PAGE TWO SPOTTING & JOTTING i. Step Inn Lunch ovsvi TY.ird Ward way is really a cozy ; ■ as. Localed at 1220 v» mriifred St. you will find this pcpu • busmen.- always on the bail. Mi ;. Maty Wiliams, the lovely manager, is known far anci < a" to bi a specialist in preparing very tasty .sandwiches and] try ill he incidentally she has just returned from NYC wit ere ‘ '■ i’i.c set! a very pli.M.sant vacalt >n. The Stop Inn Lunch is owned | ••'lines Fi utiierstorie, a young business man. very popula r in ■ t riui! and social circles Oh! by file v.xr . you may purchass j ■■ t<. j:y ~f the CAROLINIAN fhis establishment or from new j r, ;.:t!e Miss Peggy, the cousin of Mr. Feather.stone- Chub Anihowa, Charlotte’s no, vest • membeaship c-lub, had a | :nd ;p( ring Sunday last. Gut sis poured in from ail parts of • • cite and die;, wore also many out of towners present. Anthony Walker, f umeidv of NYC is the very efficient prest- ‘ ml men.a get: Att.iney L P. Harris is treasurer; Fred D 'Mother.-. is secret.'vy: J. Edward Ratio and Booker T Reid m •: i t.its, and \on• scribe. E. S Potts is an iionotaty member ' ’ns recently formed club. Braulifw'iy decorated and very .well managed, Club Anthowa. | •ate i at 8! I Oaklav n Aw. wi! : be known to its many member.- < i friends the dub where service is a household word The j :ks a.n w .-.per. for membe; -bip.-i For detailed information ) .a! B-522-'» and just ask for Tony The T- ■ Swite Gc’t Tournament went over with a bang, and j ■ ’ an echo. Everyone you meet in every walk of life is singing ; . .iii.-va i tr>:s very successful and comr-ful Golf Tournament. Ralph Alexander, of course was the big gun in this history a king event. Alex; nder is invincible so says his opponents. 11c heat us at Va. Beach, and we have some good golfers there, | . ; d M:. Jacks;, n, a wry good g rifer and a swell sport, who fin- ; • ru-<l in sixth place ut the tournament. (. he’, s v.h .:<• in w t git >f the Meadow B it flea ’iub. emc oi the tournament, arc swell people. From this corner an ;;ufhfully ray that they arc the most congenial and hwpit ■ pw-pb that I have met. Then fine cooperation, and very fav •.ill-, attitudes have been very keenly felt and shad go a long | ..v in encouraging many people who previously hadn't dreamed; I';--!!. h’-eome wy ; • :c rested in tor fine sect. Jem: s H (Jimrrde) McKee, spokesman for lire Exrelsior Club ' • vc. \ grateful to the many firms, station WGIV,. the press, the ! ; < ’•'< the many spectators and everyone who helped to maic. th< first T; State Golf Tournament, a huge success. ’fSee.-nd Tigers certainly took the starch out of the ; rgr 1 Hk'Ki-'v r< ders and also the Ridgeview Eleven Fiiday, tiu y nicicU a very fine o in the last five minutes of play.: ’n :. f.v i!«e vc. v hii.d fighting squad from Hickory was leadingl a sc a ■{ 13 to 0. Th > load was equalled m t nose last five pre- ; ns n .iv ios '.'hi ". i) > Tides t.ut on a sustaining drive to also ; • arc f 3 and in the mu.;.mime thrill the large Charlotte • :: rands! and. ,| T u. ;'■■■■ wav ph.yi i ■ the now stadium, located, neat Hard - 1;: , : S h The stadium when completed will be used by j 11;. . ?- ■ Is and the Junior High School (white) th; v wiil n ,t be a .'lowed to p’ay in the Memorial Stadium this Lights .vo to he installed very shortly at this stadium which :! »i Lc used as a baseball park, and for out of door concerts' Appeal Filed To End Ban In N. Y. Public Housing NEW YORK - Renewing the Uock i ;ic;- rit .1 1 segifta 'on. (he ;,m .