PAGE EIGHT Continued From ETHIOPIAN MINISTER j The j JAit and Con.-Jtution full hove been involved in rack.) trou- , bles several times in Iht past. , in the most publicized anti-Ni 10 1 act, the DAR teluseci to iet Marian Anders,iii sing on the hall stage. , ’ltie apology, signed by the ■ - 1 sedation's president Dr Edmund W. jjinnett of rate aid delivered by Dr For, . i R. Mutilimi. chief administrative oifieer. lead in pari: "The officer'- ot trie American ; Association lor the Advancement ol science have Darned to lheti' i acute embrassrnent of '.l'm serious affront which w.-s suffered by the , rninistci from Ethiopia. “Wc wire sincerelj unaware u , this grave occurrence which ■ die more shocking since 11 violate' ml the traditions n1 science ~nd cl' . organization, and >o profoundly _• humiliate- n-:' What Has lvniu intends lo do was not revealed, bm it ;s believ- , ed that he will regard the incident as closed. He vva.- u specially in- : vited guest to tne meeting. He h'ii i the hall aft'ei being toM to leave hit seat hi the dipiomutic section, it is repotved. SEVEN NAMED ; proof p<;:*itiv<: (A the dotcfttiinii tion of i't Trun' to bnn.c, full manhood rights to all Asw*ri , „,. , - "1 he pre.-rancc Oi two- ..a-alin ing Nog:.) Americans on th;- : Committee c u guarantee that tin Corumsitci will e-nay .-.Hit porously tb e mriinmendatkiiv, ' i ontroneri sn tic- Preside!!.'..' Kxi i.utive Ordei iha-igned t*. iv:r;uv< discrimination in the armed t OrccK, "No two imci .■ -••.•ntntivt of the Negro people could >u.v>. I:., on -t'lt-elcd .than M, . L- !'•'■* I ,i U'lp: i iii Hit rSUi a 1 1 e-1 , , -■ 1 League anil :V! • Jo'm ■$- ny-ta: k<-. publcht: of the Chicago Dob nd- , ut Both ui these men now dem nmstated their tb-vo'-co to tiv cause of Negro lis-ccenn “Indeed, search of tim La, R ground cf each member of the. Comm It te,- rev ; s a en ■•: !: re Ame "can a b:- U.TS PH. I). Udtc courses in rer nation iinl physical education where tie taught graduate urn* amU O lti . t«i I'.aa r.ltioll UlUt wi-teif with fi-sameil jtiidii •• Vii VV* alherford i-- an honot gi at)uate from springlieM Inter national tMt A Holt, ’ e lie J.ebl- tile .VI 5..1 in llnthii i <lu, ~>- '.ion and the ,V1 S' 1 de grec in rv wait son and |«le steal education i'roni this institution. He is tin* only Negro to earn two advam :*d decrees from Spring field Colic e. He is the eeond person to fat awarded the Pli h degree in the school »i physical eduotMion and a thirties at tie: I’ennsy iv.-.0i.: slate i ollegc and Ii i tin- first member of the ram to earn ,i doctor ol piiil e,j,hv degree m health. physical education, and • ('creation. Hr. Wcatbi-rliirii has been ap pointed Professor of Recreation and Physical i dui rtion in the Department of Physical fuiiHii llon at • The North Carolina ('•••! lege at Durham u* 6 .!, ii* 1 imli assist also m tin Institute ior Graduate Study md Research FIVE SOLDIERS of the dead, Sgt- Harold Jei fn.-K. was a resident at Win-'ton $: i'-'in. N. C. The <>thei dead whose names were re’.eased are Cyi. K - r.\ CL u ham, Los Angele:-. Ci.'.il . Cpl. Calvin Jacks, in. Williamsburg. Va and Pvt. Cla; Johnson, Philadelphia. The dead and injured soldiers were members of the Th.rd Bat talion, 505th ALL,a no, 82nd Air-: borne Division and “P.” Company. ?85th Tank Battalion. Ail were stationed at F; at Bragg. An Army investigation is be ii. . conducted into the circumstance/ c£ the accident, FI ERA SAVANT principles of hew to fight stgr.