PAGE SIX TRI-STATE TOURNEY SET FOR CHARLOTTE Beating The Gun ! ISV ALVIN MOgTyC ___ j WONDERED IF YOU KNEW THAT-? NEW YORK (ANP) - DEHART HUBBARD, in tin track and fioki bistort of Michigan umcc-r- dy, iv.i- ’he rno.-; consiv.• tent 25 broad j impcr in history- This seen..-; dcbatabu- -w hen o\n: inspect- the list of long-jumpers that includes Nod Couvdm, Sol Butler. Ed Hamm. Lorenzo Wi ight, Willie Steele; J ; .:sc Owens. Luli_- Peacock, Ed Gordon (my friend) etc Owens and editor ivcre close to 27 feet at different times in theii career but (lubhocd remind td • me of “consistency .plus” bring . n atmert. certain 25 cv every time he teed off with the chips. JACK BLACKBURN, the “right son' ->f champ; n Joe Louis, war the uncrowned king id' fighters who sealed anywi. -re env Ray Robinson'.s w.;cb,t \ ' but tv;- Iq-iL ' >m v. to n :i> tv're - tied 138 ringside, he „■ th--rn in die ic!-■ o’. "nsat.ona! San; Lang ford, Joe Gan.-, and even larger >• - n in light heavy and heavy weight divi-don Old record .■■■•-!•- - sin (itat 1 i. ih IDOr, >f too National Sporting eluit, p.-d-uP-lp -.a. HUi'-kTa:n whipped -I Willie, second rate tv i.-n- 200 p tihfL-r wh . ' • ’n • •nto Jack Johnson, a six ■ •rr:el ■n- ■ -r>' ■ ■ ■ surprise The v.- i; it.- \\ W; • l;' 1 h -i -s B , roe , I M, \K tarn an aye? JESSE OWEN’S lives eternally in my hook as the pet-rle • sprinter at distances up to and including 220 yards Flat even the best of us must, look in the fan , f d*. teat at times even at th-- top of our caro< -■ WICK WARE, a..-lured niteia-i who flourished wound the turn of the cn.Uiiy atv I sometime thereafter, once defeated Walter 'Big Train) Johnson in a bn; j Misne-s ner-mv their 7hti> birthday stdi save ovci. IT . hatter;.- male va Bruce Pot way, a hack-top f y Cobb was unable t • -tea; ah -n. Yen might ea 1 Petway the Cam panel la at an earlier tv a-aa-ai; day. G-mza os, cafetm tor tin gendary Jose Mendez. Cub,mi iAimeneares,- St a ■ war anothe; 'brownie' who It a! ted Be’ $ 1 ; -e-thefts in the low tune their trails crossed. MAJOR. TAYLOR >;;n unquest i"»i.".bit the finest sprint ’ucy clist this nation has pi-ariuc- ii it ;r something more than a t;aged• that a fitting memorial *•> n.- -nemnry i -conspicuous by its ab sencc Wake up. t a Ann .err ~ Pc; i emov I a;;-- waitc 1 meat; TO ME AT LE \S7 it . - . unthinkable tlw t 122 pound TERRY Me GOVERN' could have kr, e nut > g’.cat a ringne .*>- v.-. Joe (Old Mnsb ; i G.ia.-. tin- Belt imor, •y:-t , .-r r a- kef We rubnu; that existence >.-; - : .s-.irii ti; w;- an ni.rit, .n : .-vi, . :as- i at battle lime, !u !ty pnr.i g nr. *k: ry ! '< -1 et-'. ‘‘tr Gan g called b> all ex*.-- ' s - ‘ re tw. -,ht in ing Mr was stopped by the B’ookP.n Iri.-htr-an in ’wo rounds. It remains in my book a qiu-sii-inah!-- ■; :.: •.-••suing a day wo- n < I red lurnt ov.s wort- fotei.-d t-> d<> busin«;-- Pay -mw l> !•> tin-u pah for*' op ponent ft s- t d 1, M ! . ISAAC .MURPHY, was tin- per.- o j-wkey.-; during th- Dm" he raced tic- sbi;.- ■ U IN- - -V Hagwui -a- d* -sv •'■■■ ;-r-tti--n vS. doing a ngtii w- -n '..-a - ;;tl --I '"HI- ' AMSht. • AMERICANS OK 1 HE TURF. A Cuban short-top. (ChuM ILi-tau rib-. ■> -au-d h '■■u> : to rise to the bason: ]t ; ; r- ■;■ at*;; m ? v --us •. '; > ’ -.- t C : ■" Dick Lundy J-i’m (F-. p) L; y-i Willi-; W<-iis ‘to, -had i - gmn ie-iper nest count* d hsstt out a ■ he v.-.