WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, PEC. i, 1948 L I’A'IIMfMZE THESE * i / ADVERTISERS ALA. LAWYER URGES DIVISON OF RACE AMONG 48 STATES BIRMINGHAM ■ AN!’- I■ *. among tbo 46 : u - 1 ' 't' l ' Mudd. Birniinrhiun :.»<»><■ •. ...M proposed ■t" ro i.iM '•■<•< . n • • . poet:-, to pi r-f 'll h pl.-t >'■ ■ h *rn guv rno.rs . ■ n-1 muei t« inn gressmnn Ifndt’t the Min’d ;.i in i; > grots of thn *'»Uln vnu!\! t.pi .id ■ >ver Ihc tit hr.- i’li ; s that all ! teen, •\ i■ i."< j 1 s..< the Mmr pi’ii|'iH!i(m ■f W ■•).•!» ; III! . to 1 ..! popiiihHoi !'n ■ | ifif.n in the south, FCljl’Ul’iOlin- vVOllhi ir impoeuxi. Mudd oM Mudd' hup-, i tto:.‘ nli th< I nt > be' jilv ii Ihr *'(■., ;ih r ’ upiif.- ms the i r:\cn in ihr futmc iuf.t a- in Miuth ho d -u, ir. the past 2«k* vr Hi’s. ,’uthri n •• hi •. (H'up'i 'Hu! flic bin don us ricvufinr. it-' N- pro •■iiouid in , ..juali/.vd ~;n ni,;: | 'her Amorieaii ■ bow lice in noil-! :• utin in states Tii" ■in mid in er, - i titled 1" reci.ivc ihf’ii pinipurtion «te share t-f tbo credit I»r ih>s gnat uplift h> tr ue .'afire.; theii paiimi i/.h'iK advice, so In”!;- is i-: ; in 1 11 .• ■ nfw homes aup tkt Em pc.-i. n. the south Jjiut” the s. ) i.u d ■ / r /if I timrt ( IK vni . .'..'.Hi.'H'jiM """.i;,'i. ...i...;j,i=ia=ss.tr.’r FOR Qt'ALITV ( r i AN’IM, i OK SFftVlt I DIXIE ELI ANERs 214 f’f-RSOV STRI FT MY RICK 5 ’ OROfKRIF.S j 80J (TURtR! AMi St AT VOtIR SERVO E ! PHONE 0387 NOW OPEN lOR Ht SINf Ba 11imore Lunch TP? WINSLOW sl opes From « \. M. to it p. NI. Breakfast —. f.unch Dinner JOHN KOrT.SOf*. Prop. MACK’iT BARBI’K’EHOP 117 OH.I.ESPIF NT "WHERE THE PROMISE IS PERFORMED'' i;,’ . ' J=a 1! j PHOTO CENTER | 481 Hay St. !j PHONE 3777 «« HOCK SFKViTE ON. PHOTO FINKSHINO t OMPLETE LINE OF Camera* I -AM>- j; i i Photo Supplies FOR THE Amateur OR THE Professional j * I! Itii ; in” «;»(• i’ E'i < 1 .. tyr. hnnssu > .o • •» u'd ! i.,in- 'll off e .Nil'’ li: ’U • • roll Kxpcnsv.i f Negroes ‘h ; ui'-.v lviii’i’'■ <’u!d -< 1:-■ i i)f |) .id ! ”!f (■ f i.on -S’•! 11 ti' s'ii ; ‘ i'e .. ■’ i •ii ci.■!■«(). "ciiuld be cuiiPted uj '■ ] if. i-n- nr.'.i’’ if. *ii ** lii'.’ir prorate .Tare of cm ; ni’C’d jv-ivple and. - i tiiiU them to ; ure ;:i|’ •’ .mil net * -'noi riied • m farm: ”■ in | : uslr.e»’-. tlit'f plan car j i, eMi’i”d ‘Ut wiU’ no rcrioU' :•<• : m,. ; or '’fonorrii’ pi -Mo:ie." Tills v. nii';l make ‘ •-•cry '■•lnti j '-ave ;h’’ rue racial pi oblem I ■ idei’l. Si’uthi rn \vh:h>: and l>lack • ire not tiie i,'iiii. : ( of racial strife ii | ihe ruuth. hi - aid, hut nm-D,, rn ah' - ;ator- from minm’it.v ucoups wti’ i j pri’.