PAGE SIX <<y | u fi/fD?* < C ,, T , | ipM 'C? \ ¥ ripn Mi i.sA> MkJL W Jffc* .A- iilßfcinuJl atiln Jl> *#!»«», jL ! JBL JiL <%> Nitelife In New York NEW YORK (.AND LETTERS KEEP COM IN; to „ v - ab.-u (!".• nation wide hunt 1 sui; tod |. !. •- due tht lovlie.-.t (sur herd, dressed) brownskinned '.vena m . ■ , v.phere . Sin, ihe photogenic HILDA SIMMS • ».. ..... me p.-er,,- , . cause of het recent marriage, re . ; Acriea's hand somest colored 1.-t-auly . . LENA I A.:!: A ■ , ■eas the ms..l tract as far as the general pu'i >•- ~cr • 'r surprised it tht winner in such a content u .•;. ; , • ;i : i-, t • like H-nicm ■ 4VIISS REM PUDD, recent ,n;l.m. 1 in m 1 ; . ... vvoti-l and ar-ej-i i 3b though she could easily Kir ; ;,‘h; ~ younger, the eovc. gui from NYU on the N .ve-id-er 1. ' BONY nm-iuzin- ; some yuungste; miming cv. n. • p< 1 : t; 4 1 FA.RM CLI r ! ! duties down in die d:-er» -nth. ..-a Fu- Ft ! ;ung p r; > of 0re0..-,, or Washington State . . ! m: .- 1 : i! edit-;.-, to put their ■promotion-managers into this ciusado with tht- winner n vivin : ct.ntracts from Chester!ieki Joe Louis Punch Coop., etc ATTENTION TAI..KN 1 SCOI'TS: - Quito i-lto; we lose eg! : r-f tht fact that light hc:v 1:1 •ur backyard is tht gem <•( purest, ray st rent- as v/c travt l lir.- . w.otr\ over in an oftimo fruit - less vvitc'n-hunt. . JULIE K AINR. ainger of torch numbers, is ripe so; the plucking d name o.uul ieadcs.s ate willing to explore ttv territory that lies just ahead o' tht:” cespeetivi no: , So vritt .- BOBBV DOYLE, an eit; • mWI: Id Was II and ,-. barber in tiv Banks Lowther shop. Other youthful diserverier possessed o'. musical talent lhat rc-Quo; ori•-. tin- opportunity white p; nligiej receive, says Mi Doyle are: Nat Howe!!, trumpeter, .•.range; compos- r in addition *• having formed his own band of youngster-- VERNA MAE WIL LIAMS, songster; : LOUIS MILES, hr •me :.: r EDDIE BROWN, hand leader:.; and V Ell NELL DENNIS. '.Va.sninglen I .mg }F S, art-major, who will be •.•i-mcmhei «.-d lo ; ir- ..ur i.rl singing with the "Ravens" until illness forced he: :■• .; j, . . \\\, ..... prcciate letters like the nm nn- d u.- by Bt.-imy Doyle, pupula mnn-obout-town .10 e henrt as wrapped up t ■ advancing tile hopes of b'-ys and girls of real ability State Bands To Vie At WST Homecoming For SSOO In Prizes WINSTON -SA !,f s; 1 hii, Mean . .~1 <; i >,. : 1 y ~ dred dollars will be the; tal :>f sv- , r . , ‘UC.-i,. os I!" ammm mw-ciatuii, . ■ prizes to be mvaracd t • the ln-e .... , . rle ... ml* .uut Hum o.ltm le.'KU i winning: bands m fm Go- u.e.- , , ere -noted - .w- nouv-r tmnr ■•and contest 1- . . , s< itd by she U'r • a-SC.-w it .< cts ( ’lleiy Alt;run: AsßOciatiO:. : T. Iv • I.■: e ;* 1 . .ov tviU t-r pi - : v. ■- Bands from ail eve. d-c S.. eof ;•: lb. Bowsrain Grav :Vl.e>.: a1 - N'r-rlli Caro! n;-i have bo -i u - in ; u -•••■.ween . to participate in tti u. The Wi ton-Sarin Teachers ONV . : five pi /os are S2OO, S!2O. -T.