PAGE TWO Viiyetteville Street ' lunch Club Holds liiiiiversary Service i’iu Good Samaritan Club of the ; yelteviile s. Baptist Church' d t>i aniuvi rcaiy program I '■■■■}, v . ght ,-t week, at th- 1 . i.ut oi Mr> jt'S: !■ IJ. j-itudex l at j South i-:'i'-"d\ str- thp Superior Court oI Wake ;>ihy. North Carolina, for an ah i . a u,void- U) the plaintiff from; defendant and tin- defendant ■ lake notice that she i>. required ••• ! •‘‘•r on 01 before November 3. ic at :lie office of the Clerk oi opri ict Court of the said . in Raleigh. North Carolina; . .1 air. . or or detnui to the; ir t the said proceeding ■ r entitled in the s .id com -tth day oi October 1948 < Court 1 J CARNAGE Attorney SALE OF LAND Under and by ir-tur • of a judg- ; !i " sipne-d the ( ierk us the ; ■ 'ptiio;- C ,: t’n cf Wake Jcnrity in ! !i -‘ -’latter :;f Hilda Wesi'vs. ; Joseph l St red wick and wife. { Henri Stiedwick and others the ■ uki.. rsigned oonimlssicro’s will of-’ 1 ‘ '■ { °r sale at j -Plic .met ion to the i i’ l -' l -! hitidi-i for (ash at the court) bouse dooi of Wake County, Ra- i fa i; North Carolina at 12 o yffark ' -io . on Monday, November 1948 the follow;; dercribed real - property; it-o certain tract of laud, begin- j ;' U! £ on Butler Street at a point; . w feet south oi the intersection of Butler and Gram Streets; run- j urng thence in a westward diree- ; >iOi> 230 feet; nmnlng thence »n a ; southward direction 105 feet to a | ' pemt. the corner of Lot No 48, running thence eastward 230 feet; I '''ill,- the ime of Lot No, 48 to a i j point on the western side of But.Lt Street, (now Chester Drive); run ning in northward direction with : Hutlre Street mow Chester Drive, j K’s fee; to the point of beginning j ■md being Lot No. 49 of the San < Domingo property, and being that ! same property deeded to James j | Hall in Book 90 page 140. Registry of Deeds for Wake County I her said sale will be for cash '••■d the purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent as evidence I 1 of good faith. For furthc; information as to the mid property apply to the under -•iCTmd oomissioners. " r, T - 'he 2Ttb day of September,; 'AtSTEAD J. MAUPIN LIS G. BRIGGS IS. 23. administrative notice Having qualified as administra tor of the Estate of the late Mr ; Mamie L. Fitts, deceased late of j 1 Wake County, North Carolina. This! is to notify ail persons having; claims against the Estate of said j decease to exhibit them to the un- : dersigned at 318 South Tarboro j Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, on ; or before the luh day of Snptem- ; 1 t-er, 194 ft, or this notice will be 1 pleaded in bar ~f their recovery. All persons indebted in the Estate j ' will please make immediate pay- j moot i This 11th day of September, 3948. GENOA C. FITTS. Administrator vV (}. MORDIiCAI, Clerk of! the Superior Court. Oct. 2, 9, IG, 23, 30-Nov fc. t MAPIJE TEMPLE j - h'V JOSEPHINE TERRELL Regular servicer weiv held at the :’ Maple Temple Congregational ; Christian Church beginning with | Sunday School W n Viud a vci v u, j torcaUngj ieu:vn The topic was a j Library us Reiyinua Literature, j and li,* in,met ,<. tv "The Word jof tied Shall ‘it i a Forever fSHiaij .to 9. Jvlunc lor tuf li.Ciioing icrvL'e wa:-, supplied b; !i. -ir-niOr Choir ! lie liev Mr. I t preached a -plendiU sermon i»oit< the text, "Wall wlui. you have light, lest d'i'kn- :■ cniue upon you.’ John' ; 12.2.') Thi Vocal Union of Raleigh reu- j deri=d service- hen at 4:3ij \:( thei) j , sonrs weie enjoyed by all The Pilgrim b ellowsii.p society ! met at 6:(HJ with President Uly s,"' 1 ) Millikirt pi esiding \Vv nil enjoy-i ; t’d seeing a .-.till movie showing Our Bible. Following this the Rev Mr ! Lee preached the evening set mon i ; and the Senior Choii rendered tne • r' T * l ';“: ... Holy t -juimunion w.o observed with the Rev Mr Lee The Rev 'J W Upchurch, the Rtv Air. King and the deacons tu ving Due to the inclement weather thi- Woman’s club had to postpone its meeting until laiei , Visitor: and I-. u ii.i- wlio were welcomed were the Rev. Mr. Lu ica- ot tin' city, ivh Johnson of | Adam Street and Morris High of : Zebnloii 1 tie Rev Mi Let's subject for Sunday night was “Sunday School Builds u V;re the Church Makes it Burn ’• Corn 12 13 On 1 hur-uay otgltt t.f thn week the Sister: of Metcy and Hop. and Various Prayei Bund. w:tl have j service here sponsored by the Pu - : tot : Aid and floral Ciufcs. You i inviTPd to come xV.e Rev h 7/ Aim.cut re- Oi. ',l i* r. .!•< v. r W :'-h ;,aT. :peedy it'ccverv Seven per cent of all farm fire' | are caused by carelest. use of : ! matches and cigarette? A total oi 33 4-H Club pullet ; shows and sale;; are being held in the State thus year Now is the time to make plans ! for getting this spray equipment and material; 7 ; which will be need ed next spring The- V. S. peacn crop is now estimated at nearly 69 A million bushels as compared with 52.6 million biAQgls produced last year. In MEMORIAL ’To the memory of P II Kyle who passed October 6 1945 Shelter is gone wnen the night is o’er, And bread lasts only a day, But the touch of your band, and The sound of your voice. Live on in the ‘oul alway. NELLIE KYLE Ito— “ . ... . . . Tfulu Hible- . . atidt | j|« 24-HOUR SERVICE, 322 EAST CABARRUS ST, C. A, HAY WOOD, Owner -c\ A ■' rr 0 r JH( ~ r iMANW CROSS I OOmSABOUT ' /-. Now you con give diob, onottroctive gray hair —TV 'y the ~ ck, riotutol- looKa.y coiui thut iiiokej j-^.u / j I iV ( look youngei And your friends wilt appiove, for '~y? , I J ■ j Hollywood stos hov* shewn that hah ( oicnrijj i$ :LS, / ’ { r « ns important a beauty old u» iipitick or rouge, ( /.} . J * soiook youi best .. Color your hair with Latieuse. jipSfctx won i rub o il or wash out- - unafieettd t» htai j ' ~ PcrmiU p«rii4o*f!U 4nd siyush hairdos | known and ustd for over SO yean. Ynur i ; 3cai«r WijJ fliv* your (nonty b«ck ti you r« not \ / 100% Mmfiftd. \ / H«v* i,\ «cdsy, bicfcr-iior;*! 4Uplic#<(or- at. you* i\\ f«vo its bfAUty shop o; buv at -any .w,.(\ l \ / LownttiC c3«ipd/ttti<'A{ or di utfsto; a \ \ t 2Spf\ «M 2* #»•«* f*ci. itt». o*t«cfl«* «. \HL eo&snter MH*. <,*».• »itfe UiVE SI »S's- IGUIS S, Me. ' . ■ i BIRTHS Tillii certificates tor babies born ! to (lit:' hiliowiiiK couples were re#- i.uered m tiu- ulficos ot the Wakt t County health department during . tile past v.eek: i L’hai'i.- E River.- ..nd Jvfi's i la; - ice smpr-v Rivers I- -5 Ven-iuii? Anne.’