-s elv 2=> - -a - - ‘-i- FRITZ BOLLARD --.i. wA t N-.’nru.-.y-- v;a.i abr --: a >" in himself* .tiding Br mrve; -. r- * Mr’dv t H • vard and Yale ’ --oth.iil rh v- 1 . --us I-r -md ’ foi no man . . isn’t it u for ROY MORSE, n dr;v-i’ «• ,1* ••>••• west 134th Stm-t. back mv e.u v b;;\ h tie -a.; pw .2 l -;ne. rock’. , but n; i n\r: :vni! ;- i nt s'!u -r.,- was 10 t i umd Mers-'N cham or of whippm,- th* Dm .-f A :.p; i*nt; -i‘ ■' P Drew } of the L*ls --w ib-imv- - F. o- \ y :-vsc*-r.t (.*. of Harlem, Mora- whipped Diva, and a great field of whiH -iaAmr cquai lira, ;ir u• • ! ••■: ;■ - the !■’■'• n-d 22» yd «'b j>Ukv was the I -t. - ■- i ;ie A;M N-* ;v-l ■ pibrsships. Charles Wins 10-Round D. C. Bout Over Bivens WASHINGTON < ANT- - Charles of C'!.cn n-n i-.i’.]. ..Mi.-.; •Vrnmy Btvins u; CD v* land u - ft.-t bout at Griffith stadium is t '-v-'cV, This 10 ; 'Hud nxfr.ii v. a- the llrst of -i scries <•;' .-- .- o’- d t-litrioa timi bf.-vts to dot,, ruin" .< new bc-avy weight ri-.ainpion wh- r. -ma )f Joe Lc-tr.-: retires. • Altohugh Charles won a -.mani- Tjpnus decision, h- was not i-io to ifi- hi- ■f -• >g." ,-c ‘ rm dvr P-ivin: m a previ' i- bun* s*o’h rr.«-r. -cored sonic the c.,: - v; ,s ‘ Charles weigi’.ed Gil pun;id:- !•> ll’fi 1-2 fM Biviro. He u«*d i .-h;-.. p left jab at a distance t-> annoy Bivms white Bivin-, wa-- .dv.-ays Football Game HAMPTON INSTITUTE —VS.— SHAW UNIVERSITY €. 1. A. A. 1947 Champions SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 First Niftht Game * ARMSTRONG FIELD HAMPTON INSTITUTE GAME CALLED AT 8:00 P. M. I ADMISSION (Inc!. Tax $2.00 A. & T. at HAMPTON 8 P. M. OCTOBER 9 IWS” U*vine to vv"owd in close. Charley- a natural light heavy, said that -iv excess u>a»tc liiiu r-trenger but tin-d him out He =aid he hud no p-.-p. Ti'e scoi'ecarii of Referee Raj Bowen gave Cftarics six i .-uud-, Bivins thi'-e ;-n;l one i-ven. one judge. Charh. ; livt. Br. n- thjee and two even rmd the u’h'-r judge- Chi.uiv:- mv Bivins t%v«.- and two rVH!. A crowd of 1 i. 631 fans paid k48...UP to the t>oih Nt! re ceipts were $37,1d2. "Work htwsdet and think ftrnighl er.' Key to success stated by Eddie Rtckcnbacker. World War 1 fiver now pres East,.-! n Air Irnt-t- IN HOMECOMING & ATTRACTIONS # Bears To Battle j Hampton In Grid Season Opener HAMPTON Va Shaw*.-- de fending Cl A A champion -, loaded with 30 returning fettermcn. moot, but potentially dangerous Plral* » H.-’niri. n institute's; unpredictable Sat in day on Armstrong Field in f-iempton's fit. ’ a-heduled night ,-:ani<;. ITani! ton and Vtr.'.inia Union iirs ye; iie-'i-ie.e :!i- first CIA A K:;n.s to in:, mil li,:-!us on their li.iinr field -t. i \, I: let-. * h-r < ’uiiv ;!••!> B( r; i-.l not pl.-tv li'.c Biro’ns ni::;iy Hnopli-iu.-.-is .ujied Hamp ton e-.-aid have i-caicn them. Shn-.v sup-riorters mamlnine;; other's :se While this year's; gam.; will ltardiy prove ei’l.- i pa ; -ty right, s]>cc'.a tors can : -r for pic-;t> of ' wiu-Ks" i.iK'ct- Hi*.- lights The Bears hove lost Captain Bill Elliott, from the .1947 eleven, along with an no• oH'-o-ivc hack. Free! Wr-tthy. Bo! can still osipht on -oil- ivj ( .|- ; T-.villi” Bellamy. .i.'i-.A'-i..vii.-;iu hoii'bstck; Everett ■ i-ViOrc, the o- a c-iniain, sit left end; Gladstone Booth, star left '.,'sckie; Kiilibaek Wiili iro Wall;.', o. Halfback -> !. Jackson. and Qiiistiv-rback T.m-oy Seller-. FI Pi t« vrerc hard* hit, los ing not only Tom Casey, but Full | Behind The Sports Scene The nevrie i . Exi.eisirsr Chin Golf Association is ftpun.