Vl'fcKK ENDING fcJA I I'iiDAY. JIUA 17 11H8 PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS BITS OF NEWS Sgt. Bill Lawton, of Jo B, 758, left Fayetteville, July 3rd. I*.. Washington, I). C., to visit h'-s mother. Father Ryan of St. Ann'.; Ca tholic Church has returned to ttie city from his vacation. Ev erybody wide, med him with plea sine. A new pool opened it Foit Bragg for the colored office! s of the 505 Patach do Bn. and tnei" guests. CWO Rufus Williams of th 505 and wife departed on Juc, 3rd for a 30 day leave. The third Bn of the 505 spot! sored a bathing beaut' o-nteet at Spring Lake, Fort Bragg. Lt and Mrs. Townsend mo tored to Phila. last weekend and brought Lt. Townsend's moth.; r back for a visit. Mrs. Ora Bell Matthews has been visiting her aunt for a \ , , i ] viJU-Ls ;u w taln>n ‘VU.NK \" <•* jK. ( poiviß»i ivi by tlv- F;\y< UevilU* < • Mini- tc-nal All .‘arxt*. v f 1 hf* Well-ks ]• iCft 1 ] »rt* .c.i i< i ! -;ubjt?( 1s «vr>-y S..ii UF'ni j. i Fur tliC nuiHth of Ju:h* !«•** ; J Wore ns follows- • Salvation,'' “A-a v,- (You A Oh r w;:. i.: ■Vv h-. ■• I- ..I ai j V hot 1: Hell ' l.hi'; ■■ : o.t C'- i. .. liar, Poetiy “ I The Krv. Mr Hip, so- he an v. -;! ig i inf; \' ..- e early in leu;-; !i< i-. ; :it* i lit -. re a Shaw 't r -.i-.. in- •• . j mini ‘tin Alt'in,-. 4 h ;i »*..*r -t: I witile he v.as a stub-- t sha .• ■ | • ha! he vs-Mi itie hoi of b i elected H ‘ :- p -et and or, the | pus he was often 1 ail- < 1 by t i.udi .1 j .i; Dunbar' second. | His fin t psa-ro to nppcnj in prh ! in ike bus a (hi.'s-.r-ttc :.*iu j th« Charlotte News. liXiJ Now, ire: 1 write ).eel ry, c-pir.ran ». proce ;mo j I lyrics', some of vr iir-h kasr- ker,, us -j ■* angod t•. mil n- .• ■ 1 j the aiiihor. Hi: fir i letter h- n '.i.h'iu »f. II he tii.it.•••:,’ Stair: (-nnn . ragidp all.l j aj.pi relating i’i- \ m's- .-.mie i- -- ■ i lair j'heodotv Roosovvh Siuif- that j i lime 3i* : lv ' (•; * r-S:a ot h }■•; is Ito the W.'.ite three hi . ta- . He : : j-.i-ir aims' and m Em : c- uam Fui ; • are ts Kino Ge-'-rge He ' <-• ai: ■> j "hi dd G .vr-rn- * • of h'.s boa - ■ ! iVirf many edur : 4 . rs --s ;s-a 1 a■ : .'..111- .1 V !;• - -I. V\ a- I ■ I ! Ibilit the rs,,-, j| Ia il pHH-i A est i s NV'.-u • he *..•>• a - I rihuted m.'n.y of hi: " tn. incci'll;:; the New Y.s vV -Id • F. . .1 :ii I' i* G* (da ' I F>;po‘ p a'n Aot hole; it' 1 --, tie ts in jchidC'd in ft'lv-'s Who ir. Are ■’ IVd.i-Pv and Vshu' Wl: in Norih r.-irolina. ' Hi:. !: M'S. tea of vers' wn! , ■he pul o'- hod no- fail in the c i r-rn T’ ‘ An-: a'n 'i ' ■ ' ■ :member nip c- cor. 1 ooscank Miiis. s> raid siO.-M ,• -0.- : eiif's in t'.; north and Its Ist .si invitation h'> - S i yp -d-d --yS li;Of I fl * I mMjLjk ill i h* U» .* ' ! I ::: { i 'j t NDIIR CUNSTHJh TSON Fictarcd here is the uti!intsiiek : strait ure us the Father Faui Me j murial School Convent, which is CKps’Ctdi to |m* c«»»nplelcr| lij _ I September Hie phutu uas taken I~ I early in May . Since that time the roof has hern a titled, the waits Slave been plastered and windows have been installed. .j The eonveu 'vih tic o>.ett as j j elassi«on-.s ter the ITtK- .b season. j| irr whiih students from the kin V-POINT SNACK SHOP V Point At Murchison Road GAS OIL | Cold Drinks - Ice Cream - Sandwiches - Cigars Cigarettes BUTTERED HAMBURGERS , v»aw.»