PAGE EIGHT Continued Fro RAIMA REFUSIvS filin' history-muk'ng cl< in up camp-rigo. orb'-n-d iI ■.>oi. of five nuit;isi).-rtf’: ■■ turn-d o'-t T'"- magist) -it «*■*»!• J.tcoL. D'-;;lc Janie.-; T r'<uaii !1 y Thi-m ■ - A Conor t. Jyiwmd Williams -md Kami ,» It i . ij.i 1 Vj:i ‘ !■: ioC.v I il'mil Id surrendci his !«>••!•; in ti <■ mm trooper. Pul w.l: .id vised nol to do so by hi; atlonn.-v. Lemuel Sm« field The Mag! ;t 1 act ol 11)117 d I’I.H'PS Dial HI! book' "j ii]" O..M’ i jutlitioi v M I ID I ilc ' Oil! 1 1 1 wealth and (I> 11 Ito I:t<>; m•; 1 ' 1 era! has Ihe | r;\vci ;<> i 11 . < .I>.. ;• them Kithcdir I"'ui is n.ho rs ted ID tin f!:io: : 1 lo:: n! .'ri 1-i 11.. 1 1 cases from nil. i« I'UT This means the disp". ionn !■( i'M'O'i 'D- 1 ;. 11;i! ling cast will be C. r ; -til v "X-omi. ed. Magistrate t > Mallo has 178 charges aiifiDist him M- Die illegal disposition of sik'.i ta <: . M DISTRICT COI IM In Ui is imtni R . strat ion fo> the geU"S.:i! -a ‘mo V-. tin'll ■■ '!! begin on <)' l ob< ■ m u si; di.- turbane'"', n>'<’ mi "■ipmed ■•mi the 1 egi dration m lii'iipis wi.t-• the ou*gr>nv!h »f ifmi.; to keep Negrosoff tA c- Dior. o;at!: 7 pn! 7, v books, and the- party hunks v.ul tir.t be ! 1 ~ •1 • 11 ■ ; j pi ; 1 j• ■ "ollC - : ; election. SI PPKR VIAHKI r and that betv <■ ■■; 1 tifte.-n .nri seventeen t;•.*.i.a-; 111 i r. r.toek.iiijt n Located m the new Cu-'pci Building at. tin 1:0. rn .1 Bi.•>><!• worth and Cabarnir- -St.ioet, t.h• sat pc; niarkot r- ■• 7 11 • ! in , con I< ; 7 ,1 Nrg l l > | 7 a t f 7 oti ,• ab readily accessible by bus trans port;)) sun Officials us the vn opt .-ativ" as wll as Mi Shepard .--tatcS that ever'/ effort will i»o rtiade by the store tn provide citizen;. (1 f Rat eigh with the best ir, services a.-: well as oorSihvx'litics. The co-operative in the moat turre < orrtinued its dnvr- for adm tionalrnenb 7 77;.' 7 ;. .md stock sao--. under a committee headed by Mr Raiford. Other members include. Dr. O. ' S. Bullock. C. L. law. Mr Ma v I,yon, W II Thomas, Monroe .lames, Clifton Si 1 is. J. W. Eaton. (. A Hay wood, A. L Mrs. Rosa H. Bi. h-m /aok Fib Lawrence Li";htner. Also, the Rev. G. E. Cheek, tn Rev. P. H. J• in ->n, tire R- c William Smith, S. .VI. McCnliu', Ihe Re-. D. L. Thomas, J. T Locke, Alfiod Jones, Leonidas Frazier Moses Lord, Joseph oAW 1 William _ Penn Wt | Blended -Whiskey Re f otl Price 8?1.9S Pints $3.15 Fifths O Proof THf STR WHISKEYS »w Tpjt. PRbDUCt /MU* 4vr r%9. **n#r q\ in -js ■„ §Tf?<s.<rFMT WM*sk*». *3% DISTIUECJ FROM OpAfN. t UiiiTni. rrfMjri n.'fiW! MEN'S Used Shoes gofxl quality, drr- . Oxford style P’nd ready tor wear In al> sizes. SUBO pr. USED Army Slices W;! 1 vie.-; :0 ov,'-,, r: condition. ■f-adv to Vv-ror, si: sizes. $2.00 pr. Men’s Suits All .sizes, color anrl materials, extraordinary bargain, .slight 1v used, expertly cleaned and pressed. State size, first, and second choice color. SB,OO a Suit Men's Pants Used, cleaned, pressed and fine grade State sire, first and second choice color. $2-00 a pair Mail order stating size, include hail deposit and pay balance C. O. D. M. NEWMAN 11 East 3?.nd St. ' New York ! , N Y. m Page One 3! te‘l\v i<• k, All v V. J Car na g o ana Mrs. Nora Lockhart, 11. S. COI RT vHand. the principal p;ae f ' 7, f 1.