PAGE SIX “LUCAST A” STAR AND MANAGER AT ODDS, Theatre MOVIE GOSSIP HolivuYKM.l ( AN!' II i ' 1 V'; r! Carroll bv*. d he would have boon >■ haoov t > .re ih. wnndcitu! ''em UT shoxv by the Benevolent Va fifty .ir 11 .Vit s staged on the iev il. ipg 1 hi. f.imeti'. theater i r ."tauvant. Tbo goal .>! hf.- ;:i < up, *, b\ ,ci eon and stace .vom< n si-v months ago. i- pi rat--1a 1 bind, lot tilling porfii: IVIC: , raid ill U!t'; e,i.a .• horn*' lot aged an-i nuinim ra m \ ot Among tii" t -11 It: t. we; Ti ichc-U i K Rem; I'm: F He i • ... R. Id it i 1 ten Im. ■ Bra ver.t. Pint Me.:: . I.iiti, e, Ran dulph, Byron , 111 . i 8.-. ii! Wiil; Srni'n. Sarah Vauu'-ian, Nv. H. ;> I mia- Havd-'u, \; 'n,e mini Stewart. Woridiu it: I South, t a (I: t d Gilders.oevo. the Mu: !!'• T: .... ie Hathaway Mnhri Sr-t! .me e'u C: Gerald Wit provide;} tht music. Tibs is tlu- 'host t■ l > 11 • i>:■ ■ a . Vi:.; fhnw foatmin.c 001-ircd rterr rum pioducod bv Nr;', roes r ;. to! v of Fa: ; t' . roU . N .. have hern F alurod in sing'-' aci there, hrvrnvi r The It: ■’ tell V': !o;i llleali ehu'v was hold .»ut hero . , ; vf'e'.;. Titled Ill's IS MOLLS WOOD, it ■ e X ,a . :•••! !o . eyre vaudurvdlr. yet not luirt reoti Rating Hot Records . ra ■,,, io than is customer’. . d cocktail me, ?k\ is a fitting de?ci iplton o( . row fapiio! album by Act Dam sic palled •'C'oi.tail Capo " Ai < erd ran. vibe . Old mu’ e, • the lead on such tune. DARK . EYES. I’VE GOT YOU r'NDEK MY SKIN. T!{]• DRF.KZI; AND ; ME A DOW! ,A Ml) 1 ,()\ ; KR end 1!■ { HAD YOU Tins > : nil background imisi • ;t F *' ter in;:. of tee if .! V/r v\!. > SWIM i - R- el: r mon h'v.i Mis ' nv tn.p, la’c t brc.-.thv tm: ;.\ -ra t • Lem , SDMMKKTLM F, Pi , m.. « .P Hawkins like i i. ii-‘ pindv'. eut lux .note -r: Ihr inv ■->, ■ \ .■> fashion. Rex c r SELL OUT r i 1 f ■. and I" .me. i- waited • Z:ge\ Klne'i, hr:;. he is one of the gn •ates’ oft: urn pet men on ihe MOM f BUBI.IT CHKI. 'ihe-iv en ie-A who . eld equal it is gentle tin am. e ; . and sub tie changes on tlx is trap . ! nra • formance. Even the lisp- > r. AL WA YS . ■ I w i i .... 'ho- •o. ic-rmr to u. -’ big bend side-- doe I,raging- . is b'd leaps off !il< ‘urnlab’< m \ i .vrlusiv. ! KEY JAM w i fairing •< house-m;! hada-J ' f)0 T STOP 1.0 VJ.KG M F Bop Jans can get tneu kicks from tin: new Dszzy Cnk-spa \ ; for of MINOR WALK and ALGO ‘ BUENO, the I,.tte: a good we.i »’’ ; nng of iriff and Lain. . nvtu e >. hico also gels a play on the firr.t * Use of bongo,- is excellent. Shader ,* of Jacquet hover over HE’S A « REAL GONE GUY piayed franti cally by Eddie • Lockjaw' Davis .... on Lett ox. He Ms tour.- each nde * out of his tenor sax on the cor. JjJ panion piece. LE.APIN' ON LEN - OX—Although there's no si.