WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. OCTOBER 9, 19IP- PATHO.MZE THESE ADVERTISERS * h * \ tTHE WEEK IN GOLDSBORO | By E. A- THORNTON f ' MT<MM»»wunrjujHOTii-iru»iiiJu no 111 , . _ Tr - ~wwm»w» Ja:-pvT Martin has returned to Philadelphia ili \ nvttinj; i "In fives and fritiui. in the city rYonk Bowii-m, J: i. ' 1 !><> ’■> '■*’ be much improv'd after being cashed t toe wu-.ian.-. hospital in South Caroiina oecause of a serious ilhu 'A IF’w.iep •'< * student at A. &T. College at !he tune n: Ins din* • Mis.- ! theleiv- Wai-on is back on lac job at F'.lndent B*..mU • ' >!!•• j' r: ’ , c ill for the past two weelm. Kemit-n Broad: 1 ur: t has reLr. b*'d it'- : > est..:- having a major opens a n at the v*-tet an.-, i"-' nil ir l 1 ettcville. Mr and Mr? Char H It, UMii Scab ,| St..--!, an nuance the birth of a daughter on September 25 at the G add hospital. Tin; math*-: .-oirt daughter ate gotten: a- aig me* ■' The following per.-' -us dtendc-l tin si- ,■■■,: f 1 t• , : ■: hall game at Hampton Institute S.tt’tr'in-, .! R Tv U-*. ■ > Ke). ; , H;nk Low is Ralph Sidney and Vic*.---. Ty-e:, I- A H- W. A. Foster, C ! Bland, ii. \ hty-v.'n, Mi u: i \i lh :,-\ V. .. o Mis:- Jos < B* ney, Timothy John - - *n. .1 n Mio t* ■ * *t. M? aid M H. B. LrOiix, Mr ati;:i M T !. : •! . ’.V e .m-i M ■ K O. Smith, Anderson Ini :>.ui <>; p.t C ;i N Y vi-: dp; :■ daughter, Mis. Thelma Ing; «n. -'oh, and ! 1 , S.-u-oit V ginia Sheet. The following persons v> e f.-< t i M art.. M-s Faison at a su'ir-yu- paid. ,e it.. ;• a ’i - 1.1 Septcm , her 24. F, ih >t B \M •• t M • 1 V hr. .tt H \Jr> Bessie Fat; -t, Mr:-. Alma 1, iff..;, ' ! v Km a M. B-. ■- . Jauretl, Mo; Ho-' tt:> Fi •>n. W. j : i l; a,. Mi o-l Mr-. .!• : H Wliitak- -. Mo p. San-.o: : M .-. : Mo- .1 It ii':-: - Heno. E. Dii.ia W.-d’s L-.vi.s ,1. \V ■■ n, M W". B \V:.d< . H die) I Hicks. M. ;s I-d-rjM Sp* u<• H • t- W- CL ■ ho bo .- Mr and Mrs W:!h* C h. y. No •• ■ •> H , o. d K. Kdwords. Ca.it ts ’.vn gtie.ds were Mr ami M.- ;vy i 'd and Mrs Waite- Havr.ngl.--n. Mr. and M; H; :aan La : . Nancy Harpe of Rocky M uni she j. •>.>> •• • -. • a 1.,\ <-1 v e\ -- .ina f fun and frolic. Mrs Eir,:a A:: • • 1 . .1, (.* u I • .-:.ther broth*-- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Titernt n d fill.) Devcit-aux St COMMLNITY CHEST DRIVE: The plannir.t; i.-ao: ' the !!G;M9 C-utr.iuanin Chest D ive met at t:.e oemuiotv od . Sunri..y Septemrer 2(1, and c-’-vr.- p’etc-d pb.n- : f.- the .--pe.ojju.: -: tiu- drive wide:.’ will begin October 11 and run tnnmcii C o , 25. To. • drive committee is headed 1-y Mrs. Nannie Thom;.sen man and Le;->y Clark, co-chair man Csp?. -a. - t f.-,! tiv eitv have been appointed, aHo c--ipt----.-> '■ .. o in the city Every Church, civic -i:o.-ir: /. •*••-!.. an.-) f• rv citizc-o in Goldsboro and Wayne countv i> an;t;i 1-. ypp t *:.-. drive Agencte? --vlsi**:. the Common ■i Che ‘ '-.a- -• ! - • . :d- l.« d'.hihr • H -sp-’n’. Old F do..- Homo, * I’-.-y S. d -.i(P -' i an-! o:on-- e-h-'i iie:> that aie not ...Titi-mt d, So f;ntW pi Vi whatever you can Hr the cause. NA.ACP MEET TV. -1. - f *V- • tj' a o- • •- t i .. *4«* a * i...v .. i*j f, vt (tit v% c>;* i it* L»- ri.i* ii tji tu< NAA'C P in.; i-i '.dies,lay. Scnteinbci 2, .a: St. Joim -M E. Church. North John<- Str.-et. wit;* tiv p.-esicient, W. A. Atkinson, presiding. Fe-Uon-mg the re- :ng with pro ye- 1 by R. W W right, the meet .