>llul Association tor ... Ad va tce.i:- nt of Colored Peo lo toi- iv ; k joined with the •" - )>'v si: Cer.gres* and the • n: .!• v.n Civil Liberties Union in ■ h’-i ■ brief asking the Appellate -ion to re\o;F3 a lower court cost ion which affirmed lire right 11 .Metropolitan Life Insurance ■■ '■ oioo: ;• Uj exclude Negroes from .'t-iiii-puhi.e ,Sv of ant Town housing project in lower Manhat tan . ihhe Metropolitan ' Company aci :o ‘f.. i/it it has refused to accept Negroes in Stuyvesant Town. The jbiuntiffs argue that tins discrim jruitom is unconstitutional because the project tv;,;, built with the aid a 'd c-mo < i-.kiori of Nett York State and .*o (~t y of .C■ w York roßmns o i ycvtiMination ' Constitution xorbids racial disertininatton by the State Go e-, nmesit and its branches, the pi.iintiffs urged in their brief that [ his restraint applies also "when acts through a private corporation m performing its pub lic functions." Money from both Negro and white taxpayer.; is hcnelitting the life ;n --.cpr..«!ce c. mpt.ny, since tax exemp. I, ‘ ,r,s WBs stunted for twenty-five .y t or.s on the improved value of the ' T;ie fetal saved by this ex emption will come to more than fi’.y million dollars over the fui! ■period. Hie brief concludes; “If ihe de fendants’ contention is sustained, ’ will be, within a stoiw-V t. cow of the United Natwis build ’’ i! f’ignntic undertaking* in B ® Sure To Stop ' At" " " the lucky spot Where Good Friends Always Meet an , r vivcf H ° me Cooked Food Served at all Times i 3 ° J E - /lh bt ‘ Mr. Alonsfc Bo Ik, Prop. | - m.. *™ ~ WE SERVE PRIVATE PARTIES Mr. James Eeathersion*. Prop ,*4rs. Mary Williams, Mgr. 1220 Winnifred Si. • • wliich racial segregation is net inly openly, »>ut publicly subsidized and approved. It is un dc-suat. lc. dangerous and, above all. illegal. ” Tiie plaintiffs arc represented bs' NAACP Special Counsel Thurgooa Marshall and Mrs. Manors TVynn : :. e: ,?v. assiotanl spetial counsel; A ill Masdow of the American Jew- or g! ess, and Charles Abrams of the American Civil Lihrrties Union. NAACP PRINTS VOTE RECORD OF MEMBIKS OF 80TH CONGRESS ! ' :r - w yoriK - The voting mi members of both Hcuses'of Con •>rtis 011 civil rights and other ls ' ,i3fs Published in th* current k suc of The NAACP Bulletin, the . lation's bi-monthly orran. Th, j reveal the vote on seven < jSSUCS ir }h <- House of Riprr ; ’ ’Nativeu and on nir.< u> *j. t . c f . . : ai ( > ■ j ' ,>a r?cor d of *ho 80th C-an £,css - the report assert* i ' al , 7 c ; ; : ! f«ilure Failure 'Vo ■ f " ,oi ‘af'a’ on, failure t 0 p.-0.-ju . adequate housing; failuic to n »M j educational and health need !°; ,h ' People; failure to mar* "• •”>K!c civil rights measure y ou i each t' o '' U> rf ’ vi '’"' the record of <aih of you. senators and vou, ren -1 ’Ysviitatices. Or, November ”> -e nuTiiber those who have voted tor l Ui,erests and who nave v«td. against you, regard -« Party, affiliation.*’ SECOND SECT ION ATTENTION.,, CtROITdAYS am on sale at Hotel M xatider, 523 North McDowell. .Moot s I'lacc, 613 V j McDowell, The Variety tGilii uit h Shop, mo Past Se Stiff:. 'I itparet': l.ri!!, !‘4 l ast V nee Sfrt t i. Warm r at.