--ring ;.. . f>r-! loiirruiinenf this-- week i. nd Tins i . •-> great ;-U p forsv-v.-l : : >s- th-:, in'ant organizafnm ami this corfver hop*rs that it will be -• : ; -u-. *:•.- • . The T ha- turnedt. - "oif in such giw. nutnit* ■- th Lie - perat-..: rst tile M' si.l-uw Brook Golf Cour- • have . a:: ‘o’ *.simt-d fit- ■ -u-" \- to them . Ir.defal gable Jimmy Me j K- ; . in.itr.ig J sCiub G ill' As.soctat.;--.a, ray.-, !r,s | ro -,v i --vr-ri! .s.;iv o :Jd r. - golf eouis-r f th*-it "'ll Sevcivo ! th* rvri ; : -A, A il] ,-a,, ;.l;, ■ •• -i'-st-vi)>t .--.! tbi. Trn -State T-'i'n'tiament d-srtng sb- thiday ' dti ratio;). SUDDEN THOl’Gilt : The.;.- iisc iOJjUO Negroes ;n Charlotte O-Iwr p, : p r-. -; i wrijid 1 >!! lift . ino.i- Alt Ufnk'tii' plant, -Vi’.:--. 1 ! , .- > urgent;-,- needed it's as rnnph- e- that' . . This writer p;- r :k.- Rnlpli Alexand*.r in <-op money boner:- in the Tn State Tourna iik at ir - x.-rider ... . -n- ,iej-*-,.i b- n-.s-nv i- .. : -. bite : g: it • v-i -is a-, fc. in-g th- oui.dan(;. ,n the .out:;. Ralph; v a two coursi * * -cords with turn -us white pros. H; reported a . ■s ii a ■;;?.>;!mg 1 :2 ?st. tbe Mv- e- Da k *-If Course, tying : t ji-aton H-;t In-, t s r i or-ci fm- nun. coutst. That's ’on under par. In i rGi .-!.oi a h-at ",>u the ’: Be--I Hogan'r • r j f,.,- t s;.t r ~.- Alexan- \ .darted ;n g if a caddy out at ihe Myers Park C- entry Ciub Be later w.,rVeci his way uj) to caddy -nr-.ji.-j uefo- *'.- turning f.u play - . tli.e V. -it I- 'if s- >n.; i y. T. ijJi -n ; -a hid- i.-lad Tigris of S*-'-on*l Ward high school 1 ; th* ir 1940 tbiots.-ail r-rasou -ril on t,n: ; ,gnt fool last week \t-ifh •■ * i ; ives W inchest:-'. !gn s<-h-:---'>!. Moi'irea . Jack Mai t,ot W( ■■!. Char! -Hi high .--•br.-i', an-i Jtj rv Johnson of Rrigevit-w i iitgh ! .j Hick(-ry, were among the spectator.-, at the game : Ci .leb M.-i n;s rnd hi- > f.•••••. W*--st Cbai-lottc- will rnc-'.-t tin- Tigers , N •*,. i> ,Vicn J ,hn«-.>n*s Rs-igevs---w Panther, are schedule to oni 'unity • jt- tins fndny night Are you stiil wonder ing ul'.y ;nev were there, . lucid- daily, the Tigers win ovc, Wsiti .'a-:-, v. js ; t - ro;-" a-.: lining !r. t they is- v, : irsd the '-ppo -tun ny pun. . Coats-; D. A. Games read ?.?, rusiiing plays, 11 pa.-s --ng pi.-.vs. and 7 *iiiiere-nt backs to roik-d up an amazing total oi t - oris, including punt rc-turns an.-: pcrmJli*-.-: Monro* . . i ’».- Sc-o'-ml Ward xpem-nced ’ Jotv.ard wall harrassed tac Mon- ■ ~Ch; back.-; so .-.acresfsly that they were able *o gam .niy 13 net : yards With little more grme xpei ience, and barr r.g injuries to - phsytr:-. tile Second Wasd Tig snake it rough for all comers . . When then game with Morgan ton was med, the West s Charlotte Lions got the ‘in, the game feel ’ wit'u a two hour long ,r immage last vv.-ek No score was- t.c-pt Coach Martin h?ts th;- | corn bin at i>n on th* fit-id as his No. 1 team James Cassel and ! J<-e Wl.-te »t tiii. ends: Harry S.,dler and Eugene Sanders at the tackle.-.; Generai Townsend and Faty Camp at the guards, and J me; Btuck 'vvil at. center. In the bac);tit-ld ‘.v. tensive standouts. Clawson lc.