AMEZ’S FIRE BISHOP MATTE W n. c. Mbits fight to go to court f & .«t 2d : TEACHERS VIEW BEACH PROJECT —Ah -ve, Dr. \\ r'iar:; Si: ,-pe, noted Oralv. spec ialist, vho is donating is mole lit:-.;- I.OOc-,■.;■<■ •■: ch .-state ;;>.>! hunt-. - - t.<’ the North Carolina Teachers Association a ; .-.-reatioii • -iva is -lt<■ .■ •. with Mr. ana Mrs. John Hirst, caretaliors ■■■:-. the estate, t • --v!«-.?!?! he • iYered to :• c :!.• land i .’ who suggested that it be civ.-ts to the teachers instead. RELOW — Part of the ‘_»l On tea-.-io rs , ho . -• a: Y d Y:< ■. b : a •> <>! -he state as they listened to Dr. Shane- then: to the estate an! ■- ani-e tu help them with its development into the finest --:rr-> rec; eat ion area in the conn-;;- —CAROLINIAN PHOTOS b\ Shepard ACCUSATIONS 1 AGAINST S!SKS? ' ARE SUSTAINED LO- 'iSVILLE The hd bie, iff of ,> umoiv.l.l:-v rs innuendoes, i-ori rb.;rc ; pi :v.r .'C Vv >• d«> 13‘ji; d-;.!-v. ihe .’..Gs, QuadmiUl iIU .-Jv S ‘ 01 Ir G»'; i.: C MaU'-.e-vr., .. vsmvon. i.;.- C prel •. f the- s:h b-oKipat Xsts-{ trie? cempri • trig Coiidoi'-nct.'.-; if; »«r«b CWohiw t,d Arkam.i. It whs ev. u /■; at . -. .o. of iiwr conli-;v:nce lii-.u tin- Bis -J; vv ufd . , . Ld ing, at this meetin ; ■ an o*:(\ er virr firm here Atiss Gnldir King is. in r barge- < ■ all pro duction v. *>rh. Hi i .»«'• is 1,0 a»- •Ingram. Retrial Motion Due To Be Heard Soon NEW YORK Tn. c.m of 'Mrs Rosa Lee Ingram- am? her 1v.... teen-age .-ons. semen!-. n- life uv.-j prLsi ciiiitm for kiiiios a white sharecropper in «t'il-dc.l>nae. wih «e arpuea ot, Jam 1 54 u. the Supnaii tptowfi ot Georgia by ..a-.i ;\ai BILL LO KILL !). t. SCHOOL JC FILED Washingitn {ANP; —A bill io prehibii Ihe segregation of pupils in district public schools was introduced ir, the house of representatives here lasi week by Rep. Klein iD. N. Y.) a member cf the house dittrici committee. The ban or. segregation would become effective "as ts the beginning of she Erst school year fol lowing the date of enact ment The measure was referred ic- the di.iJ.iict committee who will assign it ic a judiciary subcommittee which already bus two measures under con sideration that are designed to ban segregation in public places. The hearing, original ly scheduled lor early last week, was postponed because of the illness of Ren. Powell, author of one of the- bills. sign work to oilier mployes. >hc v.- recently promoted to tin present. posit •r» in the firm's teorganurAiio-i when its i>«ntr died and Idl pur. of it 1«s an assistant before then Mis- King, oas manager. | den and Et ward K. Dudle- ;tt ji'OriK-ys fur the Sah.”ai Associu : j iu'-n for the A;iv;e.-:eiu;.nt of' t-'ui Torc-rt l Yi-ple, •1 On that d..te, the N.VAOP lawyers! I wail present a moti.-n for a new i j trial for the Jr.&ram.i, coni end ing * RESORT T? COURT SEEN AS Lin HOPE BY :*A.SOP .1V (-; ,4 . w 1 , ; f '} (* . f ; s . LA vt LLS'Lii Air. So; m :...• r: v aifj ii :b; 11 hi? h<; u fit ,in effo to naU w denial \ Li- » which bad g. *>'Uis iv - 1 rars. il(‘ cfeclimNi (. ,j Y.UtU Dt, hwevc-'. c&si*s v-iiii*.’ »vou«.d u? Liied j ■ ;.a .tinif cQikicx't’ ic<*?s anti ol r.;Yt Ltfrd E vm? Com;nm.i c Wuica -.v. rt- -•(nut. id ter ic* *- Tucs.. h.;q < on four) li’lYli.3 iCWtii (’ V AiCfiC; Wi'S p l ,f j iauced at •T Fr O **[■■ .. . w :;• , • . :■% nm ey pin t mi htrtaL fiwtL This i!i; j at om ... -.lit- leuil. ni '•;i iCi’ ■ i ’h» bt-arfi • . *■ .»