-nilai - itv in voice, the Fats Waller ver b . ;ylf gets v going over by tjv Leo Guarrucri group on MGM « BUDDY JOHNSON : BAND RECORDS 1 ANOTHER HIT NEW YORK Bud.e. .1 dm t who has turned out rn: nv a smash ’* hit recoid in hi;- briot nve e a pv.imir/ent D«t.h n ording art » its, appears to hgv. come up xvd.h * bis greatest hit t date in his % newly released Decca disc, coup v ling a pair of torch baliards. I * Don't Care Who Know.," and * ‘ You Had Better Change Your 16 , Ways, ;® ' The top side of the new John- J son 'platter finds Buddy's Muc.~.- *i 'Singing sister. Ella Johns >p. * handling the voetd on T Don’t * Care Who Kn. - > s.' latest com » position from the prolific pen of * the vouthful piano maestro, while K Arthur Pry-sock, the handsome V balladier with the- romantic pine? * does the warning or: -'You Had y Better Chanae Yotn WL.ys" * That. Buddy has a surefiii. hit 2 In this latest Decca disc i. ex . len #- ™etd by the manner in which the noHonr disc-iockevr x-.ox-e when ridine it. with -.everal ; nice.- md featured such acts as a piano dun, ~ iy.r rn -iii..- i playi-i. a .jittei hug : ■ and ethers. Movie xvoi k IVii septan- . di •, n a a low c: o la U u. ... Ou!v ..h'-ni screen xaprar. )m, McGill lias b en tailed bolY > t.!i camn'as —for i Jc .se x Grax enow full.’ >c: ve.e-1 . toi ! 3tl npunds u IA-i'-uien I'OSpU: ll. ail / lUtract ! • he;-; m all UJlilaUlf I picture i o|' On a Columbia set. 10 saw beer, callccl fei an untitled pis. They arc Chcstci J uice, I 'lrnci , d til II 1; .T-hn'-an elv a ■ .(••• ;»•: AYei-l-..;!, (Five: H.v! ■ J. A Roheitsun J'nbij.x .i l-.a ••:. ’ Conies. Vvd'iair. '.V'asiiii: ' .•!■• and J.-;' ;... ft Lvim BIT PLAYER HELPS FBI NAB NAZI Bit player Lou;-:" (.’la: <*:; krmvrlcdge foreign langiu'.g' iieha-d the FBI in the caphi:-* of a Mazi hep rreontiy. -She spe.iks I i neb and G»:i man fluently. He ..•••pt!v. she eves heard i Geisuan 'diaufft ur u'caking 'n Gcim ’ gains! t.’ic t ni'S j St:.*-- at th ?rtth Centxyx -Fog studio ui " No ext marte." She expos'd ium as a : f * ! • columnist; he xva • fired, ami the !• BT ••tcpx'ed iix. wdh Bie'lxct John on piano 'liile . f:.e. MINUTES FROM TIMER SQUARE and :it* voicing of ena’d Wallei f undo a -o dupi; rated, other smfaw GUSH IN ’I HE PARK : new .nslrum im ij but t •!! on < Wallei Ir k B XV It it ■: I ait IM ’-•at ic , ..- Jtihnny Ofi; h:i. .king up .) '(■ Swift nil tie’ Exclusive ol i.OYfN’ BABY BLUES. If might \' good in spotr- Ptitrcd i ILL JUST LAUGH. deer! theti leovn (,’AHKT.KSH l/)VK S Olive" who know- »-xactl.v xvb.-u • Ur, e.i ■ Im- band an I ■ i d ;•!(’ U en MCM ;. eU , ,i ’ . 1i ■ :-annx« result, SCOTTY H h.:., i; P >x uh a we 11 tdayed rom no ]-r:oi Ho t)i a-tin • -. o-.d 1> IF nr- W-H IF YOU P,Ff IIA'FI IN ME. RHYTHM SINGINt; Sara Vaughan slings lie; votce an ovo the Lenox of MEAN Tu AD. . ith bop backing by Gillespn Fa.a..; and Flip Phillips who get . as, io, Pwurig WH \T MORI. C\ S' A WOMAN DC- a. and v.'U.h be .