WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1948 HST SINCERITY QUESTIONED BY REP, AIDE Callin/; al tent ion lo the fact that President Truman voted for Ihe poll tax along with the no torious block of Southern Sena tors in 19411 and describing him as "the proud -at of an unre constructed rebel, Val .1- Wash ington, ass i s au t Republican ciunpaifin manager, stated that Republican speakers of the col ored rave are challenging Mr. Truman’s sinceritr on civil rights. "They are charging that his present, clamor on the issue is nothing mote than a ‘cheap po litical trick, calculated to capture the vote of the colored elector ate.” Mr. Washington declared. He said intelligent and clem thinking speakers arc o tainting to i.o glowing record of Governor Dewey as a true indication of his attitude toward minority voters "Colored people are enjoying more freedom and liberty in New York and California,the states of Dewey and Warren, than any where in America,” the Re-pub * heart assistant manager stated He added: “With withering sarcasm and scorching irony, the Republican speakers are indicating that col ored people are treated as se cond-class citizens m Mr. Tru man’s home State of Missouri, and that. Kentucky, the stamping ground of 'Dear Aibcn Barclay is but a slight improvement over Mississippi” Speakers are charging, he said, that. “Neither Mr. Truman nor Senator Barclay have been able to liberalize their own states, that nothing in the records of the Democratic candidates s h o w where they have made effort to r secure civil rights for the col ored citizens of Missouri or Ken tucky as well as any other states- Communists Mme Cor Quashing ol Red Indictments NEW YORK i ANT: - f-mva man Benjamin .1 Dave, -cud the i! other members of the naii > a! com mute Os the Communis* party .n* cd to the indie! itig grar.d jury. 2. The indictment? we: < return ed ay a result of bias and pre.iu n dice. 3. The grand jtsr.v w !legal);, impaneled: disc'd. 4 * again*;! Negroes arid \vnrk> The .motion U> tr-'.i.s the ;- ments was argued '• r- f’ed'.t -t , Judge Murray Mu:: c * -ers representing Ida'.- Williams Z Foster and Mm other accused Com munists argued also ti-as *tmu ; ty did net udvoi.-.to om , thi->wi:-u the government by force Judge HulbeU's ruling on t'rw rrotion is exi cried to b* u:u - ed Friday -T fht vet l ; L«arn to g yf.rflC j recognize ' ; WWS/ If you delect any of the following symptoms, *ee your doctor at once. If may not mean cancer, but if it should, remember that most cases can be cured if treated in time. f iMiimwtuiinwjmnnT wr«i«is!i unr.iiiiiti' i n «in- nftmmwmnummmm *•*!•» >«*wwww | Any sore that doe? not heal $< psrtisularly about the tongue, mouth or 1• p 1 Yin no' pats it off as “nothing n*. all." Go to the doctor. 2 A painless lump or thicken » ing, especially in the breast, s»p, or tongue. Don’t wait "to srr what happens." Go to tiic rfocYor. 3 Irregular bleeding or dis » charge from any natural body opening. Do net wait for pain. Go to the doctor. 1 Progressive change in the ■ft color ot size of « wait, tnoie SSENC COUPON FOR FREE BOOKLET THAT Ti-US THE FACTS ABOUT CANCER AMFKICAM i ANCBR SOCIETY j *1 Sir«l, New York 4. N V. Send tree booklet Kv «r.sdie»t ni-'boritl*» .».«« ? <’"y s,alr { 1 .-u..- - 4M»«i | THE POCKETBOOK OF KNOWLEDGE # PitGRiM * } i jL fm*M CtMiM mntyMEHT tr&n ~ pf£ MICHIGAN, arEM KNOWN TO I ,--M G'T.O 1 B e.