PAGE SIX MEDICO SCORES WITH NEW COMPOSITION Nstelife In New York POSTMAN'S HOLIDAY NEW YORK (ANF) - A LF.TTF-B FROM TWO BUSINF.3S MF-N', ! >th ••port-conn'i'-’ti . and " rkc;, in the uni 1 -j)lit.*n Into racial field, speaks v• iiiin for progiv-xivencs.s and an . . undivided marching in a solid ftont. Thad Stevens, a • on/lant writer and con- America, strong in all way« black and white, in own and red. con tributor to both of rriy ■: ojunin:-. < thvai i e-nielhV, and sport.o an i Bernard Rosen, a representative known ot thou end:-; of colored business mm oi Harlem, v bo i ■ a socklinlder in the Supieme < hg arct set vice. Im , ,f Mew Rochelle, N. V. Hetc i Ih • joint lette verbatim: “Sifting here in Thad Steven;' nicely appointed Harlem Pane Bar Sf Grill, we thought your DIDJA-K'NOW-TITAT oluinn in th" Afro American of Sept 2b v. -u- ' Yins at re. tin- irnpv Umce mass spoils from the pomf bringing whiti and eolo;-( l Americans closer together. making e.joh of u can: 'ions of the inter-dependcncc rather than th< independence of each living in this area as well as ail othei large ami small ritivs of our gicat nation “It is with that thought ugg'sted Bv y ou. AB'in. that we pro pose a vast p: 'gram to la uiidcrwrittefli by white and colored sportsmen and also non ’port m*'n tf»•-> count rv ove: Those who will share in it enmpt ire Mmo row':-- generation, you• children mid their offspring, a • well a. the j .>ung men mid women nut vet tut ne 2!. .*" 3r:~ ot age. ■ If we have mi" war. a half mi:. ..n dolia yearly will no routed tv, Negri' education, bedte; -race-reintions wai chest for 01-••o 1 -•• gam/aßons like NAACP and Urban league, national far Negroes Job tinning, campaign,, civ. Keep up your brilliant reporting. Mr. Moses, jom on'ism could use a eon of pons tike the prolific one you employ in the --.prods, theatrical and feature writing fields. JERRY PRESTON, abni.-a lorgo-ten by many of in-, “fan weathe: “ friends underwent bnon-surgery at MEMORIAL, (Babe Path - ' home fir .■ yean HOSPITAL on Sept, 22. aw’ . , b- nat well all; be asks your cards, vow praveis end interests, nien of nit - life and the cabaret world . I’.ILLIE HOLIDAY ha- w->n hundreds of niteh (white* admirers who rate h< i the most. glamorous singing sensaion of tm .America A J. FORTUNE staged hr- ISRAEL ITES AT THE BAR with x CLEM JOHNSON playing role „f Pbar--ah at the Good Kheplu- d church. Sunday. Sept 25. to a goodly audience: Bishop F. C Gordon sponsored the play which was well received; it is out ■ l the biblical pattern which has grown in popular public appeal since the Mo season: BILL, FARRELL, th- gent with i-edies of p rvinal'i;-' ;dus isre piano-playing ability, began his 56th year at the PLAGE ELEGANTE, one of Lm rp. B. -ycP-p no'; -case soviet-. Me.vnt 'vn: spots; much success to you and the way in which you cas ry you self at ill times.