-osi fie:- 7 'i Hit brotherhood i: Tiie brotherhood was being .-tied •;.y 21 N'myo firemen, a.- their bar i yaiiiinr; agent. The plaintiff: 1 j.. barged the brotherhood and southern railroad com names with 1 coiirpir.ti;; Id deprive Negroes of •erbwii v ii,:bk to advaneerru-;)' in politico- with the railroads. :They ;,■ kerl ihr court lo rieknmn. I heir i ighls. give an injunction igniiisi di.-;eriir.inatioti mid dom* : mi's l oj ha of work and wage.- ! iiecaur.c of the dlseritninaUon. \ , S. JI STICK I)KI*T. KniibiL the Klan Klavcrn Inc., , had its cha; ter revoked by Gov •er nor Ellis Arnall. V/e believe you will find them directly involved in the kidnap ping of Progressive Party cam paign workers. "lb Auguste, you wU ! aid l.h;e K'ari 11: and Dragon Sam Green has ho.isti i .ii hav-jvig 1,000 Khei members in file city. Some time ago re announmel that. Augusi.a . t\ offimai:, had ; orjur-ab-d lhat a Kioto:!.• opgaruzee be sent to lie city "linde the civil rights act, that alone entitle:; ypttv dopart meui. to investigate. If you wish 1,1 find an Augusta Ki&nsinen, you ran contact Thomas Hamil ton, who iin Apni Pith of this year r-oquested and veas granted a pet mil fur the Klan to meet :a the city's public parks ' You will also find a Klan Kin vein in Hamilton. 'Tiiec- outrageous vkdations m civil liberties confront wifi: 1.1 1 • Depart m«-nt of Justice with a clear test of its i‘ni intentions t oward piv. serving traditional American rights Your failure to act can only bp interpreted a connivance with American fas• MA\TO\ MAN for progiessive legislation in !nc ; n;•■ ;;- - • of education and a wines • distribution of the eeonrmw souiTcos for the people. In announcing his randidae'- for the L S, Senate, the Re v. V Brown declare'i; ‘T am supporting Henry Wal iaec beeausc he and the Pmgiv;- . i Pi A-, are the only I'.op- I. ■ Atncrk'au Negro has for obtaining full citizen-ship rights," Reverend Brown said. "The old pnrtse." have ci’ways broken their promises I•' net against Jim Ci ow and continue to do so. no matte’ wh: 1 j Truman and Dewey say." Rev, Brown 36, and the son of j a sharecropper, holds Bachelor of j Divinity and B;k iv-'er of AD.-, •ir - : grees from Shaw University and j attended Yale L nivcrsity an 1 Croz-'T Theological Seminary. Hi is married and has two children. He has been a delegate at. nurn -■ious national and fTitcrnational ; r! 1 urch eon f c rences. ROBI SON OKMOS of the welfare of the nr- c : the people' the spe-ikci exhorte ! his audience to east. Ur vote to tin interests of humane and demo cratic govei ninent. By voting as a body, he de el:c i. !ti< rv -g'ce.- 7 - : :->■ ■; :c,i would be able to attain a better \ v. ;1 \ of lit. on the hwo ■ st-.'e and national ; -v i . Mi oib- 7 . of itie N-oTh (Dr >lin.» 1 ' group inelude: R. H Biy-itty. Fayetteville. T. V Vl,.ngcm, St; 1 » .- 7 1 1b • 7 Attorn" 7 7 7 Herman Tavlri, Raleigh; Dr. W y Mr r; it.f, Clinton; Ocia Hccrr- 11, Ffiu'n;R-. c Gci'igr 7 I h" 1 . Rairigh; ra - Kc,■’ct]i Williams W'n: 1.