\VL,EK (ENDING JSATI.,K.DA\, DU PATRONIZE THESE * ADVERTISERS (_ THE WEEK IN GOLDSBORO ’ Bye. a. thobnton vs’n'Ctoixwitt r a& #*•£- I | || , | .. .„ -.- ■*.. R* K. A. IROiiMUS Mrs. Pauline Bennetto Moy« aml Miss Annie Dublin spent Hi* Thanksgiving holidays ii Washin.- ‘'’■on D V and Cherry li.ii. 4u.. with relat.ves and f, iend Ms and Mr.- irvu. A-Lloio -■! New Haven. Conn .-.pent >i>e Thanksgiving holiday.- v. .;h a! Ashfotd's brothei - . I*it ■ t 1L V Brown on Georgia Avenue Mrs. Laura Hardy t Kinston I spent the holiday.- with ■■- "on.: and ‘duugthet in-l;*--* M> and Mi. Thomas VV. Hard., on Oeo: "i<- Avenue. Mrs C'ii: a- Simmon: < i New Yoik Cr - .in week ■■ ■ - gues-t : i S J i'o.si; 207 \Y, ," i Klin Street Miss Susit Fau cette %. ot Mrs. C. 1 Bland and Mr. liu.i, Gavin along with tnao> othei teacher.', oi Golctxboio, attended ’ r.* tea- ■ ei. 1:01 , it u.u we livid Jacksonville n HovomU-i 20. Former Shav; gt actuate; and ta,.. from Goldsboro ami Wayne i'min ty were well repiesi'r.ted at the Snaw and N ( State College toot- Cjtell game in Bait igii Thanksgiving Day. Among those an end mg the r. nt wett- Mi . and Mrs F L. Larkins Mr. .end Mr; K A i'nnin ron, Mr. and Mia. C. ! Band, M. and iVli'r Granville Fla; ris- Mi and Mrs. Amos Cox Mr and :\Jr.- - J. B. Smith, Aii-.s Rosa Bland, .vi t s Tire! ha MkkUeu.n MV. .lode Brnc-y. Henry Clensinso. - and son. Jerome Best, J. I) .Middle: >n .VI. s Miriam Scot! Mr. and Mi . Hit k anti Mrs. Gloria Siler, CHURCHES OKSI KVI. THANKSGIVING Vith the spirit . a unity a,..t mu! wail all the church,, us 'la cny « o-rnbled at. it,.. Fra African Baptist Church. W. Pin; *tm; and give thanks .to God in the r.bsc, v-ripe of Thanksgiv.ny Day. Ai tins time the Rev G W Tood ~. stem of Tvlt. Calvary Baptist Cio.rch d. - ■** '.Cit'd the Thank-ohvit;:.' sew put ’o a packed ho us*. at n nr kite spirit of thankfulness and good • will was expressed ail !hr,.,wh ;h: ..v. vices. THORNTON’S 11 IN AGE CASINO TOPIC,s A large crowd war present Thur.- day night at the Mun't ip.d Stadium to .-.ee the Diliard Tigers 1 e their seventh and last game of the season in the Tidewater eleven of Willishm Hit*ft School oi Wilmington. N. V by the score of 19 to 2. The Wilmington B arn, much heaviei than tin Diliard 'I i *eci... found easy g..in.• all throiiM* the game. During* tie fiat few minute of play the Wilmington eleven drove through the Dhiard line for tneu worst touchdown. Alt i-r tin fire t "oi.tehdov.'n 'Jit Ttnil: :M .. to tighten or > the ilia. v.-luci. held very weli until tire third quanta Outstanding players so; the li ger* v es<- Gr< ■ n Jackson, fc>. <. i e<: and Gemge Sc- re Wihr:ii!U l on 19. D'llaid 2 B'-tw.-tn 2:70 and 400 people waie | • osenl at the ( nler or, Monday night November 22 to see the A ineruMi, ! egion \ll-Stat defeat fin Velc; .*;, All-Slat ot Kin; ton by the score of 37 to 2a. The iollowin.a Glider,;.