PAGE TWO : > • | I jli 1 On The Beam II >.. -V With Gene t ; .m. ' By EUGENE S. POTTS *.*_ j | hG- U your outlook for the wo l,i <i tomorrow, ? :l ! 'e iuiccl v.'-'t.'i n;.opine:?.; pairol and so'iiav, cfeuv-ul- p.tand wo. .v that we do today, ■ '-(‘j tiitif: as '.vc. travel lire’s highway . . . - l::n for action ana not :-.a rruiah talk, J ■ urne to build. up old worn down walk, ' ■ ! do a !!■-. .. 1 ;• ;~, ; ,l '' :i -t: ,, i ; k NOW if V • i.. looking ■future pay . . . " v m is waiting for you T-g; "women and men . . •• ocl ••■iidcr r i pieas.-v don’t pi mend 1 ’ 11 st.i and .. !;;e best you can, ■° ”' :; ils >: ‘ wed 'h''.d It ■ ■. . , young woman and you::-; -J > -.l; o. Liat we na. De-n some//hat relieved, : ‘ oe ‘ ;il a *h'c:tt .e:a- m p )iio. that dreadful disease, ■a no V.. aon t too proud 1o s-'i ;j up a prayer. ’* : ’ ' ~!ii • n ' i ’’ si’-"- '“'"o- :i. II > Oiiidiioce and tender cure . : -' ! ' "i thet •ve 5 ;> to play, ' '■ v ■' •• ' ri.s’> o- it (he jr.rnio at (if*. ? ; ; ' ■ " ■ w- : -’.re o. its hardships an ■■ 'i-'ny rte.-i; my ..rid oil ■ s mem hard, ■o •: > • now w.: i'll i ■ '■'■ o;:rt how to follow through, i : : - sivoci; d the jpiffli- • k per.u>- entirety on you a game where brain . -vs; s brawn. : • ' '• i; a:.: s i.Rt’i'i asc as you carry on, ■'■ "o P y-rkin j.s thucyn and kicked around, ■' u clrnct when sh ir olov; n are able to fond)down - . o; ,j. p. :’:v- trot is played in a court, • ■' f- ' * ’-"'G or..a.uid : i ion "gets your goat'd K • 1J; » 5 X Ov 'Tu.i SO T :UCh OH • *\ S.vS , V, ..J ,<> J..;,. J -, Vi . . .1 » o <::oTt to-st rw}inr<.t pr-nl* of ;;ot^nce and skill, uv». .-!?if j ;\ - to you Mn-va the uigp to ■‘' ' ■■ ■ 11: * - ■" .t* c\ nappy sou.L do i iv. sirekr. > sra aid* to put, tits bail in the hole. ? a: 'e that has won, national .r d i-^crnational suit.?. a’ ; ' a. worn: riui: . tiring t.- suVulue one e R< xkn: Tiro winn.-r tit ■ %vcek is Mr. James Sanders of bit hrr St • A Piece cw.i to 122 1-2 East Second Street.; d>h y, Sept-, m m f' ih b. tween 12 and Pleas-': .'..Rch.l .LAN i !'.’>■ ■ ■('- - .'u bought sari K.-. L.-st verk'r j iwr vrre Mo-,: Kanic? Harding 2304 Booker Ave. ■ aCOND ward tigers V/AMP WINCHESTER . :u y SEASON OPENER BY 'HU. JOHNSON FAIR GROUNDS, Monro- -The ■' Dark Tigers of Charlotte ■ o\v. ihv hapless Wirnor ■ —or- of Moo'i oo here . ■r,v. 33-0. ivi She seasort oj-en ■ less than five of 'he Tiger,, o ion.’Cl backs shared in the seor - - honors as the boy;, at co sch D Garni r rolled uo 326 -yards m orbing end passing niays vviule the hard chaining forward , sparked . j James Brown and Charles Waik < r- -stopped the locals' intense cold. Sc con a Word scored the iost. time owy got their Stands on the bah. Charley Wallace toted the nponiii - uickoff 33 yards to Monroe'. ; 45. 