--by ; - ■ ■> b-b :, y ' " ■ :< " ili'tM:-, "-■ ■ L ;dL i . ;OT r . “ Icm * ff"S/ #% - ,y 3 ' \:n ' H S WINNING SPONSORS N. I DILLAKI), lflt, princi pal ut Caswell County Training School, Vanceyvllle, presents the winneis trophy to Miss Gladys Brown, IV. W. Strudwick and At B McNair. this group sponsored MARKET’S OWNER ■ ENTERED FIELD IN SELF PROTECTION People enter businesses t>-> many dlflcrer.i reasons, bill the story nt Mr.-.. I'-ovic William:; propHetm the Williams’ Grocery and Food Market which opened last week r.t ',i.: West South Si feci. 1.-, a story >1 y w .man who was forced into „ 11 < .v business in self-defense The operator of a succestlul Itmchroom business during' the war, Mrs. Williams found herself hard put to obtain the cornu, -dilie.- nee '••/ary to the continued ope; > >-.•.!, ■ i her' business. Numerous wholesalers who *\ci<.- contacted almost invarlbly told rv r ti. :-i their small quotas c,i the sup. p.hes which she sought had been e.umaiked fo r sale to grocery stores, A, a result Mrs. Williams decid ed to open a grocery store so that she could keep her lunchroom tu-- ines-; going Residents of the neigh borhood, to whom Mrs. Williams ami her family were well known began patronizing the store in ev-n- J'in:, imre a sixty, pat:\m... v nom-at rnt... increasing patronage brou.ri* increasing demands f„ r additional pi on at t-, with the result that the busines'. r-con outgrew its oxiglnai •j'-artcrj .. 315 West South Stic i A i< w weeks ago Mrs Willi., m t .nipleied the construction of the i(S A SII,OOO htiijdjltg i/l which ’••'sine:: reopened last week A; a result the resident, of the • utility now have a brand new, completely modern and fully stock .•d self-service market with a com nicte line of vegetable-:, groeern -/■ meats and wines WAKE CONSUMERS - ' t\ll X MUTUAL ASSOCIATION Sfk, % . INCORPORATED \%, tw . J\ 421 S. Bloodworth Si. R -'* l * h’NC \ ■# l| ' \ 'A ou receive the profit your patronage \ », viW \ Creates” \ °V r /, 3 Civil Rights MEMBERSHIP IN THE ASSOCIATION IS STILL OPEN JOIN TODAY I the senior class who emerged vie lorinu.s In a popularity contest h.ehl recently. The l!U;i class won . lor the Hist time in its school life. Phis is the ltih annual con I test. Commenting upon the r.evvi.* .• s ‘of all of the stoic'* equipment, M>’ ■ Wilik.ru * • ~id "Y> s. :t is all tu.w. The *m.!y thing that we brought . .over from the old store was the i i Lisii reeisf-. i .nd .a. Id:ric ia,.chine DAR IIHI m:s t si; OF HALL FOR NCNVt RfbHTS ill Ml 11 \V A.,‘* i ti: vi ? i 1 .C. i) t P* i .‘lo. . • ii-.j !■ i<- i * vt.. rhut).'ll Hall tos n ; benclii cone*.' by outstanding I\ T <- ••.) Oi-itst/ hah M-n denied the Na- Hemd Council of Negro W .men ‘ Ivies, Mary McLeod Bethune. four. i e; -pre: ident disclosed this reek At a conference held Monday. October 25. in the offices of Mr. Fred E Hand, managing direct.a *>! CnradiKU ,oii Hall, lie e explained ; to Mrs. Bet mine that under pre-eiu ! conduct requirements it was inv ; possible to 1.-a .- the Hall if ;> ivs.is ! jfi \/.i appear ud xta* m it&&. The NONVV a-.cembled in it:: 13'.-, tiU i/Uiil c i.vt-htion October 10-13 i 9-48 in VV.*rnrt r -.tu.i. i.). C stroni.- ;!\ reaffirmed ]•-. position of sup -1 pcriiny the r.iO’ ml campaign to. ■ Suit civil !05 v bts ioi ail citizens r* - gardes* of race, creed Oi national i origin. At tb* same time the con-i \emioii deplored "the flagrant ex- : iampies ...f discriminatory practices' - . !existing in the Nation's Capital . which should be an exemplar el ilit- deniMcratic way of hit The W ake, Consumers Mutual Association, Inc, believes that all citizens of this county should have the right to enjoy all the privileges, freedoms and rights guaranteed them by the constitution of the United States, It also believes that all citizens should assume iheir proportional share of the duties and the responsibilities of the community in which they live. Until our group begin* to realize this fact and to act accord ingly, we should not expect to be considered first class citizens. Stimulating employment through the establishment of business and the promotion of industry, creating investment opportunities by of fering fully tested and legally sound securities to the public, anticipat ing and looking ahead to the future economic needs of trur people should and must be some of the major objectives and contributions of our group d we expect to attain the full measure of citizenship