>. $,Tj R..-us and th«- 2- -e.-op C. Stnur and SO. Bidi. Trie (::tnds '■ •!’ lake p n-t : ”Mis.« A ur.-ui' v. ill t-c crer.- rt-c: ornuui lvime-co-Pmu p.•■ ; cit v'- ie. :it .:■ <’ia{ ei•: •-r.all f i: ei . r-mon\ W'!! 1'... .VC 'he ('■ .liege , ' Evio.;,’. .it*;•>. Octutx 1 ?JX ;U .. '... 1! b on Sauu■day, ; '! . •;,. | i-i;,nee "Mu r p ■ v, ill :• d(.lTu.nstratiC-r s a.:d -he . ■ dicn-.g ' s-..!f -t the hav. l l- i:. Sap- r.. ee p ■ mm. :• .emus. puradc. Wmniu.t -. inci: v,;ii .. Tiek< sp. ~iJ ev- r •.!.-. aval’.ibis ’roceg' i.:-'c ir, ’he - sr.Pi liuir. 'no . -.ffice •-• / s'.;r (■-.•i-.'gc : o g.une. % § mm .* 8 r 5 u ; ARRANGE NOW TO HEAR HAZE L SCOTT THE AMAZING PIANIST IN ; UNT Kin RALEIGH MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM November 3 8:15 p. rn, AUSPICES: Shaw University Concert Series ' TICKET PRICES: Lower Floor $1.50 Balcony 85c Both prices include tax TICKETS NOW ON SALE HAMLIN DRUG COMPANY, USE. Hargett Street COMMUNITY DRUG STORE. 117 E. Hargett St. COLLEGE CASH GROCERY, 317 Tar boro Road LOCKHARTS SERVICE STA., Blount and Cabarrus S URNER S FLORIST, Bioodwarth near Cabarrus COMMUNITY GROCERY STORE. 901 Oberlin Road There's One Near You Buy j our Ttckei Taday LIONEL HUrtTOI TO PLAY RALEIGH NOVEMBER 1 I,p -cl I lumpton N •"" of 11-e ivibralru; m.'u.ter o! the 0.-unv; .md ! -vi/.n’d of :tu i-iann .. it! • i p. I I <• 1 :;i 1 .’..'11 co;:<H-r f■ ■ > Me eond i tunc M. I. V hen In . in. : m ] itic cit- . M-rnorl;.l \u l,i :> ium oi: ! On- fMi i.y.iKt;,. : i . f t f-.e <-u: ; V- •t i i n-e M;■-S ■• j. ■ jt. .liitns ’ wlsu won !'•;. . uipi:ui..i ■•:' : the local ism-, when ti.-; 'mar'.' I • «....- '.nil ie) . n several spoil, h, .-.g.- Leaving .mpreevv. :•f-l ie- • f-i’ i'r Plgh'ei,. in it. . ■’•ike. Lioml ..rid hi. i.piri ore '.-■•• p ining solid with th. -t-Hd S mill las they Mr:- v.-av firm I'ctim rsc.- J ~ii:s.. n;, ;\!.j pi, ; Alabama. < ;poi-i;ia ami !• 1,-, ;.-';, 1 L*rcakln;.: aKendfinci 11 w: ft. every. ! where There is j:./.- y.\t.; en-! u ; lng various rhoo's ; -.-?.., a:\rl ! ni.rpios to is'ill.Ue liie '.viinp.; ...::•; mo'ici.; iif l Pi torn .ictzuophile and ■’.ll those niter, ,-tcd d .ur. varie’:- ;-‘f folk music. But ii.c high• • ; t'd. s’Ophis’ticafed for;ns placed 1... \ ; !■ " gi-.iie.; I;-, Msg exponents ’ i -e<jts : -ir.- rd. only s icn as d . ! mifii ,;v:ralion but n high .1 Virtunf'.ly. :.| c t (la v kno .'. n ! "Han’n R Reboj tis- furs: .-x ampins of widen art; pre.-.-utt-u . i is’Ui'l .. Soutliern T.<ur . !../-• wi. if court« iu.i j. j-j ' v I O' leanand rs; eued , , i : .• i \ i twenti! s by •••c L-t lit:!, c. mi: that ".-.or.!' fi;;p;..n- - : ..l • r-setn in !!;.:• cabarc's' r.f (thic. ;m; Louis anil K -:- , City. Bed : i email,’d fm ! ...-.■! Hampl<-:i n. i c ,it ihe inierrreiatin; ih,p pep. : rle ui.riei sland . I ; -i- new j:.//, in ! i.pd fi ui a.- •ti the in • 25 -•’Oce T.iottci Hsissiis -1 H.-i.-lein ..'ml Centra! A-.-.-.