— Billy Fat re!!. Bv nil means see RED RIVER., the HOWARD HAWK A tv -die i • ■ a production; the minute u reaches your hamlet village BUCK and BUBBLES, despite rent: .-'t’.P-v troubles, pip MfiiYin:, - gi, * , p--,- at CAPITOL THEATRE. ABE HILL, f -end u mtr.e. w-ues a swellcg.-vti column for Dan Burley in the Age. UNI VERSA! ATTRACTIONS PRESENTS i The Quartette You’ll Rave About | T H E »' R A V E N Si % WITH f i GIiORGE ' HUDSON AND HIS 16-PIECE ORCHESTRA t NATIONAL AND HUB RECORDING ARTISTS “Summertime \ “Ole Man River” Rye, Bye Baby Blues” “Write Me A Letter” AND MANY OTHERS MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM ) j RALEIGH, N. C. Monday, Oct. 11 9 to 1 j Advance Tickets $1,50; at Door $2.00 j [•IESERVATJONS FOR WHITE SPECTATORS j ON STAGE, LINCOLN THEATRE, OCT. 11; ft P rr./ t . Medico Makes Music HARLEM PHYSICIAN’S COMPOSITION IS HIT ON VICTOR RECORD Wieldmg a seal pi-1, examining repp writing curative pre scriptions and directing the ope rations of a bu.-y -pv-,p;t:u arc ac tivities net generally calculated to inspire the writing of music. The time factor alone would sre m t-.> !> prohibit ive. Y--t men of science have of* -.-: In; p -a to music n source of re laxation, soil expression and per haps - emoting .- ns a kind of oc vup.Pp- -ip- i the? j.}*,*. 1 1 !iv.- vs{ Ai bort Einstein, for examn’e. i knewn to play violin sonatas wit.h piamixi Aitur Rubinstein when over their leisure moments nap pen to coincide. Quite <1 f w e 'Di me knoXvn to have abandoned budding carvers n:; > ;e stronger .ru Poatoin : . d music. A current cxan.plc Dr .1, Ciar nvc C a urn hers, we -a of forts in com posit; <n are- L,-gin ning to win him greatc-. fanu than his posit ion Depu’.*-' Men ice] Supci mb ndcnf of ■< p ; Hospital in Now Y-.r's City. On o,t Dr. Chamber.- pc-ic i - -m Work'-', f - ! : \ , i y;,c : . has been i. cc• ,!r -, with tin :;-o ; of recognition every con ip n-vr dreams about. Knocked About The>*. --!*<-:■ ■ vpig km-i-kcd about fr-r several ri,-egn was rescued if om Mu- vx-sst.dyas ket by the oiamst. Vm- <nt d DOS'ev' 1 -c-pi; -f - Bln! ho ! 3ow>l t. end if - 3 e m l Am ,0 i., 1c,,,.,. n„ , e; ,* ~ plaved h cri tern:- ! bv roc oi'dmg U f-. R> A V.-- t-e. The 'AH A leer. S' ■o* came a et ond.-i; d 't> ni on t e,. Ituri. : :v. , plan-. I progranv. plavcd fr.un I,us Angeu ,}■• Ma .St i. -A t • : ■ L> Li ’s -vi;iii i eight years oof < h htMrda public r- : fern :n>v hw fijialb" a- o'.'! tig ('uric I:l,ry it in 1?k ;>• White PS-w- -- »n i of An -i. !9LL WhLc other r.'uG-pp'ivpsT. arc beginning * ■ program the -v-ek Th. rhatnbe'*.- wer/t have * - wait fm their p< t v.-rmaP" ■; - ■- ; - * - tMe Bp. ; - ret.'-.'»;dhig being rch.-a 'd bv RCA Vi-. t-» hi OD/'bc;' Th- suite's th u- r ,-iv. .enl.x or uTiltcri in a «di; ect. uncamplicat cd. light ‘popular" ,-tyi- Thoi: Jiun'K't is broad good matured and Hi. V( id r.f ;.’iy . rriving for -oibi!,-- ty Fir J Moverncnt CHiCKFN' IN THE HAY • Bt-raw ,••> .