PAGE SIX CENTRAL INMATES TO HEAR HEAR HONEY DRIPPERS Nitelife In New York NFAV YORK ANi- W reth- LENA HORNE decides to pin the CO PA or no! an• »,-ier xeasui her advertisi-nii-nt no di-hi in most lavish showered upon an who t-vvr piov.a e . Dump.', tier stav on.- 1.1 way con. mentator and at least one na .n bc-r of 400 SOCIETY ag: e tha the br-nvnskmned ■d < .>; 1 t.-. n Ainvt ica'r tip ruteduo :>j;t*». Who was it ra. i Parts and du " W .oIJ tt. saying moan to a : t who plan lit:;'-ring 1.11.’K1 FLLIGTON K.iolv or., nigh stand) on Saturda> nit<-, Nov. FI (.3:30) at Cam*-Kit* Had Dm one l iar Ellington and tor! ttia they've heard jie.t annul all tha is is SUPER in ja.-z-reruhtioi As vt t- go to pi os- otir . r ie:; NORMAN tiRANZ : ;>f< St lit- -.1 (Nov 0) at •' a.oegie by Mere ui.Records. hr ha lured were. COLEMAN HAW KINS, FLIP PHILLIPS and on rational CHARLIE PARKER MURIEL HAHN looked .sliplit ly tired as slu- sang on the "Givi em He.iLHarry" (Truman) politi cal visit to Ha: l> in Uet. 28. He singing, however. wa.- up in In usual n..-;h un-a.r.g: HENRI ETTA LOVELACE V. t-LANK great singer and her hubby MG Stroililfg mi Anisteida-u air I4sth St., n oi. ?-. ... <<• bar b wills this t p '?i t:i< otrr gray-dawn. A ietlt r from CLARA HELM, -.dub editor r are ing w Ift of •Jimmy " (Ticket Act la Y i lit its'.. i -'- CIW ti .n ■, bout tin.- unmisl; aanh beauty of HILDA SIMMS. ;h «. lass who div-irccd 'a niathi-ina tics-teacher (Me. Mc-« to -a- : in London :event •. it's tin kin at letter we invito n.nd ~j>o ociat, and weil jr,.. Lt, y,-.. when the milk i. p.vni BOSSY it'll!.; - eh.: t Iht i. o-t i on the pumpkin Go 1 a.til 0.11! aI id MV the ED DIE 11. *; WOOD TRIO :. . titled "Ti-.. Wav Vo L . ,!•; 1 . night" and "Th- M 0...-. VV i Yt 1 low’ t a-. O-t : m;’!,- and Hev.v. d'-. is a thing -. C U -A lii o mi. - . : .' is all that good . . DC NN IN’GER - i xph.n.v: n <•! the t Hutid.n; voice m e s.-: ,r; - icav.- ::ve;t Ilai !em dwellers aw encounter a. awed and nivstd'ii-d a if biaek cat's hind lee was dangim over PI-.Hr Y HARRIS ( '(RNER -ce pended Ivy HARPO MARX m ft •: . -a* t m Strain of, I'm i'. .■ • • m;; Lis:!.', tsk, tsk. tsk Hit* IP-- .»•!wa\ d o matic - fft 'inc. of the tin .yi-i the 1 creatc-t m>ext m up! :w >:• a.ou ~i is STREETCAR NAMED DF SIRE On ti- ... t; spl ine voters g.. all a . INSIDE /•> . HONEYDRIPPERS lr h Over WRAL ji ' * _ [ , *J*M 4 (SO to 4:30 AUTOGRAPH QUARTER HOUR 5:30 to 0:00 Washington High School Band, Host Haywood Soda Shop, 45 9 S, Bloodwcrth Street Harvest Ball 9:00 P. ML to 1:00 A. M. MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Raleigh, N. C. MON., NOV. 15 Advance Tickets Now On Sale $1,50 . USA thi play r. was ;t: v iew • .V ed .... 'A't '! i . EG CvO DKjEa-i a. At B'ockiyn";. BED FO R 1.) ie REST, over on La.-'h-i ri Park n av. iv the smooth oik oi ESY MOR ALES, a rumr.a cutup, is go mg groat r-.aii ; Ami ■t■ 11:*■:isis<•' i them when DICKIE WELLS in :e. ti oduced them -it CLUB EBIhNY PIG MEAT, star Ed Sulli van's television, TOAST OF '1 UK i'OWN, ..o at CLUB d 845, Brens. Tin show !.ii>• ■, if strictly inter.acu-t. it being i.. • U first time in Bronx history that d whip apd ' lcii-.i entirta nc d. have appeared m one show. The ”-t iiil! presents in addition to Fn: A meat Markham. ITIE DAY M DREAMERS. -in ..i - Mai; o! - DANNY ROSS - , . i. o- how ...o i - i.dhei crack acb EDITH CIA I V. .a • !i- el;. v Oar is another who say., oi Lena 1 Horne's drigiii).