WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SED'I'EMB-ER dhy, It) 18 PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS BITS OF NEWS The Rev. T. Caution of the Na tional llq in New York preached at St. Joseph Sunday inornui; . September 12 Frank Daniels an ula resident and esteemed citizen of Fayette ville was buried a! the Mile Brunei, cemetery September 13. (.'apt fily of Gary, Indiana and First Lieutenant Shufier of Berkley Calif., are now stationed at Fo. t Bragg They \v-.e rtationea at Bragg in 1940 and ISM; The 503rd A B. A A. t M:t has several new officers in atidttiu'. to Captain B’y and Lieutenant Shaffer there are Lt. Ru£<-el 'l Barger of Atlantic City, N J . io)merly of the 76th C A and Lt. John E Ale Darnel of Rock 1G md, 11l tormerly of the 77th C a Mrs Paine R Covington and daughtet Miss ivh-iy Fdizabcth Covington, entertained at a brnnen periy at hei new hntne on Ray Avenu * honoring hur m Ter-ir. laiv, Ivi r 5 .William Covington from White Flam* N Y and Miss Stajjie Mae Hudson who was a sub stitute for Mrs. Newson .vno is di rector of the YWCA Service Conti: on cornei of Moore and Ramsey Streets Others attending were Miss Helen McNeill. Mesdames J H Lewi-, Milton Gainy. James M Gill, C. M Haithman. Calvin Huffman. William Bellamy of■ Philadelphia: E and Joe Davie The living room and dining roam wen- thrown en luite and decorate*:! throughout with a profusion of mixed sum mer flowers Miss Covington wei | ED. FLEISHMAN and BROTHERS FAYETTEVILLE'S LEADING MEN’S STORE 107 HAY STREET CAROLINA RESI*AU RA N T WE INVITE YOU TO THY THE CAROLINA ONE TIML 123 PERSON STREET SPECIALIZE iN CHICKEN. STEAKS, BAR B QUE SERVICE WITH A SMILE THANK YOU FRED HARRINGTON. Pia K . I - f iwim ~T|y- j Tr- •-«.aw~MBTTiWr #•-«??. . - nvcsrff'-ißr* ■*- wws-nMW' ~™ V POINT GROCER Y too MURCHISON HOAD GRADE A MARKET Proaen Food# Gsrdan Fresh Fruits and Vegetables DIAL 2036 . - ‘ -gyiifMli'iTimrKWiß •»«~<lf<' , flMSli ir **~ J, *“- 3 * ia -~- uiinaim.. I - , r , Jack’s Snack Shop best hot dogs for ten cents in town WINES BEER 213 HILLSBORO STREET JACK PHILLIPS Prop, Sell Your Tobacco in Fayetteville For The Highest Prices AND BUY YOUR FURNITURE For The Lowest Price AT MARKET FURNITURE COMPANY 401 HAY ST. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. BUY YOUR FARM MACHINERY TRUCKS AND REFRIGERATION AT M & M TRUCK AND TRACTOR CO. FAYETTEVILLE PHONE 5111 or 5112 corned the gue; tr in the living loom and Mrs. Covington intro duced her trl.-nds to the out of town Gtones were played during the moriiv.ig and ice bev * era'ges ser-. t.*d throughout the y.cji.c At twelve o clock the guetts were served a delightful buffet re | past. Mr Mefei G. Williams ha re ! turned to In-' nome in New Bet a after visitin'* her son and daughun in-la. -, h and Mr- Philip W. Gainy ol Philadelphia, Pa . also friends to Brooklyn N Y Mrs. Etlft Mae Moore ha? re t uned: alter visiting her sister, Mrs. i Carrie Smith of 1760 Cocoraii Si... N W Washington D C While there - ut- war dtntier y. u. .. 