PAGE SIX PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS YOU (’AIN'T COUNT m out nv 3... t> woods What mo. 'ai is Judm (if sini.KN.ii hOUi;-: To &ay who rightfully foe l- it. t>. the church fold? Religion ia no I found in this .«i at j all, For God atone can iavr the tom ! that rails. ■ i • t ■ Safe &■ 1 If the < iii.i i h kt t;p:» drifting from! the old landmark, it will t.judged Xu failing to dr. i her pari 'lire Dr aeons in the church may say; you got to go, •Cause yon wet. uk-ant nod didn't | do so and so. * When Oud opens his book to :. < | who mu'.! go, . There will be some tvho paid money , and made a chow'; )And some who prayed like tic! , Pharisees for lame. • And some who preached and didn't | live the same. Some people are going to hell, the; , church ncvi'i turns out. Only God will know the tiuth, what ‘tis all about if’may take money to stay on th. ■ book here below .But on God’s book, it will be dis-i tei cm 1 surely know. West St. Church Has Quarterly Meeting West Street Christian Church.l ,The R v. C. C. Simmons, pastor.! sSunriay, July li. 11:00 a. m, morn ,tng wordbip Sunday School at i*3o |p. m. 3 p. ra. Communion. Both service: were preached by :the pastor. Out oi ‘.own v- i'or. were Aruthr King of Wai-r.ingu,.) ; ‘and Air. and Mrs. William Kin., >i Erfitii. The Quarterly Meeting Vca-. •observed and attended by numb-:r.- •of visitors and members. Revival commenced Monday. July. -12 and cads Friday, July 33 Every one is invited to attend. 'fto-reja aMfcaaßwsmw > ; Five Point’s . ■ SWAP SHOP COMPARE PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY, SHOP AND SAVE AT FIVE POINT SWAP SHOP „ T r I nrr. «i COMPLIMENTS OF W. MAYE HOME Os- EREhII MEETS - AND GROCERIES < all 4HOO \\. M.tye. ft prep 935 1-2 Cedar Sired | ROBINSON’S” K GAP SS» KH.M IR.NtH K ST. EOF! DRINKS i Wit i < AHS S ' IGAHEVI! S sAVmifl Hi s JOHN ROBINSON. Prep (Stephen Roberts t. ROC ERY AX !> PROD I d BROAD STREET | ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL j I, * ! roviruMiiMs or Mrs. Carrie Godelte 508 SECOND STREET Ire Cream, Candy, soft Drinks CLUB 102 711 BURN STREET New Bern’s f iuesi and Mes EXCLUSIVE NIGHT CI,CD EXTERTAINMENT EVER7 WEEK END ■ ' Blount’s Grocery 914 MAIN STWEF.T GROCERIES MEATS VEGETABLES FRUITS DIAL 4388 CLUB 65 171(5 CANA! STREET Membership Chib Where Out-Of- ToWn Guests Are Aii nailed With Special Cards MAI. A CHI EDWARDS, Prop. *. l GEORGE’S RADIO SERVICE 75.5 WEST STREET Radio And Electrical Specialists 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE: , .fames W. Cesrte. Owner | __ ; NELSON’S BLITE ROOM 80,7 QUEEN STREET i SOFT DRINKS. CANDY, BEER CIGARETTES SWEET MUSIC ! LaSALLE* ItEAITY SHOP 61! KILMARNOCK STREET "WHERE THERE'S BEAUTY THERE'S < HARM” A. Johnson A Stan'ey Operator Proprietor JaL'WNI) SECTION ;NKW BURIN LIBRARY HOLDS OPKJN HOUSE The Board oi Oit eclefts of the New Bern Colored Library kept open hjUf.e ii < üb;>> i vatic:? of 'be tin.!, annivivsary of the occupancy of the New l.ibrat.v Buildiug cn Wee; Street. Sunday June ilOta from -i to ti p. in Ihe board ex pre M/d gratitude to tin many trend -, both white ;.nd cold -..c1. who have made the new builtlhig jnsriMe and ia anxious that ail will see and U:;e it. The library war. started in 190« mule: the VVPA !i . a: housed In mall room at Wert fit , t ili-Di ■ iehool. ■ ponsor- .1 by the lam prin cipal, J. T. Barber, until last year, when the new build mg w.u com pleted a* a cost oi SII,OOO. Roj mg oi tin-, money war made possible through the gifts and many p neroir. donations from both while nd rolored friends in the city and •isewlsere. ft took min..