PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page One N4MIW OF Ot ! .'. C CiT . 1 .S Vj f ! . II':. rothd th,.; ! ■ ;> ■ : a.. • : n m-:ipv:luva> •.!.’< ilowi ' „•> we are vt-rv much kv-n: a •>y et 'he ■ pp 'i • '• .. .1 Fai ■ Friuli a,- air F . ■ Con - aissioii Judge 'Mali 1 vw borne the •'anvu ui d .i i run.: nip a: lust miriOitty gti >- ■; d h;*s v.!•;- feli.'tit-’iy u(. ii.. it-!. 11• i :11• i-- ir fight awuust i i.j - ,i\i. i;n i;' a! Mr Mari Cl; men f ri-- i ,i '■ n Wasltia dun l«„ ... It >r ; Amei can A. u: tal id; f l i,; v■■ • . ■ Wc.i. It’s Blanket-Thinking Time and fsrne To Flunk About That Car V a Tll i'C | g.m.a.c ffu: ,iai'i- . i ini B Budget >'!an rorncr. f ->-: th: i. j : 8 Payments E :*• lOW «•> $5.19 vi.ii air i; M'uh', .a, (:.i ;i 1 r.r ;u,n H " b r 1 ! I I Painting. « ,s ,i;l! ! h -u -i 'i : ii.■ .'<■! SaMMMMMMIKMr SIR WALTER l 111-.VROUT COMPANY 118 W. Hargett Si. - v ißWiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiimn iii 1 in . CARS BEST SELECTION CLEANEST CARS LOWEST PR ICES IN THE ST A TE Y O U WILL GET A GOOD DEAL AT HARMON MOTOR CO., INC. RALEIGH SOB I'fAYETTEVILL7 ST. DIAL 3-54 SS ■n. At the 100 anniversary of ! Obeiiin Ctiheee, 'Vir:?. Terrell '.vow j named c,.i of the IOC my si famous 1 )ui in ii. AI t!v Into national Can- | : , s of Woiiv.'o which 11 1 in Ber lia, O''many i■ • 10,04. she wns hit ( dv Air. wic in did ovate who deliv- ] red her addros* in three languages. j 'a :'iri;.i,. F: > :h ; i aid F.’iylish .Mir 1 !Vm?ls ■ ne of the first two] .! , 11 .;,, a!ih. *h ill '".'lf on t:a j ’hi,‘ i(l , oi !' ruitit at .)Udffo Ann.:: "I Mu 11 1 : aa. and n - j y.n'M that she L-i ivi-l'-ccd by ..-onie-.: me with a !..-eai iii. ..mid of an: i American >p )it of di-i' Oeracy. \ C. PAKKM i.u • p’ny--: ■ ■ j.; ~• , ... aphid.s and I .literatim dial vviii provide oppor ■ | u.inily in a 1 :itoii!ip’d of flu :: -lyi 1 and aids in the work. A !: S'. - SI- .-, : U lea held in 1 ! Wiilislon 11i -. 1 ■ Sciiooi auditor!u" j i - aii.iiinr with the '.mneral aessior ; IF: ids', night arid officially closin ' - atii 1 noon F J Ru ,< l it ; principal "! file school. George AI ! 1- cl the ! tea. P‘i a-i ! bran*'!: unit ?.h a. f.ii«■ Jones in- - j oality liiau. ass Med la M;> !h'l -a f a,-.; ]:, .., ~nd f: -- ■ lonl s r, woof,l and Mrs Dorn idly Ja< kson, local tegistrar. VIE\ mi IFAFI VL ■!a had nf-sri ’a 1 .hea laat Pa- ,:u a ■ n] soullieili PIP--; i'll pent • Sidlid .1 join 1 in d"U rnuiM- Pi.ic: ami l'(r ai! what uspirsliOi'a the Nejtrn wo 1.1 Id ciidangc;-i:u-i,d 'l' e arid what uspi. ! tio e,.[ei: !o bring about -"n-r:iUI"U t.«;i fit j.; Ur 1 j.; t> I tni • c o gc- 1 \i 1 11< »n. "Tin n.' he atM> d. "li ; isoa In : op again."! dal ; :a: Lhd ; I hen i i'ip.uve ihe P. inns!, iep ' ituiiCili- asiiii .Pa a •!’ Hi • ■ ..>!<>: ili The sp'.