PAGE TWO runmm : urn ’ TU kIS'TjCI.’DL' ;,vs t sbit 1 On The Beam I , yfe With Uene A.s jfr j ? 4 •' : %;4^r v. - By EUGENE S. POTTS y 0',;..-.,-'.:.. .v--Cfc, jij V. •! !•:; i-■ ■. i'i<-■ /' v:, over and iw.v champipns have been crowned, eight, Year; the Ind ans have really gone to town. . y an ; fought nil through the baseball season . .. < ;>:vde; titled to win bei-eust* there was a very good reason . . u why Thurmond dor-sn’t want Civil Rights, v« ...'-n like Doby ; chance to get in the limelight, ■.v-.v. >.•; w happy to have some friends with hearts of gold, u c ■ ; i; , yo ir bottom U liar the halt hasn't been told &r . .i : :ui. ,'f the recce cis c-u; men have made, hat put rumrr.:-' away it; the shade. ; ve;y graftaful for receiving a chance ■ n\rj.rg should make better race relations, advance. ** fine sport as you eon wily see, • s: <• Miur; who are craving an opportunity . ■ . ha could succeed in nd walks of life, ' in ru liaypy to oven erne these haidships and strife s i that America is r,e land «f the brave, and horn of the frt e » :o; s: g vr-ful that these words will soon be a reality. . h ere a chance to work and decently itv-% ; voe cur labor, and car ail we’ll continue to give. ■ -vc i s.i;st <,-! liaving Jim Crow, then have it right— or , a o- 11. nod) be- noor, and night be night. ■ , ticket to go some pi.- e, t b i s handed out that side at back door by someone of my race. . rt in the rear of youi bus, a. : . ... y..>ar dnuniiards back there with us.. - r b r taxi ca-o-. dense don’t make the: bond .so high. ■ . : vots -vont ho aide t? buy. y w .. V o in uc ulwa w vur.g scparstcG. 1 m Crow r.,ght. and red. alwavs adulterated. i winner this week is M-. fed. Dixon, 727 Snowball St. If . r v,: to od 1-2 East S< cond Street. Suite 109. Saturday. . b.. 0. between the hours of 10:30 am. and .12:30 p.m., he vc r valuable pew Be cure to bring a CAHOLIKIAN and vC.. >:y ou bought same ai I B i Fosl i W. Palrot . h. Cotter N. C. 'UT THE TOWN ... r ’ 'V. 'cr t i rw: es c v n friends were on hand to see Icvong Saturday Among these were Prof. Horton, ■ tat:;. . ...Sch Prof, Henry Marshall, Head of dvd ny, Cvvrnv. S. t'.: Dr. Emory Rann; Prof. D : bwvd L’nuvr.vy; prof, and Mrs. John Blown, of V ; North Carolina. ■ - -• 0c,.,:...... Dr. M. But.or, .ea.y \lr. Ivl. E. MoKfesirk, <>f o' N rut Carolina, wvc vvutors in the Queen City, Monday, * • oad go! of Mr, and. Mrs. James Harris, J, , born Aug - ' o' nr., r.f. North Carolina jg a fine -play pretty for hei dor iidtic Mr. Harris. Mrs. Harris is the fotiwix Miss Edith c .d,J of Mr. Alumo M.iokir.s, hostess at C.ub Sunday, v ; d oy, ace mitiitodt r «..( the Cleveland Indians had hv • ■ o. ov town (co der; South Carolina wit}; ‘'Black' d ..;r; iedddeo. says Dr. James Blue Kelly of Johnson -do Social C.ub, composed of members of Washington : and vu-mny gave their annual affair at the Excelsior Club, die. October 5. 