-* years aim nimorous trials and tribulations to finish the project. Director are both white and oof • ti i.-d i esidents of the city. Many aho st rved at the beginning are till on the bo;trd. The „ . t presi h-nt war the late Rev U. i. .Joint oh, noted Episcopal muestt-i, v!; ,i rved until 1937, giving it up to ievote his time to the Good Silty hard Hospital. Tin next president .■.as Mrs. I. H. Smith. Under her term oi office the he for the new library building was purchased icni George Eubanzr. who dor..-;—• •n-.- half in memory of his moth,r, tile iat- Mrs Luvinda Stanley. The present president i Mitr Cii ilotte Thome. who had charge of the jiiiliirt; plans, with the aid of jtiiUtr-e committees. Recent improvement Includes th eiemtiig ot the donis ~nd v. ni duv.- end the addition ot vem'-.o lino- The ground have been r'ill ed in with dirt and a cem-Tit wan-; lias Leen laid bv me vocational :iu ients of Wot Street School. The Library lias giown lypiuyv in both city and comity w.-ere there ire nine stations North Hariowi Vane- boro Fort Barnwell. Dover. Pl.-a.wmt Hill, Rooky Run, U.-ve City. Craven Cornet and Riverdae Many (utnii ; i*. the e:'v and I aunty n« Well from o'hei ifik - have eot d<>nations of money or l ook Ji.-l re-a n’!■/ ramt ..-ai of fine books from a Irani ii> lehiyan We I>i proud t. know 'hat nice 1930 thv library ha: erowr ft* m 84 volumes to more than d.00',. volumes at present. PLEASANT iflil BY HFR.NU i DAWSON Mr and Me Hayv.<--d Bf.-t ... wati ■ nith.iu f > 1”! tlie folk- in Pleasant 11,5!. Joe George and emhbvn T N«-\. Bern sr»enl . ome time with Mr. and Mu Haywood Best Sunua-.. Thom's i Bs; i = Harris in f»>vi'C'. a i c a ft * Saturday nielif at 'rtee:nt :. Fork. Till public invited t.o ■onti. Miis Artincy of Pollocks itle is <j>ttiding- tome time -.-art! ter father. Raymond Cannon Grain f:xp'»rl qnotar. for June hay recently rinnounc-ed bv L F,DA total 833000 1- r.g ton? i3i,- tT9 COO bushelsi including 30.382,0 n > I of wheat and ftour tin I "heat equivalent and 1,337.000 I bushel:; es Out; aed bailey The Mae aiorii: tr»i.pj!r:i ) 3.i3THKi _ long f-o 44.967,000 burhebi. Support Your ‘■-i*- :: BILLS SANDWICH SHOP ifiUilv, iclie.s. Ice Cream, Roasted | , Pea mi p. Soft Drinks, Beer ol acec 1012 Broad st | WILLIAM SIDBFRRY Proj i J. W. Ree*e GROCERY CiroreHes am! Aleais IM* BROAD ST. Dial -IR| Variety Market fScHrr Me ais - Eggs - produce * GROCERIES 730 WEST ST. Phone 4785 FREE DELIVERY WaLer A. Goodette. Prop Miss Ada Jones, Mgr. lodic's Smoke Shop The Gayest Spot In Tours 1918 OF KEN ST Beer - Cisarcjtes - Candy FORDIE HARRIS, Prop. COMPLIMENTS OF Ben Framklm Store 1113# BROAD ST. i FROG POND iSMh-H’-K STATION Washing. Poilslung—Phone 2351 Corner Rum and Queen