- .a!-Sa !cm. Di Fd>ci! i Blackman, Charlotte; G r Grig by, Hollv Springs; E R. Wild am, Gotc'.'i'oro; John Green. Wi! n ictw-n H. Balter White. Dunn; John if Mincrv, Wilson. •?. F Lessance. Lumbert-ojj: Mas Van S- .Staten. Fayetteville; T. ( .le va v Wilmington; C. D. Halhbur ton. Raleigh; Rev. R Jiving Boone. Wilmington; and Robert R. Barnes. Wilmington. The North Carolina Committee. Me Beat*v pointed out, ig >nr 7 f the" who have b">-n created in seventeen states in which Y- gn.. vote's are indicating theii ap proval of the Tiuman (••-cord t>y hacking him not only with their ballois, but with tbeir pocket books, Mr Beatty • i.-n called attention tn a statement issued by Con gressman William L. Dawson, as .-i-Tant to the ciiairmae of the Democratic National Committ ••* concerning .the reasons fe-r forma tion of the National Citizen.- Committee for the Re-election of President Truman Excerpts from the statement follow: "This committee was formed bocal, e of a demand by promi nent Negro Americans all over our country immediately follow ing the Democratic National C in vention in Philadelphia. It began functioning m late Augus* It membershi-p is pledged to work for, vtoe for, and raise funds for the re-election of President Tru man. Reports coming to me show that President Truman's candida cy is receiving tremendous sup port from Negroes, throughout the country. Citizens’ committees have been organized in 17 states, and there are national sponsors of the Committee in 71) cities lo rated in 30 states and the District of Columbia. Puublishers and ediro’-s of 21 outstanding N'-gro newspapers have pledged to back i Pr sidi-Pii Truman In the .-lection ; ■ drive. 1 ' fR . ! ■ ;• §&/. ■ ** ,0, Till itl V JUI. .IKNNINC-S R Elf, JENNIfISS T 3 CONDUCT 18-BAY REVIVAL IN CITY The Rev W.iymmi A Jenning . ! Br., pastor of the Mt Hermon AME Church oi Ft Lauderdaie. ; Fla, and a lea mer- pastor or the I St. Paul AMi; Church of ltd. 7 cit.y; will conduct a id-day iv ■ j viva] service ,-d the Manley St j Christian Cbiji'-h from OGob'-r ' 5 to If) if W.e, ;,M. -uOi ' d 111; - i v.-«-ek by the lie.. T. C. f-faiiians, | !-<■' .so ( of 1 !)i vl: u ;■'■>-?■>. ! Carolina and Arkansa..- Jiave a I ‘ ready forward' 7 1 thousand dditat • contributions ew it !•. the N'.Jion * •->! CoinmiHee Thi ■,> are i-ontiliU ling tn raise funds. T'-xa-. (,co:gia 7 and Virginia have state wide ••;- ; ganizations rallying Negro voters : for President Truman and rais :mg campaign fm.ds tor his rc- I oleclion . . . Wr will not. jto engage in any I ing r-eitest with iT-presentatives l of the Republican Party in- our the Negro voters of this c unfrv, but. wc. y*re- coirfifirnt, ;»n<i the- iv • : ports indicate, thrn m Negroes will vote for Harr.y fi. Truman for President than have ever vot<-d the Dc-moeratic ticket m The IT t• •;•••• nf 'li, Nati'in , ing on November 2nd for those There will hi a rude awaken ! who believe that Hi" Negro vei ls purcTiaseab.ii. ,vi!h gold and net j mo. coi in i | return the money. The case came up as a result of a police raid and arrest of five persons including Sharp Nov. 7. 