WEEK ENDING SATURDAY .SAY VOL SAW ii IN THE CAROLINIAN SEE OUR OIL BURNING HEATERS $37 50 to $97.50 Laundry Heaters, Sheet Iron Heaters Pipe, Eibows and etc. Fire Sets $5-00 Cnai Tongs 75c Scoops 69c S. M. YOUNG 130 E. MARTIN ST. DIAL. 7121 ... ; M:M. /. fdV ' A L S' M4'\ H /v Lyr* A went rub otic.* wash out —or c> heat 5 & \\ permits p*man«r.?s and st !-.sh ha.riot - . I t < known ami ussd for over SO yc • s Vour | I *y / / dealer v»di Ajivc you.* nsooey bacr if yo M ,•« no* \ / V H#vc 4f« C4w. p* nr-a I .uy.i-- dtiou *t your j\ %, / favorite beauty 0. ■ ■.-■ ur L-jy Lit . «« at any \ \ t«iy\\ « • • • If your deoiet dom oof have lariaoie, A M*ud $1.25 piua 25d Fed. tc* direct fc booirnon ,Jl§| JcVli£4t\£ WttSftV ' COLORING »i«b*L Iw£bE&m\ GOOKFROY MFG CO. > 3550 OLIVE ST *ST iOUii 3. MO, k ; 4% 1 § B*® hi* —-_—iji ft, |f u ' LOW FARES lor thrifty travelers Leave Raleigh daily for: GREENSBORO One way S 1 .60 7 express, 25 reg. trigks Round imp 250 WASHINGTON, D.Caw 4 90 4 express. 4 reg. trips .Round Trip 8.85 ROANOKE, Va» One way 3-65 3 trips Round tnp S.fcO NORFOLK. One way 3-56 j 2 express, 15 reg. trips Round fr»p G3G KINSTON One way 1 .55 j 7 trips Round trip 2.80 PITTSBURGH One way 8-60 2 express Round tnp 15.50 (plus Fed. lax) Sample Fares One Round One. Round Way Tnp Way Trip Charlotte $3.25 $5,85 Danville iBO 3.25 3 express,, 24 Thru 7 trips Asheville 5.15 9.30 New York 8.55 15.40 4 express, 6 Thru 2 Thru Fayetteville 1.20 2.20 5 rf ' 9 tnp * 10 Thru trips Va. Beach 4.00 7.20 Lynchburg 2.90 5.25 rJ " ? nips • (plus Fed. lax) UNION BUS TERMINAL > " Phone 5536 mftityyftysil <3««>W-TRfIIUWAyS the gout EOF i h c DOUT LET ft U * irrrftf nifif Hi iff IlMii SAY YOU RE OLD lt‘* easy for gray,"drab hair to give people th* impression that you're oidtr ihari yog really aie, but even if your hair is turning prematurely gray, you can (ill attract new friends- win romance by giving your hair rkh, natural looking color and beauty with lorieuse. 1111 1 & ASSISTANT DiKLCTOR Os M’HSfiS Mrs Imuwiine Len non Much lias been named edit tv. lonal director and assistant u.j rector of nur.se> at Community im-pitil, Wilmington. She return ed September 1 from Xt .vark, Y .1. s\ here she bus been studying i..i tin- Jt. s degret in nursing ifnciliOM at Sunn Hall t'ollege MEXICO REFUSES TO SENS COTTON WORKERS TO ARK: UT'ILK HOGK Ark ■ ANf J’ * > A cotton tvi.. t;uv. '.hi; -.taU of. ArkaiiStis u- lia Mexico ft f/ovoiT* ill;'ut infused in lit! 2-k) MrMi.iii laborer' to pick cotton iii Jackson 'lT;is »univ aj: added h> the L:d 01 coumies it: various rotitheni; ts?vt.-> uiac'ivli. t rvi t>\ Mexico Leeaui'e ; • f Uanr di::Ciiinin3tloi"» agiiitT t la- L... 11 1 1 vv OTka i 3 . U orep I ha s ha-; lo La pi. ked U»- .• p itc a ••f ii'j'.i labor .jo.a }ic j iv. ' -r; odfß ■ i aie \aonß Me: i-.n, ! l;s unless; itiore lv oi t:an oc ; t bii.> jjod for t.hft ia Id.. \Vi:h the s-carcb v of Lsbor. vages •f Xvgro cot-on lueke 5 .- *:av»: soiir nu s'iU t;j $3 5 a day Jackson courdy •\ao- denied 350 workers when 'i.e wyaalure H o;\y om.* m.ive .Mexican. offic:ai was .N'twy-ort. H said that :.e would tv liavv iurn them over h to V.o workers. T.mleU.n '.v:a a-ei Li ii i La.' w<>rkei i'• ,\i :<:co . MRS, MANLEY HIT FOR SIAM 810 LEAGUE PLAYERS i’HtI.AUKU'HIA ibNlli - In i )it(ci to the I'lolij'K iphia ittde ;pi n.