--.s for itself. Second Movement - LUSH lias p thing tn rio with alcoholics, anririvnious or otherwixe. It is an mi a hashed take oft >n the sent. 2 Full Hours ■ .• Hf? SPIRITUAL SINGING T 2 By The World's Greatest Spiritual ■' -a Mme. MARIE KNIGHT Plus The Southern Stars Sister WWh Her ALL GIRL CHORUS Conncilman Fred FJfichrr Will Intvodncr Sisift Iharpr Ma'iter of Cwmimlw Paul Montjromcrj At li.inr Advance snfle . si.flfl TTfF! C \HOT INTAN mental vocal and instrumental parlor i.-i. e-. that tin- composer m ' ids childhood f aimed to look up ; or, as “good, classical musir." Snatches*, reminiscent of familiar salon favorites, are introduced in readily recognizable form. i Thi r ci Movement - BLOOZ i F.Y-WOOZKY - is out-and-out, ; jazz that takes "Tile Duke's’ | name in vain. Feaith Movement PARADE OF THE VISITING FIREMEN - svveous the .opal small town hand ; off its .feet and takes it for a nde a Main Street. Naiive of Baltimore A native of Baltimore. Dr ■it!:. It*! • 5 His m.-.-ther and lathe ettamoers was born Septembe.* . taught can-, arts and mathemu | tics respectively m the Baltimore i public school system Chambers 1 himself received his B. A. degree from Amherst College in 1030 ;m 1 his M. D from Columbia Um ■ versitv in 1034. Though he began composing music at the age of ten years his only eyylv musical education was in the form of informal piano le.v.ons from nr. aunt. Dr. Cham !:<".*s undertook the formal studv o! musical theory and composi '. - - Nev Y rk Umvr-; sit v un d< i (Hi;•ri-."'. iiauhrel while hold i:n; >!ovn - full-time job a? ad iiii'Bug ph>. -l-Han at Harlem lips : • : ! i p v. i. ;<•• thi v. •*!*••• pip! ' ft 1 nighr i t'l-l . ;tlMt"!. ♦ an-l tie >Lav - notin*i> d bis musical H; B- . me!' h-v H;v > >?,. first at JuiFi-ird Sumwet School and !in ; re iva'i Di ( bartirx •lit" d jrnvpif-ly with Chas. A * *ll , To dnir. between ducking nut rn ( mei'gnnry case.' and running U.-iWetn Ilosoital. Chambers has I ...< ;-l ;* .i -t- •;-.£» auartot. a son; tins for clarinet and piano, sev < orL’in-i’ 1 >r>«rs .:r;d arrance i l ■ <• hvk snngs, n*i; neui; is' work - fop ••-•in r-ionn. »nd a «nng •'vcle h i-p l '.n -1-. UHi century Fi-’-nch troyhadr enrs. UV t i n txr \'* to m j n vi VP"'T.TV WOOD • A*3P« Ceh.if-I --’• o !'•<-; -.t-'die winch vi)l f.p ‘hr sin go i.Biv " \v r- : f.uc.r,!--; " •• *ll r s p 'vli.i- r,-,.-* ir. nnkir'C it S *i •> }!;>-, h’jmv) tvi:- i>o#*n nfforrcl fE»r T*tdl n f rno Jurh hAS ti ; • I * ' i ■ f •‘ ’ - • ivf' ■/’ r*n B • .fiT-vnL ;*'*i ail ’’ the <• ihid'V ;?* i • i t v « ir t < pl:,vr»l in Lo’i'lfjn bv Hi'cTt : Sinvt’*;E Phibh Ji-ddL who orii4in<iVi> ; v.-n>l/* li • ).•!<» *. d lCf *;c{ ‘ : Iho life* r>: T’ l hsh Ctrl, dci.oL 1 ibo adri. - . tjhioD in: iljg irrcven. it is saiU ‘ $?>:vtooo vg* \>mt 1 f'./F I he scivun Gary RALEIGH •vjf;:vtoriar At ! nttorhmi ST VIVA V UTHtXOON OCTOBER 17 At :ois J* M ( I t KBS A r < M B t'.BONV Lvciyt oily flocks to Club Ebony on I..omlwjy • - Nightly crowds reprr.