★ ★ ★ ★ ★ , ★ J ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ .fi S ★ ★ CLAIM RACE SAN m oDi?iyp Mfiot i,M W C ff ? I *C’ 1 l 'xi j J*c RESISTRATiONS SPRING HOPE Tho fight for sic-c and unhampered registra. i<> lor Saturday's Demo • r-tic priu.n '/ an-3 the 'ensuing gor.o.xil election entered the court phase this wr.i '•' as NAACP i.ttQfru'ys ril .d - tit in Nash County Superior Court to oiupol m L j.araloin <( quauLfi- Nee :a r< l■ rs in So o 1 j H>'p». The coinpiaint liat.Ni ten N e.ro »osidents of Spring Hope ..; plain tiffs and was filed . ail'.:-'. J .» S-::ifiOi . S ll - .!■ • He;.i ;«■ i i -lt;. a:'.. V- Hi- re ('ollhi i n Thorpe, an-.i W H. Proctor meinbeis of tho N. ■ t in ntj Hoard of EUction» The plaintiffs were Mark Mitch ell, Fab Perry. Co .nr S -•son , Joseph Alii! ran. Less*. '■ ee L.'.tca W. L. Allen Ivc.-lia PcUiford A. :\i. Wiggins, Elizabeth Fo.-'vr and U n~ land Wiggins. NO TESTS GIVEN According to Attorneys Herman 1. Taylor of Raleihg and C. J Gates of Durham or 1 I'm "E --plaintiffs, Mr. Sanders refill d even to test the qualfuo'ion o. : «rv oral of the prospect. ,n. voters. Others were assigned to the read ing and vCtb.g of kn.ihy p s . .ns of the Constitution but wire re fused the right to register an die grounds that they had nor. done so to tie ’‘satisfaction t the ■ gn trar." Although no Negroes wen- : gts istered in Spring H«p< . the cu.ii rContinued on uack unite i NAACP Honor jD/*• a® JF Jf# 1 O 4-*'* i-Ob New York Selection of D: Charming 11. Tobias, director the Pn-.-Ips-Stokes Fund, as i.i.e 33rd Spin-gam Mt-daiist was, an nounced here today by Walter White, NAACP seon.tary. The rnedal, established in 1915 bv the la-ie president of the N. A. A. C. P, Joel E. Sprngmn >s awarded annual to a Nog, • American so r distinguished achievement Pvt sent a tii »n will be made at the June 27th session of the As sociation’.-: 39th annual confciom-. ;n Kansas City Mo. Dr. Tobias was named by »he nine member MAI’ SERVICE TO BE FXTEKOED Til #*S SOOTJ PAPtk City mail dehvoiy ~: . ic• wii! bo extend-.;• t t . ail of Sou*': Park i the veiy i’<nr future, but before actual dleivcrk- can iw made us dents must mark thru- houses .ciin permanent panted in.rdtcrs or tat.-. » n metal a a.-ior s d put up a mail box. post office c. thoidus nounccd h.rc last \v. ; e,t The now ...a which will re served imUrfas- iht area Fa.-’ Fayetteville St to the Garner Ho and South of Bj r.gg Street. Oi;c of tin n'ia.ju, i-quircrni tin extension n.r :t sesvic:- that the streets be ■ -irked . ;u --pcrmani-nt visible -i= .i : -•...•a C,;> Manager Roy S Brad n has ..h ~d> promised to install tit. n, but t-> be sum- the area is reads when the acu. oiiice completes reorr.-'anuation of the route: :r- the cr . r sui.Mts “across the tracks’’ tic.it to Fay vUe ville Street have alrc isy cc-nsu act ed temporary stiec murkers eng s similar project is ur.-::«'-i way i< t on the Gc-rr.t.-r Read s:ct Scan t Hop e Seen For Ly nch Bill In Present Form WASHINGTON (ANP) - Senate Republicans arc in a dith er over whether to water down ihe present anti-lynching propo sal or scrap the bin e-ntiwely. Ac cording to the GOP group and th< ir northt■ m Democratic alii*.