* Philips Drug 423 Last 2nd M.. Brooklyn Drug. 4‘*o K 2n<(, M ai Drug m Vast hid. Van cey s D ru£, 2<J7 South Hr* vard 1 Gilmore • Soda mil sundries, Beatty's ton! Road, Btli.uiic toed Store, Uj.'l Forest Street. Sentlin nat Grill. I• IH Austin Avenue, Stop Inti lunch, IMU Winnifrcd street, Edward Watts Shine Stand, tiOo West Hill St., and by new s salesmen throng li the city THE CAROLINIAN, first Hi page Nor.h Carolina wetkly Hells your patronage. Read Till: CAROLINIAN for news of the state, also national news, and up to the minute local items and features. i VLL \ECRO TOW* PICKS MW BODY OF OFiiGUS 1 HOBSON CITY. Ah, : ANP I - \ i' ew n-.ayoi end members of the '•My council were appoint'd by j • stir- t of this sli-Nt.gro imminun- I i'y 5 : i last week'-;; eiff! ' ; n Ii j j Flowers wus elected to the office of j nayor t:> succvcd Mayor Kd Pierce; .1 dc- lined !■ l'- ';on Fim er- 1 '■'.as unopposed for a office, i The city's five >'■ ni.cil seals v,enl ; : W M Bate-, mid A Snow, whh ■29 voi'..; AlHcrt Nicholsf.;,. lOv ; Clyde Aikin >n. and Erica; E : Hanna. ;.T ■! \KOI T THE TOU N ... ; The }3r- ! v. netH*s '.gain stoic ttie * ! 'ho vs in pi eventing thei: second i ; ;v,n; veiwry \ff.v * S-v.: • ' Park h ; E'rldny night The affair was en •• ■ ; joyed by ilie many gue.-fs present. Good dancing music wn-; fui i -di. , ,| cd by the Syncapatois f r til;:, galls ; i and E P<-its se; v‘’ri as maettr of Ceremonies. The Niehtiri; Gale Social Clue 1 ' •vo a Sci ipt Dance at 'be Ch ,r- • ’otfe Veterans Club Wednesday : tut hi. McMacK v and hi- Orclv-- , Ea. v. it,-. Johnny Brocks os vocalist ■ Punished the music Your Scribs* ■ : spoke for t!;»> y oung lad.j.. s. i The Stai Du:tors Social Club -net < u the home of Miss Vilena Pr . a;'2 Ea -! Sever;'!: Street, V'eone.-- | day night. Wayland Cozart of New York Cty is visiting relatives and 1 fritads of fhi< city He accompriu• tied Dr. and Mm Macro Brown, i ■who are also vacatior.inK here and . also at Maxton, hometown us Di . , ! Brown Dr. McC- tt.ry f Charleston S < husband of Di G■ , , ine vfe- Kce MeCottry \ isited his wife, rc h'h’vcx and friends during lasi ' ■ fvi end He. too. seemed to r..- joy ihe tournament sponsored i>v 1 ■ ihe Excelsior Club of which his ybrother-in-law, Jimnre McKee is • manager. Miss Mattie B<-i] guest art,At of Hie Gay In Gey G.-ds, trie . , i.unod to Washington, D C She will be appearing a! a niglv ' Club 'White) very shortly at Wash- ; 1 ..iii’ii... r> c. While hire iv. the Ctv ''Taitic • Bell rocked her large au;lienees at , ■ Lawrence's Be.; C-arden, 527 Ea.-i ’ First Sweet Relatives and friends jrvned M •? 'Katie Vance in hoi birthday 1 1 t.-ation }i» her home. 421 South 'Caldwell Street. DEATHS & FIiiNERAIN Tlie Rev. J. B Humphrey con- 1 i duM- d set vices ' ■ Mrs. !. uGe . Haywood, prl.-.ctpr.l of Biliingwille EicmcmsM School, who rvas fnn . ] c-ral red Thursday Sepieniber 2? at 3.00 F. M. at Fir. t B.jpjE! . y hurch For long number of Vears she vr a- n very arEve rnein . bn of «b js: china h. ~n.d tvhs an ideal . citizen if thi city Sh-- was a mc-.n b< i of the Eat Iran Star. . i fin! deceased is. survived bv two ■ hvo'hprr., one sister and one son. ; Fletcher Haywood of Rnieigh. , ■ Mr- Rosa Harris was funeraliz , d Monday. September 27 at the Lltile Rock AME Zlor, Church She . was he; n of miuiy church auxil - ( arms and also a member oi the E j Eastern St ar . , Di il E Wilson, her minister, ' ’was In charge of the