million subiects are under his rule. AME’s Stage March On Ohio Capitol For Wilberforce COLUMBUS. O i ANP) -- FU ' ter: hundred AME’s matched ot, the ; state capitol and engaged iti a i - prayer for delive voice" on the .apttol lawn here las! week in a ' mass church protest again-.-* the at j tempt f the GOP-dominatcd stele j legislature to assume complete erm : trol of Wilberfnrce University ; through, the appropriah.on of ove* - j #2.000.000. , Wilberf'.ice is the 91-year-old in stitution of higher learning founded ATLANTA (ANP) Th<> idea of Nvgeo police con tinues. to grow in thin Georgia capital and metropolis. According to authoritative sources, city council will : e called upon soon to pass on the idea, since there is con siderable “buck passing” of the issue among officials I who do not want all the “responsibility.” Dan Duke, candidate for soli . etloi’ general of Fulton county ■ and ‘'aim’d as a Klan-buster wiiiu : assistant attornev general of Gv.orgia under the Arnall admini a 'aation. favors Negro police !V>) i \tlant-: i Duke was quoted recently m j “T::c Atlanta Spivd.." official : weekly pubuoafiivr: ot !h- Atlanta Jun:. ■ Clhambc! ot Cooutk':co, j as saymy •My • xperw.-nee .w a formci j piosecutov has convinced me that ! -.veii trained and competent Ne ■ gro police oi'fic* rs could detect land foiestali criminal conduct on ' the part of members of their race that white officers would be at ;• distinct disadvantage in hand ling. Studied Results j "I have been studying the :v --' suits in other southern cities i r comparable in size where Negro 1 j policemen have been employed. ! j and crimes are few ei and detec * and conviction much higher . j than in our own city Oun icfusal K> recognize that there is a place for them is proving very expen i sive to our city and county.'' The former assistant attorney ; general first drew up th. pet; i lions call for dissolution of the J charters of the Ku Klux Klan ; ! and Columbians, Inc. anti-Negro j - and tinti-Jewish organizations. I The Atlanta Junior Chamber of j | Commerce -vgar, also quoted olh | : ers as favorhig th*> Negro police • project White, Negro Methodist Aid Small Mission Church (AN Pi Svi i rie.sce d# ttaeX'hnsiisn Prdther.' >od j was displayed here lasi week wfier j mem Per:- of the North Method.:.-'' ' Church, white joined hands'h ! their colored brefhien : Bimpson ! : ' fetre dist Churcn i«: aid in the I :z:oion of Si P. :»J Mel boor. i C b.urch .nuiH Negev mission 1-; , j rated m low 'ineonH are* where i saciui tension hav..- been very evi- ! | dent in I'ecrnt month}'. Pastor <*l St Picul i.- Mrs I.e.'c 1 : F:* (d. whv is attempung t r..isv ; fundr foi fht coinp.cic renovation of the edil'ie-. Pr- of that ht-i r.a | forts are meeting with success . laci that both white- and c'l r, n Mf-thodi.-ts lea »v. the Rev jCl.irenc* 'I R Nelson, militant -V ■ lectio of education f. . the Lexing ton conference 1 the VIE Chur-i: have engaged ,r; the work of p ..* i.u th* cliitrch / » Tennessee Gov. Proposes Regional Schools To Stop Negroes Entering Whites Asheville. N. C. (ANP> Jin.. McCord, governor of Ter "p«s—\ ' | ;> oposed to e conference c ( south- ! < I, governors here last w-.vk th i 1 - he southern states set up regional professional schools for Negrot- j : to keep them from attending .state schools “on an equal ba? i ! with white stutdents." Th-s was ! tiie governor’s alternative to cloi i ing down ‘he vvnite state sup | sorted professional schools 10 j cor form with the constitutional; :ri quireinent for non-discrirnina i t on betwe: n the races. Southern law, medical and de l , :• 1 schools ‘might as '•‘•ell b. | abandoned, ’ if Negroes were act • rn-tted on a basis of equality with ! : whites, “since such action would | i tlectiveiy destroy their oper • ■ said - Jhc governor. He sug iStSted that Mehar. v Medical Co kge in 'Nashville be taken ove' end supported jointly ov tin -.octhem sta«cs, and indicated th..: '• ?.ii- harry officials had expressed •ri ’’willing to cooperate fully" ai- Mude. He .idded that “adequate ' ! and conduct.ed by the African Meth- I dist Episcopal Church It is the • oldest Negro University in Ames • > | icw. : Members of the protest march * j group were part of the 3, two gath- ; • ! ered at the 170th .session of the ' j Ohio annual conference es the - j AME's held in Memorial hall airi l j presided over by Bishops R C ■ | Ransom and Frank M. Reid. 1 1 Among the participants in the •: TELLS OF HOW ORISON FOOD STRIKE BROKEN X'F.W YORK IWDLI The story »! huv, ■■H.dhoriiii.-s .it th. Lewtsburg , iixL:TV-imAnthny brutally hrokt ■ pri-niit-rs' sink.,: nnst poor tooa this July has bt:e:i submitted tjy th "Workcrs Defense League to ill* Sen.ilt: Judiciary Committee - Sub commute*- to Investigate Federa ■ Fcniiontiari;- s, "Wc urijr that you ; nte par lieu '■•i’y not nly she brutality with jv, hich th>- just c.-fAplaints of the • pmuners were met. but also the fact that participants in the food i strike wre pu;tit,ned by betn./' iianspiaifd from Lewfcburg to oth er prisons, Albon Man, secretary *•** i-.c WiU.'s pi-isoncrs aid bvueao • wrote meinbens of the ,<ub-commit • ’-eo. Arci .ding to a recently re leased prisoner, after the strike ! leaders were transferred to prison, guards armed with cluos Likn-n one floor of pvh eel! ’.'Toek jat a lime, beat the men out nfc 1 1 he yard and from there to their ! jobs." • C«ntinued on back r>a.<ei Polico Imrest Davie Street Shooting RALEIGH Polite ware sti!' busy Wednesday investigating tbs sho- turs or Sam Ingram r 4W» jMontague Lane- at the home of ; Charlie Copeland at n 25 East Dav; ! Street about 8.-40 last Tuesday ' flight. ‘t R. E. Godwin, in vest! go ting *>i : licer. said that Ingram was shot ir> •. the butt >cks with a itgun afti..- : rn. had gone to the V land re.- • donee on Davie Street, treated » ' outurbanee and slightly cut Lt. Loyd n the left. sid*. of the w-;k Ingram had been tin.. n;.a ;-ed froo >h<- St. Agnes Hospital where ire was taken following the shot Am* .nd n>- charges hat. t;» on brbugh ...iiinsi him in the ease provision against any f-nanctal ■ hardship resulting from addition ;ai travel rusts' would ll elp t. dear up tlio question of ‘equal protection" l’or Negroes McCord admitted that none of the southern states, with ’.he po«- sii le exception of Texas, ha- pro h ssional schools for Negroes equal to those of whites. He m inted out further that Negroes v ho refuse to accept out ■ li-sta ■■ scholarships can legally demand to matriculate at any of the high < r state schools as a result of tns C. ; dies decision in Missour The governor expressed "some 1 doubt” tha> a regional .school an p.M.ved by congress would meet oil the constitutional reouhv merits. hut said he believed thes is “substantial basis’’ for it. l-e, "i minded that the governo.s ho point a suo-ro nth it tee to stuay the proposal The governors’ conference wr erganised eight years ago to figrr rate dis riminatiens again*! southern railroa Is. ■ <■;•!,ft rencc were Or. Charles f, Hill, president of the church Wilberforce, wh dAbvened the ■•• fusing sermon, and Mrs. Lclo V. I,behead. LmrisVlfle reheoi teach fi-. who contributed $!>.00o to she •’opart "f Wilberforto. the- larjHfes mount ever donated. Scholarship* •'•re given to students of /Wilber ryce anti Payor seminary. The an* nttai! conference raised *35.000 due mg its sessions.

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