-amit- band The I'cul' S’ la-i ; h.- : a !■: a:. ‘ - ■; it's under com,’id on ti, MG.'i of WAIT'LL 1 GET YOU U MY DREAMS TONIGHT c .' iF’Mf the i d.sre -,yii: i» dtivin.; ium. Ii 1 :t; Pag, iii • Ctic.dK f: gpjta, on Sv Me: >f Wil.-xV WRONG WITH ME <„,OOF>Y GO'd ’C ' J.-vr ha- its 'Leg on the loppy C&purd ’F' ’St AI.OuS.X HI •' bv Jolmny Mevcer. tv : S ... -ue i f a side fa. n Hv-t a ’■ cf Jmv album. THE TAIL i.ATF TROMBONE. h Win.;” Man.'inc and a D \ ; ,, ; euneix. RO( K\ >lOl NT HAM) mm i: is si rcKss We a lute the Biwxkcr 1 Wash ■ngt Ji b'gn school.,. it's prim-ipal. P: of. O. it Pope, faculty and --te lent bodv er. l yc'-.-rsil punlr foi 'their unusual roue, ;-, in inK-ine funds ' r the achool band in a : •nt txvo wa "k . drixa Th idea for the nryanizntam ihe drive was "inated in a fux’ii'l’. and xtude.'lts ;'"Ud3 where d va- su-'ierted that the sudent body b • set to work m , .:. xi ,-c placed in charge oi t d elasss i vpreseniing state.-,. Teach i ?foyfc Brvant .'ind M a Jcu.ille Browr: raised s9ooo. The ninth grade un Her Mrs. Lenbeart. Mrs. Hawkin'; Mrs. Green. Mrs. Lassiter and Mars Allen rased $271.62. Th. ■ tenth grade under Mr. Long, Mis? 'Brown. Miss Davis and Miss Whirl,w raised $706.00. The c-lev •■nth r-aade under AT' Burned Mrs Grimes Mar Dav-s. Mi. ; TwT'-'dv rased 4 503 rateft nf’i "injtq the ixvelflh rrade raised Sill 4$ di? student. .He , le.enth 1 v-rade rmd tenth grade vm-e run j ire as r>> A mrufj the individual® j '“-''tie rolicT'-'l the Ri"hrst urno'int ’ollexx: Mi--; Jean Pen 0 j **vq fm. X»i« M c/i” Mi arc «f!-» 00: : IF, :-ia Wade J,. ?v> 7,1 and M ' Mary F. Land $40,60, BISHTS UNION RAPS BORESCN MOVIE TORONTO. Out. (ANPx - Th i btjnuiiiu "f lhr ir,>vn- N'Uiv. : Laud." iu which lum iliyc rmd ar.jtn.'. .ji"< hv Paul riuhe.-on. F\ Uv cio .eishiji board brough! a pro to.?' line recently lr f >m Ihe Civil ] Right-- union AcoTding to Jaffe. -mi HurF y excciUß'e ‘ cci lary ! i union. O J. Silver!noi’iie- 1 soi’ board cliainman, verbally tinn ed down (lie film foi Oiuario ilt.xx ing; He ..aid tlv* film wa ■ i in ■ ran . it o, a 1 t"o Amo lean in in, ii’cl maUc: It (leal? with tin- Kn Klux K!;ni vigilante shoot mgs ot Miuthri n «■ ■ 1 ,)-. IJin! .Un no,'ls ,■( i.l bur spies” to .'.oiasn uiitnn: Fiix’Ci lima iie. iioxvcvc-i. deiiied 1 oat ihr il.'i-mimin film v. i. ’ban tied ” lie (•• , m-shio nua ■ . ’ ior . (or or pilUin- inr.s of fill;!:, ut not:ed t)v a he ii.secl ssh ; X'.o nr. ■ i.iniy. and this had n■: i :er. done in in*’ < tics .a -N‘.i(iv< f.ami ' CONSIDER m OF ‘HAMLET’ IN SEPIA HOUSES NEW YORK tANf’i V'.. .. . Un). the na’ mri'.