•WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,'L 1948 BOLDENS MARK 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mr J : Ht&en colt "I rated then* ( ei;' v *'•:fih • •,, • anniversary in (heir new In: .me near livclv'lie j.. r. t.'ouut .Saturday, rSoi.tombry ! ■: ; M ~ p propitiate festivitio; tVlivofi late imirnt.r ''iM.-f..- c)or crated the heuse *iirou.-!i'>u*. i arrangement;. of Mimnv . pi;u;; o tile sun porch i'.ddui tlx, r.ghf .one a of gaiety and to 'he occasion. The tuning : oor.i abU was covered with hnp< rted inct rloth. contort'.j with '.-hue flown and rilve: cande-ia:;; n Mrs, Estvin 81;,..-•••.B 1 ;,..-•••. •.!! nr! Mr Anna E flair..-ton p-i at the fetor, Mrs. Minnie Bow.- ieiinduced guests la the i •-rciv'im tin-* :.tid Miss Glad;.’:. L Hr .v. .1 dirc-ccd tnern to tuo c* nr... a j< >.:e, vot-i Mi'S w lie vo i ’ Crook ;vd Ml '. Ethel Mae iiaii . in 0 t . punch lituvi. Emma M.i> ;p idiveb niece of huiiorr ' had *-n..i>v 01 gUC't book, ond piiod i' ': p v ,:. raid by Misr. Mai ihn Ho*'per The couple r.cod a !,■ .wfui array >f ; if:.. \.,d .- j-, wm . ,■.-■*. ~\ by Mm, E. II Che. k aid! \\,. Mary Lee. Among 01 d -■ .f- 1- i'.vi. :;i.v., v- Prof. .as,b Mi d N. A t. Durham; Mus A. L. Ciio.'k, cinnati, Ohio: dir, Joe Bolden. Be 1 j Budget 315 FAYETTEVILLE St. Strike a New Note... Add Fresh Touches to Your Home From Our BASEMENT STORE, »d '■ -.7 re.. e i\y W i Ol; - :. r•: % %ft\fsOi ■ ■*s. - , -y.i . ■ y r : W V. J 3 ; M*Y -U ' Ip h ■ - i ■■' ;. if i > 1 .: 'Hi h Ii :■; -- [' ,■■ J'M. m . w.m. -j | l ■ t .s ■ ”: :f If ' ! i'■ ■ V r ] K j■ • ■ ,; ti I 'CWfe I . r;& % l.< 45.. M■' •-j >| jjfc % -I -J x .'4 %. i' y j j'. £ * . :Ht : ; ’ 4].lf■• ■' : ' Me ' * 1 -jYi. : ! ! 1 : 5 II *ytr: v, = s' * ** * 4:.wm ..f - ir m- £ fc ' ' REPEATED BY POPUI AM D? HAND 30 7-WAY FLOOR LAMPS WITH PLEATED SHADE Rci’ ilar $10.95 Value Large ginsu reiie<'U, ■ f«-*.j* Lrighfur inclireci. lighting. Tbr'eo ran die light h not .•ootvol night light for great • er safety (.-'hoice of ivory «>r oronze finish. *7 BB ' .350 FINE MUSLIN CUFFTC JR Jb 3 Type 128. 81” k 99", Slight Seconds, $2.29 Each Kimlvdi. V.'c f Va . Mr Ruiiey Ifurcl). PiPr.'auyh. Pa.. Mrs Ma.y I. Lee, Burlington, Mrs. Mmnw r:,.;\ve and Mrs. T C Beam of j \ .tieeyvi Jo. Prof a'vi Mid'. A. iN. MoCo.r. A!) and Mis. ft. T, King ami Mi L R Helm 01 Reidrviiic-: Pm arid Mrs. E. A. 'Hall, ('lrtvncb'jro; and the follow - ii ir<> u Raleigh: Mir E IH. G; ee'. ,r:d aau giber. Emma Marie, .Hi. Ot.; Huirstoh, Prof marl Airs. D M Jarriagln and family. Oth'U ! ncludcd' Rev. and Mrs A F Brown, Lawyer and .bis . E Brown, Mr, and Mr--. ! awsi’ti Bn'■ wn, Miss Gladys Bn*'.