-: spent the Thanksgiving holidays at horn* I. Fisher. Clarence Robinson, A ■ Thur King, Frederick Burks Mi - es Geneva Bland Robert Alsion «Buster i. Wdetu- (iuvin Martha Greatest Show Ring Bull Retires j After dominating the show rings of the nation for the past 12 years as the greatest, of show animals Netherhalt Swankv Dan, the national grand champion Ayrshire bull, i;5 retiring. This announcement was made by Otto Sehn**ring, president of the Curtiss Candy Company, which operates tin* farms at Cary, ill where Swanky Dan win continue to serve as iheii famed Ayrshire herd sire, His latest triumph-senior and grand champion at the National Dairy tattle Congress at Waterloo, lowa—represented the 84th con sc(?utiv{k oh&ytipiojTship of his r&i'€&r t the record of winning * more championships than any other dairy or beef animal. He has be come both & legend and an institution throughout the agricultural world. Swanky Dan qualifies as the “grand old man” of any group of champions. His 12 years of age are equivalent to 76 years in a human. He continued his winning ways at an age twice that of most f prize show cattle. His greatness is also supported by the winnings of his progeny. At the Daily Congress, he was sire of the first prize get-of-sire, us wait as s*re of heifers that won the junior and reserve junior cham pionships, His get stand high in production. His first daughter to finish her production record at the Curtis a farms gave 18,000 pounds °* milk atid tKI6 pounds of buiterfat. •'Ai! good things must come to an end and so has Swankv Dan's show ring career,” Severing commented “He could go or. win ning for some time yet, but it is mow appropriate that he quit as an taaefyfttefl champion.” $ Rhuc and Dairy Daniel- - . A. and I - col'tT- Jiirr.es Bryant. Shaw iL'iiHCTs ly Dorothy Dawson, Win yt on - Salem Teachers College. Cura h, we. Bennet Codeye and Add, :ln Noun Hampton Institute. Humpton, Va. and Mis- Alarian Scott. M. C. Coilr-ge. .Vllss Joan Ai-ti- amt ! dtle Vi,a* Carr of La .teigli v.e.e tin - Ti.suik-givtuo guesi.- - ,f Then uncle and Hitnt Ml. and Mr.-. F„ A. Thorn!-),: at 619 De ■ ia ox S! revt. i HI f{( II DINNER •[ penh/'-. ta! Holy (.'hut ch di !,, v/iiliam .lohnsnii and f Me: ~ 1.5., ;aa i: made 1(33 Old; Folk It > ! n.-ippv T!inn I;spivine : i D:,\ -a T!:.„:i, S!\ on? Day Dili- , m r -,i Tin- Church on Gurley j ' Suef.i. ilu- diont ;■ consisted oi leiib i.wi iiee. j . :.G-. ■ cranberry ice ...id ruin' I'he . | (?: •!,-ii am eoii-isted ~i singing by i die u’"u|, and a t eadinv' by Mr-.: t y,i.u,e - !.: c. i - ; ...0 to Others on the j Imogram were vl, Ard*'tiia Pet'a- . ■wav and vkrvic •! ■ The affair! ~, ■ . iiee,t b. Will am Johnson The P.v«ru-To:n. - !;erf Association 1 ■ui e -nil ;■,! High School needs to 1 ~, iv, i.. ei i,.i et i , 1 1, f ■ vea . fin* - . v .«) t il..it ii.ey (- ii-*n:g in the iCYntia) Hi o Seoul . mmunitv. A* jii; ty rneeUna "f Nu,.ember Hi. the ! | PTA cH i .poTt.'d S.VIO raised for i jthe improvement r.t the lutich • • j room piv-jeci ;i, Central High : ,■ Re:, : aru! a.or',-' to tliank ‘ eve, .' j.arcm .. -I : .end in tin o' inmunity fT.n the!; cooperation >n i making the prot-rrim , success. Mi a i Ruth Be t, tin- v.iti ul Dei in i Ber,, , i t-p'.i led to libing - well ;!;.