4 PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS : MUSIC IN THE CHURCH | WILLIAM T. GRIMES The standard hymn The standard hymn had its beginning in the Greek and Latin hymns of the early Christian era, from which some ot the tuu-'t Jtyn-ji-s of the present day have come. During the second century, men in Christian churches began to cJmpose hymns with a distinctly Christian sentiment. Martin I»uth<-r, the great reformer gave to his people congregational sing ing iii their native tongue in the sixteenth century. He wrote hymns for use in his church, based on scriptual texts and arranged them to music composed by himself: or to chorals of his day. the moot popular of these was, “A Mighty Fortress -is Oar God, yCiu.i u .■till tung by nearly all Chrisian denomitaton?. Under Henry VIII. the church ot England came into existence and Hollowed rather closely .the forms of music used b;> the Roman Catholic Church. These, with the Psalms, were the forms of church, music in use by vau and to write original hymns based on the great Bible truths. A \ tie later he was joined by Charles Wesley and together the., (j -n the great era .if English hymnody. After this took place, mservative elements in the churches tned in vain to ihvow new order of song, saying that it was of Satan. "Web, we s ,. ’ ;ave such efforts against progressive moves or ideas m the do. ties of today People are still trying to defeat the cause of j on purely selfish, or self glorifying motives. When they sh-mkl y >rk;ng for the best interest. 01 the people us a whole ant, y.i ■ ij. -;,4 the glory for all that I-Ic has blessed them to be. Too a s , : > an too much concerned about our little positions we hoid 0 , 3C , ;S V /e occupy. We tend to become puffed up and are likely . > that we arc the only persons capable of doing the big job- V-. that is a miserably mistaken idea, for God is able to take t! ones and turn them into bread. v-. those people tried to offset the hymns of the seventeenth co. rv. but the masses of people sang these new hymns enthusi al Tv, and hymn singing spread into every country where P.o tc: -ts were to be found. :.t.s and Wesley were followed by hosts of otr.er hymn writ• er. oil hymn singing became almost universal. r. David Breed, in his book entitled History and Use of Hymn.-- ;. j - Hvjnn Times, divided English hymnody into throe epochs us fob- vs; {l5O-1780 the Doctrinal and Didactic Period. 7ao-1830 the Missionary and Evangelistic period. 350- to the present time, the Devotional and Experimental pe ' 1 '■ v I take this opportunity to urge church musicians at large t ■ - tlie hymns faitlifully. learn more about their oackg. au; 1 a n tench your choirs: and congregations the fine at, t,:.' the sacrodnes?, the w,.rshipfulness, and the great rrsursoa, ■-'■end v: the ■- . herd vw. of the church. P ' c' c-nanu u; - nk. teach, and acimonbh one another singing and making tn> ”in our hearts in Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, Epn. £7 . • y" *> - n ft n my next article I will discuss the G-ospel songs.- Try ENTERPRISE First '.veryihing To Furnish Your Home Cflfmp.lete CASH OR TERMS ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO. 158 S WASHINGTON STREET ROCKY MOUNT L.-:i us solve your homemaking problems An eblc andwillmg «tsfi Credit arrangements Ample slock of home furnishings Prompt delivers service ALL ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL BE SURE TO VISIT QUINN’S CAROLINA DREAM HOUSE Seven beautiful rooms on uur 2nd floor QUINN FURNITURE CO. No. Main Street Rocky Mount, N. C. IT PAYS TO Advertise SEE WILLIAM GRIMES YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE 200 E. THOMAS ST. SECOND SECTION ROCKY MOUNT KDJHR D.C. 3RD PARTY CHIEF BLAMES TRUMAN AND CONGRESS FOR J.C. WASHINGTON < ANP) Wil liam B. Capitman, acting executive secretary of the Progressive party jr tl.e District of Columbia, blamed I*-.side:)! Truman and congress for ■ww negation which is being practie feci :n Washington by the district recreation board “> challenge the President right now t,. -ay that there will be u-t segregation in the nation’s capital,” declared the Progressive spokes man He pointed out that there ,s no law in the district which up holds segregation on the play grounds iii this city. but only a custom set forth by She district rec reation board. Therefore, he declar ed that the President has the pow er to ot.i-ibh senregati-'n imnc.