and civil rights we so much desire. The Wake Consumer* Mutual Association, Inc:., a consumer co operative through its 700 members have invested nearly $40,000-00 as a part of its contributions to the responsibilities of first class citizenship and it solicits your full support and patronage in order that it rnay en large its usefuliness and make an even larger, contribution to our com munity and help to build a brighter future for our youth. The Wake Consumers Mutual Association, Inc being a consumer cooperative pays you a cash dividend on your patronage. When you do! your shopping at this modern up to date food center, ycu not only get quality merchandise at popular prices, your name and address are taken so we may knew where to send the dividend your purchase* entitle you to receive. Help yourself to Civil Rights by assuming your share of the duties of good citizenship and support those who have accepted their share of the economic responsibility. - ■ ———" WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 19-13 St tIHImBS By w.wXrmJmcK iffl * "Tins is the feast time of the year, When plenty pours her wine of chert. And even humble boards may spate TO POORER POOR A KINDLY SHARE . . . ---Anon. Os ul! November’s: days methinks this pause in Time’s fug" to acknowledge at Harvest-Time our gratitude to,a benevolent Pro vidence one of great opportunity for collective and individual on ti,-:- after-glow of the war's 1 shortages, there are still many who iu< ; d and th: a garment from the bouid.y veil have realized. . “Ti.: mote blei.sed to . - THE QUESTION? WHEN IS THANKSGIVING? In recent years there has been a gru'iit dtal of controversy aboi-t the day Thanksgiving authen tically supposed to be observed. Here are a few pertinent facts: Thanksgiving as a religious festival as t.bserved in the U. S. dal*-.-: i is>rn 1863 . Credit for the: is given Mrs. Surah J. Hale, edi tor ol LADIES MAG, Boston, Mas.: 187*2; and later, GODEY S LADY’S BOOKKcirculation 150,- 000 (which was a prodigious cir culation for these days.) Her con tention was: "Thtn He said unto them Go .your way and eat the fat and drink the sweet and .-rid pejs ms upto them for whom nothii.r. Pcpared: -for this fuv i ; . iiolv tu;to the Lord, nek! > ■ t;w- \> -.v ■ *'y, for the i". oi the Lord k VOUi -n-f-nri- N'ehemiah 8:10. As a result oi communication tx-tween Mrs, Hale and V ■ ,d* • -. Lincoln; on Oct. 3 1883, he : .-ucd the Thanksgiving Pr,‘claroa t:.-n and set apart tin last Tliurs day in Novcmbei a- The day tv he observed . , Thanksgiving Customs One of the old world customs in many eastern cities was when children dressed as elders, covered their faces with mask- and parade.l the streetx blowing tin-horns . . SECOND SECTION FEAST TIME As they went from house to house they wer*. given fruits by those w;vlarders were filled with plenty . . . This day is recorded as November 27. During the last years of World Wm II we saw a splitting of the ways, some of the states observed the day as it was proclaimed by lhe late President F. D. Roose velt and some did not ... Then we have this declaration Horn lire Fathei of Our Country: ■Whereas it is the duty of all rations to acknowledge the pro :.-iy ~ ~i Aimight God, to obey IBs will, to be grateful for H:s benefits and humbly tu implore His protection and favor . • I do rccomnru-nd and assign Thors, day, the twenty-sixth day of No vember next, to be devoted bv the people of these Stater. . t.i.-t v.■ m?T ad unite in lenderm.y nnto Hint our sincere and humb.e thanks . . , , George Washington. Well, whatever the date or whenever the day I believe you can have no tear to climax of the year The h.gh vst time of living Till naturae )v its bursting cheer just melts ~ t TEi^nVctrivy^rto LET'S HAMMER AT THE CLOSED DOOR Ti., south with the iarffst C< i;turned <--n page 8. 2nd Sectw’* FBI ARRESTS MAN IN ALLEGES GAR STEALING RING CHARLOTTE Jamep Robinson, ' 40 year olti man of Jamaica. N. Y.. I was arrested here Sunday bv FBI * agents in a roundup of an alleged | ear theft ring operating between | New York and South Carolina. Special Agent Charles VV. Brown | said Robinson was picked up hen; | Saturday night driving a large truck and a trailer. According to the report, the ring operated by stealing cars in New \ York and shipping* them to Sooth ; Carolina in closed vans. In South I Carolina, registration papers may he obtained for a car without tire | applicant proving ids title, the ' agent said. GIRL ARRESTED ON SHOPLIFTING CHARGES HERE I Christine Young of 308 1-2 Free ■ man Street was arrested hen- Sai,;. - ;day on charges of shoplifting mcr ; chandise valued a? $23.88 from the jF. W. Woolworth Stor< or. Fayette \ die Street, fviis; Young, who Is at SMenc iunder a SIOO bond, is charged wi'.o ; stealing six slips from the store VISIT TO RALEIGH COSTS JAIL TERM Failure to comply with condi '•ions imposed by the court in a ),>’-• , vious case, led to a sentence la.