PAGE FOUR i i'KONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS v ■ ! fr music in thr: an jrn i ' t ! *sL‘ Jflk WILLIAM T. GRIMES I THE ANTIPHONE { In many of our churc-iv-.* the antiphnnc is rue used at all. Ir. donie of them it js used a very : liUle. ni many of them, it is not ; .mown wnile m a few of then; it ;ia_- a definite ■.'me in the mu navi program, of the church. Re- j fore ! say more about the place \ <>! the anti phono in the worship i •v e. I wish !.. expimn wliat m rw ■ni bv the word antiphone j Sir anti, :n . >n .• to, and i/he.'s', voice). i The answer of one choir or am j »S rtian of a congregation to an* j v when an anthem or psalm is stung alternately. In other words< fh.o mdiphoiK consists of pa.-:-) 4ages of scripture read by the! itiinkiter —or congregation and ; :*■. po:)-. sun; 1" ih< choir, ail related hr one central thought. ; i Passages from the old and new j aments are combined: the j prophecies are joined with the records of t’v S'ulAfilmeni in | tfhrist: the n (■’■<■■■ of to. sou! at j •J.-logy the with file promises j of the:: „• aliaUKta n Settings o' { 4 r.oem ■ as well a Bib ; Ijcal text a 1 1 0,■ t i-cciion:* from ora j U . and. spiritin'.’ folk songs, i ,d; . found an. o;; the I ; Tile ,:\r>; iDhone mat effectively : follow dhoctly upon the read ! ! , o',, i so that lie- j jlanistm:it< nn, 'lie tied] Jjiidi ,~, i,, !••• .iv. Ip) him h< ar' i tor imtcmw. would aervt to in I f- o it The ei mini:-' ehoiii i j i oo playnig nktly 'die music of j m. t. i- w nee or the cht.u. 1 j may oinii the response. The or* j lomst continues to acomipan. j •She leading of the miniate: and I ofj;-o> jii ( . choir m the response 1 . It J v rv important to lotiin 1 vha ■j_dj’iie ~f tone and variation* of time color to u:w in accompany'j ira the readme > y, ; ■ dm. o and effective t ■ mne , rne of th» • p :*ii-« with ; q-t mav.mmd j ia-.,0i ... beau-tifv!ns and en- ; ,’idiins our worship Jm- Ant: j PERSONALS tit LEN 3 t HIM O T’l.C V j taker Social (ha- arid ■ j'K !'( nksgivn m>( . Wednesday Not mfcer 24 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oi l mdei Va.i.k'. The home was very beautifully rlcearitr.i for the occasion Bring-, ink opt ail the holiday spirit. Oi'l.v.idcr Whiuker and Herman' Lawreuct were in charge of rerv-; mg the very elaborate supper. Memben: and guests present V.t . • tilt folio V-ng. Air. and Mrs. Levy Dunn, Mr.; and Ms Hcrrwxn Mr.; Mi.- R Hines Mr and Mr: Oiicnr'.ei \Vn;! *ker, Mr mu M;. Ore... Ban , Mrs. Emma Har rington. and Mrs, More ha Worley Herrnon Lawrence is pm- lent. I mill iiLiniini ■hiiiiiiilu.ii , I | BETTER YOUR HOME , . „ I BETTER YOUR LIVING .. s I I WITH FINE FURNITURE REASONABLY PRICED FROM THE Rocky Mount Furniture Co, fi Cor. Main and Hill Phone 11 homo. ;* failure in. business, nr if you X - I an; just plain dmvn-hearted, YOU CAN be helped! If you ‘are 8 unlucky. held back by great invisible forces around ’ vou-.