*. "Sne ho-' ir.oia dranmlii li.-otinei loan an-oio -1 " sing me i > tlo- c untry or in Kir Mis.' Piai, quite a warfak • 1 in he: own right, sane in <'< man prison ramus, she aha v smucgled in (Ed Sullivan v: ■ fraudulent pa- pm is to Fren.ii " |ii isoners. >k(;ko stvh mw ww w sum ci ts HOLLYWOOD BH) MOf.!..YWOOD AM" - V. i: iid doubt :!■ 1 eonlvovei-sial staj 'hit "Deep Are To h- .. -,- • v.’d -in. ii.ckn -1 shu\v of then Ic. i ; r-i , . ..... • . F. "i-m.-i Bel (L-.kits, Hel>', Drake u md Betsy Bknr won one-way tickeK to Hollywood for Hie:.- d.-i " ’at t> .tm ’nance? Tla- I. intinc': .. mo\ e carcei ;- Janies Ed ward.- 33 .veal--1 .i.t Negro actoi. ' h.-.r lu el: i;,-l a U.j, v. ;h. Robe.! Ryan -n RKO Radi. ' *!li D.rl.rk! d: .a;.:. "The Se: Up ' Kdw -rds. w!n> 'e-. .-d th- I. !••'.-Ugh' ;i, • Anna I.iic tr, "Al - • (.. a 1,-1 lie,; *!..!- ", day r eh "tiei a '( ; , .1 . . ]\r, .. -. .. 11:; lu..;t ( a v ; tiicn hlp Hi joins a eret wldeli ■ ne-u.di Audio-. T;.: w Otsi-1 i.v ■•'! rjfi c:, <. T r.j >*• .-. . I 4. ... }‘ t I, V J ( >.‘4 [/! i .’,'J lJ Ji l*\ J f’t *| i; tv ;h < ’ \\ iM* tiivt"‘'tji :ind i* • ~| • i .'.iiMane proiiuc*-"' S \\ \i)\ S\W IS IN THE CAKOLIM.AN I IP #1 \ if i oiJi | S&mm $ i 1 i . v 8 ■' i• '■ a. HiM|f : $4 i i 11111111 8 i& fiPCJiif:!ji ; jilllifll SLATED Fo R FAYETTE- Lam) into ill. Bkj Farmer* VII.LE Lmnel Hamj;loii, out Warehouse at Fayetteville lot ■landing bandleader and vibra a dance- «u Dot ember t. harp ariiid wh : . will lake his ( 1 \ r \\ \ ' '\ V ])- V. /. i f ■' ‘ //; if L. KING OF' BE-BOP ■ Diz,y Gillespie frenzied and frenetic t-xpanurtjt cl the furious and iul mimilintj i xpre.-.::ien oi lhin>r. known as lb e new Jazz" or, in the parlance o( Ihe j-laster - pinners, - he bcp.' win will play two one niqld 1 u::::in K, m-th Cardiina in llvr near future. The first dale will be played KtlucatorV. 10 Be Bi oadcasl Uncsl Mr:, Purl la Wa iiir.pton Piltnvin d.i\u;hlf. <;•' Booker T. vVos‘.dr!L.t;ui ' ■'-t ;' i'< 0 A: i •< i ■:t.■..: i. .*l > n New York City to aiC-rul the sp«-r. kil *:*.<!*«» )>ruadc.::.t of Tiiu Btirnui: Bt, )L -n "Cuk a i cade of Aio. rir... which i.iii'M ■>:. !.t)' fathri i»n M-.u. d..\ Nuyt-iiibu; jt <; lh M. UNI ovo y-i,Uon WPTF .Old NBC Accompany in o. her from !:*• home cl Book* r T. W.tfhiiicm? Birthplace Virginia, is S. j PUB lips, pjcsiricnt o! the* Booker ! Washington JiuThpLa »■ Mernoj ml, i ru.'n-pi of it organization which sj >• n Mur u. Coining ccucr in a/micul tcir arid industry at Booker '1 \VnL:l!'-;uu IT Tl j i j.PcJCC. V1 • i fi11.... IT'S . , . 4:45 A New Time For YOUR Favorite Program “in The Groove” Monday through Friday at 4:45 p. m. YOUR Musical Request Program DIAL WNAO 850 (WNAO- —FM 96.1 me) i 111:, t VGC 'MLI.GI in New Bern s Oily Aru ,ry t,n Njvemb'.i IS. The second will briny the torrid lunesmilh ol the trumpet the m«n who h-ok turkey off he idb!e and put it in the mouth of every swinqster. to Raieiqh's Memor ial Auditorium :,n Nov 22, BOOKER I . TO BE Honored on nov. Mil! KROAIiaSI in h< ■[ tl\-- \T<i\\ Amenea* 1 * due;‘-tor ,ii!