«-i]iWfi'ft~JHumeKaanKwniaiimww»itnr«ier uan ‘ 1 -yw«titrwi—-"" r mihmi ■iiiunriniinrw~i«niHiiiirnineTnf--irrrT-ii - ii-mrnriiiimiTHiiiviiffiiiiiiirMmiTmriritrTriitironfr— | V POINT GROCERY 50f> MURCHISON ROAD GRADE A MARKET Frozen Foods Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetable* DIAL 20.16 .. ' mi i m -Tirrri-nTfnTrsn-ri i-rTrfwii-ri ...n,iWtt join a ifl'Vv . v y .».i....’.ten c; m. i- yv ilays isom -the Holly wood i.Scicen Writers Association. I tolly v. • 10.-j. t it. !h- puth I led hi- ft .1 , ai.i'.l... '“if!.- Kch m.'S of A Tr..veils • 1)< ■" i;t! 5 ■. ! he :.- 1 1 yire ill'.' to com; :l 1 i 11.: ' It: S.. V-. Wdi ; - :.! tool: s -piece v.-het ( ouipiicu. ! ■ iviyaiioir; T a book of poetms. Situ • co-miir to Kayetieville he a. vo hi-; first recital lo re at the j Kirs! Bap!i.. ('reach where Dr. T. .If ill S-.1-0.-I 'On rccit.li. j •sjj'.'Cicii iHvi!r.iitiW Vvt-iT \o L o j if i • • Straw University, the i ivriT.- of Nh.i (It Carolina ami ■i!. Pro is: d •■!' the F S Ah. - pTufit-ti ;H M; .ippreoiauve iViyniKT. Au u morf th..*. tony yenr . on ! hi; r.-turi: !..• v. as vy ectca i;y u.c -1c |’l S.‘ r,f Sha'v I.c ivis.iiy. Dr. , Daniel air' th- -hid.-til body lust N‘'vciv:i>ei- for Fininder’s Day wticie dfe was a jii- . is.l pres, ntalion •'•n tne Hi ii.T. ,:o. 'a,'.-i alone wi-h U; ■ -'all1’.- trnoi th- K.e.s d •-i . Mini ; i.. i "> niat'.ce in the tv-; •he K id Snii!.-: Hi,'.!, Sciai'd cvi-i . ! v ! -. 4•Jf t*. I. s . ‘I h .'.i.-ilvui liHli U.'< -j 'A* 'O *’•). j- -V lilt* < K'i'Pt n,;si : visiir -of th.- rot-'l i a ri - | f ' ll :Ii - U . } ..I : -<)LI ?v!.:r. Win- i • i.’*-■ i i:«* : ».!• ' "■ iV-liuvc* it or tx&i- 3 Hr. rxi Tnu nc r th enn'i? of j ifib r;t me mu*T. For] .rif* ry foi i.'.y • ;ol>bv of | " ‘ ‘ ■ . ■ 'l :;I. :T . it. < ID 'LO j Lru n L; iuru'n vnaro ribouf ;•! • ’ .riitiv.. 1 •ro Jianrii-j in tnorv ih.m on way, I roi’t! Li w < lit‘vs. At the •.'tPl" 1 'HU* ’ "'ill Mil; ♦cj-vUfjSl *no tii,L* . for she wunl >*l a nu.i nu-. ; 3k>w- | b t ’he cTiniax of my armutiop. ir: | U'w* literary w orld has never hn/!i j rer.rhed, how- v. r, I can say thank j Gad for the nr! that s«-t- -he Lrr • jjy 'irt.ijiT Ift wri»o i \*e > r ' Fiji ot 'he r< a r.tr, i of ihy j b-ni’s jYoi'd • I nip my pen in the i f;rbbn f hope*.'* dergarten through srcoicl grades i w ill he taught by three Sisters ot iht- Precious Blood, who are vx pt t tfd to r;inif to Kinston from Vc tiiHibia. f’eisnwylvania. Another tiu/idjii;. vi ii itie eon .trueted >n ! ° I the near futiTrs’, whieli is expeet i ed to he used lor the regul.ii l ather Pant Mi nnirial School. In efunuig ctassroom faculties ii\ TmicTiis iron! kindergarten to j eighth grade. THE CAROLINIAN *. ' “ I - - I YOUR SCRIBE ■ d-** - y ;. ap ®y FREDRICK L. BURNS Mw The nati.m cclei.nfitCil I;i !■ p.e: n, e Day Julj 4th. O.’.r prop*' d.‘vh bratmi in vafiuuf. \va.