PAGE TWO HAW BUDGET BOOST > URGED AT STATE SAPTISTS' MEETING ft» Oils j„ ll \m ."TON ■■ ' '•>'! ' ' ’ ' - ’ ’ .11l CIV ■■' i ’ 'I . lily , re! pi:■ - ': : y Is. .it . : . r. ei: :e - '■! h '. '• m rai B.ipUxt State •>» <• N'ui th Carolina. Inc.. oii-cudi I lit*', e "iv -tly uftei 11 ' i.‘ ;n • .*?’, lold the ap !■ i y aoo •••■ n«’fs that ■' • -i!it ■ n is in a he althy con ' >■ 0,1.1 :!•«-: glorious future.’' '■ nii'il t.;I i• • i!f.‘. support to • ' l.hoviT. 1 v state and foreign I "■ d ok; i.>xftird Orphanage ; '--viousiv. Eacr utiv<- Secretary -■ 1 ' ; nerr!! :i ported receipt.-; '■ •oi;i• ■ t oT Si-av University. \ '<■ t i'i ' ;il year of 5122,530.08 ! <’• i t"! eign mission and ' ■ •' t i •i.nOO, 0(10 was received ;i. i' scl tji.i 1 1 ) c a 'k! mi i iibutiuii from tin-; '' vV'iin. Auxiliary The pic- j V. a made IJ; air- Kill :, ; ■ i 1 • r v i-i ti; i..."i ;it cre-tary 1 ,f * * * i?u u it cuin •'• n ‘‘iii Itv i s r( ; ,',ident. un- | ■■ •• V'.h'.J to hold an "All -e ' * '••i.c! iv* Wltl) It;, fui.ll ! - ■-I' i'ji •* pal ticipatijig. ,fui> i r Ti u ) .!,■; a Fi.m: ...■ .in ,d. ! a . to, in;>!iv In cat the ; ■luia.! at the property on widen I H; i!';;,anf« ate u, be c. ! ' 'id Notices ..t ormrx no Tit't; ’5 • "d-. q■ \d li i:k d j>. Ex^cutr\x of j • Estate rtf J'A-se W Wright, late] -■•R.D ; h. North Carolina. this u; j having vka’ini j ti.ibi! t :;em to the Ulidt'T D. ijt o I D weniuer 2?. 1H49. ■ ... . . , . i > • re \ ;u ix-; ptjt'aaed m bar ; '-‘ ;; J : , t-i'V . Ail pC l SOIIS ill- ! ; i r • • ■ .-it-i rotate wiil i ••; •' ! e payment to me. - M,t' Laid uay of Nov. 1948 j ERNESTINE H WHIG}Li'. ; i : . E- u .op Aveiiuo Exocutix oi l O'.*/- vUi.-it. it} .]ti’h.A W Wright NO. :>? Dor. 4- IL 18 25. LCvIiXiSTR/V iOH s NOTH, i -A- . oi . .‘Siud a ; iVimim ti a- • A. o : :■*. e ftot- Os Cot t V J >..'V>c:. • . * i Witrifc- C\'Unt> this is to Dotl- j od p ! rveiny, having ckum-, i c'-t. tc: of Cati-iey Jon,: dc-i •• ■■'!. , ibii ti;em to the ua- ; ••riipncd un or before February 6 «i.tit .i" tin notice wilt be pleaded j i ir.,l o! tliefv icecv«?r.v. Ail 'per-i a: .hutbicu to firs id estnte will! . '*. ■, . 1., muncdiatt payment 'iim hit >d day of Match 19‘it; : A1 I . >; t- JONES 5a i Csfcit Mai tiu Sit Ct-i AimsiAt uat or o r tne estate 1,1 ji.'-tv JOTifc,.. IN THE SJPEt ’OR COUfIY . .OTICE NsMrJ.ii < ARGUN A V/ KK i ' i XT Y A IS,!,;AM BUNCH, PUuntitf ;.’AII ft 1E HI NCH, !V. ft. darn. I til. DFI iINi>AN i 1 ; ri e Barn ip pibinrU therein, lo uo -1U,,, abf.oliitc divorce on the eornmi-i’K.-ou in tic. Superior Court ■ Wake Ceninty, by William Burn n. piaintit.i, to ob tmn on ah oiute dlvorec on th,- j'..,.tt.d; ■■ two years Separation, l. 1 ■v j a d in the. Statues of, IVii’i. i. ohna, piamtiff and de naviiip l.wd separate and mao! A.r more than two years! •i* • :,.