WEEK ENDING SA n.iRDAV. NOV EM PEP. 20, 1948 Give to the Red Feather RECO R D S * 25c EACH 5 for SI.OO RADIO HOSPITAL 405 E. Martin Street Universal Food Choppers Enterprise Meat Mills Lard Cans Hour Sifters Cake & Muffin Pans Roasters S. M.YOUNG U 0 E. MARTIN ST. DIAE VI2I Beautiful Suits And Dresses You'll wan* one of then" BEAUTIFRI OK IC SES for the Wintr: 4avs de .••:* . and with that NEW FALL look. You don’t mO ff CO ;!( . just take it .'Lvov the O.K wav Complete Stock LADIES • SUITS • • SKIRTS • COATS • SWEATERS • BLOUSES • accessories' For The Man • MEN’S SUITS • topcoats • HATS & SHIRTS DON’T USE CASH j USE OUR CREDIT j 0. K. Clothing Co. 113 E. Martin Si. Ralrifrfc, N C. Happy Khmer New Year. JACK & JILL CHILDREN’S SHOP 16 E, HARGETT ST. YWCA NOTES Thu Parent Education Commit- r j te e of Sojourner Truth YWCA j held the second meeting of »>v ‘Mind Your Manners” scries tht Y Monday night., at 8:00 i n. Miss Grace Hale, who k- b '• i sultant for the Planned Parent . hood Federation of Amorr'a was guest speaker and consultant The program was in the ft m j of a quiz and Miss Hale’s speech centered around questions that j had been placed in the hex by # «r $ , V \ * i % \ tSj % ■¥ X/- MERRY Christmas IDEAS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS A TiPYKINS SNOW SUIT EVEN ON THI COLDEST DAYS, YOUR CHILD STAYS WARM and dry For $10,95 up USE OUR LAY - AWAY PLAN Teen Aw and their parent* M ni the uun a ions ’."ere asked ahout eta u '' ■ mi the claim 'l< ma :oo< l n inn* rs; : i 1 i child n atiensh . id a s .ten. \ felhiWt tof) period tollav. . d this mooting. N< xt Mmiflay, November ’l'l < '■ movi.i v.all be shown. •'Maul YY i ■ :Ma no: in Public ’ Alt* r Lie movie, there will a dmaission ; and fummai ization led b. 'ha R P. P mtl of Shaw Una. : Ail toi-n agon.;, parents and friends arc invited to attend this .'iua hog and participate in th* discussion. The Y Teen Cominitec h« M its regie i monthly meeting M a day. at 8:00 p.m. A* tiny tin.i the M'ss Y Teen context was a : into mntmn. The proceeds frnn tin i unt* d will go to the Y music fund and to help send Y-Teens to summer camps. All members and friends are urged to help. VOTE for MISS Y TEEN: A V-Teea from each public school has be n chosen. Who will win? Who wili be crowned Miss Y-Tcen? V.e . arc onlv ilk- each Buv yevcK.!' The B V I Club held its . >e . lar meeting on Tuesday. Noveui her Ifith. Plans were mad so; d.s !.'(![ tea and Thank sieving basket program. On Mon-.ia night, November 15 the B and i cirLs were guests at a Post Danre Fort Bragg. N (’ Thi YVV (‘iuli v. 1 1 f hohj its ieg ul;n meeting at the \ on W' due day, November Id. Aii ■ an n: ged *■ >be nie. <-n * The V-Tci n Vi '.V oid fl'i , '.</ d' ■ • J .l'l ; ■ | tllf YWCA Sinaia;. N 1 ! ' 3a'lO. Evci von* a- urged :o be present. Mr, Jam M y T'-en fI i rvet to . u 1 11 d: , : lb ;■ , gr.,n! Mi, Mae Ligwi T. ~, ee, it H mat r. The Public A hairs C nomp P-e ct Sojourner Troth I’WUA w.ll spot) .ii its _* gu'a; mopthtv foi uin at the C mgrcgatinn.al Church on Sunday.. N ivembc ' i d 5 p. m The puhbic l.s cordially m viled to attend hem- the ape lu • and participate m the disruxs: m. YW< A '.-I 'm •* • ■ •"e ■ lie daily. It a- open to V Term . i. dav afternoon from d to i p.m Yil are jnviteid to pem , If Pays Io Vdverhse! ! ! fr :r i.r "■ y • ■■' . •»' fli BUSES DAILY i*• hOiUuuU GUaHfm NEWYORK I Leaving Raleigh at 6:30 A. M.