1 of Mir F'.tbeJ G Anderson, 1766 Willard Street. N. W . also Mrs Ancler i-.on’s mother. Mrs Meta G Wil liams who was a week end 'gueit n-i anted from New York qttd Phil* ideiphin on her way home to Fay etteville . Tin.* inembr-;; . t Evans Metropo litan C mu ch ws-re glad to have their Bishop and hi;, vile. Mrs. E B Watson with them Sunday, Sept. 1.7. Tiie Pulpit Aid Club cf Evans .Metropolitan Church met at tic home of ,\lr;.. Docia Blackman Monua.v night, September 13. A nice me.-ting was held. At the close refreshment? were served. Mr; Vivian Haithnrian is president. A!.- • MildiiU Hoskins is fecretar; The lreitid- of Horace Feguron v.ci-' ci.ni io :c e him ai i.-huec-e Sunday September 12 IT 8 H TJTimrjl'pT TTf T s f“*l .Jl JFjj, jt JLs JL JL £l \r II | ■«- iJLi TOWN'S SCHOOLS BAN ANTI-RACE HATE BLOTTERS CTCARLOTTESVILI ,E Vu * i A.NP) A rocjii-- ,* of the Jurtu*: : Chainbti of Commerce to J distribution of American "H i.t .Racial Hate" biottei- in the jiuoi,. school wa turned down I v 1 | bermarle County board in its monthly scryiun SeptenibP!’ 4 i Tiie board passed an tn« ■iriitn wish the expansion that il fell that; "the people who receive tin blot ter would attach iimitieol ■ igiue cance so their distribution Because of the* po.-dbilil.v ol p-di jiica! implication in Mir- distribution of flu blot lera the beard concluded hi it? r>- elution of the request that "this boa id dec] me to grunt ro quet for distribution of raid biota i : i.-"i. count i ,in In a statement for the Junior , Chamber of Commerce, James ivi Barr 111. its president said "it j* regrettable that those who aiv in charge ol the educatin', t! :■ o ■ hiidien, in this cate the Alb. i marie County ;;choc*l board have rcfu-c-.i In allow t: e- ;inrat:uioil ■ 1.-ii.iv: ~- of America to Xour!'> m pi cpr-r ly Gar blotter- . 'inq.fiisi. \* a.- i -r and is aof no -.v a poUu, M * am - pkign I: i- riti educational piograiii and one which n-j. i-epn non .t nationally t-v the Vailed eta’-- lima*, Chamber of C -mmeic.- t.. fiCip stop bigotry i,,iiitolerr.im ;iii America. PERSONALS M. Nellie Allen and I ,■■...*. HaUvc-ed mo'.oicii io ?.la "n.- \-i 1 ;• . Va . io visit Mi: Allen's race? and : nephew, Mr? Kane Hsn; ion .% ■■ f . Edward J os, e s and had :: j.dcasaii t hip Mr and Mrs. Hair-ton cele ••••i a'.ed their 15th armivei sary <.:t Sunday Mr Joseph Y i- v:-:Us. ; - es is. 8i...-a- :y a. N Y Sc! James Hiiir.;.: hi ev aa-t Pie ; Sciimnn Hill of the ijbot atory and i f■ I I.* :‘UJI V ■pec-livf-ly. .re- able t,, j-,e is,.; ai , r undergoing minor 'aeration- at hr, ratal N>. 2 I'*,;’, Bra € ',s Airs. Robbie Arm Wusia ims ..