|T PMP PATCH [ MA-5 A SHORELINE CHICKS i IONISER THAN A Sty ;■ I OnfdE’R^TATE^Ud EMPIRE STATE / A/ _ “IS” ■ -nnra II I-.I |1HH1»MII» i iTIMf Ml iI )| HI- -I I. IIIMIII nnm-fl '—‘Hl" DOBY SPARKLES FOB CLEVELAND IN WORLD SERIES Cleveland (A-NP) Rookie World Series player, Larry Doby, S has been given an excellent ac i count >;.-f himself. and his fans and ; fr.-;!->'A <.-;>> iv isniuible cause f ! pride. The fleet centerficlder of I the Cleveland Indians playing bus [second season with the team i but. Irn. first world series mm : petition. cammed fan; 'nits oui of ;H times at hri*. or an average iof :>;>4 for the first three gain: a. In the first game played at ■ n Wt-drt- univ he displayed ■top form and less strain than most . ?< .i';TUi'.al l s Up four times, he had one hit. The Indians 10. * : to the Braves. 1-0, Moby lit-'rallv .tartH the bC ; rolling in the second game by gel.nr.-.:, twr hits m tour trios t - * : the plate, scoring the second run j. :!v Iprit'ins. His double in the second inninu wrs tin ' ! ~' : t I base tilt made 'ey any player in the sci ics this year ; He was also the first ->i lh j Trbe get two h.'s in a series came He struck mi! on his last ! two irv s, Kr.dav's game .-w 1 ‘* ; i ; . ■ ■■■ , ili r *ill” in em-det iir1 1 1 Tr, addition he flouted -nr ■ ,j ♦ V, r if f•( 1 i] I "i""- ' baj ■1 :,. f -: f - J'lrf-d ot birthmark Do not try salves or ointment», Go to th" .foe-tor, C Persistent indigerfion. Do tint, wait tot loss of. weight. Go tv tha doctor, 6 Persist ant hoarseness, unex • plained cough, or difficulty in swallowing Do not assume that it is due to smoking or some othei form of irritation which will clear up. Go to the doctor. 7 Any change in normal bowel » habits. Don’t attempt to di agnose. yourself. Go to the doc lot. i spoils writers ever i.o cover a | j series was in attendendance at ' Cleveland for the third gum-, in j i eluding two writers front Pana j i ri. SOU VEER I REES NEGRO YOUTHS TO ENTER NEWS GAME CHICAGO (ANPi Pf.-i-uin:; lo the ievi easing em; loyn'.ent of No aon the editorial staff? I white newspapers as well a- '.he improved quality .- f Neg-o news ■ paas a whole veteran journa!- :>t George S. Sehuyier writing u, .Vni ::i!;cr N• grn lies, -: ut' .e --tcresied .voun; Negroes t; . ! in on The ground flour of 'his more fertile than ever field. "After all.” Mr. Schuvler says. ',- ii:-.; - white or c.-loied. are out. -o increase ales and if the wor-c e.f a•••.-porter oi feature -vn*ev wid increase sales, they will buy it and ace more willing 1.0 give him a .tr ur ealtrm in this article, mint he.- . f Negro 1/igCsts "F'uture ct Ncrra Y-ut! Series ,\J Schuyler de 1 Clares: 'There i- no doubt that anpren t'ccship around a newspaper plant in editored office is ‘he be-.* | • parati«v. of all, ,n:i after leaving ; school the y-’iniT mar or woman eager lo enter the field -hould .'i 1 - ter ,-up job -nbtainahlc: in a news : nap* r plant' ■ tomracnt a-g on increased op ; per.unui-x m *>-,(• field the veteran > 'Negro nubii.-.ber arc bringing out belter paper.- with, the re»ii!t i that the Negro iourpalisf must be able to measure up t,.i the best there i- in the field, white or col , orfd Tins automatically opens up ’ both fields to him. Moreover." he adds" the experi ence and cos \ tn.- gah cd in journal ’ v.m off-r many nev opr:-:tui*i*=c And iiewipapr r. or only p-ai i 'o' journalism Other outlet?• in I elude public reiaiion--, radio, free lanci magazine w: b/ . hi •! ghc.->t ! writing all offer!?-g bright future* : f :.ir interested, alert, eager yonn ■ Negro" Commercial hatcheries to the Stat- produced 1,530,000 chicks duriflg August. MISS, TRECK TRASH TAKES TWO LINES JACK SON. Misx. i,-\NP> John Hinton. 