PAGE SIX PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS WARRIORS DOWN SAMPSON GO. ORIDDERS, 20-0 BY Wm. Ail mi The Wi.-vt St. Vifamyrs aftoi a tough battle conquered ...abU . Sarnp.von County squad by a id) to 0 scuiu, Friday ui. in. This wo-- lho first gridiron buttle between ti ■ nvu teams. In the opening inir.uii.-s of the game, the Warriors came u slon of the bail a;.:. ->■ cm eculive line drive- carried tin Lull t. Lv Sampsor. laddie- ill aid hue b?.d pass hum ecntoi i. used 1 1■ ■ Warttoi.- to lose C y..rd: nut vv.«.-- recovered by Baueom Aftei 2 plays Base >.rn ti k tie ball over tie ,'iS'i ill. ~i: end Olid end run hr tie 1 . i.-J •• ->f Hi game Tht Cimvi-Mui: m t; i i a point failed Boykins »f the Sump mi Count -> team tlin.yi,-net! mm } tin • but was unable to hit pay djrt and finally kicked (•, t Wat rim After several tries Batu->m e. eiit over t"i 'in .-:•■! uiu.l tally aim Jonet .i pioini-iiij Quut tH buck, kicked th t-xi.rii it 'The a of an lo : .it vv ■ in exchangt I r■> • and ■m- v. :p Boy kit. -act M-i. - foi Samp.uh Coiirrty dunm tin lirnt half. The i.-.I teal. • 1 • V\ ... ■. ■- ■ was able to add ss iliu t: points to their credit iluiinr tin i.econd half and -(one- again did a gi v.i job ot place kicking Jnyne; le ceivt-d a pa. fiora Buur-om an the 12 yard marker and alter vide step ping tin' at- r. man went over standing up. Samp:.-i County ruoK- back with great enthusiasm to threaten sever 'd! time by beautiful running play by Boykin Williams and Moore. They Were abb to carry the bail deej into ihe local teirilory bin met a tone ,mel unable to score Tht elo-ii. no. : t ot *Me mine found toe Wai:. play , .. de ft i sr. e game I he hi 1 LINK UP Pos. Sampson ti Wardui t I. Palin r A. .Moure LE Under*-md V Tayi-.a LG Hill G Taylor C Peterson J. Riddk-y HG Bln- H A ■ ■; RT R W. - RE Palmer . Joyner QB J. Vann S. Croon LH Boy runs- liaucorn KH Moon H ('lo-.ii tti William. J. Simmon.-. Sampson Count• .- :.üb:,iitule: ii. Best G Bennett. N. Mat:.!:. W. Simmons; -J. Melvin; W. Faison. E Bunting, J. William.- i Whin. N. Bennett West Si Warrioi: Subs were: J. Midg-ut D Taylor. G Hill: 1. Green. K Jura W Rubin-on. A Moore, j Oi.vt i J Kornegay i. Clark S Seat The entry of bolli sun- of Lt Dennis Nelson Negro public rela tions navy man, into Annapolis, will an all-time reemd of some kind, beyond doubt. <Psl bet both icid- make tin- mud-, too J Wood Work Designing Cabinet Making, Chair Repairs General Household Repairing A Specially WILLIAM J. HARVEY Prop. 1108 Main St. ‘•••■TT--"-— ——^~.-i«riinTrvr~~ni l -r-~--.' : Pr GET YOUR NEWS IN THE CAROLINIAN ADVERTISE IN THE CAROLINIAN NEWS DEADLINE Thursday EACH WEEK IDEAL SHOE SHOE QUALITY Sslior; KKBLU.DINU Ui'J'CHLLI. J, KHOt RY. Prop m BROAD ST, NEW BERN ’ WOOD’S NEIGHBORLY GROCER V Groceries, Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, lee Cream, Notions Patent Medicine, Negro News Dealer. -- Call 3269 Comer Queen and Bryant L, D. WOODS, Prop. Stephen Roberts GROCERY AND PRODUCE luos BROAD STREET ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL NELSON’S BLUE ROOM 803 QUEEN STREET feOFT DRINKS, CANDY. BEER CIGARETTES SWEET MUSIC vSIOLUNL iSib.fl ION Five Facts About Faces- White And Black Ly The Rev. tames A Br.