- i I. U~i • :' ’ 'e,’i -n;o ■: • !.,i ,o: an • \ <,t ment in expanded bonk.‘m: poii.-y planned bv Un-versai FicUi < i s. o di-'i n;scd F, re last r\ ' T!, • , :,’pi.rirnciu tain ■ the- fmnr i i ~u, ting llie favota':>)( and strongly r:.- ;cvcd Bl 111: a > i r ■ ’ll mile! " ! ! At thur Rank In g. o tire;,’ Hie cui i i'iit 52.40 luj scale. Aithough negotiations to run th fill.: in Negro houses 'livonglxoti! 1 count tx a; a’sn being pin.; • -p-Tial emphasis i- placed on fie : na'toiD eapital. Ibrx« • at -ales ex ■ roTixe i.vliece licit Wasixitigtciri '.\ jji one of ti e mo-: 1)1, ran ),-a ~ 1 jtu l11 'ire roi.m'ry and at' victim of :'’in egidion. would e- u. 1 ;•),,ri totnn atea \ for (’ :• , ment Tlev have tmti U neyo, I ton , v. i! ii the I del’-! man chV-n. • frei *.■ id), Di M Uls \ cn \TiON yrvv Vi uii. . 'd .\ee-.,. M ■ Vim ■■■ Tppell.; -rri ~: A!:i\ o, fAir ■- 1 i , ’ jcntfd (Auk, F tmch-n ;h a > i!..- • ler- r’’> in ' -.:nUr d ia- nr xv eempo: U- ■!! tit!, hi N T j» tj>»• '\Yur-*l M. JlD.yllUrp'J T'.Tp'rl frrxvr. : D'iKo f ! ’ :»•--1i 1 • l*i*.• i*r i. ’*t ! i»:inu* t i ipt nl i«i" :-*; i j "Mr.Mlt.xh : f ?ii} Murnl " v. L«iuh ’.vru pr?;nif. v' , 4 i’' ••. ;.tVO) :: . ♦<4 to Kilinftton, l.s tliai *l’ Noy Vt »vK Cry i'ioif t i* - ;>nle. an J 11, , city in: h ir.inxe "and dance when | i:o lain.-vmci jhi mainmiuh i. A M. | Auditorium wit:) un , »f iroj'f ii c*l / 2iw ••.K-*r.r 1 . s < he I .-audstand of Frank P.'ilumb.;'.- i Clii'i<. (,ne (,f ■ 0.0 nation ■■ t a , ’srin band F,canons, in Praia j deiphia. in a I\vo- ' oek engagf • : nicn.t. starting December 12 i m KF TO PUI I AT WILBERKORGv T ■o;e-;e' : 7 .G;- '• ■ J‘r V . .■ ■'. r,. .:x \ ■ . a | WII..BFRFORCE. Ohm Duke I EJlkigtun and his orchestra wii! j be presented in concert by W ; ‘ j bcri'orcc University in .Tones Au ■ riitmium (Shorter Hall) Friday j evening, December 2, at 8:00 o'- j clock. ‘ j Tor almost twenty years Wil j ! -erforee University has had a ; personal interest in the Duke FI | iington orchestra. A former stud i out of ihe university. Freddie , Jenkja- who was a mem hot of i the original WiHxmforee Univer i Sity CoJleJfiaiis. (the --ehooi Ui' | 'heertrax joined the 'Eliington or ' <‘hestr:.» as n trumpeteer in alioe j IvSfi and became one r»( Um out : stHnding menrbers <*f the bund .a... —r, n. ■ -- - - - . - THB PAROLTMTaP K■:h p :t \ 4 CAVAI cA 0 £ P. 1 1- 3?./- £> A i WZ-Lr'':.. CL"' •' ' ■" Yy' ■ ;; .-‘j """ i. - ' r m §l§V * . . fil :M ■ .'< .. "■AG'/fT' A" WSCm mmm* ;smf < A Cmb t LCM, . . ;,i *w - ,y: I P h m# I % '"■***% \ ' Actor Juanii Ife.rnamlez, who x>. ill portray Booker T. \V:c h i tig ton in fin- f.'avalradc of America broadcast ‘‘The Burning Bush" oil Montl’iy. Ni»\ ember 15th, over ill." co".:d-te-< oaad ,'UT network, i-. ?ht#v.n a xove discussing the script xvj'.h Mrs. Forts x Wash)nr,fun I'ittman, daughter of Booker T tVasliint;sms Mrs. Piftin in iix«•- a ; Booker tV.sshington Birtiiplax'e. Virginia, rt me nun to t ,.