-eni -uti.erncr. as "hick:-: and j j ilillhlilii : " ]'u ri-i- of .1 -bootine v.-.’ir. la j said. |.-,,- .ent eunditieri ; in Ihe sou r1 ! cr.iiid ly’coiTie "exlremr ly vuner-i i able and dsn-'.ei nusiy exposed." j I Vlud il iiav*’ .’-uuc'f :-f> r | irc'-ntlv m edi'-.iriaE- and pubin: : I'drln ti-.u v li".:'i|ia' ■: rniintv ail’ll ‘ if. icbool i>- ’-ns pruevd a< mire . ;”■ uli adi qu it*’ plan:, n.i *’!(". : i eqii.ilizal i- n nf u-tionl fncili'if I'm | i Negro and v. hi'. (im j ehiiduu! i rat her ti.an .’.ail for action in t»iV ! court;• to him:: It abnu! In iiis idib:n;d ccmmer-t on ihr i K:r..' ; Gcmgi (nnidv s< h”"i in-r V'lrginiu- I>nlmev. > d '.»r of :he , Richmond Tit >: Dioddi, in ; November ’Now t r.., ? pur, denu, fiave licf i! a:; in Hii- eoun!,.. 1 li’i mil”! e,”|.i!i n? Vg fheli ’ rr<->- ■• . r-'|'''■ i• 'i, i’i.junins i-.i e<|i|nli/.i fact! ti‘ , -a- •:xpeditiat': !’. as n..,: ' Ta 1 ’ nl'iig-di there, ap. j . inn: : |-.a n:r’ ' lia-n beM-'v f-'rlli:.. i\ id : e rrrafed f t'lcnichoir' i. r j -Tit f ill ei’iie.ties rnnr-e in me, t i II ;■ f I'neir ic.en faee vs ii. inslc-arf 1 "1 vaoling foi (lit- tn lie f led On ' behalf of tlieir Nrgi'e rhilriren Other Virginia count!/’, stilt un <•' r eoui’t 'iifleis ii-.- Gloners!e and Stury Court m tiou is devei-.p mg in Pulaski <• ur/y where N latn’iii are di. a'kiied rj, •< !”.e! cTlddl '• far g’.-.’ - in I'.'-faaf (■!;.’ prog! C . •; n~r e ■ I’! - a l l -‘ot f >e;lj!ip fn: . c r- in rr'a'cys Anne eotnd .- ac’i r n m.?’. hr re-soitrd t ! • ■ n ■ (I I!I( e) r pi-’.i /y t] a . ”f i■< "> tie. Nf patronr- f f)-. ■ e-n-iir iiavr -hinvn remarkable y..if i iitr ’'ith the prifarasiinattru: Mi'/ 'a iiilt Virciiua < fuml.'i > ihruugu tun rhoard of ..upervisors ‘ md -rvci .il mei:dye. . of the Vic- : ini.i Of'iHTml AsYrmiily havv <*o;u i inuoo ?o ) qmc ! (iovcnior Tuck \ 1,1 u i-y-r&QI sc;- ion t«» L»U< i ( 1 '■ ll r'U -r: ' <;! itvf'f) . The j t r L : thu ' L.j It*} lui'crd (i r \. t i rir f,: * ' 1: ' 1 •' r . 'fj - \ 1: , * r. f . t *'■* *v?fh the r.rhoo! problem Id \M \\ ROBS (HUMS SSI At K a- r - . ~,, Ri/Hfr'-- Chicken Shark 7'/' -.p,, . m son It’.,if.:. V . held Up < : .,i, jy 6e'iidfi.y rrii.iri’jng acy i i»‘>e- f ,-,i : s.-r Vv an is: iKieetified man. Mis.-: • ' i■:.: f.’