1948. : -d. . ,y ijir.vers added to the beauty of the occasion. After piaytid. the mom vs and guests enjoyed a vaiietv . :.w-; sanowieiies, fruit, punch, ice cream and cake. The • '■ vv. v;:n vc,,r -a opt vi;on. Mrs. Roberts is president. arid G:.dgoit'o'd are eagerly looking forward for ■■ -d :il ’ a vd i, ;tou- day rn Charlotte, iceve 5 •V'-' 1 ynvnany Five -.vjJi invade Charlotte. ’’ b'vav: packed u; in, and from the, corner we : - Err a sail out. Mr Jordan will keep any num ■ 1 ■" bv-K. ’, .v: y busy, as he has quite a large number of vd.c.c iir'c;, l: , dig credit. Dr’dvdk has long since been a favorite wherever j>. • j v’Jri'ply. sw i'ops the enippies off ihep foi-t with Iris wonderful > -d— he croons and the fair sex swoons Y WCA ACTIVITIES -H- Public AJl'ai Commit lee ■ So, mm. r Truth Branch Y. W. ; A held its firs' Public Forum Umriyv at the Presbyterian .bin ils The tonic for discussion i. aniua'.ini Issues. . s - vb. t-u.u'lfi, candidate for the ' muse o; Representatives, pre ''cnied n.a.ior Issues m the Pro BONDING IS OUR BUSINESS j WHEN IN TROUBLE, CALL US AND WE’LL BE THERE ON THE DOUBLE MRS. AUDREY COATES MR. AROSE LEE BOYTON Phone 3-0473 or 4-4938 ) You May Hun In, Fall In, Walk In, Just Since You Stop In The 1 “STOP IN LUNCH” WE SERVE PRIVATE PARTIES Mr. James Fee:hers!one. Prop. Jlrr. Mary Williams, Mgr. 1220 Winnifred SI. 1 . H'W«i«iii»»wt»iwwi»»,Hif»l —H» imi * Be Sure To Stop At \ THE LUCKY SPOT Where Good Friends Always Meat Good Home Cooked. Food Served at all Times i 807 E, 7th Si, Mr- Alonab Beik Prop, gressive Party. Capus Waymck :-'tat{‘ Chairman of the Democra ts:' Party. represented and pr • exited issues in hfes party. Ho •slated that the Negro \v:r, leav ing the great libera’ party \vb hacj done much to help the in dividual and thy Negro. Mr Slade pointed out the vast di.lfe, - SCuV..* 1. J.OiN IH f fjjlhr IhC'C ' r ' .iUN-.- ftllb D. ... ff r /9,k ) 1 l 1 A.feh 1 —' — * - l*V l vc. V ,;..? 'W >’ .v I '• ,'hfe. yvv; : c t ’dmuJ* ' I —\ ... v ' ./Tbi«b, j ■ f ' || A- b . ■ ' V. C | £> ?'■ ' . *I‘CCNMc f'-ffy?-,! y .y?,,, .?y ; . m *’■ - fed-, dfe A f 'feV»'t'fe A ' I . ■b_...c i d : ' . & tfebd'Jc|iyc; r '4 fev /•> vfecfe'fes, M ■ fe'bdl '0 yol-fe c'fe'fefe,l ' ffe. /If \_fy. ;v?« ;D C. j 4 V,i,; h'dciC.j;. .fe 1 inlay Inc Vuited States Marim' (’■ :• /•- .• w.ouyttorate* b-. /*’b, / htni- ; --,*»•.. DC/b v./ht? /o f’yhiiug tradUu v i ''b; 1 carlr Marine l no .*?;/cc/ the i.oihlex ■■ b.c. ■,>■ c, naSi. ; ,:nr:n C,c • //;, Ri .; ’ »/s s'W.'r:- /ocfci c;j» »!)« f>c I omul in (, lima (Ij o< ->.= rers >o: training bates, of f/jo country (t). Am' in Education:;! and Eoonvn that opportuii:: i? c : o equM Cv the races, are': v a .c ■ a. . dc . exia.T.ld tl'.ic N ::VO nov take his platx a.., a d -ydd'- i ... ' cure. Aim : ... .n vc: v . Since thr two c a ,t p c'; : ' failed, he bciru ■- 1C; c. to . ; gressrve Pact;- yfforcd a rhunc. ‘ and bg>portunity in t Coe. >fc more equality an Ed v. eat aat fv,- ' nomics and in P.ihC-c mvi C \- eminent The Rep cc;- Vvrty r was not repr, .vvi. .y.v J F? Hicks is Civinccn of the PC;;. • Affairs CommitW< The Parent K’i ; Kfeuu?n ; - met Muii-Jav nOct .