-gation. Speaking of the latest incident, Arthur B. Spingarn, president, said, "It is with deep rugjvt that the board felt the necessity oi passing this motion asking lo; the Duß,us discharge from the asso eiation staff. "Dr Dußois was one of the founders ot tne Hrooeution, and tor many years . is voice wo.-: the voice of this organization but the board could not retain him and hold its own position as the top authority in the associati .•n.’’ CITIZENSGHOIP Kit; his.” In Nc-W Orleans. Chairman C A, Laws of the Louisiana Citiw ns Committee, ha:-: launched , $lO, 000 fund raising drive with mor. than SI,OOO reported at the first meeting. Chairman W. W. W<rit);o:.spool of the Gecrgia Citizen.- Commit tee set in motion a plan to unite the state’s 150.000 Nryr > voters behind Mr Truman, 25,000 of whom are in Atlanta- Indicating the deep intensity of the citizens’ movement to reelect Mr, Truman is the identity o" sonic of the contributors to his roeiection campaign fund. Tim Rev. Archil' Ware, who was brut ally beaten after costing his vote in the South Carolina Democra tic primal"? election on August 10, pave $25.00 and declared un conditionally his allegiance to the Front Page Democratic Party and h th, President. H. B. Sharon, tiii year-old Con way, S. C. farmer and his t>.: yea. old wife contributed $5.00 each from their farm income The membership of Tie Level Green Methodist Church at Ben nelvihe, N. C- donated their en tire Sunday morning's collection ot $25.00 to the reflection fund Editors and publishers of the twenty Negro he'Wapapetes with a combined readership in ex.ves-. ut one million wh > are backing Mr. Truman's reflection, and have accepted membership on th. National Citizens Committee in elude; John H. ScngStacke, Chi cago Defender: Lauis Martin. Mi ehigan Chronicle: Frank Stanley, Louisville Defender: C A. Scott, Atlanta Daily World; J. K Mit chell, St. Louis Aigus. C. C. Do ijie. J ; , Louisiana Weokly; Geo. Law)'-:nee. Ohio Stab" New.-,: Joan McCray. Lighthouse and Inform er; Emory Jackson, Birmingham World; A. G. Shields, Jr., Arkan sas World: Edward L Goodwin, Oklahoma Eagle. Philip Weight man, St Louis Arm-Term; Jamc-s A- Hi; ii Jett, Xanra- City Plain dealt”: Sam B. Solomon. Miami Whip Call; T. C. Jf rvay, Vvilmia gton, N- C. Journal, and Paul E. Jerv.iy. Raleigh, N. C C; r liniari WALTER WHITE rotary. ;vSti> office rout in- Toe NAACP i'onrti appeent--1 Wb..: : lo serve in pill"*.- of White dip my his leave ot absence The NAACP announcemefu riot 'ha: Winfe Vie;- -nat physricl-M --ked that he be relicvid of hi duties ; t thi- time. Ji said that White "has worked to the Uetn fiieiit <-! hi- health for i-everai yen? - ■'.adieu: : ufi'ic.oni real ’’ Write is as worked v-.'h the N . A A O !>. : ince :9ia after !eav aa> AblaTa L.;j'e lia-uranei: Com paay Will;;)!- -Tiffed Wurkia: for '••I A ACT aft - s ionviia; fin* K;e -- fTHEYTL NEVER Ilf Tmm j-,- ——— —* —— // it i *■*sss£& i| BORN r RrE 1625 j N : ;W<% BALTIMORE,MO. FRANCES WATKINB HARPER. A f»Cf» bbyrh OTf p MAt| | ft fN 1 cEhAFAN. A- r ' 'Wrs j e WAS !N FA THAT Bm SAW AND BtiCAYiE A PAR; doe. ,/WW or TME FAaV'tC UNDER&ROUNb': V /W' r A | A of John brown to the Jomim v - / '■&*£ '■ heart or the enemy camp/ J MLR WR'TiN&S 'NCt:D£ / V S j ' TME FIRST NOVEL BY an ' \ EM AMERICAN NEGRO w;-M, • \ fgp * j * / f. t FRANCES E. W, so mßpm- Mm '■ MILITANT LECTURER & ! AUTHOR / i . Vfc-?- - ,' j -. Continental Feettti«6 ■' I ffa y # \ " h, / si tzLfo '■ f' .. ■ r ' k{MO? / • 1 NY of / ' A-A\ must be more than ■ • . J-t s I * - \ *[usl pretty”, MISS CO-ED f M ij 1 ; gives me the flattery of "The new look", it fils j j where I want it to fit, and leaves me free and i hi unhampered, its fine Jjj 1 j fabrics and skillful crafts- }< j mnnship assure its rI - ’ long-lasting ioveiitK-ss. t I m " (fS-SSfl fm;% Mimt&ejMMmm FASHIONS ramwngwasanr j*?rsx.: -rr-:-mrr-r-;.