-d --.ettiy, as he is direct y tespor.L ble for the appointment of district commissioners who arc in charge of . ,irs be 1 ■ ': :c! of Cb-htt- - .r Mi Capnman's statement w.»; made at a press conference tailed ty the Young Progressives of America, at Tie -'.strict i :casio u a v ■ U-; Friday, for the purpose of on the derttonstrat'on which they staged at tic Rose dale playground PERSONALS M-aeol Johnso UShF and wijeT Mr:- Mildred John--.on. are vidtiirg on T!..k F ..-.ni Mi- Johr>sd& America and Cuba. Mrs Annie L Boykin and Mrs. Canada. The trip there iio o y ni u 1 vie [in a, and afiored tnti .r . . ■ . t ■ xor, 1 aiennar Mr r:id Mo Johnnie Perry of Phi hrdtjphia were the week end guests of their mother. Mi’s, Perry on Grace Street Mrs Helen Ed re and gons, Wil liam, Wallace. Can me! Mrs. Alice Perry and daughtr. v, Jean, have re turned front Boise. Ohio where they visited theix broth; r, Henry Tor ry. While on this trip they crossed j seven -western states and were i shown many fine measures of hos- j pitaiity The Rev £ Lucas of 429 Alhe-i marie Avei.ue has' returned from a [ visit tc, New York. South Orange ■ \ .1 and Washington, D. C. . where ho visited his son Ervin Lu- j •vis and other relatives and friends. ; During his two weeks vacation no mjoyed delivering a sermon in! New York Many frcbids greeted* him whom ho had not seen for some time. Sergeant Harrell Lucas is spend ing a few days at home with his parents the Rev. and Mrs. E Lu- 1 eas He has been promoted to the! i r“ ~ i JAMES M. FOX JEWELER 3.26 Main Street Hack/ Mount, N, C. 1 - J GAY’S [ HARDWARE 124 3. MAIN ST. P. O. Box 826 Phone ISO i DEALER IN j Paints | Hardware Building Material Farm Supplies and Equipment Artists Sappliee Guns and Ammunition THE CAROLINIAN m North East Washington last :Saturday Misx Nanny l.autman. chairman jef it* ant i-disn-j^ji.nation com prifl'.t YPA, told how she and 19 j other persons, do Negro and 10 jwhn.-s) wont tt- Rose dale for the nii) hose of taking a swim in the ; i day ground sv'mniing pool. Upon | arrival they were met by 12 police imen and 12 plainclothes men who i prohibited their entrance' into the ' pMvgroUTd. , Miss Lautman quoted Russell :Violet te. director of the playground, as sa; a g the whites could go an. 'but. the •'niggers” couldn't. The t group 11 1 c- 1 i began to picket the j place chanting' "Jim Crow Musi Go This picket Tine drew about 500 spectators, most of whom scern jod syir.patheue. according to .the spokesman of YPA. One man was .- vied as having brought a whole ;case of eoke.- and distributed then: bo til;. picKeter-. Otite;hi ought, cc water for 'he tin:sty demon strator;-, who marched with their I a se- . a .:- in i!ie : :v b• i ;rr heat wi'die the- iherrnome’er repasts mi ; at 100 degrees. ficials of ’he tJ S. Army Wai . >i service he has steadily rendered Lire,. Eton a .1 Lyon has returned her vacationing in Wa-r New \ ork, and Ohio, Mrs. Maggie Jenkm? cq M:;zpoh Tct.ypic at the Natsou ; i COiiVvniUOj :,i IJ:V ip, Om.; v f. - u, Ohio. Otl.aitci.ciir:g ih<- Grand Na tional Convention were: Mesdatrses Nora Baiiey. Queen Batten, Mattie Ooi]ins, Ada Dunn. Levy Dtmn, Jc-C'ph tirtnric-lly. James Hawim, X ’ ' .l! lip. HV I . K.. i' B:F 1L ', State president. Mvr Helen !.* v. repnveniea Faith I J nwbyteriai) Church at the Synodical in Oxford, she played ;.!