-wn World War 11 Vi-ii ian Fairmon.. \ t Wo are often confronted ■->. itii ti.i t let that orv faces arc bluett,, while j till.- white man's face is. white Well.j what of it. According to ilu- Bible j God created Ada.a am. ivve and j lilt y, of course, were the first tiu j mini beings to oc- upy the eartu. .I i.i ' elore we arc . !i descendant, tior.i Adam and Eve, According to ;. i,u ii uci P'nySHilog'. Anatomy, /oology We are all composed of hie amt chermca) elements and ; . i bysical struomies. We at Negroes have to ui'idt.-r.<stand one thing. I’hai I , since God ...i; ueen liberal lU'-u ii to >-.1-it.- o a vace anil 11 lnplcxton we mint be men and' women enough to help get the i .'her '.him:-, ivhich an necessary to life We pray our prayers and expect Uhen, to become fulfilled without any effort on out part, but thi.s ,s not true, not only with our race, but with any race 1 would like to •■ay to our race of people ail ov.-« 1 th.- world that now .- moving time and we will have to wake up and ' go forward on our way Now r. fin- time! V,v meet w-uk no vv. fur tomorrow may neve/ dawn upon ii;- it we work hard cm ugh we can turn the word N O-W around and gel the word : W-O-N. A.- a member ..f the Negro race. I I should like n leave a thought : with you: Heal ei i is not reached by a single bound, ' But We build a ladder Ly which;; we rise From this lowly run . to the bailie , skies We mount its summits round by i round f Tlie Spiritual Five Quintet ot . ecicbrah a .i tinnl an . nivtrsary through a battle ot ?-onp which proved lo be a great surc-t-M and a mean.- of entei tainment foi ..ii unusually laigt- audience Tti .se (ai ticipatmg were ill. Na tional Quintet i.'t Wilmini-n•! ;i. Six at Havinony Q.-u.ti-- • i Inti; - ;bt rti.ii. 'J he Bethel Quai irt jivJ Starlight Sim.pi.- , t F.-innim H.e Gulden ;-’oin Quot h : of Lakevic •-•- -S C and the Spa dual Five Quin , n.t who opened and cin.-ed the piu i,iam wdii -dt.a-.- beautilulfv imp. Mr f J t!ei:,on, principal of i!u iileli School here >■«>• ved ina 1 ceremony He i well un till way inward a very proop--roiii -cii-.0l year and held m i-:-.v-.-i-v i ingly high esteem by the parent and patrons a- well a ay th. ,deni body There Wa- an electiic radii yivai. away under the auspic* s *,t tiu- Spu itual Five Quintet ot . in.- Mr. Everett Thompson, 125 On Si ret, w:.i ■ the winner Tht lucky ticket vas drawn by little .Vi. - ;Carol Jean jVk-Cay who also live .uii Lade Stieet. Mr Johnny Neil Thomp.-.on, vvt i iuu J World War IS. lu - m j j critical condition in Baker s Hu:- . pita) in Lurnberton Thompson UTi ; hit inane on Canal Street Sutur day morning only to. find dbaste; ; awin',ui> him up an reaching hn.: ! job. He was taken to the hospital 1 1 immediately a.,ri 'join hands were!; cm off by a powerful saw Thump ,-i)i is a student in the Fairmont , .City Unit Veternn SiCiooi. The 1 change in his condition is very : Lght even after several blood transfusions POLITICAL NEWS The meeting ot dm South Poliii- . fat Chib proved nicces-fu! in its j fl'-rt to .i-cruil New Voter- on - Friday' night Plans were construct ed for the following day as to the j appnau: w inch would br- more op-: ropi iute. Twenty persons vo'luri- j reered to make themselves avaiiabU* 1 lihi registration a; the time the! polls wei e supposed lo open, i Pricmct 1 was ’ ! opened Saf urday. October 9' . . opened! 