services as -1 listsd by Dr. J W Smith, pastor ,of Seventh Street Presbyterian! »• Church and Dr. I. B West, p?s-j j tor of Brooklyn Presbyterian. j Mrs. Harris is survived by a son, Theodore Harris of New York City, ! j two sisters and three brothers, a i grandson in Montgomery, Ala., and. J {four generations of neices and ' j nephews and many other relatives | and friends. j Elijah Kinsboro of 421 Nor 1h { j Caldwell Street was found dead in j bed Sunday morning, September | 26th. As we go io press funeral ar -1 rangemerts are incomplete He ; was the husband of Mrs. Currie ! j Pearl Kingsboro. Livestock and livestock products!; | account for well over half the no - J • 1 tion's total farm income, t CHARI OTTF THE EAROUNHAN r fN-- "i jr?' TyJA.- ■ ■ d ’ a At' P -sP" ■■ .G f / «■ ■ A'"!iv ti •: f {w i Am ■ali T’vri rrdVYUßgii, Do Let Y-vui Studies Come Fust. Tlmy Are Ail Lupo; turn. NATION'S OLDEST COLLEGE BEGINS 95TH SEMESTER LINCOLN IT.. Pi .ANTi la- C".n Umvcrsiry in Pen., y han.i.i . th- oldest ciaiCi.” tor Nrg: ir-f in the E'nited State.-’, t.i . ..n i:< OAtii nr.- :,uai sei ion with the 1■ ■ ■ i'.•;< • 5 -=-• i■ 1 W' iL: ii -500 students asieni'-’cc to he >; Pr Horace Mann B -noi. p ■ -ov M >’ f ; Pi: university. iMK '.«•• i the v'cation add res? Dr Bond recounted some of ;■ ■ - xiiet fences of the uimmn while • he was serving' an ln.-!>uctor of the UNESCO somirar in l'ngl.:nd The p; e-iri..- .1. who : Linccla ; graduate him -if told the students that even though ihe people in the i -••minur v-u of different national and cal! h"i! barkground, vs ’ they, loun 1 ti at mv «} unaei'daodi; g was a(■];v?'} ,■ 0 2 roup'- He also totcl'the y uia raen that education a' Lincoln should i't them to *n.>L. » > ..mtvibu!: n irT .•;>} foi the !•„; n ,-yjt ,f ;. small gj oil.;. but forth;- redemption of the whole of human kind throughout Five additions have been made to ihe Lincoln facult for this year Dr Hoy. G Davis, a Lincoln evacuate who <aimed h : > Ph D V. Harvard and M D. at Howard, is univcr.,;t\ physi. i:-u and professor; of hypene Bcrnavd parmw A B. Syracusi and M. A Co'uiribV’.. who has beer, associated with the Proviiicctown ti’.e.ncr, i* ice new iristnictm in English. Simon Gnit’rAv; ;y fo:n-.ri ty o\, Aura:., who ha- s'udird at Vienna and Stockholm and who in addition (<• i« achiud ! ■•••• done i•»- du.-in.d mathematical reroanh abroad, i- assistant professor of ne.'liein.'Hics 1.i..-'.ie I'.aik of SwarthiiiTre. T’a . A 8.. -A. M Ten.pie, 1- the new innlntctor in French Mr. Polk ha, been asse • •wr.h -in 51 iridic' my F; > ; . i school and hs.- studied in France James Young, valedictorian’! of last ■ o', graduating class a! LAa- .... back t‘b an assistant in aocioldgy. OiVIL WAR VET, IE SUCCUMBS GLKNOLDEN, Pa. lANPI ! Geou’e 1..a0:-y. Jr.. 106-y nr "h’ Civil oor veteran, died ;n his Glenoldt r. b 'me ho t week v. hc.. be n,d reside i i n ov ' a half 1 • : rury Lacey, who was boin into ; slavery in Mul-ih-bMi'R. Va.. in : 1842 ic=o i.'cen blind !•••. the past • over. ifhough *>• ..'’Oi'ito:) rm . hi*, small fuvrn until li> was Du : At. the age oi D 2. Laccv r -arrieo .• ! second .after bis fir i wife of ;do years old died. His second wile ' «s ais.i dead. Trie '.vcb-hna'd veteran was u fiuniJiar >irhf on fliesier Pike. His ' ref:('ltoettcn> of Pre-Civ ii war days | were FstcnM to ore, < njoyeti by ..Il who kn. J'irn. Lacey aid lie was -eparated from ’u- pererts i while .