-t ; week of 12 months for Miss Mary \ Adams of 210 East Cabarrus Sire. ■ i here i On being tried Octobei 21 in a j larceny case. Miss Adams received !a suspended sentence on the ground that she would remian away from Raleigh for two years. Last week in court, she stated that, site had | returned here to get some clothes i which she left last month when ishe went to live with het grand : mother in the counry near here Alan Held On Charge Os 15 Burglaries I FAYETTEVILLE A twenty one year old man, who gave !r, •‘■a nt- as Henry Louis Andrew: pleaded guilty in mayor's court jhere Saturday to 19 burglary indict ; mu nls, and said he had broken into ! °nc store six times recently, j Andrews (old police he was from Greenwood, S. C. and Shelby IT. ! further stated that he had looted Announcing . . „ THE OPENING OF WILLIAMS mm Ml) GUMMY 221 W. South St. FRESH FRUITS And! VEGETABLES Happy Khmer New Year. WOMAN PLEADS SELF DEFENSE IN SHOTCON DEATH * os isRTTUi \ year old 'aomui who gave her name a-. Airs, trim ,V|Mk», nils placed tn fait here recently and was. charged with the murder »u her hut Land. lames Meeks also, ,’r Aire. Ateeks. tnothei of four ct ildren is it ported to hai r confessed to Sheriff John l‘ IVlnore th.it -lit killed her liu>- hand uith a iit) gauge shotgun while her nil -.band was beating her. Lite victim ,u ; ,.t tenant farm er in the Lauren Section oi the * cum y. Shaw Staff Member Attends Religious Meei Mrs Marcello M Ford, a b-. >• of the* faculty ni the School of, Rc-Ugion at Shaw University, at : tended and participated in me pro-; gi’uiTif ct ih t Liiirfy-second annual I or-r. vocation c-f the Howard Univcr sjiy School of Religion last week. Mi Ford who v.z one the leader.- of the round table disevr : : ; ion also spoke at the chape) c.-xcr ! t-ises at Virginia tinier University; Fi Kiev -;,d :. eyed un,(. Boir , hey travel experience in M' ocv ! three other store-: three times each jin a brief period Andrews was hhl dundei $5,000 i.iWllPsn’ys, SELF SERVICE FREE DELIVERY We Solicit Your Patronage FULL LINE OF STAPLE GROCERIES rmsi <■ ONTKim TOR - Jut ms ('. Faulkner, Shaw LnivK• i• tv's oldest freshman, is shown with members of the school's phy sical eitnr.itiim class a- he con UY MAY l BROADII Linie Mis*. .Myrtic Aim Wall of {9, Smith Pia/a wa*. painfully in i jured Sunday as she fell from a irnO' .n.e automobile. Please hurry : and vet well, {tai ling. Mi■.: Evelyn Wealc, \ and h aoK- r i. -A .''Smipio.i C.iuu Mm' at the usual hour Sunday. Nov U. at the hento of Mrs. Blanche 'Dover. 209 Cuba Sire--: A program was offered with the spirit oi Thanksgiving. CHOICE MEATS At Reasonable Prices CHAVIS HEIGHTS trihr.ted SBO to the new stadium fund between the halves of the Sluw-J. t . Smith game at Chavis Park oil Saturday. Mr Davor was mistress of cere* m. - . Me ic v. as supplied by n i.- i)f pirls. Thanksgiving lltera* tn. ■ was read by Mrv May L Bv-cdiv. After the program a repast Th mxt meeting will be at the home f Mr- Mcivine Fereil of } r.vivi:, W.v John Chavis is pres ident A:; families an? in de<-p sympa thy with the following families: Mr.-;. J•. -.- Ashley and family o’ '! Smstk .Plaza m the pas. i.rg oi her f.ro ; er in Frankliiuon, N. C. and Mr. ;.nd Mrs. M. Jones end family : U: Veterans Annex in the dsa.b of Aii’. Jones' iathe* who vr:: r .buried Send, y in Auburn, N. C COM Vi A NT)ER ASKS RECREATION FOR FORT KNOX KV. Gls LOUISVILLE (ANP) •- An ap pj •; for cooperation in providi J.'OO Negro GTs at Fort Knox :th "wholesome recreation" was I. u- last week by Major Gen. V- ii;..: i G Livesay, comsnandc-: Bk rtnored center. He spoke io n re than 50 women represent..- . .. groups at a meeting of the * . ii:;-; Wheatley branch YWCA After his address, committees w( a.- set up to help select girls to . tti'iid dances at the armored ccut.: j.,- Nrrrro soldiers. Chairman of the ii’i-enng war Mrs. Maeine R. Brock, 11 , - y executive director. Phone 4681 VARIETY OF WINES