•eg wit- df-. l.i.'-eii oi'fii r business After the readme ei the mm uit ; b, Si-.-<-etar... W. Al.'ndge, it wo-; reported- by the president, : that l!-,-' --a • d Mrs Flanagan was progressing and Vat the case, it won, would be .. stepping stone f-.r tin organization. It .-.i- .-.,pp. 1 by E. A. Tito: -r. -n, the the organizati.-.:-, pot rft a mcmbei -■ drive aft-'-r which a committee - appointed by thr r-v> - id- rd to w.-rk - ut a program and plans for such a drive The Y"Ut . C . o it’..- • d -\ a? the ne\r rr-eoting r will be h- lei at in* F t African Baptist Oetobr 2b. Waiter A At kin son • pi* \Y; i ,mi H Aldridg* - s-ti «t;.ry. The Amo - o-i.i/P'.n A-.ixihrry unit ot 8.-v.-nt Be-t Post No 215 Amc-i n a I. , . In id its :-,..Le. mu ting • in- imme ' M: V.dide Siiud;.'.. St r.teh,-.- 2t v. uh tin » ; resident, M: p, /..-tta id. n piosi-.ii: ::. A:o. single. A, - and pray ft- by the chaplain, the minute., of the previous meeting v ere read by the vevtary. Mrs Taylor A large pail of the mem bership was pret to hot; the report given bv M:r. A. M. Fori" who atter-k'ii the stale convention in AM rev.'He September 10-13 Mrs. F-.vb>. biought back some vr\ valuable information which ' made the organization very proud of her. Shi. told of her visit to Otcn He. pita, and the seeing many sad eases there. She state ! that she came hack with mere determination to do iv-re for the disabled veterans than eve: before. Tiv.- report was received with ? standing ■ -te *-f tnanks. The committee appointed to w-ak ■> plan.-, with the m st for the Novemb*-;- ii. A' Uie-iiiH- Dm--, progiam includes Mr;-.' Aggie M Forbs. Mrs Hattie B Smth and Ms Helen : H Ta d. I d.- of the Axii>. \ tv r-> me. -lb go tins v* -• arc Lb ... W:bvr;., B-e- and M's:; J.mnu- Austin, lie-- - - i 1.-m \-ersity. Wn-hington. D. C.. ?,1 is« Georgia Mae Smith. Bennett CM- - lege. Csoensivre, Miss Helen ,:>n. nuT’-i seh'-01, SI Acm H.-soital, Raleigii. MB-s Cleo J-'-hns-.n, A and T Cal lego. . M:.- Mardephia Grimes, A. and T. Colleg*' WELCOME TO CHURCH The summer vacation r r.vei and a nunrbo of ne-.v teachers and i; tends are i.-ack in ih* •i" and mur.tv -aeving n t d-. tks as teach--: s r- in otner ---t. Tire,abse. teaebers and f:-n when you are in the city you are always welcome at the f- lowing churches; Fh-.st African Baptist Church, the Rev. M. W. Morgan, pastor; v: Ce vary Baptist Church. Denmark Street, the Rev. G D Todd pastor; Antioch Baptist Chmch, Pint- and Virginia Streets, the R,-v Jbek pastor: St. James AME Church. W. Elm Street, the Rev. C L. Simmon.', pastor; Shi] ;; Presbyterian Church, W. Elm Street, tv Rev B R. Richardson, pastor; Goldsboro Chape] Freewill Rem (;; : u :: ch - , E - Kim Street, the Rev. J P. Lawson, past..;; Eastern -.nape] Baptist Church. N. John Street, the Rev. J. Grimes, pastor; - St John ME Church. N. John Street. ih> R, y. D. A. Williams pv foi'. St. Luke Disciple Church, East Elm St: St. Stevens Baptist Cnu.-ch, Holly Street,: St. Andrews Episcopal Church, W.. Sprue*- Stieet. the Fathei J. H. Banks, rector; Charles Street Methodist ihunch. Charles Street, t-h. Rev. W. A. Page pasor. You can al wayr hear a good sermon when vou visit thes«- . hu -rbe * LITTLE THEATRE MEETS The Little Theatre Inc. held its first mertkip of tiv war Fri .