22. and l.innic Ooteon, 42, who were rithns in a truck on the highway north ! of Jack-on, Sunday, were killed ticn s truck driven bv Charlie Hanna, JO, a white youth of t.rr. •nvit’l’.. Miss.. ian into them. The'- were putting a :np on the truck ivhen hit, Damn arrested and who was charged with reckless driving, to!,* policy that an oncoming car forced him into the truck and that lie was unable to stop. Hinton was killed instantly and j Uctson died after being taken to a local hospital. 9 7hj Tbucjiibeui By But Paulson cftl V l -'-' - . -il < | “.no much chaff Mowin' about in flation (liar wc all overlook the real cauo prorninen! loaders ,n • cultural and ciJi-'.-Htional fields Signers of the statement which i said that "we must voire our voice;-, ■'•gain) tin act •■( shameful injus- : lice end mdrfcnrible suppression.” included. Dr K. Fraf'kiin Fi’.izicr, head of Iho Sociology Department. Howard. University; Dr Joseph Johnson, i Dean, Howard University Medical - : d. Dr. Horace M/ion Bond president of Lincoln University. | Lincoln, Pa.; Dr. Leslie Pinckney s Hill, president of Cheney Tcachus ! , College. Cheyney, Pa Ak-'o Dr. Jjorer.zo Turner, English Department Roosevelt College, Chi- ! ' 'P'*- HI Di Charlotte Hawk ms: Brown, president of Palmer Memo ! 1 ’«! Institute, Sedalta, N. C ; Ur. | i Alain Locke professor of philo ; Pb.V • Howard Univer- Jy; L,oujs |Adamic, writer: Professor F. O | Matfiiie-sen. Harvard University, j Shirley Graham author and N. Y i State Secretary of the Arts, Sc ience 1 and Professions Council | Dubois' discharge from his lost. ; of research director was charactcr : ized in the statement as “not only an injustice to an 80-year old who- MAYOR GREETS BARNEY EWELL, OLYMPIC HERO LANCASTER, P ---ANP> - Ma . Uale Cat• -y led the group -.f weh •m- :■■■ tir Olympie;. star • Barney hw« t! for his achicvemcnl ,the PMfi .-antes at L-mdoo, m . ceremonies at Lancaster i , s t wt- s Ewcll was pra'-ed by many ci ! vie Jctifjnr.s ?it a dinner in his hon or - ven by the Negro Busings- and Pro!- i- ma! s lul at the CVi s a;.- • Alftu-kv f.'i'U'imuttify center Other . 1 h thi dinner included Judge .met Mr- Herbert V Milh.ii and Di Charles Crampt-n. state heaitn I department aide, who served a mastei as reremui!,. >, -ad man' of! '*• r> in tiie Olympics K.*cil placed second ;u photo fini.-lie- u, Harn rori Dillard in the 100 meters dasn ; and to M< ) Pall-u in Inc 200 meici da-h. He iva- also .i member of tse •winning U. S meters relays team. W " ' I EXPRESS BUSES DAILY HIARIOTTK I f. J'a'pig!) at 9:00 A, M., 1:0) p \] and 5 bit) V Al. .M other daily trip.-- I * * ASHKVIIJJi I A'. Raleigh at h :00 A. M.. 11:00 A. M., | 0:1a p M. and. 1 ! :M) V. M. j WASHINGTON ft :00 A. M„ 12:0 ! P. M. 5:00 p. M . 1.1:0o P. M. Thru to New York NORFOLK Lv. Raleigh at 11 00 A. M., 2:20 P, M. i UNION BUS STATION 21? W. Morgan St. Phone 5536 Happy Khmer New Year. ~ ;JjJ F Over Cil 61 Iso !• fi»i, J Sv ■■. -X fiOOKCCT ~ I fol i r {j 3 , a chignon. ■^T’ l .. ~ „ SHOWING ,M “l f I 4T VrflTU r-ATW jfc Uimrr-r " T * r ~‘“T-I* '- -i-LJ- -.. j Ijf Tib? Cl’V*Q, fh# j lor,l- D * 1 H/.S /$ RLALL Y Ttit C/GST WAr TO OSfOER ~. . A OO leNiSTH 70 YOU/? Hi/R . L THE CAROLINIAN lar and fiuiiler for the democratic 'rights of an oppressed people put [an act which strike.- at the heart ' iif fre-dom Itself 11, gisvely com ' promises the fundamental prinei- Iplcs of human right?.” 