<> her home nttei undergoing -< scriousi operafioit .■ t. Goldsboro ! Flos sit ai, | , i ;; IVachers vt- 1 rc-taUvea and :f, ;, <u>-, ■ . the Fhanksgiving •! holidays- Mi and Mis. Granvthe • Han is visited . dative,s in Dm horn. M, Velma F'ostt’r spent the holi days h; Greensboro with parents . t:,<i f, iends v!( T ,1 Ware spent : trie 1; didoys pwi, in Fayetteville ' with li - : i husband Mr Ware ‘I lit* fun -ai ot vis- Mary Lena Bi.vaiit. the vote of Landis Bryant ■v.a- held at th> Mount Pleusunt , 'Church oil the Snow Hill h!gh\v.,y ! ! November H. Barial followed. - in th< Oict Mill CetnctOi > vis Bp. - j eti, v. a- a long, 1 siithlul mc-iober oi .! Mount Pleasant Church, lit r pre sence will be vs, ally tni.-sed by lire : members and friends ot the ;chutch Mr:-, Nellm Hunt,: and friends , of Washington D. C attended the j fiineral of Mis Bryant. The Juu* Dior Church of Saint Mark's Div : cipie (’oureli held dr quart-,M is ;meeting at the church Sunday. No ; venibe - 28 at which time the aer , ni.ai v.a: piea,.!;ed by tie pastor i : :Vlr T i innat; do,-., u s owe to-. .; i ein..j kabte mu cess to any group i ■or any sla.-s. He wa.-ii t ,-iecteo by : i.-ibss or capatal so agriculture or j any other •ei-n.Cot of the nation • He was elected Ly ti.e America!, , people avid In ,• the President of . alt t!: - .- people He doe;,n't even ows t ; alleglanct to the Democrat ic lead er;:: -- mo-t «f then deserted nun . ; when they thought his cause was lost, and be vvi.it in spite of thesv ; unadnurabk- defect ion.--. Support Your Paper ! 1 UU,UM u aie . i ioa GOLDSBORO ADVISORY COLUMN L.C.M. - My husband is in a sanitorium and 1 must make my own way. i do day work and since . . it is not repular, l have y.siiu n is: j debt :md . in in dire tied ah of flic i i time. 1 know I must not give np ■ but being broke is yclin;. l . me u iwn.j' ! Never it: my life has in., finunciul i 1 !statu:- been at such a io-v ebb. Ants Find a regular job. You ; ’ can't ye* out of d!< it or n,akc ends i meet i! you do not haw a stoaiiy t income. When thei'.- a I.ictiliiie : anu.unt of money c.riuinc in ere - ., | week, you cat, gear your livuti ex i • , penses tiecr-rdirn/iy A toll time : j job will get you G t aiyhtt inut om | financiallv in a !.■ ■: t tar, !• Ij R. i • low'd, .ny furnitui i- i : thi »‘t- vc; : tR.» V. .tti i 1 f 1 ( ■ 'iii ■• | \ tfo to tiim* 1 ik’if f<* 1 1 fu v.'mt i ■ ij : tuivc iiiiidf 1 iiU li O’iuJ: have ;• L/.'Od job itiii-i i iotC'Ud to >. i J j set that I a niistuke not dt:- I posing of my furitd-Uro. yto t rv.->j j (ate just to -lop the storage pay- • j mt'bts. Wh;.it si'tould I do ; A US. Soil you* - IVOTiishiA- si >■ 5 i doiTt value them enough to ivavo i 1 [.them moved. It would : .