-, are appealed to lur. liIUF.. liv t 1 t Ulf : piOi'f!., ; ilKill *’tA :'»• iliy.r 1:1'. jUSi a: ;i ivr.i!tv* j- tjf i’ighi aiat iu>t - «a by liu* d*si iSibon «*t Fedrs-ii ' i jr-i ■ n:t Judge J Waits- vVanmi o* Car'Aiua ih.t- tis coT.-red : ‘.voiilu h‘ vsiiu in v.;»p. •i ii'f) it it VV« Sc- lit. 1 jot Gu CU.ii’ ;iili that :-IH:Fi mh aUltUdt su(i v>* : Sit ’!> (.t. si ' and eoliii's'd. ure bec-i.i.i) ng jp eei jiv eoncerned ahenh the genoft. l jpm pki in the South, so. Fm - ITS CHEAPER... TO BUY Quality Furniture * .. ■#4 ' 17/ % 11a X »..7 ■■ S& a : Uf^lSl ■ » sigg'"' Jp ** v *>. ?v u; ■ 7-r fil'i 7 - ■ ! s Pg? Here You Have The Oppor tunity To Modernize Yam* Bedroom With Stylish, Liv able ’Furniture . . . For Dis erlminatinv Pec>)')le Who In sist Upon Quality And Econ omy Quinn Furniture Co. 108 E. Martin Street . 'HIM CAROLINIAN i , Returning lu Uti: tided l‘up im puivui Negro honking in the ■ . city and the League’s views c i the situatior:. he said: ‘‘The following is what we have , : found to be (1) All of Hie ; money necessary b> bvakl j i and a-paxtmen's is avail.:hie ii th. cost can be knot < a u;iiabn. ■ atnounf. (2) Those willing to iii a nee the building of home.:, r.-id apartment.-- cowr.,.! p -'poie .van: F. It: . tin>t the ctilu.'.- i - pc-opii- a: i ••• inteiested in J better homes. .Since the city us . ficials will have something to say i pt-i »o u t ‘,.h :s ho tiling program, tin > will also want to know how H • 1 colored pc-pie tin) about, xl Plans for the project coll fu: ! a minimum of fifty units, with j reerration and other eomflmnilA ; rxims provided for the use oi | the tenants. , The 1.,r ague ha:-: .-st.'iblisliod an i | ln-ioimotion bui'eau wliieh is pro- ’' ! pared to funiish information oh i tin- amron! lal-or i.iieturi- and cent ii'"-'* !• *p;::cut-: m the fish! oi \ v'lt.r.u'.in.s h a in;; Ti/'chir;; upon the euri ent em ' ! ploy men! sit i jelling it was j.ou? thnt inrrr'iciinF ‘ 1 ' ion of forms in the South ha. ' i i.vauUid t/1 <9 ci iHSi.U-'i'ahif- di.>- r»laa< :vm Kt r-.i champs lor erii ' \ lo\ . • Fit h — i IAI y> >-C ' rf[ % \ dr ' 'yZ [V. | K hr s. “ v \ x» ■d .. X y jfiJ YoiFll Be Enjoying All Those Gcod Times . if von save for them. Pul your money in a i uih. whose mi!i\' 1 in lii i- mill uniplt lesej've menii n i »t«. ction mul consist on f ; foj* you. N ■ -!. ■' mm mhOHf! w i-j, w'imu’X'i-r o’v l l Mi 1' ' 1!! I■<; i i !■>• '.'Mi . . !m '! -:' .;' I|.U . I CO'i . f ili-'-f First Citizens Bank & Trusl Co. RALEIGH, N V. \ NEW CLEANiNS PLANT OPENS m RALEIOH E.'nb,.: .-. ■■ ■ in': iiicw jji . :,<• M ! me. ; : ■■ U s and ■:Ct:< hi ' .. f ' ■ 'l'M' .i. ‘ ij i. 1 ! iic ;v. ; ) 1 c! •>i hi l:-u.!u lie.-. ?:•!> .1 ‘ ii.. ’tv: il . ’ll in i'- ll •I'hiirii* :• t ■ n ' ■ ■ ever .'■■i 1 III! ii .i .