(j loinuh-i - t TiS'-kece 1, : InstiirL*. Bi'itkr j- l \V*.i Tington ii C av. ictuic oi Ame rim present Hie Bui ::ih .B11si; ■?: Monday ; j Noventbcr 15 at H P. M RST ovt* / NiaU.n Wi re and NBC 1 . The <jm. T . Bunk:.*.*" J . Wa ’hi.-igtun IVlvmoriit W : * : "The Hurtlin'* Bu-h” is the rto: i.i VV 1 .,. luiipt:*!'. • r-.iri.v life .'Ji.d In : -ti iis;»*.Si“. i.ii'Emr.t civ.u i,dds, firs : ;u übt.iuuiie ill:, own education a a H;it:ipli. 11 Instil ill* and later in 1. n tiic.iir> ■ (A Tuxkei'ce instiluti I- i iirithe e years, l.luukt r T dr ; culed th.-it education wa, the mos 1 : mi.- a,.- load to freedom for In ■wr% * * nr*i Beating ihe bun i>y alvin uhsr.s CLAUDE BRANDON PICKED SADDLER, LEVELED OFT, AS EXPERTS FLOPPED YAN KEE S WEISS. CHARTERS JUST POLICY JOE LOST IC BROUGHT THEM IN N.-w York (ANP) A.-- w*. watched supers Sandy Saddler. year-old Harlem reared feather• wri.Mii! annihilate el assy Willie Pi n to join the immortal Georg Dixon, Kid Chocolate, Hank Arm strong. and other colored .von cier,-. o! that division’s history, our mind ran bank to a story we : uted recently. A group «»t \oiingster.* who like to converse on sp. ts weekly with stationer Claude (1. and on. asked nu? to chat, with him for thie, benefit. Said the -sport-consi ions club mem ber: - : V\ ,tii ail due ivspect to ex pert: like J< i- Bostic and youi -11 Dan Bo: ley and cartoonUt wi itcr Ted i o roll, we think Mr. Tops' t.dl.s tic right turn da a* X) r.*vvL*. iy js any of you. He may not be a write, o: a it cognized authmity but ark dun what he thinks Sandy <ow ■o;.ni Saddle! will do against Willi- Pc-p :!!<• Friday nite. Oct. • at Viadison Squar, garden " Like a wideawake reporter who . anog ni/ac-: licit true .ViStloni is wrapped up in the person of Lin n - ■ ( idurn Imi>»\ n in the we porta.nt loll; wa - made a pop tail L- 1.■ n!k» ; Brandon in adirua; • ti'i’s. There lu was a a huge as Sam iVft Yea. tile fly liter oi Jack «loun-:on v . cr. and no : trio j»et to u: at. ail Vou :a til. o. id - '- uidri t call turn Mi. Brandon, but - ath. - bv the e.t. v handle at >■ mentioned above. After a real old ho.hioned laugh over the faith of tiles, kids that brought tear.- of lev streaming down Ci ... b ' checks, he said this in simple languam - : WHAT'S WRONG WITH ODD MAKERS!?) "u-s, in nr, humble - opinion .Sandy Saddler is you: next fea therweight champion of the v. w In, I - tom what 1 nave *• i, ' Saddler woo for two veara has o - -it chasing Pep, tin odds of 11 *• 1 <n - even if they drop to 2 to 1 aie all wet Tips long .stringbean col ved bt.i\ is a punching-baby - ••«.! aad na,;:c as far as my opirt n r, i mum: He , i minds me mm - ol Panama Ai Bn.wi, than in' ; :<l l lc■ i I haw seen and ! haw oet-n lollowing boxing since my ■ ia-ed m i.u deep smith, •'Loathe to rule out i: . ~-m am - t f-;sf ai)] ishi: - d W i’ltei son liol h the white and An rro sheets 1M: Brandon , jiitmued: '• Now nun,.! vnu 1 am no Jim McCalley l in Daily News Jo { Trimble, Frank Graham, Joe Bostic. Dan Ba; ley . . os an Al Moses. I am m-s a sport-bug, one who loves eve. . tb at; that outstanding c 010,.,! now and girls do in t.ha! line. ! ’>■ to list - : ato the mho IVila s - ip i-i.