PACK EKJIIT f - '■ continental Fj. ■vrvßZii Zo\\ ■ YNOIYY f |'m AFRAID 60, SfiNORITA ' . /**% k / /you ARC NOT / YOU fiEF, ! REMBMBHR ** * .'..a . 5 GOING-OUT IN I DROr--IN6' SOME VALUABLE f I I t . ... * STORM/A ISOIEY OUTS IDF /SPARKY \ I t . ;'1 t■ 'T , Will. YY,J : ’AAL a • '* i-i THF , .I 1 I H ** -•* •• 1 ‘ • 4{« •• 4 ., / ctoumlvwvt.'u. pack soon/, Cm \ ■ ‘ fA. SiAA Y YYjF-| *«- -*■? . • y I f . 4' ;■ * /m ff ■® Y**ts _ v ‘ i WONDER V\ HA Tm '•* *- j #■ Jn| ff\| i : y ./■ y ; A " ; ■ v ; \ ' b , V i " v . / % y % \ i : Y/y & 1.1.. aMBEKA-,- - QUicKtV. AM(6-05./ ! HOPE. • *•'•.■ Vi '\- Y r ' "Y’ •■-'YT Z • - :!3r". •••.' :> -a* ' *' .: Y : ■' : - ■"" ■• ; ; A hjFi?' «i / • -•' ~■■ ■ - ■ s • ■. a\ v-t \ 'A, :‘\ V'.. jv ’-' r' * ’,•■• ~ . : "-V/ : r ■ % -M ■' * ' ' ' : 'u jV/'. /• ... -V:y • v: i #•; -' " fltp W 1 til: h: f (jsQ iH WOfc%o V*'AIR two ; ,-";X P, HpiKkltt* B ■■' r>'s y ■'-’ ' # ' i" i s f PHVATE CLrOT.CQiXHPK. } FITZCfSAI P FLA. P'XORATEP iOR ? } HEfiOC RESCUE iH R; PER. § I I ' ■ «• *pk* ■’isscaafiSi.'' (SUPPFNIY AJgER CARRYING PVI. Wil UAH P. JACK'id# OVERTUF.-iEP JNJO PHE l* E £.?« £ .-'Sk® —•-■ ‘ [■lk HI £ FULLV CIOTHt. P PVT. CGIiXAN PPOK PYIY PUJHGFP INTO TOP STP‘ AM TO Tii£ Rf . PP I |U V r^fcll Kv\ J '-av „?fc*aw aFPoN!) SKC'TION ;|AV t>o YOU THINK V '* VO, ! DON'T ' t-JUT V-'T ‘ VT'"f yJT 'A-;AT a-dat Y aaotxy ~.30Yr that : .v- .. pm ON GVAC-TA ’ ‘ BCLN SUSf-U. 'OOt O'.- tn :'! AIL '-M / ALONC-. AND IT, LOOKA AS ii A'YH VVEDfS '-■ .: I y.:tv « ■ a...c .. ~ ;’■*■ :a ■„. '••",• .. ... ... '■•• . \ ' >Vr* - ■ ’ " r *' r ' MiM 1 V v '-'a-',;' ..'r- Iwi ! ‘-y-Y.nY.. -. \ i y .\5 & " r '--y • s ■ »j .syy k\ C aa '■■.> / ' Avi ; YY;I'S'A#A s lf ' .:aa‘-::>„ v •A,a.; ; , , . I I’iw \ ■ /'■■ a a,., . N'YAYi ■ j '- A: feAaitsl ■ v &S& \i t. a; .. **mr- ‘A" -'W CvEY WEAR MAN,WOW CAN « %r v '-yiz r-NAi!’.'.'.: -) AA ; T,.A..:Ai E ATYFMBEY ? A AY'TN NOW" j *■ i* .V *■ ;.. .-.* ' r "' ”*.’•• ‘<C\. .-■'■O’-'* Y - A- Y:-V, ■ . ,-■ ":,S J?XA JZ&Jr •>: ■ • “•'• ..." .A,. . VYVC.I; • " A Y-.'i” '- lV;i i ■: ..•';■■<. F -■. ■• ' !; . -■ '.s; «/-* .-Y ' v :V YeYt ■-••'■ ?’.. ' .y> ; . .>». v ; y"'» a ‘it ' i ■ A-'Y■ ■’.Yi .•'AYiY- ! S' ."■ , ; t i :->A ■ .....'t': ~ '.. •*' ■'• - - . • ■'■' V: : •.««.V • • ■/«£■ <• •• ?• >1 .■ ■’ ■'is . a:■ • >.\ :fel jjE.- -C ‘ '-PC.s.,*'' . "' ' ,>w * w ! r*" ~~ —‘j '*«»*••u’s ' ■”''' & i --- ■ . „A' v^t^x j ~ V. /***?>'%*•*>'- ';. •*•-*>. # . : -' ' • . • : .« , ,/P. " T-jfeP,- 7 r\ . ;v -, r ,*z>r v ' :: ' ; 'XV ! S ! - • • • 'xr. i W^m P.--.:'.. \X- ’;- /?■ *' foiTt THE WEIGHI'Or HIS SOI ■.£>■! O.OTHi f ia P /:. Cd.EH.AH HANAfiEP TO REACH; »HIS STRUNG GC~ WOE W APMS. L x 7" " ' "** * “7’i L ymn***- i p^->-«#■> :t** v I. s£sr.s ISPS* i i-Kp ,?■ | mm€ >A, U .ST-"-.- YiVsiifc] W2k- , w*lV*- *. -s- jftrfsgg ! - "■- ‘ ■ .-. .rY4vl • A'', .... ... Y’S. ' ~ '. Y Y , 1 ' /' /' '(A • ' !•> h : .M, r: Air Af- P ’.nY:- V. 'Ji * ' ‘ •■ V's Y | r..A>:. ; n %*£.' ts y ' -r Ah I 1 Y . . &: Jkh ?. ■•'■■k: “ , Y'’3^P3SBJH . Yr/* - ■•"' .I,N •. ; .. . « .A A .vietofci • - •• • * j/• ; *, VA AWj ‘ :?;■ ■■ ■ V- • ’ ,r "' J ' : -‘V •. - > v •■ ; ;:y 1 E _Y : ■;■ .•:' Y;' 'Y. “A- ■ A''-x i ! i \Y YY. Y . . Y..4iY??t ;.# i S^ ' ’’ • ' ■ ‘‘ip*'' VL- TO PPVIM PVT. JACKSON WASFLObr-PtSIHG j Il.'-I OS I •■; LY IV' Pf r ;p WAITS. Kvr O.- Pi^ i : * '•• f j-p.l ... "•/ P - •’ ■* ' X P: f \ | «_» " t&MPIX * ... ir- : - -■=■• / . •■ * v \ fc&W, ' ; ■ .-..''P'-.r,.,-;*'!_...-..45-sf?*S CTT J I r ■ i’C-;, ■■"'>& ' . j - -*•■*' ■.