1 Car) Murphy, president of the Afro-American Nevvapap'.rs ami i j member of the NAACPV national board, was -nc of the first, tn pro test. He declared he did "r- : an u.auv.. i>f the premplorv dismissal lot Dr Dußois” and was making a | protest to Ibe NAA (’ P n—.aid nf ; Directors. The a ! -'' of Dtißc-i;- l» vote - f i the NAACP direetors- eanv follow | YOU’RE HUNTING FOR VALUES BE FOXY (SMART. THAT IS) Jjg j AND REMEMBER . . . | YOU GET A BETTER BUY I rt nrn waar’c y Jft JmA %* JR* ww V w MJf t® % .... V; i :s?•*. fser*** "'”'*«*"'•"" '••'%SfST* -.Ov . V, + REYNOLDS LIFETIME ALUMINUM ROASTER -."! it* re up to i lb I urK*• ■ ; '-m $8,95 m . . . . / ||| ; CAKE BOXES : .89 Don’t Peei-sC#*U£ £>. YOUR VEQETABIES TO N %t‘- KEEP THOSE PRECIOUS _ VITAMINS i s*£\> ‘%, -f “Ml trouble i;-' ucht ' g3|| S!JB 11l LAY-A-WAY YOUR GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS ■| ': * INQUIRE ABOUT RLACKWOOTVS CONVENIENT LAY-A-WAY PLAN tjfou "S'efflefy 'Btetf $3/ § dfi, BBLACKWOOD'S t if/ RALEIGH STORES MO P. M. H f \y v'kivGlO'' SERVING NORTH CAROLINA SINCE 191* TSB> !f' m jy ■ • ...» I <*rroND st ?.« w S|«|S ST 70S tr. GORDON «T. .MS H'T •• Ms rrnucsi. fpr the adoption by h the organisation of what the strife- I i, rri .: -.ip.p.er:) ch,scribed ;is “a do j I finite foreign policy that vouM I i bones |y serve the hr -•» interest.- ! of the Negro and Colonial peoples : everywhere." i!..-. iTpnc st followed Fnvidcrd I ! Truman's appointment of Wall*.'! j. !White. NAACP Executive Director, i iv :? consultant to the A:r*.' Ha n I delegation at tin- inr-.elillg n( ! ! t*m- i >• Itt ! Nation ". Ih. Du Row. with a long r<*» -‘ *■ f I roseai t:it on the .lat us of and othoi colonial people: T>.-< • i ct il .eir.cd U S Strife Ocparime o' polici*' s regal dim; colonial ■ The world renowned scholar spent thirty yo-*rs in building "he National Association for the Ad ' vaneomont of Colored i ■ oph | j •? - I * Pot the “squeeze" on to< slotted to :.*.!- f 1 low it Ir- fit over the lower erf;.' of tit- tube bcf.orr .- eallng In u: *■. U “BUGS ■■&. fl BUNNY” '.■: |J BANK iv/ M v:;4 si 89 PRESTO AUTOMATIC SELF WRINGING WOPS WITH DELUXE EXTRA SIZE MOPHEAO $1.38 ■*» »» ■% -e <► >«. «v ««, m *. ■» w « >* . ■» -%. Sets, C«tnpl?*9 . 8(1 Woffle ?io«* , . . . ,$7-44 A-SifUl Hedcre SHmiti .$3.22 S 160?. Et<« T»>he Gcmrflls $4,77 mod (ip Auto ;*««t Cover* . . . ... . .ss,9s «od up ELECTRI- is pushed aJong with one hand, lea■ log the othet free to hold tit toothbrush. The slot is rounded h permit smooth sliding wHhou puncturing the tube if. Pays so Advcrl.isul V Galvanized Garbage Cans 32 Gal. $4.85 26 Gai. $3.85 21 Gal. $3,45 10 Gal. $2,50 Leaf Rakes $ 1.00 to $2.00 Furnace Scoops 69c JUST PHONE S. M. YOUNG 130 ! MARTIN ST, f> iA i. 7I Z \ USE YOUR CREDIT CARD jf BUY ON THE Iff BUDKWOOO BUDGET ACCOUNT gs ft E AST TERMS TO SIT YOl R INDIVIDUAL BUDGET . . , |§ \ AMOUNT OH Dti I Ycpy ", V ,h *i S f Unaided, vs.rnTTl _J . HAIR PRODUCTS Ll'l—— 9 - h !l, ... 57 East 42nd $?, Mew York VI, N.Y. PAGE FIVE IMPROVE r» tVT AEGAR IN E ' : > ••'r>r who bus just, rcceiv ed his patent tepotls improvement in uu' later stages of oleomargnrin manulaclttrc ns :i result of subject log the hot blend ot fat. skim-mii and other ingredients t.> ;i smci« conlint; tiTafrnent. WmOSHIELO WiPFRS § Wtper nrm wi*H *»fong tpnng : V££ hold propor tantion againut bias's « •v '•' •- :-: •• : - : ' ... FAN BELTS Worn cr w«aV Icr. I><*H c fi n cc • ■ %«? *x p*>n«;vf» t j dnrr'xg* to your m'* ■L+