-l 1 :00 P. M. Aid 2 other bum-, thru to Washington leaving at 12:30 P M 5:00 P. M E'or complete schedules and fares, call UNION BUS TERMINAL 217 W. Morgan Si. Phono 5536 Ct'koV** m tmuwAvsN WAKE CONSUMERS MUTUAL ASS’N CORNER BLOOD WORTH & CABARRUS 575 SUPER MARKET “Jim s(r>jr Whrr«- the Customer Receives ii>f Profjls" Pre-Thanksgiving Food Values Parkay • ■• ■ • lb. 37c Armour's Cloverblcom eggs doz. 69c Red Band Flour 5 lbs. 51c Green Butter Beans No. 2 can 17c Thick Heavy Fat! Back lb. 26c Swift’s Jewel Shortening lb. 29c Swift’s Premium Cheese lb. 47c Paper Shell Pecans fb. 39c PRODUCE Delicious Apples • 3 lbs. 29c Large Fancy Oranges 2 dr»z. 35c Yellow Texas Onions lb- 5c I Fresh Green Cabbage bibs. 13c 1 Emperor Grapes 2 lbs. 23c 1 White Potatoes 10 lbs. 38c SUPER MEAT MARKET VALUES Home Killed Fryers lb, 63c Tender Young Hens b. 59c 1 Centercut Pork Chops lb. 58c Swift’s or Armour’s AO Pork Sausage. lb. 45c. I Roast Perk lb. 49c 1 Pig Feet ib. 15c 1 | Sirloin Steak ■ Ib. 85c 8 I T. Bone Steak !b. 79c 1 I Rump Roast lb. 75c I I I F resh Ground. Beef • 49c^_| U A, OFFICIAL lie-,; Nr,V. ft, lf»iß” It was .signed by Secy. Buyde* Or l eci 'an;; h ‘a ■ „f tp . . i i., charge Jordon m.-idc (he following stab merd* *‘l .on io»lav in m nipt of a Jot tor from the secretary Wf ttv in 1 5U' nr.t if vme 'm. ■>f . . d c hat fa g- i oil; i trn' f f i'i c-.i venue l.e r lU *e of ■iV ta • d lai ian V nut executive mdc N fldiu, W hit. ll would . die bah i ■l' I; throughc-ut on: codectoi’. offiro t; m Alabama. ''Segregati. r. of :b< i basic i,ut of mi:' 1 Tin. pleasant iokitii-n. Inp iid wen i!m uil.'ii.d and whit* < .>, ■ tlv i ( mil of t)' fundament ,j ; bucb - plo. •'Segregation is no,l only do :■ iri d iiy the wed ,ia ;o,'lt v ol mir I'oope . but it is leuiiin d by in cal laws. In spite ■ f Mu se facts, it is apparent from interpret,! Lon of lair employment piacti" es as provided by the Pn'sidcnt’s order .that color race is the dominant c*> f. . -di n in the s* lection of government employe,- "I >vei ;.p : ide‘:n;o. o,e iod of V' and in .’h present date, ni! of our women employes have been members of the white race. Thi has hf." dur> to *he out gro .•. *;: u.-t i.o :i,! *r;,d .:: in. and further nc< e.ssitated by the physical facilities in the build ings occupied by the c dieeto; Inca! offices and oranch offices m Alabama. "[ would like *'• direct yean attention *,, tne utuation tha' would dovol o in oui oftiees in the event of the ompiovinont of ■ oth a liiii'i d rind while employes •At i .en!. due 'n nadr-qii.t :>. ••ipace. there is only one room ;• vadable to; t|,. ..irnogi-iphie pool. Further, liter,, is only mi ladies’ rest loom, available for Lw-o tcn-igrai.ihei's This wmmi ii f• (*■ .ni intolerable ituaL'ei. . ttci one ils.i! cannot !.i promoted a -i■; onmli ,in ft "B-'cau,.,. of these same trade * 1 ns .ir i eostem,. it n mid not i-nlv be imp; di'tu able but with out. bnuht would l<i 'o diKeord, AustinftNichols 4tUB RESERVE BLENDED W WHISKEY * * f -•—« $2.10! ll;AlisliryN'cho'fM P‘ nl , flbr $3.40 j ,Mh i ifeiiist i l l ' 'wmaaL | Ybf Stroight ftfhtiliftys in lh.; pfhjfjifl »*»• S § I tiain Naotral Spirit 86.1 proof j j Mowi’H-iitw in., I*^ THE LTjROTJMTAN o : "P violence, if colored, fie old Me, (. ; war, a 'Signed to in ..... nvcstlgatiom; of the honks -M r oiris of white taxpayer-;. •i unfortunate condition c." aid be contrary to the desires A both races, who, at the present i'c, in., working in harmony. • 1 h " is no section of ttiis o mlrv that is a*tempting to do im •! ti ".n i.