-. ' '“f --| - '*■ ; m* ; - rst^ i ' '. COVPLt TPP feSTH THE AIR Vs hPPvPPP.. OTHER MEN. ; •>■■ ■■ jv&i His w r ;'. ••'; %§ss£ 11SH3 psi f,' ; • X,: :o *>. - 4 t W. \> - -«• •;: *lx*% v r"- .li. • 'V-„ ::OW;iT - Y-j A . : rlllO CAUOLINI AN Continued From Page 3 As Time Marches On Wo nood for our unlctiorcd masr-cr- a Share-The-Health Pro- ; n V;im with the help of enough able phy.-icians and .surgeons, (which would have if the DOOR is opened), that could begin and gain impetus d -.ring NATIONAL NEC.RO HEALTH WEEK and resound until all .nr. given a chance to live out a full useful life. jr, vcr y) war in this country as prescribed intervals prizes ore awarded to members of a national club for A-grade physical con -11 lion. I-. there anything to prevent some such organizations m ~; |; . r.tvi.d! towns and hamlets here and there? The door can be I 't-ned 1 YOUR FOLK AND MINE With Mom, Dad and the family for the week David Hinton y,..„wr. recent graduate of Howard University graduate Yu m. of 1 wiener- .and a emmoor of the i 948 fn-s*aman class of Lie school medicine . . Dave is a junioi SKEVIATOR of the Capita! City : tv,.ci.v professionally low (Coachv irvin Johnson, native son. who J,,,; champion basketball team at Shelby last year . Buicking . ir . the colorful Alex Revera, one of The Couriers most prornis- Aiso m the Noo Buick brigade’ sr mg. silent (Prof) Ben ; V'.'.Y,, a ' teaching vet of HHS A gala reunion soiree was bad •h * * 1935 Class of HHS at the home of the Wm ON THE BALL ; ..wnnnmfu] time was had by all -The To.enrols of D C. | i v 'i„. wo thve; in the near semamc, Hte is former bmmr grad Y. , ■ i;m .. ~; tv an d daughter of Mrs. J-ulia Freeman, irusic-mstructm. j ; County Training School On the avenue strolling the new- L’r "generations'by ■ Mm. Oy -e.. S. Grant and -Daddy, with the . s ir!, copy o'' Mr. Grant—Junior. Mr. and Mrs. Booker Spaulding i ,net Junior. rn .,. „ And So Time Waits for All Schools to Open Doors In then j Lend it in Your news, your announcements el a! ft. C. BOARD : -K filed in with bn Y,, P . ,:.,f presenting their case ore Yiir Roseda'lc situation. Being de- • mod this privilege, they quietly! | -.'-alked out of the inerting and! | began to picket it. Hill) »i iE l 1 V(>S Pointing out tint the board held i:w , meetings a year to heai cit r —: * e-ri and civic groups on reerca- i |a, a policy. th< chairman added, j I this is not. a civic group, it is : i p party.” ViiSr Sybil Baiter, acting superin- ; I m.mrnt of tiic Yeauig pi ogrcssive, ] i reported that an interracial group j i had-- unde attempt to enter the pm-;., eve: i Saturday -im<• August ; Y?fi bu' had bes'n turned aroums at j - .-ho gates i j yhev have picked the park : | y,d have visited the neighborhood j lin an eff at to solicit support r -L j . i ... o. , v .p r pl-i f, «'f f f\ r ; s h.ivt’ 1 ;i Cb iUl' ■ I c.b lUVi t . Xid-H •- t»'r* v - I ! i>eer, met with threats, tomato-. : throw ng and near riots. 1 Every since efforts to enter the; .rr h,. Wiiiwim C pitman, acf-j :me executiv' .•••eeretary. hgs tried j . i.> i. !k with Chairman Wonder per- 1 11 ■ on ;V;i> mis’if'i Each tinvv j his r.-xfue.-'t has been denied because : • Wen dtn mi id this was "contrary to : | board policy." Since 3940 the numb-, r of milk | 1 p,.j- (vs: Ai me unit' time, ih: ! uopulation lias increased about 1C; c 6° & IS NOW GREETING ALL ▼ OF HIS FRIENDS AT HIS NEW AND MODERN V Dry Cleaning Plant Located at 120 South Blount St NICK RUSSOS CLEANERS ~ I iATTERS-DYERS * Established 1911 j DOWNTOWN BRANCH 124 S. Salisbury St. Phone 7740 SECOND SECTION yiUSTION.S EFFECT OF NEW POLICIES ON YRIIY SERVICE (XI I!