SCHOOL EQUALITY SLIT FILED LUMBERTON CASE GOES TO FEDERAL COURT FAYETTEVILLE- dull was fii- | ed in (hi United States !)’• )' it : j Court for K.< Urn N,ir:h C»rnlm«: tliis week by Attoi in . il<■,; , L. Taylor of Raleigh and P’avr-be- 1 ville in in effort to tmlt 0i1.',:-- discrimination aroin.i! Negrii chil dren in the -offering of school fu cilitics in Lumbert.on. N C. Named as defendants in the suit which is the lust of its type In' be filed in a Federal court, in Ihs j State are the Board of Graded School Trustees of Lumbortnn and C. A Hasty. V. J. Griffin. J. IF; Herring. ,1. Talmadp't- Graham. N A. Smith and H. A. McQueen, members of the Hoard <>f Commi- Sinners for Robeson County. The action was filed ivy At'.ornej Taylor in behalf of nvolvr grude and high school stub yon; of Em berton and charge;.! that the d two Negro schools. Red Stone j Academy and Thompson Klt :r tary School. arc- in a serious - tale i of dlsrepait mil eonduu',- a ■< rious hazard to the health and case ty of the students OTHER S< HOOI.S IMOItERN In contrast, the c: are ed that the school-- at'endod I the white students .ire w-- -irr,--.. - to-rtatc . sanitary and >■ fft•: tn • (Confirmed on png'- 8, Ist l icet mn > TOP MEDICS WILL HEAD NMA STUDY CLINIC AT MEET , NEW YORK - AND N- ■- York's lea ung mcniMl men U -m hospital• at d m-d ■ .v ' l l sponsor clinics a! tire 53 rd animal convention of F c National Med..-,.: association to i.« held her. A up. • 16-20. Dr. .! Hu-;.. And',-,- F.MT, ptofe.-sn: of in- dn oie. ('elu’r.:,. ; University, will sponsor ■'< symp. Slum on ; uppiii'filiv-- disc., s >t ->v lung and the evaluation of strop-" iomycin in the t'f.-,tmu;i of tuber culosis Tic or: > •• •'.! h ntH August 1? bey mm rig a! p Bellevue h>»- ijF d. 1 olmnbia lie. sion. amphithit'itre in c and !) ; building At Bet! )• i ;»cl nir.pjtai Xugii't j 20 a! 10 m. Dr Ha ivy Gold, pm-; lessor of dink d ph-u tna.-ol'h'y. i Cornell Unr e; itv n-v-iic..! < die will lead a di-eic- niti an the , men? of congestive heart fa On tv : (Continued on j>ag-' 8. Ft Section! FLA. MM ROTE HE, All IS VWlbb Tallahassee, Fla. t ANP - M-Sgl. John E. Shepheard. formerly assistant adjutant general of the 93rd Infantry division, arrived here last week to lake over duties as sergeant major of the newly activated ROTC unit at Flor ida A and M college. Ana Jive of St. Augustine. Fla.. Shepherd was sergeant major of the Ifamnlvn Institute R. O, T. C. unit before com mg to Florida. ' ' ■ ' :« • Yf • x | Charles P. Hovard of Des Moines, fowa was selected to deliver She keynote address at the new party convention nominating Henry Wallace for President in Philadelphia July 23-26. An attorney* newspaper publisher and prominent lowan Repul>« sie»n leader for the past 25 years, he resigned his Republican pottts to support Wallace. He is a member of site American Legion. Elks and Sbfiner* and has served as parliamentarian at national conventions of tfcc NA.VCP in recent years. 4* * L - ★ '★★'★* ★ tAt ★ W W ★ * ★ * ★ ★ ★ * ★ * ’★ VOTE BILL DIES t & THE CAROLINIAN sss® _ - - —-'-i —— — 1 i , : 11 10 Pages volume xx vm 3RD PARTY QUALIFIES IN STATE ******* ★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★*** Announce Group Insurance Plan School ft Plan To inf Rare Schools Washington (ANP! Many Negro f rhoand couo <|es are eligible for the benefits of the federal school lunch program, it was revealed here this week. The department of agricul ture announced that $58,800,- 000 was being allocated to states artel territories for Ihe program. This program is designed i give better diets and more nutritious food to school chil dren. If is aiso expected to provide a larger market f r farm products. These funds will help the states in their school lunch activities, Virginian Fined For Sitting By Negroes At Religious Service RICHMOND (AND A v.'bib attorney and candidate- lor the V S. serai, . Hownrd K Can-vile, was fined $25 and rests in po i [ .p ry.yi t last, week for violation f Virginia's .cgresaHon laws. Carwile used two Negro at torneys to handle his case. They •A'err Oliver Hill, the newly elect Negro meiiibet of th fi * itv ronm i], a 'id Mart hi A. Martin They have fded for an appeal of Fie case. The SIOO bond SC< for the ap peal bv Judge HanFd < Mount e prQ'i bv ct coloxtcl onysicnan. Tir Leon A Reid The appeal wi;i NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY RALE Kill, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, I‘iRS REQUIREMENTS ' MET FOR LEGAL STATUS IN li C. HALF Kill Tin Progressive Par tloony lulfiikd all ihe d v qmrcrriei:»« tor a pi.tec on the N 1 C ballot, bv filine with the State ; Board of Election' (uialifying pe titions with the signature.