WLLk LIMiJINC bATUUJLM* . U< TUIiLU JO, CM SHAW DOWNS SAINTS IN INTRA-CITY GAME i r «uii»»«!MiT n—urn n n »u» i i mi iinn uT anmiriiw lit mm mi Tn«nn~i» fir * fife * • npi jT% Beating 1 he Ciun BY ALVIN MOSES JACK ROBINSON, VOICE OF WINNEH NEW YORK tANP.t JACKIE ROBINSON, the most excit ing ballplayer Brooklyn has exhibited since Dizzy Vance and Bur leigh Grimes were around, will be a winter voire on the ah liver station WMCA, New York City. What a break for young and old Americans who delight in listening to hoar-talks Bum an intelli gent and well-vet Led observer as i.s the former collegian of the University of California at I,os Angeles. DELUGE HIM WITH LETTERS I am saying here and now as honestly a,- 1 know how. just how 1 appreciate Robinson's winning J radio job, one in which he will be heard six times a week i feet that most of the folk who pause to read my work in some 100-odd national paper;- have a kindred feeling towards the man who blazed a trial for other col ored players to pata into the opened beachhead. So-o-c, iota send in scores and scorer, of lettei••• weekly t Robinson. St-loci worth- j while subjects in the sports!, field and keep them on the inttu -j racial side if you capture the picture I think I do. Let Roby tell 'you about heroes you knew before Branch Hick ey chopped down the framework at baseball'.- unwritten law. a : ukase that fouled the nest built by! one ABNER DOIIBLEDAY, j 109-odd season: ago. Men like .foe DiMaggio Dan Bankhead. Ewell i Blackwell, Sammy Jethroe Ted Williams, that .splendid sprinter, etc. etc HAY ROBINSON. VERSUS FRED MILLS The diurnbi.it!'; ot tins i ..lumn l.s been .done most of the way in thinking Robinson capable of whipping all but the tap men, Charles and Gun Lesnevu 1. of tin 175-pound d;w- We -.v:u •• ;;i this vein during all <.t R.y ; clash. .. with tfie tfien ‘Br>*ox Bub Jacob LaMotta and Pu<; to h- .• • Jc.i. Baser;, We even felt that way when Levine had Ray studying the planetary -.y, tern tstai • > i;>i a few seconds ot then memorable -encountej that *nded okay for the Harlem sugar-baron. Along comes column (??) Joe Louis and scribes both brown : and paleface with up to the minute similar rating for the ex-Salem Crescent A.C union pure. 1 wouldn't went to see Robins an face » Mills with all this rash and loose talk going the rounds about him (Robinsoni being afraid to face Steve Beiloise. ONLY A HEAVY WELTERWEIGHT For Light heavier Sugar Ray might oe instx ucted by Manage i - trainer George Gainsford to build up to say 155 pournb, I hat would give the rugged Englishman, Mills, a 20 pound pull at to* scales. Charley Burley' Pittsburgh superweltcv of a few years back, i was at least the equal of 1948'.- Robinson. Building-up might take away Robinsons speed and t.uch. a sacriifc* -night he ivinous, a:i points considered; It is my belief such a match will not take pk.ee evti Howt-vci ; it makes for good boxing hot-stove chatter should Robinson tail to j toil among the middle--weights or be signed tot a Ma.cel L < uLtn : shot ere -blows tm- icy blasts of winter or come the 24 men ; snowfalls. IN THE MAN'S MAGAZINE LEM BOWMAN, managing editor of TRUE the gentleman :■ barometer on the distaff side of life, published