-cr ii. iat thy Y' V ft f c A large row ents and friend?, wore w. v: The C)< io.i.. diver-,,, n Ko vnts. The ifeefee.,’v.-; ore-': b Iv.; v e;.; ns£ \ /'/• c-fer ■! \ shi J Idt»> HCdt-'Sh s-'-.FS / j fe f*V f- ; » ILq m>, / along oh itiM MSm ' V AU.OWANCT v « ■ -fefe MdCAK/ I * - ■ ■ ; . 1 " ■ / fe A ; Tee mmmy Iv%ly j< i 'fee t ( /4pl Lvviii: ff WN r T'si£"w l iA?W^ a « S *l j YOU NEEP MONEY # TtWl' WAK?} I FOR ANY WAV,,. iSKvAGONG ! 1 fe / x : ' I A y M -v:ffeT o,.jj| fmATS THE Tficmi€ rVjT'hl "fOik Ws\ l.'cm’j have fun WHour L MONET / . . -awwws*^| .Mm YYrwl tfirVvOU'U JUS' mve TO e.-VF Ms .3 "W£# AH IN MV HOUSE PW'Z—'-n ' KEEPIN'GwV.£>NEy/I mL Xj O a^Lw^ : small' r groups. Kach y ..■■■ a brought points sn.nvim; >0 v < i.-nts' ;(’spans bhity A • i. c - ■•, - hour and rcfreMuiHhO fall ’ t ile discussion. • lil Nov. li'i w i , ! ;■■ 1'; ; i i.;M : ;■(..! cut *"i Group »v dl sponsor ■ n " ■ a IVi ~ t i' , ; .Viind V'.o; Miiici n; S>: : it.-.-. Tin Naum will include: Mcmum Reh lions films; i.ljUu;t>yu b;n> skd and aeni-anstraiani;:. Deles .m h December «t>< !;Vb, cad DO Plan to attend. Jirs. Ada M y Jj; nigan r Chairman, oai Nlr Licrtna Biitlm . Co Chairmen. On Sunday the«sawa,;e’) i n t V.pnutti ' <• h’■n. is <r T'idh ;» Bra re h WWV.A wni sponsor an;'*' frit redact cry Tw nonciuig and: U i'd-, i t J i.g H !■( IV a > Os. n*■, It , ,■ . ;h V> no, U ml ‘i '■ 'i? h ret ciMiidh to an ski. >Sr SjX’C'ial committee ,D j pOeea; rs tins ovon* ir: Mrs. CAM * o:eey y The cAEOUNnA^ f YOU GET /?4/e£ TO ANP | F??0M THE Ofd'Kfev j 15 ??E LIVE HD IbfecY MOZMNG 'j ANP EVERY SAT UR PAY I gUY 1 1 YOUTY/0 WHOLE PAOkAGES OF J o. o | i \% /(UK ! L._ zx,rfejr / r n fimmt ymmom H&mp' l j AND STRETCH c WAY IDO J | <StfVIN6 BETSY Tf# NEW IO0R! f BUYING DRAPES FORTH* L PAYING Bfl’tPSE -CLUB PM£S... j 1 ij j |]feP.¥ \'hM I j jgp? XJy - " kM& rhhirman: hire. Addio I.egoo. co r;;I ?i;..V ■ , re: L. Burt. uevw Incntii'e ;,t llu YfVciA Tiio W ;;;n nb; Ac:. vP . ('onrroi y g? ITS A LITTi:] t | * fi {rMM&is&ivi y i i i, A' 4c AT tim£^ ! ' us ViV ALWAYS kin • I OPEN MY MOUTH AN' I PUT MY FOOTINIT! SECOND SECTION ''Thabi. a-nd pure hi; the ar ivk- -a: ". ran- ehiuce, The r.evifw ■ ■■■■■ •-a r;-e: t .wh Tin,• •- FdO p in, AT’:: Mildred O. Toy Fa teacher. V r«-. -1 C-OIM au ’ j o h-ald it.. 0> lube; n„ • iMy at tin. V M Unlay n:,.’.:)!. at. THi'Cy, ni. The p >p;?Jarity f a• nlt'al -which way- scheduled for l oh boa 2:!th >.t. ill he fJ f a l a s, Mvvembe; Ist Who will be rhV ■ n and r i o-u-ned Miss Y-Tt-on? i i r.' ■■ i • A T;d j C'THeCO h-'hih h im:> a insUa ■!-! duHat on rr ■ ’< : r <' m*.-> bulU'tinj:;. (Notice: icp.- hi.ova :s)h- c» O ni ■ i:< p an: \ a .