■euuirir'.r.acefaßctm: s«.’ga^y--MwamaeriiiUL: l tt‘Lßijr.; 1 . 1 .- 1 . 1 --: . i iim»«u , ,».t! , «acaHii.tavoacr •.ame e.uiei el tile Crisis. tii<> M A A C. P mai-azine v.-Uer. l>i R. i; Oußois lengnc-fi. SFAMJDINC; Wui'li tc determine the fnHs ol the .-.tutation in order to deter mine what vva> v.-g: t and then going ahead F diov.’ing his introduciior. by J. w. Jcffiies, (.'iubernatorial Nominee Scott said that he had sought the uppertuniD ta appeu ia fore the group in order to lenm t .f its needs and viewpoints so that they might be fitted into the ‘'overall pattern foi the state'’ Mr. Scott raid that nis own • .v --peiieneeu had led him to the be lie t that greater representation was needed by tne race on boards mid commissions which handle .•natter:, cone ruing the race and that such representation v/oukl be provided. "But I’m going to need youi help’'- - , , if: then charged the group with the responsibility of listin'.; the instances of such need and of se lecting persons whom they lelt to be capable of repi e.snting them. In Agreement Citing declarations of previous :■ ceakers that the Constitution bad not been followed in us pro visions relating tc Negreos added "I am one of those wl; • eels 1 nat the ConaL*ution has not been followed much for tne past 16 veara." In e'inclusion Mr. Scott pledged i'Biiiaeif to a priigi uii us improve nitjni of school trim spur faDon, farm to-market i anti tin "development of North Caron;,a f ■ .'. nth Carolinian;-/’. Otfivi speaketo, who wen ;.e;dd on the prog!a. - included Attonsey F. J. Carnage i-Suiinnan: H. V; Brown, principal of the Dillard High Scitool of G-. ldsbu and president of the North Carp i; ill: Teachers • riat! ;!!, I.'i . i • h, vlrCauxviio diseussed th. medical needs of tin- N< gro in Yorbi 'Dr Helen Rd THE CA.ROLI H 13 Floy:l of Wan'on County Tne North Carolina CommitUv i n ,\ r egi •; . was ot tanizi d approsiniotciy 13 years ago hut, becarpe relatively inactive during ! trie war you u Te.r. ,p ;v oi fleers eid. ted I>y the group at Monday's rr.eetin.g included F. J Carnage, chairman; R. ;VL Hands of Durham, secre tary. and :;i! Reverend H. P«. Floy i, i:easuir. I. S. BAPTISTS George E. Havre- of '>• f. ■i■ >1 Cr-imcii of Chuiehes of 'i. i.-t de livered a adores? on Africa. Other speakers at ihc .session' in cluded the Revs J. C. Austin, Chk-n: r-i ,f. Vv Daw-on. cxccu'iv.: 1 .-(if -1 lai - i -i fiie ltrial: -is ot Amer- SciJi'i; A M. Mors a All. speaking far the whin- BapUrts; T M Cha.n : bar.-:, pres deni, !>. M and E. Con . rr. i-1. W A !■!':.l/Ma R V.'. Bilev. I'oo-irfoic. Aner.can B. pn t Theo’egieal Seminary and Sandy ' R;i> seeretary. Social Service Cen:- nr.ssic!:, Brooklyn. ’ib'. Ginh of five con vention will meet in Las Angulca NATIONAL NEBR 3 VETERANS 3MP CREATifIN URGED . : t Vaa A ('offey, vara a a o Wei Vet ■ lie.:., is eao.c.i : .!»!,!'! 1 i':a (1 her < .Sep'..-!.*:- , bei h-nd rni: .year's , ~fi-a. ~c 1 i I - W V :-t m ion Su i; I -1 ; : foi :• a’ i V;> I.K '. . !! C •I; K ? | A a:,; a in' thus..’ iudr.pendent | ,-iok- ha cao -, r- group to ■ j ‘ " i: A" " I C’, . , ad ■ i •ia aaaudi.:"- 1 (J a , .. -- • .o-i - I S ■'a ■ , a,-- -a . . c.-.n ' . -,a. -m • ■ : I I iN'penn I I 'ab | *3.15 Ik t 0* Fifths < 86 Proof THr STRAIGHT WHISKEYS 5N THIS PP.ODUO ASt 4 V!■ ARa Ok MOHT Oil} 35 V, STRAIGHT WHiSXEY, 65- NEUTRAI tHSTILUD FROM 06AIM. SBBBFBBAH l TOTS PECS!A. UllXm C i h I tnO*‘‘ m m Wk \ i'-' Spa |w M. I n,O -*> \\ H | i 1 liffe *• ~. 