-eeedir«* the institution 1 aetioo. and that said defen* i m will furtb'-i take notice mat Me ii: required to appear at the • lii, > ui th|• Co- > k ot the Su Court of Wake County, IW.iti, I ..,i u!iria, m the Coul'tlious, h h, on 11 i 2!) day oi No* i v* mb* . It'Hti, ot within twenty • ■ th«-n after and onswer or . dornui to the complaint in said : action, or th* plaint if ff will apply i to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. The. 26 day ot. October, 1948. | Oct lid, Nov 6. 13, 20, 1948;. Su,'.* Alien, Assistant Clerk, Wale* County Superior Court He; man L Taylor, Attomc-y 'ufE hi ft.HlOfi » OCRT 'h.'llTH CAROi..INA WAKE COUNTY MWi » T •' 'TI LE H. SMELUF.. Daintilf PA T ' T SRTE'f.UE, Defendant THE DEFENDANT. Smellie | will take notice that an action en-j Hicf! i, :d#*,v<> ha* tjejen coriinienc- ; cd ir, >hc t- iiperior Court ot Wake f. v'.ni.':i y t,’ !; 1 airi an absolute di- : veep on tie" fre undj of two years' yepaiation. provided in the St..- \ lut-'; of n .rth Carolina, plaintiff i end defendant bavin* lived sep j arate and apart for more than two j years nr«i precedin gthe institu* ] ti'-.e of it.;- notion; and that, sai.-i j de fondant will furl lior take noikri i that he ir required to appear at the! off-;.-, of tin* Oleik of the Superior; Court ot Wat, County. North Car olina, in ttie Courthouse in Raleigh, on the 29th day of November 1948. j or within twenty days thereafter nnd answer oi demur to the cirn p! nil it. in said action or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This 23rd day of October. 1948 SARA ALLEN, Assistant Clerk, Superior Court, Wake County HERMAN L TAYLOR, A tty. j pet 30-XfvV. 6. 13, 20, j i iis>h*.-u, a.- a climax of the mammoth 1 meeting A campaign Is bein,.; i.iiinchfcd to raise $50,000.00 towards the proposed $175,000.00 build os. land is scheduled to end with the | observ 'mce Di P A Bishop. Rich Square, Mvns reelected president of the con ! vention, and Drs. W. H. Davidson, ! Charlotte; D. C. Gore, Whltevilie. ; and J A. Nirnmo, Greenville, ; were retained as vice presidents. ! Other officers are: the Rev. W. j M. Wyatt, Salisbury, recordjnn sec* ; retary; Dr, B. K. Mason, Charlotte i assistant recording secretary; the j Rev. D. L. Simon, Powcsllsvili*. j treasurer; and the Rev. O L. Slier ; ril executive secretary. ; Fleeted to the executive com mute of the organization were. ; Dr. O S Bullock, Raleigh, chair : man; the Rev R W Underwood. | Rocky Mount. Di. J. T Hairston Greensboro: Vi i Vuda sVlcMillaii I'nrboro; the Rev R. ivl Pitti. vViiisuin-Salero- the Rev J. K. Wertz. Charlotte, Dr. W. M. War . lies. Danville V;* Di. T 11 Dwell*; ; Fayetteville, the Rev .1 H. R M f '- : day, Eliza! * ill city E M Both r i WiJininylon: Th* Rev. W. I Mu ■ a;. Rocky Mnur.f Ds R p. D.niie! : Raleigh; the isev David R. H*-ic.- j ir > Winston-Sairin J l :. I Durham; the Rev K Irvins’ Boon l ' j Wilmington; the Rev It J David i, Charlult* Mia Ellen S ,\i. inn, Raid.L>h ;: Mi'Newk, j »{*bill the fife-. D H Hait Dtu !.'las'ii In G W vV.likin' Halt: ’.a | and ih- Rev W White A -IK | vilie. Among highnyijt* i the sesiein .