- turned to the city afre: -pe;.:tu .evcial reeks n. 1U aim i’la at the ty. i•' oi hei son Robbie vV V. . She was accompanied hr,me by : grand daughter Miss I> irothy G Wr.cht, a recent ttraduaie v-i Tal i iadega College Till and Mi- j C C i sit n, >: or,-d to Chadbc.urje to *-.,*,- the.r dune liter. Vs t . M irv <'! ok wo.- teach and coach * a ts- 1 bull learn, Ti-iv were o.e-m.par.ied by Mrs Juanita S.'-.eatt auugntet <4hii-]ey Mi- Klim Gil ivi ci .-f Bl n-K-he... G«i Is the t fd sl-.ter m i brother. M•.- ih ,n, , <"rur.*p snd Willhitn Gill ■■} th'O ihikiidse A-., fiet '.,■)• I ft::, lo V,: i v:- ' o:.- ot'ner sitter Mrs ?*s:a MoNhar ,1 Wilmington. Ms- ' l'h-or.-e and pi :u.-'t-' Os. Thotn.i; .1 Ihveaif have .c -si•• e. ■*'■ till- chy -i I tel ’V'-.i'.mg U.iallves i ar-d frii'nd- in Riciur.on.d Va M> - : Eugene and Charles : Josc-y have totULia-.-i t , the o'. v» fI r i : J.ff-'fivliP' 3 Ihc SUIJ.-riHl Wm.hmg'oii. D C. .Vlis Aurusne Payne aacit ot ; Then-a Payn;- pa- •. ,j S. p'eu.U ; ! 16 and w.i- Uu i«x'l Scptcmbei 20 at St Jo -tv i t’hui'S' The !'{, .. P, F Hit-:• a • ndu.-;,.i; the mm : - ic-rs. Co. J Os the if r, Air bo ia. h-t. Rept. moved n- Athmti.- fie... , September IT „iai .' ill spend one , ‘.veei-: Ebert seeteatii.ia jamaicarip Stymied B\ SIOO.OO Fw In Move To Liberia KINSTON Jamai. .* tAl.'i* new. f .fiai,o.il ha. >■id ... adde-.l o> 'he gwernment us Jm tne plan for native emtgiaf'i.n to i ib it-ria fan week Just p, t ,e, -u v'-hi-duted to leave h.-i week , ready Ui. : o.v mnoat imp d a! !U u deposit ~i cearj $ !*j(i t s r.e i emiLiriht T'lu first group fa-' Li hO'l ai I |-;, -- I 1 ( . | p,j t , , did not have to make *u-h si, i posit WANTED; .NEWSBOYS Calv. 5 V Roofing, Extra Heavy 7\ B’, 9\ 11’, 12’ 10 Gal. Automatic Hos Water Heaters $19.95 $2.61 per aq. Saving on 210 lb. A aphalt Shingles Regular $7.50 Value, $4.89 15 LB. ROOFING REGULAR $2.25 at $1.45 PER ROE! S 5 LB. ROM. ROOFING REGULAR $2 75 at SI.BO PER KOI !. 65 LB. ROLL ROOFING - REGULAR $3.25 at 52.10 M'.K KOI.!. 50 LB. MINERAL SURFACE REGULAR $3.75 at $2.75 PER ROIJ. OUTSIDE WHITE PAINE REGULAR $5.25 at $4.00 PER GAL. MANUFACTURERS ROOFING COMPANY 1019 Person Street At River Bridge FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. &KCOND SECTION - .1. J. o ,1 11. .1 MsuLmm wm Wm J j j-i J YOUR- GAME WILL 0. - v '■ . ; ; OVER T 00... if VOU CS..J y ww* ■ 11 iin«muimiminn nn nf SLGKSJG GA. REPUBLICANS HEAR TRIO BLAST DEMO. LEADERS ATLANTA, o'.. cos of Republicanism i,,y hear.J :u Georgia -m... . (!.. ol tiv i. ite- Hi n i> l ’ Si;,: i ' S* . : I.U * . tilt- vV/'t-a! .‘..il* t Eapt : t i.Ymii » Frida v rii-ght, v. h-.x; John i". K. - e 1 W .l:Ti 1■: 21,i, t* l i.lu -s - Mart in. i. L ■ .jp-i, j*,. J r.ai.uia;. L. audi.-nc-e of fa iiv than 150 U that the aiv-'.1 1. .); of th, N.;, ~. m An,. ~*'., I , flit- bint hug , ij i ;' 15 • : 11 Li H *1)! i-■ il -** t ' i 11A i! \ til Hit v uth. The-* *hi«-Ttitt>T Has ri:,i red J?, Tt(i• Fulton Fi-iiiO . lie lUJOlic ali i_ feiii'j i*. at.L 4t 9 ili/uili/ 0 1 i; dl ;vi-. T., pi.it { p in t].