-T 1 8 to help you. 1 guarantee results, not unfulfilled 8 promises. A word to the wise is sufficient.. Call and bo convtn- Reading: Daily and Sum)ays~---0 A, M. Ir* 10 P. M. Readings for White and Colored LUCKY DAYS AND NUMBERS j 8 Located in Studio Trailer • Highway 301- One block I pass City Limits —S. Church Street. Bus passes the ' | door. Look for hand sign. Rocky Mount, N. C. SFCONTP SECTION : phone may be used to bring about unity in our service. It bring.; the ; minister, congregation and choir ; into closer touch as they cooper . ate in this act of worship. These Anti.ohi t.• a I responses of the chor ial arrangement joined together i will make a beautiful ayihirivs. i The Antiphones arc classified ; r*s far as possible, according to ! their appi onriatcncsr to special I occasions. 01 suen scc-isonF o! tilt* j church year as Thanksgiving, ! Advent , Christmas, and Easter, i hut nearlv ail can be used and I are suitable for any time. They : ran he used to a artel advantage j i,ir many of them me written in j eight part harmony. They In-ip to Create a great deal of interest : among young choirs because of ; their wide variety of selections land arranginents. Titeir worth ,n ’ giving sacrcducss amt great spn :it ual set Ve r to a S' ”, :ee ; :c --| markable. We have to: aur use such great , . selections as 1. O Loivl Hew mani-, 'oirt (Cert ill Nairn, D. V. Be. j Jehovah. (God’s Ma e sf.v). Blcs;; j ; the Lord. O M> Soul I'- dm '• i !,■.;• Thank-wiving 4 Behold ! ! Island at the Door and Knock j (waiting Christ . RohoW 1 Brine 1 \ nil f f r,.-| t 1I M (Christ). f>. Rojotci All Ye l’on pie (The Adv.-nl of Ciirisn, 0 1 Israel Fear Not tTIn L- s:i Dim • ! Hcde 'mcv). .In tAs 1 An, Es j you]',; cenvimaon to Got"- '* ’I : >v i leh rife ::: O'er E'w-w!'■ Victory | over DeathL Jt>. Our l-cet S:unl; Stand Within T’liy Gates d in the Antiphones. May we. i brcro'nne move appreeseb’-vn ! hem and their wm t ■ us tie : w - ; i vice and use them l the Glory j • r! i Trod i \ME (Jrrirs (Aw SaOO li» N- K NEW YOU K I.ANP) - Tn . pc ia! oiliccti o Sunda;. to !ho AM V Churches of the fir.-.1. biCnci y.iii, j was vuisod -md Ue- nm (ur- m l.u-er to MR Morn- hospital «r Bi ;••• i I) Ward Nirlmls \ . week- the blslko,. •u:id(. an appeal to the minister:. 3* one of their regular weakly meet |:ngs held at JU irol AME Chu'clin larking that they sot mode.:! Cun-j jda v for a special coHocli • , t<> !“•!,» j I the !inrp)t3l On Monday the nunistr; made | their r»pon. turning os-or die mon joy to th, bishop. w;:.> made a ].c : ■ : l donctiv-i of . -.M r.ri pr vc 'check fin- the onthi amount ti.o new project. Support Papri ROCKY MOUNT * > > #v Mmm m t C -.;, ~te;o|!r" •* >.'*: ! j.. . s . .I- jswfesm e-.w'’ 1 *•*'* *' f ... J Jincoln w #. i s r r '■ ■ ,ar y r -' -r .* ■ %*■•>■<' .tk piT t v< 1; s i IpA m i1 Ht ♦ »! HONOR I I); Abovi » sbitwn U'illiants Eili.ion. aHci whom is n,iimil KliiMeii llrivi 1 . <'iic o: iv main thorough, arcs in Kooky ELKS MILITARY DEPT. IIOLDS CONFERENCE PARADE IN ROCKY MT. T h.y „rmrb con (cut my ‘>i (' St.: i r \! v! lr> U'r) (’it n•. r V; ' I * and diarufJcd udeeb o- typical rA CHI Ki ll MWS MU viii ii \ v }>vt • 11,- r VCi111:-! CllUt'i'll Hi: \ovtnnbCf i ; fmd ccntinucd ih.VfUs.h the dka There -'r'-'rc arr}a;:(,>i a .