- -. .lac ol;o i . an* eoi Siiav. Nig. a ; vv ed net day, featuring a leivnoi; irv j Fresidtpt R P Daniel amt f'oi - gi. Missions' Licit *t i which time Di Wendell C Some, I vide, executive secret sly of th* | Lott Carry L.-.eign Mission Con j vention USA, j.poke Other . p*-.ik* i iiiclutii-d 11,,. iRt v C E. Griffin, pastoi of th* | Flirt (\ilvary Btiptist Church. No:- ; in';, v.i T J* Hers, p>. "iddetb < I ; tin Kxc* Imioi Union, Gaston,s: th< | Rev C W. Andc-rson, patsui *■! ! ti,*- United instituliona) Uatitis ' Chureti. Gi'ei-nsboro; il C Gan I j,: incipa! of the Jordan SclU : ; Hi, f; School Burlington; the R< v ■ M Vv Moiaan. pas.tor of the First 1 African Baptist Crutch, Goldsboro il iiamiii, supet intender.: *-i : the Oxford Orphanage. Dr. W Di : Win ner, Dan vilie. Va.; W H j Quarles:, president of the State Lay j men’s League; Leslx- McLendon I YMCA secretaiy, Winston-Salem : C F Graves, Elizabeth City; the Rev. J B. Hitmpi.uA Cliariotn. 1 th*' Rev. C E McLestvr. Durham :su Rev C A Chick FayetLviL j the Ret G. W Todd, Goldsb„r*. Lh J> Carpent* i, t-xecuisv. !->ci et .ti v p; i .’,* :,taut Council ui ; Chuivlit and Misscion Federation she R-'V. J C Graham, Diuhaiii, j tue Hi-v. A .)nekton Ryans Cha.- Cot;., the Hev deny Drayton ; WiiiGiMi-Siden.' tii;e Rtv. t' R. Ed : tviiiiis. Was!':: rig ton; L -VI Butler Wilmington and ,f T Hawkin' i Dm DEATHS X 11 NKKAI.S Final rites for Rober t Harrir j :who died on Sunday of last week 1 were conducted from the Younr - j viile Baptist Church at Young,sviile on Thursday ot last w«-ek and fol- , ; lowed by interment in the Youngs vilit- cemetery. Final rites for William Beal ol ■ lift West Peace Street who died on Sunday ot last week were conduct- 1 id from the Lightner Funeral Home Chapel *«t Tuesday of last week and followed by interment in the | Hillcrest Cemetery. Mr Beal died : in the St- Agnes Hospital. Funeral service for Miss Lottie: ; Perry of da’p who died on Saturday November C. was Retd at the Riley Hill Church and foi* ! lowed by interment in the Ri’ej 1 iii t> me’.eiy un Wedneiday of lari i week Sin- died m the St Agnes Hospital. Funeral service for Mrs. Mary : Alston Hill who died on Saturday, Novembei 6 was neld Tuesday ol I last week at the Davie Street Pres* i by tori an Church and folio v/ed by uiU-rment in the Ml Hope Cfinc •Uu v The Rev. C A Kearns pas tor ol Davit Street Church, offi , v kited at the service Piinnal rei s-i. *• (or Mr- Mary • Eliza .lones who died on Thursday I'jibei 4- at her ho:o in Wo;.. County washeld Thursday of last \v es at the Wako (.’-hatiei Chureii . jtii the Rev .1 W. Jon*' ..ffick'r • Interment wav made in the; .