--.kcd especially good. He passes and punt- beautifully. . . The Lions have experienced men two-deep fur every position if that means anything to you . Their first came of the season is against Statesville high school there this Ft. • ; day nigh: The Lions make their home debut Friday night, October 7 Kings Mountain -will be in opposition. . John;--on 0. Smith’s Golden 'Built; continue to prop for their tough seii.--- -n opener With the Pirate.- >2 Hampton Institute on Sa id day, October 2 • (Whippet- Cream) Washington and Theodore ; McDowell continues to look good but the Bulls.' linesmen seem to • e u little -low rounding into form . . At this writng, Coach Cr.j riup'ft team seems to be shaping up thusly: Good backs, no line . . , ■ Even with a weak line, the Bulls are going to be dangerous all j j reason long ■ . Approximately 1,000 Negroes wc-i j int the stand last Sunday !as the Darlings from Brooklyn—those artful Dodgers—slaughtered : 1 the Clippers of Charlotte, 63-7. That was the first time many or • local thrift had seer, their favorites beaten and probably the last Him: they will see them beaten so ba liv . . , PLAYER OF THE WEEK: Our first choice for player if the week goes' to Charley Wallace of Second Ward high school Chunk ! ing Charley got 87 yards in 9 totes against Monroe last week for i h good average of 9.6 yard per try. Wallace also hit two receivers j iin six pass attempts, hi short, Charity was an offensive terror I (through the game. TIIF, CATiOLINi AN : buck Sum OiwlevivieK I , Hums Gant, dcfenrive s'goal-call- or HiVVatkois, and ttu- hard - j tnekling Bob Mooi-man nt end. | i The e five. say . Coac-'i Jimmy Grffin. formed the "bnckbone” of I ilit- 19-17 team : 'llii- hear- wem !i.rough their iina! . rr,mmagc Satur'.lay a . tbev n'.utc cp:jrat)--.ns so» tiivir - i-u w-c-UeiHt witfi the Hump •- I1 Pirate !; piweii to be ,-i iui>; :i.t uiciv i-.-Bite as the WliJes eked mu' i M-)> win ove-- thf Reds The Wiiiu < .-- e,gcnevalled by John . Tin ier white John Won barn. v. : l npcrai'.-r for the Rede. Tii- White earned then- first: • touch'll wr> on a nm \ from Turner T-.viliie nellnmy. and Rnscoe t F!-.;--(i added (he ext r a point Tiie ist-eanrt tally cam" on a pas.-- tn;i-\ i Bellamy (*.- Lincoln Turner, and, i Beiiamy made the extra point Donald Ford gave his team mates .-: ,-.-ir first score on a pass from Wortham Sander-. Mitchell pro iduecd the extra point. Bob Martin went ove; for me Reds second tal- j iv after he had .-parked a 50 yard sustained drive, started by Jun: Joyner's recovery of a fumble. Johnson C Smitli University Bulls VS. Winston-Salem Teachers College Rams WOMEN OLYMPICS STASES TAGGED AS “GLAMOUR GIRLS" Rv William O'Slicili):* for ANP One of the London sports writ cry -and. end i.dcr wrote, niter iV had taken on- good look at the (j. S v.-rmi ! ; track and field te.i-.v . tii.-.t bunch of glamor gills the Yanks have brought over -re ! might win a beauty contest or a! | fifize in a fashion show, but Iji ' wager anyone they will not win .< ! fir.-1 (dace in the Olympic games." i Their neatly coiffeared hair, >cd ' lips, carefully powdered fat- a, arid 1 form‘fitting uniform.-; had prompt --i r-ttjfi i sfderm.-n( Mu-.h to our ; surpr’s-:, he aid not change bis; • •-••-in-on nfh.-i he had seen i'-ic fern ' iriinc "state icier-” liir.her up There were many such sta’emcnls made by th* Olympic nninnict i s ; Tlu. Furli.-'h. iila .he European.'. : weic extremely .v• y for ‘he fu- Dare \vi.-;aa:! ; anij n: ihe U S. i'i'.cy : .