■ j | vou to muk( j the trip ha.eE: hpme ; j and attend this niaUt-r. Ain’i - | | you migitt. {fropusHidn your ullh. i i (■> take the.M- h -irehol n. if- r 1 oti > ■ VG'lir hands iUee - i< i*!i-- * ma: : :kI C.‘hl iStPUU: i V, f.t iviLi ■ ietiov, Uv« y • ar. . Vv c. vv ja t-m toi ■■ .• veai. Without- any vvanune he ! • ; jumped up and married anoihvj , | girl It hurt my lieart as be nev I came back tv. ndl m* why i vow t , they are r.eparatf-d tie r iu.iuy-: \ like he wants to yo with nn ,aMin. j Sh'-oiVi 1 take hriVi tiaek; A US. i iuii 1 even rer;: id( r • i upeniim this love idi’aii. He ir-t >■ * ll ! down bf-eaun he veaiized that ae! did not love you tn -ugl'i lor ina j i iage and hu opinion of you hadn't j ! i h.jfiyeu. He- lonely lor conipan- ; ionshif- !ii 'ii; new lei him rmn j . It r'i.V-t'Wl'lVrV CB -V! v iin.-sbomi and l have : bnen uvan u.il V> yvai Pt-« 'P/k k sa.v i : vv( ai *.' e smart eoupU uemur e vv*- ! have nought ---ur home bcaudiUtl : {iirni>iiiny:- and live vo .d He ; works in Uo day, i work gI ,uigbi so that no ol us i here aii I 4 : the time with *»ur boy. My bus barid sv V' h*. - 1 1 ut <1 of livin 1 tliia ! way and wards me U* quit my joo f don't wan* to quit beca use 1 ; know vve can ha. ve more if 1 k- Tell me what to do? CONTINENTAL FEATURES . Hi'3 WOUND r■ V i.1.-OK MUTsXft a. * f /sisi C'.‘ io ru. jv-yr) Bt r.-fiacc-naale' jTO vou, 1 F.r ——SltlWtffftniiSillttßllllflPf" *—~~ " ii- —- WMaraBjPMA VVhDS w F ILOOK/ HIS AU. Ri&HT.FOLKS/ STflHDTftfij KiD 7 WHAT a SHOULDERS BIEEDIN'/l BACK - THC Klt>*s OkAV/ [ DiD HE DO ? '• ***** ROOM ¥OR Jstjf if "2ij| * ■Kh w MteMmiaß . BLi #>i * i |irr .4^ iTOi/ " | / J| y I8SPIP& iRi iMiflii “■‘-ffaaMsg HpTHAT YOUNGSTER FG-iVg HIS NAME BUT iFOUND THiS \ VALUABLE / aWE NEED-'"" GUESS WE'DI I !h ms clothing-/ take it/perhapsJ thanks, doc/ > setter go now,doc/ J ■ jp’-i ’* Sr A.: - tyllkv y \A uwjlll SfasißMfo fll A*ik l-\ ... » Ai-: v j'< ur hus.btmd nirl son to -c, 3 you it home Give up the job nr • hat yott cm; be with them You.- working wa. only M.ipposod to hove been ~ temporal y arvangcmeiif Tilth nt;v. that you have your borne p;j;d for oitii little money ht - ,;d, it’s time to quit so that you cue make ■; real home for your lamtiy. XX. i wait .irtxie.ity ev i.v week to - tl. i-TTjiei so that 1 may rr-td v,:uv eolurno. 1 love it 1 think you ; e Mine:. Mr VValeere hen is oiv q>,;< St ton PieT: e :UI: es d lot ,i: 1 v.to i'Jlei'A if Cb.'ilTL: ■-. is .i ■> and -1 not Id 1 let him havi hi way about a certain thin;.;?? An •ie already had Ins w:,\ as I it I!t fee's very elo - to V'.i liiH!' scat l;s -a" ■ nj; of ll.tv iiig you fi.M i.i will - He. steady, .ober and rc-titio’i.' ittrd lie liki-s everyHr uy about you liK.AI. LS IA l l MI A oppose it ih;r\i 110! SIN(, sun s DVCf yt;n?u: v.a„; vbr- r* i !<* •>!' the Mt; t t Hr' of t'J'it* N U 1 ! lOJUf! A Mf'OE'Up ((.-;• | KVLJ ]'-;:«»• bo:iiU!:: ~l . it? i 'vininodoi E holt*l hf'n 1:». I /. e( 1 In i» . ohuhifiv m Vvii.’di no H ( >or dr.bLl 1 wsi; a Ml-wed. the iV'uto.':- • hG'.i -Wiiii- i all type- f»f teder,.: OUti' fit IfOi;: -- .11 ip i i ir*y 3 l.