'three cracks a! the hare pat rhe bwi on the Monroe 10-yard line A • ;t ' jn P pass Wa.:inc<- to James Mor ris, was good for the score. Tire 1: v lor the point after failed and the Tigers led 6-0. second st osr.j) Ton rnhiute, l«!c, the Tijfers had iouehdown No. g James Bobinsph, 1 : ”' ri ni "' or. Second Ward full topped off a 65 yard drive wdh a 3 yard jaunt off taokie jui '/‘ c M ’ GJV T;orris rkirted right end a- the <"-vtra point and Second ,v -’ rd v -;- <A ‘ihcad 13-0. Wallace *' • ( f-'Wn rigiiL end fov j 2 weds, crossing the doublc-mro-kor and.';;.:, tor the thid score of no evening Tne try for the point went a*sjry n ~ ’- d '' hair ended with r Tigers out front 19 0, Wcstcoe Goilespio blocked Hav vey Watts’ rant attempt and the' i 1 g-: s were s'i, again . Ovein Steele ».melted right cua d for the final Be Sure To Stop At THE LUCKY SPOT Where Good Friends Alv.-»ys Meet Good Home Cooked Food Served at all Times I 307 E - 7th st - Mr. Alonzfc Belk, Prou. | You May Bun In. Fall In. Walk In, Just Since You Stop In The “STOP IN LUNCH” WE SERVE PRIVATE PARTIES Mr. James Feather-stone, Prop, tilrs. Mary Williams, Mgr. 12/50 Winnifred St. j .-.image Widlace h4t Moi ri? over it.' --- -1 lines for the extra point. Seeonij Ward i< 26*0 lend Swift Katlianiel Barbour gave the Inca! followers -: :w.-tf:ing to cheer . bout when In- personally conduct. ed a chive at od for 40 yard®, with "ime nifty *, turning. Monroe's hone whs shot t-ilv-s. however Haywood Slovens ’nun - eepteol Barbour's long pass, offend ed !\ a J i.'lil; - o'i'ii;. arid SCO'S led brio o : - th< lioid 10 yards before be was knocked out. of bounds by Alfred Broadway. This ended Monroes - iily offensive thrust of the game Sin.-i :!y afterwards, Stevenson got Tiger.-' fimi’i score An ii yard ran around his own right end oia the damage. Robinson bulled h’.s way ever right guard for the b>t after -nd ibe scores were. 33-©. VTATHMH S S \V >i Firrt Downs 13 1 Met Yds. gained rushing 272 34 F’-.'ri oass-es iitterm-f.ed li 2 - Kwd. p.-isi-i s completed .... 0 :Yd ■ .tiiicd fwds :,J -- Fvd passes iiitficp by . . ] () Y.t* run back inter passes 10 11 Average Punts 0 30 i'.iial "s a-, ali punts rtd.. .'0 0 • p fumbles rerovered 1 0 Vos 1 1 . : nennliies . 35 is ECONO KARO (33) Kuci Johnson, Wright, Hrnni pan, Mason ruckles . Brown. Almond, prti.i . Irby Guard;- -• Harris, Torrence. Dial. SECOND SECTION IT \m r THE TOWN ... 11 BY EUGENE S. POTTS I ' Mim. Crcola Aichmor- has re j turned to her home at U 35 rore.-t I Street. Daring her stov ho Now i V ork City :;;Huy socuus ivpre giv j i -'n .in acr honor, vutf.n.ndiuK | iiviorif.; then: v. 0,, , .-'erp' ise iiict!o• j • party o the hiune of Mrs : bio i)avn of S2H V\ t t l-i'hu i hi root. New York City. Pruf. Eddie* Ji . is visiting • 1 his parent-- a’ 144 J.,>/k-;on T,’ )!■' jiiil ictuineu -.' iii r.n oigi t week tour of. Cuba, Wr/l Indies. i ! Haiti He i: led Dr A K '•.'.■••abango, At-n an Printv. H o Ij. ■ f Oxford tlriivor.'lty in an pv;.- : ,. hvc -tudy or. llf on the tour V- eng wil- remain at '• mil T Code ■: tii.i: ii ■ rue r.eiiool yt.-.-r : , Hi '49 and will i -rituuie to .i . . r.r! Di . Nyaimngo v.'h.n j - h< ad oT 'O,o Hoc.a! Science !)<ti.\-o ■, •,;; t .!> Myodairigo recei '.i> s«- 1 up a ciui, .o ■■ 0 j: -i-.o Aiph . phi -\lpiu Fivioe • . tfy at Kinston, .J -u. dec Fii ;ii. h, ' Indies'. Prof lec is ■ merr.i « • oi the Alpha Ph: Alpha l ■ i ; a'< roe c On las' Sunday night, !nc (.