-1 latfiei the :.r‘ .it Xinericb edsmator in >le 1 I JI,U f... ILLINIOS JACQUET TURNS PUBLISHER Net V„ FF.ra: - J„ ( :y t pfp’Ux', I- ’dn ’ ■>'.-! ■ •, :i■::■ • ; io t raw n-,; ■ ui ll ill 'k \ ; the f'ermati- a ol im; ms,, e. u,. G,Fu Mu- p , i .. uf' jUf*s 3i if. j‘ r | , i> m \ •;! ■ i r ;j'* ,'; •■f >•; W !>V•>,(> i‘" ■ ’ '. r ; ; . lrn\, .WVirC'ilk' m:. f)! .1 * \* :i"• j ».y, * ps.«n rt v' * ( < , ii?;. M Cubic ho AT w:,U ] )> ( i'»j 1 ,; J;) * ’ij>: •>,!} d|‘- jj j | t n T'itC injtisi! .■' * n>ll • ti) 1 • i.H* )‘>i>j 1 : -3H' •! ■■ ‘ ! ixi ' I ' ’ 1 :' V y’‘ <\ - '\ 1 • :iAr : i. ir - fj W- ,’G- .. 4 .. -; • ; 1j ; , <\. |';t\ f .» ;i 1 Oi l n V ' -dA'. •' ;i l , J *'■!'4l•} I \' < > ' t7i . S-:>- , ohisC&itte Mmi'c Company, Total CH/om gtiuiings >n !‘u. u ; a i\i Sum • N Vs ! • :Vj otUjfx'*? iii ift.i.T’i.OO'l |; ( .‘a_s j T:u vcs’. — . Son * h Cato).mu 11. ■ »•.;> S.u; ■ : 'si t t v protect i i*n -.St. Whiskey R fciii Prke Snm $3.15 Fifths $6 Proof i th; straight wkiskevs ih this p«oduct A«£ 4 V.;A#SO« Mate OLD. .TS-y STRAIGHT WHISKFT, 6i% NSUTRAI SPiSfTS, D|ST)LU» FftOM GRAIN. CKtUMII l Vtttt UHIUU. KIIK, VIMS i ■ " v 7 ar~. ? j tks pne ro BA’l f W Hl'V.r.Cii at NYC (■‘. 'i vc 1 1 : ti, o'", ! - icr sjt gd • ! m ,x| tv,.-r! Vuginia Htnte ' d-t-f ,t ■■ ■ Itol'’, i i . ch I' ' *. ; '•« c- n -.peer at f'olutTihnT ”■ ’i rrdv. hrs enra'i,-! <>} Now '■ -rk uinvcrsiT- ior *.c r doctor ,’ia in soterh cducuiion. The A pi;s k-p i; A 1 aha : Tor star rri tcccntiy -he •'Power of Dvr km.:;.,' :F. Tolstoy, c.s ) rurrher ci *he American Nc yro the--. Tire, Mrs Fitch, who p na*.vc of \V, W Vs.. .studied droinafics under D'.- Peichrr ;'' i;;vJerer;Ktuafe !■ ! -.i with Dr. MHr Fi: Ih 1 t'-U-mbi.-T where «h»- !V -‘" ’1 <, iti*. mbpr of t!),' Co lubF p'ayers. i:ir th. iI.M •ra r ,t \,T.e' ic n acn. idluiv. P -,, 1 r’, !<|;;: V. , ; !<■:•> than Civ, mii un yuskcls’ this yea>’. ■> «*«Mo»wr • MR pawna ’ f' VU ."VU" s FAYETTEVILLE 4 m BIG FARMERS 1 TUESDAY 8 •.W’' . j 1 y..;. || K ' liouse j i)e<’emi»cr | Bi^^f|!||'.||j|§| f J m wuvwttw rr- f-nirr-Tin-imr-rrrm ■ i -ft rnwmrnoißMirm-|i|i imiwnTf—wiifWiiii nwiii n>—Hi—iwiM—mu „ I j IN PERSON ™«*«**»»■., BE-BOP DIZZY Oh GILLESPIE and hi* Be-Bop ORCHESTRA i R\LEt(»H |A(|jy| NITE MJV. SALE j mem. aud Iff yII a nov. £s£s $1.50 I Ji.juh mini 11 ri (inwiwiiMfii^iiiTi>airrarrfi< iTwntti't'JfomiriTtmrmtmwwiiiiim tf'ifi’iiiiMTNiaiagwiiMWßtWfiiiiiiMiiMii miT '•"'■•■■■'■■■xm in «4 Nil Oft WANTS 15 PERCENT Os GROSS TAXINGS 1•> Ni K 'Ff (A MU tiikf., iSimir . ;U;ir of the rt out ’• Anna Lucasl.;i’’ pMKiurlum, ; I. mu'iv. t in Ijcndmi vvbiir t!ir rest tlv cum praiy suu’li:d 11 prolon::' 1 ton of flu i>mx inci-s. Mi., , Situ ol3 had -» disagreement tv ith the rn.mi,'g'-’' men ‘ over Iu :■ salury A% ,;t:ir .u the 1 .oruloii producti’’.'