-us! knew nur women were cvidv-- : iii!.' toward a gciicr,.ii"ii of femiu no v/erikluigi. Pi marily because - : out girl- did "ot liavc hug inu.-ci!- iat .iiio- -and legs like iho bicycle riding English and continental : women whom; Cltm-.HIA I be;-'.- is -,u< a thing as n-iug bio -.vrong ' li’cria fm judgm nl. The Fuinp'-aus Iradi'.u'n.illy believe ,a girl must look and act manishiy tun ( a voice like an iow.i tva | caller, a crew-lnirctii. and a chr’;. I fitting uniform Uefi're can become an Olympic, champion Regardless of whether Ih< ■ i in . favorable criticism struck a friem able nod: in du- i, ud of ;r, t, they did give- us iv-. h : food f.-i, thonvht j Dll; omen's pl-y r • ..-rtm ,t.o • and aiidc-dc program our Atm-; a- -olte.. «- i; ul-. . . : ll v y-:-.!!--. fn-i-you a :.-i yiMi.J •n-mi Franc*, ui u s -ais- ngu i dev• "m i .-•»'! --r in ;- t ; Th -!-• o r c :v, ij-g . - > ; < D-a - m th" : ’n't: *i .Shjn who ’> 'have intm "ilcgiate athtetk- -.. .* - ! petit.c-u ioi v.-nsv*-,. All the worn j co’s prysirid c*lik:.i l ion and alhle j’.c a oc’nlioTiz frown .-n nub a | program. ih'WCVfr. man-- - f mo Nd -m --■fiiooL a: - wisely c! n n j; to the ; Individ" ii - Al’ I-. ’ Different e” , thco.-y and ;>son>oiin - imricd -n - r rc"l ir-g >a i - programs for worn ■ " N,-; i -it '- i :ii” i;• • n i'ti t- p -I■* ’ 1 da- ' : S ’ i - !'•• -i \nv ir -Ira .-■: and field gome were ,V --groc> Two us Bn. thrci.- Olympic' - ’.i -ii li |-1a i*i -.i-ipriC' -i-.-. ya ; girls Al-ee i.i-od- f Atby-v ' : s-,r. (•. !!--, -r: . v | won inn •• Omnpi - ehampionstup. : ano Audrey Palters,-n. Tcnne?; "o j Slat", i'iht'cd :ii;:d in ;>of) met. i \ run ’hough ! d-d ni-a ;h --( !>-. . an,) ..codon spur: v ja.niong the inavy \v.-n *.-mwded .around Mr ('oaclimni; -f'c: j had Won the Olympic high jump ; r ivm’pi !up, ! hope he va- t!-n rr. ■ F' i ;n Flics Co ii-hraan vte nave m ' ■’ ■' "’'it".: exam; R of an Ami-vi •• !l -VOirilil! nthl' tc who Mr V.lii j-- Bir min* i"'.m Black Baron-, annex' J ." f-atii.nv voampiuii ■ -nip "f the Negro American leag i<- u ;th , of -102 arcording to' 1 aiis":foi *hc- 194 H season jus - . - leased by Ho-vc Nov.-s Im ; rcau Wilen. at the top of the !: ■ ! pn-tidicaily all scasou, also took | first place in runs .scored. 7.9; arid ; rno-t hits i"4 Runner-up in hitting l on-irs i\u-> ■u. Iv ar*• rt Bt-yd of flu Memphis Red Sax Tiie Sox .- t rrf baseman finished ‘.ifli 376. and also Pit tin most i t ijil".-, :». in the league Under Boyd \\::s Hcurj Thomp i son. Katu sis City iVtonai chs’ out- i 1 fitldo* with a .375. He also held ihe distinction of being the best I base stealer, 20 in all. Fourth place went io Willie i Brown, also of the Monarch:.’ out : field, with 374. He led in total ’ ' number of bares. 582. and was the '■ hoc:,: run lung with !8 homers The fifth best natter was Lorenzo ; Tipper" Davis, the Black Barons 1 isecond baseman, who also U-ad the ; runs batting in division with 63. : l-Ie batted .354 Archie Ware of Cleveland u t (Neil Robinson of the Red Sox !. | m biting doubles Each had 23. The Barons’ Alonzo Perry took | top pitching honors with a record jof lo victories and two defeats for . (an average of .833. N\L RESULTS Homestad Grays 4, Phila Stars. 