- of 35,- 000 Nor!!'. Cc.folina citizens, ovei ; 1.000 of vvh.-.h wen? eefificd b> <*i’tiiV\ chcitrineii m valid m ao -r with the Rules on ! Kegul->- lions of tie Board "Despite what, v, <- •'-.•<» to he arbitrary illegal and undcmocrai;- rules, and against almost impo*;- i hie odds, the canvassers of the; (Continued on page 8, 1.-’ Sectioni be heard in Hastings court. Carwilo was found guilty i *r ,it ting in 1' - col--red sort ion religious service in the c i t y owned Mosquc auditorium. According t-> testimony brought out at the hearings. Carwile and Ids wife were spotted by ushers sitting in the center section whiers was reserved for Negroes. When thev asked him to move he was reported to have said he did no want to “look cockeyed" at the speaker in the white sections on ti 10 tilde According to T,t. F. 0. f igan. j who was the arresting oftiew-, | Carve.Ue said that he could nor rsove bccau.-° his cons cjen ri wouldn't let him move. He A i move into rhe white section later ; ! on. The defendant is seeking ele lion as a senator as an indepen ' dent candidate. His attorney ! •.••ere from the colored law firm of 1 Hill. Martin and Robinson. ! Maurice, was sitting in for Jit.- • : * lice Carle-tors F. Jewett who d>- qualified himself. ; i \uss. (.ov. \tta< ks Hit MAN FI PC ORDER j «] JACKSON. Mrs. i\\Pi v The Presidint is wiHinc to 2am hie the welfare of tir American people f«r political expediency, fiiv Fielding: Wrirht of .Missis siripi and vice presidential ran- ( didate of the (iixierats. ‘•aid iast week after hearhiß of the Pres ident's two orders establishing fair employment practices in federal agencies and equal op pnl 4 unity for all members of the armed services. C.ov Wright said "It wa.s clearly demonstrated at (lie Philadelphia convention that neither h- nor the leaders of the administration hesitate I to gam file the national welfare for political expediency." Speaking of the armed forces order he said: “All military men of prom inence a "id ability have advis ed against 1 this step. It is ice ognired tha. what the president has now decreed will inevitably result In destroying the great i cst force in the world. •His order decreeing FEW in all government agencies, bu reaus, departments and offices is but another tragic cap! ilia - tiim to minority and radical gronp pri''Mtw,’' * Boston Lawyer Wills Fortune To Improve Regional Relations CAMBRIDGE, M-e•:. (ANP) An unaerermined sum was left for Ihr establishment -of a fund which would work tor better relations between the north and the south by a wealthy Boston Jawyer, il was revealed here this week when the will of Edgar J. Rich was filed in Stic Middlesex County Probate court. Bich, who died at the age of S 3 July 57. named this fund ihe Lmco'r, and her Trust funr; for the Winchester Public li brary to "briny about better relshens between the north ani south," * * H:s will left SI 10.000 in spec.fic bequests to friends and re latives wd the rest of the estate to the Lincoln and Lee fund, The value of ihe latter fund will not be determined until tho estate has beer, evaluated. A native ci Winchester, Rich had specialized in the study of the history of the Civil war and the Reconstruction period in American h'storv. Income from ihir, fund, he said, would buy "books, parr, phlcfs. pictures and momentes relating to Abraham Lincoln and Robert E, Lee, including books relating lo the Civil war and the causes loading to it, and books relating to the Rectmstruc- Imn period, in the hope that by the lives of those great Ameri cans there may come aboui a better understanding between north and south. Rich's will ako provided that in case the fund could not be spent "wisely" foi the purposes indicated, part a*f it may be used to pey for lectures on Lincoln and Lee and to give prizes io pupils of Winchester high for the best essays on those men. Truman Army Order Meets With Varied Popular Response W ASHING TON - A,.' P • The mcffcctivencs • of President Tru- ; man's executive order asking tor: "iujlity of treatment and opportsm-! sty in the armed forces, wa.s set forth by a statement made by the chief of staff, Gen Omar Bradley. *he f'nv following the issuance .if