> important part from the eiasi room !o the field of plays and game.-.. Flic recited on Talent Night ,;Creu tivi; a:, never before At the dose of a week’s conference, Miss Lewis was e lei : eel cfiairraan of i.ht- ‘f iowship Cor,amission. The Revs VV D. Burgess and J. W. Lewi.- Barnette just returned Privette’s New Super Market FINEST MEATS FRESH VEGETABLES COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES Owned and Operated fey H. D, Privette 571 Raleigh St. Phone 240-W Jack Sullivan, Inc. HEATING & PLUMBING ENGINEERING CONTRACTING AND REPAIRING 216 HILL ST. ROCKY MOUNT Phone 2524 N. C. State- Licenses No. 385 PAINTING AND DECORATING SUPPLIES ARTIST SUPPLIES & WALLPAPER The Sherwin-Williams Company 122 S. WASHINGTON STREET Phone 3022 Rocky Mount SECOND SECTION SANG AT CONVENTION --- the photo above shows (he Gos pel choir of Sa .1 lines l.aptist Church of Rocky .Mount, under the capable dirt i t ion ot William V Grimes, instructor of instru mentals, voice and conducting with Walker Howard Manley instructor of piano and pipe or gan as accUmpaulst arid Miss AiiCi 15. Davis assistant accom panist TH choir has recently return ed from a trip to ( olumbns. Ohio tv here it sang as guest choir of the Lott Carey foreign Mission Convention Slaving been invited to do so by Hr H C Sorrier vitie, executive seen tar y Members of the Junior and Gospel choirs who went to Ohio are: Mivcs and Mc«dames. Mary Lane, .loan Wi.chrli Bernice Davis, Hattie Byrd, Mabie Wil liams, Helen Riiundtrc*- Alice Bavin Josephine Brown. Mary Battle. Mary Allen. Willie B Horne, June Mattlt y, Jessie Rash, Arvenia Slade, Vergic July. Bea trice July Hav.'-i McClain. Fannie G Batile. I-'ranees Chandler, Evelyn Neville. Lena M Batth, VanSce July , Inez Lewis, Delons Powelb Mary 1, Lindsey. Louise Walker and Melvin J yons Messrs. Bcnjaman Battle, hioh ard Home, Thomas Williams Henry Brown. /. T. Batchelor, Manley Home, ttiiiie Powell, Jei-avne Battle. Henry Bat.ie and Lorenro Eattie J. A. HAGANS DIES ST SEVENTY-FIVE J 1 ’: 17 rlrigU; - ;,f 419 A :.jCT;'i. \y Avcs.uc, died ScptfeniUri- 5 He yvas Mount known as Little Raleigh at 1:,i? iiiu.v,t> . f Mr-'. Ida Edmonds. Ht was une of the well beloved iizc-0.4 of Rocky Aiount, having hived there about fiftv years. He v - r: a deacon us t.ho St. Jainc-s ; Baptist Chmch. a meiva-f f of the iTt.: ■ r boat d. h-nchei of 'he Sun dav School ,::,(i a whole a very ' fr-t-ru ( i. -o;,ro whc-rc 1 1icy attended Mi:,., Heleti Lev.. vi-ttc-d her | root her. Mrs Brewer, rn Kiel So a u■ ■ ', Cl : 1 i -. IRV Old F«. Join IF veraLTs OR LNOE CRUSH BOTTLING CO. 3*l-21h >. WASHINGTON' St. , the general church program. Ht was seventy five ;it the time of hr death Surviving him are three sons, j John Jr., Roy. and Vertis Hagans; foui dnupthers, Mrs Romxine Tirn i db, Mrs Jessie posh, Tvir-. Louis* Bullock, and Mrs Arvenia Slade; i seven grand children, one suite., I one brother and many relatives ; and friends. He was a very devoted father, loving to his family, a fine couneel ior 'or young people. ! His second wife is Mrs PnuLne i Davis whom he married in 194:5. ! HEATHS & FUNERALS j Jaesper Thorne of IJortoik, Va., ; was funeralizcd at Mount Zion Bap t’st Church Thursday, September .1 at 2:00 o’clock. The Rev R. W. Underwood conducted the* fune*.;il mid C C. Stokes Funeral Home directed the f unci a! and burial scr !vices. The body was, buried in the Unity Cemetery. Bruce McGee of Grace Street dud ; recently alter a spell of illness Social Mclver KING OF THE BOOT BLACKS 120 E. THOMAS ST, t I IIORPi; MUSIC CO." MUSH FOR EVERYONE’ NEW AND USED RECORDS HKE BOXES OF ALT MAKES Iff ALBEMARLE AVENUE PHONES 1353 ■ I*2B Harreii's Sales Agency CONFECTIONERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS WANTED: AFRO & TELEC.RA M VEVVSP APF. R S 243 Atlantic Avc. Phone MeCIA'IVS ~ SERVICE STATION SHELL GAS, OIL WASHING, GREASING SOFT DRINKS GROCERIES SERV ICE WITH A SMILE 621 F. Thomas St. Pliont 2563 > The Planters National BANK and TRUST COMPANY The Bank of Personal Service ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. i ..... 