-'scd to know natch non* a' wit '---e objects than 1 do, then go ; ‘ff and dupe things put to my ‘•w a satidacion in mv wav." HOW THE EXPERTS HAD IT H. s, him; into a counter -1: aw - o our gt rnal host cane out u itu o'Vfia! newspapi r clipping.*: neat s' ■’ - t out and pa-ted in a stuck ‘-uok After a b? h.-t pause no «uid: ' Ah. here ii w now !. f: s a. ha! people He sel n*aeh them 1 ii - way accept the Es<-;io/j- so e esly thrust to.them and .a sh.-'.v then. thru H meant is,so - .: k. patience and por<everjmcc. Heading •!':.■ all-Norn „t f hi - Burn ini; Burn" ; .(isiiu: ii, iSKinde/. w, o is current iy play »ng a lead in "Set My People Free" wbu-h opened ;hi:-: month on Bro.s.i- jPT a »i PLRnO.V— him; ol I’Mi' VIBRAHAKP”—“MASTLK OF THE DRI .VH ■ LIONEL £S #**yV I HAMPTON^ f** FAMOTS ENTERTAINING ORGH. l - m WITM WNNI BKOWN-—KOLAND BI RTON S , V FAYETTEVILLE I p*****—-' BIG FARMERS i WEDNESDAY :W' , f |,..T ...Warehouse j Deeemher I f|| IN PERSON T “ ,M “* t " pu ' BE-BOP DIZZY ®|h; GILLESPIE m , and his Bc-Bop ORCHESTRA RALFJGM unu Nire Mmv. >»« MEM. AUD NOV. LL $1,50 ■K'WM Lew; Baiter;. \ Y F.vmung .loti: IKll. oil U, 5, ... t 0..; h,S te t i . ‘.'■■..duier will k.■'«'f■ ui m it) round . givmg ewitit. Li D.u, Moiki!:'!, ou.l :i,:i;-t m..;i tiger, us authu-'ity to. this into. Jo< B. stic. Am. 't 1 irtam Ni-w -, summed .i up tluisly it e- .an opinion that tin- eu- iv,. ' -* is i :i tnt to toe> : ti ;.jt' the si did sending .Sandy and will outgallop him in the lath round melee Ted Cat roll. Age. thought *Mei ing oric ot i'u al.-t mv ae.-i ,n Willie Fe|> tie. Sudiiiei may tiUil hims*df m tlie position of the nay who was riding the ttgei he could i• • -vi : get And . u, A) M, reasoned- 'SudiUer. toe numbr-t oie- vhalientti i who shadowed Pep for .years fought all ovei tie \M.ilil, (in not figure to do anv better tiia'.i Chaiky Wright u ■> ui fighi did providing the age difterenv and airplane injuries eonlrire t rob tin: Radar; pej'iperpot ■ speed. * pick Fi-p t.n ain do So-i.-o, tin moral of •iii.- yarn seems to add up to overdue r - i .-gnitiun o! the street coiner ex perts wno evei -often hit a ■''tillsa ve while tire w ,-c sport a blackened tno pur. intend < d i e*. e. r i'i;-- '.vi itei couldn't . , anv tliiur. v.a one in the annconi nr ,-.t "a (.'.I 2i). by N Y Yaid'.et.-. Geo: ge \V. iss that Toptirng and W, !,<ii want a Negro Ua !>u:! may ■ 1 1:. annoUMeemeut c,r i led m the Da.iy News raid m part. -The ,-;taff of 20 scout: iia : liecu given ti'ie *go ahead agi*. in their si-arclt foi colored talenh lie- -aiec.-ss . f Brativii Ra-ke-v ;;■ ; a:r mg down rai.-rat laarri; i‘.r will be reflected m the si?nin«r - ■ ' :;. \ lik* ?.; *I! < hib as "-'on as o-.-ic players , f( >und " CREDIT TO RACE Written b.v Joe i'nmblo, tic .- ti.rv contmucr ; .he tm.-: the i.xt mp.a: . eoilduct ol vetch line yoiujo-Mo!jack.t- Robins,m, Laras Dobv and Roy Gampanella l:as hi ought credit ta theii race T!u \ have shown that there is n ;• . 