-till a child. They were sold i to another Owner. ! H; became ’.lie first Negro ionth ier tanner and harness maker In ’She state of Virginia afu-r emanci | patlon j Lacey lived htne with his two j daughters. He was the fa'her of 12 J children. To Set [ p School Os Religion In Liberia KANSAS CITY. Kan. iANI v > Bishop Charles Pleas of the Church of God in Christ flew to Liberia last week where hr- plans to do special research work and set up a school of religion. . The bishop, who is (".’eiett and m lux; svves mo. V\mu FROM FURL i ST LOt .S l ANP > - A pet d. a j Tube'. . amt mv-t people. . hero to Site family of Everett: Gaavi'ri !ki<’ last week when la ua.kiov .mv -i the whole family j ; from Leung devtri'iycd by .fire in tn. mriidh of the right. While the family was >1 ng. Tul'ti,* deo'Ovtt tlie fire, clawed hi (way through a sc is on dooi into the : house and began to brik i-.i the : ; of (h<- five ihiii.irtii When ' i !be chtidrvu av.nkr raid toaivi cut .so ■ • .a. fire ‘licy mad,; so much that they woke up’ Hie '.vhole family. Those saved were Mr. and Mr, ;!.b; '.'.rid. n ... mn. Lav once V v "i.. the childi sub, uncle. Hooevi UL. oiwoid and ire live chikheii, Marlh:. Dorethy. Everett. Jr. Jac .•.ucii nc and Wanda. Tubby cvh,. < . ■ ha; li 1 o’- ! 'n iiiile dr.g h-.use in the l\A . Proi'loHoad Frotfsi Group Fu \ \ U,P i hitter Bv CONRAD CLARK NI. AV YORK (ANT; An I’n'i'ugid’-ry Committee. To Pr-.> t.-,f ihe NAAC P Action Against Dr. W. E. Dußois was announced h, r< F. if'.iv with Dr. Joseph. John::,.:., .i-.m of the Howard • Univeriutv Scii-.-o} f medh .no. as chairman. The committee with headuua. -. ter.- at id West 44th St., organ-’ need with the v cw that the NIACP’k action ngsm.-.t Dr. Du- Bois was unw smarted and inci its further consideration since A;' thur Sningarn. NAACP oresidc-nt. himself rlecUired Dußois is "one of tby greatest leaders -f h 1 rare." The committee whose monVber :-htp ineludt ; Shirley Graham, author of t’m Ff’-deiiok Douglr. ■ b.a t;i aptly. "There Was On,:- \ Slave” and At tv. A rehibaid S }':i",k'' lof Washington, has serf telegram., to mam NAACP mem be; s through tho country inviting llirr.'i tn loin the committee in pi ot a .tine the oic.tej of Dußois Tiie fomtri!i?p( w.i! recommend •be ..,I.l’-' r.i lei he ■ev.cjnjed, and already other .-.uh-eonirnittf es iiemg organntetl in id her v.iie and states Ihe a.’tmn taken by the M. A. A C P V board ■ directors Sep tembe: 13, which followed Di Dii.B • n >:« ;.•«>: of Waller Wlv'e ’..r Vikirit ihe post of consultant tho iri S dr teget ton to the Lb ited Nut ions, vv.-s that <.f re lieving nim from his duties with the organiyation when his con tract expires on Dec. 31 In the oustci charge, the ' NAACP said that Dr. Dugois had ' given a memo to the press on the • dismt, before tf>e hoard had had time to study ihe Dußois charges. This accusation was denied by Dußois, and substantiated by many members of tho press, whj • said that, the memo was not giv -1 eri to them by him. ; over' eer lor trie state of Kansas, ’ will be in Liberia for three months. His research "ill be in 'lie realm of studying ways of promoting his 1 church in the African republic. Ultimate aims will be tho establish- 1 ■ ment of a home for missionaries ; and ministers as well a the religion l school. Manufacturers of peanut digging ' and shaking equipment have been inv'ted to display and demonstrate their material ;n the Peanut Field Day to be held at th< Rocky Moor; Branch Experiment Station S; i {’.ember 17. r i SECOND SECTION CUTS HOLD OPEN HOUSE TO MARK ! SCHOOL OPENING! BY \\ \\ At it- fiiHt Parent-Teacher inert• | I ; log for t!i< I’.UB-4;i school year! •Mr N. I Di .aiu, principal, and 1 | meaiberr, >1 the- (ncwby opened the < j doors -Hi! a wotidevj.ul time was! | hod 1.