- O mnnd. ii’the fnd of low cost suv -unri. i: t hou ui:?. ain 2 laift ronf/tjp. Thr aitark vva* ioun* ftr-u ayi iixt ; 700.000 j ;d< riliai ur U » •* ihe Khu.- jUI 1{; i; jf if- Dtirn iil.iOO illCilHi' | :ng n- art v •hKLOiiO lornp-urary war j him- units. The :lv oniaticn) *:ta!e I meiit declared; “H- iisinv ia Tin re«poin;ibi!ity of j frivah- .;udu-. ! ? v. The many wd. I ju public hhvisinv in tins country | urovs'd that i. du.ally subaidiztnl j iUl' b ■ (: 1 i<fur;ing (: uns{; tutc a vop jt lined threat to our con'-petitiv<- j isysffhTi C - !);.'l't - u the osroi-i.iUo:; Cw!) | liruit-d. shuidd pasu a jaw railinp ; tor !iie b'rid • d all pova-i funon-. con j nCcI 2* •11 •' wit); ;-ud hic h'oU'Unq and hi- Pest \ IU.:1 lui 1 1 I ! (-f]}; :tr! ;U V UUn. s . ‘‘as furl ; .uch houuinp can he • vacated by *hc pu’tuonl. U-nant>. but |in any evi.ru not Ja’vr tha;; Idf/j. in ds attack un governiiieut c-;u --• trod ivr huusin- such as jvnt enr : ti’Ols affd buddiin; cpfdrols s Ua <•'xstH-iaVio/: w;\ nijc o i ) pf-omisihe.;. Poke half hods latsr-Tthank?! Mips l ' W THERE YOUNG MAH'J IT’S TOO PAD | f YOU'RE ALL RIGHT < THAT WE'RE I NOW- THE BULLET } OBLIGED TO TALE i MERELY GRAZED J HIM Off TO ! I.ll', GAUOUNJAJN t SI)A TO LIST WAY S TO U T FOOD COSTS i j Want to hold down \w t- in >.i ? costs? And still eat ’vwb StiL feed !he nt; ;nbei s of y..i;r 1. Ly all the viftttnins tin- i. - . - - d' With. pictUV of \ ttrit t'. tie 1 best CCHlti: it.V? The e is one Wa v ■ln (1 r ail ul' i!v along with h.tv j in/? a steak onee-.n-a- > h.i - ft’s ! done ibv •’svk ctive );uyini , 1 of , i plentilul foods ' ;l Selective Ltuvitig mean,- .., L.nk lor the a. nt tula nt and 10-. v i-vvii ■ ; veeeta!,!e in; ‘ead u! !:iv h h 11 priced vxy.Habh .Or ttradv Fi a> ■ i j ir>t b ad of made A especially for j cooking, Or poultry and 1: -■ >, ..ml I L,;uits and v\ table.-; in se rion A It ai-', a,■ d ;. ’ , ■ ' ■.. j ec-.-A.ed and canned f >ob: . hr. ii | happc - n ta be airunitfilit A.U these : 1 kinds of foods are usu.div mote • reasonable in price than the iond:; ' which arc not in pk .'itntu Mtp* ._,)V 4 v Lash month si',e U S I tent ;■ in«-nt of Agi icuil.Ut e say v lu-'i) Ah Lie fresh foods are ,|.-S.'!i ably abundant Mid vvincii of the pi sx'f.sed and eanrs.'d fu;-, ■ are : it;ia t- than ample To -rdtr/y flor in;.,! demand. ■ •( be Depa: tna-in da Slgnate:, t.h: tou,'-!'! lit a A- ; <e ifhenufli! i - li; t o qual:; . !o; ’t;; 1 : m:; v, : v Aired must is"' (1) In |>:eiu:;u! sup : ply, (2) commpnlv used bv most neople, at,d flit dt-rarisdly ,en,i! aftli in retail s.un* - -.. Tl, - list : matte available- to r-.uli.. u< i Mapers and mti'-i* stpa orgaui/a A tions ,n order to mbem eo.r.-um ; f;aiiOlH I dentil U I loud::. ! Tht- Dei.,artr; >nt esttin:,’. ;hat the sent*? ptianUy of ! -i it, • i basket et pkntifuis will »• • 't eon- Isidetably it.ess than a basket ,4 , ! alternative 11 • which ;;; is,t I p!