Sts. Beer - Smok:«; - Candy A. I Den kblilinA -K»nßy Bryan! i —.,n— .... ’is "Sr ;, 'j I v * j Aliss Ruth Join s of 3rd At emir, a recent graduate from Celleue. Green-l oro, received her K A. degree hi Muntion ami -he plans « do further study at •he University of i'Virhigan. Mbs ••sees is spending' iiei vuinmer with her parents. Hr. and Alls, J- F. Joins, tier liohliy is reading. .'IVi-Scrlion Tour | Report Is Made B\ Thu Rev. T. 11, (~ hite ! Rev. C. H. C. White, I the pa - I j tor of Ebenezer Presbyterian > .Church. Tin- Friendly Church ~n the rnrtif-j- t Burn and fed. . i Stret; Nov. Born, h..s js< - ; returned: frteiii a Tvi-Sei iion tom wnfch took; I him through thirty-one ‘rate, in the! ■ Mint.ii. \\ ■.- jnd North. H wa.- a r.. .. U.i. . (.ait i i;f C: pe I !-‘- s ar to the 160th Gmi • j oral Arrembly of 1. ... Pro tyurianj : t 'hnreh. UF A, which war in seu.iou • :a' Iht }•'. t presbyieyiaß Chuichj ■; Scat'll.-. Wa hiiigion, from Mac; ; R7lii ihi-.n ii June and ID also di-i tended the pr« -assc-mbly me.-line m j li:.- Nov. Lite Muvomer.t" and nf' - 'hi 5 Ro -1.3 i.f Nation.,i . May 33th and May 36th. The Rev. , Air. Wii! v. a: -a'iv inifiiv :i u ; ; with Up pit re .mbly and the ge:.-■ < ral a . mbl.y. H> ~ th.v-l ti.c- p, , •i.-.: eii,,ily v. .- Jito-i iiis-.pi and i Hi-,I lit 11 a i.f the ( lent-ral oh w. , trail .:.:,-,; with ease. Mid tha* i he:. a f u ~ . e. in tr.ron:;n<iu! the Gr-ne: at • A::;:cnib!y Many progre?--ive stevs-;: -no ti. aio t promoter tin - - general ; program of the < hutch. After ?;i< ciore of the Gtnerai As entl.'.ty the: Rev. Mr A hi- üb::i ,v ■ j ' : <i th.*- flood di trici. • topping at : P-'o iiai.;! Oic-g .n, r-n his wav S u Fiim.-r.-fi and l.or Ang.Tp-s., - ' "ili! A ft’- -pen.l,:.'- a 3 : w j i i-bren ine the various ri,-u>!r, •:•! j..- | 1 • ! : in San Kranci-w.} ana ] c.r J ’iAr.geie he 'oared uj Bn-top, Mat | He made many stops Tetwce:: tin- . tD .ape,'is! :.U.,r o, in- laaiie i ’ : ■ S-P Ul. la Dir. .f : ‘ ■ 'oicr .do, OmtJia TDI-i-aska. Chicu- ! la f-'iiiri liigi: ami Philadelphia ; Pa., and New Y'-rk < :t- He a. that ’-vnen he w„- m B,- ,!or, My. | hi '!i--r- f the : win re Chrispu- • : A It i=< - - F-n t ere it in- ~1 ~a, ; : A.i •. ; -al. F ;r; dillany r '' Vl ha' nn'i.ry v. ar lic a!-,; said ; that he ob .wed ih. raonunif n | ei'Ca •-i tin-ii in lit,not c.t it,,! nr- ' 1 A thick-. And there two far;?, pin- ’ , ; f ; t -eix have riven him added sari -: ■ piratinj) for hi-, rrn ssafio r th,-j h '.- h ut J;,i>. i'iit R.-\ M: White i niiW ;b Mary s- a-,.-: ,>i ; Gv: ' alt Hi Jug C. ; Ff ai F.\ i-vtermn Confe: • n.f,,, v.-r.u-’. in tin chairman o, tm- Execuuve i t or,- nttee ts" :.- al ~ me Registr. J o1 t at a \*. - ’SytiOiln it Sun out-r | Coiiterence that will he held a’ j Mar- Potter ficnool. Oxford August! i-lth llrouyh Aur’-i?; Jfith, I Q}:-i i i Support j our Paper! THE (AROIIMAN BrSESIDR 11IRF, ‘ YOU NAME IT; WE TAKE YOU s For Hu! Summer Pleasure Trips j Call 2*23 24-Hour Service • j ioyil, Owner-Operator i - Sara Tipmati AND SONS. INC. j | Ik'partmenl Store VAU'F AND SEHYIf J Craven's Cleaners DYERS, MASTER TAILORS 713 hum M. H.n> Blocked ALL WORK 4*l! ARANTOED IV. M. E. W. Wootea