by Fawcett Pubu cations. Inc, Greenwich, Conn - Unfailingly it reports condensed; and interesting stones about colored men who deserve mention in the world’s setter reading-books. Yes, True magazine etth it; j book-length stories that bo;dm on tile .sensation..,; at times, is w r{ rnv calling your attention to it in this manner. The October » ■Le has a yarn on . . Cleveland's iabulou* pitcher unde; tbe eu phonic-sounding headlight of THE 'SATCHEL MAN The w. i>. Tfd Shane welt known to New Yorkers for hit newspaper as magazine coverage lei years. ! Says Ted in the prelude "May.U- tic’s ua- o;-d ’■ s ■ time, like; some say, But Paige is st.il the only living man wo., pitches with both feet In the heai tof the story t-- e.-- • «'• v. t m-r says this, for you can all but. e ( the taldshspeedbailc. yapping with Shan* in that drawling manner of bis. U'llmg a m aom reported story ' Speaking of that Paige *“••’*•-»'*- t!u '"“L. --avs tins of Leioy Robert (Satchel) Paige. 1948 s most bolot.ui . ballplayer "There an- two interesting charaetei istics about > J aige-- . he is a master showman as well a, one of the most i.-mm-kab... ; athletes of a!! time , I •A long lean 6 feet 3 and ! 2 inches ot 180 pounds oyanqu-d ; iugubriousness Paige has built up a Stepliin l-Vuhu P‘-'* soiialitv. He shuttles to the mound, and thereafter came, ,n h ; dizzy, multi-speed dervish. He plants hi, pipe-stem logs m awK*u»d positions on the rubber, cranks up over his oead ;*i . a•-a.i. ,- m throws orthodoxly or unexpectedly and even -ait - !aUn,A "j the world’s only .pitcher who can throw with a man or, has.. A ; HIS FEET PLANTED SQUARELY .FRONTWARD Even more ie markable. Paige can throw any pitching style: overhand. 'ubmarine etc. Hi: Cleveland teammate, Booby F«lie>., »*•«««•*• i 'to use* that he never knew a pitcher who could throw from so many j angles in so many styles as dues Paige WRITER WRONG ON THIS It is a scrapbook --piece and 1 advise you u hmU** and ; secure a copy- Writer Shane ,n when hr u.k- about temns ; ,q 4 k vintage l mean) Keeping "boarding-hum- H'-nds, ; nVmttmg marks around 500 and seldom "losing" foi star Negro nitehere. Wh«d was yeateryear has "gone with the wind' and today, ! In* AL .MOROE ELIAS (founder is dead) Base bail lm p, ■ in^downtown New Yo-k, keeps a- accurate a record «*»«£, nigFUAI I record- as statisticians do tor major ieag n- uD r - . siSXt I'andle, n-c-.rds to, «w »*•«»' league representatives in this mdropohtim area. _ j BEARS PHEP FOR A, AND T, TILT ! , Coach Brutus Wilson - - Shaw ag gregation, which worked like heav ers during the week :n preparation for Saturday night's tilt with the A and T. Aggie- will seek to prove they are definitely on the upgrade. The Beat's, stui a hide shaky in last Saturday’s set up ■with St, Augustine's, got ft much needed shot in the arm with in at victory and as Cap* air Everett Lat timoer said "We go from neve.’’ The locals worked long hour;; every afternoon this week, with squadsmen reporting to the prac tice field well ahead of the 4.30 drill time Coach Wilson arid As sistant Coaches Stephc-nson, Ke<*. V Elliot!, and Worthy were pound - ing awav dally ors ball handling and formations. The objective was .1 return to the smooth form of lasi season and observers predicted I “IPS’’ uends-up ball on the part of the ! Bears come Saturday. For the first time this season the Bear.