< •lV \v~ ♦*y «■ -1 ui: •> j irt h l tort he umi n l . , • «- 1., . t ; j •... . ‘ , »nee that ii» ' ager < ou!d die , K ir. ; roc soi C\eo g.x .* v p*. -<1- > I:*e J;beaded \.. f, #tti* tout. , Dudio- Martin procoedod ?. . iamb.:;.» th. i:<l» : » • iJ.-al Ro >■ <■ \< i? J'*l . il. Ic ‘»i VV ’ML.-Gil i }it io, •ur »• u'iTionS' Hr MO : ly.ii.fcM F.d;: Hr *.•?«'{ • • aJo.imst•dto-.o lb . 11- Jo ..pi Tid It tilifOi Cioli t.i l »iot pi J '. ‘. i f;‘* i ifi I Tit ■f>■, j i, j and j'U'i il. mg y-i.lhhg t . sp.-iid uin dm:.- !., J i-,u! the apuin.-.t tin < . :J ;jr.'u.ticv- oi tt; race !,a: iJ. v ,j i.,- ..oiling P - idi m J m's int mvii : irt'.-* E'-.Tvu'i , -. dead, he- ■ pr • is- it.- !*•' hr ! tins 1.1ii.l i the real reel h, . ruii.: ,*: the safe Parker Radiator Repair SKop GASOLINE nr.R VICE STATION AT rAYPTTr:VILLL CITY LIMITS ON MURCHISON ROAD / F''' ! Likboro Street / " X ', ;;; SF.RVH E STATION ! . 50! Hillsboro St. ; f T - >G\ - • P - A rPLCIALIZING IN . . . /• ?,{/ ■ ' « ONOf lJ I KOL'U*. 1 > - i M J EK f WASH INC *&**'-<$ ’ « i * Kl xS1 1 lN ( ‘ SVRV 1C L / \ ' * Pi. P tip and Delivery Service .VV PJG y j | Olcn Gerald and Sons. Props. THI'J CAROLINIAN paign. Thurman L. Dodson, president Nrdii'.xitii i.Lu •. , .ut.t-ald ii,.- DuUkr.cct hut he i'i- n.,t ii/kiiti. them to vote tor De-.vuy I',, V, e.-ll Ln'iua.ri ii.i.i J.'iit , b.it he • ~n?--d tiit-ivi to vote foi Dca ~..- ~, ..la.-;- t:. r:d of c.ori'ir live iifeii...,:. -t- th termed th i -Vu. . ■ it. ij..,. 1 .i 1..-.!-- 1j.d1.-d ;•> R:-ui ill. 1 ius- el: 1 lien no e.d the Ilk. ][.. :; „ J.'h. ,! .ii: c i Gyht ,‘ff- tin. .Old .-atled Up 11 the v.id, not khohs!' J.:--; i n'i.iMjUah * • 1 ' * . 1•. t f Jf. . I •.. ; Mi.-e , ill ieS pr. 1 * - I i r. f,T i ii,: d i. the staiMjj-H Ofarer of ih n--,v,o,'.:it:e party, he i-; the fai'f rnv.::f. da no so da triu ■ f hi a... te: .hi i ail id u.- hiM.-.v v , j jij :■ 1 i-ei, ’h;- Nr pro .* .. idu-:- . nd JvJ. ,D;,-i ,n. N U \Ol s\W il IN THE f < UiOi 1M VN I HANK YOL! |l|fc YOUR SCRIBE fiv FREDHICK I BtVHHS ; s One ot the best eases of lemonaey in action v ■>• shown here i.o! v-et-k v, lien the HuituClub in body it-b ted the nev N gi<-. I hospital tii av under construction, on Mo >n Street i say m mo.;. -cy :m rau.se when a, white man makes an open pit--, fur , any Nr-,;; Jr- title hi* ei labeled by some cheap politician a Negro lover, ami tout ed jp.tt t'te.m a dillotvni view point by his fellow men Knowing these things t.