-Titer- i 'Mihi.o’o •>! Club Suiiuov joined Mr end '.‘.l -\ii i■■■ o 1 A-' o' k. o■; in ; 0/ eoiebi it ion of Mu. Mat-kins’ bht!,- ' dip. T’iC’ii,t.'ied \vor f - Mi.o Earlir.p oivok '-:; Dukt vvi’.-H*. pianist. «•. •Tenor. voiuuH, F,d',\'an.l Watts • vst'-cihiii ai.d your rchribe K.ncee. IO 1 1 . V1 I AIR Hay Vtillin'” Mos- ..ud h - 12 oioo. nrchcs'li'ii h,,ve ju o 1/ i. o-; ■■ cJ ’•- rn .- works' pt •. torn ; r'-'.t-y .ve.i at Club ,ui . : i'ii i!ici.; N ( and a!- n .I die Piiit tig ‘ ‘‘hi. of F-'ieoeo. S. C j rht:y are '■■■') y.o . Sht-by, ,T C. to! ; : one --.rrk stay a> thv iWhite) - r ill 11; i : i if tic i'day iiie '.or icand -land a; well .s oi her ' '/o' '■ ho -'aar.i r,: eo ill.; lob be,, en- I Robert Lewh HaYrit-osi retuaiod 1 Liu. .-Jo ACfiii-'rnv. Coriduy. -oh . With. He a 00 ruber of the -eni<-i o-i; ord Ha 1 fisor., ,h . o'- 00 :t I,vide, is a si. ,0 Set end '-V High S--I.O' ! This very popu i o : ■’■. \ : kt'/ ,i h r-ijio'iy a e.udent of Lincoln Avail my. She ■ n<wv rcsitiing wun the mother at nor husband, cdr- Ham sen of 621 B .ld'A in Avenue. Wi!,ie Ca-.-cll of Cuarlo-tv died Friday rnor-oim ;.3u A. M i-.i Carso, had bet-tt very ill over peri- d of one yi ,1 Hr died ~! his heme al 403 South Mt err S'roet Mr. Ca-u-.o! was funerall/.cd Sunday. September 20. at the >.■■ uv-’ijde He leaves a wife, ivr • ididicn, his mr-tuci. out- aunt uuci ho,: of relative, ami fmub: Mrs. A’laiue Ancrurr of X- ■•/ York City imried Th i , r 17, nt 3.30 I*. j\J Iron*! li.o Grlei Th<;y;v-: ;r, n Funeval F,r • r She is the neice of Mi George Jones and .Mr Robert O'-i glass nt this -city Dr. J. v y Eir.lth pastor of Seventh Sfrcdt :rt s;.yi.c-'ia-i ana H- - Humpbt". > i First Baptist were in charge cl hie funeral sfcrvieos. ( ARRSER LOSES MOTHER ; Mrs, Nannie Cathey ol' Newell's 1 Station wa> buried Yvetinerdav, 1 September lath after services at i Torrence Grove AME Ziou chinch. She died of a heart attack Sumiav, September 12. : She was the mother of five chis - drat, three sons and two daugh ters. who are the following: Mrs. Patsy Kimball, arid Miss Bessie Mae Cathey. William Cathey, CAROLINIAN Cm rier; Clyde and Paul Calhev. 21 grandchildren. it*or j . c . seat grandchildren, and a host of ' relatives and friends. SCHOOL FfUTNCIPAI I' A SSI ; Mrs. Louise Haywood of 511 North McDowell Street parsed. Monday September 20. at Gviori ; Samaritan, Mrs Hay-void v ' principal of Billing:;--ilk- F.leirie - : l ary School iGriertowni of this ■ city. , The widow of the late Press Hay* . wood, was a very active member it -hr Fiv,t Bapt-rd Church of i.hi-.- : city. | She* is survived r.*v a suder and | one son, Fletcher Haywood of Ra ! leigh. N C ( Hi Ri ll M3S j Woman’s Day is Sunday, Septem ber 2fi. Rally Day will be observ ■ d that day and on the folio win ft , Sunday we will start u iiu: our ! new curriculum literature. j Mrs. Klva M. Patten is a patient , n the Good Samaritan hospital. Mrs. A Maxwell had a painful j accident Ja-t week, ■ J. R Ross visited relatives | Pittsburgh, Pa , and other points I north, recently. | Miss Louise Wilson is visiting in • Washington and Baltimore. : Jones. j Center Walker, Keith i Backs - Morris, Wallace, Carter. Robinsr®. Stevenson, Gellespic., Phillips. Steele. Ross. WINCHESTER (0) Ends Robinson. Thompson. Bar bour, Paul keener. Tackles Nixon. Ahbrooks. Win nifred, Alien. Guards Robinson. Johnson, Davis, Peterson. Centers Broadway, Hutlev Backs Barrett. Blakeney, John- I on. Barbour, .VlcCisrit;, Cain. Etiis, McKenzie, nij a nr ATTF Lto/iliLy 1 IE SPOTTING & JOTTING t! Ci■:i:c*i ’. >• * and -..