! ’u* -.vas paid between 80 and 100 pound:. . pet work (r-uglily hetxve’.Ti $J2‘) and S 400) with the un tei .taudin.i; tiinl sh< • tv as F- rei-eivi a I ) pc . coni increase for g orif*. ori flu I road. She demanded 15 j.< r.-.-m <*t ; the t;ni:;s taking xvhicii the imw ' papi in port-.’d 1. meihiiU’ Noel U"V ard neve- asked.'’ Jack 11 vllm .■ pr, of 11: mg (he Hrili 0 V si'ii "f tin show xxhi b mad. a u:i'j.uoe t ■.,- 1j . A me: ieari -a. am: wJxo toak it mil el a Fla: - ■am i>•: 1 1 • oii’ih. I !:.-, • dvvay. M's Sniiiii.: lias iiec.-nue a lirid " Cl 111: mg 1 f 1:1 i. She :e --•gintly m ~ried > ,ii:i<: Itaiian- Anu-i'-.a actu: Richard Align re-; 1 1 1. nx\ 1 m in la- Ti !■ Opera Houm, Ni,a mi>ej 2 1 . 1 hvt‘ bev app-.-a --i >cr:. to conCcvi: for .. w iiiu be MU.-- l!H"- juddir S’.l a;;il">!t til,. : voxio: '•'/ wanT to -ec iu'r Hu 1 1 ' I■. .a ara.’i- al Uie Te. ir fa gis-e. a:i ii e-, .XI li,-i’.sen. pop , uia: Ti l ,li. j-H : I-' ( >iJ la. ’ md'wav day - xxail appCfir in CASH LEAVES WITH PROMOTER Miami ,‘AiSrp) Nearly -iODO people oathorrai toqeth«t in Looker 1 Washington High ScF.col auditorium hero. Sun doy afternoon to hear the Ti'mxxprfecra popular record m gi ip tram Raitiniorp When the Tntmpriccrs did no{ show up the crowd re i tinned .gain Monday nitihf WF■■ n tbr p'o-iormera were adi absent indignant cnnflni re. d, inand tbroi ttiooey ■ -*: f hut t}.e errUMcixTie pro m Ur: r.t too r iTvCli h,;l de, a {-.{jearod VJ. T. M.ntgcimrry pro inotfa- ci toe consort who had advertised the program wide ly ar Td v.’bo had collected about $2-000 from agencies v’h > sold tickets for him. and Fad apparently skipped tewo. u.u was last scon driving a iSs i Buick sedan Police have U.-rfrd c st;-to-wide- search for him and Svtin of the ticket agencies baxm announced that they plan to sue him for om bw-.rlrnrani ii he u, brought hack to Miami. ’ t' S Department of .Vraicwtmf fti'f. cjjf.ei hn-.-nf ing wtib I'D- po s1 i 1 1 1 1 V of ;,oni;n> 1 h’cri tu d..v:nr x>.a.-!, ! ptniiyiy o' * ‘ ■•f." vegetables rho k-uU; - s *hich atnuunt to a .staggering sum •’•eh v.-.-i: in; kt •mi set d !:,t yurtif'i). rail.,: i|. • - ( ■ • c*a c '.i' sot ■ p. O:Vi’.’Clhair fed \ tVE'EK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, .19-lS I _ l _____ m w t T Nitelife In New York . 11 > mx :* mid i . *t.ur"xt 1 it-'y xt, i) ' him •; t ill I X! 1- >, I Vr>Ki- !A'tJ ! -- Kadi .ihd ! Vidro tatinp . . : r.