\ - Bo:iie to th< 1 ’n , to l ull ganie ;, I ottH-i s In rlan; es and various ways to suit each person’s fanny . Than; s to the* schools officials and to k*ral < iv.c le -dets W have (‘lime a 1- nr* way from tin; ;-u ry pole, the grcai-n pig, the Sham battles and other spurts to give amucotnent !-> the opp >silv :; < t-, at no , ,e. We hope those days have gone toiv-ver. ana • m its stead tie ;•.<• same perf.nns will lead ei join ergani/ati 'ns tn ; further the advance . f our race. Tin- race in onr Ciir j, 1.0 years behind the time*;; We have ~ jfl, a into .: lui and .t -'. r.-jie nf ihr- luii.it-..: toinijs try my * ,- ■ ' out. We ..re inclined to do the same sdue:.. OU; I'-,;t-parenl: die 1 years and years ago. This i- a modern nee and we mu !do things from modern slandp. lint. Do ing th- wai lilt:*" a fc.v bo.lines i. t*nj ivi-d :t «*.ib.*t.udi;.d ;>: lit. yv t ini. n tew have loide-'nm j Ihei ~i-i;e It we wi ,; . cope with the situation yvf* must put into our business a cfvta.n ipejcvntagi- »>?' Ilu- jiiofit in ud.-v to prow and expand Only a t -\ *,■ r ■ ■ i • Uie same thi Ugh the last 5 nr 10 years. N<> n-'.v equipii! si!, no n«•••*.• i',.-rehandise m any thi-ig. Wheal v.« s.u into tin- plai.s- \' find Yue same thm?-- we found In ot 15; years ago. In order to :fet business and maintain it we must ev; i • ibe on the alert for new ideas. Let s- s f oack to Indep-nd- ne,* Day. when we sh.-uld be free. fi p e to iatt< . . to h'e and P. yv.... hr- a- re ■.- - lit. Fr-c to carry ov. in liii* as we ..sc tit. Wlitn tliiss,* ihmgs shall have come (•- past \v< can see .< more united Aiiif: ica, united t-, the extentt ha; no nation on e.iiiii will \ attompt to Tart a war against us. i\i ean oecoo.e a united ~n v.;H*n Y-,- Nro •■: •• • Ipok.'-I - ; .'i as a race ard a uart -it America, ; ]|,j ru.d as slave fiofvi .in f-ci.nC.\ ..I Jm v ■ vMimmimmmF ■ ' * OLEN GER ALD, SP - Owner of the HillsbCTo and Eaqle Cab Cc. vreanDr-d in 1941 and operated v».tn his sons end 2 cabs, j Mr. Gerald has lived in or near Fayetteville nearly all f his i life. At c-tt« time he war. a very sucres-du! farmer bub because of I j bad health, had. to retire. He then came to Fayetteville and organised the Hillsboro 1 and Eagle Cab Co. He is a far-sighted individual. Realizing the poor bus con dition. attempted to organize »e and applied for a charter, but circumstances beyond his control prevented him from obtaining one However the cab company has grown from a 2 cab taxi stand to its present fleet o! modern taxicabs : It is poor ci itiOfTix 'ui race r.pSic. dairy farmer-; workshop Plenty oi • in ih» m.-lhing barn ’■ ruth;; • -.p.... .i.’.T hi convenience »n*: the wid-h c-f httcr all .