-f the lim-ri ,■,,f, n i-| the . Cari-imui h; re, .;• on t!u f nil. lleautifully -decorated, air c-n-'iifton*-) mu moden; in i- ~pc.-t. El Chi -■.> it located at 304 5. Me - D-'Weil S< T-II:' "UF t'<• tiTum: '••<•,1 H, i-xvn- ct L-y Ed s In • 'gram, who fY.nneidy operated at o»2 E, 2nd St Alonz". Be.ik, own, oi the Luc ivy Sp..)t. ! -r ts J at 807. K 7tli ! s h is really in khe grove. Opr.m i irorF WFK h-:urs the many pa h rai. find tiicnuCv''- n o to-..; e >■■(' .wv { sandwiches un-.l i cooked home food at the Lucky Spot. Mr. Belk is v«-r.v ably assisted by iiis lively wife, Mrs. Flc-rcneti i.-lk. and Mr and Mis Grier. You have mi..sod many. ir. .. - ihmb it . have failed w Grr GAYLA GAY GAL-- :n ionoitin" irnpe;son• ■ : have been packing ’em i.n durijig the reason at lovely Misa Hare line Lawrem; .. ]•' • • Si. Boei Garden. o-itstand,mg yc <.-)ast, Hdild,; Exotic Danoe:), D- • ; lores Shako Dan.;:, Superb Tap ; >an , . (Fine; a. Qu< >-'n c-1 Eomod.v (Sandra), Fanroim Bh.c- Sanger fKle w' ), F.-iir.-uf L'ant-or iDiann*;) Gu< t ; ii.t from D C mill mo:-! ■•■eoai. < ai t' .-t Alia Matin* 11, 11. li-.m D. C- (wim ..row the w lunioi.s ! St, !.n;i';,s I.GcKTv' PO/npri;;‘J the (Hi! ’ i-ri: J; r. 15 f { v‘3a i rav Girls, incorporated. * ' ' ' I j;>O«‘KL-er Nt t* :C p! Tt! •, f(• • J !,t» v > OUt>lnndif3ci - i‘Uu)., . tin- v 1 iii* i-;< P; s h 1 1-1: p;) . > *’*!{ 3 png .-"rummer gvux - •;<-J in :. 1 ,)- tj]>iave' and \ or:*3- list oßxi many nine • j ur; m musk‘ as *.ved • : as t h*' ti' • 1 . ; "1 . • , PmpflO -1 i’ll I ;,iw :r.;j ‘‘SiT' t ti - ... < , She house iv(iy Tip: ,dr*v >'■ - ; ■ : .! \ :;;*t, iV r ; ghn> at LAW• KFXCF/S BFEJ; GARpES. ; When you warn to haw o ~ 0,1 rirnc. and tny.t out what it k' : all '‘about jusi go ovy: t,, ("13 X Meld--'.'relJ St. and mi- Br-’thcT ' M oot. henry l-.-.ey, ooitcr kno'.vn a M-;-oi. op-u-ite-: n-.-w strcanilined case over First W -rd Way. He is ably assisted by his charming i wife, Mrs. Henry I. Icy \ (s tlie> i-ol? the CAHOLLNIAN, vc-ur news; paper. i r.e T.i Stale • : Tcttrnoinwit got ,• frte ;; e e o ,f ~) ar! Thms cay niorniaig ai the '.-Ir erk.-ws Brook Golf The first bat’ : - vras driven by Mayor H. 15. Baxter and Chief f Police. Mr. F. - Littlejohn was aGo on. * .nd to lend dignity to the hisu-iy madmg event. .; Ral 'P h Alexander, wanner M sh.- NC. Vs Tournament, is ex- : . ? u - -ded to come through in grond style. However, hr v. oh h a v - pienty of competition The tournament is spoivmi- i f-v the Execl ■ sior CJuh Incorpmcled o; which J. H. (,H>mnie) Me"K’"<" is manager, 1 ‘ ■ ,Vl '■A'"*'*) Martin is tournameht chairman, .Tmy assedeu by L A (Pop) Wanier. A. J Hamm: mis, outstanding promoter of Giecnsboro, N. C... i was the city during the wee} md c. HanuiKnids, known from coast tr coast as a vny successful protawte-, r-lans to present some j . record breaking foot K-i!: events ‘during tni> season I a>king about l.jotbail Charlotte,-ms certainly' cot more tha’i ■ i Brooklyn Do-igei's u-.