-’ championship-year squad, ■will be intact. In each of the pve ! vie,vis games one ot more stalwart •; have been inactive while others sev partial service even though on die injured list. The Bears will b* iat. full strength when they line up !in Chavis Park Saturday n'ehi I against A. and T The backfield combination of Bellamy, Wallace, and Jackson is in fine form with quarterbacks Seller.- Turner and Worthy ready 1 for the call. Or. the line Cannon, Way. Williams, Booth, Burton and Rope; with Ends Lattimore, Joy ner. Goodrich, and Brown are in pe- ik condition. On the basis of the records Shaw and A and T. will meet on about even terms. Both have won IN HOMECOMING m ATTRACTIONS 6 ! D£fl, HORNETS DOWN LINCOLN IN GRID UPSET ISV HORAC E ti. DAWSON An insj.'red aggregation or H r- . ; nets from Delaware State Colic ' • scoring their first tally ot the r.ea- j ■o/i. eked out a 7 t; victory over the , idons of Lincoln University Bill Hart crossed the line for Deia- | ' ware in the first period, and Andy , ; Wertz went over tor the I , or..- in the sinking moments of the game. ; i C'rawJe-- converted for the Hornet- i It w: a iiard day l'o/ the Penn ! : sy!vaniai, who bogged down four ■ time: within five yards of pay-dirt. . In the first quartei the Lions Halt- j ; eri dr.ve from tlu-n own 10. i , Smith. Wen;-, and Their,;.:, carry- ! ing, and iaiidea jus! beyond the j : ..-enter .-ti.pt; C.mtinuning tin- ! | march m the next quarte; Howie ; ; Tin.may Lion sparkplug all tiav, cut : through the enemy lines foi JO j j yards on line*,- attempts. Jolting! Jot Harris .taking haridolf- from ■ Bob Smith, picked u;i the other ; yardage that put the pigskin on the ! A penalty took the ball bail. !•; the (j. and Thomas siid in th. mud ft;.- li yard lust •'] he 51; ■ i .'H-ts took 'v. i and marched to i,o 28 on ground sain- and pa,;-i-< la ' tore boot «g. A 20 yaid pass iron; Smith to i . K-. tea); the bail in sight ot lie »• ..mi ~■Ol. 1t,.!:, :. . I t..t another yatas pLeine the nail : on the 4 1 tu- l.j ns vver. nn.it. e : to jo ovet In tlie third period Joitiue Joe Harris sku tod trom the : mid field stripe through Delaware - 1 middle to tht r yard lir.i. Hot onei Ik-.c th.e Lion failed to go o v -er n.eu j clear run from the enemy t ; !<■ the 2 Htn»e. I . ; . i 'went naught. Ali-Kinzs. intei eepted a pae. t.ot b. Burr; "iniilt: : I .tticwln t uUch(t>-v.. dr; , e .faited on 84 where ('ooke . .'Onped up ■ tie"- Lall and raced the I'Via iv.Me : 28. A pass from Smith to Davi tonk tile oval to tta, 17 and Huluu and Wertz went on m t’a- -i which point Wertz bowled .■v.-i Hightower..-ouid ;.•■■ plaeetjjen. . j went w ..d( LLiciln rumple!, u -i ■lo m T 'a■ e: 1U- i.. ,v .ti e ■.2 7 iUI ' ! t i ‘ Lincoln k- t r, ,t down.-, vvliilc j the Hornet, sot tu. i. i.... •I -, taini-u ! 23a >hr- • on tin- ground, •'■hi. tie , j visitors rained 7u In the i Lincoln got HI yard:; and the Hot |at >t £ t 1 qua i(d that nun/ to e r I.IN< (II \ t . (Mo.) 10 MEET MAT! Ck\ J ' i .lEFFEHSON CITV m,. Ihr i Kentucky vv H t < l‘n hlS tzl tht I.iiK’itli'. t'il: vt’l i ;t> '.Mo iger.