$2,000,000 BUILDING PLAN LAUNCHED AT A. & T. "Bilbo Tactics" Charged In AMEZ INTIMIDATION ! AND COERCION CITED BY PASTOF; Editor s: N *': The folioiving si ry come.-; from the Rev ,T K Funderburk, former presiding Bluer of the Fayetteville District C unn! of j (hr AjMF Zi' tt Church and,now j pastoring in CiTodmore. Hi- I statements are attested to ;>y j William S''de of Harnett C-> un tv, BY. R. FIJNKERBI RK This n; the season for rlectio,? S me strange things arc happen-j ,j,g in (antral N rdi Corolin < Con ference atui 1 Ihnk the A Mil Z.;on Chitrth shcuM kn-.v. out them. This i-; the ' eason mr r lectin? ia,v delegates t - the Annual Conti , enco. which elections, according t>. law. shall be held in the last Qtusr terl.v Conference preceding the An nual Conference, 1 am herewith citmg two in stances of intimidation or coer ton of laymen by two Presiding Eldei of the Central N C. Conferee, a Recently 1 sat it' the Quarterly Conference on the N rrington l it cuit, Raleigh District, and hear ) Presiding Eldei T. -1 V un« tell lb i members that a certain active lay ! man of that circuit was disquali- ! fled and therefore not eligible ha j election as a lay delegate to the An ! nual C nferenee. tie didn't st.it- j any reason In AME Zion law tot ; such “disqualification, ’sn't it t rut ; that the General C nftremte pre- j (tribes the required qualification,) for lay delegates, and that neither I Presiding Elders nor oth< i ff' ciais aic authorized In if in to tlu-.n ’ The Presiding Einej is not most;- mted a judge of the tv d stand■ ing" of lay members. That fun- non • belongs to a Trial Committee ■! the local church. Tltcef re r.; - layman who has not been tried an.. 1 suspended, or expelled, is in “mo ••''' (Continued on nark page) Philadelphia Appoints Negro Municipal Judge Philadeihta (ANP) Herbert £, Millen, well known attorney and veteran Republican, was named a municipal juuge by Gov James K Duff Wednesday night, to become the first member of the major judiciary in Pennsyl vania, The appointment was an nounced Wednesday night befoi - 10,000 cheering people at the Tri bune Cavalcade of music a? Con vention hall. The appointment came after years of hoping, petitioning, and maneuvering on the part of Phila delphia Negroes and makes Mit ten the J.3th Negro now serving as a judge of record under the American flag. The governor acted after th Republican City committee and the Philadelphia Bar association had both endorsed Millen. It came, also, after over eight years of ac tivity on the part of Negroes, both within and without the Re publican par tv, to get some No gio named judge. Millen was greatly helped be cause no other Negro lawyer would enter his candidacy. Thus, the power-that-be could not say that. Negroes did not know what they wanted, and that they (the powers) did not know whom to choose. Negroes now constitute 14.5 per coni of the- Philadelphia popula 'Continued on beck page > Two Girl* Asked To Leave Rooms Because Os Da ting With Negro Students KENTUCKY NURSE GROUP LIFTS RACIAL SAN NEW YORK 'ANPi - The Xw tucky State Association of Regis- j tered nurses, one f the- 18 white 1 groups associated with the Am - i ! can Nurses association which form- | crly excluded Negroes recently! notfied the National Asa ciation o> j Colored Graduate Nurses that itsj convention had voted a re visa i of j polity in it s respect, ace rdmg is i Miss Alma Vessel Is. executve sec i re Wry of the KAACF. The Kentucky r ->".p is the sixty j white nursing body which has over- j thrown its ban against Negro mom- ; bership since 1842. Fi«st m take tbt load was the Florid « asst I ■' on Then followed the Dtk-.ware. ' i ,y land and Tonncer.ee groups. In U ' snuri. District 2. which embra«.