-Ik:,a pre}'tnrr-.! uv Kirin*..- *T ih- ( and in: r;n d. .■ On. Ec 1 . :| The church is in in< midst if iS.s ! 1 V’UV.-U to c.,{!{.; ihijE' ii. I..>jrj y<: <■ p I .;T‘.T - ,v " v \ (>; c.■ /.S';« (i iht ;■ .r ihr m I I ” A,!( >"<* Pav. j and 11V Os the Mi. :1 si.-.a.'iry Circle umt f: r by i hf> ,’furri«'M 1 sL'iini' l . dcp'uitj.h <■' <>( iijo -iji,■»• <, i a Bur rum IJR-v aud *v}».*•:. VV 1- M,i on. |v;Vh l( .iriers in Mns if . }>;.)•»meri < spoh>tb!i i for ih • - i ’.nc ;;er vkc> j f of o'* i; rij'inksgii’in:; Bread- • co f Ft run-urn over NOiior. WCKC- j Flvt «.•«. .v.iven Wedn* .-d;;v night ; ■lrani :i to 10 Eastern Standard ! Tunc. The program yy.ured p.,. | ■ Junior and Gospel Choirs with VVi; ! | hom t Grimes conductor nnd an-! | riounee.- and Walker Howard Mart- ' !I*y a 1 il;o console of the organ ! The Rev. AUstraliia Mason, me j ten ■■! Bethany !Vij a i-,(, ('ioirro r !' himnus. Ohio, and >n of r s >> ■Km. W L M -i-ce. v.i ;hr ..,,■■. j sjenio ; at .'.St. James Baptist on; ! Kie third Sunday in November. lie ! Old preached at St. John Methodist THE CAROLINIAN ominit rs non Lincoln I'.iii, !Bmi si ii;; i (*•■' clopmcnl is mm : ii! Tka f yrccnrigs were ho j.., p-:..k,.d James H. / ad irmp;- yid'nrr.k! to ewtehei a r, i.i •i ■■ A ,;ij (P: ;(i ] i:■ • >': pi vny. Ti i- -jcp lnPmbei':, • (s : f -i il l•ifjJ. ,• , . V,, L Thorp;. Aw.lYumm ikYa.drd f>, .4 ». . -|f ..., P t'Ait*. 11 Pays Fo Ifhertbu! ! 1 S FOBBS CAFE j fvf(klc Isi Equipment ('otu'leetis Service ’ FRESH HOME COOKED FOODS I SOFT DRINKS BEER | FOUNTAIN SERVICE - CIGARS - CIGARETTES I BUSINESS HOURS; 6 a m. IQ p. rn. ? 209 N. Maine Si Phone 9112 I | JACK FOBBS. Prop. LINCOLN PARK “ROCKY MOUN T’S FINEST NEGRO DEVELOPMENT” Whf; •- > 'Mi f 1 find n ; 111 y 1 (*';sigJted. '.vrll-ronstructed 11 -!; ir,; in ab< MUt ; idl ,-niting. A lr. i. ‘-1111 I! fit'-'! .ih e .-ful, friendly neighbors wb-> ve t*uind .vS-. ij you've been .ireking 'A m 1 1- your llsi Id ion will have excellent playmates-- a v. ■ ntli-i Mi! I lome. ! Whore you il in: uito jjve e ii'i'-.H'.idt; an ui;tv and I' mriine.-..-; all ve.ui- f-imPi j FH A and GI l /dans Ava-ilabie!! Wimberley & Gregory SELLING AGENTS 124 Some! Avenue Telephone 41-42 NEW STREET NAMED FOR LOCAL CITIZEN For .oii'C luno !ii■ • develop l .!.- ! ii... ,- t-.ccii recking tin uj o ,ropi in 11 ; namV fir Un c-iPt-iiL.ii' Urivi I :: unr fbrmpjh th."r -m c.Muiiu;; Me : jam vc> id; :,! ini (iovel'.ipincul, fhii j colli i'.'.i k j Dm iiig sh( remit fc-rinai upon- i lip;:: !'f one i.f Hie tionior, a street' 'namiri:' ve' spo.’irovod, :n j which all K::,"; r> visitor* p.irlieipiit - i Tv,-: select ion f ,1 .-amc firm j i the hundreds of ones sub-i jmhted. has been quite a uro’pien,. ; i but It:*, one ehoson wili. the spun- I believe. ,d ii everyone. i The nrizc-wiiMiinj. n;i!V:o Et.- I LI.SOX DRIVE w.'i- lies: snbinil 'ted I.i - Clsr.rleh Jane.-., tiiu ita'.r-' n :Si root. R eky Mount He ;s l!;o j winner <*f a SSh.OO Ik S. Savin,.,-! i Bond offered by the spf T(<.ek>- iVioun*. to be c- ok* i;.