> be true, it takes t man of nnuga to make a plea to a body of young men a: did Dr Sam H-avio ! wc ek, when tu asked aid i*i tin hospital. The hospital war, ; started tin early pin l of last year by D. M L Peryv, one ol the | uy • most piogresrive medical men, who saw the need years but was not in a position to do anything ab4.it it. IK- has had ln> oi back.' as tun e .ill great men who have tried j :■> put their ideas •i-ietore the! public. But his dsv will conic as ml ~i u'.ftr- at ..hi 111 y know tin m-ed ~! a Negro hospital in u»e city In p, •. -a. nthig tin cause of tin- : . n<!\ hospital ! ■ the Rotav i .hub Dr- Howie ran true to ionn, as ne is son:idered e.ne -,i trie 1 , b . - mosi i.'ellCai-*'- ,uS U'iimstlb S He is p.! TO: ; T the Hightail.;; Vi : ‘ | ,ytetian Church situated on top : Haytiwuat Hill next to whex-i : .ht- oid vidTiclpipc once stood. Wh.:-n a man stands in his pulpit mi Sunday and delivers th> Mn" i - . ; r*g th to put in.At tea< inf jo. turn nr i. i. m«- a ieadei, yes nu- iv-aciw ol all the people- A ; a ran whose wisdom and advice is; sought after -because they | Know that when a leader like that -my-: -anything you can depcul I upon it* To become a leari.-r one niu;.i possess varied qualities a : u ;,Tu.ugh gall to speak his conviction?, A h-v. v-.i.s ;ig,j we had a tear .ter that, would always fay: •Fiir:t make sure you are right, then go tin- limit on y- m con | viction.sT many ol us have ideas, sometimes good ideas that would ! help the mass of people concerned, hut being afraid of what the w< tkl think, w.-r permit thr-v ideas to die t ’tore ! ’.emg I brought out. Therefore they have no chance to go to work So t,. Dr. M i; Perry who had the vision of a maternity has* mud, Dr Sam Howie who saw the work of Dr. Perry and knowing m needed help, presented hi:, cause to the ever alert and eti ■ igetic Rotary Ciob. and W J West, preacher and nt-s .tellow me;u bers who are ever on the ,»leit to make improvements in the c.tt ! regiudle.ss of where the need be, we bid God speed in whatever assistance can be rendered. Democracy, like charity begins at home, we can make it work hire with u few more gestures like that which va.- made la.-t week Fayetteville is one of the 1 oldest . dies in the rmat state ot .North Carolina it has long teen noted for its tail- play toward o« !,-i;*.;'-le ieKavd!i-:s of race, color m creed j what would be mere tititng than our city to take the '*?B ; y .1 u t Urst cl I S C;t;:cn::hip >.o all its pimple. \y, Rave the citizen:, with the §4>ihtv, we have ever.vthitg he)« rt home Why not put it. to work Thanks. Spp you ii6Xt week. \ilsv i:\RiBISKAN Oi l ID KMX AND KIN GV T UN, Jhm a J cb. *AN i i ■ Mis; Ph yiiiN W'hsflfOrCk itf'V ly i.\> A lir-d "All' CrtilUbvai: us i94'B‘‘ set si.! fGi England lan tv66k i*-‘G a ; vv*h 6tc.:v This wa c : pari of her ••d-hii'd id-, win fling tho bc-auty crown. fll England Clie will attend tsi i‘ . Arthur Rank Oi guiiizcitiuu cl;i:'ioMii M'hool and trike g tp. * -She c u nalivv nt* British LI Ulan a 1 imc in- was ci./ns'dcrvu the best dressed girl in the eoioiyv NoT l C E MR. 1 A. ARMSTRONG IS IN NO WA\ CONNECT ED WITH THIS PAPER, lh was Edit or- Manager of the Fayettcvif be C&raltman which tv&t diuc/lltmliud i I t:,t) t*i* *- c liM . . Youi I c'vnl Kfpi■.