< ntiful. Anti the -basknl ot p’s iifu 1 foods will matci: ih. nutn ,i ti ata! value oi tl)e nth* The aim of this p;'uAA,,T is * i nuave into is,■;mid mu dm ,■■ or, !; v : aha; e; s\. t h, nl pi . : A»P . iT'hat avmds waste. Bui ,d a isame time, the prorAatn am, tisai consui'riei: v-. di t. i " * , tht... - food mo nr y Ly -.iun',o;r,..: lor ‘ ’ the pltsntsluls. So.-wateii ytiu: i,uyine. en-i look op tne ‘ bos;. huVs ’ eveiv weftlc ■ lin the plentiful It.-ua.i at vom . erue- vv ■ lose 77/,o oey jlfMill / m i \ sl'j -v" i ■ r a * if y |__ __ 'V 1 ■- -XX' ! • i ! i 7 *i,' Si.ii; (:. :t And II«-)p Curb D!.«••• ue. Do Not Spi: On 1 ■ . .• . ) , ...i i, j ! 1 ’ ■j‘ I* ‘ ••■- .-■ J .' * UNCENSORED I il. vV ' ORK ‘ AI-.40 • • VVi lO' ' i >*’ ) I I .iI 1 v ( MO Os Jol.U C’olici* GrOV. Dn: ' |, oil ».! \r v. Jri v y m.-iV uncifi-:-,o j J ! rhou'r • i Dc.il ! ’*o.. I1 i1 (Ui* i lIV » S ~ . . ;! t W Oil led lor t'Xtl'iKUliOii 1i i Hit >OUiO. ! Colic, wa:- trued by the ‘governor j i litre*; month:' ago when South Car* j nil?,:: demanded hie custody for I i Doing a fugitive .from a ch;'ung<iu& j ’ li.-.n-.'- '.vhe wH CtUlght | with a "i-aduv' in a sudeu car in I V . ; a r can:- s#o a wee*: : ", n , <]»•« j{' !< :.\»\ CIUO ißt* th»* ’ o , vCriH-.r : e.mii about freeing an - j i 1*•; ;1 • \V a:; 11 • i b'Y (. jOGi'RKi i: ' I . i Thv Kex liujam cane iu-oj been ! '• ,al.l>oni-.i a.va u\ •hi 111ne iI . ! ‘jocember 3. j f'ini: .. Won.a. it,-ad i,f the i i A ' nlributt'd SI,OOO in j f ■*!: j j iidl-'lp! •::< 1(; Hobo ?} RevHO 1(1 . c ■ 1 i ) 1/UO i'. j VV '•:I ■ I •'i' ' ‘ >t; and SLOOO I ;hi ;v v. York 1 help too OOP* \ p'on.rncoted on the itct.nl cH.-d.ntn i "!.h. v.H’ v . n<i In..- crowd .05Used the j W OKAY SONNY- WE'RE ScTT/Ntr MSS! f YOU TO THE <-(05 PITA L / GO// J~fOL ~~"_J IT- JUST A MOMTNtTp WAV CMTAINuTI •■•• • /. 1%/ v ]Bl j i JHI ,*a£' but %*ovsoi^^J^B(f ■&Bgk frfT NOTTIN' V-Wtete>„ turn hound section b»i "Dr. Raipii Bunchc 7 the •,titD | j.U'ce i f the pro-British n owe j who dommati r.t;.- ,s t :m 1 ci' j ? 11 ' ftr Frank Kinrdnn Nh V.i Post> wrote last week. Kxplaoiiiion ior Defense Sect’e-1 S tarv Formtall's recent statenieu! j jin Berlin sluo lie had told Prtn-a ] j dent Truman he could t:ot ?erv« | | "thrd&sh his entire admhiistration i |ol the next four years" has c 1 mu: j : trom Leonard Lyons. < L.t 00-- !>.•,•' I Lyons say- that this action \sn a, , ''clear It With Dew,.•>•'' letter .. | |Dr Kai'i Couiptor. oi the \j j ■. j chusetts instdule of Technology j based on the i ,inclusion that Tru i mail would lose the election Henry Wallace U.<- Rev. Hewlett j Johnson Dean oi Caijt, rbury and j Soviet Arnbas-adui Alexaiider S i ; l-’anyuskiri will be the main speas.-j ' r ai "A daily lor Re. c- at .Uadi- \ ; -m Siituire Garden Dfcetnnvi K< ; t Hally it: sponsored oy ih< National! I Council of An i, a. an-S wu fr it-nd-i j -hip. ! 'lhi- will be Wallace's best pi.-!-j ■ election speech and "Hit Red 1 ! >■■-•:.'