- in theii :vt oiid | i iioiiic ganiif tin- .sv-ci-OM } j t'am. i.s u loi Satiu'<_i,’iy/ 1 1- j ‘ r.eri:t:.(.n. Octubei 1C . tl.< 1 j coin Athktu Field Hie Kentu.-ioCiiis. aith. beat \ ten by tin. Mid-vVe-t I'evrihiiua i Wllberfei e.- Stair will hr favored tax.- tli men; nil o' -h. ; Handley and Corbin -peedntei Thant halfbacks will lead the 1 ! Tlicrobrcds ir; then vaunted .diet. Live Kentucky uses tht tvro b . a i j system, employing une team 1. * |j o!fence uiui an entiicly dtil. ri-nt j : team no the del. nee Ray Kemp is making re. preui. : itnn.s us to the outcome of the game : but admits that "Randy Taylor. 1 j coach of Kentucky h;.- the nak j mgs ct a powerhouse in his second I year at the blucgrass m tdiition rite di-R-nsiv* team : Ken' ... enjoys a weight ad vantac. oven • Lincoln while the uffenm. lean, i l on even par in the „t : ; weight GRAYS fIN SEPIA * DOR 1,1) SERIES TITLE j j BIRMINGHAM iANP> - A tom ’run rally in tfie 10th inning broke; ! a 8-6 tie between the Washmgt ! Homestead Grays and th*- Birmin; 1 - i ham Black Barons at Rick vv null I i Wednesday night and e nab leu tin- • 'Grays to chalk up thc-ii fourth win. land grab the 1948 Negro World Her I I ics pennant The- Hare!!:, won uidy i one game in the scheduled .-'even- : j j game sei iek. In the last hit if of the ninth fh< : ! Grays trailed by one run, but tied j j the scon ms is double by L,ewi.- j Marquez and unoihei l.v Lnk< i j Easter Three walks. two singles ; jatid a double in the tilth broke in.- tie ar.d added the four r'r.i.-; to ;ii< ,score. ) 'one and lost two. The Aggies JACKSON C O L L E G E COACHES Shown ctbove arc the mentors of fin- highly rated JuckvUn C .lt. 'je f'i )er. or Jack son. Miss from left Alvin O. Pi rates Top A&T Gridders 21 -0 In Sup rise Upset HAMHTt.nN, V a D. d.cMim: then- enlarged and newly lighted st.-idm i, tore ">.«!!:> P ,it bull • ■■ Hamilton Int.tHu;, . !h,nte: cm 100.-c W-!th .. d‘ v a til.' «*'. ut/d --ball ground attack while thwj.'t u.r North Curoliiia A and T lii: eat:- tierc Saturdav night t>c !• t . • , i a i tart line 21 ‘ up at Rich? halfback Hil I.e.vetl ft miptou V’a eiimaxed a 40 ■.u i third vjtiaiu ■ drive iu.mti.aided by .jy,». j-v • j’cJ nif, by •I’Ht ;.j• .1 hye. yui'iiii i-g il»e Hi si m on. JIViJ iJ t i led ivi . W It.. piii.tyd, kiv’K \.£i, tiddfrid hi:-- J'i.'i-.l ut perfect, eouve r.-un. ! isvtl win ;.1 12:-, :u 'ix iUhinif.i- attt.’ii!jdh Jtj n»ll up uiLi- tha.'i ! tJD Pin»tt-.s ;:40 yftrdh I'M liiiif' anu in n 7i-y:nii kiiuiiuquan Cl t:alltij tip »lit Pi.id Id'T. t. i .11; Jot in i Khaki) ('arroi). win \ Vs'Hm rMM lot IHSIftIOWN ] ,>- r i ' ; V’',r '■■ Swf i (Sfe s:; : '7*--. '•: , ! Vy%: - U- s. i . 1/ ’■ CHIC AGO Only .:c ’ per . . a ot all present player-- of tm instruments received ~:i ,r ; :of the;!' instrumental traininp a* school, ac. ording to a re.-ei.t a.- tionwule survey us the pubi). . • terest in c.uze*. wlc. ti i.a- >. <-u ducted for the Aiz.i.-tua.'i Ma.-u t.ionftrcn. t*. Tins chiirt si.o-a- tin field foi expansion of ue-true clib i rinhuo! music instruction winch the American public has indicat'd it wants. According tu the survey, 8a per cent -f the pcs-pb■ befieve such training should 1a c t;t ;■ every School system. Increasing school music instruction will in crease the r.ted for piivitc teach eis, since half of ad wiio rake ies sons in s.' hooi .