- to win i out a ruJu t: i "Me 'vliich both r : i< can ooj.i' - • ’mu si.'ll US. din eo! a i ■ I ■ aitr people i.h d ' let ■ ;■o ••plyin t... , own ii; I imdual p; . ail f alotu . they ■ i . it '..amor.'..••*.• '• • md to : :n;,e mutual - I-.; .ta.m 1 ' in ; ,i. .; -..1 • ei ',c.c'c. dniin.st'-'i' any dc r .udatior. wine.i mil dcsti ■ <nr peaetdu. ■ act . < la! !os }■ irt tin loi ■ going. M should 1 ■ quit- < ' id* 'it. that ,!'.v * "-• ••*■ m an no* in sym i>:i I.l>y wiMi I ii. di!i■■•live herein .d isctihseri "Then ino, I mils' say tiial i* will he impossible for me to sub scribe to or fulfill the mstrue i tUrns set forth in executive ord u : 9f)8o." VKF UTiZi’AS funec the Vi dory 1.0,1:1 he -1; ' ’lie $4.500,000.01'M ni ms w.iipt" ; from Saving Rond ,-aios. ihuvc I maturities and redempti'ins. to re tiro bank-held so urit cs. the only noition of tic national debt that can teed the fires of • 1! tion. Savings Bond', sains do not. . mei • asc the national debt: they •prea.l its securities where tiiese ’Vi : 1 (! - , ttie most good t<! ill Ui l - duals and he economy.'' Mi 1 -dev welcome! j’,.,. ; .-j ( 0 'i o given f;it foe. 1 Savings B irv’s : (•oi'.nut.tri s bv unit, and uriu ■ -i> of national oiga ui.’.iit ! ons *ha t ha vc id* -p-t t-.d a ink o. ifi .al -■ vipys !.nan.l p; nnnitio:. pa: t ;if their If<4«t i’) puidic ;c.viee .1 n o American:-m pc . am>. The mcludr- post; • -ft.be Amen one I rf'gion and .(« -■ b V. , , V* t e-ans. eiubs. Intlgor. and e)iar)t*''"-> • ’ * lie; ,1-1; St-..- il .e . ■ ; A ■ dd rep;'csentf d •-n tin N itional Organ o-at a-n . Committee im Sc-c ; 1 1 ,;■ Bonds "."hich laii'H a pvo g- ,1 *n to enlist their da.ono.O'H) tvomatma .md helping to sol! t tiit'.niijrrs in biiyiiVT. htL'd: i : gh 4, ; Savings Bonds dueng and be lAvof-n natD.mi] bond ■■oit'ipDu.’ns. “In this i 1 bif.M time, whovn >0 I much upon Hie • 1 jo .st lLHits’ mj'>t of A.triev \ :rj,” Mr. Islny ront'duded.: 'thern I Av?';crir.in> 1o Help r h;g /vvn'ri ga. | .*•-tinnn ihan I hr <> uc f . 1-« th ; - or• *ciia e l and pmmol n-n «>f j Thrift nhuv (11 s; sii \m> mI K RADIO WTM) O); srlav. \'ove;r be." 11 * b o,c Shan- Be. Club f Wilmmg 1 ton made its ’.asst ir.p* , aran ; * * on th. r.air. ever biti-m WM V D. .wit;! (>1!; d litlitChest Diva . Mrs Watt, gave a human ir tel eit torv and asked all -v th' b.cys questions as to the «eH viies in the dub She .isl-. i the Executive Director several ques tions regmding tin tun*’*; ming of the B vs' f’lub anil its proposed Cl four HAIR * cP, rj cc ily Qfl (rich eii THF HALF fII.AMOI R Tth.n i! »* Iptufrth vem? wßnt. thr JFS.SIL KARL Half Clamour fit* yowi t«- ft? An you it i tpM ai th* ft-tat. of thf *n4 naturally down tho hack. You can wf‘«r if a ar» upsweep or >\ny *tyh. yott lik?.. (I? ii 15 lo 20 iocLp* )♦ 0.00 • SEN n N o MOME VI fa SEN I» SAM PI, V. O V VO HR HAIR # PAY POSTM A N ON DELIVERY! * Jessie Rare P&OIftVCTS 507 FIFTH AVENUE (SUITE 90S} j l>ePT. NEW Yom 17, N. Y. AGGIES DOWN VA, STATE, 14 TOO (IREKNSBOfiO i'lh i nn\paS itsa Angies of Nw' '' '«>.'Hna A. and Cnliei’.’ ■ - gi> ‘i Ok ;r . nnd (.'ousoculiv v eb i ■■ S' 1 urd ,v by turnio e. be • Mde ed Virginia Sihte ■ iiin i'i'Mt fmm Petersburg. It 0. in mm.ud CIAA emm st I ■ > The Agg’es. Wh< SO I.HiV’M'Cu! fie fi ()•, yniothorei U p I’rc-jaP. ;»efir. l a'lark and limited he p uv. i ful Vii'gitn i- two fiisi (t ' :V". >t;irL •id preparation.! early tin . work for tho Thanksgiving cl.i«BU: v.b’n ■Joim.- i C Smith University Mulls ~f Charlotte. this ci>nic.?t be in'-; scheduled ns a twilight gmne ■ii tin* Greensboro field, Not. only did Ihe Ac sr dof-"' < overpower the Trojan offciXFi , hut Coach Hill Bell uncorked (he great - cst offensive attack of the yen' -is ills Aggies rolled up 270 yards ft • m scrimmage and completed two eight attempted passes for 2<; ad ditional yards This !>■ •At! of fensive threat, combined ' uv 45-yard average puntioo ..{ Milas Kelly triple-threat bark from Media. Pa. set the stage for the The boys sang the Boys’ Club ijong accompanied b> Rev. R. Hamilton Jeter, pastor of Cortgr; Rational Chut ch. This was the first t inw these .13 boys had ever seen inside .> radt.» station and it was a new and exciting experience for them. Thy were from the Midget.; end Juniors groups. Mrs, Watts t bo commended for the fine vv;»\ in whicli she outlined the run gram. m m M YOUHCSmS „f#l THIS mt A; . MELVILLE®! HOMOGENIZED JM VITAMIN 0 VSI MILKs^J More * .fiff* hfti-jHrt |.->r w.r.fftr Htmnqa n.: ir-rl v'itftmin P r'-tik a, <c.-.nchi»/'j ws*H Yhn, « rn-r. D *h« Sum bn* Vifamtn ■ -for \ r ~ f-v tnQ hcpM-ity Yt A-a'.tn 't, id s ?hi* fflilif | i fOf crffin qoc' In *h’» * i benom int bo’l!* fnll 2-035* hr H -«*«* j> e | ? I i SMITH MELVILLE DAIRY ‘ fecUiqh, N C. Special Sale! Shower Curtains With Matching Drapes I ate ; SPARKLING SHOWER ENSEMBLES 3 MADE OF FAMOUS Goodyear Guardian Flastic-Ciecr 4 $ J 69 each \ WINDOW DRAPCS , \ Beautiful and practical too! curta ins with V«e 0 1 sealed seams . . will not miidrew. crack or peel. Lovely colors to make von sing in rout hath. Grren, blue, rose, mid yci- ? low. 5 SHOWER CURTAINS 3 Fiimy. ruffled tic-hack window curtain with three inch ruffles. Sizes 27***51 ’* . . will not mildew, crack, oj peel. Same lovely colors to match Green, blue, so.se, and yellow, dftare ri ES thi n n fu n m * <**sJS*S fcWUSUWAT %MQftf! r *• upset The entire Aggie team played a great cooperative got; The lines- i men -.wared (lie Tiojan back.-; on ; attempted pcssoy, Ibe Aggie backs. \ paced by the ninning attack of .James Fisher, tevery. sepia more fullback from Slcelton. Pa., mil Vote an Athie Gan i-"ois of Canton, \ Old". . gistered 12 first downs It was Fisher's lon 1 run:? that ■ - t "a stage for both Aggie 1 ■■■“■ ili vi is, the fit :• i ( a-'.im; in the "a and quartei old toe second ‘ ip.- using slap a o. the final p. do.-l. The 100-pound sophomore Hoped ihocugh the Trojan litv for si.v- al long gait.-, but Garrison, l.conarcl Harshaw, Stonewall Jackson arid several oth-.-v reserve back? con tributed much to tit a bone crushing iif ack. | \ sii j I aricHion CoitlC BOf 1 j j i mi; many styles of nc w \ j j | sharkskin and gabardine 1 ( ‘ ".flits, in royal, green. i j ■'/ ■! black, brown and grey l j Sr/e;; lo f.u Os) Suit, yonr ['ha self! \ in Raleigh ll s g-r —Ts ■■ i ak-rr-af ,«» mmi f ashions iNs 11 RAn cF. nHU niN a PAGE FIVE THROUGH YOUR COMMUNITY CHEST

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