< Si. 1 ouis. set the pact for ihC sla* . group by simitar acttn U „ 4 — —^^^MM VORI'ME XXVII, NO. |K MO, GEN, HAS TOF DEMOCRATIC ARMY POST CHICAGO >ANP) It took Iwo-fist. d. straight-tab;.r.g . J :u. ral from Missouri to mala: Amcri -a s first r-i-i iiiiy re,(lb -lemocia Ht mv p st. On H •wriii. ■ in ,! melting p >t of tir world. Brig (an Wayne Carl i n stmith lias , the largest ,-u ny pcs' out. '!'> emit In-, al a’ Unit'd States Sehot'i.-ld Barracks, ’he most dem tratir ui America DccmiiC! Ebony pi. io-stnry ,n --• fists m crediting the Missouri- a-re office with 'rvittinu: jim crow Of* limits' in this rati fit pl-i.yiand ‘Rugged Geo Sniitii c tnpie.ci'.' upset at my segregation traditions ot years standing 1 bibs mteiracisi peace and understand" to soldiers of 15 racial extractions,” Ebony said. "The mixed gr tip of civilian workers snd military personnel fr rr< vari- ns racial n kgi n . work. eat. sleep a tie pl.iv mgetner it tii' riSii’insiOi SrsofieM P..n, . just 35 miles i; ni H- ‘ 'lulu " SENIORITY IS DENIED NEGROES IN BY. SERVICE WASHINGTON 'ANP. De termined {•• pul an . ;id to ra -ir:i disci iminaiion in *he mpinyme,,- and advancement of railroad w« rk ers on acc unt of color r r. c several organizations and groups are offering thei; hei: to the 2) Negro loeomotiv; fit'-mm v entered a suit, in the district cour her.- October 27 against southern railroads and the Hr th erhood of Locomotive firemen F r years south rn railroads b o. • been denying seniority rights u Negro firemen, and Pauly artu-illy •igned an agreement with the whit>- jrotherhood promising not 1 x | s j-h rights t- Negro employes . when white workers by such aen.w ' would be bypassed for higher ! In their suit the Negro complain.™; charged continued discriminate : i against them arid - tl: i Negro rail road works in the south 'Continued on back page. Madison (ANiP) - Miss Ins Alexander. J New York, s *t-.. dent at the University of Wis consin, was evicted from her i it orn in a private rooming house Here, because her landlord and j landlady objected to her date i | with a Negro student here re cenll.y. Miss Alexander, chairman of the social relations committee iof the university student board, ! had attended an interracial party j at the University Memorial Union J v itti a Negro escort that she ro j fused to identify. | Another young woman, Con : nonce Felton. senior from Brook | bn. was also asked to leave by i Mi. and Mrs. Arthur H. Kudo, : “foi sympathising with Miss j Alexander and indignantly telling ! Airs. Rape off regarding the mat- ! j ter.” In explaining their action I the Runes sard. ‘‘This is out j : home. There i> no religious pro-! I‘lidi-ce concerned, but a private i i home is no place for intermixing. , We d'-n’t went to go into a Ne mo's home and we don’t expect . th- m to enter ours.” | Pie-partidor, India was « !u:,c j . more t’-an half rbe si?-'- of *br> itp;* ' 4 0. ...... ; RA LEIG li, N'ORTil ( ARt -‘UNA WEcr. ! N i.) 1 <;, SA ! I'HDAV, NOVEMBER N 1 ‘AIT s;i\rs coYiysvwrs r > , A■ . :f W A/ * ■VIUt H Win. BE. .VOSS HOME ('O.MIN'G? One of Hirst- pr«-U> <•<•••’ds of -5, aw University a i}s !,• ejected Miss H'»mci timing“ mi! wiil reign over annual festivities - iim die sbiv Bear- clash witii tjy /hi* -ts f «| ,• Iruman C*«/u liberties Committee Blasts Un-American Tactics u *i nh.y* pm ISL fmt timurm hlyL Washington ANPi - f.