‘hureii cemetery. Fli at rite: foi Mi ; pearl Jones who died in Baltimore. Md. on Saturday, Novembei 6 were con ducted from the Ebenezer Method-! Cl'iureh in Johnston ifounty on SVrtdneiday of iast week and fol b> interment in Out church cemetery Final nt.?K for M Set. Henry S. I Perron. World War 11 overseas veteran, were eonducted at the Na I UonaJ Cemetery here un Wecln m -.t;*y of lust wt-k and followed by ; iniwment In thv cemetery. M. Egt. ; Person war; the son of Mrs. Emily .) Perron of Kranklmton. Funeral service for Godfrey iohns who died In New York on Thursday. November 4 was held it the Springfield Church in Wake County and followed by burial in fb“ church cemetery. Final rites for Tee 5 Clarence ' Wall, husband ot Mrs. Inez H Wall ol Durham, were conducted ir: the National Cemetery here Wednes day Os last week and followed by ' interment in the cemeter*. Funeral service for Andrew # Holding Glass Permits Safer Driving t PITTSBURGH - Eliminatim; the danger of driving with in adequate rear virion, a full s ized tear window is featured in one of the new Hud •••■n conv>. rtiiiU•■. This safety feature is made possibi# by folding pi* ('i by the Pittsburgh Plate i.i!»: s company, Foi rncii of a- ? ■ «iai plate rhr pi . die Mindwich, the glass folds like an p. coniinu .n t , mijiuu u-i n. I, plastic joint cornuctiuti, when the top u low- - i Ruvailv Is Thrilled Uv Dancing! fhio J A LONDON —Engiund’s kinn and I queen cheered tlu Nicholas Bi ■* tin is, oii, of tin ■'< !■>• in th* 0,,,-. : inand peri’ornu'ri*" ~t the Balladi in rhc;,tri. Miindi,', night Uv i i I'MTOOO !)l ‘ i .'!■ 1i • '! U';,‘!ii [a kei.-i lor tht• [>«-i:or;?i-.‘t bii’ tlu thoaU't vicoontiM' i'i::!- ml v 1U;0 ! * The top pVit't- w-r s?3*l poi o and o 1.0-'rd of $:>«; 000 % • loi Uj? j V:a i c ! y All i.-.t-- 10 •*: ,i • ifnt }• and. dhf iiiov/ wav thr» v i tioius long ; i iit'kf.-; v/ho vtir-d iij. Sunday ot In* t i o ot'K v. stt*> fiK lsl in ')u church ccmeu-ry Funeral *. : -erv u:o foi: Hit s-i on i Matt who died on Fi iday -o' •: *- j | week in the So A ti-.-; Ho£»pit«i a* ’ conducted ' -and: ;, ti -in tlic J o ni ;pe 1 Level i'htt-Gji a ;:!i The R».v% .i : A. ]• oi be*-. ■ •ffu i.iUry and followed ib > 1 ): i i-i meat rn Ui c c! *a i ct•i -• e I'Co c-t T-i) iii f'uiot/i a!iiyah.>!' « weed raves 1 »n:o.ina ? nuan-aiu* : .M'UWi-i :. ill It a: i l :\r iTiiiiitri i duiiiai'r. i a year. rOUSACiiGi LVlEiri HERE. . . This is the KOi A,! .< a ,',n c( lho year . . . the lime when cot sages, cuntnlMit* •;*> much to that twliiuj ut beiriq completely "" for every occat tun. We pie prepared to c&ier to you* cor sage needs. Capable and ait icient work r'- are well versed in the art ol (. osage making. Prompt delivery serve:*- ,»vdilabl« to i oil*; ;e; ,:,.id residC'iic* ■ , Give U:. a call today. TURNER’S FLORIST A. J. TURNER, PROP. Located In The Cooper Building; COR. CABARRUS Hr BLOOD WO HTH STS. TELEPHONE 3 £092 i ! ■nnw l rwuilWiniiiini i fim <*.niw mihiximm.i .■ninri'iiiMiiiriwiM-ii'ii ~iriwwancwilitiMKrawrawiniwuili .... ~ 24-HOUR SERVICE HIS’ EAST I AfiAFRI S SI A. HAYWOOD, Owner I HAI. POMADE .Vl TtW Used by lovely, popular i women for over 40 years. V ’* o dain’y deodorant 6* sure- and get th« original m • BU-arh Cream, loi bfightei ife.