-.l o seek instru. - tion from private teiichds, is POTliiS VHtOM. ON DON \i.VUOMili ; ; v BY A1 MOMS NEW YORK t AN!') Donald Newcorir Montreal's g.e-at pitch ei is two years av. t -, from ;l'ic big, tiro*;- So reasons and wrote Jim my Powers of the N V. D; !/ News writei It i.-. die .vneeiisu' of expti! baseball scold: and h:ai:a[, .Cr who have inline, eci the 43 Uiii.oi league career of tin- eV-Newai i» Eae-ies hurl- r that Brooklyn should bring him up m.-v spring at the ■ very latest Many followers of Brooklyn'.: destiny belitVe that l!lcke\ made a mistake in not uri n .;.i. a up J Santa or Newcotnbe dufnv ire thick of tire pennant fight. While 1 as Powers commented. "Jack Bin ta has lost his fast, ball" it might be well >o state that he has more than made up for the di-appem mice of the "hard one w tli 1 Bob I‘tller-iike slider and a jug-handle curve. Johnson C- Smith University Bulls VS. Winston Salem Teachers College Rums i I Hi'* LAID JMNLA N CVdcnuui, line coach, T. B (Tubby) L'iie.. head coach, and {.' Hu icidii.) Norris. Lacklieid coach. it.u surnc 11 |,a 3 ;]ii;: fi> wcli .t*- 1 >' . hu-ndl ah- . pmi.c.-d it.re. > :ii'd: tie the tinai 1 . et tip by Lovett's tun ihe Aggie- At-re ,i ).n;.2img c.c 1 'fh.-y It tic T downs- tel. ,! 1 them m th* f.ii.d qucin- : ■' rJanifit-mV 10: rained 262 yard.- I ** ’ 5 ■ : *'.l ci pa ->•■/ ... !!,. i . ;,b ■ 240 > 200 o: tht- ground. t oaciu-u : i i one yarn line tmlv tu i.imi ic die ball away first d>.wu, ~i„! < ndc-d the raiiic- on Hampton's two. I hey uncoverori fivo dilfei'.iit if an;(.:r the 14 back-, they paradin' and a. h.u d-rtm/:m:, i.... .. ’ m Atliit Gar, i But th. i: l.p ’ paced i. y Tackl. J.copi Wdik-mis. I W.,-1, 1 01, tu th* Pirate: G..0d.,!i. Kiah. VVillintns Co: bn Biijtes l.t-ivi: ct ai. Thu > ■ ! ate ■ t, ek to Turk. ,<« e !. ; ■* null I. !.n iei ei.Ce Patti, th; w.-i; •a hti«- tiw- Aggnv: invade Stinw 1. n in i;,deii;i; S i ATISTK.'s Hainptcii ■z 1 1 v ai.,l | i lb First l )•.*.*.j.. •bb V.-rds ii)r, t:; ri:jl l ed Pa :; ■- ;-l Complete..: Pa-: 11 Gpp J 'a- :. : 1 1 .tc/ i'l-; a c> i 1 : ■be V. ;d- ( I.lliicii Ha . ; , 2. Yd:. Lon! Pel.allU-- li ; Op, -. Euir.blc i,\-; i 4 Own )•' urn file- He.- i l'iie'- ‘ Aiy. Yd.-. ■ :i(i / L ,; rn < ; ray- tin- A a tie rail N. c*,, ■ Hovinc-a league is cookiric up some ’ i ;■ sm'dici/ii* fm it- foi tin tin !’;■ cxpani:, . pZ'.yi-am !i;-r;ice Eudduth. (.'.ncirmati piexy of iVa ,■ roup. some rpicudid ideas for we Ware Give:, sat i H-a-iit co/.pei pdum he will Li lug NIL. back tu lla iialyeun day ■ of Booker 'J' vVay ctowi: .south Negro ■-.■;■ a:e joinirifi service orszaniiatiOns in droven which is the bt:-.t tti.ng they could possibly .to for then n si, welfare U,ip liip and hooray'!.; FOOTBALL Shaw University vs A.