’iJ KD AV, O CTOBER 23, 1D 13 NEWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLIM The Executive Coinmiffoe of Ihc Piedmont Dirtnot o! t. h ■ North Carolina Teacher.'? Assoc to • ti in met at th< Jordan Soil o tfigh School. Burlington, Satur dc'v, October !» Because of the mcnm enieneos resulting from a building pro gram in progress at the Jordan bV;liars High School, H C Gore requested that, the coin mi*, too ’find another place for the con vention which W'Ts originally scheduled to convene there. The Reverend 11. S. Dine, .Principal of the Mary Potter High School. Oxford, was contacted immediately and consented to ac commodate the convention There, the Piedmont Distr cl of the North Carolina Teachers As sociation will meet on Saturriav, December 11, at the Mary P'.i’.i r |High School, Oxfoi'd. The theme chosen ior the e-m --vention is. Education for F nr Rowe, Mi I 'C <<: :< vt Mi's. Lizzie Graves visiting Mi.-. Fugcne Blade .'- i ..■ Mi .1 zie Graves. Miss Sal lie L-.-a attended tin World Series games in Cleveland. Ohio, last week Sir- nx-nt to week with her ••:st , -r. M. .hlbu Belmont The Caswell County Training School began its Popularity Con test, Thursday. October 14. 'We are sure every group will b< i winner whether thev win t;h grand prize or not . "* K " and Queers ehx'tod are Sen;.- • class: Emmclt Lea and Hvtt; .• »Diggs, spony.e s M; .. B: n. VR McNair, M' Stiiiriwuk. Jim • class will n eat ‘ - , r . after the eonu-M. has prog;-. ; ! Sophomore class Ai p h n v ■ Chandler and Annie W.ihau -■•m. - sponsors: Mrs Boston. Mis.-. Dix. It's Blanket-Think it g Time I and Time To Think About That ( ar I( t. M. A. C Budget Pit*n ! Ps ynier.is 1 cq in" l on Repairs' " I Pair? ting.. I you, too, to know that you; chi 1 Accessories I ,s tuil of !>f,p a, id linger 'ac. WHHMMNMnr SIR WALTER CHEVROLET COMPANY 118 W. Hargett SO I BUMS ABOUT mm & ~ \, j Now you can gtvo d* ob onotli oct!V« qi n v bar .A-isj \~i the rich, natural-looking co! 01 that makes you / j \ \0 (| look young iv Aodyc.r ' !*»•■,-h * : !i oppiave, for '*/ /I I J jVJ Hollywood *tars ha wn that hoh col * so look your best . .Color your hair with Larieuse /ms yum younger **‘ unaflccted by hy«! j -0 permits permanent 1 * and stylish hairdos . . 1 M.'O known and used lo’ ovti' SO v«?art >our s ' ) f dealer will give your money bade. *? you’re net 1 j 100% Mtisbed. Have an easy, prerfesssona* at yo i' A V / lavorrle beauty *hop or buV Larouse a* Arty \ / t Aosmtdfe department o; d'Uflstare. 1 WT \ V>- x ...... n».»-... 1 V* •’** tit yowr <£*««!•»* d<»r« not *ie»vn MMMI $1,25 p'w» 25? fwd. tax gM»ir‘it “ COLORING * MF& CO.