*s ■here last week, the:<? is hut the iaintest hope that tor* boll will feet through the senate as is. Either they yield to southern pressure and allow the bill to he watered down, or take a chance on having it defeated. This bring* up another point. If the measure is defeated, Re publican lenders may be forced to revise tlwir whole pn.gram on civil rights and us*- the pol' ‘.ax repealer bs their only point of 1 ' v <3 f '**& 11%-c *-■ §4 *: / f ACCEPTS CALL —The Pev. Oils E. Dunn, of Wake Forest, and Raleigh, who recently ac cepted a call to the pasihralo of the 'historic Mother Church cf Western North Carolina'. Nazareth First Baptist oi Asheville, The- Rev, Mr. Dunn, who is cicrk of the Wake Baptist As sociation and president of the Wake- County BTU Convention will assume charge S his new prstorale on August! 1. He is the, son of Aaron Dunn end the late Mrs. Cozzy Dunn of Wake Forest, N. C. and a graduate of the Du Bois High School cf Wake Fares! and cf Shaw University with the de grees of A. B. and B. D. Spsigum Medal Award Commit tee. Citation In recognition o! ii: consisturt it.J„ us a defomlt: of fundanu-n --is being awarded to (.1:.. .ir:.ns ft. iobias’ the citation reads. 'Tie' niitte:- <;n Civ:-! i'-.l .this i.nt- . . tual vitality, to'.: age and llv. riches of his long experience i:i the field of race relations. “Largely due to his persistence and. clear insight the cm;, ntt.-o produced report of historic significance in man’s unending struggle for justice. Seifk-ody iv has served ins race his church and his country in varied capo e,1.-. -- !W'a at: ri at all t d.a -; hv a consuming passion for social tin ;>:,r.k Four Year Membership And Expansion Effort Dav!.,n, O (ANPi The Min isters and 1.;,-, .sic-c.- .--umn-.u the (. ML chuici>. ni-ivtiiig in fin i uai session cciy last week .<t Phillips Tf-v.rK; CMP church, i-voived 3 ' ;Nr-reachi op progfait; riesigned to bring, about a large! Meg ■. c of freedom and security I’m tho . ank and file if the church." L.'-d by I>i. N. H. Humphreys. Kiu.sas Citj. M tiie body, sev en.i hundred vm nunii.x r and rep rest nting 42 -.nnual t-onfcrences from all sc-.-linns of the o-nurit v. approved a prog: am wliich in cluded: 111 The Lum-hing <V. a 250,080 monibt -rhip increase crusade to .un eve a pc-M-nd of laur years, &nd to be participated in bj fci shopn. general oftie«!>. -prosidina action before the two parties mt-ct in national convention. Tins of course would mean a reversal of the senate GOP conference's dc: Imoxi . trial. She ami lynching bill would W first to go llirrugh. , OPPOSED BY SOUTH The bill, at present unflor eoit sideratiori by trie -.crate judiciary cnmiriiucc, bus southern members dcfini'.i.-iv asamst it in ail iorms, assisted by a small group of Rc publicans, who doubt the con stitutionality of the measure. These groups agree that it is “possible'' to pass n Mb'! during this session, but point out thai j two cf the sharpest provisions • would have to be modified or j (Continued u» hack page; pi r iL: Or* !. J I '-wf i *»•' W •'•■• -A V mh TlTd.i-.rilpil^ TR am I w.i rlii S 'LL. f- jili Vw sV' 9P HA LEIGH - Civil : ; :'h‘s. . ■ H;oy •‘feet : , 4 an.s|:o. <n :■.ct c.qal vdu tvtiona! facilities wii‘ l a discus -'cd .a, a v.