'at 9:00 A M on th- 16th in the • absence us tin official rT-gistrar., i H. Stulford. Registration j: voceed ’-.d unde.- the supervision of • tele- : . graph operator, li Hales. who | signed registrat’s names on an : ! unmarked sheet of paper. Ac coni ir.g to Hah-y only the official rest . i:-tia» can enter ni-rntr, an the • books. Approximately fifty j. c-r ; sons were registered in this man ■ ner The registrar of precinct 11. Wil ton Lewis seemed uTurwurc ot the , fact that the book a were to be •YOU HAVE TRIED TttE REST NOW TRY THF BEST- Vail's Barber Shop 1032 BROAD STREET 3954. Mrs. R. F- Vail, Frop. i Gardner’s Grocery “Your Friendly Neighborhood Store Staple, fancy Groceries Soft Dirnks, Beer ilbl If St. M. Garner, Prop l - X W. Reese GKOCERY Groceries mA Meat* 1048 BKOAB ST. Uisi 4481 opened tr.-m ii;0o A M uijlil sun down. L.i -.v:■ >: !■ and „> i•«- : Lewis and Brady Lumbur Add as - Usual. After ueini questioned by Ocia How.-li and Miss Dot'd tuy ; Floyd. 1 ■ A'i- promised to open the polls m Precinct H at 1:00 P AI This Is Lewis pet excuse. "I didn't want the job because it pays only , $6.00 a day and my job here pays $15.00. I keep the job because I can't yet anvoiio else to take it and be.MUM- I don't the Nu .-Iviei ill think that 1 am another ! 'Vann B ach'. Lewis kept his promise and open- : ed tht- polls, at one o'clock Ap- j proxiinately iw enty-f»ve person.-' i Wi-i t itgl.--Jia Cii. mak'iig -i tntai --i seventy five person- vvno l.av - jmned the urgi'mi/.cd force of Aim-i iea. PERSONALS Tliomas H Jolmson ot Mironi Flu is now vi-it ii -.y hi.; mrithc-i Mr- H .ilt.iu At lindiii lie ...f Bloom field Stu-er »u: e l.iilham. iu>v a \U»cir*iit at , A aild M .pt i;f tht- wt*ck with hi;? rncUiei Ttiuma H %Iv;OU Os M: ill.: . FJa ii iww viihing Jii. rnotiic. Mr. Haiti*' iVI Goddeltt of fih'Oai- j iTeici ‘i l .vii htnr Sidbfrrv and dau>n ' tr r i uLiviay afterrioon i- - W.r: 0. C .liter spendnn a ff v. «.f.ts •; with h*‘r grandrnoHiLr- O’v-iavv ,vll • Grane Shepeid. t >UG :airk St. Mi Siduta ry and Jan r.i: : wen: also house guods of Ail. and AVlis. V< inOn Moore of t - Bn CTaveo 'l t rraee Mr Mid Mi Hob’i t K. Br;>an ai d aoii Robert .Ji have airivrai m New Voik from Kodiak Alaska, Aii biyaii o liu* .v ii of Mi iAai - lir and the late Henry Bryan us ■ this cily. L L Key*-- Ew rCL't' :fll\ vt-turn t d bom B-fStoi: a!h se» ;ng some **f Hie World > Series i.i'Ue Min C\o ;| vii pearlrec ceicbi ated liti Rtii Oii l Ada > wHn a j. ;r ? v ..t Lbav’ii lei ta< « Kecnntiori t Outer oa ivi..adav. omoLmi ‘L here v. ere about j evenly-liva ifnt:,i - pit- eni T:.e aetivitfes wt ie and dandnp A beautiful birthday cake with tophi eandje- vva? ; or: the table if) the cectr; ..I the reertodioa center At t will oh t with fdy t'utidh s burniip. ti.c* eur ts sane ‘ Happy Rn ttida.v At ter wards i wfieshrnen’i were served and *a eh eyu t w.