49 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE TO THIS COMMUNITY a«* e - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ATTENTION CITIZENS AND BUSINESS MEN THIS PAGE WILL PROVE TO BE AN INVALUABLE ASSET TO YOUR COMMUNITY and BUSINESS THIS IS YOUR PAPER THIS IS YOUR SPECIAL PAGE STIMULATE ADVERTISING PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS REMEMBER EVERY TOWN NEEDS A NEWSPAPER WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1948 G. C. REID & SON Hardware & Paints 248 Falls Road Rocky Mount HOUSE MOVING BUSINESS LICENSED AND BONDED lil 5 Yirginas Phone 1682-R Charles llimiin O.vucr, operator MAY AMD GORHAM' DRUG COMPANY IVI TAKtiORO STREET PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS PHONE 20U URIMJESAIORCAN PLI MBING AM) HEATING TIMKEN Oil. BURNERS 2U AUart.ic Ave Phone Til ROOKY MOUNT NORGE HOME APPLIANCES MAYTAG APPI IA NCOS Uoppedge & Campbell 131 SEN SET AVENGE PHONE 266 Ihe Store That Brought Prices Down in Koekv Mount SELF-SERVICE DRESS SHOP 209 SOI I II MAIN STREET text To Whaley Furniture Co. GAYNOR’S WHITE FRONT MARKET GROCERIES, MEATS, ICE CREAM, SOU DRINKS 516 GAY STREET R. M GAYNOR. Prop. WILLIAMS DRY CLEANERS 512 GAY STREET General Dry Cleaning, Hat Mocking, Pressing While l Mast I ASH AND t ARRY Alexander Williams, Prop, -iuiTwji wnujwrum -atiT-i- -r^—i ————-i MAKE YOUR DOLLAR GO FARTHER AT FALLS ROAD Department Store Complete Line Os * MEN’S * WOMEN’S AND * CHILDREN’S WEAR You ('an Get, The BEST VALUES HERE AT ALL TIMES Rocky Mount - To Keep This Page Pa tronize These Advertisers The TEXACO Tenter 100 N. Church * Sunset Ave, “YOUR FRIENDLY STATION” OILS GAS LUBRICATION ALL WORK GUARANTEED Dial 9156 —J. M. Johnson, Mgr. Yellow Front Grocery FRUITS PRODUCE WINES Os All Kinds 202 Falls Rd. 1 telephone 2592 RAWJJES CAFE & SERVICE STATION 25? Atlantic Ave Phone 995 Sandwiches, Beer, Sodas, Ice Cream, Gas, Oil, Wash Grease TIRE REPAIRS H. H. WEEKS SEED STORE 219 Tarboro St. ltocky Mount MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF SEED AND GARDEN NEEDS IN TOWN “When Bet.cr Automobiles Are Built lit It K will Build Them The Best of service On Ail .Makes of Cars and trucks ROSE Bl ICKCO. Harrington Lash Store Look 1 Your Favorite Ice Cream, ‘sc \ Pint, Soft Drinks of All Kinds Bakery Goods GIVE US A TRIAL 1023 S WASHINGTON ST. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Treat Yourself To Our Service City Barber Shop 200 E, THOMAS ST, William Grimes, Prop, ATLANTIC SERVICL STATION 16 E. Thomas St. Phone 9183 GAS. OIL. SALES SERVICE Tire and Mechanical Work* PLI MER ALSTON. Prop. DAVIS RADIO A KFt ORD SHOP I Specialising in Auto Radios I Latest Records Delivery 516 GAY STREET MARCUS DAVIS, Prop. } j Dannie s Beauty Shop Specialising In AH Phases Os j Beauty Culture- Phone 1444-M i Haze! Haywood, Operator | 51S \V Thomas Si, Rocky Mi. | Mrs Dannie MeClean. Prop fVeigh borhood €enter GROCERIES A MAGAZINES Floor Sanding A Pointing 700 prim. Ave. phone 2386-R J. I . Lassiter, Prop j Save and Borrow with thy : Atlantic Credit I nion ! Chartered by the State of N. C. 208 E. Thomas St. Phone 285 t-J OPEN* FOR NEW MEMBERS lon is Pippen, President j Mrs. Nora E. Bailey. See.-Treas. DICKIN’S FISH MARKET SEAFOOD AND GROCERIES Fish Dressed and Delivered Free 625 W THOMAS STREET PHONE 1255-WX Goldleaf Grocery FRESH FISH -- MEATS GROCERIES 301 ATLANTIC AVE PHONE 2245-M. RADIO HOSPITAL 12? S. WASHINGTON ST. Everything In Radio Repairs PHONE 2637 WILLIAMS COMMUNITY STORE 314 GOLDLEAF STREET PI.AIN & FANCY GROCERIES FRESH MEATS - DAIRY PRODUCTS OF AIL KINDS : BATTLE'S CASH GROCER A. MEAT MARKET 612 K. THOMAS ST. For O'llri Stervtoe Call 27 Ts,