-as ; moc-iia;; ;o t.a h-. k: 1 !vir:■ :lay ::;-fnl at \a.■ .Marlin t->l. i: i fJoplift Chmch ur.de auspie.. oi Rnlcig'. Branch ' the NA.V The adn.i.-: of N ~: c- stuck ts |lo lhe Unix . i'sity «..l North (' a : bna and lii-. • • i 1. N\ACP dViVi' .lUoi ii’. * K. \V i. .... ; the the North CaoMin FoLegc i.y.v School. 'i he recent Pridgen case and the . decision oi the Ui;iie.i Stfite.- Su . nrenic Coui't in it'c r,'o-ratt o.is (Continued on back page) i wo Srck i’oh:n’i}ia (.ih iloufH'il S-'-als Columbia, S. C. (ANP) With tlvo definite establish ment of a two party political system in South Carolina, tv,*.' Negroes are seeking elec tion to the Columbia city council ca the Republican ticket. The two, announced here last week, are I. S. Lett vy. s‘<-te vice chairman of tho Regular Old Line .Repub lican parly, end the Rev, L. C. Jenkiv-.s, treasurer of tire organisation, and secretary of the South Carolina Slate Baptist convention. The entrance of the tv,”, in * to the race against the white Democratic candidates, has attract'd much attention in the d.iiiy press and cn the radio. The Regular Old Line Republican party has been active In state politics since the GOP party was esf publish ed in, the state. During the past four years, its candidates have placed in city county, stale and nation u elections. Haul i<ariniian<] so Beltrr Jo!>s. MobWii Liibuuin Mo, (ANP? B<>- rauso Juici Phillip: - Turk driver (if Portage\T%._ M... defic-.i lo stop hiking Negro cotton fieM . :r Ji -■ »m here to _ fatras out mo 'being paid, he was sot upon UiSt v. k lr- 12 wh.te t.p mers .ml beakn swerely. Os the 12 farmers, nnlv four were arrest ed —one -of whom pleaded guilty , vlooi’s and : ••••••. .-A t::’••'ii.. • ut :ho church; (2) The study, as.*enVblinfi und -.eduction of the constitutional (Continued on bai,* o.,ec! SHAW FINALS SPEAKER— Dr. Frank M. Swafiield above, Pastor cf, Calvary Baptist Church, New Haven, Connecti cut, will deliver the address si Shew University's 83rd. An nual OAmncncenvsnt Exorcises to be held Monday afternoon, May 31- at 3-30 o'clock in Ra id th Memorial Auditorium. Dr. Swaf field is secretary of the Inter-Church World Mis sionary Movement and a Board Member rs the Connecticut Bapthsi Convvattun, the Council of Finance of the Northern Baptist Conveniisn, sad a trus tee of Andover Theological 1 Seminary. THE CAROLINIAN vni.i : Vi-; \X\ n. NO. 17 ★★★★★★★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ rjULi/diOiiii Lmj mr <r\ 9 s IT all l Sa? 1 Jy t i?say % net** * v r t ; ( gr Si'-' > W' i X* { i .Hi I- ia V C- 4 !U ‘-• He. L-' Goldsboro -- A Len-vear-oid boy who vs:-t .-:: -.i< !< bv a sniper's ' ! Ltll« t. \vh:ie cressing a wheatfic-ld i (.t i ■ l'. ■.*- ■' >r> • i.- in sci u>iis con di'ion uttd m,tv io. e his leg as a Msult ,i' tho woUri-i. The boy, Johnnie Jones, the son o’ Mis. Johnnie Jone-s vv.is . t.!-, a bv a .22 cabbie bullet ; v. hi!:- walking across a field t»c t..n;:;ng i-r John W. Price, a we’:- : o do white far:ner of Bro&den | Mrs. Theln-a Best and I v son G; rgc noichborr IVu . * e i having seen Prie? firi..