-ey mgtit in the Veterans Mechanic Building at Dillard High School wb,.n th president. A. B. Reid, presiding. Alter a short meeting by 1 Uje K.’oup the minutes of the last meeting were read bv the see- ; retary. John Stitt New business and plans for the war' were rb cussed by the* group at which time President Herd announced that election of officers for the new year will hi held Friday night.' OetobtM 8- at 8 p.m. At this time applications for membership will o<? accepted and -considered.. Morrvber® prf' c er 'i vptw* Mr i\iTi*c < T, L Parks, Mr. and M- S . Jesse Smith, Mr. and Mrs E. A * Thorn- ; - ;l a!r 'o Mrs ' «• S ' Carney, Mrs. I, Williams,:! Mrs. W, Starke, Mrs. P. Chavis, Miss V Foster J D Middleton John Stitt, O.W ,„d A B. Reid. The group will meet a tons Casino. 507 Alvin Street Friday night. October 8. at 8 nine! A..; members aie uiged to be present. ii.. '* -■ -mm <R: I INSURE WITH I * Gresham Insurance Agency Fire - Automobile - Casualty - Insurance .. j HANDLEY BUILDING PHONE 2353, 2224-. J second section f 2 OT n Q ftOtt c\ CONTINUE DRIVE [0 OET UNBIASED THEATER |N D„ G, W A SHI NKI TO N l AN P , T1 *> j(i.-,p stnie;'!<> f*u a 'er-tiitKiu- th.• , ire xlbch would :i(lrnii Negri.o. <v* ; wed a whites in (he nation’s capi *.->’ toch on tinfCiier aspee! I..•: r ii-t.-Ly *ha 1 j 1I ;i> J:-nnK ;!v. .lUe-roe'. general’--. office mlo Ihe fr;<> i » i to. ea fiiud agrccmctU in ay he re.:i bed Wli-'n b:. National i, -a on Wb - h Arb-r, Pijuitv levied a nan • lost y> a n:-i its players pci ' forn i. ... ir: ;i;-( c ity because j\ .■ ni'ti N*-gi.. nati-oi)--.. 1-: a-,j i . d 0..- ■■■■ A-t 1 ;,nd bcean 1 1 . Otiverf ft- 11! -a ’hi .:•<• in-.- .1 ' -lO'- 1 'wo will 1 .- Wa - *iI e | ton s*tt««-neyr. immediately too,; 3i o- to see what i-'idd tic done ■: - tsi ’ t in:- 1 . ! iie \ hark on Lie legitirsati* iheaSiv nn.u Th<- ■>! i t up. , Art or r !•; and Th edcie Gat.dk. could not co.i cede that thr position of Mnmia lieiniau. ir ■< i- tin- N-,i; ... k n .,.. ■ nitre l '.- fr-nablr in refit ing hr conic it pioneir euines pig " li. nan f.-’i dial he v:ould u-;! mak-- tin' tlrt nv'vc. since set regal ion •>*'b cxi-lu.uon «.v« rt . local practices He l.act rei..* ,d.-,b\ evtod that be • old el tig «b. j-...))., v until .he Incal r/opm'.an ehanred it-- eonvon- ' This stand, (he attorneys fell, tnu-or,vini.in-.-. .met tiierr had 1 - eii and are iaary mixed anti .'►'ui-i’s for ctl.i-i even!.- m the nt- Tailing the matter np wit It a pn-i, nice: In'icier, Garfield Ka-> who is •t pre-son! developing a large bus: aes. eentsu- called "Fr'etidship Heights." they v.-o;: i-i-. promise t.»; i:uilri Fne- iheatre pre.etically at i'a ov;de.l expi-rieni *»d nianageme-n! ould be oblai: . 1 Bi: X,-w y.-,. F ** -- atrieai interests a,-ju i-aeben ■ '■* o ■F’-i-’U'': .. • l - the is *. *: * p i'. However, there v ~ , . r-., iicce.-.5.0 > rjiraun * ll *•.ji : ■ is.- vhhoi ’bat e-f scrui-in? a«-.-ir. once-, fro.;:, she 'oca! booking accnev \',i: cn i-H;'e.s virtualK’ ail shows i;;., aid V■ ■■ , . , - •• . 1.,i 1- tre would receive bookings Th x outfit galled the i;-.;wd : Book* -if., office. • ip; . ) ... . cd bv 1 leirr >:: :h- , Natl mal thear.n A e rein g Hi. man attorney. Rob-rt F. Kline.' Jr - the IJr.ih ; i, ; g,,.., .. would i.e glad to h-* the thcat-c for dates v.-iteu i'up theatre , comi’letc-d Hi- >rl th*. agt-ucy had no nc-ltcy fry hmi-.n r-hokincs ;o .a singi-- tbeatr-- it: anv ;. ■ ■ >» over lldmin w.uJd n-.c cotifnm in: writing that he would hsi the theatre w On ' I- r. th-:’ he could cou-jdei in cortrrete; conin'.’truent urdil tfie isviur boo had bam c•eopiciod .nid jh.