2 i Homestead Grays 4. Phila Stars 4 Homestead Grays 6. Hev ark 4 N, Y. Cubans a; Baltimore -mini ; ! Newark j. Baltimore i ; Newark 8. Baltimore 2 ! Philp, Slavs Hi. N Y. Cubans 8 ! Homestead Grays 7. Baltimore 2 | Homestead Grays 10, Baltimore 5 EXPECT FIELD OF 200LEADING Ij, S GOLFERS IN WET CILAixirn.'itely . -?OU of Iho eounlry's icrv: ,g Negro golfer;. are expected u, ontei the fir.'* N(..t o Tri-State Tournament venture "f tho Kxcel'ior Club Golf As oeiaUoii that •’ ■ IteriM'S’i H Raxtf r. •••••; If; will d; •/.•it . I if: I bull /■ ixn-i Ihr i.pi'nr.i; ' day ceremony Aftm win eh Pm C f ’iitC'.lk wilL U'e im j in -:ii*ii on | o.t winning mme of the- §SOO w-onir , oi prizes a lid cosh motley One of Ihr important cnin;/ will i , hr- Ollio fiar, ..n. .-f Clcvelar,cl. ; Ohio, who rncenMy woo the Elks’ Open a 1 Now Crudle, tv Dawson is ■m an; .it-;.. golf. Ralph Prei l'v . of N’crlmh, Va,, who was a • iuiu;r/i - tip in tin North Carol.rn ■ • Vi: pints Opca in Norfolk earlier »i the rummer, and William Car ‘rr of K.iyettevtile Teachers Col ie; v, are two other .slronft con tender /I ’i n amateur bracket Notable m'ioiv.r the pros are Ralph AUxnndri of Cl-avloitc: who is rate ! by norm m If experts os be ,mg the oufst/riding Negro goifer in the south. Pat Bali; who was the .first Negro professional in tire .country Edtl.e Smith of Not folk. Vn. who !o-t the N ('.-Va Open to Alexander bv 2 stroke-’ !a--t .Lily "Piigar" R ■l’iii'-on of Orangeburg. S C.; v. no in-,!, to A Vximdev in the ffenl.s at the Or-ingeburg Coun ty Caddy Toni nkrtier* at Orange but"'. S (* and Tommy Thump on. / dark horse entrv. from ID' '••mo ; ! Va A lex.inma v u the N t' -VA Oik n vy'h 270. ten under par Si m- 50 nUnti Charlotte prof*"?-- ;n .n's and .linswii- Roddy Tate. James - GuflT' McClure, and others will be in Ihr field lUan/i.-T of tin Excel::!.-! I '?•.. • Goff As-eoatsw. farmed this v, Japies ItJfKec. The tournament 1 chairman r .lack Martin, ui-n known in ioca) sprat, r.rrles. v.nih I.,ovelt Warner as-.-.'-mt All g.-lf 'Vs are in'vited 1-> ent'. -, it I i’Cii ;; Grrrcd tbai the UiiH-nament is ’pen to . ‘-fry me OKU. CITY HAS FOUR NEGRO AIR SHOWS WEEKLY OKLAHOMA GIT V ANpi ;Okk;hiMY/ City has (our radio pro , "Southern r-' featuring the Pittman - m “S*p:a Svtt.u ; Club." i jf.eki.y show; Kb; ReynnWh in . new.- i.ivodeusl ;ums ■‘Creed. Color and Ce-ojx-ralaort. The oliiit*.t ,-Jnsw is ‘'Souiheiii River.-’' \.-hieh made : i'.3 debut in . 2930 over WRY. In 1941 it was air* 'cd by the National Broadcasting i company ihmugbmn the miuon ard it; Lstiri Amcj it-a It is a v, renk •ly prog'nun beard 10-10-30 on Sun day mornings Cl.'iyhou; ne White ;s the disc 1 jockey imi "Si ; a Swing Club" 11>s ■ hour t<-. 45 minutes because of its 1 popularity His program is heard .Monday thi'-ugh Friday ev-rv week on station KTOW Mis- Reynold- is the only Negro woman news coimnentat in th< •outitwf-si Hes pi't/g/iitTi hat-' :.'icd by Hooper as the city's sc. - md be -' Saturday prog, am She interviews famous perrons, a net dp-cusses Negro achievement. She is heard ovet station KTOW. Kenneth Johnson is the coalmen tatnr on WKY's "Creed, Color and Cooperation,' a program which tells smies of interracial good will 'and cooperation in the south. In Aprii the *'S<: Phern Rn-et program was extended iiorr- a hail plaque for outstaiidinv and faith l iul service. TAR HEELTO S!VE SHAW PROBLEM IN GAME SAT, A fell.r.v North Carolinian >ll the rank of Hampton's Pirates will tie one of Shaw University's ; biggest problem-; Saturday night, m Hampton