NAME BOARD TO END ARMY JC Bg^ '.'- v % ; - u "*■ aBHMp&I 'V*fSffsj''Sk'-a£rs ''•Sr* ’' X A*? , ?>s .ffi&ftfliiffi^^BMffrlMSHßlrSjffeWffißMilKSEgßL fe. : N d^3^y'jgtgfeSSj^g^tv--v -.-.ur.- . - snmvi'Hri) Mi*s EUzab.-th T. Andrews, .vhose engagement has been announced by her par ents, Mr ami Mis David \V. Andrews of 1318 Oberlsn Road Raleigh, to Millard Smith of In ETHIOPIAN MINISTER TO U. S. INSULTED AT CONSTITUTION HALL WASHING ION -ANi « An other jirn ert.v in,•;■.:■ \va.-. add ed to the list of iron. ■ mitered by mir.-nCy greu;: , ■•;. .- n The sponsor.'; of the meet in 11.. American A . delation <• . A ■■■■ M-.e-rn for h.e ineiuem ... ii-’ier tiehvv ed person;:;;.-, to tlu m.:-.t ter group S.<:d that ! kr.e.v ::■> ;hc . <•: this "serious sass) t>n'.‘ v.: . n '. a'. ed ".•.11 thi iradiUm.. :,i rciotKi ano of (:u This particuisi .". . t.-g :v.c Up niftca. t ... P < ; I :.- liar; ■ S Truman adur* - ii»*. o> a. < .. •:. on the e\ i .n ■ in ): suit to in. diplomat lias Itiint. ~ c-m-sn m Emperor Haile S. !;,. a. . '■:;■ d n. apt,: ■■■ #y, Haddi.- AU-.u .;.. hou. i.£-.•: :,a JESSE OTIS NAMED TQ STUDY RACE LAND GRANT COLLEGES WASHINGTON (ANP. I)». Jesse R. On- :d or of \■ - - gro agricultural extension work in Alabama, was appointed by Secy Cl Agirctiilure Ch-.r’.cv F. to make ... research .-.i-.'dy of Nv.jrt land grant. <-ollt git was an nounced here last week. The stale of Alabama loaned D» Otis to :ho department of ayrteul ture for thi.- -tudj in which the GETS PH. I>. Alien Ericson t Weatherford, formerly supervisor of recreation for Negroes in Ra leigh, North Carolina, was award ed .he degree of tfotor of philoso phy in health, physical education, and recreation by the Pennsyl vania Sate College at the end of of the main summer session Dr. Weatherford was a grad (Co)ffln«ed on page 8, Ist Section) dtapoii*. Ind., was honored by a shower forth bride to be- at hei home on S;t urday evening. Miss Andrews is Home Dem onstration agent for Gates Coun ty re:..;;, of the Ethiopian legation snid He added; ,M!Mm i k SHOCK*-, “But the minister was profound ly .'.ete-u b-. the i.cclder.i Wi .;;• ... expect any sv.U: thing . i.-.l on '!’." X'mn-d States and p; .;u ui.,.■ ly it. Wasi..- , \ ...: next to Ras Irani tr.e r.ext h.»x. Ti.e embassy said that .ui uiiivb utiiiod woman told the ' •■! '. have the Ethiopian -moved He told i'r.e dtails to Or. ncd iOw ShapU y. retiring pres deni •/', I**4 > PfdJIV! . I '' 1 • ''- .L> *-* I' Tht: !)au;.:t:n*r>: it the Airierican j?KNIS . colored school'’ may ix- used in re search projects under the Research and M: . r.cling, Branrian said. Although Mich inloj-rriatiou is al ready available on white colleges, none has ben available on the : colored. This study will last about ; tour months Thi. act g vc- the secretary of agriculture the right to make a ■ contract with public and private institution's which he trunks can make certain lypts oi researcl "more efficiently, more rapidly oi at less cost than the agricultuiul department. KV RVSCHS NOT I bt» So inr the department had no l utilized the services of the Negro colleges because of lack oi infor jmution. After conferences be tween Negro land grant coiierv head: and department officals, in ! eluding Dr. K. D. Pattcrsop aui j Claude A. Barnett, special assis ; units, t; was decided that the siir ! v ui - >r* U YD ’V, ! k.JI . K.J UN, Y/dlilt.