-in Tbw -> ah it., ibet: iv »hg rh-n. and ia.ii ptOila;- to pap ia she Capital ohcinKcs mr ive cor to have a iimfl EXTRA CHANGE WHEN 1 GET M TOGETHER WITH THE £€»'s 3 FRIDAY NIGHTS y/j f|»—J 7 j I HAVEnTI 1 i &EEN to the * j ®g|sw| PEAUTY PARLOR j ■ t« Whole mmth\ ), COME TO I j^ / cc'7 TH!NK of iT -"• \ i l / xd K illm it c i > m/nL LlfifAii j ,*+ ! A’*" "Cv.- Ift ■ ifWXW.I ! WEEK ENDING SATriiDAV, OCTOT-ED 30. IMS SPOTTING & JOTTING The ,-a-fn- r ,,a ('•,.,)(• .... , .... • • ' • 11 -■(' nri •: been nl i.ici - turned over ; °T' W W-10. What a wundcrtul posture, '' ’ !:i ‘VUUIri-lK; "pro.s and nap “pfi.t'T' are -ea U-a going t.o ' ! " ,vvn 0,11 f:u ' ! - lub - hhnmtph ftp Than making Tri-State tJoit iW,! n «ment r aw, tucked aww The loumamom j* now jfoffing ~,or<f l ' ian If'oa.'v.iit mcmin'iw. .Smcc w<- have been given an op purtunity your scribe h very anxious r:»• all of our golf minded i! i .<Tl la v ....! lot Meade lb .. ok (Jol/ Course and get you nr'niihcrsnip raid. For further infonr at ion -contact J. H. (Jimmie* j McK ‘ x ‘ ai the Ex< eki, T L.lub, i)2l Beatty':.; Ford R ad. Phone 4-7A45. W, are still waiting so: :h i.-.,ht to be inddFi at the Stadium ! ’ : Ha iin H l t r! ..... , £ime ; hed li <J i:, x* mumdey night, October an ra « p.m-, ivh? Tweed, to play : bU! • l ; anu ' at ' l ’.ene. she defeated Lincoln Academy 41-0. That war "' ,ril '•‘‘■'lie and ■c, ond vrury ami equally ar. man-.- e t’lcii,’, ■Th.- Second Ward Tigc-r.x invaded Reid High of Belmont, n. c. ' and defeated. Coach Blue-;., ; eleven by a score of to 6 Couch earn, r.- Si rond Ward 1 igers realty -,m to hr on the bail th:, year. ilu ':; I:u;,: Jy sad sTccc; trying very vcy nard m get th ■ i ' *"'■ T n! ' ‘iP.-'n at leant one Ivuebdown Saturdav, Or - --.-.'.-. .mi V . ■ Sla ft eleven wen a decisive victory by a score of 34 to o, M.ifiy fi'fiter,-, ivtf the stadium scratching their heads, :UKt '.•••nndfjing wry the i c wefe ,o !n . -. fumble.- 'in the game, i ;ind a contrast in lie game and the 20-20 Smith-Hampton i £UtHK' c.i.t Inr previous Stiiurv^Pv. > up'.h Ciudups eleven wul fake uvi Delaware Stale .Saturday. October Kith, on the hitter's grid won. The following week will mi IhuiK ‘-'orrung at whicn time Coach Eddie Jackson will bring his ; Hiaigior. Bisoro here to pla\ his former Golden Bulls, at the Mem : -ufiul rtadium .uaturduy, October 23. Smit.h will be meatiy handicapp'.-d of the ha-rdr -threat, Hunt ;Dripsxi Cream W ash mg ton is stiil on the injured list. Washing'- •- j removed from vur Smith--State game t- th; hospital bv ainbu ■■" w. Fur-.; thd, ovnii we trml th.o uij-nf-,'l .m i ttie "Ole War Horse" will roan get hack m the line-up. : V’ 15 loj-.m.-l t A.. i , ,1 ; v ’- 1 ' ' Tgt.f -Cld.»a 0a.1.i,.: i • i< : H | •y. »? y ;» (,'! H ! » IJHC SCOI’T »'l. i .-it to a. came ■ back :n the rr-cond lialf a»<? really' turned on f->e : steam. lo’iiv IV: t!ie vi \-. u: id ex-AFiriiie who J,isj year beenne y ; die tu-f.t N'egio ever t.> p:;:\ u d.r. :k! agaia-q a white tootbaii tvanj in t. uariotte. tok ; .v on . i..