- said lint me man a:., '.''d -viib ~ pistol DEIJuXE BARBER SHOP H. H. COVINGTON, Prop 03 Pertlh St. Dial 2472 Fayetteville, N C. J. & K. Market Grocery and Meats HI 7 Murchison Rd. Phone 2890 jamL'i'j.iL"*""!' For That, Good Appesra'nce COME TO WINSLOW' BARBER SHOP L. E. Wing. Mgt Charlie Stewart. Prop. IIS Winslow St. Fayetteville FAJrETTEVXIXE Ml SIC COMPANY VV L KEt t ZFi: TUUNOGRAPHS “WE KNOW OCR RECORDS'’ 5213 DIAL 4lOO WILLIAM’S LUNCHEONETTE 5 (Hi HILLSBORO ST . $ SOFT OftftfKS - j SRTOND SEUT7ON VI ? ' kiV'kv V OF \c-r-F ,« , v tA • i 4“-• i vV’ ’’''’ ' ' ' b 'vT" *% •' ■ ' :.,v ■ - : H <' ; AS>H*\L!) SJti v. n i • **)£:< btnrs I L.*L!u<’nl. in in 1 ! t oHirt (I soniifr in tin a v siC»n 4 I Ma post inispit «l at i c-rt ** gi arjUwtr nf .f« fIV» s«»n Hi-ii \ , ( hr uas « t»> Ruts v.il!i i I’e Vi inv >l;ty m nit ; IndiK'l'Ml *it I i Lh kvtm S ( ! Hid tranMVrnd t« H. IH.t.ur Dm i;?‘ir v. ith H> Gmou- IJM Fntinms md In hnii tl basn vt It ,r ist Almiif m Sait.” \ nnipain *lsi» f M IF iCU h was Hospital .Itiu. IhH. Sim c i:u n hr lias hrM il«v«.n fifteen ot nwuc rltit > aSHKninen > LhrGui;lnn«i ifn h«»*.pitaL ineludin*i Unit of tom p.mv clerk t« \ l! • tit-taefun**• «t i and ho-piLtl ,c.h d • n 9*l y is. pnrd Y S? < fodro? which i-, a Hpy position in he i. an/a Ci it n in addHiou -o his I'npijr; d«d\ a-* fhiri inti’* viTwrr :» Mic hr ay-J.sL. S. SgL Oli\ f 1 4dan* ; m eharjpe of f|c dc|u« • tinriif, in mtifine lahora<*»ry nek flespi * hi i;oni at the ciepart the Sffl. tied lime U» rr\ tx Yviih Cnv wife, Mr-. »»atriifoi :I ,md v is? [f iends around \ ayeitrville. UCi ( \ii,M)\R |K: id J 1 ~i fin.”. u. latufd.lv, ii. ■ ■..i,i."’i 4, .r 111 j• r Ho . J-’- . Mi'r mg !;!/) p. i”, K’U . r>C)r» y . Mild i\ lire rui;. j H i >•( \1 , j L • . ♦ , .jcuunc' m , VO per. V d(> • • YlumrLiy, Jumrde r 0 P r n r t T’j nminc; < Hi’ j uu p -ft. ( isl
i i.j »;i i i 'no pc; : .-.1:. . 11...,, b ~, ~-r. Prc-Ch rislmas /)ance BREECE’S LANDING FAYETTEVILLE, N. €. SAT. NITE, DECEMBER 11th j ADVANCE TICKETS $1.50 AT rfiH DOOR *2.00 Ta* ti.cl.id.-J I BEER m WINE ELECTION TO BE STHOEO \n OUT i ■ r (.lie. Ito d of Aidet i men i!u: "p n -»«•***»- ■" i .. ~, , i , | V . i (l !.: f.u .I.c u,i l.j i.ivieri’) nc ..vi.efhi'i <>r u’t'U '* n. •-') !>*". 1 and vrinv rhaU 1 : nr 11 u;ir .Ot'..’* I til til cil.V. 'j he ah "f •>i.”h t■vc 1 .ii’.i- - hf.vr b.-ru ■ ii,! m ('uml.K’rland Com,. the < ■..; -. >. ide < ><■( 1 :tui in- i A -,-- liii’ii -nl'eci .11 • 1. .■! :■’.)