.' i ••• Hi-ight-:: ~ son. (.liuiir., i uM i. ; eptemner ;v B* .ij -■ hi nroe and Mr Ma | iitha T’i : ivioni'ije. 7J 2 Sha w ! Court, a .. in, Larry Ron.iM, Sep!, 20. , : HaJJie Vvutkiu.s a.-ei IVii >, t- -urlie ; Hood Watkii u il i; Hill Street, a • gu'i, Maj i.uerite Louise Sept 20. Walter T’eiTioci ;icy Washihfiton j and Mrs Verilit Pariah Wi-rhing j ton, -129 South Swain Street, a -on, VciTion Hogy. September b in St , Agiies: Hospital W. ilk (lei aid J.., : I-.!,.-j and Mrs. ' Alice McClain Lassiter 818 Fay | etteville Street a son. Jerome, .September 3 nr St. A Pile; ! lc.;;pitai Wv-cdrow Williams' and Mrs Ola ; ’Jones Williams ?15 CaiToir? Alley,! a son. Aired Mortensu, Septembei | 4 in St. Agnes llspilal McKinley Fogg and Mrs Madge j t'Vigg Kittrell. Rsmt- J a bab.y girl, 1 j Clara .Annette September .3 at St Amt"; Hospital Ervij Hodge and Mrs Dons 1 Holden Hodgt-. Deruieli, Route 2 : girl, Gwendolyn 'l'eresa, Septem- . oi-: at Lt Agiie- iiospitul Arthur Debuarn and Mrs Zeno- ' 'bin High DebnanV. 1419 Ea-.t Lam Street a .-.on Jarne: Salmon Sep lembtr b m St Agnes Hospital Richard White and Mrs Thelma ; C• 1 ’ Lt.roy Jr F. ptember id ill St Agnev Hospital. 'iheogi.i Carrington and Mrs . D • i.’.-iineis * ;in c 7 n;; Raieigi, F' C son Lafernta i.'laione 'rptembe! 11 in . . Agnf- Hos ( ' 1 al Jack Hinton and Mr:. Freda! ' Day.: Hinton SIX Hoke Street a I ;son Larry Edward* Septembei ij : ;m St. Ague.-: Hospital, ; John Wiiliai'i Ji., and Mr.; IJusuna Harrt: Williams, 112 Cam- , ;den Street, a yon Johnnie I'iinct.-, ISepl 12 in St .A pm."' Hospital. Fred Fosfei and and Mr?. Salina ;, i Unii fead Fi'ctcr !02 FirLer Street u ;a son. Fred, Jr.. Septernbei 12 uC, I St- Agnes Hospital j Calvin Hunter and Mrs Mary i j Braxton Huntfi ErunrwibJ. Ter- 7 • race, a daughter. F:rveri;- FLine i September 13 in St. Agnes Hos- : ; pita! Join. Bledsoe and Mrs Kathleen Mr-rsenburg Bledsoe Heuse, Route' • l a daughtei. Sarah Delois Septern- ‘ her 13 in St. Agues Hospital Howard I’eeblea and Mrs Mar-; :garet Pooler Peebles. 1405 Obertin .Road, a boy Howard, Jr., Septern-: ;ber 13 m St. Agnes Hospital Chestei Debnam and Mrs Loviei Matthews Debnani. Raieieh, Route! 4. a girl Cynthki L.ue. September j is. a, .St Agnes Hmpitrd t ■ t,'hiii iie f)riant Goodsr.n and Mi s. Gertrude Youn:- Goodson, L igle Rock, a son, Ronald Nelson, .Sep tember 15. Joint-.-; liaivev Dunn and Mrs Je.ssie Dunn Wake Forest, Route t, ighter. Wanda Kaye Septem b'r at St. Agnes; Hospital. William Cotton and Mr.- Bernice ! Maston Colton, IMS South Blount j Street, a son, Lawrence Edward, - September « m St. Agnt-s Hospital. William Smith and Mrs Mildred McNeil Smith. 1305 Holman Street, • I son Ernie Quentin, Septembei 12 in St Agnes lloKpital. Jonathan Mayo Wildei and Mrs Johnsie Rogers Wilder, ?ui South | ’East Street, a sort. Jonathan Mayo. Jr.. September 1(1 in St Agnes Hospital ; L, addle Hij'.fl and ivirs Naomi Dolby Rood 1223 Fayetteville Street, ,i girl Glenda Ann, Septei.i ; hoi r:-i, m Si Aetic; Hospital Carl i.ev,y,ta Jam -am and Mr- Beau ice Tomlin: un Jackson VVii- ! low So i mg.