„ the yellow cars. Only 25c, a! oil drug slo*si t.lh! JOINS DVD IN OMAHA i,AW i lliM • O Ivl AHA. Neb 'AND: Mu. i. s i v1 h Davis Pittman, who wa> i iit! \ ac iTlltt'-d to ni; i*’l:*.■** fic ’ Urn Nebraska rial.- bar t»:u i'i::. Si (libs. At: > Cbarle- I- D.e. . ii; tht io; i)!..'tioo Ilf :i is . , iiiiti rie j, i, i j 11 ; ** i ’"lip '■'! Ds si: and t-iltn. ~. I • of tie lev. such Lit,. i i .o„t .i;.ugthi-i c.onibinations I no.-, o. pai'ticnlui'iy among He ..It- Pittman », native' of Oniaba ..; . 1,, . had ill ant Sehe.i.iStiC ;,i .: iieiioi gi .iduaie oi if ~;, -). ,rt in-re received ~ lies s-i sem ji, to th*- l ini - ve’.-.ij-y ~i \n.),a.a wtier* -it. did A. art ol tit; unde; aiad a ate work ...he was >•'- th. liuhKH I it i s , i 1 ;il : i! Is ts-!, s 1 c ■ * in t: 1 and ini' iav% degrtes. he vv.'... is,sen lav. . hool princess I. llie (h sii.'iiitss'i junioi 1 and rcoioi llllfim Hus year, ■setiv, civic wurl; Mis. Pitt : 1),..:,. mother of .■ small daughter, i* int'.bc: *•! tlu vein i and seen-- y of Si piiiilip's Episcopal ( ; in, o pud an offieor m Delta Ep ■liiii, *. ;I ; Gl Afv A iiCi iaditi hs tiecii practicing attorney m Omaha t* • i i.-'kii;- years. l Ut!» *>l lii.GKs 'li;, 1 amity ot At: ‘.Vsi.'ie Milb-r, ,1: acknov.Ldgt- with pieatiuil .p pi i-cialieii yum kind i. xpressiuns of .empathy d'urire theii beir-avr- rilE CAiiOLtNIAN MARRIAGES T .lenses to marry were issued to j 1 ! the following couples during the | : j.iust, vvtA'.'k, according to record,- of 1 Hi inter Ellington, Woke County \ registi :u of deed!:, Ennius M. Jones, 823 East Martin ; i Street, and Miss Ruth Harris liu- ' i leifh. Novembet 6. j Charles B. Mel V-nald, Holly ■ Spi tugs, arid Miss Martha Moore • , Fm.juny Springs. Novembt r tj. I Frank Merritt, Jr„ and Miss Wired Graham, both of Zebiiion, 1 Route 2. November 6. Waller McKinley Rivers, 410 I,* | Street arid Miss Sylvia Worth 422 1 ; South Bloodv/'ji th Street, Nov. 10 ; j Delfna B Hall and Miss Marie 1 1 Everett, both of Raleigh Novein- i ber 12. Waica E Mitchell and Miss Mary j Man gum both us Zebulon, Route .1 ! N'uverfibti 12. BIRTHS i Birth certificates for babies born | ■to the following couple:’ were reg- j • istemf m the offices «»£ the Wake | County health department during! jibe past week Frank Sapp and Mrs Mary Tti | ;re 11 Sapp. 412 S. Swain Street, a j -ill Jessie Burnell November 2 William Henry Goodrum and j • Mrs. Cecilia Lawrence Goodrum j ”08 Man ley Street, a son, William | Lawrence, November J in McCau | ■ Icy Hospital Robert Livingstone Monroe. Jt. i and Mrs. Ruth Raynor Momoe, 1101 j .Sv.ei!,ii Lvi'ii.ll Street. .< Miii Hevkl lev .ii/ed one NeVemim j in Mr i Cauley Hospital Letov Hinton and Mrs. Viola; ißrown Hinton. 