-'a more pleasant j'llace in which to ' ■and feed alleys. This barn is thi- work. I CAPITAL DEPARTMENT STORE | \2G HAY STREET i 'The H 'ime Os Exclusive Fashions'’ HURRY RACK ARTHUR'S SEAFOOD GRILL ; j SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOODS. BAH-B-G, STEAKS j We Serve Regular FAYETTEVXLLE'S ONLY GRADE A COLORED CAFE jB 3? PERSON STREET Phone ! j ! FAYETTEVILLE TAXI | DIAL 2312 PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE IIS HILLSBORO STREET PHONE 4690 jj SECOND SECTION ■/x+'&rv-* w B: r V * # Wi IN' RIVER Pic Until ibove i W.ilfer Harris, Jr , ■in of M ■ :V3j", Waiter Hank, Sr of $39 Murchison K»ad l iy rilevtiie, v, .10 was drowned white j swimming l- ; to m ■ Parents are still ci-operaHu, ; $ vv 1 ill the Health Department by j ■ keepino all,ci'.iliireri under 16 v. ai.-.j ■ i are. away from Sunday Schcjli .nd large gatherings. The eleven oVk.ck service con- i lucted by tin. pa-ior. Dr T il | Dwell... was well attended. The pa... j Uu : text w;i taken from the 2.1 j baptoi t .Tcb and a part of the j ’Olh verse. The theme. “A Christian I Confidence" from the verse. "H?l Kp.av th the Way Thai I Take. ’ The Gospel choir rendered tim?-j v tnu-ie. Mrs Fmma Holmes made j the visitors welcome. The visitor included; Pic. Tony fold i ’pl. Melvin B'• j "o- of Ft Bras; Mrs Emma !• I -■ ' V ns. Atlf.tita, (la.: Mrs. Lc-uora | W. ' h of J..cksom iile. Fla Mrs j ; cor: B Pill r:- Mt’s Maty 11. Thom 1 iso’s.' Rridg , Cpi Robert Fi i Boss. Columbus, Ohio, Hobc.t | 'P.'liing Cedartown. On.; Mrs j 'laredia M Crutchfield. New Bos• MY RICK'S j CROf■FRIES *O2 n MBtRMAD ST. AT ¥Ol R St ft VICK JR HON I 6387 j j SILVER GRILL im Pi At } IOR HOME cooked rooty 115 Off 11. PH STREET MOM’S MELVIN. Prop. ’ i J. A. MAY JEWELER WATCH A CLOCK REPAIRKK If) 81. Ol M STRUT —i THE HUB MEN AND BOVS orn rt Tiles 101 PERSON ST RESTFUL INN TOl KIM HOME 418 OWLLESPIf SX. PHONE 3498 MRS. 1.1/7,11?, Mr-Ni.11.. Prop 1 -rn^-irrr^^ ARTHUR'S SEAFOOD GRILL | 62? PERSON ST. FRESH SEAFOODS OF AI R KIND DIAL 4G% I “The House Os Courtesy And Service” | RODGERS FUNERAL HOME || _ RUSSELL and WINSLOW STS. . j DIAL 3596 i| AMBULANCE SERVICE I THE HOME OF DIGNIFIED SERVICE IN : I YOUR HOUR OF BEREAVEMENT PAGE THREE Fayetteville Your business Men Brought You This Page, Patronize Them ; *d;i, foxas; Mrs. Pauline Simpaod, Autreyviilc, and Mrs. Maggie Mc- Miiiian* Washington. D C. I' AVLTTF VILI..E MUSIC COMPANY W on.i mil PHONOGRAPHS ■nr know our records" 5*13 -• DIAL 4lOO I _____ | Anders Studio I RI O ANDERS, Prop 216 HILLSBORO STREET DIAL LH;)o A: 5042 j FOR QUALITY C LEA NINO FOR SERVICE DIXIE CLEANERS 314 PERSON .STREET ROSE’S ~~ CHICKEN SHACK CORNER (1 MTSEREAMI and MURCHISON ROAD HOME COOKED FOODS Wit LIAMS Service Station gas on, 6i3 RAMSEY STREET PHONE. 5451 _ _ . Will JAM’S LUNCHEONETTE 505 HILLSBORO ST, SOFT DRINKS - SANDWICHES | MACK’S BARllt R LOOP 117 GILLESPIE ST. -WHERE THE PROMISE ES PERFORM I D” i NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Baltimore Lunch 112 WINSLOW ST. Open I row 6 A. M. to 12 P H ! Breakfast Lunch Dinner JOHN KOUTSOS, Prep. | _——.— . WINSLOW BARBER SHOP 116 WINSLOVt ST. We Appreciate Yotsr Patrotiaiie ; Born Pierce For Shoe Shine C. Hedges. ('•. Stewart. L. liuik . .. . H. L. DAWSON AND SON FOR— BUILDING I CEMENT WORK Dial 8477 'I PHOTO CENTER 1 481 Hay St. PHONE 3777 48 ROCK SERVICE ON PHOTO FINISHING COMPLETE LINE OF Cameras AND Photo Supplies FOR THE Amateur OR THE Professional. l« hi mM. i