-- eiv- n a balloon EOITOUvSVTTIE ISt JET HE <i. SIMMONS Oscar Ward ha recently reiun: eu h> Chester. Fa. after spending a lew days with his family. I Mr- Laura King of Nmloik Va . spent the we*, k end with he tiio'die: Mrs l.aura Tj-Oma. Mr- Lillie Bell VV -1: s. retm ned 1 ham alter spending a j«-\v ;i ‘i in Washington. 1) (’ h, Gpl L. iiyv Wils USMC. • ' > recently returned ti- ( nerry F-u:•'• after spending a few month* m T Cuba. 1 :mms M&sr&ts&iw' Wh®« a nSIOFI-R Gai Rar,go tniiii. its pi*-:# in youi kitcheti, cool iii 9 bfccom«t « careff«# *npei ievu.#. You'll s-’ijoy thii f«»t ... cli*n ... * ec.wv*fti#.',t MM-vic* Try i? with ’ lacdcra Iknoethai f*t.wlcuia 9«v i ALL RECORDS IN STOCK NOW SELLING AT A SO' „ DISCO UN Y RECORDS BY : BILLY ECKSTEIN JOHNNY MOORE Your Favorites And All Your Favorite Crooners SO 4 '( Discount Fill Your Album Eastern Rulane Sales CORPORATION SELLING BETTER MERCHANDISE TO MORE PEOPLE KINSTON NEW BERN, N. C, NEW BERN 'll • . ; - * ' .. .a- Mfbrf *%•:*-. :■?- Nn-yrrr- -I - - : • AMLUR’AN SOI.DIKHs 111 II.I> SNOW Hi l> tlu ! y. Atc'.i, infantry Patrol erects an igloo l-i ttic extreme mirthland. The snow in the Ice of (m- i.,r rooky obatru tions is too soft to be used in igloo building but. packed snow in open drifts is ideal ;..t (his pun., a With ti t- base circle complete, Hie men “chink” loose snow into seams, ami shave the urn at an angle to start a second row ot blocks canted iaward. These ‘‘snow masons'' have > iiupleted the first comae. ■ggggfr' |l\A # —J TESTING IH ii ROOF OF AN IGLOO There soldiers of the I . S. Arctic- Infantry patrol have completed a snow hut on the shores ana;, up north and are making sure that the dome will withstand more than 6uf pounds weight. These huts provide shelter for tioops iivm.ovH: son s M:. 1 .i/a Nohitl 1m- ■-• du ■ ! ■' an Jot;:. Noland ;' emit in;-. I'i-iu r, t. - (a ; ! ill! v i*k Ml" Num; la aiuu-i- ■! Hull and soiv.i yuui ■ .::u.i i . •»v\ ii. .-•«*uU kt-uiil. s!i« .• ,J > rel . •'* !O ■. iMnAc t •' N' •■ -1 iivt'i. N C Mi Cur, »e I i.vivi- is h* re v..--itin, USE RULANE GAS FOR COOKING * ♦ ♦ Water Heating *r * * Refrigeration ’F * * Space Heating * * * Clean * * * Economical Dependable USE OUR EASY PA YMI NT PLAN 'i UE CAIiOLiM IAN ;t , aunt Aii Mary Gcru GiO<ie!U', ihr* widtAv i-f tiu- Lde Benjamia J ,i!v M.’lfjl fjt l . II: Ciu-la.* (Eidetic and Mr.-. ■ Ai;:'i .. iiudgo Wt ot Beaufort •; ,v t Sui :U:.y atlfMciiu:* liu 1 I uncial * lit oi,t iif thoi: friends. Support mu Paper ! ! 1 - - - i DOWDY FURNITURE CO. j * THE HOME FURNISHERS” Take Advantage- of Our Easy Term Payment • j 319-21 Pollock St. Phone 3229 j j ' ~' .TT"- r ~-~-"*nr Tirn-nmrrr IITT- | ; j-rjp PAYS TO Advertise . SEE CHARLES SPARROW OR j | JOSEPH EDWARDS \ REPRESENTATIVES I i I 729 West Street | I j 1 j J h In u i.'jiii i./11 o cm HOI NCWS GUI.I.N (HAPE I vt. tv iii t - Hrv, vv t Griilm, pastor ft:3o A M. Church School II 00 A. M Morning worship. Sermon by :ippo nUnent 4 30 F. M Bspti-t Training Union. ST. PAUL M, B the Hrv V* I. Oriliin. Pastor “ 3<j A. M. Church School 11:00 A. ivi. Morning Worship Sermon by Appointment :> i ! M baptist Training Union. REFORM SHILOH it it Rex w 1. (ilium, Pixlor II A ill MOJ oUig W'.o b;|. Sri - mon t,. the Pastor 2 1' iti Ciumh