-t then lie* W-e.jlfl . i,' . ■ . .nice, mc-rtdy coii.-ia-.: siirs “ The agency is important since ,r acb ;e an agent for must of th..- I tCCSI PC - 'il -'CI i p : .,.-p dy. iljri* ry ■vsl receive five pn out of f* ,i theafii-'s share of ear!) producto-n ii books if a pr.vio.-er wants’* m • " -O.i, i’BO time .To ■ i Li;, ■: y. . Fork, hr nsualiv :- requ-red in bike ti e time r-. Hu- : a... HRO has av.,liable Ti-e Uu. .. not prevent him from ; i , v independent houses j.. a t m v.n where if does i r< t l < .- nt theatre n n th. other h.md. it ih< sc are rwo fheair.'s n a town ,-.. independent and th- ,• jj,-. , rfiii f ,: .j - ’ h " rp ° ! ■' L:- !-. .. :in- ' bi <--• in the Jan-. ■ lv.msf SAY VOI SAW IT i\ Tin: cumuMw THANK YOG WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF j LIFE INSURANCE PLANS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ONE SEE A REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE DISTRICT OFFICE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 301 S. JAMES ST,, GOLDSBORO C. C. SPAULDING, President E, R. W (LLI AMS-Dtstrict Manager J- B. FAFT-Assistant Manager i I LOOK! LOOK! I ! FOR SALE I ONE 14 ROOM HOTEL I AND 3 DOUBLE CABINS HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER Completely Furnished ATLANTIC BEACH, S. C. For Information See A. M. SCOTT,, BOX 691 GOLDSBORO, N. C. SCHOOL NEWS I PJK IVM 1 r 41 Hoot, Wiiii il.c downpour of ran ,m-: u,id we -.UiCi f"i the past w- ek Ui • ■*!lli- -■ n t .i r I'M!-. ..-villi' Ti a n . •vhiioi ii.. ; increased considerably. , I • o !< i.-Id-v L;i:■ been ei owd-. d with siiikiren : egarrili-a . of the I ad w-siUu.-r Prof. Came.. faculty about (u j.at -.ellicit dawn h>: ' i-. a I work. The -i. h-'ioi. will root: be i-peiaUiig •'u I 'v i • . d.-.i full day schedule The veteran ; school i. i.«rea- - an v-i”, Posy trying tn cnir.pJc'c the two lire iluildnua- which an- bi’ita: boil r■>i tin- cainpu--. by :iic veto -a. . ■ -,. ho ii! li thorn for b:e vctci aa - 1 >'odc <la -- * -. They arc I’xpr. "o.i c coinpif ti-d now in a frw j-..<<re - weeks Mi in hot ,-d iho ,( : -.,n 3 1 .. , -bid lit' l I; ;:ii .-.oi-i.M’l students are bus;- ucttinv ready and mul:- • ,: o V-i at- f.u th*:ii fall activities ■which w;]| he annoi.ini od a* j ?,»1 •-1 dr.’e < '<-ae i, p Sirmnon ,s moktitg toi card so s-ucres.-ful o,dl n :.-v iiccping Ihe '■ '■ b'U'i, in- s-v n; them P* ! -I "t'k and oxerr: -es '4b I■ - I .1" U ’ Ti O- '■!> 1 ij-l J'- . -,- of Amcr i'-a ;c?rvcd as pal). a' Hu funeral < f Scon' f 1 " nmn Cnh-v, jr, in Krcenioi.l 'F eda.v Septombi r 27. a! the Fit.-,! Lip! isi ( hutch Cole', was it men. - her v Troop lilt) Eureka Hooks Giiae Church FhkrvsUi . . -o* >o).>t uod ■ e 'w..->ifi■: th annivor --'try of flu- church and the pastor’- ,-C Sim- i':, v Siiiidnv School, id m -bisoph Jones. : up- nntemi - 1: w.orn ns w,,i--hjp ;; m kins . hy Stone; Hill Cuou- 2:.’«) I m pi em-hittg by Tin Rev VV 1 ’tton rmd his choir from Si Be' ::: hurch. W Istonburg. f-n - a tile music. Al 7:30 p. a. :-'f- j.ia.-dor of the White Oak Free i!i Jin |:1 1 • t Church led services ; You alv. ay, welcome to attend me -vi ice.-; at Ho- k- Grove CiiUH.-ji io I’lkm-ilie EXTRA I, HIGH SCIIOOI Th, work or, *he new ! uildins ... vnsal High -'(-I.'Onl rv.jiiinues pr-Hp-.