-U Uio lu. .uv . **» ; agrlcultuial economics from Cor nell University. Ho has been Aiu : bamu state leader of Negro exten sion service since 1G44 Before then 1 he was direeteor of Agriculture of I Tuskegee. I On his Alabama job he super a staff of 89 farm and home ] demons::-ation agent* and aides In iiis s f udy. Dr. Olis said, he ! will first study the Reseaich and Marketing act, then visit the Ne ; gvo land grand colleges and asso | ciated institutions. Through this ; process he said he would probably ■be able to determine how she | schools may best be utilized under I the terms oi the act. HRES OR DUBOIS S The Carolinian 16 Pages \ GLUME XXVIII RALEKLH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER -JN, 1948 SPAULDING GOES MILITANT RUNG HE HEADS UN MISSION “GETTING ALONG TOO EXPENSIVE TO TR Y FIGHTING Approximately 95 lead. ;: i.-.jtn ah' pa; ts of the state h..nrd item d.iatn Guberoatoria) Nomine-’ ■IV Kerr S. , pi-mnxe ‘ New ! 1 i" '•■; the .'date’s rural popu -1 tu a and N C Mutual'*’ Prc*.*i wV-nt ('. C Spaulding; promts, a n'.o:v ttiililanl fight agairutt ra ■ ! i!V.<)Uitie.x this weer 'i'.*'.- two were among the half dozen state business professional . .a etJm a.fe w 1 spoke at a meeting at the 810-ul worth Street YMCA on Monday which ma“ked reactivation of the North Carolina Committee or» Nrg; , Altai.., It Mr. Spaulding .*, ad-duss the '. mv.:t:ve r.harpiv attacked •.";■• ■■• Durham bank- r and insurant:' ir.g ; lid continuing differentials in edueattonal .and ot ier faemtios acec.-ded Negroes in th«? state and ti<-. .a • d that •■pet::.s uiwig" ha.t p.aved tee expensive born a : a rial standpoint- ComjUuiion Ignored C ong provision* oi 'he stal i constitatic-n which, so.-bid dls <-rirninati*in .n the u.*.< nr a Hoc a . iit.n of stab funds, Mr. SpauM mi! d< ciarsu tnat ’hve o.ivt- ta-ea •eoaar now time 1 : to, io begin gtlliiiß ; kimiis u)V3imi■>; mmm to si k RICHMOND \IRPORT PHILADIXPHIA (ANPt Mrs. Sadie X M Alexander, prominent Philadelphia attor ney, and a member of Presi dent Truman’s committee on civil rtgh s was refused a glass of milk in a restaurant at the Richmond Yu., airport Thurs day unless she drank it in thc basenn fit As se< retary of the National Urban league she had arrived in Richmond to attend a ses sion of the annual conference Mrs Alexander, wife and law partner <>i Raymond Pace Alexander, said that t harles Houston, of Washington, had !*“« n retained to bring the necessary legal action. FIRE SUTS HOME, KITTRELL HEAD IS BADLY BORNEO HENDEPSON Severely burn i ed when his clothing became ignit- . |ed as he poured kerosene on a j ' kitchen fire. Dr. T.. F. G. Dent, i president of Kittrell College, was | | taken Io Jubilee Hospital Thurs ■ day following a fire which destroy* led his home on the college campus The flames quickly spread ; throughout the kitchen ana the rest ,• of the house Di Dent war injur ed as he attempted to rid himself 'of his trouses which had caught ! fire from the exploding kerosene. | Mrs. Dent was also treated at the hospital for cuts about the j I face which she sustained in trying; ; to break open a door in the house ■ Heodi.”’-on firemen who respond ' ! ed to the alarm said that the house • was-.aimost totally destroyed when i they arrived Few belonging.*, were, saved. j NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY getting tlie ’separate" and it v. 'l’ve been accused oi being too t'.tsy-going , tie sruu. and *.v». ’ :.i A hint to :..u- yvise ;s r.ul tic.e U. j am willing, r' need be, to t...kc .: back seat ami to per mit Diu .: to u.