-.:e :- -.shed the ,;i Me. ;iu: del and nr iI s. e of ;im ; ; 'in •: • ■ .-- rj . . Dnooein dance S-ano But that iiiusic wit.i; d; niprovi-ioi.-iinii kick is still .MV.- H Ilia.'.’ - forth v isii A. ■ r.a'i Specie! ' fiampum :-u,-.s i!i-, - '■■V. IV With a p-itr. VI rsi".p oi "K! . - ■Sd Hume " and H .rr.p.: jw .p. If vpo '..1,p, f , i irends and fads. No elaini can n>. i made ffamp ,-o|’, ’11:-,:.-." ' i I'lic. . ' "K;r . . I. Tty. ’'Fiar ’.CI tfuii e • :- .. ... 'll. :He play., them ah T'k re ~ .-r.iy one Mnw ius t Mu H - -- and f h:T p s i Till. UONIK HAMPTON SHOW SCHI-JM i. 5 fOcrMwi 22 Mobde. M.,h,- ;« : October ;M New Cri-T,: i Getoiu r2d - >■, ;, y\ ,, : Octr-her 22 (jrecnviJlc S ' : October Ti Afiar-’a. G,, ! October 30 Tu.-kcrc A . ; November ! -- k . N C j November 2 Raleigdi. N c Nnycrnhi r T fd S <’ iNovembei 4 ... Maxton. N C Not ember d civ-.: v.-r \ . c N r nvellibci' 6 Ours,an-. N i November 7-- Wtiiningtoii. N. ... SpHETBWFRS SEE? ON SCORING Whrm .1..." I T iuns ;md his U cyrrppci- invade Rule; j. for a dance a) Mcjm.rial AiKiiioriiim m Nov.-m'otM 15. Joeai fans will n avc she opportunity to we ms .1 A-ar the pggrefiatiim which r new, i t l :rip; li-ibiM'’.' he? L.,1 1 11 ■» ‘ Band in the 1 .and ’’ SuiCv J.h: I.ry-uo penned Ids- :m --sncn tol ”H .neydrij:; er ’ just as; -, v . vears ago .and ree-u-ded thi’ mim-1 tier with Ihe same perroimei which , comprise hi:-- s.ri. (be H .-n- ’ • n.ippers have come a long way. ; Hu-ing played logesthcr for more than three years as unit --a dis tinction which perhaps m> other fa minis hand can claim - they com bine a ,:i'oov> beat with fine in 1 strumentotiAi,.- Their ability ‘o • switch from s’.v. vt to ho* stktoip-; | them as a completely versatile tAt KTON BOVS IHATfBtn • ! -v- 1 - iimm 1 obser-’cri who ; ff’l id, i one ni the Wg fact' .- - making : - Honcydiip-pers a cttiu '■’« mb', is th- f.-'C-t ih;p if-- y f, .-tla.u- Mar iwi. jat-ksen..--. VVilhc and Jirr,- ir.'f no rcdnUni:. •in play :o ge’her hae twins. Master of the ft ro.- •. x. Jin'inuc t the youngest member at the- banc! ,-ditl aw ailing twcstiv- ’hire) 'n M'.drv it war. In- b sew ins which shot ’ Blavr M-c Jacks :■ ... the ’op of the 1417 jnke box lilts: !.in .> W’llie Jack on. ivho I'ia-H- '!)-. , . Ho.’.iv Blues” rn jm~ IN FEKSON—'KINC. OF THE VIURAHARP"—'-MASTER OJ THI DlTtb" |TT 45:' as. UOllia sa #Gt."Y HAMPTON.>’ ESTEHTAININ6 ORCK. k l Zs .... 1 .w* ¥.s -<Mk WITH WINNI BROV N-KOLAMI BVKTON \,' s A •; RALEIGH T ™, m ' f l ’MEMOftist pIQV, 2 iMjihidnil I • AUSITORISM - —_Lb— nMtrfflllii I A«|V Nj'f S! 50 „.. ■ AHir Kffi'raiiOll I Piilei', Ki«lsUii) ? i\L tlHiovirFilwr isi rm: <\\no 1 mi an Gossip of ihe Movie Lots j HOLLYWOOD {A Np; TTn; f : : i Eu j (. rol u-.w lp the : ).-- tH'viletsi V a rii’ty .-irtixtr-, inc ts i.ipniiv ..a nu-g ip N.uiini ('.‘lc, I .iii; ‘ !’• k i ...ikhu, R ’M;: S•■' i it-i \at it: I! Ha. t ai •. all ; working I’.ard i ■ rriuk-: the, ruerr . i.iatc.,l aiJi!iti)n lu tin Imw dlb -lann , (Gck u> wir> did! -'i'ci ;.i!: •.