1946, The raid to"k piaee at his heme. Evidence ayainsi him. however, was ? : allowed because Circuit Judge Edward M. Ruddy ruled that the police did. not use a legal search war rant :n making the raid, Sharp in his origynal toil said llie police UMr SS3S, but the police reported they confiscat ed 5568. young mi m iN CAR AGCJOENT AT 1 CROSSING Mr Filin'.' !■:>.<' j line .ay if, rear*, '.va iirTully killer) Sat-tn - - d. • V V‘ 7 ir ' i.ho (- .■>) If, -,«■ 7 ,■ -i i -) •. riding o', ertiiveed .v ! 7 : boaj d Autine T-: .• ■ 1 ~ i.. n , nor'h of Gnferd Ti:" 7 ■o 1 7 "a r|i : 1 -. i v 1 1, < i. i b. Rsv , 4.-- : g, - • - when 1! a aeciftent fiei-oi; cd. Vlr K.isterling was. earriefl to ft.*• - 1 "r (’"uiiiy ho I'Jtat. tie ruff: red ■ ■ ti '"vik";: leg. lai"' 1 ; fi! io; g, end vh.j 7 injuries The ear. a lfr-1 n Ford Sedan, was almoi t fiomoli'ftied The iso 7 wh.-. I'uetied off |nt 7 : tracks b\ people viewing tin- arxi ; Mi nod Me- Kflsteriing had , i-.eel! tivinv u: Colon Tiie remain;, of Mr-- F > tc-rling were -hipped to Hamlet for time. I roJ find burial MINS Vi.lU AW ?! Ml \\\u \) si miw>m Mi; Minnie Ruth Lawrence, form ft supe-i visor of Negro ", sehiiii!:. in Samp.-on County i recentlv appointed state >uper visor of Negro elementary schools in North Carolina to surer-ecd the late ivliss Marie M.elvct. The new appointee, who was ; named to the jk-sI t.\ the Stat.;.- Department of LMur.-iti-m siiortly ' prior to the opening of the cur rent school year, is a native of Rocky Mount and a 1932 grad ci st the Booker T. Washington High School. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Hampton In stitute in 3037-and for eight years thereafter taught in the Berry j O’Kclly High School at Method j and at the O. R Pope School in , Rocky Mount. Attended Columbia Later she attended the school c. education at Columbia Univer sity where she received her. Mas ters Degree in elementary educa tion e little over two years ago. Her appointmenti to the Sampson j ; Countv post followed. During the oast two summers she has served aa a member .if ■ V. WASHINGTON LAIfflS ROLE OF HATH CONGRESS Like the 39th Congress which the Pn i.ident condemned, tiie fiOtli Congress also mad< its con tribution to the improvement of the .'-Mai us of Negroes, V:\! .5 Washington, assistant Republicsn Presick nf.ial campaign manager, declared today. Mr Washington took excel.' b". 7 , to a pro--;; release by Ihe N.i ' tionul Association for the Ah! of Colored People ; stating that the 80th Congress | had failed to enact any U:gisl.-i• tion oi spun-il ini-re-. t tn N ■ groer. He rlaimed that tin Taft Hurt bo Labor Act protects the employments rights of Negroes, He charged that many of the unions which bar Negroes gain i their power through closed shot) i rontrac ts- Only members referred by the unions can be hired. The ; union accepts no Negroes arid tar: foi- refers none. The " r.tloyer even if he wished '■ ;> nr. ploy Negro workers, cannot, do so Eve-; unions which ad mi* Ne 7roes like many