Proprietors i " COMH.IYIF.NTS OF ! Alberta Vail .11 . _ J COMFUWf NTS OF Dr, John F. Burton M. «. PHONES 3340-2770 : • 1 4 ■ II ut tfll ®lbbl 1 I I f; , i|f jp Mr- Perhelle Tttfsyart, H N.. :d Good Shepherd Hospital, is spemi ing five days home in Salisouiy. with her pcruits Miss Taygarl 1..,r recently ,-c:urm-,! from .Vliar.y MacFca College in Nashville. T. m. ■She did lurllier study ill Am-,th - togy. Georp.e J rif of Bronx, N. Yb, mfitortu down to visit hi- mother, : Mr;, Matte Jonet, and family at Vs- 129 Graven T'ori-ace. He wa.-. a ■ fi-nipi.liit U by Daniel Taylo. ol Bt ooklyn. William Holloway of New You., 1 • Y.. b;ft Friday after ■ pending ,i ■-■ v> day., in the city v/nlt :ri<-e •- ail'd rr-lativos. •iol,;: Kiddley of Urooklyri hit Sunday after spending a few d:>yj ere with his sisters and friend. -•> nv atvnmpanied by his neiec.j Mi . Mary Smith, also of Brooklyn. On ti.eii «./ay Mr. Riddlcy will stop ho a nay at Hampton Institute with his brother, Isaac, an instructor' Hi i tv. Miss Melba Howard, ft N. at St. Ague- Ho-pita!, Raleigh, is spend in a few days home with net mother. Mrs. Teres la Howard of ' Deal" btroet. Mr and Mi- Hubert FonviHe n-... on Jessie Ray, of Philadelphia,; Pa., or* spending- two weeks with liters and brothers in the city. They .ie the house guests of Mrs. Bea trice Thomas. SD-2 James u. Stanley. USN. and' brother. I eonaru 0.. USN, are now! spending leave with their parent.-.. Miss Della Carter cl New You: i; spending some time with J.-iend; her. in The city. Charles Nelson of New York left 1 Monday, after spendin;; some time hr re with hi- brother. Joseph Mel on of West Street. Jam;. - Jarman of New York i« :i t.-londf.y after u tew day. 1 m Iher Ml.- Plu-übc Jarmai, Du, tig In r iiln;? . Mr. Jarman vbe fir.,? ;iI her home; at 102 Ckap :n:-n Street. Mis? Rosa Her! in.y. R N. -,l 'nod Shepherd Hospital, left July . sot DiUrf?!! Mlf)i * Tin 11 silt- !! pond a few days with f.-iencls:. Mi Kv.-lyn Jit: * i n and :..-n. Tony, us New York, win- in the Hy to ail; -id tin tene-ral ol the i.iU "• ir- Cauu> Ci/bn ,-i Cb da.- Street. T,t anion Murphy « • jn-llockt.viJa if. t Tii -day for Wa lun.:tu:i D ( 15 Year Old Youth Escapes From Slavery in Louisiana ST LOUIS i A NBA -- A jS year alii boy wild told a StOiy of : : C,ip;- • iron: stavei v unveil n-re last we-.k i and found t< r;ali:< for ti l- first tiri'a I .-• a- life it-- al l- at. friee chick j-ii In th.- fist time. Henry William:, told Mrs. Maty j Franklin ~* Si Lou of his life «.-• • , ,i braiiut d .-Let- and ijhers fore <to work on ;■ farm in Louisiana ! year after year. Hen- in inis t-ii.i ; iu- found a iiomc with a family oi ! William Brown i Aider man sam Buck of Venice : after bearing the boy’s story, -.aid; ' bat lu would present ;h- eaes ;o . : 1 .if- NAACP. j Aec-.-niing in Williams, he lived : u i a fa sir: :n TanpT pahoa parisli. 66 b-iie: noi'ih of New Oi leans, lie I hi'.wed i 1-2 im!i scars on the back, ■f 1 - 1 -■ hi! i..:iiul and on the !<-!': j ide of fits abdomen. TI --e st-..r:- •< pres. -::ed bl inds, he said The owner of the farm, lie said,; \ told mm he would shot i hurt if he . tried to t-eaj.’t O-’ln-r f.irm work • | 'i- were also virtual slave.