-i<-m. Uical Ntyro Meekly, an Ath;;itie Ci'; ■ < ivic !>v-XA~X..;. ".•-.“.•vvs-'-a [A “How to Keep Your Money and Attract Good Luck ' *fb:s Book revesi? the secret - r iioH bo', money ;oni altraeunp - v< o*.l 3nek a;* i I0k!0 [ by “ UK,, ' ,T Special Prtce SI.OO "7 Cures for a Lean Purse" A formula (lesigned to "(art you on »»« ui.os.ii! roi.it ... JiioiiKi;.! at,uu dancr—a tical of), to semiiits Special Price SI.OO rii.L our T’.fb- coupon carefully -CHICK THE ITEMS WANTED - FIN MONEY CRDLE TO COUPON ANO VAIL TO Abßf. WALLACE. \inr Niiftt? /yJJrffS - <:J/v... - State - Yous hirthdate... Amount Jlncloii'4 $ . ABBE’ WALLACE In cart of THK CAROIJMAN IIS Fast Hargett Strf<‘t KiUeiph, X. t . A’-t*'.’.. *b **. j i-*y ‘b.l-'t-'t—-t—l-'b •**.*—*. -.—i * CLIP LtilS COl YOU COUNCILMAN RAPS EQUALITY CLAIM IN VIRGINIA SCHOOLS RlCHivit AbD 'AM'i - - 011 vc j \\ Hi!!, ator.it.>.. n>d rnember »f )v Richrnci . ■ . . a.'.iii:bb as trek r d ;i - mi-'leao:n it-;, art O’ G. T • J>..■ Miller, stab sop-' riii'.uitJerit of pti■>■ ye instnutlon. ciung Tsegio .'era'll progress m Virginia. Miller's speeial’y arepi.-rcd .-tptc- TH-rit is.-ued nil SeptemVei 18 v.-:y made in anr-ver « v <. irerfasinp i.rrr ■tr.: by Vi: Negron throu.. b the federal enru-ts so; equality a? oppoi" m .it y and educational fact li lies lr. t! ■.• -tale for cniio/cu . < both raeeb Htll i" plied io Ml!!. : s reporf a.( a ! v a 1 ■' lr.of 'bo Kic..!’'ond \ r ACF 1 on September 19 Re n <■:!. I, the repoib Hill r.-uici. '•Mr. Miller knows that even in the cite of Richmond tnoiv j- n.> such iairp .s (iOi! 0 > *•;ai l cuiraUl oec With bci, .‘slid uciiouncar a?iy-tuc h-»v such» a cl.'iim." 'I am ayuVi t lu. Nby fvi'o. JViJfj :'h(A; it] lit it i;C ; i/.P'J duo t-1 ;; yiOi'd l *•* , I bocaUiit-* < i semu- ; a. '.p» vjudK’vu* lUiidrti pL*f';Oll I'-.' h !!i --| fluent*- U) conUvl u.o of j 1 v.-ouid-bc- out UuKbc > an'UCX’ -"Hi . U b» ing a oi ihe t .'i ’i dub. * o<:: | published iUai!.-'r.y it vaV.zs .xA ymar playera.“ YOU GET a BETTER BUY AT BLACKWOOD’S ,#ri. in , *l.®^! jmß\ Cow**.- tjsjyt mm a. •Yv'f -• ut it'ab'i'Vj' .... i.- i" ..VI? TherNew, FAST ACTION y^OldTlQfl Here are the biggest oil In .iter .: .•• <| vs '^j bat gains in town! Powerful heat i wb" Yr'M producers that will give vou de- i 0:0 ■irii'*!*' "0& pendable, low cost heating service \ ;‘lf fpjj§h under almost any conditions. Come : ; : l |^L* in and see them. ,i: g^p||. 2-Woy Heat Action LjgT T ; Gives Double Comfort tew L: 7 :« C\>leman 4441) Oil Hfuttf ut v ;. - fef’X> tZ-l; vice. It CIRCULATES he *t and RA DI AT ES heat both as the s&mt time. 31,000 • ' TL- ’I B. IT. pcr hour. TVeautiful t»trea.*rt!in *i by Ni iiu the cflviz to eojualize ■ " ■ P * * h£M» k imm w ! SSHK y ig- :: Am K VS.f*\ SiT.Vi S’r»'s»fl!-n ll,* cn s. 'J'rur-i.iS! v-hu (ulil .1 v uiidivorf i vT.’ v *■,* !-j;s and i’(f ix-pars.mt'.in «i .»<»• *»: * along >lj.il line. I ii.ii, in ; return to Wash- Sr* it?:, ii.t fire-.,. i ill 0 uiuiuru'c'd pi.lll iu i*l **' }•') : ■iisviv,.' nit, Sfvi .It , . • and rv\ York in a four ■ tlai -jiiUi it.'/ i uIU ft -ii Wt'fK, :-t bool..- in Oil! Tate. iij.sti.a'ui ox enutl art ion • such a.