('itt*r inrj'; ;t?.a woirioii. it fMtin . note ksil William jFJhsan aiong wi \eavr, licit 4 jiiaw at yen is old. and he has serv- Mat tii.- ,riii 1 iiec,and others well. :He exemplifi.-s a model father, a .true Cnrivi-.m. an honest, loyal and efficient employee >nd he is be-in 5.1 tr.e h:gh«;*t esiecni by tbo.-e vn.'b wimm he -kr. and those for ! 1 ' .■i/CvijG • i'V.Xy • . #V-: " i. y‘: • # ■ ajs-'b, -■ a .a-! r. rirTy . ST" - s • • 'Y- : A; :^V T ; ■ .. ; Lg . -Wa ■ ' ■' • ' . i .: if kind do [ T'i'cn give to the world tho hc-.l ! you have and Uic bCM will come ’ i back t«> you SECOND SECTION whom he work .. Wirnbt'viv and Gi'cr ty and then j i’ibi> sDuff where Mt Iritiseu has i ■v. orky-d si:ice t ’ary opened for bo- - i m 1025, have the ica te.-.t re-i : P v: .rsi !■ v<- lor him because of J i In: many fine qualities. Wo hoi !hat no linci name could ! j have been submitted and that' :, t o name ELLISON ! j DRIVE is hoard, it will reive a., I n minded of the noble character! ;which it honors, and as an inspir- ! jution to the entire citizenry of! Kooky Mount u. strive to sltain j tin qualities that William Edison! uist iticKvelv ha;;. SEGREGATION IS I HIT BY INDIAN STUDENT IN TALK LANGSTON, Okia , A \T-- "To! i pro.ervi he; strength, Ameriea I Lrnnd. solve her internal probiems." i , assovteii Ganpat Deere, of Bomba v.-! i India, he addressed a seminar. : here at i.ane.-ton University last I ; K idn> The seminar was conducted un ■ tier (he auspices of the social sri -1 : nne, department of which Mb.,. 1 Thecna Ack ns-Pcrr.v a acling '■ Air Deere up has been in 'ip United Stales for two' years, i s a • student in the roiLge of ••.-nginecr- I •>■!' as she l.Kilvra sit.y of Oklahoma . i!ii’ .-penkt; diseuKj.'d in detail la' serial aSrueturo m his rtativi' India and the iv.sf nclio: i» ini nvi. ■ placed upon the 80,000, :j * c i»c - Aoi'D decree a$ n \Tj .; t •,> . ■ r , .0 f,. •j, U-- Phi FrrdtnuU at Ch arlolLr. i South Caiohna Mr '{ueik's ihii addressed kww> ■Pwwr'.—■■ , ,« - .„, , m , , |ri m i jMaTjTrTnrr ■ Try ENTERPRISE First Every tiling To Furnish Your Home Complete CASH OR TERMS ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO. 158 S. WASHINGTON STREET ROCKY MOUNT __ _ _ j ATTENTION CITIZENS AND BUSINESS MEN THIS PAGE WILL PROVE TO BE AN INVALUABLE ASSET j TO YOUR COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS Tins IS YOUR PAPER THIS IS YOIJR SPECIAL PAGE I STIMULATE ADVERTISING PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS j i REMEMBER EVERY TOWN NEEDS j A NEWSPAPER i WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, DEC. 194 ... . . r y i j •:>, \ * . V I i A :/ i i j * ' *y. W-,|::> i f TtA pJ a i/& ,nc ; ; T imm : I ( RCStNF.SSMAN— Geo, It. Du- j Bore, Mortician, ro-owner. Rocky I Aleimt t inirra! Home war? horn iti TV ishiric on. I>. his family : moving to Nashville. N. about : t:t 15 tic attended the public school 1 in Nashville and Kill roll College, KG nil ant! Kenouard School of-, Umh,a iming, N-w York City. Dur- ' : lug World Mar 11. he was super- j | vising clerk, War Department anti I | Kail-way Mail Clerk. He is now a : , resident of Rocky Mount l,\. I!! IIOI.DS r\RI-EV IN \. Y. ; ; • k.'