school. H. 16-Page (goodwill Issue | fudeased In Caliioruia i resno, Cal. - An entire 46- pap.t issue <_>f the Register, Cath olic weekly published here, has •een devrited to bettering inter racial and intf-i-group under* standing. Known as trie "Good Will Is t«< , aj! of tin* articles feature ‘ mte; -gHHip relations. The theme <’! the issue lias been taken from ■■■• vv ui -Is of Pope Pius XII "Unite ;' ! i races, all nations, with one bond—love.” CLUB 102 New Bern’s Most Exclusive Night Club New Membership and Anniversary Banquet Ocl. 29th 711 Buns 51. C. E, Evans. Prop. : - Fodie’s Smoke Shop The Gayesl Spot In ibwn 101 G QUEEN ST. Beer Cigarelles - Candy DRAFT BEER FODIE HARRIS. Prop. v LvLK La Lulng SA'l l. I LJUA V, Ot TuJBLU 2;}, lint? Sunday School Lesson LV JOHN STRICKLAND I I 1 Kings 4-21-29. n:6 9-11 | The history of Solomon's reign [begins with 1 Kings 2:12 Solomon was made king over ! Israel by his father, David, when he was but a young man, probab ly not mole than twenty years of age. ti Chron. 23 1). Solomon was the third king of Is a rt: I and the j fast one who ruled over all the j twelve tribes. | Saul came first, lie disobeyed tied and t.-e Kim,cion, was trans ferred to David. Before David died lie made his son Solomon, hi-, suc cessor on the throne t1:39, 40 1. Saul arid David eacn ruled tor for ty years and so did Solomon. David had greatly extended the bolder; of tin Kingdom so that Solomon really had an empire un - der )iis control. Solomon had an Empire embracing un urea D tD Odd square miles At the close - f his reign David was, fully occupied with tin- organ izatioi #oi his Empire and in pre paration for tne building ot the Temple. Solomon's reign marked .. period ot peace with few inci dents to mark its even tenoi The principal event of his reign was the building of the Tempi; at Jerusalem He was rich in the political power which he inherited The people whom David had con quered served and obeyed Solomon throughout his long reign He was rich in material possession u Km -4:22. 23. ?C-28> He lived in .-.plea dor far surpassing that of hi.- two predecessors. His father, David, had been on the warpath almost con tinually, but in Solomon's day there was; peace from one end ot his Kingdom to the other. He exceeded all hi-? contemporaries in wi-dem It .is not strange to read of Solo mon’s final downward step. Since many of hi-; wives and concubine.; V. ti t- Heathen. Hi v- us.en'ed *o th-» building of altars for their Gods. TTie man who had built the great Temple unto Jehovah and solemnly dedicated it to him now stooped low enough to prvide for the wen- J R Davis vice p. cstdent and directoi of -ales and advertising, behoves it Will be anothi-i: vein and a half before the buyer's mar ket arrives m the lower priced au tomobile field but admit it may be much sooner than that in the high priced brack- NEED MONEY? • WE BUY OH LOAN MONEY ON I HOST anything of yau e NEW BERN loan and jewelers I 213 MIDDLE ST. WE buy old gold. DIAMONDS, SILVER, ETC. Itl E RIGHT CAFE -1044 BROAD STREET •THAT'S THE PLACE TO EAT” Mrs. Henrietta Simmons M*r 1 i r~=r Honey Bee .Saloon J Jones Slreet Phone 4453 JEER. COLD DRINKS, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES Good Music. Dancing' Nightly the Isolated Social Spot Albert Williams, Prop. j j lor I ish that Are Cleaned | Ready Lor The Pan - See Us Bakers Sea Food -AND PRODUCE | 30 Queen Ist. Dial 3628 IT WILL ALWAYS PAY YOU TO VISIT Sparrow"# Surprise Shop The Biggest Lillie Store In Town. Complete Lin# Os Groceries - Vegetables - Notions - Druo* - lc» Cream ! 