WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, PEC 4,19 L || Continued From Page 1 PLeulra! Kaplisi chinch .finance;- and introducem of budget sv ti;in and cr>: * ioji of officei. of bu-stnos.-i tnmager ..-rut d’rcct"j us budget tnsLilla t.’ jn cl new h■ ■ ■ it * )“ tdii nos v re.:.'- i>u!in in Mxl'h c.'nsoeutivi \ < v. . jtui i t '.ir.it or) (,)f :• :;:,([()l" : • 1i cl, with pi ov i.si > ! ,ed '}'i 1 1 ■ current and ..u - ! umui.iiire ,>r c. ,r -.1 • • .i• ion e >.,,ut'; .. -eG : ■ ; rhii'ih. pi vvidim, fi.ll>■: 0,, p -rtunitK'S fm i.idcrsliip i . . i n pin t o a urn j ■ pt• ■• • i •rtiop of rh pri' .n< s of drama, v - t 'll? n;.' '■ h ■ i j.n h ) ; ogi am t i n presentation of giant ;ohg \. Uo pm diction.-; organ Gaisin !•: Board of Christian Education. <: )• F °R THE IDEAL ( Christmas Gift ! it EVOi #k % Hf! r'*l :• -i i Kfci!s i ; j i i -- - ,T .r '•% Jr " $ J.A I jw 'd’e-jj ■ '-M’! «. b; g.' I; i P f ir » r. vfS X Til '«/| roc PANIC* . rs/ifif *■_■•• s i.‘r b .»• e i.:SQ' , t. !'■■■'■ Hayes-Jackson Electric Company 133 Fast Hargett Street •J Tty —r—-- - - - ~ ' j i Xt \ \ m i ; a h i GAj / fvsvsCxxXVm i * ** try In k**ep ft yoavtt ahead of the bohient Ther re being born in record nunihern )he«e riiiv.*. 4 million babies last >ear —i2 million sine*- the war! Jt They make one very important reason for the giauf expansion program of tbe business-in ana ce>i eleetrie com parties, bf Another reason is that rveryboJ\'s ap petite for electric service I? getting steadily bigger day after dav, year after \ear-- in town* and on I arm.*, in homes and in industry, **>' *«*- - »» p* Ordinarily, the power companies work about. 3 years ahead for growing rlectncitv need?. (It take* a long time to plan, build and equip power plants.) t***-*#** * l Today, hi addition, we’re working bard (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COWPANYJ i.nlmalm;; th<*‘ varied leadership activities and making pt?r iodic studies * ' t alents among mem - gets and mainbiinirig an netiv ’ file on .member assignment: based on interests and abii.it>: ere. l lion c>f department of p'-ibb relatiene. . rving as ■ > ha.an ogf-nev between church «nd gen eral public and as ii «• ii■ p:■ in !..h;.-< for Ctuuvh community r< - 'aUor.s. The matter of unbiue cv-tth and the roe a -t ie' of d.l-'tl 'gin • ed pel :v.:n.ilit!<.'., ha.- be me a uvular featu;.' at Centra: i!s: list To mention a few "f the out standing • pe;d,<)- v.-g, r-.• a• • peari'd at Central during the pad seven vears Senator-Elect J- Molvilse Bi ough!<)a (1 hen ( ; j j sgagi>*•■••■ *• • «•*<» HEUN HAYES o» tl»* «*«nit the *>***, S undayt. 9 PM, ESI, «S. to catch uj» with much -needtxl cnusfrnc tion we could not do during (he war years! I Its- the- biggest etiini* const ruction - program in \mcri«-a’s hi'.lorv. .\lrcadv,! in two yi . . it !>as add<-*l ,».« mm 1, ncic electric power .