\ BOSTON 'ANi’l - Will t:ir j proposed “New Xnok regar.iitT, in- j tc-tt ration in tbe U S. Armed forces jwiiu the mixing of white avid colored troops. including draftees- in .ill camp service clubs j and USO units at home and abroad.’ ] . And wdl that mean whin- and col-j lured hostesses working together'' j At Ft Devens here in Nov. Bn;'- | : land, the director of civil personnel ; is quoted staling flatly | i tStore will n'<t bo any segregation j at Dev en.s regoruiug service chib", j ; The trnpi ication i, that there wiil j iiiij i>r any separate clubs operated j ; iv-,- pi white ..nd all colored sued i i-. : . xV-'yi during the iao war. although Dcvcns did have mixed j I USO units slid generai iy was one! jof the most demncr.ttic training | I camps in the United Stales and nar , ( i\ ri UR axiom j creating entirely integrated service j j club staffs t - not yet answered. j i Even at Devens at this writing ! former colored I'rvicc club work- i ires, including a former director, | ; have made inquiries toward serv ! in S on a mixed staff hut without 1 v any noticeable satisfaction i Since Devens is one of the lore *•;<>.-t training '-•••ties in the north j the “policy' here will be keenly ; ,-rudied by leaders all over the na : »ion. it i- generally expected that Wf have spared neither pains nor money to give the people of Raleigh and Wake County the finest dry cleaning plant in this vicinity. Visit us and inspect our establishment. We take this method to thank our many colored friends and patrons for their loyal support, and we pledge a continuation of our policy of the best dry cleaning possible, WEEK FINDING SATURDAY, SERTEM'BER 25, 19-18 noth Devens and the Cape camp New Jersey 372nd artillary unit (Edwards) will reflect, the first made it training debut this vea.. trends of any proposed new dem-Here in New England is the logical ouatic change in tne armed forces. place to push integration in the It was at Edwards that the mixed army, navy, and airforce. AMBOUNCIA: "yi jl’/fB there’s something very friendly jjl tajjff about. -'IT! eiectnc switch. \ou 1 IMSB come home to dark house, I (■fx switch on the living room tight, - 181 I look around and .ay. Mv. its jw / pood to be aoine a go; hi or-—you •II hear the baby whimper in his sleep you turn on die lisot and tiptoe over to make sure *«e is all right. • Ever notice how automatically your hand finds (he electric switen even in the dark? Von expect < lectricitv to be there irady and waiting whenever you need it. Arul it. IS there • CONSTANT and DE PENDABLE • so much that you seldom give it a second thought! "Yet. to keep elect '-icily serving you, around She . jock and around the calendar, requires the skill oi hundreds of experienced men and women. These are employees of the business-managed elec jj.- K ugh’, ami power i nmpany which brings you this p£pg! vin—iiUe t" lroline Do we- A Tight Company, fader sound businesn management they use the Inf est scientific advances, and the most modern techr.i ,•«} facilities -- to help bring more and bettor electric service to more ar.d more people Men and -votnen work together in this company to keep up the value if your electric service to keep St sc dependable that you’ll continue to take it for granted.” at pi*tq*SiZ<s f ii4 * i! !i ||: i CAROL IN A PO WE R & LIGHT COWPANYJ PLANT 120 S. Blount St. Phone 4669 '***!'> llfiiil [Msgj&k - C oi>> l*@gp riSiE^P : s .. % •

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