-; Route 1 a gisl Con-, •stance. September !? in St Agnes ! ! iospital Scott SimueU and Mr: Beats k'i I King Sintuols 903 East .Martini Street a -on, James OtL. Septern her i?, m S; Agnes Hospital Anglee Shirt and Mr- Dole ; Via Pearson Shires 1003 South Wilmington Street, a son, Jimmy Lee. Sep tom be i jg in ;-;t Agnoi 1 i ospitai. Jaine: Smith and Mrs Ella Kint Smith, 70b Carroll's alley, a daugh . tei Clara Jean, Septembei 19 in St Arne- Hospital Andrew Love aid ivlif Rosa Taylor Love, 12 Iredell Ten aw a gii Beat)ice September 19 St Agnes Hospital. Theodore Pepper* Mrs tie ■ tdiine Ruflin Peppct* Haleigii Route 2 do- Reuben Fltoma*. Sept 19 in St Agnes Hospital. Joe Simmons and Mrs Ruth ; Lawrence Simmons Carey Route ; L a b*tb> daughter, Louise. Sept. 25 Eugene Green and Mrs. Flor ence Wheeler Green, Morrisvilie a ; Dairy girl. Alter Ann, Sept. 30 Cleveland Ferrell and Mrs Har 4ie Brown Ferell, Wendell, Route i. a girl, Phyllis Ann, August Hi Bill Dockery and Mrs. Mary Sid jury Dockery, Route 1, Varina, a ! daugther, who was not named ' July 10. Truman Harris and Mrs. Lina j Payne Harris Route l. Varina, a : ‘son. Truman, Jr . July 12 Filroore Bailey and Mrs. France* ic Bader, Route 5. Varina. a son. ! James Everette July 23 Joe Underwood and Mrs Maxins* Ray Underwood, Fuquav Springs a son. Larry, July 28. Ht.fseii Thomas Wiggins and Ivirs. Carrie Hall Wiggins. Fuquay Springs, a daughter. J.ula Mae Katherine, September i Kota Brinton Booker and Mrs Ethel Jones Booker, Varina Route 1. as son. who was not named. Sep tember 18 La Madisuii t taberry and Mr? ~ • Johnm* Black Seafcerry, Vanna | Route l, a son, ixu Gene. Sept 20 Shepard Daniels and Mr: Ester | Crass Daniels Route i Fuquay .Shinies, a daugther who was not named, September 20 Ock-s Freeman and Mrs Halite Bledsoe Freeman, Neuse Rente j .< girl Dorothy. September IS Ollie Lcngmire and Mrs Alma . McNeil Longhair. . Vatina, Route 1 i 3 daugther. Jessie Mae August 23 Bt :i Bridges and Mrs Les: ;e Watkim Bridge-- Route f, dough : ter Annie Mae June 24 Ci us Thompson and Mrs Dofo- 1 itiy Freeman Thompson, Raieigu Route 5, a girl, Bernice, Sept 11 Abraham Capers and Mrs Lilli* McLeod Capers Apex, Route : ~ : daughte: Bertie July 12 (Turns Heights News By MA) 1 BROAD IE hhe Booker T Washing! v. Club ; will meet u the home of Mis Ro I berta Far .in on South West Street runday at 400 Mr:. Eila Croslinc : 'T>. host.-"* and John . navi: is 1 president M=£s E'fie Little of New York n pending tier vacation at home with : h> j mo* r. Mr. Johnnie Little u i Hyde errac. ’Willie ...ewis of Charlotte was a . i recent guest of ins brother, John i j Lewis of 423 South Swam Street j Neal Morgan of 906 South | Stree* who .has o. on ill and con j fin. d able to be out again Mr Annie MeCuliers of New j Jers* is home visiting relative; i and friends. Mr Mildred Parker of Durham ir h me visiting hei mother. M-. ’ Effi'- Jackson of s Chatham ■[. j - i race. Capital City Lodge of RUS, Nu ; fir. entertained officers and niern ; her aitei tin;:. session ins* . Officer and members of the Cap-: j dol City Temple cl Elks Lodge No. j3n were !* .. .