! FAYETTEVILLE FORMS PERMANENT FEPC UNIT FA YK TTE VI.L.L.E The stu 'iehciier.- Cobeye. nca.*ci Elmer W. ileij-. erj.Dn, r>.--r;r , : ■ err!..ri of iht- Karions) C-HJi'Cil u Pennon* *nt c '(., in .*.) E’.j')in senses i ; • n Ch OO ; . oTiX'ill ici .* p.i ' 1 uCi‘t* idSt Dr He.r.aei-<>?;. wno - hVrUicvjH vv’r.T'n ihc FEPC BjJi. L.*B4. ui.-* At a it’Milt of ihfr meedro.4 '' -- •-< • •- )Cr:ipo.rO3.y rhADTriv-ir.. vrUh -M <;■ h Josephvn-e rk-rry of ?TfO Hc k DC'-*‘‘ T *>. , -'* < (fiir'idi’t't'f' Fu ;>■ i•t \ •- i«3e St,.* e i\ ; ■ n h«: ry C ol i e ot. v, j:.., aDo s-i-cs ft c d th n jmp o , t ! Aiiiof* o‘ ihe KEPC jal! io ing held u‘ the* Mia. jO' a.l Calboji- Coriimiaiity Service Cenier Mrs, ; D. VVotk i»?f.,"x■. ■:*u f Ive .:c “EBSB OtfiflS ?i MEET IN SALEISH C A.ROL3N IA?\. when* lhi-> .*..i :«neet Thursday mottling, it to uit noum-ed this week by Judi'e Fred Senate Rejects Bill To Permit Area Colleges \ j tVASHJKGTON L>.- the naiaa\ , niargln of a 38-37 vc.:t*. the Senate today -tnl bad? to ;.ie judicial.'- i tommim-tf the resolution ratifyiny ne plan of the sm.uhi.rn governv. s No establish segregaitd region-.' I i.r>)l:-.-;,.i(i!ia: graduate wUc-ges. j i his vc'u virtually ..i. 1: flic', RALPH;II, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING, SATERDAY, MAY 22, 19-18 Savannah. Ga. Racial m.\iV ; is an aid to the- “com munistic that is ■ I- • the . v -,..ui.:! -. ;y> S ir. ’matter ■’s an “osi; like attitude.' Msgr. T. Jan.'S McNamara. outstanding Cathode prelate and rector of IT- I Cathedral of Si John the Bap tist here, declared m an addru.: txjfore members of the local Ki lt" .-poke i. favor of Pres.' lent Bar;'.’ S Truman’s < 1 vil ■ rights p-ogt-soa, asserting that his pur pose was to face facts and "my h -pe is that in facing them we me-, be inspired to give- greater sub>!,,nc-c to the AmorLan dr. am of ecjTifi.'.tv be-ose :: -i-L.-v ■ you. I did not say ’social equal itV. uCCoUivt* JO O' V that is 5 r. d-hening used by f nose inirmc'.D to our country c host intcrcN’t to divert attention m -ack ... E. Gists ns. the- liev. Bruce id Williatnroi A. R- St-nk-y. the Kcv. ■i. > it;:*.' oil (' Vv" Newell. i; v. G D. Wooten. Dr. Wat.-on F *, K ; .is..; H VV. U.. I kins. \D\ TRI \ L SET !N FIGS Li TOLVnrniL OKLLf W SLHOOL NEW YORK - -The fight to gain oamission to the law school ol Ihe Univeishy of Oklahoma for Mrs. Eda Si-puel Fisiier will be (erif.weri on Monday (May 24) with the •-!>. .ling of'a now trial vie District Noun, at Norman. Oku. Thun: od Marshall, special ,s.-s v.-sei hi* i n;- National .As-. t;j• tion i.'f the Advancement of Col ored People, and Eduard R. Dud . ‘v. assislair 1 special counsel left here Tuesday (May Ffe) to join with Amos T. Halt, an OkJahoana :.tlo;-n-. v in representing Mrs. Fisher in hci legal bait to to en t'-s the- side supported all-white law school. Tiic new trial was granted in responsr- to a me.tion filed on March II on beitalf of Mrs Fish er. petitioning the court for fur if-'-T relief against the Board of Is of the University of Oklahoma. The request for a new trial foJ- S'V-.ed refusal of the 'Jaw school to admit Mrs. Filter after the United Slates Supreme Court had handed down a decision impos ing up-.n fin - State of Oklahoma ihe obligation to provide her with an opportunitv for a legal edu cation forthwith. ■ f ')i :his session of Co’igrcss sicco: a-j ing to Lt-she Perry. Wasbinglor j *i; t ion for- the Ash ~< !