'oi. in tin- \\at id far' deny mg Negim-.: the t.. play in tiu- majors For mans years tin? Yankee bird deg, have un derstood that (ouSrl > a\e tin- N Mil talent . oth< ■ clubs Thai. !.- whv Done, piac tn-ady a local (joy m that tie Ron. Pat’..-: son. N. war pa ut> bv Paul Kricln-ll an ! th. <>th . I- of lie 20-man stal:. K uh is h;■ good a padge at talent to :r.v missed Dobv. The V.-.n . rganizuliun first drop: ed its ei.: >'l be I '.‘.hen Btiddv ' OUM - ent-d to nla v football Yoting, KHFGHA TO H AY CENTRAL PRISON lnc f.ifisins and .his Honey OHppers. \t ho will jila> a special ..ii-ui.iiua program at Raleighs u r.t;k j-j: .- d inl, : i'ui,.JD..- '>, suvemher o, r ASGAP RATING r.rW Vo. AM'i ! .eon Fe a ; -elk. io: . has: he. n elect • . i Jiiy :i Ui.. Arnfi tea: •Sac ■ Os ompo Alt: ho: S d ! ill o'.ia ir. ore of the few Nr, (O i whirl nave i vit bren .rt muted hr thl-i Oar il.i d re cie e. :he tnuni.'.l jhiul. .sV.ii , world. Others are M.e Hardy pi.ho : Me C in; any In a t I by VV (' ilaooy eai).t>..-:et of "'lia . Blur: and <da encr WilliaM.-. Publishing t',.m pan.V- ia on Reia* InMisell \\ !u. I r a considei able '.’.'idle lias l.iAd ~r;n-c.o.ei' c.o.ei' ; nr mile; ship in A'-'cap. i.> .ecsidcM oi the LsClusivt Rrcaid Company of Huiiy'Buoi.i end tilt Exclusive Record Lest limiting ..t --eanii'.at.ion, He also iu'.nts rive R. Cord Publa.drme Cempany wmu'm is an affiliate of Broadcast A!use . Ini’ Amour hit:- are "When 1 Write My Sang "Sleepy d'line Down Bouth. "t -.a- (dot ,-V Riehit To (fry" and h.a laii.■■'. "Gloria ?; nil'll Ice, been recorded 1;,.v "1 he Mi!'. Bros, Buddy (dark The Three Bia/era and Buddy Baker. ill Froihei. Gets lone. head of tin' r"a --i Fa i'onl i'.y. a very 1 mb* player, also figured to be a drawing card at the gate. Hi- lias and the citio now seeks ins euunte) p;n t tot ti'ie tui-eoait RHEt.UDF TO F ULL. ViCTORY bib 'll ilk. V ; >Utn.; l!: 't;aldi'i , W iniH Smith, l-’.ttSiHi:Com. ter: Buriey. At;*-. B«.stie. Amstet • iaii . ami A1 More:. Aaa,;Ciale.l Negiii Press, have done yeoman i. i'v'ice ngiit down the-nne in winning; thi.-, fight. No did B.ii (jibson Ruineo Dougin-i tv, Keauk F'orbes, Benni: Butler, Fvtdmtuni Ai. e, Tt-d Hook-:. Hie R nerts. leu G'arroli Ru; Ottie*. St. t'l.i.; tSinic.ißou'.m? Frit/ Poiiard an-.t the other cdmpuigju-r.s hi; fait piav whose names I doubt. navi oMMnirtc.i. One mu ! pau-e,, at the name of fearless and intelligent J*,,. Bostic. in thf: gray dawn OF A MORNING Ib-ariii’, and unstirtTv we .--...b ccoinium.' upon the hvads u! in. • Tills tike Hranrh R ckiy, Vecck. Billy SuJiv: ,i. l.on Boudreau, etc. Li so u' i- - • . ■ s.iould neve r hesitate t i-regnici the stature i on: ot oi-:; .e.\., Wt .< ■ a Fas-, hah'-trs t.ut y.rnki t that to,Ft plat, early on-, mmnire; around tlie midalt of April, U'-th. Mor gan co Re • trained tee Bostic, 'hen ■ it., vl I n Adam Cluvti/it Povvcihs PE< (RLE'S V Oil’ F a, a. te. j a I, .re : • ,|Tte trel: l:;h ; til • teeth of ni.dor-lcague’r. then a. .*. ; .ib-n ; inr I • ••e.