- r .'f gc jI iv i*.v FI icy me t-ver on the look |i,nl Inc igient ca)>ub]e of iirovldiiig idle ■ ot c-nt* >•!, 111>rtx<;r• ‘ .Ku.l'xi iH’i x ' New X'-.i’kPls crave and etc- i j mat! This 1 ul-'-i t) lie ' f tlie th, '. : If. 4 , the Felti* n -Ufioty Ml.-, Ibr lUiiei,ca:cd (trap, in .-hnv. like Bill Cha.y.'. f; xv V.-dv Arc. ; r.e:, in, etc. .Fiinmv Kdwurri . ■ > -urn !i : lion:’, -. : ' c:. iI* 1 d Wilt: UIC stiv:’. j iH'en a sort 1 1 Ncxv 'I merit Diogenes Arne ecpiippc'd \\ ith a lamp that Un 1 1 Fmv tiici ein m-M i- tun e , •;u tiMh 'I HI J i KNOWS lint WHI ; Ark Mi Sf’iuffi"; 11 m any of the 1 J| olio 1 heat Iblg'vigs .J, ut Jin:- !my and face., git.iv; . iu. yeno'ii' I xv.:; mu: ami i’C*- I *cx*t for tht’ .one j niim effod he. tin: nv-ido in provifl- : I iu: t.uc i!' t u the >ll ,-v there, iHe as so; ,1 111 u time locaierl a! ; j.ii? We a o Suet where day • limit 1 • 1::n 1 ;<<• ai.ui'iotii.'il lec-n-a.Rcr: i '.vim iwuied in tost,inter j 1 hr-x xx'ere tomui coxed Fl!a Fi , z.;er iaidand Billy’--. Then last; *!c.,i ' ' - * ’ : ; I’nhd. us u,r Chun try mW aim; £x.* v! 1 1 -Ii! ' .> ■ 1 1 1 e, U--.' i.ICC. : V 0111 ; .'gl’ . j " dll I’K’-Umo n'ie;v about Ua;;m.: Jan rial"-! r.. so. )-•! -v. iter-. ■ 111:.; •■1 '<’i: nii: ania'.'ui . xx ho desireJ ; i cii ha s“‘ v anri heard ! Me Fm nd t going to prodi.ei I hi-w •’ <-w mien: . j I'm c> • -11 i 11: .-I liio i ill ,1 j | ball • i-j; offio iieadquar e . ■at : V. * ! ! i'dlli S : i• > ; Tiug-a | mmv ('ivp.'rly he ealiecl "Grand | Central Station," foi u litcral'y t lias vuf 1 ng > 1«. s x-Utt) s'age n: t • Si.i'P}) u.iiiiis jiiUnfj. i’ out. I*l v:: 1 fil !;ur cluing imir His v*idc | c\pert ifir-f* ni .1 1 line of the iU icu! j' l < u k •»; avaiuhiu to undeveloped | .un.ileui s \a lu* m ir.any inMatlrcj . kC- a .er’’ v lougii cj'iijc over un* j xss iJitur abifity is ovlu'uleiy uut j UK-line .m !.,«.• whJL i cull I % ~ , i U mi. m Vour: a,o-v m til i1 am j d. ' M.'-m'd W-’U p."d .-I ir- dm. j wrw ' „ ■ i.-.v l ,v. ! ' 1 U< ih'U. m.\ - Thi-v Iv 'F rai " fund n pW . tryted. Uy ; f I’ll-; ■' 11l , fl < u.u V of (-o-'lim. ! x p, ;--- Mux,,, me Ua i m w rail t , t>y H- n,:m ii’dllUl- .'el v.')r.\ .if hu »frt .-in. Iv | i)t-i msmu v-.. ,1 n. t; w > -a 1 ■.c-mp'ora,xi.itig never huid a cliant-b. j brmi.r. Ho Pilau. ,mu ~<11(01 y £'•) i .’i mv vt ft can ■ ;il cm ivi visit |io n. fta:: ,a- up ~,ri a j xviif l u.-eive cm- f, on them ■ fhi:. iduTlln nj.r . Ld’-’Ca {•’ cam): F’i’erU ■: -u’ ..nd »u 'du< -’- 1* xxt \ j x’l'poi r;} p f va.]f r ... K -ov;lr„ o; ;i •< iiult: na ,!■ - ' -a me Theotiv i (itul'j 1.-. nkint’ fir :, fi’odr.etion I u >• am -D Hi: . e< ( .,Utth cen- Fii-.v di;,a . a rg./On Cira . on S. C Max- dug 1.1 :.,c veai ; HD:! A -r.-.i :Fi j.:-hiy fnan . laiei.U’fj pea : .a: 1?■ s idi” r. ,rM. il : a ■ . - in ;jiiir m, Murarnat:e jnxivmcntfe bu? nex-ei gmic ri-o.