when the defending champions invade Armstrong F'eld at S o'clock. He's none other than Ray Stile-, capable end from Moorehead City. Y\ T . and a graduate o! Beau ford • High School. Stiles last year beat another North Carolina eleven. A. . and T.. by intercepting a pass and d.i-hinp for the game’s sole touch down in the waning seconds of play SAT. OCTOBER BOWMAN GRAY' I|B|jf MEM. STADIUM W W Winston-Salem, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25' 1048 Patterson Seen As Sparkplug Os *4B lllini Team CA.ViP.-MGN. ri! i ANP) fltin <-1:-. I n-: h-.-.'n classified a an ' if" le.-.m i- • tf»4B end puUing that In-' t!c Iw-i-lcltcr word u:to tire Itirgcst kind of iypi h i.till speils I’a:-- .t . ■' i Coach Ray F,i; ■ concerned Tlu- lilmi need -i break- swav i bock ’a moke Eiir.t'.s i ,i en’c ■: - offen v. caper;. A iu-J, up and j down !It,*- i- -(«•!- or .aero.-;.-, the pvac *»<•*• field V.-veals ibat T’attoi-son i-“ me : iik, lj cano.'d »tc to till that r-.-ie. lujiiricft and cxcc.u wcigbJ l:;ri- Jcd Pa! tersuu':- talent'' i.- "t ! ,11. >l-■ tiinn-.ii i-.d regular IlUni tiacks tn nvcrofte yardage with fl.i yards a *i y But iri 11)17. and al- > as !!>(<■; '.vb-'ii 11 ui."; won the 8.,2 N’me and R-B-.\v! till*. F.iioi ! -ad a v -abh o; ether t-xnei umco-.j I lialiba, !•:. :.I take up the slack N---v hoy- t-ke Rykovich. Alt T)t:-' fchnr a; iUuggiuH. and f ict* Buddy Y-'U-iu ;.r- gone, and i:ri;-,r--( EAGLES FACE S C IN FIRST HOME TILT SATURDAY DUIII fA.VI After M.ittird iv s -pci" . -'-’Pit I )eia-,, arc: Gi-sfe a* Dove:, ihe Xn-th Car-'ilina Colic:'*' K mi.»k.- then* i- n, ■on home g.-'-ui'd Sunn-cbiy. ( Jet,, .5. -•; .i-1 S .nils Car- lb ; Stale if Drangcburg. Th ■ B-o.;l- li.-ivr her-. P.kiu.v. i - - ! ' in (vice dally t,r;ll: r-uu*. St-pi he 1. i'i! v, th tin- 1.-,:.c.1m-iin -of: Sen»Cr.»bci 2'!. li; ■ - c -ions were cut ig> cine p<- : da- S-.ftty Oiti" men reprotect ?" C‘ ach Her man Riddick foi- the fir.-' Mbit!,-- and !-s> week Iho squad wa-; reduced b- M Ruldick slaler 1]|..l lbe -quad ■ \ ill aiiOtbej- cut on | • the basis of showings made in the . Ufiawue game Altlnmyl) the Khg’cs have out- ; ;i-;it ‘-'lf I mne;;;: few c,f the! f-i -him n on the -I Oily otic! ' -ty end rc-turm'-.l M-J.- yea'': he ■ v" lin- Moore. Durham r-enioi I-.-' .i-vfn . Ch.fs l"- H .i'i'i.'n •. < Km j - Ci*y. K."i--i. .-'.nd Kenneth Bn-- ( ! j°p f Gcla.iamo -iim< promivcs of j ■ rliKg in: of til- ef.r! i-.-sHiOit - hmari jjrandid itr for the te* ■ : m:i .! jot -; - J"hi. Vu-nun TV); i p"-ir:d- - , (; Hdi.-tde Hi;*h ! rSidrpoi jj, Durham.- Krip - Wariick ■* H;-;-: and V, m is- He!!i"|' -' v "ii -> "i i;.>ld hu>n, v.h i '-os made - ■ 'I t.e. j-': AfKJtmr ckfkM Alton ■" Gar us A bur Parc. N J . i- e v>t->. :". urtbv candidate for fullback . Fre. ' men hnr/men who should t make the grade are Francis Mc- Ghee. guard Al-xnndria. V - and ■iniiii's Crawford, t.-jekie. Ch.u-lrittc, X'-rih Cnr-olin; . FLORISTS SPLIT CHAVIS PARK DOUBLE-HEADER The Tui ->■ is F’ roftlvdl U ill- • don bit t! -Sun- -i v -it vnnmi nt ».'i*-;vi« fVirk dioL'f>:ng - • fms ? ganu! t, .! I: i.l while Team ii C. and -. , ,:i-p-i:" ti-e set-ond from -iu Bin.iktyn Dodger.- D; ; lv:n hv a .-cure id f-4. in :i)i- opening . iiich cut "in,.- innings. Raii-e was the win ning pjjcher whit- Johnson was ,h. :r<-(i v.-;ti) th-.- e- > .0 -f-cc. d g; me -.