-ytoi H : •■anger, executive oi the Nation • ; Urban league, announced at conference here last week b n James C. Evans, civilian aide > ! > the secretary o f the army, hr*.- ! netn design;.;'-.-d advisor to Secv f Defense James V Forrestaf i . -anger, who had been uuoffin- 1 ally designated as advisor on » t g;-< affairs in connection with ’.h* • new national military establish \ nient. said he had declined dv ' , ’permanent post because of pro sure of business with the ’Urban league. He had just left a one hoe conference with Secy Forrestal ’ j :r: which he pointed out the need for a full-time official to handle • problems involved in the full utilization oi Negroes in variov..-: arms of the sci vice. Thi- new advise-;-, Mr. Evens i will remain in hi.- present pop :■<- aid lo Secy. Kenneth Royalt. Kit duties under the new job 1 i be to serve as liaison official in matters of Negro interest arising in the amly, navy n- i nw The average- Norti Carolina u.>v. •produces onlv about l?f> psgir.d i ;. h . . * .-vy • - the IG nttn-rs Virginia L nior. Saturday afterno n :t Chavis Park. Tl a.. ■’ i-om>-.tints for til, honor ..uni w.-r, e .-rent •he four coil’sc classes al Shaw. ( in li-H m, rish; -re, Mis Gl-irki Wr tlot.Gon -ANP; - Pre.-i --dent Truman'r. ;. iinmiUee e. civil ~!.. i ties, a;; • an -. i-m mlh slur!'- . piMlxacd .twenping reforms on a w s ck vroTit in its report lasl \Vod ntd ■■. Iheco in i n 1 11 e?po iu 1- !-a w ilh alaim ' > th; ;b cisis." bid. ■ l wished to presetv*.- x domnerjjftio fn c-dcan in the pro- ! c-i-ss. of h ntina our. these g; nine Mob Vkt«ace .istested 'ghe 15-man committee, headed bo Ur l ie--- E Wilson, pres.i::' • ■ Gear--,,; Electric company, blasted mob violence. ristGetSL revenants re'ligi us pr< eidice. po -1 lire rrnbilitv the poll lax. an.) '.■h dfewtiminatirm. Federal and tt. laws to end -legi-ogatier, and b'-r.-imimitian 've-ed upon race, ;; ■olo'-. lv-Ugion 01 national rrig'n, | : • -.ere urged bv th" rr-norl. : I Si.e ihtir rec•mmeruJittions ; ' ( eommitiee '' -V into five- . -■or eilfO 1 '"--!'; s.- - T stre-intheoe- ■ ' , the incchhierv so :h- rtivit"r-tum ■ cb-il ri-'h*- - hi rhe r-re-Ujon of i j a full time t-ivii. liberties eivi-1.,r : , iviihin the justice Hcparimen* end j , icr->onal •Ufiees throughout tiv i * country. Thert should he asps- j • C-•» tinued on nark page). K Key. junior ill' RjJeigh; Mis . •■■■ K - vm. frcshlrVi-i <ent ry. How 11, phesriorc of Ra icigh. MEP3DINS ®BNP SfflVE . - ' ;v.. i -\ji. r'.A ' -- 'i'.v-Mify- j Ti ~ of flic- .North Cat im.- ! ■ : - ■ ,■ ;i.! X.AAC!' art nr-rr y i ■vie Vaw.-t\!: ;;; , i;nt rsi The Wins j ton-Saiern Branch is lending will. j The Boa it! :>t ? ,'ir- rs iiutuC mated ih? p-::>i.iJa>'ity confess Ins* : as' I. r the P'Ui'p :■> Os ra>.«lns i’jnds to maintain treasury i* : . it; s <:• iVIi or; b . ootip.Cfli ! ■' ft- i- ’ata Th-.- r-,s. s! year .rr so gratifying ;,i;v | •• - Bes-rd feis ft?as (my should ,’OU-j Mtuc she proev'iin 1 t hi; year. i Th: refill tions as si up by the ; art; Th conies is open !• j a:! Brooches in t State if wil- I '< i. . n r> 'ce mb: r a MM 7. The | tr. s ait 1 ' Thro. Bee '.sips to thf ! B -irmst! Convention in KadStc j Cil;. 1 {he persons selling the! h ohest number of vines, the t. 'xf > 'fi-o- highest will jh tree trips to I -i: Stale Cunf. ••nice Convention : next June. The contest anf-tt servime ; in lh«. (ais-iest amount over ali other j contestants. wiU br crow ‘ted (VI u,.