*.ii Mrs Mary Wallace Brown. Mr: H, .- Palmer, Mr ami IM J ;ne Bolden. Rev. .aid Mrs II ■iin Rayoette Mirs Marvfne Hoop r Mr. Heim. dd a vri Mr.-' Ft ii v Thori.ii.', Mr Ml; V : •ba' .- . Mrs, Mattie Ilial' .1. Mr-- Mildn d Mark, Mr ■ .lan 10, Gray-:- Mrs. K.stcl.'a Rlnck '; 0i | Sonia Lass \\ ins \ * J . . V ■ (tun ( itv S>vsrn f Uiamiiionsliip ; BOSTON ' AMP) -s A .Negro git 1. Prl y Blli ill. 11, wen RMoOv v. .inniiia; dinmpicusbip among 10 ; md 11 year olds last week in ihc ! freestyle swimniins* event j ;,;i- The city meet, sponsor- 1 ■d by Boston Park department, was | [FOR SALE 1939 Studebaker Champion NEW MOTOR good condition PHONE! 5412 ■ STORE HOURS 9:00-5:30 —WEDNESDAY 9:00-1 .00 BASEMENT STORE <|tur*N «4K>iin». * ia.«c, ■•.,om m - A A- : v ENTERS MED SCHOOL -- Warren .lames Strmlwiok. Jlai ine veteran World War !!, a* ita one leii'" willle in serv.ec ■.{ Purdue C and recent graduate of Howard University B. S , will enter the tfUS freshman cla«s of HoMi.rd Hchool of ; Medicine this Lilt. Mr. Strudvviek ix the aui of the late Dr W ( Mriulwiek of DUrhani, alamnus of ghaw Uni versity and Shaw Universit> Sehoc 1 of Medicine and airs. M. { Stnidwick, former sehool .raehrr, Durham lily Srhnois iml limminent church worker of ;t Joseph’s AML f hureh MTltO IN CMir WITH W UANGKRs HOCKEY TEAM j NEW YORK i'ANP) T. New j York Rangers hockey team of the 1 j National Hockey league will try (■on! ,1 Negro playtu in trailing j camp this yeat. The pnwpo • .-.-r | playei is Herbie (Nn:i gie, let’l I winder | Carnegie ids-. , with S&evbrookP f Street Fiaiui,- of the Quebec Fro j vincial hockey league last viai ’He has report’d to the ILmg .s' ; training camp in LaLc placet. ■ Hefeeri. Ranger scout, t-aid >vT; 0 SsuiL B. • Yatcb Club. Patsy is the daugihej- of Hey E | Buiti.J, a city fireman She at 'ti'-d. Ihr I!yif School. In WILBERT L. HUMMING KINGSTON Jaina.ea i.ANP. - 1 Th<- long ■{-') ini:-c.( mu'ivn .-cebing te ou.it I fn: i<-d SLate ; Air furee mthovitif i out of Jamaica was. mov ed last Thv> s * ■ bj city Soci d member ..f the Kin ton and St Ana. cw (pen .h«. ■> p, u * the cefo.lption m--l t , l,uu <.ppo 1 ■ tier) from c-'aM'>'*;d:vr- nght-wlhg- I f'LS and v. Ci Li:V :: oul ly, a thill majority, Wills' O Isaac-, to: un , < . \ ti's. Oppo-itl'.’U Prop! ~ ,| Party, spoarl.c.'dvd Dm muuon. And lie .at fbc full bacion:.'. n vi- Colleaguca. Ho x-.iid that ho want on the eoimcii lo rejuf.