-. s nice!-, .-c-gardle.-.- of j ** h* :* dun tig o e pa-t tr O 0 Prof H ijV'.ai dt hopuiv ■b<- new mii'dir.g will be ready for '■.r by Juliu-u v i J 949 The faculty wd tc;ici-,r-<-.. ip vk Central High 'D.'. -If district i f* biI«V '■or the faculty stunt night s port so i'- ••d >h. •- -one:-:: -h;. ! ... , ! : postponed until later date Pr-i! Bakc-r is mij making plans i 'lor organization of the school band. . ' ,s 1 uew projed !,; the rehc.o --’ ’hruefoi- )' bake urnc for thr- sim- : , or-rifs to get their iu.-f ruments. i ■ L-. a, 1 lan i., mui Kostei ar. ]oog. forward j.-, a great b,. ketball ! ■cam during the coining season Ni'U ir** a:ways welcome to at !;d s: s vie. pie f. >■ 1. 1- - m whin che-. Wood’- (Jreve Chuieh. Shady Go-i.e Cliurch S* !*- ii >hf's ' i! i$ Church and tt- ■ ; . IftLOIONT HIGH T:-" fell.-wing grads of the c-iass: *: 1948 : j'o attending school at .he ; v-ifiiui, I’ni-cpf s in -he state Bi:- ::ucc Klli.dt Dorotljy Artis Lu/i Edwards, Elizaii-.-’h Cit.v Slate T* a. -it > College, Eiizibii-tb Ci!> . ’<’•-* c Hagan:--. Win:-’on SaVv.i ' J; -* i Gobi e WivsTon-Sa]*'?; a J• ' ; He"i. N -Mi. Carolina C-ilJi Bo i l -. V. hi he Reid. \ and T ■ > li< c i: . ■ f-,vp s Firrm-ia - , Daw ■; ruo ,r- trrvnivv ;,t ;Jm obi ' !!•■ pivd. liurbum ■ • b ’■ -c' o- ; dt pm; rnent h benm f* i ipc-f ii.Ti i;; c and v getting idc-vi n to real bus:or s am*>ng the •tuiievu body Each class has or- : g-* 1 uzed m i :.;;v elected it 194 !* Jh.-t . - fellow fre.-i 9.:. . cl t - Sh;:n,o William:. ; r-ideni, C'*n drr! Randeis, vi, presid.-ni: Wmv A. Dawson seiTetary: Beaince N: w--.,n,f- treasurer Sophomo: Jessif- O Suite:, preside!* l . ( >ciPe Lewis, vice president: Albet - L> Reel, secretary; Delon is Jamet, ‘••■•sure; 1 i : cl.v James F ;Di<-:--cr.:-'u. j- 1 - -sides it. Willard Reid, Vice pri: ident; Irene Dawson, >• c- : :r t.: %-ti ca -in i.-r Senior class: Hu- THE CAROLTHIAN (loh. h Arti-:. :r - den*; Shirlev Tn v iot. v-r.p j,r* side it Hattie Coley /.-ci'- :i-vv ai'ii M ti’pew N. wsom* 11 esu "Pi' The i- reen-.o t « haplei i-l ::e N't \v Horriemak. r~ i.,f America !:. id i;.. first rnec-t.na of the year on Wednesday, l/'ii-if-mbi, :‘7 The. : foiD-wing oft jeers wer;- elected- I -;t*ui- Barker pi-.-.-idi r.t Shir- T’.iyii-t vice ;>i< •-*i{, n*: Il.itiie Co ley. a e’.’tary: Alum R.-rt tt-.-a pi ' ei, (Tub pdvi.si.u-. Miss l.Utrhh E i -Pv.iid . T!v _ Naiiurpn C’refl 1 llninp hel'i m, uioi ’hi; meeting at the sph f.ii Friday Oetot-,ei i. at !! p. m William I. Coley, a student at A. and T. College, Greensboro, spent tjk- week end home with his par -nts Mr end Mrs Willie C dev. The funeral of Forman Colei. ,h . who lost ha, life by drownin'* while ai Camp Carver Saturday, Scpb.'inber 3a. w.e he'd Monfia I .'. :>i I'tembcr 27 at th* Firs! Baptist Church with Ihe Rev W C Cot tor. of Rocky Mount cffii:: ails-.; p.uie! followed 111 Ulf fatnilv cr-", (rev P.dlbf ,-m-r.s were Si-oiii.- fi-oni Tr.-.op N--. 164. f’ilo vilie. hen - '.-:r‘. e li'V.ean ; -.- \vp re Seinils f-.-otn 1 Troop- lf)8 Eureka and Is up He . Goldsboro. Coach W D Walker is •- e '• tn -y nowadays making plans and gel ting Ihe basketball lea* , b<>\ - .e ■ gills in lihapc for a successful :-r-i son by giving them plenty of wo-k and i'M !rr cs on the lutdoor c-',. * ! Coach Walker is looking to have - one of the fastest teams in ti e , county m s year Most of the last year's players are back nr.d arc looking be in good rha-.