-wi over the local professionals The Clippers by ’* ' 163t0 711 v *’as stated Urn. the (.'Uppers weren’t so bad, | but the Dodger;: just had cn<- of their best days, Wo stg think and also know that the Clippers are a fine bunch i of Pigskin Handlers. The Humming Birds, radio and -daw «,•):•-.<, me with other • gnvit muskui groups fucM rm-d .. Jim program ; ,t the Armory Audi tmium Sunday. September ifit:a Lovcdy M)M-Naomi Baxter Vo cnlHt and pianist of A- gusta. Ga , stole the show as guest artist. ’ Miss Baxter besides her own unique style and technique, als - Junior at Johnson C. SmPh U . transferred from Prune College.’ Aug d.-es i fine “Rosetta Tharpe” interpretation. This young artist, a ■ ' •“’ st *‘ G: '- Sh: 1S vGth hri relatives, Mr. and Mrs- Sara . Lin ton of 1001 E. 7t.h St., city Basfiball also held its own in the city Sunday, September 1 Pth .Quite a nice grandstand saw the Chari- Ate-Asher ilk- Blues defeat I the Rs’cigh Tigers at Griffith Park -by a score of 7 to 2. The bat- ; - i"ry for Raleigh wr re Hartwell and Morgan, and Charlotte Asheville I'liii,-:: were Fleming, (Famous Clown Peanut) Davis, and Charles (Hunkie) Parks. , n '^ rr ''rl(ms -bid. was played for eight innings. Cooper, Char. Ache. -Lous, J,-d the flatting attack with 3 out of 4, one double and two - singles. Tay u>t, 2 out oi 4, ati iple and a single: Chas. (Hunkie) 1 jiks had out of 4, 2 singles. For Raleigh, Barbee had 1 out. of 4. a double Summary Raleigh— 2R, MI, 1E; Charlotte Asheville i Blues- -7K, 10H. IE THE CAROLINIAN I i'l a- ''AV-' sf#wß r % WW V " 4 1 r k. —•*- v ■** FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCTIBER 3 TO 9 | OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS I '§ ROY (Flat-Tire) MASON and his | 12-PIECE ORCHESTRA I Contact The Mason Office i| I 731 Beatty's Ford Road Charlotte, N. €. 8 SECOND SECTION RED INSTRI MENT l X'lifiOC K, rex as (ANFI ; the proponed fair 'rnploj ment prarlicrs art. if p., ed. would malrr a formidable weapon of dfi'fii'e for r.inuriiitfists in the | ( nit i’ll States, according to <«ov Stiom Lhurmotul prcsi dentiul candidate of the state's Fighters party here las: week. The gubernatorial head of Souiii Carolina was speaking before a political meeting. ' !iy clamoring for their rights under the Ft:PC. {he Common ‘s*s "ill force their agents and saboteurs in every ino! and die room, every machine shop and fverv industrial plant and lab j oratory, atomic or otherwise, in America," be said He held {bat the r.illrd, right;; program" of Pi, dent Truman was made up of s he very measure,, which shad (i *'us Stevens eonceived in his hatred of the south, t'ofov, ing •he war between the fades. " When congress passed the 1 haddeus Stevens program, the u perm r court promptly de clared the legislation nticonsti ■ idtional even in (fie atmos phere of reconstruction. and upheld in alt its vigor the doc trine oi slates rights." PERSONALS *'** Ms’s \ee Morrow. Sr., ( h-*ve rotunsod to their home, U7 K. Vumcc after a vacation it; Cali- I fort? I a . Mr bud Mr.. \v tlfo Aicxanrh'v ; 'f 317 N. Long S!r,;e? have the ; mother of Mr Aif-xah/iCr as the a house j^uosf . She with ‘hum Sunday. Scpiemhf r ]9f,h. at ; l.aMle Kick AM IT Zion Church T.’