- io ’’ -si Hytii.jj ( il iya l *h' ali i'g.iri't, oxneeu (i., Hiaraaric/. Fana-t., 5,c, . 1 i'iph \Vli-p_wr. t’cm,, XV iron, .YfH died Siniih, Blaiie’ (.-a'iner. ;dvc f' i • or) pendij ir.iuxci?; with H< v U'-curit ;/ u'jfu. L.el lable r• m i: • A *1 er.r.vv. \ . •.«? cf ,t pen*ft Ad .si :••’ leading tu- .sii'b.iegate-'. i e >’. J' tu i’(vrl(. h Hu high w.-d. c iiundi pack the rx pF 'i-i ve .'.pnU.Hy e’x 0 ion;* hoped At'.d C;o- nh: D’e. n 'l • m.; m ad-.i • e ..1 a ’'h'uu‘ n• vj'i r >enns-m-tn .skive cvcnor," him. f i ; h un uirwelrily role teat should -htccued in urolcr-s dialogue ■■ • ■■'■ v.’ o 1! fvf!’ though one felt the hihornus rmniPnt:.; the actor exper ienced ! hroughuut For "iio thmg Hit: slaves impress ••nii ;t.. if thev arc naing to massacre • heir inhuman overlord but the "Tip i- never permits tbit- dramatic effect bwhic iho finale '»i ho U t i! ■ desired mciocirnniaUti climax See i* in all mean-, no it bus t: it> historical value:; anil !;• vei ; much. . . !h. " sAicmitr (i.kks WITH SAHI.I. r\n ' enfCAGO ■ A,\'! • Lms 1 Satchrob" Aivvho ivh b Iti- ai;< piece combo is currently olayinp ••rtf night stand' and col ia:;c dale , in •.•xjirricncing ;; umv-i of ■!icc i ,vim:!i outslrp, that of iitc hfg band he fronted a couple of year.'- ago The combo, which in ■ 1 1 id * * ucii • U da- artists as "Fa '• T'atha ' Hint ■ Jack reapard-'o Barney Hn.rd .inri S ; d Catlett, booked v. ithotb ,• break into next April Ai ms!ret;-':, . l ilt’d n> open at the Blue Nnie t'hicar. • Deccmbt ■ *. fm four ivn ks Tin < ’■vil! nim i' bun !>•■ .Fiatnil:;■? >. Vega- i‘Vb: •:.«»*>- bo Ico weeks. _ . ~~ i dofl'heeoM ( WWn M/i(l \ \we put it PJ a NN« j$LJ^ \.R ry )ftq VJ soi £s *bt h A f*r)AWf <>V fV:\ tn-pr p;<* . together -it ;is «*! > “ without leadership, and that the poorest Army could be made great by leadership. Kvory baseball or foot ball player knows hi? team ha? to have a rap! a in, .end every soldie* 1 knows he h?s to have officers. Vet many workers have been bod to believo that businesses $ den t need leaders or manage??. Th e y h«vo also been led to be l*e\e that manager get salaries that are too high. Tli*? fact is that if all mans*- t rial sal hi ie? ot ? KyOOO or more "were divided among workers it would amount to about 40 cent? per week per worker. Thus, the cost of leadership 5 seen to be ridiculously how* tv hep. von re r, on 1 » ESTHER WILLIAMS PKTER, LAW FOR!) : IN— uon An island With You" And on the 'same program— LENA HORN,I IN-- ‘*Bipp Bang Boogie” Chap. 2, -'Daughter oi Don Q Friday-Saturday. Nov 26-27 ■’Double Feature* JOHNNY MACK BROWN ' ■‘West of Carson (lily" -AMD HOT rGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. JOAN BENNETT —IN— 44fcreen Heir —AND— Chap. Li The Phantom Rider , w Mttt