. ' v NEW YORK < ANP) VY,• 1 11 =H. J Aiken. imincnt Negro builder -.-l j i 1 Atlanta and president of the N bir-i-kd Uu ■: ; Associalion, hold ■ J . in-;here Friday a! the Unit; d s !; Mutual lase insurance Com puny, j La in-*ad bus.ness expert coir.r j Xr>v York !-> confer wit!-. • ffi- j !eiids of the- National Ncaro Bust- j ■Ho'-veve. 1 . thi- future plan., of the j : oik,.inikat, ! s and thou - relations to j Amy imrrkrs ihM may have an af .b cl on co,O Ivni m , fm Nei-r ■■ | ; w a;, ikifb: ! nnkideration for Sr:-- - i eotitii • i ..( |i ;.;h rhooJ a mMa- , 'in varmti:- tit;- At present he i j naagod in wilting the lyric:; foi a j - . , T> . -T . . . • 1 Harrm’s Sai« k s \genrv I ( ON! I t i ION I ISS \\ till! ! SMI AND 111 iMi At,l VS S \V Will): -\l KO A ‘l'l- I.Kf «R.-\M NI-AVSPAPFRS I j 1 \tlantic \vr. - Phone 7ftfi 1 ] Rocky Moo n s -To Keep This Page Pa* fronize These Advertisers COAI, -• FIT I'll, on, DAIGHTRIDGE ' I t I I, COMPANY tla\ ami Grace Sts Phone Social Mi Ivor IKING OF THU BOOT BLACKS 128 E, THOMAS ST. iir.),i xwhuwbw CITIZEN’S GROCERY COMPANY, Inc. FRESH VEGETABLES, MEATS - ■ DRINKS Complete Line of Groceries 811 Gay St. Rocky Mount .w*ii»Mwe».»is«awiw»:«»»n>ii».uir«i«»»*w»«™ri».—MftnwMßutwwwnwim a ui«i COLONIAL BUS LINES 4 DAILY SCHEDULES To Louisburg, Wake Forest and Durham Phone 1802 \~"m j INVITES YOU TO RADIO AT ITS BEST \ II K A R THE ( HOIR AND THE ORGAN” WKDNESO \ V NIGHT 9-10 mkiaTvs SERVICE STATION sm:u <;\s, on. washim., GREASING SOFT DRINKS GROt FRIES SERVICE WITH A SMITE r? I I I homas St. Phone 2560 Rl Si \ ESS j MCI NSED AND BONDED | (lift \ irsinas Phone lfik'.R | Charles lirinem, o«vnet. operator TRY Old To lorn Beverages ORVXGK Utl SO BOTTLING CO. 201 M 9 S. WASHINGTON St ■ emusommmMfmm, ’lTmTtxTtot enter 100 N Church * Sunset Ave. VOI K IK I * NDIA STATION" OILS- GAS IIBRICAITON All, WORK GUARANTEED Dial 915 G —J. M. Johnson, Mgr 11. IT WIXKjT SIT 1) STORE -19 Tarbetro St. • Rocky Mount MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Si ED AND GARDEN NEEDS IN TOWN 'When Better AiOoniobHes Are ! Built f T »'5 »T K w»?* Build Them” The Best of Service.' On \IJ I ’Makes «f Cars and Trwikfi ROST Bl UK UK flarringfoii t ash Store Mmk f Y *wir Ebtvenlr If r l i ik,r, L'c \ i*tnt. Soft Dr.iJik-- nf Aiids, Bakery Goods GIVI IS A TRIAL 1025 S. WASHINGTON ST, IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Treat Yourself To Our Service City Barber Shop 200 E. THOMAS ST. William Grimes, Prop, DAVIS™ RADIO A RECORD SHOP Specializing in Auto Radios Latest Records Delivery 516 GAY STREET MAE< US DAVIS, prop, Neighborhood Center GU<>< FRIES A MAGAZINES I lour Sanding A Patnttng 700 prnn \ve. - phone 2'!86-R ,L I Lassiter, Prop, If 11)10 HOSPITAL j 127 S. WASHINGTON ST. Everything In Radio Repairs PHONE 2637 WILLIAMS COMMUNITY STORE 314 GOLDLFAF STREET PLAIN A; FANCY GROCERIES FRESH MEATS DAIRY PRODUCTS Os ALL KINDS BATTLE’S ~ CASH GROCER