«: rnehi of j [i s present,Uivc of tbe National Ae.-j Ci.jorec people. The fight. a ( ..iiast 'be extension j of segi-ggaitun to the .csionai jc-vCj j i «t''ont»»'.i.-d on back APPROVE BEACH PROJECT AFTER ALL-DAY VISIT More thari 2.100 tcnc hors fruni ui: ; !KU':s« of the ;-la)e lay: week vu.-..< (. 1 unanimeu* ;»ud ersti:\3>-:ic appt'jt ;a] of plan: for the .coop la nee o: she 4.000 H nri mocks Beach . ; i ■ [ which has been often:..; to the Nw ’ .i' < .. 'iin,: Teachers Association ar ; cciealional area. Their approval came alter the leacher.*. had filled hundreds of au i 'omohil'.s and more Uu.n two-dc/.en ; tor .he journ; y to Onslow' i County where the beard, used p.u - : :saii> a- a hun'ii.e a lot fishing loo.: : ay [ )i' Vv'iliiaiiu Straij.e is L'Cateo. Di. Sharpe. an inernaiionail. ! • i famous braiii specialist, has offered . ' the land, which’ embr ces mere-: i tnan four miles of the most Lcauu- ' i iuf beach to be found in tile Ei.i- ; :■ 'a Sift ■ij t; , S. ' C.: ' a'SC;; , j ! the state. MXTIS i > i.\ > i it' R f KPT ION A tremendous ova*on gtt-e'eU j . Dr. Sharpe as he stood on a bi t.h< $100,00:: minimum v»»- i i veiajjtftjfciat fund winch was the jaa- i .joi conditio;: affecting the gift ‘ I): Sharpe. r.-.Wfccer, advised h, - : > he-uroi a no- 10 limit inemselves foi the raising of the nuirmum figur since lie would match every debar j (Continued on ijuck page) Vuro liireclN Falhofie 1 Youth (hnsresh In Pa. ~ { ; Philadelphia. Pa. (Special) ’ J am. 5 Tod Harr is. Negro student at LaSalle College, acted as : chairman at the gc neral sessions : : Ob' the Fifth National Congress oi ■ •tiie National Federation of Cathy- ; . at- College Students here. More : than 1,000 delegates from Catho- j lie college.-- throughout the Unit- ; ed States attended. 89V. BROuOHTON HITS HADE ISSUE USE IN CAMPAIGN In .j surfing appeal j Satinday night over ..x major niil.o ■ i rial ions which cover x the state.; 1- oi iiit-i Govern'ii 0 Melville, : i>! niighton declared: ■j witO ii dearly understood. that | • ! cm not running toi the high of- j ' tier oi U. S. Senator on a platform j ; in- pi-ogiam deliberately chosen for ■ .he pm pose of ca flying cla».,! ugainsi class, or race against race." , Broughton .;lso discussed ihe fluc i cured tobacco staouiz.b.ion corp,..i-' ..nor: U4O and tabor-manage-, It ■ ■ r . ®dir,j if awa*. j m< nt relationships. ! Broughton. woo as govcixo*- equalized while and Negro teach ; . »-:- salaries in NorL; Carolina, is ;.: ghlj regarded oy many Negroes 1 | nt the state. On the the preliminary heaving. No i --vid'. ace was offered by tne e teiidaet : epresented by Attorney • X. H. ivlcGeadfcy, Jr. Sheriff McGeaetaey 't -blied that, md h.-artied Anu Miss HudsO" • :.. .in ivea i!i:(■ a j ,0( ■ i dly fit the | ho.!; -us Jack Cwui Mrs. Carter* ! lather-in-law and --a. -.olci by Mrs • | JaCK Cane:' sbat she c.r-oid not stay ! I i'il tb. hoi lit . Sluctly after ile- conversation' Mrs A? veils Carter, standing in*. | Lit house, «U«:gtuUy tired a sho | ; ;.n>: through tiir sernen door at Iv.,ss , j Hudson, hitting s.ej 1. the nee.. | | ‘'lF.. said the mothei-m-lavv. "to.u | tContinued on back page.) 1J 13 m Voters On .Vh Hanover Fount) Hcsiist ration Book> 4 1 WILMINGTON. N. C. 1,921 Negroes have placed thru' I names on the boon*