-‘.entalive is Mr J S. Singleton 11. IRISHMAN’S BIG STORE 108 HA If ST i "One Os Eayettevill*’* Idnest Stforea'” FOR PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE CAL* HILLSBORO TAX! DI AL Z4BB GLEN GERALD, SR,. Manager "sparks cleaners LOR BETTER CI.F.ANING Offering: While-IJ-Wait Service . , . One Day Service Expert Alterations S3O Murchiaon Road DiAX 466 ft HURRY BACK ARTHUR’S SEAFOOD GRILL SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOODS, BAR B-CS, STEAKS Wa Serve Regular Meeds FAYETTEVILLE'S ONLY GRADE A COLORED CAFE 637 PERSON STREET Phona 4850 SUCONI) SECTION jViXCi LVi’Oll l.Hii.i 488 MIVaiSOX ROAD SH-:i'lAl.l2Wfi in fried I HICKLN, SANDUTCm S ICE CREAM. COLD BI ER WHILE RIDING BY C t Hu SEE VICE s CRB- SERVIt E Take A I ati«r Slav Trip *o Atlantu- Bear!.: Round Trip $3.09 Bus leans. Penulahir Oritl at ft:3o A. M liekfts <«n sale then. i. C Wliite, Sputisiii PAGE THREE l\ v ilrvillf Your ilasiiu-ss Mi-ft Sroil'Jil \ oti Tin* Page. * atromx- »of in So?>i>ovl V <t.-.r P;mer’! * TML\IKHJNI\:S “i.i.ii. .77 ~ ••*• —** ----- W (1 i t \M w - xe SlaUtvn <. \S Hi. 613 K.-WISKY S i'PEET Hitt, ;; ■ i ! Me\n»s Sx--Si own I !t. i!s i .l • ;hil;u si. i i Mi if- ’•!• K , SBEOIHLi/. 5.,4: , , -.I j. GRADE \ AO Vi FRESH VI Cf : 'wil l s i RUSH ! : lit FIUI DtUWHs tr.u RiSa ite.aMk . -r-;. v . , v - r ■ .1 vys MEK\ It ! S S Vj s, : \ s; ■ K \)i i v s! it 1-: r \V.l:,e.ltl, il!:i *;. -.. I*. . Mi)*-,. i;ta . . r v-,,1 I>Vfi VII I. -.- 1 i; f *' U-. : i **-*- •• .lev*-' . ftHMZPW. . ..JtS(*L I iiumuei'l.-ttui ; h> i-y. | •' . • \ tsddhh ; j J- i:.i ’ * ;*,vt ill < nv v ' > 1.-iKi >t IcK't S ' M t M‘ SLv;.: >U. .I -• *\p OR, , t mu - i'OKo s.; Mol VK- :■(- ! 5 t ',-y.s Jack EhiJiips, X.. "silyerY' \ . Where Tasl> .■■■■ ;i ' I- oods Are .*. * | 115 <<t; -;• rx MOM.s .Mi i vis, <M V f * i V V ”■) MCi I'Ti j izood (uroccrti'N l-h > -* - ! I Hi M: , -h.-b . -yp ♦ I Ml?; t o VI.X I V i'l.l VXtNi FOR EERVH'E r> iv ) v j *e* lAt i'_» j fI.EAN' us i i Pi- RSt)\ STIl» -"l | , ‘ ■ i- .1 i- i P f \ !. Mi. Mi ;sri%V n».n iij.it liii/soiiiut’iis U \M ItVO\V (;’. !! TtTh hhiS" 5215 - ibis? 4ioo | 7Vf LI JAM’S t.t:\nu-hvys; ixe 506 MU X.-.R0.y0 ST. SOI-'T l)fcl\ XS :.;A\i>WJl Bc* ! M ACK’S BAR REP 11? «U ST. "WIIKKI TH! I KO.WISE ! Is PERFORMPro*’ .vmv OPEN i or nyscu'.'s Baltimore Lunch 112 WINSI.OI'. ST Open I-rom t, A 'Si., tt. p? P. A!, Brrakfiut -- « ••inch Dinner JOHN KOI rsos, t'r- p. MV RICK'S liKOPKPdi S *O2 rrMBEBI AND ST AT VOl it St HN ft T PHONE ti;:B7 1 Pi ora CENTER 481 I lav St. j b T.S7- j 3 i*c . i ) I hr. OS ftlOfO FINE ‘litNO t;OMl I.l'l'E LI T- C‘l Cameras - AND Photo Supple FOR THE Amateur OR THE Professional r, y ««V.'

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