-.-cnt .1 cross section of dnii'r ii .t the grancl and h»';ui tjMs I. u In-ic Pi'inmraiy is the keynote at work, the so called jirntessional jenl oiely Ins no beat ini; bin bli is displaced by aitistii appreciation os merit, aesthetics and mutual frihr.vsltip as evident in photo 'iiiiiSay cir shown ilrlt to riabti Allen Xlartin. co-mvner Club COMPLETE PLANS FOR NCC CONCERT SERIES DURHAM, N. C North Caro lina College's Committee on con certs released this week a revis ed schedule of recitals on the campus for the 1943-4 U school year. Miss Ruth Gillum, chair man, stated that the official date for the opening concert starring Miss Ha/M Scott, pianis! is Fri day. October 2-9, at 3:15 p.m. Following Miss Scott’s -a- to will be -4j:m Kirkpartick. pinaiist. who will spend Wednesday and Thursday October 10 and 11 on the campus. Caro': Brice, contral to. will be presented in core."l't Thursday evening, December 16. end th> .T.-innary !! concert vdi feature tl»e- Inti i nairsw! Da:*.; • Trio. Kenneth Spencer oth> -,' atTuu' will Ken ANNOUNCE PLANS FOR A&T LYCEUM GREENSBORO, v. C’.—.Spe< ul -cc i ■ ;>.. p i.: ** ■ i.. -■- p * * . - .i ■; on the program of N ■ th Garolina A. .him T ( , 1 j»:y- i. i c .. -I.• I y- ar ip.-iuiu ,- pi mpr ;t ■’ • ~t the most sturmLitins tr ih< n; t■; V r-t t : p. eoileg.-',' according t > Pi nt >. A B:?'ir "rite, chairman ief the 1 ,yi • tim ci.inimftce. T!u* Lyceum will open Oetobe: : ( ; wit Si . recital by Kenneth ■Spesux at «s: 15 p.m. in Harris-.m auditorium. Mr Sper.i's-r u* a 'bass singer, world famous conceit star, at t-ir and rec;.; iing r/8.-* He will lie iiripariied by Jon athan Brice, ma-dor of the matvi. Otiit*r ceir-b 1 iti* :- m Lh-e l.yee ura icni'i will i’-, luce < Apt. Art Hook. •< run e.r: J dm Kit knalriek, P',-:i;C: Do Ih i*• i • Povre. k tu* ir Mr imi Dei Pay-', soprarr'; Dr. A3 on/o' M"—l.x* In rot R- v \V. E. CaTiiigt an reiici'-us em pharb- v-ck sneaker. Nevin. the * < A • SIGN'S W m (at* Andi i ‘.on ha- acer-'f a w“\v con tract wit-l? tn'ill.i Becords i" r s waxtnes. in int immididflr i>n 1b» lifting «>;' th«' rwnrdliiii han Thf eieki-r v ctirrcuMy rr - leases two o! the ( a Anderson recorils made for Apollo pn vious to the ban; "Swingin' the Cat Apollo 74 1 and Cat's Boogie" -77*. This wav's tv, tatr. i ::_p is; <>Xi;fiT i 1.. ■>< .;i 1 second smallest since 3 &?.«Y (■fmH Miss Jam* Cowl, wh<* will play the courageous teacher m (hr Epbropal Church’s )> reduction of The Corn rx Orem, in the radio sene-, (JiKAT SCENES l ROM iiRE AT 1M VYS. Friday, October H. at 8 K M,, EST, mi nil Mutual stations The sJays Jay teaches the iiaporlanetr of the teaching profession, ill a tense drama, .rid at the end ot tie play there is a short messup-e from the ( hurrh to the list- act Ebony; -ai.ili Vmefh.m. renown vocalist; Kilna Ala. Kntiin-.nn. .