■ <-u N'u ■ ; 1 }:. F J <, ,’ijm. . nubs for U'v c.i'.v •I" i -u ' ■■ vi:.;v poirur; J.'bcoi on .Os •’ml’ii r M. I )«’.*i.’*i 1 iboc !o. ..n Dec iiibr-i- .to nr ou-’tlit r .if.'.y ieh ■■ -.- 1 ct .h cb iijc 2SU» ■ • i Ile v ~I \ ri”.i Ir ti’Vi i‘- !\»| !jy- i In lie 111... 1 Cliy f :; ,t le i egi.-t ration huv.-. A !i . i,.f iir j.uiiin:; [duel’s foi w.ii rl Vu i i 4 CI •' .’1 .St rrc l Si ”o! V.-.i-< N-. .’ i till ■-[ ii i jS' re”! Fit-. : 1.-ition; Wai/i Nr. :: • *iit•:*!'[ ” •• V. . i No 4 Ci! ll W: 1 ' cl :<*• .1 (.'«’Mii;i! Schod: id .( No ii •in-’ 11 ut I’d” ’.V’.i-i W ■ st.i.i. ‘if 'S-:.-H \V :-J y N! M Will-! ■ fER SOH f!. S •ft-. fiiieoi ■! M' YAua .Mr.t •> • !’.. - ■ : ' - Tiiv of 1 ■f .’ I-’ ■ rtf' ■< }] ; ; . ’” ‘ V j'- I r • '1 - . ': u’ -I >r I" u f : t 1 .1 :!\ - A ,'.i !\ Higil School had a-i il’teir:,: ‘ i,;. ■■ :: i ” -.u [be r oio! of M , i.M-.” fJotnev VVedi.'Os.i < ’. noref Nh”. :u*.m Mi At fhr r) ... ■ 1 1r 7 1 . rep., ’ v.ii - ici vc-d. V: M ’d" fi H”.i i it-i.fi of :■ - - Mr-. L> I!- * "i (mi < •:'. in iN'c’v Vork Citv •1 Ri; ’V d Tvi. RrckCn. i'vj llaltte I. r> son nffc.uk-d -11 r ft ■■ .mrf Krtrnrr. ■ii 11 i j''i v Sh l art •• a M: Ii H Bcn'd.' -peuf. 3 fe.. List Kitrs Hcltl for \ r;n Ojij I iti/.f it «iothv VJr( iiiium,, :viiss H«me DR. KINSEY REPORTS “NO DIFFERENCE” IN RACE SEX BEHAVIOR 1 V I VGTOJk -AN!-) - "Thrrt C’. lib ‘ICC thel is’>. 'I ••• exuj • >f inv oir.. ni” - : of fiic pope , I.’ifici (f irnM iuri social lei,-of V back v.i ouad," Di. All cod ( Ki i Tue.vi n 7T ■ )** 11 1 v< ■. ’. ■ ■ m. tj or tie ■ f « J n < ,( ' ;-4 p> ti \ ji! 3 . 4 .) tn. U1 -J! . ! it !' • H l Ot ' T-P o-irpr nf fi Kuvxy ; .f"-/- t.-n'ftllar'ty k-r: -v.ti in < very hou r ir ,i 1„ • nr: ’! [Jlr o K;• iy If. port" a ■ iri’.ifd study of xu * man '< > bohri vi' H. • n Ivitu-’ev, -i pint’cic- r ut indiuuo University, be. bi - ' liUt r 'H AT'-'V'’ • /%}, }•.’,* a;- Wtiiin ill,, ir :e iv . .r:. ;•• Kir. <• . w?x bpbavpvr of Up: fsjrtak*. r« fly •'t rar:,: -ij:ir ;:■ .<■ >..a,! liei,i.,v Os 100.000 A1imi.1,45(1 in his e-ight-part immu vtital re port .Sir / h;-. f-r-’ cmrnri 'cd ~’d made -vihu, sh-e md of "iy Am/riim.:. rr. '* iriir •■, i ■ Gd'iij. ~ . -■ m.h Ivn.ild i.r do;. suv ’*.'h L'n jd «'T.n’,fi: c-f i >vy ij ••cD i 'vr that !here shonld be .some im T e:d.i> gat'op of ;v>*. Tile scp-Tdi.d red i.-d per cent 'T ■•J 1 m-ira ..s- Dj a f ‘L Up l-.ki-iy, d.iiii . CXUdI diO r 'C h Sf < Uli f U 111*' f « l s c; -‘ . id • nr--. iG - d K»n t «.umd ?.0,000 pis- Cburcbrnen m o nv:«r.d3 ds tvho f.Na.