- live, i hats f- an a rii'ie at the iinv : that Johnnie and his sister were ; After tlto boy was struck iars - a I,- ;■ - p-v-d ii i ,- - home, after which Hi ' .Tones’ landlord. Wii j.. r -j |>i;ndy, took tlie boy to get, lip. Mid. L)i‘. k< 1 : i lh t\ ip-THS, v/ho treated the youngster said j i hat ii" renroved a .22-calibrc . Mullet from the boy’s log. On the information supplied !,y Mrs. Best and her son. Mrs : Jones s ', ore out a warrant against Price, who posted SSOO bond for , gppi. ranee 't tho Augu.-t tc-i.fi ct Superior Cour-i. Following his reiest bv Deputy .Sheriff K A. Howell and an up i;,cnnre ,M. a as.:' v-g before NT - gist u:le'J C McCulicm Tuesday, Price denied shooting tin; boy. ( ~(i i,r Police Joe Johnson a.. Me : b.- - iny * v i■! m. ’low c er. ..'.aid that ho had examined of Price- arid that .i hove i-viden os of having lc cn fired event lv. nrosnr to «n*«iT utulnt : ; i Mr. “EGTtD COSTS OS. OI.ERIO BIS POST By STETSON KENNEDY Author Southern ExposuC (FOR ANP) Atlanta ln Altai.u- impel i J ett :Y iin Ku Klax K!an and .vc.-'.lbrd ui the Columbians —a church cn dseated to “complete mia l.'l fr-'-i ■ -n arid unrestrained use of reason and general - dor .Mu.--.' has ca, : out Its pa’ti ; *->i vv h nting ‘ 1 m ' mit u -Negro c j .ri\ : pr-.'ifi a-, opposing the draft, a.i.i supjioT'.ing Henry Wallace. T.ic ancient church i» tie. Uni • ! tor.-iavi U-iiv'.tsal, and the young' pastor i.s the Rev Lseinh Jona than Domes, wt.o will give up his pas:--.; .-lo Sept. !. Vi ;,r after coming t-> the r.outh from New England. Officers of the church, after n three hou: session, voted 33 to 32 to reject Rev. Dunes, “n-,t be cause v o dispute the nur-i.-un N right to his mvn oc.litica! views i beer. ;£c wo J'es : he i - simply n<>t the fx rs-.on lor leadership in th. situation drawn Mere." ber'jier the- same evening, the sam-. office ns asserted, 48 1. that they- were ‘ Unitarian Uni • vei.ral m txinciple and in :uc:." Priikp G Hammer, chairman of the el lurch's public relations coifioiitti e. ’.'•as m.> r ( frank. "Th: majority of the member? anorre-:,;'"*-- v<•>•! that they v. :* ivvdor 'Viie w’ill more noc/ly i'J M-.tu ’th« roci«S vjc.fi,-p' of the sc-nth," he said. "Toward l»n'-c*gre-ciat«?d Church" Rev Domas attr muted his re jection to agitation bv an uHra v.i;v conscious minority" wit 1 in. ■he chut h. and added. “N'e. itlmr : 1 i'urch has U»e right of cues-; tionina the propriety o ! its min-: (CofiUnutd on back p'ige.i RALKiGii, xoirnr rarolia s.ximyg sa-itroav, 29, iris 1 m ■ -w ; mw - m ’• -- m rcjN ... i ; m r--V N, If ' v- 1 - ■ I‘A ■ -U f mm ■ B : .r ' ‘ r c. ■ i . mm vVnshiiisitoii, g'-eil Ol t.. It splits t New York (ANP) A na tionwide march an Washing ton for civil rights is being planned by the Council on African affairs. Chairman Paul If.beson announced this week. “Since the President has shewn no evidence of st::p ing in and implementing civil rights legislation, Negroes ms other minorities have de cided it was time to felt the President how they felt about things/ the famous singer said. Cooperating with Robeson rnd the Council are Dr. W. E. B. Dußt’i, direcfi.fi- of spe cial research for the NAACP, and the Rev. John H. John son Robc-scn .aid that this march on th- capital has no connection with iho Wallace campaign. wl! MlMfiTfiyf JH vr.i.miliO i UiU,i a wmtm w ii? mv-raer UAL LI M, A, t-J J ; i 4 ’ , WILMINGTON !' Carl M-iv t- if. Mui.i s o roi ti:a U Mlit -,-i ;; u.