• if guest vt Fidelity j 1 *' No .. '{ at their atir'ual ban | A Thursday evening when mote j tr i ioo were present at the Elks | ll • *e L H. Wilcox exalted ! rt. r and Mrs, Melvma Ferrell rs , | daughter ruler. Si ier Gary To Hold j D Day Meeting Here j he Rev. .Mabel Gary arid her j ■ In,i :.i eruup will conduct a 10- j : day revival meeting at the St. ' i Paul AJME Church here beginning iat 2:Oo p m, Sunday the Rev. T | 1 ! . Dehart, pastor, has announced. , The meeting will lie held for the ■ j benefit of at.! of thy people of the ; city, and all are invited to attend. | ; St. Paul is located at the corner j !of W Edenton and North Harrlng- ' j ton Streets. Services will begin, at; THE CAkOLINIAN If** -' —— »m W a—mm nnnr i iinn ini |[THEm NEVER DIE f ~"~ n i i j •N ‘fit-? DAR iMG ,’3 YEAf* “' '' * ! AND SLAVS OP BEAuFCtaI <5,0 * ij •jfOifc IWE ‘if ISAM i U f>i/k HTf,R '*•"*. tSf ! PROM UNDER i'h»- th>:> >o. A*" ? '*-»* «**L , IHk COMfLOEIiAffc uAv'Y AnO | * ’fd7 i OEUVEfiEO Mfc« WIT« Mlk O i CA»«SO OF CANNON To THE *M -V&. | feoerai, Forrr orp j bEcam1 A he r JffiWiirW - | TOGGED AHEAD AND WA$ war JB&'' ; 3 TIMES ELECTED TO A Wm, Jffl&Sw''/' I j AT IN CONG HESS/ f ROBERT Hi j ■ m \ i* r I i f; i, s ii License* tu iiiiiriy were wusi! the following couples durlny tin past Week, ar-i urdiiiy to record? .! . Hu'dei Ellington Wake County' g : registrar ot deeds; i- Julius Morgan, Clayton, and Mrs . r> Clara Bell ha- Raleigh Route 4 a V art-y a Hitfio Vi’- Eas’ -' Street, and M.s- itiiiu C w,, 1-■ i- R.ileigh. . ,lel,'. 1.1-1 ‘ •diiiai t i- smith i'.!,’ ’t..b. ji. i .Mi-; F.h.’.ab» hi T .Andrew- . ■ ville. Sep' ,!'7 Lj John Dunn and Miss Ruby ..L-.e Las.-itei b~'u cl lieuse. s-eei. 28. i Leroy Lock tea. 211 We < South ? . Ltreet, and MLs Bettie Jc-nev. R;. i leigh, October 1 Lewis Norman Horton. Wake a j Forest Routr and vii - ’Love Smith, Wake f-uiert, Dei i Willie Good.soil !■ a git- Rock ami e Mrs. Bertha t onley Joru-- RMteai-L. October 2. John Richardson. Jr unri VU a Mildred Holden both of Wendell ! Route l, October 2 Enoch StsirbotMUgh Raleigh, a ; Route 5, and :M. Lie: v Aik’,--a 3: gan. Wake Forest. Route 2 Oct. 2. Oi VTHS & FI MIRAJS *| Fma) ntr- j,.- > a.- "Bill Ed -■* ward:: who diea in St Adv: Hos ; pit t.i 1 u-’ SUIldaV s t , . ■,. Wa, . : - li- n Apex ihe Rev T C Ilamans ;officiated at the services. 7 Funeral '- '; ,< * ■ tor Alonza! - Hartsdbeid who died at hig hoir.e at; ! 2212 Eviiett tJur-d on Eat-; ; urda.v. "tmCmOe; 25, v. . j-e tieid : at the Fin.! Baptist Chuuk or. Sun day of la t week win the Rev G S Bullock, pastor c.fficurting and . followed i.-y iiil.-imen! in tire Goer tin Cemetery Allen Hopkins died Tuesday mgiit, September 28 ..I his hunie at 'lsOl East Join . Street aftei a long : A Lifetime in Flame* Why take chances on burning up a lifetime'* effort in a single femiymg hour wheat IT* so simple and mexpeusive to p*o- | le-ct yourself against any possi ble mishap. Your home and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster »t but h few pennies a day. We'll show you hew. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. ) ULjJUiiiJjiriiii'i^i^Di cm U wiiiiiluiilll for ' __ • # ! mm \ SAFETY ffipff fslkm j on your -jX j; AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES | If you carry your travel funds in rash, you're taking a big j risk— and an unnecessary risk, too. It’s easy to safeguard A your money with American Express Travelers ( deques— 1 | known and spendable any where, and safe A prompt refund J will be made, in case of loss or theft. ~s|| No identification is necessary on these cheques except