&T. College • Jgjj|^ RALEIGH, N. C. GREENSBORO, N. C. * I SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 8 P.M. CHAVIS PARK, RALEIGH |-'£ ADMISSION sl-50 P (Tax Included) SHAW SEARS WIN 112-0 OVER ST. AIIB :AI CHAVIS PARK 1 A perkv St. Augustine's olevin j that thought the twice defeated Shuw Bears were on their last jag, got a ‘ante of the old Bruin power and took a 12-0 walloj dig at the hands of the Baptists Saturday night before a tense and expectant crowd in Chavis Park. Led by R Miles, SI. Augustine'-: brilliant halfback, who run. pa-sc.l, on dkickid beautifully during the entire evening, the Horse: whipped op threats in the first and third quarter- but only twice penetrated beyond the 20. The eon teg v. as a • battle of l'-foi rnntiims with St • Align-tine'.- addin-’ ‘tu man in mo tion and classy s.hovel p. - ■-: on it: - •.■ play ■ The Bear- struck on the second j play oi the second period aftei ■ j drive by St August-neb had bfig i ged down on the Shaw It* y:ud hue A puss J wdl.e Bellamy to James i Brown had m'Ued 22 yunJs a th Mil.- 1 period ended Ku -oe f’loy 1. pill 1 '" k, 'Me olf -1 ...rds ti tackle tu !h-- -t; 1 Jam.:. !. ta/*ksf;u •a.ted tu hit 1 .mil. B ilan - with . 40 yard pc, . and iht- "Zcbii." -trok 1 .-. I "Vi'i foi the tails Benton pla.. kid', v.■ bloehed The S. .cf.d tOi.l; l.duWi. i, . ; ■"■low elc".eii came i;. tlic final pa iod aftei a fund.!, by St. .Augn ; 'iue'-'- Biuc-I: had be-n iecovered , *-•> <'.>i".iin K\ei ett l.aUirooie of .'■>haw * ihe V Bei;ai;,y VV VVahnc and t-.,-!,*-:? Stci-henon took turns tu tht -St. Aug 22 Jack . ion's pas.-mg am again diet duty j wuh Jo >•)..•) . nagaing a low on* j beautttully on St. Augmtme- J >.ud Bill \V , le.y.i .t nv.-f -.'Mite; tea 2 t- and c--. die next pay LeUimor* on an uid around pen ov't-i *.- * touchdown. Tm h- by Benton w;.- blocked agaiti the Bc.U': li,:d a touchdown Call id b;u k in tin- opening mom.-nls <>t tiie win' , • ey set •• ruled offsides They were knocking at the Hors..- door at tin end of the first •df . an.-i e.u uing as; st ar.d J goal when Bellamy intercepted •< pa-: t-.i.-it; J Mitchell intended tuj C Bin eh. 1 Leroy Way AU-CIAA Hoard *.v;;.- out-,landing on ci'-fen:-; tor Sha.*. ’.vice b;o.kti;a punts Aho strong on tit.- Shaw in.e Were Roper. B- oti, Cannon. Williams. and Oiarles f.ee. Oo'standhip for st Au:11-• T11:c-"- v.eia Mender on Mile Bur.ii St a! -id Hives, bat..:, and .Vlitelieii and M.llei hnenen. Lincoln Soccer Team 1 «)|>s Lli/aheliifown Thr t inc- to CoJve dy sorter ,it ain .'l/i.Ji.v overcame bicil "no , - ;ii;x ot tile pa-'! ! -a'o yt-ai-, t v onts.-oriiig Kti/abethtowe (,'et lege ! Khzaot tiit-'.-.vn I'unia 2-0 today on ti;e Lincoln la id. i’lr.yiiK thei List during, the Ur-! game ol the cm,.-lit season in honor of last yea: deceased manage! Edward Re; ;: /" ’ i.teO ~ ' ott M ... qUj V k S * J't, M ill !i . iJ > t) !•.i i h 115 i-. al'n-i th* epeiiing. whistle the tu-s.t coal was shot by Eta.-.-; . rC. out-id. l. with an a sl-t 11,j. Aroh. outside t-t* 'The .-; J c i‘i:/l taltv Was scored o.v Aroh, ■ ilevei ontsidt lei’, wit also scored. Tu- tnied tally in th- iti'u-d iieri'.’O . Uui-tanding defensivt- work iai Ifte luOiv- was performeii try both’ foil backs Odelnga and Delgado, -.*. A , kept the Herr-coached men fi-*ini unv serious seoih.g threat. : ; The visitors muffed Huh only sure ■ go.i! chance by failling to capital : izc on a direct penalty kic k Half time score 2-0 Ten -.