PAGE EIGHT Continued I ron) Page One REGISTRARS FINED law”, but ’Mod that some pun ighmerit would have to be mi posed. In dismissing the <*harvi again t Miss Pul tot'd, th. ,n: ritt d tire fact that her 1 ,, ,; ( j ha come one dav Her she i lr appointed to i! n ■•' < Hawcv it '.v.•• voiuted out, ■ fused to : i t’.; t i-i Ino Negroe When the f: ■ ' .;>••• • ei.i one then resinned I- hu they madi then -ecruid at*- mpt at registra tion. Murreil, ;m.i -.-wi .aia-unind th< post, of rogisln" which was va rated by Ha /,' - and later re fused to register several would be votejjs whom ho !v,d give: •tests involving the reading, os. plaining and writing >f M.otium Seviral of those whom Muriel oi the Constitute n refused registration, i! dcvclopo later,, were graduates of co!i< no or universities;. Despite the filing of the >,.>,■ which led up to the fining n: th. registrarat i" .-s vx mstanc; of denial, of registration of NV grots for the November 2 g.m era! elections have been rc-porlo.'. in counties throughout the stale In Brunswick. County, c,)-.v ever, Tinsley Spraggins en of Tidal of Jim I'L'Uiv:, ■.!■■■■ Ci;'/ reported that fourteen Ncgror. had been registered in Rohvi and If wit ot he g.-nips r ! beer registered withrvu’ incipient ir most of the place?. where lege action hah been i:■.■: i’;,vr -| thus 1 asm < I its r:ie-vi‘. friends. re.,i.dine m ohcavi rr,,, growth cans ~ }l the need ,t o ]-j, a or Quarter'--. During the pa-toram of ip--- Merry, iHthi ■ 1 h ;. us add-.tmi? * organizing. buP-Ung im >; ; bijlldii!;: and mm-mg j,. i; . . place and -■ lure r buiHm-:. ?h --nseint'cnship ;;itw t--> id ■ 3,000 on.-*er hi- wadei-xl-iio Through the •■ears, even mob now .some oi Nccro -Mru -rica' ■ grvrtles* p’ ‘ ■ : ' ■;< -mg ■■•'o' - scholars, teacher--, edit., nessmen ru Men s and administra tors have served have been de veloped „t Spruce SI vert, I inti men and women. Today, a- a real down-town church" Spruce Sti- -t still serve - - the descendants -.{ th?' organizers and early member-.- n. - ,-!l as tec genera! Rapt! i ,U: -n.. v. inch:;: in-g many students teacher: and administrators of Nasbvhleb |wjffCHES| c* ' 4 ., £»Mi. Never An Interest *>* Carrying Ch-sigs Raleigh's Leading Credit Jeweler*. 137 Fayetteville Street Dial 2-3751 I many schools and college:;. Opening the 100th anmvf: , • with a homecoming and fellow ship emphasis, on Nov. V the day will he highlighted by a fellow- I ship communion lid lowing the t ui.-wninr sermon b> Dr. D l 1 Jcrnison. Selina, Ala. ptf-iier,: ij of the National Rant is I • >•. ei lion. USA, Inc. The afternoon w , ! feature a memorial m • -o ' > ( sermon by the Rev F. L. San 1: dors, forrnej pastor, of t | H tme, Ga. I)R. Itt M ill: ! leaders also. When Count Bernadette was •••lain, Dr. Bundle •’-as mum in > temporary charge ot the -ommm i sion seeking sonic solution to the s j vejegtious Arab-Israid confrovtr -1 ; sy. 151 SI NESS SCHOOL !’i - -md friends, and farmer gr.idii -> j ates, is continuing to iwrea '-. An Anvil,Cion is likewise accorded the | public to make lontnu'iUnns m tins ; ir eject. ! This school is the only accredited i j business school for Negroes in i North Carolina and is serving in a I unique way, the already establish ) ed and developing business of this •| Si ,ns : itEPoirr"meeting | Lenoir- Martin Workers Mrs Helen Jenkins | Margaret Walker. Mrs. L. M I Pov'cll, Miss L us I/the. Miss l-’li/ -•ih-cth Wallace. M; - Maigace! j i Alston. Miss Man'.a Mia Is. Mr ' !- M. Thompson. ; Martin-Eder.tnn Captain—-Mrs. Spurgeon Fields. '- • C/-C.'i«tain, Mis- Mary Philhpr, 1 W ».-ker. Mrs. Elizabeth Andrew , Mi:, Ji.ihr’:;ic Dalev. Mrs. Annie Currie. Mrs. Catheritife Winter.-,, 1- L. M. Hodge Mr- Gladv: t.funf, Mis Mab) J’lovt;- fri * , •* t ;i ko * ‘'\e chill ! f her 1 infers . they*re a!! n the ’..*>* woodedui colors imaginable . , r p ds blues, greens, C ..