729 West St. ■ Papers end Magas net - 3065 ! I Dowdy Furniture Co. ‘ THE HOME FURNISHERS’* Take At!vantage of Our Easy Term Payment I 319-21 Pollock St. Phone 3229 1 PARDON ME PLEASE BUT / 3 xSm [I an jdea just j STRUCK ME | \ HI I-et My Boy t Sell The Carolinian * For Hi ft Vacation Money i i Vmswmv, ® " fl" '4 '■ New Kern Citizens Who Trade With These Advertisers Make Tins Page Possible siiip of lorb-ddcn idols The history iOf tlte Old Testament, reveals to u; the nature of man. it shows "Dot the way of man D not in imnseit lit is not in man that walketh to I direct he m ps." > Jet. 10.23' I "Who's smarter men or wo men?" Phil Baker, emcee of the CBS Quiz "Everybody H ini," says, "Match any halt dozen women from any studio audience against any half dozen men and the wonted will prove smarter every time." * ♦ * A big reason for the phenomenal success of the comedy ’‘My<t irma" (Mondays CBS) is 'that the characters are actually impersonal -1 ing real people Director Cy How ard patterned the cast aft*', the i group lie. lived with in a New York - ! boat ding house several yea: s ago. t | * * * Horace Heidi Is embarked on toe greatest barnstorming toui in show business histoiy In tit* next two ; months his NBC Sunday night tal ent hunt will have covered more - . than 40 cities in 16 states. . . . . | Cue of ihe fabulous things about fabulous Bob Hope is his uvtvadibU - ; memory He re in enib era Ih c j Bob has met. « , » Rig Memory ; A lot of folks win he switching theti Sunday listening routines lo j tali h Amot ‘n’ Andy now the famed J pair has switched from NBC Tues -1 1 days tv CBS on Sunday nights * * » Kate Smith who might aptly pe j nicknamed "The Most Listened-to j Woman in Radio History." is using her own records —numbering more j than—for her .Mutual "Kate Smith Siiigt" daytime show ft ft * Short shorts; Teenager Beverly I Wills starred tr. CBS' ‘'Junior Mu*" loves to eat pancakes and Ice cream —foz breakfast. Jeny McGill, wilier-director on NBC* ‘’ifig Taurt " studied law at Oxford | and also won Bi Rain's poie vault- S tag crown. * ft « Headline: Did. EXPECTS BUMP j ER CROP fN 194 S 'My friend ' D/nu” asks. ' What good are all those bumpers if vve **&'t get ; ; iUtftt’ ll— i NOTICE Back To School LUGGAGE $2.98 up FIVE POINT PAWNBROKERS 1015 Queen St. E. H, LAND. Prop. ' . »WMM. - -tt—YTTrrvnnivj-imp-. :..xia-juu.j... FROG POND SEuVICE STATION Washing. polishing, (ireashig ( or Burn \ Queen St Dial 2351 Beer Smokes Candy Albert Whitfield. Sunny Bryant CLUB "65" OF BEAI.FOHt Affiliated with Club “65” of lllfi Canal St., New Bern. Ses Food Dinners A Specialty. Darning Nightly Admitted by guest and membership rarl ). ao6 Queen St., BEAUFORT. N. C. Mularlti Edward 1 , Owner James It. Davis, Manager

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