■ - m Cabin m the Bky n ■ Stormy Weather. ,):i. i • •’ < \•a k, iic iiyiiddri mi ay. ,i family. ( .-il of tla- wi-i.-J, AI. »> II srjicr. t ~ Ui year;, a .ut.ger witlt '* ■ r .': A-d a ..-i:..i ehn:;’. I.’it till; .ut ,\ j til it. !'T :r. her homi’, . She !. bow . ijsjid, "uHifjYd a’cr-tary in thy H. A How a d realty . . i i-. a ■ on { 'i.rttral. N c-fvvlla Cm mg ton on the .'. .iff ..; an iMAnn paper find-.- timr. . 1-. .itUd't schos.'l lour it-. vvirk Kalu- Miller w;ll It. pve i Tiu-d in' art 'mr Bach to Boogie -. • , -ml tin- r. t r n. Site leads' a coin ho ami teaches jia.ii < at her .tu-.H.i, Lcii'-i Hern-'i is a good vv<il!'n make-. ,N- E!a:,n- Rohinson. the ■ ; ptetty .rife o! top: (ianving B:ii R.” ! .ins. in. She -naki -- stack.-, for Bojanglcs aud Iheir lovrly dauehl-rr \o aiin a, : ai \ pa.iv w* i J i'>.- Jield ()-. ■ 24 newonait f,;-w i it.’Ucc E Lamar. NPB head. in hont-i nf :i ; 21. ; >. .-a, as ... nicmbur |ol tin- t.-uj'th ( - l at. Headed i’> f ■ ■ i;Bi-.e. t-r :. tit scmMiei: ■>< ■ i i angi-tg she at so : includes Not .King) C . i.'J K„ •. .Tec-:. - : j son Ain't ; At:dome.,: B .-ddUc. A';.-: - Key. Eouim.- Frank • ini. Lena T r-, Eddie Hurbridge. Herman Hiil. Jean Arti.i-:’. j live: '.’ttc I'M’ and eth«>; nu- Princi: Had Ahn-.-f prem.t th, gi.-nd rndge offi- j at a premnfi u-nre ha r,- ’ at the El Smnbret.. . .iic f ),a 21 ltd-::-, A. F Wall.- An ' nci (h'argt Vaugitit. 4 C Buttle s, I : Bum..: i . ;;i IT T. I.C, i :.-• a;:,,.; .. . , Il t ; a,-, i, 1 I ; 'i' : " . . A ."a. Hi. f>: tm [M'Oyi.m W' I i thy "Md'.,:'. u part rt ti" • 1 i’.:'t: t dl-’is-.-M !.M a-• ! Mr;;::! I’H'lgOS -a. eqna! st.itus will, whites. T(:< Ah. Phi A da.i Irate, -tv -a I• K„i,u;% nu;! ; s CH:-, ! ; Congf. hii. ix-nefit us then bolorsbip nd h -t-s-.- nmi K>b Pavrinh, : i-ig J- • T.,::;: !•' ■ . Gal and jilt 1,1.. en/,. f- iiiase, • : combo with .1. T. > ira ,< . will t-c featured on tin. program ! i ■ unatg up soi>u WiFi }>u Ihe -Moiinuoi •.•;.nip >;gn for the Mavov of Cent' .d Av.'Sii' • R.-chestc: i. tin i n mayor, :.oid Cu-’f..? \ , r.j. -■ .v tin- -d.-a-i iin , Bill Heflin pi-.-m.-tuig th; ■ aa.-.i-a . of Roy Ml!.ton for the honorary p, ' .loann’, Mwc and hi:- Fear 15!.’</;< hrna given : -e (Vi-’kol. | : > iuh an m.ii-swi of awah-d capueity crowds. King (Ad; i.-; going! -, it;... ~>;Ji> 1.-ci I s m;.mi 1 spot. EtF' ! Water ■ :rev stood ermvds aid fi< -rj o' . a Fr h,-r f.-,ur '- !•’.-. One Wrtinan Fa > ’>; : . .rale, ■ :a, !•;, , nans - ivv" is -a-. Gy v. ,(cited I:• i, • !•.- s i .nans who ton: Til •;•{•»!'? g w p. •b b'-u f • iAt I uhotcu'vrtniv- r it'-t fjrw {,;• I b hi" : '■ 11 • f ■ S- ; ; onGGi j-.; Cm An Ur\Gi, thvf'. Mar it D.-.aa. Cabfo: nab;, (n •: t IrcwJ v. cnui) p : .-«u, A‘ i b*k*k' in liv' *-nb rs r‘niiUiDt !(••■]<! ns a asni/ais •?;';!•••<•}• pianist . irs; a 'imaifi )r«>?n iH’i. rr*ps'.i J.ajj hu- Ibanry C‘ r >k<n , Arch nco'-vs, M hon Pradun-rc pnh’inH !),•„?. k . 