«;CKrntic*d the report ■*• crn rH’V ■- J :•:«'»'! I >\ th Cf U i IT.' 71 ( p j.hc truid."' Ho said umi rip-, p... dcofm'o have be (mi coi.i.vi-md wit a RAYLASS DEPARTMENT STORE Invite. You ! o AT-ike Their Store Your OIRISTMAS SIRH-'PING CENTER i Wf CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF TOYS AND WEARING APPARELL FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN 202 Hay Street Fayetteville, N. C. «tuning Atisv Al.n-garet I.a Huff man. Mi's- I tm -tin*' f a tlruiger tliss 11107 I ieltl Ptpito !e, \nctcrs Studio ■>> ;o.U:-j.) ciucslioHS but their con- I •1 Tii:- ■• i i*!i('-- d ; pr' -for ; i i kc-'-j'-iOU Miij |;: jc-t ■ rrot until i ; ;i: w.i.. : ■ ;.uly (• >r public. .;« yea; . i;. ;;>.d, but i i, ; )■*■';•,}-j'-rto‘.J tj:i' advice that pnu’.i - r. a lit-Kl V.'hl:.*** ,'•• ]■:• need -I K-Ii- j ' : nublir should not !);■•■. (■ been 1 ■• j l.wtd to liavo seen this report oc-j :e . rdlUy !• Dr. Kir it KhoVild; . ’ been available to sonntDD i ‘lt v ; the publii ebo nuirie " j!hi.; rr-iion poeriMf"' be continu-| 1 eei man', of them hove taken A :;t I'-'itci than iimr professional., " ; | eT’' ••'-■: ■! Iha Mp;;> i’ > i., level j.s : -posVble He has had n • difficulty -l getting ( rise histories from No- i i 1 ;huf find- ■■ < hard to get die' m\ is nm i) for OH I HIM, TO SFII now; hi \i-Midi's HA 3 Ti M (')RE 'AMD -■■ Aiu-cvcd ; ibeta us<- he was buied from hi-- of-; !s ! i ;: a \>-e< k Sv uniloi mod no- ’ ic.-en -a.. a ft, • i)u ;di . ‘ nvntv.-: v' el sire-- -n him f" r offerino; i s ,s--M ; Sj!;; ( to -.inis: groups. S. Leon ti.oT! M . to yj the patrol- ; - i - mg h ere te gn es ; 'ee- ; e si i- ~ nested a furor? by •;{- “ | Ip's itig hi> fox $»!»! to pre-.-en' : i, e e S)-n- of i ill " for sale"; a’-ie '-irf ;e?‘!'Hcbre'.v. Ne - ' s". fin tic <» aiei Gypsy auplii ’ -r. tl. :,Je; e, Vu a,. .- ip: ; i; : hr K. ■ r.; 1 fs, hit : ~r (he 1 : ijinidsoe ) .Vos ed Sl'a.t... , I ". ’oil and , >i-.i ■•'« #t)o*> -* tune ~-,1 f.-t.u, - ,j>e rs*«<.; -t o?r*l l.» Bai i.utn and Bailey siiowman " -Hi. hontr e- tn one of the , to develop cctdeis , i . < sean It, t--;>'-hine and treat-; , ’i■•■nt and to prom'-ie bettor medical 1 and public understanding those dis- ; Thi.; new orgaiu/ation is i 's' rcd by the Arnericei: Rbourna-i I ■-■ r- - As.;oci,;t mr. v bb f- ... fui; sup !"u-: n* the D te v i Fued far f‘,ip ■■>iiug Disc;*. - v.<- .Vational Arih- j cif n ie it ‘ otiiida! > ’i. and mil- ' :■i -; i i.