-, acenr :■ 'line, lo the b*>j's story Most of tbeui ; were white criminals convicts to Ip. ion whose freed* w. had beau ' ! -uva; ht by the owner. I IT PAYS TO Advertise SEE j : : CHARLES SPARROW i OR JOSEPH EDWARDS ! REPRESENTATIVES 729 West Street : ■ , THE CAUUUMIAN New Bern Personals He was ut-tcmpunied by Cabin Simmons and Fail King. t" O’- ;,o" e at Yva | Street, left Sunday for New York, w la. e tie will riiriiiiti until lie ri-uirtis io cip r University in Sepb m • her. mis. Florence Moore and daugii i !, Mary Alice, of West Street. Sell • T Inn y for Fret nold. N. •!. Mr,. D. it Conrad of Dillahuet .viCit. oa jiiat iuiiieci from New Tm k v; .ding her son. Charles end family. She was also accompanied 1 Lck by the in Mi:; Ala • line Jones of New York City i?-. now fipendin;? a few days with hi r .‘aster, Mrs. Lilli. Mac Vat! as Suttco Street. Mi ..nd Mr- Frank Saunders of Neve Haven Conn., left Friday, at j ter : pending-' a week a. house gm-.d.s of Mr. an J Mrs. E Hamilton oi Third Avenue. Aiexanuf. Reddick of Craven Ti ha- just returned from vie i itiie; iViei:.!.-; and relatives m New York. William Kin;! of Philadelphia, Pa., will be heme for a week with hi? inoib r, Mrs Ahnritia tiummii:. , at 'H! Cedar Street Mr Sidne y Rhodes of New Y.n k is -pending two weeks in Janie ; City with her sister and brother.:. Mr:. Mary Hamm Daniels of James City is leaving Friday tor N< w Turk to spend two week's with iiiends and relatives. ; James Peterson of Craven V. i - race i.. leaving tor New York Ihu 1 week. Mis Mildred Shack and M/i j Kitty Hargett are spending the i sum met in Newark N. J. Mi-. : S 'i-.el:. e.rigi'isll.V from Polk-ck:- ville is a Mi'.it n! ai A. and T. Cui : logo. GreemJaoro. Mrs Ye-rma Kcveg ha . jo-t x - . ,-m : to the ; ity froiv Wane:., ; Ark. Rob D. Grady. Jr of Rs-.-!;- mond. Ya.. was a house guest \>l Foie- Wihe. Craven Terrace, for U-i. All;? i.-» a Hi: ni.ti ti.d. ut at Howard Univer i'.v. Washington. D. C. !’< ■ ; Has,•<-! l ao-i L-r. the; 1L- L-it i--il to. New York Saluril.iy. M - Shit i--y Matiiand or Brook l.vo. N. A" . lend son. R ginalri. a"-- .-i'Uii,.; a montli with iier parent.-. Mr and Vh- D A. Conrud of iul ' T'hunt Street "Ino tm m op* i a tor earri*'..i a tis l«- and j.ii-'U-l r-nd had : a blc-aJ hminds oo the taim. Wilbains i: a he had, the owner shoot a iuun!.,e, of ti,*-,*- ex-convi-'ts when the;. Und to escape. Williams considered himself lucky ir making his own »-s«-:i}m.* He sup ped out through the only window iu the hayloit where he Dept Th-.: door: wei- k*-pt i>» ked at nigbi ; when he v. cirt iu b.ri After slippm away fiorn the farm li*.- gcu a rni in at: u.• k after helping ‘l.e uriv or <-hange a tire VViip .m. in Vo: ronembered liv ; i:i;* anj where elf..- but on this tour. The e ot >6O acres, tie said, wa?. owned n-. a j>:u:'-h oflieia!. The I - v appra! s to J.R 1 F .li'. ,la Allhough iuisi.y and weil built, h i- out in s up.i foeni’ii, ;*■ a phy ?ician beic. bt-ejove ot pnur ■ Willi u, .:d he v..