-t erntral povernnn 1,1 n. 1 ;*ll hi . colon il ot fita; in London 10 ~ v;-o the torn;:; el the u£i c; iner,'. nr.rlcr whiclr America h .r od ba-er hero cove'*- iin; '< period of !K1 ■■ Tiu- M'n «. racii' vr,v. dinehod * nh the of hmtic' when Biownd.’back was ■icainsl trie v.di six. had. iwcep;- amour Uur tlnn dn aid H S tv: 1 : ' hip- iu! tap-..' pri. .j- , , to tJ S. '• 1 a- ■ . VI ■ 1 ■-.! muen color dixi-rimiroi'!'*!-; * 1 -.jcM:-iTsc* up held by B S fjo fcai'i-iff that it .• people ot i.ic ! : i■.u 11 u-v.i <■ needed to -'tiample the ri-ing hc.-id ->f corumnnism in the a Hill in reply . ~. =n; s:. ••■lf as yii it oppa-id f-.i Tin- lav in •iouthern .rates <■ >; a Till- HVM (J \MOURs it u* Lv u> v*.i:it, dir Ji aSib K\H F. Half Glamoin f l l< yoai ta-nu As yon -j-p. ji bu-u-rw a? t t ■ rfl'.vh i-if tin l Lu id «n*i natwraMy d**wTi ihr back. You can wear it as au or any stydf’ y** l ! iikf. i s : iu io 20 mrh*’* longt. * •*•••*•«*.$10,00 | ft SF* Nr> NO MONEY! # SF.N I> SA M PEE O F YOUR HAIR % VA V VOST M A N OIN ariiv v e y r Jessie Kare BEAFTY PRODUCTS SOT FIFTH AVENUE (SUITE 905) FJEPT. NEW YORK 17. N Y. m ' MAMS * S 0 0 • 6 1.1 ii ..I 111... i ■■■■!■ riMMiiri ii■■ min 11 niiannanmmfli il — run ■nnriniirmn armr ~nnrniimii irunm im i -vn fruwMmjr w*«jw«iinm,- ... *-■**•* --»■■■>»-■'them ll mtuaw ,ip SANFORD NEWS The Friendly Five Qv.uvielc with J Jones manager, presented two i ■fine pr 'grams ju the city Send v J.u 'lit. afternoon at Blundonia , } re--byterlan Church and at Fair Pi omi.so AAIE Zion Church at 7-30. Xl l ■ ■ Li.'*' (,'ouni.y ’t '.i.ii'i,;; School Willi W. R. WirkCM, principal opened its jiUfi 49 u-.sribn Wed,to dty n-tornir.R with appror-inintely WJ students and ,17 teacher, amoir' Who!"-'. ,i!'e three -rirai' ;:grkriihii a tcachero and rivn tender.- tut brick layer.' The ! ’•>, .0 t I .briber.-; Ace ciution va- fovlunaie 111 securing the sin vice of. two music inst: in - ters during the summer monf.ts. , Mr- Sarah Ycoklev insh’ueior in P'am and J !!. C-w r. ••■*. dim-rir o£ Sit writ be ticcompanied by belli >:j ant | « •r.’mvcitiuus. !>-. J, E Mctyglljii, priif ! ! rio a;at f- do • iris wjj} make the following np ioar.- re i‘ ■- "Uiutay. Si-plre-ihei frib. ■ TVi . Cho ■ t oats Chinch >:; Apex: a3O P. M A.viK '/Jon ClUirce, .h--a ' lie. and !! V M F ’ i AMR Zion Church in Mamhr”, ;■ The public is invited. Hainino, superintendent of ihc or j>i.iana;:e. , t-ported heir Monday. T1 »y •."(! a i,.;i i/.ipi: 0111 ere a‘ Fayetteville Stale Tc-.rihers College, « pic! fi'..pan r,: ::j < ,uolinn College and a boy fre. hman at A. and T. College. Support \ our Paper ! : THE TYROL! MAN “(Hdat 40,50,6(1?” ‘—Man, You’re Crazy Wortft rour h? t*: T? ions finds an* pei'-pr ,i \:v ■fx*i>u':r.c up* 1 with Ostr*v < v.r.r :<•*- r f -t w-vt* r;.u ry xT- >v- '3 '.}>[■ t.-i for 5H»r.. ?