■ . ! i .'I ; 1 [ill u i(l . : .vo.e i>i ow. .i i.’it’ i,'aoi id Hi: ce ftaicioh yuunr wen w'rm this week !. polled dp lilt* "C'uf -i C ; < ..ncr/. ’ the city s iuv.. st flc.'i iiinp a*id tail vim! o-daidißlirm-nt Ju-uted in li:< hOti BiOCK t i ,South \\ i li]:Ul.oii ’ 1 . '--U 1 . . iJ' t ' Tiid i hi-fi fi. i indf iand opera lots ■■: iS.o Pc•»)!«• • art.- t"U.• i 1,-., (.'in ii... .1. A (' Pn’Ti: h .1 , .ml Bryant W. I!('I;, 1 V.'i'.O Jvi'vC JJ .oil'd till if nnar.-Ci”.- ano c-ft Wt-: i" literally L'Uiitjiii ' a i:!i'. lilt ■ trniii roiiid n (Jin' ii ihi.- In pvoblen.; v. . ti'.l ioc'.itiuy ~i ; ,ii 1,, till' • j-i’itru in )'i ain c cnnstfuctiod til; |„ a pi; 1 i thi ;,I •••a,. Happy Khmer New Year. lues- Tills v.',..: riivol 1;v (tie pit] - ; clia.-c- id a lot i'.ni't (tie orceUem ol i'O v/ar-erirplue Quo-nse! by the three i Amed whether they had run into | many probe nv lining the three ™— iIWiII>t.iJhiaB(S3fr.||i>BIIIWJIIUWIIiI)iiMBWWWBWWHIWM>HiWHBWWMBWWMBMWHMMMMMMWMWW>WWWWBWWMMW| SPECIAL CASH RAISING SALE 4,00 pairs o< Ladies shoes thrown on omr racks to choose from.. It begins now. v:»et your share. 2,000 LADIES Dress & Sport Shoes PICK YOUR CHOICE JJ> 1 *94 CHILDRENS’ A).!, WoOl. TA M S 49e each i iV* *5.95 SPORT SHIR TS $2.91 to $4.95 H Ml N a BOVS AI I WOOI I SWEA TE R S 1 197 c to $2.91 I W & E SALES-SALVAGE 307 S. WILMINGTON ST. OPEN FOR BUSINESS «< «* f x [ft, km «?■ #:’• , * y- JRj .. ■*. -V. v ..Xjx-V W fe# *** ■ 'Ay:.:- • .t W • v"-. . u . ........ . . .«• 1 - ’ - '"*>:*>: r-RCv-v- . ■■ ■■< ... Co-Ed Cleaners lYi-l.d ('leaner have opened the doors o! rhea* new mod '•> is dry cleaning plant. We have been some time preparing f»r tbi- c ent -, as we wanted to offer you, the Raleigh Pub >:c, the best service and workmanship possible, To this end we have is--*rhased the latest equipment and cleaning fluids on the market- Our entire plant and equipment are jxmy Now we .n« ready to 1 you. 900 South Wilmington St. Phone 3—6417 WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION AO Clothing Insured ! Free Delivery Anywhere In City A. C. Parrish, Jr. Bryant W. Bethea Charles Curtis, Jr. M-KEK ENDING SAIH.JKDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1948 j MKiuths width ivcic ldquiieil to | ! roudy the site and building tor oe ! cupation, they replied "Problems? ] ! Br ’her a: tiroes it looked as thoUkh i jwe wive goinjj- to run out of j llov.. iv the building and instuP (ation el equipment was compkded this week and the "Co-Ed. CP.-at* ers” tie now icady to offei Re 1 oig lt 'he best ii dry cieantnjt anil tailoring acrvices If y-' n *’-v-rv„,- r ri-, , T - ft- -rmr .. infWMuit.-wr«ieMHWU«tH' - ■ ' LADIES PLASTIC RAINCOATS 69c each II ABIES DRESS AND SPORT C OATS $5.95 to $14,95 MUSI BE CLOSED OUT PAJAMAS just the ideal thing for Chriatmae. $2.9! Guaranteed Satisfaction