-e b\ the ipwoiu: ol ihe haskciball season .S-, funs, look out tins season the I’m-r.a:; High. School FJa-h ; ers ' IHDLFV SCHOOL It The fatrult.,' and studoni body at Dudley School are about *o get themselves to the general r'-uti e of work Th*- downpoui of rain foi ! the past few da vs has cau-rd an u cre.m eurollment viticli has caused every da s t-> filler: .*■ 'h ] -tuden’.s Pr -f Joun-nn and n lu be, of the di .mat), dub un v< • . ju wurking and ni.ik plan for their first | lav to br p;, -ent er tin pr.-ir tuti:, i- Mi:-> Wasb mgton !-- kept very busy try ug r.f,a eet - Me turf! ,*’ ' • -•** * V •*'**' O■• • • - - - - ** ' j him.i'i mi time in the lunch «-= -• i.-- F: of. ATcKebian gave iiir ident body iis in-st movie -i.»w with * the neve movie maehifie Fr day. October l. The student b-alv was ; filled w.dh ji’V and happiness. Troop V- ’Hi R-.” Scout.- of A* -ei -1 i'.'u. c pouj:or<-d in flip sc-hro! an very busy nowaduv making odd-- ;.",d end for the chool T' *• T a. : --pent the weekend at Comp 0.-. i. ■ Wh you ,vv in Driip- in.,- u, always weR-oirc at the fnilowiu.u - ■ ,in I' '. -t (’ !W - I (..'hurch. morning yn iet: 11 in.. Th,- ift > ! G< ee* • PiTsbyternuj Church, evening - vice 3 p m . The Rev B R. Rich :srdsen. pastor Mi a Ora So .’: ... eifilmg hc-i sister. Mu- Hi. tin Breadwt-H in Norfolk. Va. Mi.-- H .- nicy Siiriinons the dam'lhei of Mr. • irid Mrs. Fred Simmons, has r turned Ut Wuet.-n Salem Teocb i <ts ''. ,1 !«-g( to resi.i me hri stufiiu I'mf J n. Middle' n dot ■if Mu.-ic iu I.l*o scl'-ioJ )-■ vc * y i,-'.! I uowfd. -. g-ving tin "ui- i ; I fiu'ion-nentnl... in ir.u.-ic and utging i the r..'B> fu’tuc :-' tl-,:-. •a . •.•••n !•* given lc?-:'ir, in p;av:< • and vocal mu u:. » i i* P: of- Middletcn and J 'hm ou a.f tended the Shav -Hat-, r-’- u f*>• •' :aroe Hamptuii In titnb- SaHn i y. Stpl' mber 25. at whic h 'a ••• Hamilton won by H e scin •{ ; i to n j For First Class Service Visit ! THE -SERVICE BARBER SHOP Goldsboro Street Frc-emount. N. C Willie A. Thompson, Prop, t IOJ IU VOI It » AMID ON (: R K l) I i K \ \l fs 1 123 EAST WALNUT ft- —fn- -fin, , niimiimiTfiniirai i n wwnriiwiin-irfTm nwn*«rw»iiyirnrr-ntni-i ARTIS FISH & FANCY GROCERY STORE 614 East Elm Str«ei Phone 2031 -J Rev. J„ H, Artis, Prop. Your C red it la Good At (f4XvaJ^ FURNITURE ! 115-117 East Walnut St. GOIDSBORO ' 'S ' " - % : W WmW \ § ' ' • Vli-s Mav- H. Breaswll, the daughter of \!i%. Brcusweii. Pike , illc. is a member t»f the Senior (.'lans . t I’skrviiJo Training School Mfs Kre.'U.wrll. with her .'banning and pleas'iig persona! >i\ is one <,) the most invert tn dents iri fu r /■! i-s yml student h«d,v, .Slip is a member of ihe dram a Or i lull and high >. haol f p « lull. Attn i niiipJHipj; in*r High Si lion! mirk in ,lum> of fft.}?) die plans i, enter v\ t imersity for line College studios Miss ! Hsvrrlt, wilt be in charge of the sales of Till ( VKOI.IMAN in (he Pikevilio Training School. So in case ecu should fail to get V f *ur < .\ROI.INI.\N, inst contact Miss Hreintril. and the will see Hat you Rt f the ( AftOf IM VX, I \BKK THREAT OF NEW PAYROLL<IT U.iiniS WORKERS BY (ONRAD CT..AKK sr.r YORK 1 ANP i Ayr. mimg 1 Orn .ini'ii ! abet of Auburn. ! - N alie is fnr < <>f ’ cnairir-.'u) <•! »he House ...p, o pr ;ie- com- i _ !T-JittCf. 200.000 .if Uncle S,,m , nep ;'f - arid ;. a.