*-d with those- discuses. - The A--hi u- ■ a!,.:! TTncum.it.Mn ; Fotmclation is h-r ing Its appeal for iuu-'n: iit only on the- --re a* pro - v:Mit;oo of ino.'-c di-yoyeh and their . '"■•di- economic : :,.i . toll. - I'-.-U.g ir: ail vac el "r nips, hup ft-'- 'tw lack of f;u i’Pu : and peryniuiy J for rcsoai-vh trainir-.y! •nd i1 1 itjr./yr.t . Win,, the vania: types of artii- | Alls .dicel indisenniinaloj.y pco ;-i‘. of a:; ags s a\.-ci races and both : ''• 'ti"'. D'.eumatoid orthi itj>- affect ■ i'Oj'r>r!:on;ui'iy so m.'iny mrv "■'■e’er; than r.v.-n that it would i>? : , i’.U'-. aecncatc to say that women! ' : -'.vn ;» -hsciai intered in the of- : i sou of -.o- Arthritis and Rheuiun-! if- Fc I'oialivb (o ci n'ivor this { I I Meh'-i i ibo whs S.oys; - 'sA-iO !'. ) 1 be j at thi ♦.'na- .... t<> the mimber i ' - As-,: I men women of all r„- ‘Oid mr'ariEs. bn? A? hys defi*• j• ' •i'( a fSI-itili-: ii'C] 11). i 1 tht I'mth.i i )i >V • ! n-. 11 p.V . • f * SCHOOL mis WRECKS !-. WOMAN'S fimrj.Nf; IT -, v -- Hib ,-: r- ‘ r ,)'■■■..i : l r> : - h.. k -- sT'a ■ h ■! ::: Did, b- vs. ..i,-;. j •dhiu .sud, s a,:;., on Oid Ur ■s .i' :y-! A' thy time 4 Mo- accident there vere I - .itiidcrits hi die pn . which ■"‘Tit. out o.t conin'!, left the vyot. ; bump;, road and Iravdlc-d 85 feet ; raefov--. crashing into a house occur:- ( V Vi. yp . I ... a TJa;: hhh f smy datiisgcd Neither Hid no, jj door to Maas’ home and he savs If t builds there hu, li;;nt and view id be cut off. r ~~ | VETERAN’S CLUB I - GLORIOUS KITES WITH TOMMY PHILLIPS It BAND Bertha May Parker Vocalist NOVEMBER 30. DEC, J, 2. 4, 5, Reserve Tables Call 5914 Murchison Rd — rr-rf mmni rntmnmmummii Mniymmi win ii>iin>r»»Wi'irnii-invw»-mi«rr»frin-r-r-r»iiirmrriiitTßirrrftwmn-rn'T-rrrftifitirT'--e DIXIE’S BEST DO-NUTS IB Donaldson St. 225 Franklin St. 3tS Hay Si. Si Rv ING (8 > TASTY VARIETIES Taste & Tell'’ Beard & Wood a»»?ww»go war.r mmra»w> an l * .>w<^«Mn»ii«*n»>T»i»cn.»>•. • wwo v- ith him at the time was iujUied. Ever since the election, some of Ua- more r.rcmifient labor louder tv,ve been vhimir that the unicnr S fj. . ~, r . ;t p {ln p ] ■ tr .tp - i Tv;t-Hailky Act. Support Your Tape* . . r —-'nn—rmnr-rrT-i rrrrrmin-TririrnTwi»ixi>ii«nn» »mniu)|iinnu>» WILLIAMS SERVICE STATION 613 RAMSEY STREET Washing and Greasing Our Specialty Pick I'p And Delivery Service CAM I S I>L\L 5451 -wxcvi'nnnniHiiin'-NnaßßMaMi•■nnmn"iraiMn«niiiiseo