-i-ae " Jot wadi a chjillettgim' mood. Nee, . one i ; back down from an ’-ne (ask Boxing Gonurd-t ner l,l(e- Eagan) deahno; with re-- jtclion of an mbiveluai mm me I-a other then l.,ek Os- ability. , Central Prison for the inmates j Irntn 4 to 4:‘!0 Monday afternoon priy to their appearance at thf- Kaleich Memorial Auditorium (.OMBO WILL PLAY JWi SESSION IOK * PRISON LN MAILS H Aid'd Gll A;: Estidsp 'll iJttti . ii t ■ t -ft t 1 s io mi catering to U:e i-nn. - , ormient ,van’ ; and needs ot .\■ ■: •-1 ica • lin er.. til- they Ung h ii ,-.-.. Ac bopptn - or just plain squares, is bound to fin .ii hinWlf playing some mlgftity fumi.v hoices. Joe Lige-in-’ .-n-si his Honey,irip perr are no exception to Uiis rule, to. the six-tnnn combination has played all over the country in every type of edifice from i- averted bain,, to emu vri hali- but when tiie boys hit Raleigh next week A ev 1: be up ayaiir t .- unel'iing u »- ' Usual in ’he entertainment field Wlnlc - (A,- cinnbinatom is bnoKetl , lot - the Harvc-t Ball at the Rai*-.;.di .Vlentwriai Auditorium on Monday night, the - , have a far more unique •'-in ..on iaevd Dated t - n Monday .i to noon At tl'fit tinn- Joe ~i,o the. boy s will give a tiiirty-minc.te program at the North. Carolina State CVnti at Prison from 4:00 to -i 3u B ;\! The prey.ram v. n- ; avrangt'd by City (\.u.icdm:m Fred Fletchei nod will be ps s - : Cut with oth* i o£ lire 'lA'hacco Network. Deputy Warden B, ue, - I - he hx been l,>ud m in pi aise tui iHi. a, rangement and ar t. 'lt u ill Jo much to boost the ah: - of ,i.e iiniude- or toi mstimti.. n R La; kin. Consuitant in the D. partment ol Fubiii Weifai e. has, likewise commended the vc.ntuie aid i.vii bo pri sent with other at* i*, ~A ot II O' Si. te Ipm; tnietit <1 Public We!tare. Mr. Larkin said it i\,i- the fii-h time during hi in c ::nl)eiir> that i .p rating oi clicstm had ofiered its services for 'i l C i"i 3 n <i C Ci«*i Gi V In. u literally taught •m. fa the art o* ariangin,-. By dint ! I'e.jdin.r, the Arthur Lange arrang .:.-, lrietliod and Rimsky Kor-.akoi - h,,ok on in■:/'Sinentatton over and over. Joe ma-Dred Eh art. of ;u mining at 17. and M>,.n was com • pitting arrangements for iris ,>.n piece school o ‘ he.stra and various local bands Du, in;: his last year in Ids'll school. Joe nad r.n fai surpassed In iostrucA that h - .- vdo nctualiy ap polnied instructor tor ihe harmony ; class. i-t-i";-: % Quart LtmtlS J 2 30 \ ! '/fifth t YsjE.! Pint • mNI -« Lincoln KALKiGH, NORTH CAROLINA Sunday Monday Nov. 14-15 LLOYD NOLAN PEGGY CUMMINS --IN— ‘ Green Grass of Wyoming*’ Color Cartoon New* of She Day Tuesday November 16 MANTAN MORELAND and Charlie Chan “ I he Dark Alibi” Pius T. - ps In Musical Treats GENE KRUPA in ' DRUMMER MAN ' (Ht-or Him Play Boogie BluiMi 'Leave Us Leap and Others Wed.-Thurs. Nov 17 -1S * DOUBLE HORROR SHOW)! CLAUDE RAINS GLORIA STUART - -IN ‘The Invisible Man' AND VINCENT PRICE NAN GREY “The Invisible Man Returns” It’s The Fear of the Year!! Plus First Chapter ‘Daughter of Don Q’ Friday Sahirday Nov. 19 20 (Double Feature) CHARLES 'DURANGO KID' STARRETT “The Lone Hand 1 exam AND- - BRODERICK CRAWFORD v ANDY DEVINE I r» “Sin Town” PLUS Chap 10 ‘Phantom Rider'

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