-; NAACP <‘f No- ih Ca-flina! Tht \'--rth C.-iro'' C- nfeven.-r j * PRICE 7c , SONY TO PROBE ! ?i ft OP* !?jT^n«rrj ‘iitJ .i £ :WJ C ;ic ■ ■. -jimf r! »iii.t a ;u .1 r\ ' r i i 'i >n in un : olk-ge's A, n.y ii;:ii lorn.' Iv. A'my :i,'U is !he t -e r Hob: 1 '. 1 1 • <>; ))!•..» ;-.W,s aw. :,<'■> bs CUlilS si, FwdiUili;. Y‘:k Is versify, Columbia .ah V ;.v CV. i - la . Dr. Wrn-Li acted ~1, ?he rryus :*' City C liege Student coimcd vhich in ird the rcsi jont gr u: ' ..ctusntions at meeting last w- ' ’\lr. D.s.-iv de-ha . p. >; "jr jP-; A segregation” oid m ' exist. H said that many Negroes! reane«'.c\i ins: toreth-i because they .‘oil i i they "had m re in common with | • tit her sr.eluHy,' Leona >•;: bchwaru, -.•! tuirmiun %«f ; the resident tauii. .-.aid protest:! j -rains; Mr. Davis' aiiw-.'d disci line 1 lor., i\ lures '-sere sent to ’hr' ! e.evi of hirher education ansi as l IT ye-iV Committee on Unity in »d- I diti ;n t • the City Cei'-re officials mmm ahy SERPEANT GOMME_NDEP ROTH. (w. s';.n; •p. I {> I A. A. .- P-: rform'w his duty . •s A! ve mi a VVsSdafi'. a is! is s • s d" doty :r ISO's P" oi J s r. s Rc'i; .Air \n. uniuoii De e. i, H.-is (ii'itaav. vaniei. is a Waes'si;f :>. : SS.; sues «... . , ' i- depot vsis: is The s:eks ii.uk ■s naiistenancr f M Sgt Wags la.IT is ■ - r died -V. . vO.ftOtt miles *nh- HU !.SiIM (ilUlh VI V. April 17. f)4: M. s. : 'Vr-staff vs. .. ssdaTei fr-m the Hillside H'-gh ! • School. Durham. N. whore hi. i pri 1 iripated :n food; ad and b ~.s | ?.*. Sai VV-se-if, a 0 mb 1 \ ms. Italian Campaign. - the hosies of the American Defense Ft'. .. .. 1 Atm rii-.m The-: s Kiuputt. Eure j pear; Thw-tci Ribbor. BOOKS FOR 11 ROPb I. K WES AIRPORT HIM The ursi no r.s air ix rttn iron: .North fxmfiiu lett (he Raleigh' fhirhuro Vrport recently sent *t> (heir way ha Governor R. Gregg Cherry and Superirstendcrit of Education Clyde A. Erwin, 't hese ! i Ns. .-j thee usd of them. T 3f X" r : Seven New Buildings And Three Additions Planned; Committees Appointed < I; ’.i'.‘ENSBOHO 1 >r. F. !). Blufoi’d, president of A. •:'b I I, College at Greensboro. N. ('., set the machinery in motion recently for launching the institution’s $2,000,000 building program when lie named several committees to outline piais for seven new buildings and three additions to be constructed on the campus SPEAKER ■m jk 1) J Wdliam 8. if instead. United •- 7 v-rat or from North Carolina who delivered the Founders' Day :p«ech at A. and T. College of GreensbPro, N. C., last Friday, A and T. is headed t Dr. F. D. Bluford. veteran lar Hc-el educator, who has j.oer. c-rsociateri with the coi iege fer 35 years. MORTICIAN PASSES ATI .ANTIC Cm (A-.'Pi John i wec.’.U:;. snd v. vJ- ly -.: •ov.'it undertaker of this ;uy /' •' Monday. Km.ml sorv ie. s as held TlnnvJ.o in S< Augu.s line.-. Episcopal Church. His widow I'-. 1 ; G aidvn Diamond Mayor su. /V. C. Baptists Show Gain In 80th Session RALEIGH •- "The Baptist Church must re-dc-dicale itself lo udly to Christian Stewardship! iiv T it is to manifest a vital rn :luiti e in rid betterment." \va? flu- ii.-iv -expressed L.y numerous si>- . ki.-rs addressing the 80th an .5 :al ss-ssii r. of the General Baptis' ' ' ’ (' .. . ;;ppi uumately 1. {ri k or<»‘ia < ollt *2»* Offers t A. Satunhu Classes IT. VALLEY. Ga. i AM’; - Georgia teacher.- are making an .