-.e othet ntellt ti*. Declaring that time had come loi a change, he turned to Louts Austin, editor of the Carolina Tint ■ derh"" e >urt” In conclusion he urged car; - ful, accurate and painstaking ('Continued on page 8, Ist Section) ft AUER ft HITE TO TAKE LEAVE FROM A A AO* FOR YE AR NEW YORK (ANF) Because of his health, Walter White, execu tive secretary of the NAACP will take a year's leave with pay, be ginning December 1, it was an nounced here this week. WhHe is now serving in Paris as a consultant on race problems to the United States delegation to the General assembly of the United Nations. When he returns to America, November l, he will orient Roy Wilkins, the NAACP assistant sec , William ,*.tuart Nelson, whose appoint nieiu a-. ilimii of Howard I’ni xeisit. was announced this week Or. Nelson, who is t urn tlv irv mg as professor aiui dt.ii*. of the Howard t adversity S! u j rriigioi) will euiitinne to serve i«; the present in Hrat j>"*t. In hi* new post In Nelson will b> revpoti'ible to the Fn i d* ist oi .tie I! uivrr*it\ for lh.- superr t'ion ol liic »■-durational dirisions <»f the university and of student |i. rsomn-1. CITIZEN OBOUPS BACK TRUMAN IN 10 RET CITIES NEW YORK—Backed by Citi zens Committees formed in eight een key cities throughout the country, and with the pledge sup ; port of twenty Negro newspaper publishers, the National Citizens , Committee this week stepped up the tempo of its drive to re. lect Presid<:nt Truman. Southern Negro office holders, among them the recently seated | Councilman, Oliver Hill of Rich | mood, Va-, and Reverend K> n ; noth Williams, Winston-Salem N. C., Alderman, whose election: Ito municipal offices broke cen tury-old precedents in the South 'are taking active leadership in the Truman reelection drive. Mrs. Anna Arnold Med gem an, Executive Director of the Nation al Committee, completed this week a swing through the South to spur committee organization and help plan state-wide partici pation in the national Commit tee’s; program foi supporting Mr. Truman’s reelect ion, both with votes and funds. Gee is Set Stale Citizens Committees have set for themselves high goals— both voting and financial—Mrs. Hedge man said. , Richmond, Va., through its Chairman, Dr. Harry T Penn, has set a $50,000 quota. John H. McCray. President of the Progressive Democratic Par ty in South Carolina, sent in $1 ■ 000 for fww organization and pledged SIOO,OOO and 100,000 cotes for Mr. Truman. The Alabama Citizens Commit tee under Chairman Arthur B. Shores, has pledged $50,000. Memnhits. Tern*, has set a gnal of «2S 000. Chairman John E. Ar nold. Jr. and his committee have adopted the alocsn "A dollar a man for Truman and Civil iCon'.mued on page 8, Ist Lection) COPY , SINGLE j 0C .NUMBER 12 FIERY SAVANT IS FIRED BY NAACP IN POLICY FEUD New York—(.ANP) — Dr W. ¥ li. Dußois, militant Negro lead r ant director of the NAACP s sp..- chi] research otaneb, will he dropped from the assocum-a;-a ! employment rolls when his con tiact expires an Dec. 31. arc . dm-- to an ami m:.cement m.’-dv- ()'•:'> last week by the group .’ b-.-anl oi ; directors. | The . action was taken V'-am-e i pv. J.H.Bi,;: ritlcized the a scoria • -ti.-n'* executive secretary. Waif \ White, for accepting a >.--u. j consultant to the IT. S.- U N doh : gut ion ; The board's viewpoint w - Ithat Dr Dußois had been ”un. -- ,' p I’lUivr ” wit:: t i.e > ' *■. v s! c-; -a i*■:\ in • r :: living that in his opnaof VVmt j Hie i; st interests * Ncg • j n<-.sition "is politicui ar-;i ni.t * 'fa .dam cf the wmrld ” 80 In February Dr. Dußois who cMebndod ho ! V.:uh birthday last Februaiy ’• i-’cri asked by Mi Wmu- io et :■ ■in preparing an rigenda )c. m-' UN meeting w t-> ; Paris. He refused, saying m c.c; 2 ■ ha nothing ta help his fe11,... ... •rxtiulo because he had : : vo:king tor some time on mt latiomd affairs for the m.socu .on arid liad presented mar. : nomorando to the bor..d ;h; -at ns findings He added that he tiid lotk r.