- served ; beans at every meal no the fan.; Hu parents were killed in art aut mobile accident, he said. Or. St. L--ms' east ride Williams i. ?; i een living with Otis Butlei and Edward Miles :I, moved in with the Browns last week When ;he ate a fried chicken sandwieli SLA ’ON D SECT! ON WOt NDED BY BULLET Joseph Mi Neil 21 .year-old New Biyn youth, i ; , siiovvn above be r»jf he was fatally wounded by a 1 ray bullet allegedly tired by ! istfr Diiuhuiu, of Sm amp. McNeil died in the (food shep herd Hospital Thursday of las! week anil is survived by bis molli e» and latoer. ,;r. Mrs. Thro- | dorp McNeil Rites were eondnet- i ed at 4:00 p. m. Sunday, iiilla hunt is siil! in jail. LINCOLN 11. lIiF.W | NAMED TO! \LSCO LONDON SEMINAR Word has been received here of the appointment of Dr Horace | Mann Bend, President of Lincoln 1 University. ns Chairman of the ■ Commits >■ Social Understand- ; ins of the UNESCO Seminar to be : held in London, England, during; j July and Atyptsf The Seminar w-ii include deli - pates from educational institution-- .-nd teae -ers associations from the ■"'oib iw'iwn of f!v United Na-; lions. The Spatmar will discuss and ' ? perfect oii.iV: lor •h* uo;,pe ratio?* oi , world-wide educat' m> mb--; a; 1 ivic-elin" th-- jar*-Ulemr of th* wot id through educational m. shod ill- p.ov-d i «<!>.-. Viccmine. Prc I dent, of Lincoln University in 1945. ”'>o f*n < "ap&i in evP-r. >\c (dm.-u-; tiojini sesesn-ches and m adininir.trn- > n ati-A ertucaSteinsl ; nrvey studies : throughout the country He has tci.n ;,i niembe of .is ' ■- e-;b;c', tiooa t - • urvevs in Oklahoma. Mis-issippi. j •'-'.d C!< a;-sm He i- .i member of rh= ! i v<w!miUe«- nt| Post-War Higher Ed-1 n'stisn of the Pennyvlvanij Joint C ... on Cloy >. niment. H r- ■ ?};(• author of several bonk-: and \ -iii-roiv : . .- !e ids ■ line with euv* : caia-na! ;nd other social problem . 1 Dr. Bond left New York City sot i t ondon fi'3o n rn . .inly 6 vi» i the British Overseas Airways. A-ith the Brown. h« said. "That s a ! rare- tn at.” ii Pa\s To \<l! ! Tainting Tapering Sanding M, L. Du Bose D M Ok A TOR N-12!i Craven Terrace Rustic T*b - Wall Cover And Linoleum ( OMFLIMF.NTS Oi thilfielil’s Grill < ANDY ICE CREAM TOBKACO KM » Sir. AI AIN STREET JOHN WHITFIELD. Prop Watch ! ? i I: * I This i !j [ 1 i I j ? I \ N I 1 I i; j Space ; i i ; I; I I ....... WKKK KNiJINC SATUitDAY, JULY ii I'MH Whites Stili Seeking Means To Evade High Court Covenant Rule Washington (ANP) -- The U. S. Supreme court was am used hero last week of "listening to a small minority” of citizens in handing down the dee l --; inn whicn declared racial covenant.: mu* . forceable. The accusation was made i.y Clifford Newell, whilt past president of the Federation i of Ciitzen’s at a nifi ting of the Greater Woodnj;..' Land Covenant alliance. "We have had to find away ; that the .aipM-Hu 1 court cami >t ' take jurisdiction over our ac i lions,” he declared. "Such away ] is tia option plan devised to give norm* and property owner:; con* i treil over the tna.v mow in!.