-- , '*• - P ,T, ’-‘ l located ! . ..n-d O-t..:- t; iiaii.ni:i;, 1: ador. -.a- >. eccn.ly ;cwai’/i : Mr,i- ••Bov:--' (;!.;» Silver jKvyid.rr.:-" iy.- N. ••,.«»! C -.ms j mittec on An aids. b'umi.-< pr> .-icpn: Hvrbrn ihw r c.jminiHoe ..a..-- .v a. T: u j> • ! -r-m at v;h:ch the av ~ 2 was pre sented '.'.‘ JS :J I - .. ii-. y.roin i“ Mrcal Officials including the Mayor :«f Ihe City. E. L Vvh;*r. 1. ,'D i.uUa . lot'!.; ul me Wilinbigton C •:«- muii’y Cho-a. on.i Fn.nklin ViM > :• e.ion J fiirce; voj -r.- Ro\..' t/u ... of America who made the pieseu : ation. CITATION V'w Cita'n," v/hieh acconupanh.d] the award rc-af its s£tows: "ricj -uCU'IJ > first •*■'>/ CO ; in tiie Held of Boys' : .no v.u. 59-28. when t,>- .'-'erect, as j.jh.v'-M.a;- c '“ cotca yf .he Chu.'-ioa Cays': C lub, j.-.ter served a: ts ou ca rve ai: ccMo. Within tv. o years, the Club ha.: established suer an cm:-- i M'.i , cord, i! wns f .inrCcd -to the Mon.-: rr.unity Chosl In 133«, h" built .m..M (.Continued o:i ln»u& • -age; > AT DEDICATION Partici pants in Boys' Club Dedication Services: Mr. J. Copeland, Exe iive Director of i ii e Brigade Boys' Club; Mr. L. D. Leifa, President of the Community Cheat; Dr. L. W, Uppeiman. President cf the Board of Di lecicrs, John H. Shew Boys' Vote Strategyin Rights; Fight Will Highlight j New Yn.-k Political art ie"! I:,- secure civil rights RUJii'antcvd by the ta;ns! iluti-jii ivil be one 'of the main tnenas at the 391st • annua: c nfere!ice of the NAACP ; which meets June 22-2.1 in Kan sas City, Mo., w;i.s announced i.vre today by Waite > White. * ■ -«ii 'I m - sa« B ACC Al. AO R E ATE SPE AK - ER—Dr. Wilber A. Page, Pas tor of Union Baptist Church. Cincinnati, Ohio, will deliver the Ecrmca at Shaw Universi ty's Baccalaureate Services Sunday afternebn, May 30, at i o'clock in Greenkvaf Chapel. Df. Page is first vice presi dent of the Ohio Bepiisi Gen eral Asesciatiors and holds of fice of the Ohio Baptist General Association and holds office in s number of civic ‘Organizations in his heme city. Dr. Pago is a v’titan of World War I, hav ir.c served in the United Slates ” J end ta France. Club; Mr. H. Carl Moultrie; Mr. Frank N. Wade, Regional Di rector Boys' Clubs of America, Inc.; Mayor E. L. White. As a special feature of the dedication. Mr. Moultrie was ...warded iho Beys Club Silva; Kay.-tone in recognition of .his services to the organization. Ccuplv.l with political action | be o emit. ...Aon of 1 :c j ca! attacks which NAACP attor- j ;'.«;ys Lnv spearheaded in sue ! victories before the- l’. S Suprt-m. C: art and in orht j 1 -u-ts of the country. Expect I.ODO M.*’i> than 1.000 delegates fror. : . irn siatt-.-. arc expected to ;u i • -nd the . y-«.-ting. Most ot the ses , sens wiil be held in the confer- i ire her iquartei'S. St. Stephen j Baptist Church. 15th Street an i j the Pasco, but the closing mas-: ■ moet'ng Sunday aftc-i noen, Jun 7. w ill be in the Municipal An !- itorium. which seats 11.500. The corierenee will r.pi'n Tue-- •ay mm iiim-. Jun 22. with ic :ist:ation. fnljowed by election; c.umir.luces and general organ U’oi 1 mat'd oi, i.ai-r. pry. - Louis Endorses Plan For March on Washington Heavywci, champit Joe Louis aim full . '!