-’-w '.vh.ethet the board, ever aw this material, i Jno executive group a;s, :tu 1 up against its research duector ; > charge of violating confMono. * . ‘if the association by giving a memo to the press on the dispute 1 before it liad enough time to : study his charge's. The executives concluded <- i ; this basis that “it will not be in ! the best interests of the assocm , lion to continue Dr. Dußois as j staff member beyond the term jof his present contract.’ They d; ! meted that » formal notice be > ran-.mi.tted to Dr Dußois Back in 1934, Dr. Dußi is had . i ’is first crush v ith the associc. j ‘ ~n, when after 24 years with i./u l .ssociation’s publication, tnc V ■ I sis, he resigned because ot o dir !" utc with the board on the bnric ! Continued on page 8 Hi Scvti-’.-i.' [publisher ill I*. R. Jetvay, publisher r.i TUG CAROLINIAN, was no - ing euictiy at his home at 1115 1 ast Davir Street this week fol lowing a few days of illness. Mr, Jervay became ill at. the plant of THE CAROLINIAN at 118 East Hargett Street where he maintains his offices on Wednesday of las! v.rck 3rd had to be taken home. He is renorted mill'll Improved but is still weak. (HARLOTTE DEATH ! PROBE UNDERWAY CHARLOTTE --- Mon j day investigated liic death of j James Willis Dudley, 26-year -Id Charlotte youth, who fell or war I shoved over a downtown railway ; Hustle early Sunday morning 1 Dudey's body was discovered 1 under the trestle before dawn. j Friends told police he had left horn.: i "to fake fa walk" shortly before i he died. orynj ms wen rs% EJ4I f i fl* & J lii t l il ' ii BiAS IN SiLviluc WASf'lNG‘i'( !>i Foil'hvu j thi •). ii on ;i, Cm be; [,;■• , i ;to clirninno' (.IdTcren'-ial-; lm:; ■ i ! upon 1 iii-t- 111 to- jl’iir'd t. , ; Pre;.k ot Tvuniun t r. jn ; nouwed appointment of a re'/Cu i ir.emiv.-r •. wnmin.i- t n Vic*.i:-tid ■ jhi TixuU'uij'il an i uppcntnii!..> ■ 1 j the- Arnioil Services." Named tolho connr.-t!•.'••* were I two NcfilVir:-:, Lester if. Ci 1 Vm. ; executive "w; o*}l vof the Nail;.;. 1 al Urban I .at <.;<>, oral .1 n j slack-;*, pulslj l -:H’!‘ of tin.- Chica” j ! Defender j .Other in- mbcm of the tVnv ~ ih o ini’lia !■ C I A’,.h : o !• ; hurialiUt. 1 , (.. mine.-I tout; induct; , list Chard-.; pro:- id-erd iof Lovire Rvoiihers Corporation f'M'i.d fonnmpUißirmavi of )'••• Prc:d id'.mv' ■ C. mmhtm on Civil Died ■ , It'viehn t.D Primer, prmck ni --i 1 f.k fl. e. f r,'..'. e' e ii' -. 'p. 1i : ! of Os mi, I''.> by, ; or;aier if. S. ! 1 • pi, ..o j Justine solicitor, dumtiftn. Hr.suil of Order (issued by P; Trumap .sm | oral men til.-, aso. bn! v. as m he ; merited b;. the upp :mmcnt of its I \ 3' l C: mbe f‘s o h ■ tr % i** w!ifro’>l \ho. lio* * i nic v. dioi' i'i nd netion. upon 0 ; rites of re ?o ramendui:ion. niridc two ! weeks :.::.( hv a nroup top Nk ; ity in tlaa services. 00rn;va. rU ii Ifi1 fi tipon a t>r: o in* 1 r. 0 1; t ■of the (' ■ wrruu- Win. L D. '.i .’tup ■•.-.■a .!•.■':• r. ; - ' I jfl fi I'B Si B y ‘ -i IV i;c, Puhbbi l ■ I ht\ 1 liUlmVi ro i? PLO yL t *it Lii FAR 5 , MOT ‘NT - - Hobo rt H, Best cubaen-; Cv-nimH-Vee toa tiao - ; - 1* e Fail"! O'.' 1 ?: 0 « <.l> nio/ai u ifi .. i . 1 v. < ■ ;v. :.o bC■ j .•:;:. -• ■ WHUom i, Da . a•-.• Other officors oi the ;Uato earn- Mangruiu O FayetUviik. fi Qpf PWP u OUI- yu,f id ilirthhmen pv OR npir.a.- rnHuiiuL ti-vniiLv Elgin Pieiri, Fla. Fite Sold iers were- killed and 2b injun some seriously, co practice bmP . fro-m high flying i.'SAF bo’.nU rr were dropped into tin area wins. they were engaged ;n mafienvi According to U. S An;;,-' .% . ;,,F OfiQ Oil l Amnu-srs mitt oetv.w cratic Cnhcmiii-'i iai Nominee t l V-.err Srolt, ss : \. a spr*.)-- cr a. the iti.liii inerting oi il e newly rent treated North Car fiJina Committer on Negro Afia’-s which was field Moditaj at t- n e 81'ixJworth Street > JiCA. See story on mis page.