of the build ing trades have varying po licies !mm local to local, Many Negro skilled tradesmen complain because the union leaders arbitra rily refuse to icier ‘hen 7 ) to a giv en . mpioyer who might be will mg to hire them. Under the Taft HsrtliA Act Negro r., ran .'i'pplv tv.r -mploytC'i n! direr! to i < mpl-iyi'i,-. whetht r ot not. th-v are iii'-oitjers of the. union?; al though the shop is a unii>n s’nop The union nta.v then admit, him ■ or not. his job does not. do pend or. tiis membership except tot non-payment of union dues if .yd ; mUteri. 1! ■: i: o lie ; v n;, 1 i.l j< r, i-.v . ill at Ites .art prevents an employ er from practicing discrimination or discharging a Negro worker after he has been hired solely because the union refused to ae~ ei rd h;;n :e’o full rnernbr-: .liip Wad. :-.e‘:>n contended, Gk Y UCC PUOBK l\ UtK. kii.UM: I.AKT-; VfU.AGF. Ark, -A MO ;-i'..!e 7 !!u: NAACP fy ilivesOeoi • I err of allege: I no Hep i.rutalii.v d:":- 7 ' winch. Mofshati fviar- e> I Fij-"] Killed George M Miiu-. 36 ! W■ < t v 4 .-* cf* ii. X'l ‘l'.f'f,\ {hp M)i }C i f.DJt'ii { L'lvi } hi - coinnuuiify, onn of th« i'.iiip’G nrhch! farm area,-., wan.? h-K* NAA(.’P to do soniPthing about. I ’hr incident. Accoi dir..- to wJtne-ses, the j.o!;(•<;• : highway B 2 I'- minute - before !i! wap-T- s <;}o’ jnn time _,i-ked (be officer whether hr houid |!-j j p ; IV'Ft Plljp !/-}/. HV' )t‘ v f ; ! iryu men*. A ’•'cor'd ing *o - s>cs. ihe hali handcuffed Mdler end the reading riinic .staff ai the North Carolina College i-.u Ne firoc.i at Durham. Mis:. Melver. her >!- ion the job of state snpercl field The post ior Thirteen yea i ! on Til hor 'lea I. \) early t.h iy- yea r, Mias Lawrenre 15 a member nf the Atph.i Koi’P-) Aiphri ;S oiir;‘ 7 . in ! nf the Mt i'• ■- i- !••: ion Ghurch. She j?.- the dutighter '.it Mr;; ivche-co LcHvr- 7 !' ; l " oivt t l )! N v »th;in: i i,O • •• of Roev Mount || -tj*j * ...KE HOME BAM BY BPEAD $ CAROLINIAN (jack He struck his victim a ecu ! pic <>f more time:-' and dragged him i ' 1.0 the police cat niid according In i witnesses. shol Miller m the back ! while he was iyirp.* down. I Miller war. taken to Lake Village llmspiia) where. the nurse ordered j (lie h'indciiffs I'fin'-v'-d. The‘ : m ! died the next morntM A r.cheduh’d grand jorj ;nvr..i!!.;i j :ion was postponed. No white Little Rock daily reported the indd- tit. Negroes in the Lake Village aim • own "(i.OOO iicves nf rich fmni leads ■ valued nt about $1.?50,0n0 Us On COiIVENTIO^ Mary Mr I cod Bcfhuuc, Foiihtki • prernicut of ;k< Natinmd ’.nimDi -of Notpu Women ioday uniiuriecd .•"i!'.plft!o,i of additional arraitae :o.oni.. ft>< its Kith Annual Cui'ivon tinn which will bo held here Octn ; her 0-! A On the afteree: m : >f Oet. to I hen: w'ii be a ‘Wonum United !rv Civ,l Rights" mars meeting in tlie and itoriom of the Department - i Coin iTeoce at. which will he expressed IG.M.A.C IF YOU CAN T BUY A NEW Bwlqn! Plan CAR, KEEP YOUR ENGINE ns low as NEW | New piston rings save oil, gar., and *' ' * v give vsu more power. SJR WALTER o>\ Repairs, ZYIiS, CHEVROLET CO. yi % » idsf \ fU olWt\ , “New Look” Someday? *Vf- ff , | .j, j y |-r*p r no} .