the order. Gen Bradley is reported a- hav ing told the pre s at Fori Knox, Ky . that the army will keep segre- ’ cation ;•■• id!it: as the nation does Reporter;, quoted the "liberal." i general say in:., ‘Tie army is not ; out •<: make any social reforms. ' The nrpiv will put men of differ-; ent races in different companies, it 1 will change that policy when tl)c | naf'oti a a whole changes it." Gen Bradley wo: considered as; one of the country's leading Jib-- era-3 s v bile serving as admini.sfH- 1 for of the Veterans administration j He is alleged to have left VA ter-j ribl.v disappointed because he was! not able to change the policy of, the administration into (he liberal! agency that he hod hoped it. would : be. 1 PLANS TO RAISE $1,000,000 FROM NEGROES FOR TRUMAN NEW YORK (ANP) A local political leader of Havlcrn. Herbert L. Bruce, said last week that he planned to raise $1,000,- 000 among Negroes to supfA.ri President Truman in the 1948 campaign for Prsidemt. He said this fund would be "the Negro's contribution to the tight to make the Truman civil rights pro gram a living reality. "We intend to ask 1,000,000 Negroes to give Si each and demonstrate that we know how to reward our friends. We will j spend the bulk of this money to educate the 5,000,000 potential Negro voters through the press, radio, and’ magazines. We also expect to turn over $500,000 to the Democratic National com mittee. f wrmn v questioned Negroes ,11" now jikcly to pi hop Gen. Bradley in the same question able category as they have already planed Gen. Eisenhower The latter was considered a liberal and a friend of the Negro until he testi (Continued on page 8. Ist Section) More Than I Needed To Si Issues, Says V NEW YORK (ANP) -- Rat n) j nM religious anlagonisin in tht United States will not be amelior- i a tod by education or legislation 1 alone, but by a combination o'j loose two forces working in the ' community, according to Dr. 80-; bei't C. Weave! of the American j Council on Race relations, speak-; inc at Teachers college, Colurn- ; bin' university, at. n conference on ! human relations. SINGLE * ~ COPY | |,|C NUMBER 5 CO-OP ELIGIBLE FOR INSURANCE ON CROUP BASIS RALEIGH. N. C. The Wake i.'onsumers Mutual Association ol Raleigh and Wake County, thru membership in the North Caro Lna Council is eligible for group insurance with the State Capital L'fe Insurance Company whose principal of!' ce is in Raleigh. N. The- insurance covers the lota’ ; ..set;., in paid-up shares, in Ike . ruanizatKin. Therefore, each shares ;n this insurance in p, snort, it ! > l!i( amount of monev invesU'-d in paid-up share.-: ,n the organizalton If a rnombe: his mv( ted anychere irom 5 to 1000 dollars m his organization he or .-he ts insured for a J;kc , me tint. The primary purpose of this in 'Continued on page 8. Ist Section' Rep. Dawson Asks Negroes* Support For Pres. Truman WASHINGTON (ANP) ■--- D i lor for dollar and vote for vote ■ support of President Truman in ! the coming Presidential ean;- i ;v:>tgn was called for by Congress tnan Wiliam L. Dawson, one of 1 the two Negroes in congress, this j WPf‘k. Rod. Dawson, a Democrat, bas ed Ins support of the President, an the assurance that he will not turn his back on the civil rights program he has advocated. In his statement Dawson said: “The rights of full citizenship are within your grasp and mine The final battle is on. President iducation olve Race Weaver j The notion that education is ! ; a panacea which will cure all • social ills is old fashioned, Dr. 1 Weaver pointed out. Ediu ation i has too often come to me m ap pointing a committee, doing some ! research and writing a pamphlet; i about it. Irtlergroup relations! ; can’t be solved by committees, j Education has mad? the prob- , ' Jem of intergroup. relations more j ■ complicated. Minority cron P s I nave more of an understanding ! i of the premises of American de : mocracy, an urge to participate; : fully in it and the tools with which to protest discrimination. ! Education Lag “We have educated our minor- j itv groups for opportunities that j Iwe have not educated our ma 1 jority groups to make available,’’ | IDr Weaver declared. Discussing the President’s order ! ! for equal treatment in the armed I forces and in federal civil service. - iDr Weaver indicated that he j ! thought such legislative action j was highly important. Coupled I i with education, legislation en- ! j courages people to