--a marked |s> -i pilchcr'.s duel belt" ecu Jelly Haywood for the Fieri:.'- and Horton for the Dodger -■ Wilder bb. a home- run in the . opening came. Stewart was be hind the b-r.I i j bo’i'i games. JGEIOUiSTQ DON GLOVES (GAINST WINNER OF BOOT MtV YORK (ANT i The innoum-fd retirement of heavy weight champion Jor I.ouis is off. it v»as announced iicrc this week, f.ouis said Dial hr will defend Sits crown next sum ra»r against tl-.r winner of tiie Vim-,l (hhary.-s 15 round November 12 hou! slated for Madison bquare Gardrn. He will be h giving oner more for the 20(h Century Sporting Club The title bout will be hrSd at Yankee stadium Special Features—lnternational Sweet hearts cf Rhythm (Oct. 29-30) and Open High School Band Contest ($5.00 in Prizes) Tickets now available through W. S, T. C. Alumni. Game $1.50 by Oct. 23—After Oct. 2i, *2.00. . time of r-’atpjrson has grown pro portionately CON SI Vn NTI.Y NEEDK.D Strcakv of brilliance in his 5944. 1946. -nd 19.17 seasons with the ! 11! oj ii’dicaie P•;tti rson lias the .. r stuif if Ho 1 :i cc’/si-ta-u/'y i gertomutnee. Any l/ilfbaek who • mil;- up i.2.‘!7 ■u .in 2ii trie• over • tore'.' years, averaging 5.9 yards i-vi'i', time no earriud the ball and ' : co; ,n ; 78 points, musi have some thing El •! hope-. P/.ttcr-ori will '• •how Ih •! n: :/•;;.n>; regularly and pi ov, i. / i-,.i r > ince total:' *b:s 1 fall. Patter-;-.m ju r.itc-o cornpalgn was -n ■ fro !i: ll ni> -> .-on, 1944. when Ih< and Young ’>• uned ru halfbacks. Oiliv 17 v old ilv-u, PatLerson ./peed in tv:; yard: in 130 carries, a 9.2 yard average Paul w.i/. a half i u.'".‘k for t;;-- Flee! G;!y N.'syv Bluc - rickets a t’yia, Lae/, ret erved L., a :-ay -/ice discharge and re turned to | the Hid'i in 194(i. Tin wealth ; f iU'-tu Italfbacks ; that ye.;r aiut ia/J fall meant Pat ; lei-/in no longer wn.- the wovk j horse, yet Paul main!:,died his ball •’ eai i yuit; avci age ui'Oi.ind the 6* va.rl n •: Hi- I.rcakaways of 1044 ■ itec.'ime !••:-.) iror|uent. how over, be- I cause of leg :n,iu' les AN CONDITION Nov- Patterson is in the finest ; ronditi n - f h's career, running at a trim 183 pounds and show in;-: mnr' nimbii'ii-' • afoot. No* ovetiy fast. Paul is the type who can fake a ; {iefenr. ve man off he Art and who . ,; i , 1 1 K hi: ' 1 1 /1 i a laukcii field If wasn’t ui:2 i ’ V.' fall, in ; --,corin-> runs Ohio State and Northwest err, that Patterson c,lk>w cd hi.i f-Li'ivc!!C/y to ‘in fullest ; cibrn! Hi -.pent n /is! r-f the sea - li, nytr.K tn C:.riy "fee!.'’ yf his ! I upper dipper;?? after earlv , utjur.y. Pin :.:•■• iG yasd 'urrakaway .. damp field n Ohm State and :?ii-vtu. ii;riC rprin;; il',rt/i;-.h Jii in”:Ni!/:;;w//’ern team in Gi;e i: ; j «> Lam-/ r' OLV cnee/ Mmid via: m . t!’,oroiighly-dan | gereii; Patter son this fall. Patterson p/mi/d at Best H’i’.h, ; Ajini.c i. pas-iing, rur-ning. ./•.,! kiclung -a rc key Lartnrs on ! -wed te ! : - fm tbur reason." He 1 1 -:• « at K. ; m/h a broken ankle. | r I './i..”/ . , ‘'V,-.! High, Oil ; ! J /.r M / -1) 1-. . 1913 T) . / pi,-: :ii t-. 4 a'tf'iit!'-n to ; Hhuoi;; m U»G fie scored five ' , I ‘ - tm F-Jm.-U tile! V iil I , iPi- :' four -■ mi, 1/ i/bi and !'w7, . f..-,. . . ~. -. .. ... ?.> ■<;* f u*- ;cyr : hCf s Jc or®** 1 ® j/ • I J** '■ m Vjfc and Bottled by Tbs National B-n-ninJ ! igl Co, of RoUisnore in Maryland DISTRIBUTED BY SIG SCHAFER & SON ' DISTRIBUTOR 221 S HARRINGTON ST PHONE 2-1569