-. v all. With lonni.-r veterans FT A pros!- 1 dent, and i.-ei The Ro\ T L. [ Cobb prf.siding the minute.' of the ! last mecing were read and adopted i after devotional? Mr Dillard teiulec! a a ..mi wrlrnme to ail pat - runs present and t-xpr- sod regie! that the sea on i-r<” err ted a larger number from al tending. Me then Gigr-ested 1 unique moth- ; ; od of mtrnducHens, < very person '■ pre.-fut introduced himself. This j really broke the rfa-rvo .-f any I timid ones present. "Wo have." h>- remarked, ‘ boon \ ■ ‘.'pi : dins for it’ round months t.hj* ! 11 - r.ehool actually in rt j ati-s'd -- . doors -file schools ot 1 C 'PiftnU y und,: :r,r.: y hare ; hvii going perpetually In fact we : arc lookin'.: forward to the dav when no person in this locality j : •••hall wan! io leant any of the ma- i iot trades and no! he .hole to do I so right on !he pot "The site has been purchased for j ; mil- new building and the plans arc ! in the hands of the architects now. j Soon, it will not he just a dream." j Oft icon-- for the year wore elected j ts follow, president. Rev. T. ; ('ohb; vi>:< president; Mrs P. Bran ! don; ••er.tTlary, !Mis-, K. Robinson. j i re-elected uhanim-'iriy lu his- acceptance remarks Tim Rev Mi Cub!> gave a brief re ! suirn of (ho history of the school. The entire group was teen <Us mi ed to visit all the department; i the eicir.cnt-ir.v and high schools ! led bv N. 1... OiiLrd. principal j ; I’P-'n reaching the music room a ; i score was given by the music in i .-•true*or. VI r Morgan. The tom ; ended in (he school cafeteria where ' i efret hrnents wrj-e served to all. Toe school pa irons present wen j i\g adana s Mary M. f lilt. Anni. 1,-a, Lmihc Hill Millie Lowin'- h'l'nii Bigelow Emma Williamson, Brady Brandon. Mary Hill, Louise Brown. Hurley' Will -amr.r n; Messrs Torn HU) .1. A Gwvmi. .7. C. Gw 'viii-i, B V !. a. .77 5 laps,-i .-! X i. Bisi’low. and Mr. and Mi- Albert John or,. Mr and Mrs. J. ! W Bigelow. $.">,000.00 Suit Filed B\ lonian Against Bus ( o. In Richmond RICHMOND (ANP7 A suit : was docketed in law and equity | court la : week by Miss Pearl Po« * d < <i' gin.g that fire Carolina Coach Company of Virginia re- - fused he! bus transpot tation after she had purchased a ticket. s asking Sb.OOi.iil damages from ' ’he bus firm. Tire complaint: contends that sVI-.• • Powell bought a ticket to Rich ! mood from Emporia last June and occupied a scat uex' to the fully , occupied lung seat in the rear .f , the bus. Site says (hat the scat next ’ to l-.< r was vacant. When two white women boarded ' the bus. the driver ordered Miss . Powell to stand up so teat they could be seated .She refused, and j the driver punched her ticket and ■ old her to 'akc a second section : Ho'vrver. a; she presented i ticket at the second section, t. •• fitst driver told the other vehicle sper dor not to transport Her The: forn-icr also threatened lie with, arresl and handled her violently ; A pica of not .guilty has been til t'd by the bus firm YFTFRWS’ i IFF. SFNTFACFS (FT NEW YORK -- Life sentence? | unpof’.