-■'7 s m V - V -s-" 9 everything ' Choose a pair for Christmas giving. Ss/vs 1 t 0 \ ffig*' 97c to J. 45 '"N m*- MISS RALEIGH shop mmum rh' 7 Insurance Building | Gertrude Ligeti. Mtc. Lord. Mrs. Tulia Turner. Mrs. Johnsie i Flagg Miss J. K. Hick-.. Mr,-. Ah ,fied Stewart, Mrs. Jesine K. Da- KAST RALEIGH SECTION , | Mrs. A. H Thorpe, Mr Sim j mons, Mrs. W P. Dcvam, Mi> IJ. G Robinson, j FOURTH WARD SECTION Mr A E. Robinson Mr. M in I A or]:<>ws. Mi ■ linin Hogg, Mi It m-v Hawkins. METHOD RES. SKCTH'V , j Hr Leonard Rocovs M- E A 1 | Johnsnu. ’ CHAVIS HEIGHTS Mi Lucinda Move. Mis.- Mm ioi Dark, Mrs. Lillian Freeman, j Mr. Dorothy King, Mrs Bionnie ; Pulley, Mrs. Effie Hickmrm, Mr | Lydirt -Smith. Mrs. Cora G. Lewi;. Mrs Herruidine Hope. Mr- Sadia i I Harris I SOUTH PARK Mr. Albert Whitaker Sr, Mr -! •£. F. YouUA -Mrs. Della Myatt. :vlr. Dolma Burt. PROGRESSIVE PARTY mgiil until eleeliuii day i j We have a good luoru.mi for the ■ people of MPi jitiitr,'" Miss Pi ice . said, ’and we iryiru' io let as j many people as possible knew jusl j: where we --i.i.nd on the issue:- W, , | think it is lime candidates for of s i I ice in N vi‘n Caiotiua supper! jus | yfuoiing on nates in ordr.-i to eatcii She listed as some of tnc Pro j ure:- Ives’ main objectives for the ; state repeal of the sales 'ax, a ; state minimum wage of at least tide j -m hour, revision of the. Uni niploy- Imen! Compensation Law to provide •vide-; benefits, repeal of Chapter •T2S 'anti-tutor law'* $2,800 year ' minimum pay for school teachers strti) slits bonus for veterans, and ’ more- rural roads, eleci tic ity and Happy Khmer New Year. Get set For Winter With A Bright. Chill-Chasinjr Coat And Wooly-WaiTn Gloves Whfn Y’-inter - '.vinHs b-egni to bhvv. \ our daug-hiet will need a warm coat . . so come see Mother and Daughter Fashions* colorful selection. We have c-oierts, velvet... and suedes . .in blight plaids, solid colors, and combinati>:>n aII in v> arm 10) r -h Loafs in children's sixes 7 to I S and pre teen size.- 10 to 5 1, Leggitt and coal sets in --i.'c A to i>\ Legging Sets COATS 16-93 to 29-95 16-35 to 39 95 SASS-M' SLATES erne'! iiy the. standards set by thi ' Association in rating Negro schools and col leges and evaluat ing thu prugicss they have h’.c-vi i iv : period of time. Thi in.-iiu ic! ship cf the assoei a tion con- 1 d. of college pt esi ; dent',. I principals ot Hr in T Negro schools together ■/ u;: I. m the field of edu i. t;■ -r. S. K. Duncan, State su mu viroi .. Negro high schools i? nr ■ ; lent of the Association and i, S wart, president of Barber ; .Scotia at Concord. N. C. is secrc • tary treasurer. Williston eargerlv awaits the ar j rival of the pedagous ui our fail city Committees gre endeavoring :to leave no stones unturned in j efforts lo make the occasion an ; incomparable one in the school’- S history . There'll be three history making days (December 8. 0. and . 10) when our community will b< host to .several outstanding edu | cators. PROTEST "mmi The speaker aiso cited the d'-- ‘crnuHatien of the organization , to continue its fight, for equality of educational .opportunity in the -chools of the state and de clared that every effort would be made ht-ck the creation of a 1 second-rate medical school in the stale for Negroes and continua tion of a second -rate law school. I The speaker was inti educed by 'Charles G. Irving. The invocation was delivered bv the Rev C. An dre Kearns, pastor of the Davie St Presbyterian Church An m ! strumrnta! solo was presented by i partment of t-he Raleigh Public | Albert Saunders the Music Dc- School System, Fan ness is never regulated b> • prestige oi puli, but gives a square ! deal and pay-ir-full THE CAHOLXNTAI New Class Officers Named Al Washington KJ ' The sixth period French class at the Washington High School