discuss aues - | I tions they might otherwise be ; tempted to ignore Litigation j I brings issues out inlo the open 1 1 (Continued on page 51, Ist 'Section; I Texas State Assistant To President ■m Mrs. Constance ! . H. Daniel, shown above, reeentU assumed her v'uiies .is Uintinistr.ifi'e Vssisiant to President H O’Hara l.anier of texu- Stale > nivershy. Houston, Texas. (FSA Photo by Vschon) G.O.P. Quits Poll Tax Fight in Face of Dixie Solons’ Talk Marathon WASHINGTON The fight to eliminate payment of pod tax*-'! as'a f.. y. for voting i . Ucu e-ral elections received its fourth setback in as many successi\ e Congresses this week as R« publi can leadership voted to drop th*- measure after a six-day southern filibuster. Thus come true predictions that the special session of Con gress called bv President Tru man in an effort to secure action Tnurtan leads the fight T have ev* rv reason to know that Prest den* ’ will not turn back and will continue to go forward the civil rights of everv cit Don in every phase of Amruican life is assured.” The Illinois congressman is a I member of a national citizens , committee for the reelection f; * President Tinman which is work ing to raise funds and support for the President. He said: “President Truman must he re elected. No man cm be our friend and be against the President. He has lost many supporters because he dared to take a stand for full ■ first class citizenship and equal : opportunities. "We must take our stand hv < his side and match deed for deed, i (foliar for dollar and vote for vote ; and then some more. Athlete Seen Running On Street Arrested, | Jailed In Louisville LOUISVILLE (ANP) A young athlete seen running on the street last week was clubbed and arrested by police here and then sentenced to 10 days in jail and a fine of $25 for “attack ing four policemen. The athlete was Carl Johnson, 19, & member of the Ten nessee State college track team. His mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson protested before A. J. Bartholomew, administrative a**, j sistant to Mayor Charles Farnslty, at the Town Hall meeting \ in the citv hall. I She claimed that her son was beaten by four polieejtsetv j Jeff Mclntyre, assistant *o Safety Director David A. McCand* | Jess, will investigate her charges. Johnson explained to the court that he was running down the street to keep in shape for the track season. In court his head was bandaged where he claimed that police clubbed him. The policemen said that they became suspicious of Johnson when htey saw him mnrisig. They claimed tnatt hey were seek ing a prowler at that time and thought that Jackson might be the prowler. Detective John O'Bryan said that Johnson struck him. and I ! another officer reported that the college runner tore his coat, j r*jrn- . ..uuuiwujwaA-tiwva '.. jir.yirvti nis«rr-Tr-T\aig»Mi»uri--n— ntr-imr rriiuwi.mi mm hiki nrri ii->ii»riirtiiariirirrn-(inir-nn-ffiri~i‘--~*f* l “‘*‘'*~*~ r *" -m pressing if.ues #’ -.»id be j’vu oi by a longue ip-tL--- * ov,'r civ--. ; ufs S.ICS. Despite the Republican leader ship's expressed determination to "yt honor: ;n time to wage a pro per campaign”, it. chose to call tip as the first measure on the csssion’s Senate calendar the highly controversial anti-poll tax measure which was certain to en counter the determined opposi . t;on of the Southern Democrats, Progress Blocked As a result, the second week of the session found all Senate pro* j_;i'Ss blocked by a Dixiecrat fili bi. -ter on the question of taking up the poll tax bill. Were the bill actually on the floor for debate, the filibuster might be broken by the invoking of doture were a two-thirds vohi icomiriuea on page tt, Ist section) (»;> Philander Smith Grads fret Degrees LITTLE ROCK (ANP) Sixty five graduates of Philander Smith college won degrees of bachelor of arts and bachelor of . dene- during commencement exercises hold on th ecampus laM .veek, Bachelor of arts degrees wnt. to 60, and bachelor of sc> ; ence to five. Baccalaureate services we r c conducted by Dr. Albert J Gat* :in, Jonesboro district superin tendent of the Methodist North Arkansas conference, in Wesley Chapel Methodist, church. Follow .. ; g th*-- (•.-tmmenccxnent program, in siumrn meeting was held. Thi:. das . was the largest grad uated i.-i tin- .school’s 18 year his ,rv. Th- institution has an e > i oilment of about 1,400. — - ■" J i

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