>vn (wo yard- Hup, ,-<nd "snake I mplV'd side si : ::;}('(! .-...; / i is: vonHi be iyrkFu ij. u-.-ppe. i T-'to;- bysv.djog SG yorjo F ; fh<s t of Hkyd.-y . , viudidomm M>k: - 1 Isorlv-iifk adciod in,. p-o;it to make it The re,i lip j half v, : a0,,---‘ dr-muutod bv the resurgcsif State-- - Islands. Midway tin: third per:,- J. G< oj-ge F ".vler passed S 3 yard ■; To iFle) re on- lavan'k. : : .: .; V.f liar, ,ud Wik-en kaboeled 1 > fy-iiUiii for -l.i ip>ai p. t’-. CiiptH-r-. 17. On the third down, '• Tmvler pa.,,--: to Schurn, who mau, a aensationai .uw-handed grab in tin- end pnu Ka.-s vk'a paint,- afire made it 34-if). After i...■ ibribing and nan r u.e : H' pi,ivy by Wiianr and F-uw'e: Fo- I eoc ee.oi a!. HppVP H-Stap.. toils 30. j "O't-’ Satan f’aige may have is;-, .picif "f style, hcrilatiwi pitch v.-eal nut :i alh' ; , n tea 1;,,M 'fp ( hidian fan thought l! BrevJ; <U O O.T F 1..,'! t'nv F,:\- i e.i a--y. 01 >l, gel th-a . T oe" uut in the m.vcuth a ryiig of i.s.o Sunday'? gams. Bua a-of se Me I’biti ia ' F.ugv. in : rate of ivy haliC iiad iiisf wiiat t to o'-; t; extigui:--'? tho.-.r "Red Hot Beans." ar.d o!e buy!! did he pour :t. e:y a;s ■-i how, IV- sie : ;- a. a y,\ay! ‘ ok- ruaii ‘ Saai one breed u:;e: to me a it-'.v days .-iyo. "Suppi- eri ne iy-Ki i>rn gjver a chfißc* when h; eois* 23 yi ars of anc" .May S repeat )\k\ when some uir; > Iragor- phiv-cr.-. ore ready 1 ■ ■’ -a : .. : 1,, :-- : u o k. !oa agf; -.v, la nner k .ay B e 'o' ; ,o i.yip - ; nt members 1 ! M.oeher'a ROW V- .Do by i.- a h.;-o-. all .on , the v-a; any- ~f the world F-. -i to get an c> tra base hit. to gat a home run, first to garnc-s S'- 0 -up in i l -;- ;vi f H,- play, d urn si ’-i;i j j th--. ughmH the .a; ;,iV-. Oh! in the v.-ay h< was |:u- first Kv-gro to p ! ;<v in Wor'd S< r:< -of tin 7\meri( a.\ L -ay,- ■Tjekii.' Rr.birsson w;n t.hp first to plav in a World So e S fa-orn tin? National League Reservists i ake~©H” for Trainiin9 "t . ~y_. . .dffiST'i/5... -'T l.;irh summer ‘Chizvu Mariries‘* from <it?ois Oiroiii:bout ilif country Ko »)it' K iUvt.i v c»i • f>rH> for tivi'ir annua! I wo* weeks’ of affirm <futv tr.i\thu& rst IK'-." - {A ti' f < o m.i-uJjiit: (’orps esfah.osiimer-i. >% i>ro<»> u mi of the urpnizrei Marini* ('crjjs Rc’servf is pfrturef) J,l »«vc embarking tor Fatap lajwme, North Carotin;! for nimnw iralniiur. r 1 --Hi nnrinufiiiit irmi iMninnni-TwmMHr OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS RAY “Flat - Tire” MASON and hi*. 1 J2-PIF.CE ORCHESTRA Contact The Mason Office 731 Beatty's Ford Road Charlotte, N, C. 1 Readers of the Carolinian Are Always Welcome at CHARLOTTE’S VETERANS CLUB Mr. Harry Coins, Mgr. 732 E. 7th St. ' Charlotte N. C . , wan /omit. Be Sure To Stop At | MOOT’S NEW PLACE GOOD FOOD, DRINKS OF ALL KINDS, And A Service That’'.* Fine Mr. Henry (Moot) Jsley, Prop. 613 N. McDoweell St. I N’OR'ni CABOLWA’S FIRST 16 PACE IMPIII - READ IT!

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