here, has elected the following ; class officers: Miss Lillie Watson, , school reporter, has announced: Joan, Artis, president; Mary Ann Jones, vice-president; Dons Nichols, secretary; Bessie Hunt- r, ■ assistant, secret ary Constance Baldwin, treasurer; Arnetta Mor gan, reporter; and Miss J. E. Hicks, advisor. New staff members of the ECHO ;.re Thomas O'Neil, editor in-chief, Lillie Watson, assistant A survey in one typical large city lost year showed that food took :.!!) pei cent of the budget of wage-earners? and lower-salaried clerical workers compared with 30 per cent in the mid 30's. LONELY HEARTS Lonely? If so, join the New Glory Colored Club and have sweet heart:; and pen pals everywhere, Details free and ail letters confi dential. Address: The Now Glory Colored Club, Box 588, Bridgeport, Conn, Pock Health Into * School Lunches CMidff" the rich »>s%.* MfSvIH? Milli CeU Iht H ’ft f.. dirt n rid nttn • f ore ymo HANOT Oil K.iptniv \f. ■> -tin! lubricates cius*.'. h ting Ofivt- -itch a:- stprtere, generators*, and distributors. Helps prevent damn gins? ru:*». finish. - . ' ~ " “"1 a OTHER w*™* RRIVINA NIIOS f'OR THE RIGHT LUBRICANTS, IN THE RIGHT AMOUNT, *fHACI old., smooth-worn tires .i«w with Grip-Safe At UsTlres. IN THE RIGHT PLACES... i 'V^ reliable VabHcation in i >ot h c'’ \ d ?.! ndh oi w* a r.her. *** \. Jf 8 ESAO CUP outAst A slab!. . water-resistant grre«;«. for ipecial application where heavier gr« mp. is required. WEEK ENDING SATTJKDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1948 ,472 REGISTER FOR FAIT TERM AT WSTG ! WINSTON-SALEM Eighty I tour of she sitidcnts registered ;>( | (he Winston-Salem Teachers Cot liege for she fab quart ' • arc ! crans. one of them ;< : ,rly accord-i log i, information received from 'lie office of i he •<-gistr ■ >f i•• e ; college. j Os to. 1; ; St, lf'. rep, lend ;e ; die ..••■Head thi quartet all m I from Notch Carolina cx< Ot ■ . Hi der.U rite,-. J 5 students eom< from Hi ■••tab' with Virginia !, .ding with to>; t. -e, , od South Cm : olina, Nr ,- Jersey and Kentucky tiexl. Tin are a few students from i*i\g knt o r o n s „ . “■> 1 rsso MOTOR Oil «ts easily at It.* -A’ tempers.tutc-s lot p.-asv sfavt’ng and o'tiick protection oi moving pirts retains body” t hI £h r ns?i -if• tc mr^mturt-> f*: »• f•fh r- j r. f jJJ {jT!«".». T ? Os? 11 d ?O W ot! /.• on .s um pi ion. jv*. »: Ifpi 5 ESSO SPRING IUKRICANTS K Spring tiressc and Ks- o T'. '” !t r ji - in;, :irp «?«.» H d^> , w t *ed (or -pe'.'’D sprint pro •■/ iciclnn g -• f < ■. >«»i > g r.pera ; tlbii. ! ' 9 ATLAS RO-Gl.vnr Hel;*.' ~rol,«v life t»f rubber party «nd fittitigs. Will not injur* Jiatural or syn thetic rubber. frirtflU> t or car Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan:, i Maryland, Pcnsylvania and one : student from Connecticut. Florida | Georgia. Oklahoma. West Virginia, i Washington D C and Tennessee. Leading North Carolina Counties from she standpoint or try nuT’ber '"I students arc Forsyth Cuilferi, : Edwcombe, Nash, Davidson. H-tli ; tax each with ten or more studeni: represented The total nurmbu of ; students imu North. Caroline j 397 with I l coming from F , vy |County. Tlie freshman class h .. tm ! largest enrollment with a total of 158 persons. There are 132 m - > .mores, 70 juniors, ill senior- «,i one unclassified student. ( LAssini n ,\i> 2 ROOMS FOR RENT Oenllr men. Dial 5782 y . 2fsSO KR COMROWNO-Multi-pur iwafe gear lubricant for transmis sion.-. steering gears, and rear *x!e. Quick flowing at low tens oerafurf tor easy gear shifting Long-last! :s prorf rior at high tcnfjperature? and high speeds _k. fiSO WSTE6' PUMR GSI AStf Highly resistant to water and leakage. Withstands high engine v<*b, r ipmui.r-; 4 turns 10 ATI4S OOOR -*Ast -Stamle.-o-. v rather proof lubricfint for car door fitting-, and hood lacings. Helps stop squeaks.