« «I 0 OUVS ST • SLIOUIi 3, MO GSGFGS n\ \ li» sr \Hi u SI I! \r v Si'll r, irv (it Agriculture (’ll.uli-s F Miamian sees plan for a re search survey of Negro S.anil' Cl hint colleges and associate in stitutions to determine to the ex tent to which iheir personnel anil lacilities may he utilized under the Research and Marketing Act. Lionel Hampton Sai<| To i)onal<‘ 5.200.00 lor Opening t?l Tamnai^n • los angk: s-:s ianp» i cording i.o repoi-: ban llc.i.i -i f.ione! | Daind- r, I yy.io imcitcd m ; secure •. vacant office ir th< Ne ! y'ro district in which to open a j campaign hcadnuartei's So • \V.iJJ.ve j Braden, licpuhlie.m oppoucut -7. i Helen Gahag;ri is :.... ; woman from the nth di-lrict The gesture w■ - said '■ . . *•„<• I been made hiivi, ! a ->-,u u ifHondH-.n,. rathe, t 0.,;, thV |of the vibe kir.r; In take any j. a i : in !>,>lities which he lias never bren j known to da. Bvarlen. who can yuih jft good raw- a, Mis' prim.ir.ic that (lie remained in lie final, w,,., | uno tinio coru'u.c'f* d w-H; p .. jCoitun rlub where Hampton uo !to notice as drummer wit! ... jHite'i band. j "There i.'ii'i .my his't--n who j has re'al; vi s n. r . q j .Stales" Pi imp Mitm-tci •y; i jof Fare. j Ml. Pe-hn,fill. ! , a. -MU ; ■ ; Roy Lester and FUeu Hil' Thy ! 'Ctmt.cs! will chese earlier than u ; ua! fhi.-, v.-.n ...., i>et von >. • in as early as possible. THE CAROLINIAN 3»r l.e.se H <»tis, left, supervi ei of .V':;n> agricultural r\tension x. urli in Alabama, has hecn loan i’d to the !>t partinen. of Agrieul ture to make the survey, lie es poets to begin toe study next wee 1 ' working out of his regu lar offii - it Tuskegi e ( sll 4 Photo by Pursy .he. Hyp Simple I .lu*fks lor M«U I * 1 »f .11 Oili)I IM K «s f«ivO 1 : ’ \i ; V; v 'Hi .car despite win j era Pv vu; iem- PCS ] '• ' ’•• ’ 1 ■ i ' ’ \ I L. Pierce, n.Jlioca] .tirnctoi ' !of the F rci Company T .cy arc .hi and chm*iiiti‘' ,r- : if tiv, rh' :n f . ;adjalrr cheek .■i ?. Ch.tf-rr - j.yinf' »d Hie ' 'if C'li 1,. jVI ,i j» . . dun: ? i*■»<• t »vt?l ichvdvp k-g. unh) Hv bat-cry is ttil- I tendi brook ■! | u / BQWPY b | | <975 Ji ] jp | i 4 /s ? Quart i: j p Tr.i m.?.» ft --rfr f : SMS • %x..Jb 'wfiS g ■ " ; "%.M TRICYCLES ' : TRU-MATIC ROAD ROLLER - '/# ■ ' Scl? ’ . ; - , ttoM :i!hw. . «n up "««•" si,, \ y fTyf ; L ¥ - W rnrtpoM t»«m j ... , ! F~ Hmc ~.. ~. •xi:' p for : Ci^irw^T^ : BOVS ONLY .. : »*■** ’■ o*¥ : TOOL CHESTS i “"SJffK'*® R * i, ' -'nslv >t L»r i *ot J'VCf-i n. S’-om. Du- * M •*»»>. # iCC" iFSa • * '• { 1,1 * Hsj »•. ' »n. Bo - -f Hr F.• r.o C *k+ : 1 " s1 “ ' - v si|29 „„ ; : •• -- ; Driver. Pl' Lculc-r. •" TGC-20M J Me Us • $2.74 * < ‘ J USE OUF CONVENIENT LAYAWAY j PL4N FREE PARKING FOB BLACKWOOD'S CUSTOMERS ALEIGH A FAYETTEVILLE if WASHINGTON i SI9 R&V ST. I > FAYETTEVHXE A # * * * * t « « u, » «, « to *»%•*. ■», • -k GAMES - DOLLS - SCOOTERS - BLOCKS i CONSTRUCTION SETS-COWEtOY SUITS GUNS t» ; Hundreds and Hundreds of Wany More . . . t ct£ hJmm stores si.RviNti NORtn t vbouna si\n: i»u MAIN ST. ins E. SECOND ST. 218 W. MAIN ST. GORDON ST. ■UfGTON « LUMBERTON * WASHINGTON -ITNSTON 404 HILLSBORO ST. RALEIGH ; SHOP EARLY FOR BEST CHRISTMAS SELECTIONS 4 STORE HOURS 8;00 a, m. to 6:00 p. m, 414 GARNETT ST. * HENDERSON