-ntiiiis astic response in the prn aram • f Saturday classes for :n- .vrviee teachers now being given at the iwt \ .ilie> State < ollcge here. Twenty courses that give residence credit are (icniL- offered to :H;> teachers, aecordiiig t t)r. W. \V. F„ Bian ■hett, administrative :le in. if the college. The classes wtre organ ized hv K. II Beasley, director ip extension. Enrolled teachers n-mi- front disian.es as far as 100 miles and m ie. Raleigh Woman's Club . ei. transported ait the way bv phnr, and Usee are now in u.-o by jom • of the 3,00,000 youth studying English and American ways in the public scho Is of Germany. j Other necks have been collected i ■-s- • i.whi . ' ' -fv’s ’ The committees have already i • run plans tot draw up specifi cations for the interior arrange -1 Hu nt, of the planned structures. : designating the various class r. r ms. laboratories, offices, etc Members of the committees will r (sent their specifications to the architects before the plans for the various buildings arc begun. New Structures New structures to go up on the A. arid T. campus in the near fu ture include an agricultural and :■-a -.'nee building, library, physical education and armory building. : hi:, economics building, infirm ;<; y and president’s home. Addi ns are uianned for the laundry, cming hall and technical build ing the latter to cost $250,000. In addition several new farm bulld ogs a- planned for the college. Heading the group to plan tne agricultural ana science building is John C. McLaughlin, dean of the School of Agriculture. Assist ing with the plans are C, R A. f ; nnmgham, C. E. Dean. J. W. L Grandy. James Pendergrast, lb roid Delanev. D; W. L. Ken nedy and Dr. Booker T. White. Other Building Chairman Chairmen of the other building committees are Library Build* Dean Wurmoth T. Gibbs of ' . School of Education and : Sciences; Physical Education and Armory Building, William M. Roll, Sr., director of physical edu- I cation: Home Economics Build ing. Miss C. E. Ci awford, head, : department, of home economics; Infirmary, Dr. F. E. Davis, Health ; director: Farm Buildings, Dean .John C. McLaughlin; President’? Heme. Mrs. F. D. filuford. - Laundry Addition, C L Can non laundry manager; Dining flail, Mrs Thelma Colmar;, college dietician; Technical Bldg.. Dean Jerald Marteona, School of Me chanic Arts, t. odo messengers and vis Si rs present held one of the greatest inspiration ai meetings in its hist' ry. With "The - Baptist Church and i Christian Stewardship" as tL.» - theme of the meeting, the body heard feature address by I)i. J. ’ H. Jackson, pastor of Olivet Bap tis: Church. Chieag . 111., and th- Rev V. W. Mcl.awler pastor or ' the South Calvary Baptist Chur-h Indianapolis, Indiana. Receipts for tly- year and the month of October foi Missi ns and Christian Education through the executive office and ihe a a ■ tic. - .if the c livention •-I-Kt.924.91. Over SII.COO was rcreiv ed during tin; convention. On- of The highlights of the three i d-;.\ meeting was ihe preseraaUot ;-:f $5,000 the sec rid day of the s si n by She State Woman's Aui.ili - ary to be directed to',v..:-ds the Nr.v Headquarters' campaign. Officers ele. led w r Dr. P. A Bishop. Rich Square, was reelrcied president for the seventh consecu tive year of the body, and Dr. W H Davidson, Charlotte the Rev It. C. G re. Whitevllle. an'Continued on back page) . , .links. IT.'., ’.vcclt 9. i ! i*> -Ml no ift-gli ittf" ilarly engaged, nil these bo ks te he sent by ever-ocean freight from the American Youth tu the j Youth f»l war-torn id 1 Europe. 5 «*■