-ill aois, fact his "meat ox." foliowtu;; the corning j of On New Viar. Or. iVloialay of tins week Tabor, W hi! If ’ O'o'. M'jevr-i ,■ • . ■V , k ,}-... ~ .* ] will .serve mrttJ January d, • v -ik’ in. expects Gov Tom i pewe.v to shot;- ihc r> ere'!. if be j is elect si ft fir. : c '> ; is: ft CM) ty at ieasi ;;fjo pop in nervine noMcr j w veil}; ••nrp.nue hi s "Or-cnioiny' cut Tabes.! .-Tate.i fruit his office in Wa.-hiuc.-: ton that "V tn,-. ; g . , a ! sd’h far i v.r h nc- ft, }; - ~, . , ;f | it ! r): ' !*■ - 'hr .‘MUfJiv. pi cy : no poiifus ,••}• economy in govern ' LAt’p Tabf.-ihvpJaj'V is $12,500 ner ! y-’.H. with h $2,. r >oo tax-free rx r )o«' ! *Couiiil. Ho n present;- >■;. ' i , ih; ‘ 1 ompluvr-, M 1.,-, ' ' "ft"' «h- Federal. * fjay.nl) foci t'-C) •■tiorry. and since the war \ • '‘been Jet nu!.' ! bbnl Ih lloi?!t*nu*kt i > Fl-itr, -eaiyi- iji unlirmd jack- ' p'' /" bn tavt-jiv materials may! ■ Umsiied tv turnitig the e-dges j and machine stitching. •A Id a dozen chopped pitted j daf: ; and a tabjespoen tn two | •/ cut. cry staJjized cinger j next Indian pudding.! riniii orcam or ginger-flavotr-d i hard raueo is .best. imre . no short cut to tr, o non. "‘•‘hakef! ‘bean Long, slow i 1.-aki-ig dors it Tlo.’re'.s rm sum-; i-! ftitc for .mo!asse s . And put off the; '.vtiolc affair if yon can’t .get. | some salt pot k. Supporl Vour Paper ! : THK t \ROIJM \\ | TH \\k YOl ! - I T 0 i OA\ s j Wayne Finance (in. THRIVE l\ TO BORROW” j ,Runes A: Ash Sts. Phone 1034 J Dry Wood For Sale at all Times—Free, Prompt Delivery RUFUS WATSON WOOD YARD 508 Eason Si. Rufus Watson, Mar, Phone £386-M ‘ COMMUNITY I SFR VICE STATION GAS AND OIL 1311 X. CiREENI.tAF ST. COLD DRINKS AND BI ER I PHONE; 947-. I H. L. JACOBS, Prop. Parrot fs Shoe Store | N ATION ALLY KNOWN BRANDS TOR THE ENTIRE | 1 AMI J A 196 W IVALNCT ST. SPXTONT) SECTION' ILLITERACY RATE OF NEGROES IN U. S. A. IS SIX TIMES WHITE i WASHINGTON <A,\T; ,\p. dio-tg?) the ill:ie»"icj rate ; - Amer ica i; the lowest in its history, the iliii.eti.cy rate for mm-whites. which includes tno-.tlj Nc'nict vrith a few American Indian* and Asiatic*, was .ix (trm * a- high as the tate for vr I tiler Illi'ctucy among colored W n-- ti per ct'tit ft, only I.R for whites and 2.7 ii-r the nation as a whew, tic < -iding to figures role.ec'f last week by :h« U S. Cciimis bureau In the survey made last .year, i was di'di'sed that 2,800,0(10 Amer ican* over J-f y vitry old tyiij.ld ~-111 *'r read ncu - write, while B.2(MUit i 0 persons v.-er> "funclional lliiet ■ ' ■t did v•' . t mure :!t;.n foui yeai.> educjuitin Despite tiu ~ nnTlparai'.vely high rate oi i’• i ite-racy r.mong v-f;i;. ItgU'T.-- ; ■ led thru they had made :id in pi’ti:■■■ • - ; r <tvei- - corn tug I his lattli While only one .’.it .>f three eon-whiles over U ■ ■ n’t read <,r wipe. ;■ | , iji of .A of i Ite'e 14 to V? could re;.'(l or Wt lie A nr nt.. v-'hjUs wwe wjuallj a.