'Hfpetu; If--' ! ;‘a : ! !r’-- fi&i'i h ‘r J t ;s‘ • at;• s of a-H’ .a • .-gFh .» Pi \- ;-b‘hnsAn: a; a . «< CngiGpC, anc! Tb.isms. Eh's’- (NAACP) Wilkins his charnung .vtf-• aia out lure, j Nnin-v-inda prr*dLkn‘ mr- v bo ir, Cm : i iroinm r?efr>- • 11-. f : rst Salome wifi, L'or, Fo: ?" :a sa,- tj,role proved to be tpiite or;':-/':! - • < : 'o; ■f' ■ a arias’. Othes ,' s: lowing promise in tiirti oro are Jsmes Beatwripiit and Wesley Gale. Op ... singer, Horodbi-’ o Cf’-.'i "-v •••'* -diF'S ! n na-itGcn iiirluua. /\nd t«> ;.- 1 -1 John Crosby she P A. P'-i I y ai ■ w s." wrote !it 1 iie CCst. (-•'hr .-n that the “L\m on jiiuruHe'- oy or ?■ ' on -aHo. blow aurJ that is os.uaUv every :* •. a.a. w.w * = •o- ' ; f!.,i) everv:.! dv 1 C.- like j.uitjping. '’•• --o ’ ret is ’1 * a 'Aid r• d''d, ~ . '' ■ ' ' ' ''' hfai^ y " " '' ~"Ar MONEI. HAMPTON BLACK ODYSSEY DEPICTS NOTED PERSONALITIES NKW YORK - Walter White, B< ok r i’ T. Washington. Joe Louis and C) u-pus Allude arc jus! g f. .v of the personalities >, iv icily do. pi el - ed ,0 R-.ii otic;. .- new book "Black Odyssey" which i-nbners will pub lish October if’. Keen ley aw.,re Ihot persona littei and anecdotes enhatiet history. Mr. Os tiev has inn a-woven his .factual iiuueik.i with a wealth of .fascinat ing storio " a bon! ! b.e race in America from the arrival of An thony Johnson in 1819 to 1945. In the author'.- own wore.:- " a reporter’> job. Since the bard iaefs ilonu wold not be euoußk to conva’.v fajfihl'ui impi'C-sion of the eircumstancQs of the Negro's life, the undertones as well as the over tones havt hern added to the re cord.” The result is a highly rea-S --!v 1< . sci'UpulonKly objective re p.',>i 1 api-raisa! of history. Fayetteville Drops Thriller To Sain! 19-12 FAYETTEVILI E The fighting "Bt ~e. •" of r ayeßtville State Root 'iters f ekiege liiojjiped a heaih hi-Mii tit hie ‘ Su.rit!" of Aiign-um-'. Collcgo 12-19 be fore crowd of Soot bait e.ii.ried tan.'. From fhc o[ citing ickoff to be fin;,: win..fie there spills and thrills which orouglu the special to the edge of their steals. The visiters drew tii’.' olood witen Hire , Saint's back, tok Cartel first pum of the nmr: and raced 95 yards down the del * f..< a touchdown. The extra , ;; e .... is ...y ;;o>'d. Eight mipntC.i ader St Augustine's Burch skirt ed h,s oo:: ieft end for 72 yards :ir.d a -u end touchdown At this . '■■■’. ■ ' Stale t 00... , {hr u A pas flams a t ■ Wes Broncos' lots a: a a;-.,: elil. . Wo: -ley to whitt va sc rood to rU! ivearkcvs The ex i, l i •■•eve Slide and the half ■•no 12-13 !t, favor of the Saints SAINTS M. our IN .mi) PERIOD r\f{,s o’ght nisiiavs of nks and •s.-k f ip Pa trnrd qt.UiH.i'i, :1: odf: '. e.n. Tabus back, took a handl'd!" n- o' Miles and weal over for the third visitors’ score. The ad muted extra point failed. The Temp cr; P 's-sniiid ..gain so the w arm; a of the game ’ lie ■ a series of posse- oil! the ball ntht i j-;ua -S fiv vßsd stripe, sir T ■ Sami iir.e heki, and the I re cr.dsT 19-1? jri favor of the Outstanding for the Teachers wen Harrison Mums.