-ill not get you twenty that nil* . ot who i elected file:'"- : dent ;!:tiv will be ne baekiug down on th* non-dtscrunmation stand coiasei mi n) * r/qiloyitient if; ; the Eederal fioverirmcnl Ball tit* rolled too far downshill 'to be stop ped SAT. OCTOBER Mkgtk ?. p. m. "Jal BOWMAN GRAY f MEM. STADIUM WW Wm*ton-S»l*>m, N, C. i LIONS SEEK PANTHER PELTS TO AVENGE LAST YEAR’S DEFEAT The Lincoln "Lion'' :s - h it put ttig his, daws in his tier.'ns he u waits tile coming of tin- Union Paritlu.-r ' lor tin- Hornet ■ ..nit.;.- loot tali dash on the Line .-hi l.m: veisitv campus qn Saturday This annual dash between these denizens -.ploits ;i i hi s 'Pi.-shnicrt ahainst Steubiun give * ause lor tu. ini! agein*-nt. hut he dole fullv remind- his hearer.-; that, alter all. they are un.-in: one i t;*.-:• hmirii tor the in,.*-1 pui t. :;*• tu nas In- 1 Mi-gO.: or. - ed Frank VLChay, 1 .incoltTs stdl tii (iufrd. eav*. an oiitst.iiaim; pei-formanoo m the Stc-otienville game He camped in til* t.ppon ‘ eiit's hac kiif id and took a hand . off fro I'll the Steubenville qUa/tC; a.x ;f 1 1 vv. '* meant lot nun and went h" a todi.-bdown B--.- SmithT punting is improving, nod Holmes ai< di-'veioptug into tirst Smith, Klv.-ood Si mins .end Tom ida s iutehei:- ;*f tia jj),: km It; the St* übt nvtlle game. ~\ dIH ire it Lincoln men vver*. on 1 1:*■ rec.-u, ing ends ot passe:-'-, and th. Lincoln •oaches are uietr-a'd to h.ave many :..-civeis J.,* Hdlgt We: of McKees H i ks. Pa 1 <-u ;■! the Lmc.iin cm n tm Mi -1! *»n.'- RAY ROBINSON IS WOLE OF WAR OF JACOBS' ROW NFAV VOKK 'AND World \Vt:ii'.Twe \hi ChumpKnt Sup,at bi. j KubjtfiTm i.s cauieLt id 1 hr* rnWui:>- oi a bie.iUP Ili OlliO? on ‘vVui b' - !we « j\ ili(* I'stijijip hi*d 20th (>.T:lu!\ cltiD HU. the n< \vo DIL: . tilt: Tuundl rnent us (’haniph>ns !i:i 'The inidi, , Dip beUVdtii t iu* tv. .*- tit It* but lilK? iViiHtJlfV%» I’ii . Stov* HflL.isP ot Sew \*>:K t-i* rivri! club itU'* fVfi quo U-d Hi-»bin- j , sou .«■ lu* liud i»"t si,, ut-d to , fact* !TtHL**sc After a c«’!Ht.” t i 11- with Mike . Jacobs, it was announced that Hob inson had agiced to meet BH'-u ns tne best, available ruid»ik-wi-v*i : t«. cam prestige for a shot .it the crown, now held by France's IV!:>.* cc) Cerdan Hobin.v.n is slated to get about 22 L-2 per cent of Ini' .ynt „ Special Features- -International Sweet w hearts of Rhythm (Oct. 29-30) and Oper | High School Band Contest (SBOO in ■ Prizes) Tickets now .available through 1 ' W. S T C A 5 umta, Gaim. - $1.50 fey Oct. ll | 23- After Oct. 23, $2 00. | tomir.f* tin;. year .{Vi' ■■, Tui ' l l l l n; a (j graduate .-iludfi'i!. at Br>n M.isvr College- She ! an tn.-nui :. ■J a ..it -at N C us iJurhari!, N '.' Miss Tuitk'j is lilt- d:\utiiiti.*** of Ur. and Mis. Yuli.. , North Carolina Collette Ur Turni..- Dean of the 1 ,aw y.. ia.. iat tin..- Ni.ilh Carolina instil, juon. After t!i«' 1 uoii mm- Lincoln takes on ivi ;mii Hampton on :Uf t' svi {• j- * T .,. 'Ili:- (tanv: with Hampton is ; t.-iiift played m Nt-w.sik. NY s. .it ■■ M" tiii. ye fir oip Saturday. October 30th. The H;11n|!?: •i i• 1.11 u>! i i ; -ui bem it billed, as "The Bit- Game" in the East. • ~ _ % Quart Rg*J $2-30 [Uy SLs, j Pint in 0>" s . • AT !TS fctowttd ar! S HAIHCi NO TON ST PKOM-. * I‘YJ9 PAGE SEVEN