7i9 Cumberland j 1 Street a girl. Brenda Joyce. No- j vc.incei j, in McCauley Hospital \ Lebrcn Crump and Mrs. Nannie j ; Robinson Crump 'h! f imd<‘ n i ■Street a baby son, Charles. No-I , vembej 9. t 'iaience Smith ami .Mr- Susie ! ■ Wilburn- Smith Young,vvilb Route j ~ a Katie Ruth Novembet 3 f \ Elea And A Protest (JOHN HENRIK CLARKE} For ANP 1 heard Africa cry , j Btuiimj the burden of these year-: | 1 viid ript hear a single s igii And no one wiped her tears, l saw Africa bleed i hey i oliLed her of hei best And no one saw "the need. To wipe the blood from ire. breast. HINTS TO THE HOMEMAKERS KITH t lit hi.NT State Home DenHiiistra.ion Agent Do you eat the same loi ■ breakfast each morning, buy th ; amc- cuts oi meat each week Let r >.et out of that rntnu-piawrung rut and use some of the other good j icons. Too often we build our meals ! <-ai of vital h in the pantry ratltei than building our pantry out oi hwat should be in out meals I low many different vegetables I .have you eaten during the past week? Vegetables vary greatly in Used Record Dept. 25c Each s for $1 05 I'AX INCLUDED LONNIE JOHNSON "As Long As f Live” “Feel So Lonely" NEW RECORD DEPT. DURHAM MUSIC CO. OF RALEIGH "07 South Wilmington St. (With H 4 E Sale.v-Salvage Co. FOR MUSIC MACHINES PHONE 8381 for * '|!l EXTRA SAFETY m on your fata Ty—“""4i|py AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES i 'INM ( If you carry youi travel funds In cash, you're taking a big ri*k—and art unnecessary risk, too. It’s easy to safeguard your money with American Express Travelers Cheques™* known and spendable anywhere, and safe, A prompt refund i will be made, la case of lews or theft. No Wearibcation is necessary on these cheques except j your signature. No time limit—they’re good until used. On 1 salt at this bank, tor only 75V per S3OO (minimum, 40(1), ® j Mechanics & Farmers Bank DURHAM-RALEIGH .-• Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. their food value and in the min erals and vitamins they contain. Let'.-, not stick, to three or four “old stand-bys' but try some new ones on "Ur menus Many of the vegetables tom a toes, cabbage, car r<» -• tin mpv turnip greens, cauliflov. <-i risen peppers oeets and spinach-- which we ordinarily e .ole rould be eaten raw to give variety and to po serve more of the food v due Try a salad made >f rev cab butjp and raw spinach ui othei greens, with good Frc.i b dressing poured over it. Have you >ried rav. cauliflower dipped in cr- am < .ecsc‘* Raw green pepper’ sir h.-s, turnip, parsnip and carrot sticks and curls, cauliflower flowerlets, and cab bage wedges make crunchy, inter esting relish combination.-, arid add test as well as food value to any | meal Fortunately must Inks are wash able A good sudsing in watin wat er and soap is all that's necesstny ito remove ink. tain trout clothing ) lor .* Satisfyiny Snack Eat A From * PETE and MIKE Cor, Cabarrus & Dawson Sts. :-«*.. wan.vs arses* Williams Lle< trirai Service ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Dial 2-3781 or K evidence 3-35fctl M.LI TRIG AL < ONTRACTOR 1202 E, Martin St. H, FL WILLIAMS, Prop. CAPITAL CAB OX M-ssomt mmwwat: ojBHKSfi / t jdpß DIAL 9137 HOME And whef 2 meal it will be— seasoned exactly right, and every dish boasting a real hcme-coeked tlavor, B & If CAFE 411 S BLOUNT ST. irimnir.