-i upon two ex-servicemen fur alleged rape of German worn- ! : on whiic serving in tire Army of j ,Ctccupaiion have been reduced fol lowing inlcrvcilion of Ihe NAACE ! legal depfirtment The sentence of Robert Payne, who was convicted by a General Court Martial •Tune r>. 1.944, was reduced (o la years, ihe Department of the Army has informed the NAAOP David Egans, convicted on December 6, i 1945, won a reduction to ill years 1 fmpri* onmerJ. Elks Name Anderson WASHINGTON f ANP) Lay ing the groundwork for next I year’s grand lodge of the Elks to | be held in San Francisco, Grand ] Exalted Ruler J. Finley Wilson I announced inis week the appoint- ! went of Trer.zvant W. Anders .in. former Charlotte, N. C. newsnn- ! perm,-in. to a new grand lodge post of grand reporter for the i ! western states. Mr. Anderson now lives in Pittsburgh and has been an ac-p , live figure in grand lodge circles j since ‘931, Meat oroduoficm under Federal - inspection for the week end August . ‘'ft minled .‘'4o inillion pounds, ac .1 cording to the IT. S. Department ‘of Agriculture, • i WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1948 On The Beam |f |k:W With Gene J ’ll! ■uui ______ I tb i you onjw your vacation and meet many new friends? * Did your personality and conduct a I - avs manager to somewhat blend? '•Veil it's nin to g--t away from y rur daily routine xbft new fares i tv places, where you have been. 4* Wc all have ups, and >ve ail have down.?. VVc 'rl like to stay out fri.-Vt and \vin reknown. So be careful what > o-vi say and watch what you do When you are very popular it’s easy to identify you. Do the be?t. you can in whatever you do, Give the best und the host vvi!l come -back to you It costs tess to give a cheerful smile, ■Du! its wondm-ful influence will grow with ever-." mile. It always pays to use moral, instead of vice You gam a wealth of respect by being nice— If you arc lo be well known m yvur neighbor hood Let it be bccau ;c <>f the fine manner in which you stood i Ve have conn- to ihe beginning >f a lovely <csjon. If y.-ir are not getting nicely, do v u Ir.v'w ihe rea.-un? jNo doubt you {won’t find the answer on your shelf. But remember your worse enemy is yourself. I The day for election is drawing very near. ;H' vm! nre voting .for the right part; , have no fc-ar' ! A man who has been faithful and worked untiringly in »v lan-J, j A Christian, gentleman, a, a liberal and. a La!less man ; Eifn-jcnt leaders tire in demand today We need them to supervise work und piny. Tb.cri-'s always some r.-ible task to be done, : Can you be counted as a faithful and. loyal one? oVfo. ->r • ; It i.-n'i fair to leave your work undone. And always pass youi chores on another one. You too. should be a a cog in the wheel, After von have done your part a lot better you'll feel. Dear Readers, the winner this week is Mrs. Queen Esther Roundtree, 614 K. Boundary /St. Pic aso call at 422 1 2 E. 2nd Street ' Saturday. Ocfcbi 2nd betwet-en 10:.% and 1.2 30. Rung a CARO- L.INIAN. and toll where you bought same. The .winner in? week was James Sander 1713 Luther St Don’t , forget your may appear again, although it has already ap- n ,, Hawaiian Woman Leader Opposes Their Statehood BY HVLERT T. WHITE s-rd’y coc.-ratinj cl.