* ! iirinf r actress. n«uv wit', o( Sugai Kai . I i Iloiiilav. beiiiß eontpli mciuiii by her Mlmirer;,. \l.i\i»»‘' Sullivan, famous "laxh l.ontoml'' engstre--.. just returned tram I.nnihin .mil Seotlmd. mil Bn ’ - Kiibiiisim. fig nl ■hi nip. who niee.'ssfntlv .lelend ed lus title with < l .iliv.iu la-! week. 1 010 by sue Ison noth .Spencer. YUnday r< - unrv 14. the National Classic Thcati l who will present "The 1' iniiiig ■* ttiv Si it v i nursdav. March 25. and Mark D'AU.ert, pian Monday. Ap' :! IT Other mi mbers of the !9-iK era; vert ci.mmittee ot the North Caro- Bna i.'o’leg. arc* Wedoy I How j Glircie.s L Hoime.'P William A Tuck. ( T. Willis. Albert F. Wii-i mis, Phillmor • Hall. Nnrfley Whiried and Richard Jefferson Mi.p C. Ruth Edwards, Miss K. A. Whit". Mrs Margaret L. Watson. Miss E. Marion Cordi. e. Mis Angela Matehenti, Misr- Th -resa M ClaggAß Mrs Griz ,;e’l Hubbard. 11;.. Neil Hunt r. Mi B. A. J. Whitt-d. Miss Marv ,J. TThanon, and Mr;; JR-len G. ]' -; vp i oil’s. m; Kician. Raillh MM eie.-s biowei .and Lmucii Lwiixa, lecturer, I’hc plav on the v*arV r "h-aio -,vi’{ bo produced by M-rintare* rind. her troupo, putv SlttkCifov:uro'> “Hamlet" A pro tp. inc n < iv 11 ure of tli* year’s 'program will be the Na• : Finally Famou Pc-.-p H:\( Jubi lee Quartet wh > will or- hop: March 7,1 ft4!l. Lincoln KALEIGH. NORTH CAROUNA Sunday Monday Oct, 10-11 GREGORY PECK. JOHN GARFIELD —IN~— “Gentlemen's A grepmenr Color Cartoon News o! the Day Tuesday Oct. 12 11U MPI I RF,Y i JOG AR I" LAUREN BACALL -IN— “The R»g Sleep” Ivin si cal Short Subject News Flashes Wed-Thur. Oct, 5 3-14 < H ARLES BOYER ANN RLYiHE JESSICA TANDY IN— “A Woman’s Vengeance” (It was murder, but who killed who and why???; ALSO Chapter 12 "The Vigilante'' Oddity Short Subject Movietone Hews Friday-Saturday Oct, 15-16 DOUBLE FEATURE' ~~ CHARLES "Durango K.a” STARREIC - -IN--- “South of the Chisholm Trail” AND JOHN WAYNE FUZZY KNIGHT - N-44 The Sea Spoilers” ALSO Chap. 5 "The Phytticm Rider" mis 'rm.ATFtr tmi ofi:v I* Ail Y AT 17.39 WEEK. ENDING SATURDAY Hazel Scott Concert Plans Are Completed Plans for a con-’ t, so be giv en i" tin- pupuiar j >tin .ii'd.-t, Ha.'.‘.l Scott,, were insdo By a corn iiiihi.iviijrh iru't 1 Sha..' Uni versitv M.-n-ia -t t'n- rail ■! President Hot • 11 ! nu ! M;,, I E-ott will lie rupserdf ri ii: n fit Wodnesdev nigli l Novemhe; '3, i.n hale .A ’VIf-i* >.ii'ia 1 Audi:-.';' ; ium under auspices of the Shaw EVSNTI ENDS MEXICAN TOUR U’A'- HI.Ni.Bi'O:. • i.B . I -ii '.I Eva'i*i. 11 • ■ ■ ei- !• i • • lure .-oprano. leßiri'ei! lure irer'd * i.v fr. ,ir, Siiee-'. • sfn l c-i:err: tour ; <if Mexico. T'-x i md Ncrti) ' .in lino Crtiirs aeriaimed her > mee ind Ivle ihinugh'-nl ;,!! I',--; M-'XI -1 ••!*. erigageoii'iit;:. .'.avi !i- t a 10-minute ovation fu. her reniiiiion of “KstrrDilri’ by the late M.iimel P-'iiei Mi- V-T, - ivoe •! of :■ :i:*i* at tie f : • Anm.