3/a Ip Hi Wk >*«v 3 ip m as„ ; fe? s M ® *s«<£; ,„s£~" * m m 3f § /ffi® M ig xg * W JK AK £ HOME BAM BY BREAD » ‘‘L'liii'(lijil ii i \ i ! i!i 1 • ui'iii iliji* 4 ;: ~#4i!iki jJ,.J,4 il*. >, NT AN •r*, <:,.■■■ - / f\ y r~~**' 7. /6 /. V / JWj V<Sj 1 ' jJ\l '' \* \ \ :; \ ' ••DON’T FI.AY ST. EAT IT” ir ri'dlu.'itioN i:!!?’ !i !]'. ' joi.t tn-iii-, Ofli'.’Or.; i.ivd lOudws us i'.ikov ' ;;i 0). V; i* .\ • : l'; i- ! E ' Du y* Asa;. I?U* . VV« i■•. /:i Ivi<3.i •h. a: -; national vii C ( *? •IT L l ){. iv: • . Vv !•! .1 OIL SiilOU!, 1’ M&’iorin groui- v<-u.L:uiy lie :-m;!, r ; E ;\leOaniel, : econd n wiilii Uitec -uKuntAgo of every ed- .tlonai vice t. . nd* r Kan •.« Cit 1 r •'•ducation myj on ’he job t.rabi Mo . O S. Bond, nanonai trea ; j bcriofil ni ihv t./.f Bill of Eight:.', or- ■ Kr : n£;n: Clt) KaiL. „/* mgP** rr WM pr:4tj ** ■ -/<** *s*\wr***m%d ■ ima . ---•• ■—--; :W. — Ti .f a f'% | \\. /fc . C*~»~ «*»«» -•*- I V;: IV:, J\ -.... , i F you CAN'TBS JYA N E W 1 B^ ot p '* a | CAR, KEEP YOUR ENGINE I 71T7 ! new ■ <fctr ■- Q I Tow pision ring:, save- oil. pas. ami at, > . > i j v--'* -*~ j live i*:.Xi i r,.o'-!.‘ power,- I ; SIR WALTER | T-r :; - j CHEVROLET CO. Isawfsaßßßsfflss®- ja^sr @T&keHeme SIOO * H PIUS Dt*OSSJ - a t% v .> St $..'fSF: v^'.r/:Vo?":.•'< - ■ ’*»' i ; " V ••' • fc. Ww-i l?Vsi '■•- "AO; ‘i L' 'A -t fk-.w* si •|p%i:4 •• . .if-.. .; L. -.,»..5. .- ;:i .; -. f-p ;. f.<- }i /■-...- C /■:. f-5-■ -.- : vv ; o * i seek-M I k =1 1 I •* , iJSW Atsill ,- A % ~ ;■ /* , m ■ ' ‘ WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, lf)4K K C. Greighton. naliohal chap- j Williams, naUonal service oiGo-.. lain: L D. Lamb, national iudij% Orangeburg. S. C. .id vocate, iv a I-- a: Citj, Krin ; J. '-.i 1 > And Paul Ft. Stewart kittio Todd. Lisio' ian, Birmingham: Jas. ! Rock; Mrs Sarah Marsh, V/inston- A. Beard Kansas City, Mo.; Na- | Salem, N (.'.; Mrs. Lidia Mid ihoniel i‘ Johnson, national or- drew, Kansas City. Mo.: and Mrs. :■ :ii. Kansas City. Kan.; K. L. O. S Bond. Kansas City. Kan., Easy Terms Auto Tires - Batteries - Radios Bicycles - Home Radios - Appliances SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS Terms As Low As $1.25 Per Week ® »..... '422 S. Salisbury St. Phone 3 3831 Behind The Courthouse B.F. Goodrich visit Newest /■>• i * | 1 f O! Children s bn,op NOW OPEN Carry ins CHILDREN’S CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES INFANTS to Size 12 USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN | Jack ant! Jill Children’s Shop 16 F. HARGETT ST. Outstanding Specials Featured On Efird’s Basement floor LADIES, GAY, FLORAL PRINT HOUSECOATS $2.95 —Ladies extra long, flora < print hoi^fc coats' fine quality ! cLitton print ' Gay. o-iloruil figure;;! Ladies Colorful Cotton PRINT FROCKS $2.39 —Lovely siyles in fresh, color ful. cotton prints! Special value at this ion price * GIRLS SOLID COLOR RAYON FROCKS! Values lo $3,98- Reduced to $1.95 —Smart styles in solid color : rayons! Beautifully trimmed! Wonderful value at this re- 1 duced price! Children's Warm, C err. fort a bl e Plaid BATHROBES Values io $5.50. Reduced lo $1.95 —Smart, colorful, plaid Wh:t tenton robes ■ • values to as high as $5 50! 208 Fayetteville St. Raleigh, N. C. Father George Fine SHEETING! 23c Yd. 40 Inch Wide Fine SHEETING! 25c Yd. , 6 Inch Wide Quality OUTING! 35c Yd. —'White, pink, blue and color ful stripes! A real value for such good q ua h tv! 36 inch Wide Print PERCALE! ■ 39c Yd, —Wide variety of floral and modernist if: designs l Sanforized Shrunk White BROADCLOTH! 48c Yd. Finished Soft Fine Hope BLEACHING! 59c Yd. j 36 Inch Wide Fine White BATISTE! 39c Yd.

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