--.rly v 'h ftONOI-LLU 'ANP I - j -. Mrs A7!< -- - Kam-.'kila Campbell longtime Haw •aiian leading women political fig ure r.vil Kie.vaiian Republican sen ate aspirant for this term., told n ' large gathering her e recently that sik doev not favor thei-e island? be coming a state at present. She said, --The prevent attitude of ! members of congress towards col ored members of congress is dis ie;m-.hiatory; rind Hawaiian senator? and represc-n h-stives experience the ■'me-' discrimination when appear ing before of that group." Mr Campbell has always pub* I'cly that there ?.rc "L'< many Japan esc” wielding poll ii'-il power Ip Hawaii; and that mo?t of the island's representaitves. to congrr.'s ( bouM statehood oomri v. or-Id be Japanese or Chn- - esc? and Filipinos. However this cot respondent'' found many of ’he orientals shock ed to find out that they are consid ered to be colored." They have always thought themselves much' closer to being- ' H.-.ole" which means while in Hawaii. Mrs Campbell said that she has • been to Washington many times; and finds that rads! disc rim in a- I '><nt against colored members of' congre.-.i is '-eery evident " The says the believes it will serve the j Hawaiian islands no good by rend-! ing "colored" represental ives to a i congress which discriminates i;»ei-i allly. Fun tier, sire indicated thro in the even! there is a war between the Coiled Slates and Russia, pres-! sure could be brought io bear on the Japanese-. Chinese, Koreans and other orientals, who live in Hawaii, to side with Russia because of their I racial ties with the people of Man-! ehurie and Mongolia who are pee- ■ OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS RAY “Fiat-Tire” MASON and his 12-PI.ECE ORCHESTRA Contact The Mason Office 731 Beatty's Ford Road Charlotte, N. C. Readers of the Carolinian Are Always Welcome at [ CHARLOTTE'S VETERANS CLUB I Mr. Harry Goins, Mgr. 732 E. 7th St. Charlotte, N. C- I Be Sure To Stop At MOOT’S NEW PLACE GOOD FOOD, DRINKS OF ALL KINDS, And A Service That'.- Fine Mr. Henry {Moot) Isl*>y. Prop. 613 N. MeDoweeli Si. i.. Russia AJrs. Campbell concluded her i interesting address by saying, ••theie arc entirely roc main Jap anese —especially the Oldster, who believe that Japan won the war. She said that the veterans of the > world famed -t42nd and the 100!)! : infantry battalion should take the j initiative in cleaning up the think ir..of t!'.e who belie' e this falsehood in Hav-aii' before ; talking of*tohood. WASHINGTON -ANP) Jese-:- ,O. Thomas, consultant in public , relations of the American .Red Cross, accompanied bv his wife, left here last week for a six weeks four of Mexico. Their first stop was Laredo, . then they proceeded on to Mexi co City by automobile, stopping i enroute to Monterey. San Iruis Potosi, Queretarq before final ar rival at the headquarters in Mex i ieo City. While there the couple will also visit the cities of Toluca, Za mora, Guadalajora, Chilpaneing ' Caxaca Puebla, Jalapa and Ver-t Chuz. After the six weeks tour, the ARC official and his wife will re turn to the United States on Nov. 1 » Before leaving Washington for Mexico, the president of the Mex iear. Red £ross. Dr, Aleiardi ) Qui.iano, was advised by Melvin A. Glar.ser of the foreign opera : tions section of the American na tional Red cross of the intended visit.

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