-e new t.'.viu';-:., are welcome U) Chorion.-. : ,|.d the edro-.r of the Charlotte itevrs, Huougti the cAn - OLINJAN -.vishi.'i. for ~ V c>v :fui rehori] vest Mr and Airs Kd. .Smith of fifoi East 9th .*•«*- * • have reform"! to the e>fo aife> a Ifoeelhv foe jp Cab Ifc-rnia. Antony th. namy ff.-,■ r ! <ig affair g vrn : - Kv- oin of lhe late Mi . "Shuck" Dixon, form eriy of this City. Mr- Mary Williams of ;■>:{ Torn roiO.oi Aveion ■. viotrr, eelativ« ■ trui hunch o’ i ivinnifred SC Dv ro) Mr.;;. Mnceo Brown us Winn a Wee! db-d many friends and K-lonvf-r are always glad to Mis:-- Etimre' Harding of 2m Bookni Av; ns : ify ho- .cfomed to Bon: i a College. Greeivooro, N C M .-.r Harding ;■ a rnembet of th-- Junior Ola : land, S C Mrs Kay Vfo.ei.:;, die char,: i,,.- Wife of Officer Ray Bocfon i- now ‘ieeretuvy at Myers S' reel Eiomon~ LEAVER IV ms FMELB: Sir, Perry l. Julian Dr, Julian is Director of Re search and Manager of Fine Chemicals. Soya Produce Division, (he Glid den Com pany, Chicago, He is holder of JO 11, S. patents; author of many scientific articles and hooks: member of numer ous scientific societies. He is former Professor of Chem istry at Fisk, Howard and DePauw Fdiversities, ami West Virginia State College: member of Phi Beta Kappa, holder of Doctor of Philos ophy degree from ion ver sify of Vienna. He is well known as a civic leader. V tv!* j. m * *ijL Jp! JBB» w pp -.<» LEAm-tt MX ITS VIELD— MtELH'lfirS PfSP&t-VOLA . ’ Jppi«4 Here’s America’s biggest cola value- Pepsi-Cola ! No finer cola at any price --yet you got two fuil glasses in the big, BIG twelve-ounce bottle! Think of it —that’s twelve full glasses you got ir. a six-bottle carton of de licious Popsi-t ola! So take borne a carton today! NO FINER COLA AT ANY PRICE/ stwwißMMKi WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER :t>\ 1048 MEMPHIS lANP) The u o'o 01 n rioluesneri for Negro dlcric the eity ’• to he giver a trial. :>c ; cording to City Consmimoner i Boyle he.c week Hoyle said j -he POiic df pa: iment would begin • taking aprd'.eatioiis •'unmediateiv ! iv; order to select qualified men lev 1 training ; Ino deer-ion to experiment wHo She use 0 f Negro policemen fol lowed a duublebai relied campaign cn the pari; of the Commercial .Ap peal. local white daily, and Negro - ,; 'dt r-in Ok eitv The latter hod petitioned the mayor and police eornnigamnei to; the employment o' colored patrolmen after a series of incidents involving Negroes and white policemen and ctilminaUne . ihr Sidling of a can; several weeks . Boy?