-: iia\tj been brought in the «ases involving ; :-'nrr>. Glocherter King George | and Chests t-fielci counties Hill, a member o 1 toe law firm representing Negro children in re ■: t court actions before Federal Judge Sterling Hutcheson 11. an effort to attain equal school facili ties fold the NAACF group: "The only igay n’t can achieve a ::<;rnblance of cijualtl.v js in con; in up a* pro- for our rhr . eveiv b-gai t. a 11 ..e our sin posai. MiHer uieik'e’ed thin com piete -icjsiHlirr.tion of salaries for svhiie ind Nopro teaciieis wi*.l have been .ehi(.vd in all Virginia cnuntir.s ::ul ci!a- • hv the l'M!/-00 school erm Ha made it plain that schoo! officials prefer a gradual iti-uress of w.jiializa' .oh. Many '.vorpeti smoke ■'-* cigar* He .be way the* read a cev.'suaprr -- ' .1 couple of puffs os a c.'v.pse o( .lanecv they’re through. f ***,"• w Corsage Time Is Here. , , This is the -social season of the- year . . , the time wiieii corsages contribute so much tv that fee ling of being con, pleteiy “set” for every Occasion, \\ , apt- prepared to rater to your corsage needs. Capable and offieiont workers are tvoil versed in iho art of corsage making. Prompt delivery service is available to college--, and residences. Ci\c tv a call today. TURNER’S FLORIST A n non n c i n g! *Y% , I At of If you want Quality FOrnitare at Reasonable I*rices ‘ Nowell, owner and manager of Nowell Fu-rmture * > • invites you to coiuo in and look over his stock of Home 1 ut - nishings. You will be delighted over Nowell's selectionl Here Are A Few Os The Nationally Known Brands We Have: £ Dallas Furniture. Marsh Kitchen Cabinets Si eg let Oil Healers £ Admiral &• Motorola Radios. 222 S. Blount St. Raleigh tyiSiTE IM HUSHES | AUTOBIOGRAPHY I < NKW YORK A Man Called White. - ' the autobiography of Wal tei White. NAACI’ secretary, i •eneduled for pubUccuion bv Vik ing Press on Momiay. Ocio it 1 The volume recounts Mr. White's career a> an official oi the National Aysijdnbon for the Advancement . ;o* Colour'd I ’•’oplr over a period of j Win J*; ..« .-no v women apooi fi.-aJiy prond.-e m no ■ and promt;,'• ly forget .11 about it.ihu.; perpk-x --.mg die rs'en? It la-ems t-'i be ray fair to be ai-* i iracted to women wiso riv- 1 i: -* idteaen work. The problem of r.uvv to hve within your tnc * .<■ is univm.. ! and is iiol cxi-iu:avt' to those li: the iinur brackets A. J. TURNER, PROP. Located In The Ctapes Building COR. CABARRUS & BLOOD WORTH STS TELEPHONE 3-8092 Charge Accounts Invited pg | SIC WALK AND SiT I IN COMFORT* SUFFERER Dr THiS • v Use Posiwn tbo CONCKNTP.ATJED ointment w? ,li .jaands have, 'i’he oily base HOLDS Poslam's mcdti-ntion on -a,,H'iing fi.-suea to root and soothe that agonizing 1 ic.t' and burn, bold < -;n coast to noast for years-,. Ask your loci'ii". Otlv r-v , aft drug stores, «> garargiiimi ARTHRITIS .Ooni dr ~ P "“l come velfef in of n!i i {uitr< Dnn t Arthritis duo t nibli Artbri- to Sulphur di~ tia aches or _}„* ficinocy. Smalt iciiiis Th • yIVB daily cost, Mon- NK .1 Cnliniitai ey hack if no liid.i.'.jilSutpiim tip relief oiler 30 .: i'.c.V., ralifld , ' da yu’ dosiage. : ! i.t'l H ', KAI ■ liAQA begin taking oimbriiicM ;■ TODAY. YrtufOr»g,g,nrhas&MU»MO-KAP t S £ Rroytnl! Bed rooms £ Artlcam Carpets Royal Vacuum Cleaners Eylo Baby Furniture PAGE FIVE