j Jour signature. No time limit-tbey’re good until used- On > sale at this bank, for only 75« per fIOO Lmauauta, 40V). * | I Mechanics & Farmers Bank i DURHAM-RAI.EIGH | Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cofp, "aou 'nrwammwm iinwcwiimwl» vw-utinw mm >• v “ — P liner til wfri»- t oiiducttfd j j Sunday afternoon from the Ml. | I Pleasant Baptist Church with the past a and the Rev. J W Jones j 'ifjicialiht lid< i n,* !u a• in the | church cemetery J Bur giving arc tour daughters, j Williams l In ti i«al Sm ire Fl f CTRICAi, CON I RAC I'ORS Dial 2 3781 or Residence 3-3560 i 6l.flTßH.iil, ( ONIHAt JOB 5 202 E. Sf, R. E. WILLIAMS, Prep. ' " ' CAPITAL CAB CSX MpMKMA WSBVk* \§M TtSw DIAL itm HOME F Ar.d wh;; ' meal it will be— seasoned exactly right, and every dish boasting a real home-coaked flavor, B & H CAFE 411 3. BLOUNT ST, ! HAYWOOD’S SODA SHOP ■'Raleigh's Newest Soda Shop" • TASTY SANDWK HRS » FOUN F AIN SODAS • fCK FRF AM • CIGARS. CIC.ARF.TrKS • oosm c rus • PERIODICALS JULIUS HAYWOOD, Prop, j 417 S. Blood worth St. WELL DNDiMi SAI UKI-CYT, Hl' ! Uilhn i'J-lij ! Mr;-; Ellen Gill, Mrs. Annie Chavis, (Mrs. Unice Dunn and Mrs. Louise ! Freeman cf Raleigh, four sons, Wil ; iiam Hopkins of New York, Arthur Hopkins. Philadelphia. Ervin Hop kins and Richard Hopkins „l Ra leigh; two brothers, Marcus and Henry Hopkins of Neusc and a number of grand children and i grandchildren. HALEI6H, WAKE CLOTHING DRIVE LAUNCHED HERE The Ruk'ipTi-VVuko County Girl i Scold C» uncil has munched a earn ; paign to collect good discarded (clothing as nil aid so Clirl Scout j troops preparing; clotlnng kits for hipiru-ot t o young pt 1 ads- o verst a s'. Girl Seoul: of America an at- I tempting to rend abroad 100,000 i Friend-hip- Clothing Kit -:, each con j tabling a complete outfit fm one i child of a specol age from birth to j fourteen yea; boh re Lccembei 3i. ; Wake County's quota hi this Na ; fionat project a: 100 kh ~ twenty cl i which have .i tread; u-e» skipped. WAKE SALVAGE CO. W« Buy Mtd R*U Evwytßia# of Value FURNITURE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS 33? S, Wilmington fit. Phon* 2-232? Hunter Brothers For Quick Service* For fancy groceries AND WOOD DIAL 9393 or 3- 998 AND “Never Worry, We Are On Our Way 1 " Wir.Trfaa^.^icr^ywiats^ria^ayjT.xitgaxfMtßrt.r.yMKiS.vs.cayAaga* Dial 5567 fort COAL FUEL OIL KEROSENE CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE $ COKREI.F, Owner DIAL 5567 307 North We*t Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3-3231 WHY WORRY! ABOUT CASH OHdMmmMm budget plan A Small Down Payment Allows Yuu To Choos# From Many Useful Items - And You Can Enjoy Then While Paying Ori V our Terms TIR E SAI ES ' ~ j» UGHT HAULING HEAVY j LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Dawson St. Dial 947 P - 9212 Ed. Umatead, Mgr. eaurr.» n n m n ■ thus iiriiiim fcwaaacw. a «n«uMßß*.cwr»n .i $17.25 ELECTRIC HEATER and FAN COMBINATION SPECIAL 12 95 TRADE - IN - SALE On Electric Irons Receive from SI,OO up on ycur old iron# Now In Sfiock - Electric Water Heaters, Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hard-tc-gei Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co, SALES & SERVICE 2?4 E. Martin St. Claud Taylor, Mgr. Phan* 2-3850 a*