-. who conferred wHii Mas nr Pleat-ants cn the mi v«-. g ;t < h" will perxottally make a four of ’’ pt’bsen;alive citii-s y-,,, south I i’Cc-r ; ■ cir 'Negro officers ia ettulv '■ ’ o.'Mi'c'd' es supervision and *c, cheek cm the Commercial Ap >'■'"’l-; repo;; {has iheir u age «:• , eonfribioyar n good deal towavcw ; rev and order. lie raid that a.pphr.’ijst s tot ; - wish the police department ■'■ ’’ baeo had a high so': 00l ccldrcr; ' lPn : Paw a rigid physical exam ; inotion. r ( > nocA-oned as Jo cfituat-- ! 'r. jtf.rsorallity and background ’ w-cric requirements are the some Be ivhifo applicant.*, Boyle cl ;0 three-man Negnw ctniupitdee i . which' a eluded Lewis <). V.' : V VV Berr'rr'm 7,7"7. 'P ‘W >’ ;. Mr !rw!i)il' I! I : ■ Church, had ihis si eg tii'-n iVlemphi:. h.-e; mat had ray Nr-;; -'- officer') since 1920. Two vere gPorincd to wr>r-} ( in »he Negro eye-: 1 One. 'till living. was' Alai! hr 'Aa-('!;r" 'A'iiiiam.«, ■- dead, a:- Readers oi the- (.'yrnfinirtn Are A * wav* Welcome «» j CHARLOTTE’S VETERANS CLUB ' •Mr. Harry Goins, Mgr, i f,.. tth ’ ( jharloUc, N, f? Be Sure To Sloj: At MOOT’S NEW PLACE GOOD FOOD, DRINKS OF ALL KINDS. And A Service [hat'.- Fine Mr, Henry (Moor) Islay. Prop, 61.3 N. McDoweel! St, . ' ' , ■ "" ■' s jfv w ’ M vv- m m >m . fa / *#*] //: if ' fir f J ' C. iurmr-TiT"' i rn r" 'i nn-rr i—mrnrrnmr iiinm ii hibiii ■ninna—ivi in..-, nmmj CiiICAGCi i ANp) - A 43 year tld rw..vr'ed deacon was arrstfod here last week on charge-; of al • tacking the r*-,i-! ; and eigrst year 1 oh! daughters of n pastor. The iir.-con. Herbew Cooper i f the v/or id lawn Union Bapt ■ t 1 church, has idmitt.rd hi., guilt, ar fording to DctccUvo Hugh McNct *■> of Ihc Woodlawn police. He i . iurcu eil lit taking indecent iiber iic- viith lie., two chiidrer:. and ad vising others t-> commit a crime f the,', did not obey him. Th- sfrx biu' A' the slate’s at torney's oft ice also reported that Cooper had > fc-sed. it said that Cooper had been fined in d -car on -i miner -ex charge. Coopc,- was discovered In his act by two boy.-; w o vrere in the twer.-h o* th. ting One of. the boys rati home and fold his father -what was p-inr on. and the father uuUud police, One of thr yn' s ihi that C'.'opcr told him to do something to "w of tin- girir The boy, sever. i-'M. -aid: If I didn't do ii, fie v.l-2 me re would idle my' ears off." ’he .‘e. gills said .Irri -Mo dca ■ .•.!) 'ihiigrfiisd iw l-.Hc our cars off if we did net do what he told us it; i the basement of ihc church." Besides being a deacon. Cooper ; ' reooricci to :■ : the janilor nf the -buren. too id •Ur - did not reveal 'bo name? of the victims cb -'O' two others who conic w in foreo ii; T[)2t). ' idiot; j,t George W lay. O'led aiifiwv and hiMorian, in his a >''k "hie:go Street." Jr.cix' were cd’hi uniformed Negro policemen w Memphis prior io the yellow ; .ague epidemic of ISvS This nur,:- ber tats increased curing the epi gt-m if whig) two No giro militia com- Blaiujfii' (.fiilowa\ Is i fas>|>\ (.all* I load 'A ysihbGTON - A F> Blanche l xikmay. -a-An of *he world fa u"u- Cab. and i.ew"! 1 ' i band leaa;s!H d nijvr Io manage 'he Clue Caverns in ib, : Sown mid watch o'ci-.r folk that rough fo«d A. in ■■ . « ■ e0..-,-.ig uunc >up :■ ■’ ruc«-r'i- ; - wb; pci a break With f.U; i

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