■ last speech in Aim--- it-.; i>e- j Hire returning to England. The tilstribuSois of •'Open CH>"I : will so .j'i release another docunuiti-j . tar.v iihti. " J lie Quiet One; me il : story oi a iO-year-oid Negro bay!, BELL-STAURT I '■ i Furniture Company Quality Furniture, Reasonable j| Prices 227 28 N. John Street Goidst.K’ro, N. C. Phene 1760 J j_ j | |ll I'll LIMNS | wavne Finance (!o. •I»KI\ » 1\ to BORROW" James & Ash Sts —• Phone RE* l ELMORE’S RADIO SERVICE Sales and Service Sireei Floor Burden Buildm.j Goldsboro, N. C, Phone 218 b i t ror Prompt ('ourttisiis Service jj FOYE’S 1 BARBER SHOP JOS SOUTH JAMES ST ODELL l Kilt Prop. — — Moore’s Grocery VU BI’Y AND Sl id ERLSH COUNTRY PRODUCTS 505 CREECH STREET Mtl:l)i;«K K iMOOKK, Prop. j , rt , frt FINEST WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Eastern Carolina Precision Works il7 ORMOND AVENUE GOLDSBORO SERVICE DRY CLEANERS Cor, S. James find Elm Sis. Branch Office N, John B*. ONE DAY SERVICE | We Specialise In Women's Silk Dresses and Whit* Svwttn PHONE 1579 R WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF LIFE INSURANCE PLANS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ONE SEE A REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE DISTRICT OFFICE v NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL I ‘ LIFE INSURANCE CO. 301 S. JAMES ST., GOLDSBORO C. C. SPAULDING, President EL R, WILLI A MS-District Manager J. B, TAFT-Aesistamt Manager PAGE SEVEN Goldsboro Merchants And Business Persons Made This Page Pos sible. Give Them Your Trade. in Haricm, Music foi the flint score was written by a colored composer, Ulysses Kay. "rritiTiTiTTnt-ivTr-iri-r-n“r"-n-rit-r'-'—*«MMaHMßwa«Viu»*' -SCOTT’S CAFE B*’st In Barbecued Foods 404 Gotley Street Goldsboro, N. C. Midway Beer Garden Newly Open For An Enjoyable Evening Stop With Us On N. Harlowe Hd. Vernon. Gadette, Pttp, IT tlTlit: VOI R FAMILY ON c v, ni r f AT —• KADIS* lit:; FAST WALNUT HICK’S LUNCH ROOM | NcW Open For Business Short Orders and Regular j Meals, Cold Drinks. Ice Cream l 902 N. John Si. Phono 918 S < Mrs. Frank Hicks, Prop, j KoiviUNITV SERVICE STATION HAS AMI OH, nil N. <IftEE.NI.iiAF KT. I (ii.it imiN'KS AND KI'.ER , RHONE SI7-J 1 tl J. JACOBS, Prop. I \ out Credit Is Good | At. ! ! ; (J^CLOX^ FURNITURE ! 115 117 Last Walnut St. GOLDSBORO j LEE’S FUNERAL HOME Heme Oificc of Christian Aid Mutual Burail Ass'n, Inc. Fret mount. N C, Phone 3161 J. W. Lee, Prop, I SUTTON - LEWIS Furniture Company 124 E. Mulberry St. JRfcasanable Prices In FURNITURE OF QUALITY rrri-KssaKffii THOMPSON’S SUPER WASH AMI SLIT SERVICE LAUNDRY M«j ;\ JtIHS SI. H iBS 35e PER MACHINE Mrs Pearl Smith, Mg is. LOR DELICIOUS DINNERS SIOP AT .Nicky's Soda Shoppe 333 S, JAMES ST. A SPECIALTY EVERY DAY M oye’s Grocery lane) jito staple (iromlM t ruits and Vegetables 401 SOUTH JAMES ST. PHONE 9134 Silver Moon Bar AM. KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS Bi t it 229 W. PINE STREET AMX SWIFT, Mgr.

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