«iiiuiM imm ....i.iiiii i. hiyiithh . n - HAYWOOD’S SODA SHOP ‘Raleigh's Newest Soda Shop" • TASTY SANDWICHED • FOUNTAIN SODAS • ICE CREAM • CIGARS. CIGARETTES • COSMETICS » PERIODICALS JULIUS HAYWOOD Prop. 417 S. Blood worth St. VIvLK ENDING \ , XOVhMLLSi DO, 101 Occa"ionally, howr-vir. you may have to apply vinegar or lemon juice. If clothes are white beach remaining stains with hydrogen ■ oxide. With colored clothes ponge clothe ■; with Warm glycerin and le it,•.!•■,d fin 30 minutes Rin:r welt. Mat candy stains will wash right nut. Chocnjnn , the only out that is a little dilticut. to remove \t! washing the garment in uk rm>> *»<*•»*»*. isiwmmww Bndfei mmmmm liBSIMi 315 FAYETTEVILLE St. WAKE SALVAGE CO. We Buy efcd B*ll BiMtlhN of Valti* FURNITURE - STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS - RADIOS 83J S„ Wilmington Si. Fhoa* 2 2327 D Hunter Brothers For Quick Services For FANCY GROCERIES ANP WOOD DIAE 9393 or 3*1998 AND “Never Worry, We Are On Our Way” Dial 5567 for: COAL —FUEL OIL —KEROSENE CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE S. CORRELL, Owner DIAL 5507 307 North West Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3 3231 w WHY WORRY! <{OU ABOUT CASH i*““ fM M|M USE OUR EASY WifiVl budget plan A Small Down Payment Allows You To Choose From Many Useful Items ■— And You Can Enjoy Then- While Paying On Your Terms, TIRE SALKS LIGHT HAULING HEAVY LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Dawson St. Dial 9478 - 9212 Ed. Uraste&d, Mgr. $*7.25 ELECTRIC HEATER and FAN COMBINATION SPECIAL 12.95 TRADE -IN SALE On Electric Irens Receive from SI.OO up on your old iron* Now In Sttock - Electric Water Heaters, Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hard-to-get Item# Taylor Radio and Electrical Co, SALES 8c SERVICE 224 E, Martin St Claud Taylor Mgr. Phone 2-335 C , warn watt':;, use hydrgen perewde j L> remove flit- balance of die stain. 1 Rinse well. If the -Jain is on a tout ■or jacket that can't be washed, j sponge with carbon tetrachloride unmun—J*..**— Paulcc Radio Service “For Lasting Repairs" I 40E GLIiNWOOI) WEN IF f Dial 3-3123 j We Lick up and Deliver * Complete r \ Hume vu-yff’j Furnishers fjj§ik* We can furnish any room in | your home from the living j room to the kitehtn, See us first. W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. 121 X. Martin Si. A Lifetime in Fi»m«« Why take chances on bumtag up a lifetime's effort in a aingW terrifying hour wlttta it'* to simple and inexpeusiv* to pro tect yourself against any po«si< bin mishap, Your home end ! family can be absolutely pro | teciud from ANY disaster at but a few pennies a day. We ll show you how. SEE YOUH LOCAL AGENT HANKERS FIRE INS, CO, j DURHAM, H. C. 1 MCS C (OAIPANY ARTHUR DOVE, Prop. Automatic Phonographs Rented Fov Special Occasions and in-talU’d on Coaimfc&iou Basis ■ SELECT KECOsnt ft otrn specialty Dial 3-2744 I 123 E. CABAft SUS ST.