-i-t -o :i;-d '• ;u-|: club, wlicre sh-- .-a nd h- r -:>v n cora push bins, and aiio r.liaci. d .out'si ! honor--, with b e ambus; ador of Eeiiaiior at tl.e Union Eon inhut Uuio-Anx-i-jean- Am-'i'g o'her in v.laden; cx*r')ded her. were in riuclert . If a.a lii- e-.doiwe ci li.v fliiitinn ambassador in PoJorx'O, onest -f d-e Amerii'an embiy; •he P: ii-,Mii' ii.a club. L«>mas C!:a. i iiUeper; dinner and luncheons.' He; j-.o;)i)la: ii\ v. eiihuicod r-. v i oral years ago when a civ-i .is of I 00(1 Mexican \ oices rcnd-'"vd ;original Evae'i cornpofi'ion. H no Paneinevicano" -a »h<? P.-.lacl-* Cic B-1 l.i Artt ,v Th? >r ... ill. in s* H rewii-rerl exten.-ive! -, dir. nit Moxico, ;.:.d the s:-,-;- ; is ha.led l>v thousands for her contribution o inter-Ami I'ican .-ujidarttv TT ' Si N\ LOUIS'I IN ■ - \A I ENTFRTAHiINS ORCHESTRA \si , . ' T AUDIFORiUM iViUIiM UU ! 3 IU a ■mm '"-mm 1 Mg: • ; ■ Jf tk ■ 44 ? m * i v THE AMAZING PIANIST HAZEL SCOTT Will Be Presented In Concert RALEIGH MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM November 3 8:15 p. m. AUSPICES: Shaw University Concert Series * TICKET PRICES: Lc-wer Flaw $1.50 Balcony 85c B ,-th pi ices jric-iis de tax• Ticket Orders by Mail will be filled. Send check .r -money or der Jo: Shaw Umvt-vsdf Co-nccrl Series, Raleigh. N. C OCTOBER 0, 1948 ♦ University Concert Series. Pieiirm'iry uivattfc'. merits were made tin- ihe entmt .'nimcrit which is exp .{ to draw a record i ( i (■* ijittHrc k>v e who like the biv ■ technique and the i : of the artist. Tickets will ,t:0 on sate within •'>■ \ V da\both tn Raleigh and in nearby cities. R porta were noted of an enor fi-jnenri !■> -the imagina tive creations M ihr distinguished »;>i - ! ••••." ai !:) •!are . i ad'o. ani p,:chld> :>• who tva.; be n in Tr.itH :i mi oal rarer to the United Si ites who n she war ! lr . On her hast touir M Scott won com ■■l a ? • ,u'|iiw;il of trtuiua] pro pr.un■■■ which combine the classic* with ! ■ own inventive compos hens. She is considered one of the few pianisd who can present exquisitely turned False" by Eiszt and then swing into Fata Walif's swifted Icm peed ‘ Misbebavin.” Members of the sponsoring committee include. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Case id. Mr- Martha W, Which-;. Dr. IN'dsori ■ If. Harris, Mi a Kr-ulsi B. i riil. Mrs. Alma W. West, M; a Ada R, Jama gin, Be.-M ■ <- R Elnrti;:. J. A. Broadv, the Ir V, S F Daly, Georgia B. Latimer. Cae ■■■.•:< E. Dawson, Car’ E. DrVurx'. Hairy Gil- Sn'vthe. M.irv A. Miller, and J. W. W.d'K'C , Tlic N'oi lii <' : oina corn crop this year i„- mpi'cH-l to ,v>old about 74 million busiitd- hi per <e;d .ii■ re Hu t; s;V , wp arid 4H per cent n.i-i ■- ■ - - Hi-- av- -wr so; ; v piovion Urn y f ' ,rj 1 v Tsic >:■ <•.-’!i ramli'vi sweet potato crop tv a:r- •! ii > utuhels per acre in 1047. ft Pav> I o \<lveiiist\ ! !

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