-rd,- Martin. Ciishinherry. Burch, Worsley ami fvicAlipeev while She standout.-, for Ute Sainst were Miles, Hives, Burch. Banks and Quid;. The of ficials wen- Dt Berry, A. and T., referee. BiirmTc, West Virginia, umpire' AmisUair Shaw, head ii'aaaian: t’arv Knox v die, field Lincoln KALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Sunday Monday, October 24-25 KATHERINE DUNHAM And Her Troupe “CASBAH” Wilh C-srlo Pc tor Lorro ( olor < art Movietone News Tuesday October 26 CHESTER MORRIS Constance Dowling ‘‘BLIND SPOT” Pius Special Musical Subject, 'SMOOTH SAILING" Stamnq THE ERNIE FELICE QUARTET ’Wednesday Thurs, Oci. 27-28 June Allyson. Butch Jenkins Van Johnson “THE BRIDE GOES WILD” OcJditj Reel and News »i the j Day ALSO Chapter 54, "The Vigilante” Friday-Saturday Oci. 29-30 j DOUBLE FEATURE j George O'Brien —IN— “BORDER PATROLMAN” 1 AND BORIS KARLOFF BELA LUGOSI --IN— “BLACK FRIDAY Also Chapter 7 "THE PHANTOM RIDER" | _ THIS THEATRE WILL OPEN DAll.l' AT r:,30 WEEK «mw, R ITITinAY. OCTOBER 23, 104 S DON’T MISS SHAW UNIVERSITY’S GALA HOMECOMING FESTIVAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1948 GALA AND COLORFUL , HOMECOMING PARADE 11 :'M) ■ Participants n>cel at Rales fi*h Memorial Auditorium. 12:30 Parade, Jed by American Legion Bugle Corps and two-of the leading high .school bands of tho state, will move up Fayetteville street. Stellar attraction: The Rea! Shaw Beat .. An V 8 months old, 135 pound live bear from the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, cour tesy of Dr, Dennis Branch .of Newport, Tenn. Beautiful floa ts and score* of cars. Negro busi nesses and organizations, Alumni and friends are urged to decorate cars and join t’he parade. LINE OF MARCH: Fayetteville to Sargett Hargett to Blount Blount to Cabarrus \ Cabarrus to Blood worth I Blood worth to Lenoir ■•A Lenoir tc Chavis Park ANNUAL HOMECOMING CLASSIC SHAW BEARS —VS MORRIS BROWN WOLVERINES Kickoff at 2 P, M. Brilliant Halftime Activities ■—- Formation of letters SU and MB by Physical Education department group directed by Mrs. M. R. Cc-ok. Core nations: “Miss Homecoming'', selected by the student body. ‘‘Alumni King and Queen.” selected from the Alumni family. Music by Bands and Bugle Corps Throughout VICTORY SOCIAL SATURDAY NIGHT AT 8.15 AT THE COLONADE Tickets in the hands .-of Alumni. John R. Larkin, Chair man of the Entertainment Committee STAYING OVERNIGHT ? Suitable homes for over night guests. Mrs. M P. Lane, Blood worth St reet YMCA, Chairman of the Hospitality Committee. i TICKETS ON SALE AT: Hamlin Drug Company, Hargett Street Community Drug Store, Hargett Street 1 timer's F lorist, Blood worth Street Central LVug Stcre, Davie Street Lockhart’s Servicer* Station, Blount Street

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