>t*’.n(n to 'he iioiud Non-Partißim civ legation i ’,V;ishi-:glc;i un June fi'i.d to sciuiej at civil -igli's U;;itlanon, 'ii was atmuunced yeet* rdny. I Takir.fi nine out from his rigor- J ous ti.ihnng for the '.Valcfdt JY.ih ' tie world-famous ch-mpion toid Paul Robe.-wi. 'V-".• h.-,v<- been tryirr. in get '.fi'! Anti-Poll i’nx. Anti-v-.-nch and 7.1 L. P. C. id Hi throe*: Congru-ts t ; ■ lcng lime. This deiagniion will help ! and J support it Robeson, one of the five original j sponsors of the deLigatien. made j | a special trip to Douss' training l * quarters at Pomp!,on lakes, Kcw 1 SHOT \n SAFE m. VICTIM DIES SLAYER IS KEL9 RALEIGH A ..iv.-'ory as to motive for the fatal rluioting of ; one man and the serous wounding a a second i;i the 12 Ca!t; ;'. ..a;;,:- inght dc v. * , t-d t'nis week I Lae living victim of the shootm*.' | v.id n lice that he k: dno aign ■ uu.iii with his assaiin .1. Ace:.ruing to first icforts of tho j ,:;L , . the shootings Lad followed | ... be.ween the uunmar. j „nd hi.- victims durii.i, a ball gainc j ,i.,yc;i earner in i; evrmt.g a j Chavis Park. j T, ■, siioootiiu's Look place a: '-tv-' i ; iciims, Clioster JudKi* s. 28. of 2-- ' . .:h State Street, and William J .:t :n-on 24. -4 Sir >'...:hs Ailej - eating at the- t - onter >.f the* 1 uneh; oiiette. ; Accord inn to L. -'V. Ada:,or. aianaa: : of the lun:h onc-uo alLi ' .noth: - customer. J:. ■ W. ii. - i ~ - layer, loi-ar id*. .::-d as • 'Lesley Harris, ente ed the plat-.; •houted at the two r.. and began .firing before they coals, leave their (Continued on bark pager CHURCHMEN SION PETITION FO!? mm OUSTER I.OCISVtI LK (AMR Ten j bishops and !’>oo dt legates at the AML Zion ( huieh Kinfer rn.ee at. Broadway f-mple here StgtsrU Ou-t K n:- prtbions Ui-t week, Edgar (« Brown, di rector of the National Negro eoun:!. announced. The petition, add'cssed to Speaker Joseph Martin of the hiiis:- and Sen. Robert A. 'fail, chairman of the Republican j senate policy corarn'ttec, asks for the removal oi ihe Missis sippi legislator and '*-o passag. of civil rights legi-tation sue'a as anti-poll tax law. Bi-hops who signed were 11 (!. Shaw, Birmingham: < . Al icyne. Philadelphia; \V. J. Walls. Chicago: 11. T. Medford, Wash ington; Buford Coition. Char lotte, N. C.; .1. VI. Matthews, Chicago; J. (. Taylor, t’atr-r --son, N. J.; K. 1,. .1 -.tcs. Louis ville; W. W. Slade Charlotte, and 1/ B. Watson Oklahoma City. : jersey os the guest c; the chatn pi<:n. Loufi stated th : h-- regretted ; that he could not be present in ! person on ine ric.a:■;a: a n of j the coming w and -. inrnpiorAhfp i bout with Joe Walco'-t FROM :?0 SI AXES Meantime. Dr. Alph-te Htmtop | chairman of the /arrangement* iCornmrUc of the nauonal dclega j tic-n. declared lhat support from ; Negro leaders, trade unions nnd ! people’s organizations had puuacd j to the i cadqt.:,artei? from nioi-;- ihf.n 30 states. Dr. Hmiton revealed also tdegaar-i? 1' ai bum ittoF; e. i• deni Trurr.an, Attorney General (.Continued un oueir page) PRICE 7c

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