* their comruunities.” This plan, devised by Newel! • and other lawyers, "cannot be at j lacked because it make.? no men- j tinn of rare- creed, or color ”It : calls for designation of a "black j captain”, in true Hitler style, far \ each block by an “authoritative j organization” which also wofti.,l ] ~wmti¥~ H yen no boys and curls j ; Emin 18 to ?l years of age tha. j up interested in Theatre Work, j . SEE F ML HAMILTON 802 QUEEN STREET Gardner's Grot t ry "Yoiir Friendly Neighborhood Store Staple, Fancy Lr« peiies Soil Dirnks Beer UOl 11 St. M. Lamer, Prop. j _ ! VOL HAVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST" Vail's Barber Shop 1032 BROAD STREET Phone 3954, Mrs. R F Vail. Drop. ! Lauretta’s FLOWER SHOP ; CUT FLOWERS ~ CORSAGES f All kinds of Funeral Designs I Greeting Cards Novelties [ 1002 N Burn Si. Phone 4281 I j | ' ~~ “ ' ~ I for Fish I hat Are Cleaned Ready ior The Pan - See Us j Bakers Sea Food AM) I'lilMU l !. j 81 f Queen St. Dial 362.8 DOT’S BEAUTY PARLOR RED 1. 'Box 207 - Vanseboro I f>r The Best { are of Hair and I au-s! Summer St' i< s Mrs. Dorothy Bryant, Prop. RHEM AND FORD GENERAL CONTRACTORS Masonry And Concrete Work--Repair Work Os AH Kinds ALSO PAINTING, HOUSE MOVING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION DIAL 2151 iOOB N. BURN ST. IDEAL RECREATION PARLOR'",^ Beer and Cold Drinks Os All Kinds Fax Ideal Recreation and Billiard ExfOrt See Charlie CLEAN BALLS AND GOOD STICKS 1034 Broad St, Open Soon - Close Late Charlie Elder, Prop. IT WILL ALWAYS PAY YOU TO VISIT Sparrow’s Surprise Shop The Biggest Little Store In Town. Complete Lias Os Groceries - Vegetables - Notions Drugs - Ice Cream 729 West St. • Papers and Magaines - PfcMnte 3065 ■■ ■»■— II am PARDON ME * PLEASE BUT jNjjjjfr | AN IDEA JUST STRUCK ME 1 I’U Let My Boy , Sell The Carolinian For His Vacation Money rm^i I UP TO JULY 31st| I COLEMAN FLOOR FURNACES $ ARE OFFERING A | SALES (ED,) 15% SERVICE (Jon) J | DISCOUNT ! FOR FREE ESTIMATES 1 CALL ,3132 I CORNER CRAVEN AND POLLOCK. STREETS New Bern Citizens Who Trade With These Advertisers Make This Page Possible , take an option on ai! properties :n tl.e area. Whenever a hoine owjvcr decided to sell, the cap lain would have 30 day-, option to investigate prospective buyers. Newell m ctd all citzens “wha ■ want to take care of their pro ! perties” to participate m the plai^j KtlfAl AND FOKIi CENTRAS. CONTRACTORS Masonry and Coneieie Work Repair Wurk of “■-> Kind. Also (, Painting Hour. Moving. For Futthrr Infornutioii Dial 1 f*S 1008 N. HERN ST. i ( I t 11 "65” OF BEAI FORT Affiliated with Club ''6s" of HIS Canal HE. Nr.v Beni. Sea Food Dinners A Specialty. Dancing j Nightly. Admitted by guest and (Membership card. 306 Queen St., BEAUFORT, N. C, Malaehi Edwards, Owner James H, Davis. Manager Rainbow Grill 101! BROAD STREET At :j PllilKS HOME COOKED DINNERS SANDWICHES BEER Sora Murphy Williams, Prep. STOP IN AT i FIVE POINT RECORD SHOP I atest hits 1034 BROAD STREET I .lames Manning. Owner-Prop Banks Barber Shop 1007 QUEEN STREET TON SORIAL AR TISTS I “ ‘ ‘ Downing Case 102 b BROAD STREET NOTED FOR COOIS HOME COOKED FOOD PHONE 9911 We Loan Money FIVE POINT PAWN BROKER lot:. QUEEN STREET BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED GOODS I . I. LAND, ! v r<>p, Hamilton Grill 802 QUEEN STREET 24 HOUR SERVICE Steaks, i hops. Sandwiches IRI SH RAICH QUE COUNTRY COOKED

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