••• . dkw. : uiv £•:i ttCO’.iil'iifri-.v »«*« c ..'v lor Sale at all Drue Sri ~ every where in Raleigh Halu'rren's ’.ml Eckeril's Cut Rate. CHESTERFIELD IS BUILDIN ANOTHER FACTORY - iiTTinfnrr- iy»h"i.iniDiruT*rii- iii.wfwgwffymvrr BECAUSE ALL OVER AMERICA MORE MILLiOKS OF SMOKERS ARE ASKING FOR ~7//r :yf///(/n fy//// fa -. y Doon our newest factory wist he taking its place in the Chesterfield , ~, w sky Line in Durham, N.( ~ where the mt -. . r . T;Trt)rr , UTr^.T ’ Chesterfield factory group i": already '" ' ; “A city within a city -" 4 1 With the addition of this modern I /j factory, dheient in evcr> nay, Chest- "i h 1 I 1 erfield will to keep smokers n ' I V 1 V* from coast tocoa-4 well - uppin-d with * /«! n|f. 4 1/ 1 1 \ ▼ the cigarette that •' f\l|l \ ' * SO MILD THEY SATISFY y *.lfU SONS J SO MILO THtVU SATISFY YOU- aamkl:: % r ,l/ .1 it jitfiiiinrn imbi - /?y. i'rv, A* IQ APFT TP c |m m ' <#n * \ * ‘ \ ;«/ hi B* I ■■ hi I Btf ll l'l mm BHg Mhll ■ E am 17 ■ C |L|J t. O' f> j ~ pitpt p fwr ripi 11 -^iwmiii^^^sßP 1 // RENAME m-,m TO mm housing M THOKin POST emi.ADFCPriiA (ANP> .l B. Deri;-, iiuiiuiiniif of the Pbilr, dflpfcia hi nncii of lhe Nu.’ih Cuvo iria Mutm:l Life insurance j an;'-. i, - aa > ■.-appcdiitcd to a IbcviHt ’ IV' ■ ,V> Fi ii,4U'.d;;iu.i i ; . iu.i ; uilK-vitj: The appoint- Hient 'Va m ;a r jtjv bur i cing re-pon - i!'! far r-vcf SCOd.OOi wiiilli ot 01 din.iry la aneo and over $9 - ttOt) i.if wet iSy j.aa mivituft on indes " NEED GLASSES?, Nc i n't'll f 1 ./ / / 'S v ' / ! "ms 7 * .: v /X § ' :; Z' \''■ , ;loss T -" ! PINE STATIC ' ri\| j*" / Vitamin ”(»" ' \ h ' : MILK - I i>, V, \ v M / i . I M x x P. S. VitttK tlftfc StiAlc U4ikf riri-j MEL sum mm title HOLE IN CARMEN BROOKLYN ANP) - Murml Smith coiipai a rang the title role of Brieri "Carmen'' Saturday, September IS here at the Brook l/n Academy ot Music. This tire s'n l it:, a \va: tbo iecond of Alfredo Sahrmygi’s 1948-19411 season at the triad •;• lit-; A- nernber of the housing au thority Dean-:’ charges will be everai project;- which include Jav.c: Weldon Johnson, Richard ,'tif.ii homes la.kct Street homes and Shipyard homes. For a Satiofyiny Snack I Eat A HOfDOfi I From ——■ PETE and MIKE | Ccr. Cabarrus & Dawson Sts. ( L—_ 122 w. martin st. Next To Capital Theatre TOUR LOCAL PAINT SERVICE CENTER QM^ai U [) ~~ (; PAGE THREE wn>. m«wri ». **■> mr , Vi\v ' St y I/: p "For L ring } 4tlu C 4.1 Dial J - Wei-;.,- i »« .- V j V^-jq Phone if i 3-19 / ' \ Used & v- ■ ■ 25c Ctc! TAX . : ..NEW RE" ■ j DA.V 'i R! “ j ’TlorcS' 7 j “V.liy Mi,, DURHATE 'ri ot >: i , . 307 South V, (With \V A !. FOR MUSIC • : ini per: ■