< n<l t r'! vo>* M nevci find yotirsf'lf in mir' n | 'over <>nr," And (vis! ff> b<■• f.orr.‘ . .Save soicthmi; new fir) mallfi* whfO th.- sacrifice. IPs a down payment op security and *ho .'iraightesi road to all the good thing? in life. f irst Citizens Bank &„ Trust Co. “oervmg Eastern Carolina" RALEIGH, N. C. i the points of view of Negro, while; i ,iud foreign women in their com-j ! mon sti igv,lc for human and civil | nclihi. “Wc must show the absolute in j ci.s; ify lot unity of purpose l and ! on"v ot action lo obtain these l nghts and world peace," Mrs Be ! ftuine said. : .Sneakers at the meeting will be iDr Sadif T TVT Alexandra. pro ! mine:d .nlorne.v c-f Philadelphia | .oif! a member ot tiie President';- <l< nit mil tee on Civil Rights; Dr K i. Aipenfel.. . notch antlnv.pulescs,;. 1 and Associate F'iofe--sor of ]vi ,|. jHe o' New Vrk University who I we.;- recently appointed 1.0 she Hu ! mnii r;e!o ,; 'n- • 'nromittei nf NC ! NW; "ud .Madam Ftaj-ir, tHrii.:. | '.rife nf the Minis’,nr to the j U. S i On n- tobci 1 1 iho convention will he addressed by Secretary of | Labor, Maurice J. Tobin. Miss F. S'- Miller. Director of the Women . Bui ran of die Department, of La bor ru'd Miss Katharine F rooi. Chief ot the Children’s Bu it »i) nf the Serial Security Adniin iKtradon in the Int ir- Department* Aiiditroinm of the United St a tea Department of [.aero ’Through the means of this ; s ,".M<-i " Mr Brl roe '.eel,ired. "out members will , achieve -a bet ter understanding of human behavior and of man’s re- WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1948 i bit ion hip to his fellow-man. With , Plana have been announced for i this knowleag.- they will be more I converting ‘hr Agriculture Re , . , , 'mount Survive at Front Royal, Va„ • adequately equipped tn as unic the ■ , , , .... ‘ : ir,tu a si<• lion lor beef-cattle re* j important role of leader-lnp n , j their respective ebpnmmitic.; " ~ . ■ , , [l'n 1341 t 'ir Heel corn crop is t Mure and hay yield’- can o • , , . , i ..I, , <• • i*’d to aver me about Sb I doubled by pvopei fen iDrußon , , ..... . , im’ ' l per aciv i n• Ha I Ihi -tv so in of price ipporin • 1 farm eonunodi ! ;es is ex period :to he .considered at length h> ; Durham Courity home dem* n.-M session nf Congie.-" ‘.aß-n eurh market h.a- broker ail i s recovrls this eomrncr ■—s .ft J. s^O/? /? . A isl C? mfr .'sj ! \ \ v 1 Hi ; i ■/ te*********#te^^ .—.... .. x /K^”t x \ c" n 4 // * k i /' / riii 1 , fun tm A6AIS fit at any at &(!»•* f I |jof ,j rr s - ic* if pnt.r v - 'ihjrrjy r oyo n co r ifi ••A/ondertu' woy u keeps /Du dry. o h'jrromqer so- 1 oppeafanc# The we!l-manne*v}d df’D.-hnble hood, the three way beh. the smartly pleated porirets, and oil the rest see to that Burlington's fobr : c m new fall shades has been ’ Noran treated for durable water-repsHency. Sizes 9to I S, 10 to D>. STOKE HOI KS; 9:90 A. M. TO 5:90 P. M. MONDAY Time SATURDAY , In Raleigfh It’s ' ' """ lisHIONS INSURANCE BUILDING

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