- literate • mm. utP among the colored nearly twit*-: as many women a < men ate did- INOfCT WHITES IN ATTACK ON 2 COLORED WOMEN AVI Ti AII’KA. Ala. \\r Two white men were indicted !,\ a grand jury here last week «f attacking; two Negro women and robbing their husband*. Ihe two men, who w ill go on (rial November 22. are John Howard. Jr. fid, and .tark Oli ver 20. iiollt of illmoi < county Acritrdin; to Sheriff l.esfei I Holley the two white men slopped ,t ear in which the col ored, t on pies were riding. Point ing- a wm at them, the whites I arced the Negro men to get mi!, of the ear, (ook Uieii mon ey anti (hasei! them away with -hits above their heads. ’if’ er the husbands had hecit phased, the sheriff said. ,hc two women claim that the whites took them (> .1 truck they were driving and ferrerl them <0 'ubmit to them. D. A. BATEMAN Jeweler Finest Watch Repairing 102 South James tree! Goldsboro, N. C. ELMORE’S RADIO SERVICE Sales and Service Street Floor Borden Building Gold: Fora. N, C. Phone 2188 Soul lht land Irnlf t Os 1) RRINKti \Nti B? f-.'tl 221 Wt ST PINI STREf.'I \ !)!*)> <Of i t*i op tor Prompt Fourtcoos Srivior FOYE’S BARBER SHOP *OS SOFTH .lA.MI s ST OPFIIJ IOVE Prop The Green Parrott. ,137 SOCHI ! \ MI'S ST HOME COOKED I- OOP BEER WINE SODA Mrs. M, S. Pennington, Mgr. ! __ M aore’s Grocery WE BIT AND SELL FRESH COCNTHV PROD COTS 505 CREECH STREET I REDBRICK MOORE, Prop. PHIGH GRADE PIANOS AT A BARGAIN NEW &. USED Clay’s Piano Exchange 439 East Elm St Goldsboro, N. C. Phone 1408*W r —— - ■■■■■■ FINEST WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Eastern Carolina Precision Work* 117 ORMOND AVENUE GOLDSBORO SERVICE DRY CLEANERS Cox, S. James and Elm Sts. Brunch Office N. John Et, ONE DAY SERVICE Wp Specialise In Woman's Silk Drew; and Whit® Sweeten “ j PHONE ISfS-R | PAGE SEVEN Goldsboro merchants And Business Persons Made This Page Pos sible. Give Them Your Trade. j The t.’i'svr bi.ireeu gave the fel • low ing t.ilemi id !bi caur:<? of jibe vedui-tu-it of illiteracy in this ] coitiitry; I "The gre titer vhfoi'cerneht of 11'cwpttl.sor.v w hoiii laws. I (he extonsion of educational oppot j tuniues, the dying off of the* re!a --! lively riunieiou.i oyoci illiterates | and the i-pcci-tl fj fiinin;; given illit il rate:-; tn the armed. <.i'viuv-. during World War IT.'’ i QUALITY BICYCLE SHOP j Packard Bicycler,. Keys Made | Lcrks Hcpaircd, Motor Bikes l and Lawn Mowers Repaired 211 N, John Street j Gold*.'boro, N. C. Phone 1326 ; LEE’S FUNERAL HOME Home Office of Christian Aid l Mutual Burnt)! Ars’n, Inc, 1 Free mount. N- C. Phone 3161 W, Lee, Prop- | THE BLUE FRONT CAFE Home Cocked Food | Meals Served at all Hours j Cold Drinks, and Ice Cream Goldsboro Street Freernouni N. C. PRICE JEWELER Watch Repair Watch Master Service ' Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry 102 E. Mulberry St, Phone 1752-J, Goldsboro, N. C. ~m |— n—nnwiini rnm'iwr''-nn'^iTiTr.T'm!^T‘' I GOLDSBORO COLORED FLORIST Designs Sprays. Potted Plant? Natural Flower::. Telephone 2394 -W Mrs, A. E. Atkinson, Mgr. 200 Bifcgden Si LOOK!LOOK! Bryant-Best Post No, 215 American Legion Presents The Gaskin Spiritual Singer* And The Southern Stars of GoJdsßtro, N. C. In A Battle of Songs Sunday, Sept. 19th 8 p m- DILLARD HIGH SCHOuL AUDITORIUM Goldsboro. N. C, i Admission Soc-65c. SUTTON - LEWIS ‘ Furniture Company 124 E. Mulberry St. Rv asrnable Prices In FURNITURE OF QUALITY THOVIPSON’S 't I’O! TV ASH A O -lit :-l K\ i« t: > VEND try 50 , N, JOHN ST. 9 IBS PER MACHINE M>‘. P<“-ir| Smith, AJgrs, TOR DEEtf lot's DINNERS Stop AT .Nicky's Soda Shoppe 3.13 S, SAMIS ST. A SPECIAIiy S'AMIV OAT Moye’s Grocery Fancy a >rt staple Groceries | Fi'tilL and Vegetables 401 SOI lit JAMES ST, PHONE 91.34 Silver Moon Bar ALL KINDS Os SOFT DRINKS BEER 335 %\ PINE STREET AJ EX SWIFT. Mgr.

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