<- I i-7 cities of IQO.OPD peojiJe each, nonnaliv u-c! lliis nationwide project made pos»>- lde bv the savings of millions of \ir--ri. an who are investing in the bvsi ne.sj-ntauaged electric light and power companies. • How is this money being spent? It pavs for new power plants and additions to others, thousands of miles of wire, equip ment in vast quantities, and thousands of new jobs.J*; •,.... ..".,4rV-' c, - rnor of No> »h Carolina). Dv. Ciiarlolte Hawkins Brown, nr. .: dent I'almri Memoial Institute. Seda.iia, (). -1. Nathaniel TtPi.i, > epn ; ent.aUv of American Be blc Society and edilos Church So' '1 Li lifat :i i a AMK Zki.i eiun.h, (.'Uiiriot te. D: I'. A 8 1 - sh'op, president Ceneral Baptu :! Set, t"on'ntton ■') Noith Cam .■liiia; I >r. C. C it" ddme pres; .a nl \■; tii C ■ • Mm ■ii Life I.l'.'iwn '■ C". lae 1 .aei; 111 ii I Panic! pro 'a nl Shaw t.'ni cer ■• ■ . Had hie Ar in.ii.i Scot:. Lit I ’;' Municipal i • n.:. We i." ;t- >■ !' Dr. Mm -1< •••a; ' ,!• 'ln. : ■ esident How-; it th'ir , VVa biimtOi), !'• v 1 Along iv.is Ids i - pi” pj• •>; i ;t ional serv. es. <-v..’ at s pa..tar is affiliated a 'til mtm-. ’ •.-> '■< constructive a m and oe •• und the . ijmtria.ut f v mst m v ne is proaidem ot the Interdi m rainatronai jvlinistei ‘.al Ainr.ua.'’ of v, lnitngpai and Vicinity (new serving thud eonseeutive pHnidem Ni.gm (htpam tu-uncil ot Wilmington (.serving . soeond eensecut ivel; member ...d .May. rs Committee, member of Boarct of Directors arid vice-pria-’i dent John EL Shawds Boys Cat:.-; •an-!Tiber B. ard ••• Directors Fam ily Service Society of Wilming ton: edit,'! and oubii-hier Dtrec lory of Negro Progress in North Carolina; member of Beaut •=: Trustfi.- Leading Lodge - ,; d IBPOK of W: chaplain Omicron A'p-e C::..ptc■ Oineya P.-o P* Greek Lftloi Fraternity; vnstvuc-, tor MinLb rs Institutes, Siiaw j University; member Executive C'?mmittee, General Baptist State C nve at if m of N. C. E’astor B o;» i graduate of Shaw Umveu-by v,: th post-graduate work in re Up,ion at Lincoln University, and during tiu; past two summers he has pursued advance i studies at ;. : tmbia Unii< - v , , A strong influence in tin- Pi” . f this minister a’-l one contr. butm!' greatly to i; sueeess in wife, Mrs. Vivian Edwards Boone herself an ardent chuiv r. sk. r and oGncioal e.f tiu -Pd itt Village Grammar school it. W limington. (lOASTRI (ITION 01 CP&L I*l AM MOV IN!. VI,OW, ON Si 111 Df IL • t;..,, . |. .' !, - UimO-’i! >-.. V C . « here 'hr Cat - ;■!:■! |V.«ti ..'••! ) ;;h;t Con.patty >< huilriiiig a 1 VO.OtMi he* • );•>'•' > ; -!*• ‘ill I'M' - '; •;oiiOf,t*ir;:' t* • •?; t’ ••■j j ru* ■«• ihfil ri>nsf r: ict lm • i- m-o me iinrdr.'.g -i'hFHnlp Al \ i'ii vpf , . iit),< : ! .00 :u*'P; voiTt/' .f v. )i re, work ci .-‘-if lAn -c!tj«i A ‘ (Mork. ii)t .j t vvotk on the pi o ecf. i:> -!«•' t -i'i.-ic* Wit}, h: ... M VU.T-: Inr. Blythe Po •sh< ! C‘r*i. Jruviiun O'mptny wuh 174 d-ui ••r; t}i(‘ job. ave work ojj ihc maili T>u yrrr't ■ Mr "' ' ' » ■5 ; ; j' r'v Sb:' ' L. r -‘.A ♦ X. -v ’ •»*“• iCH - ■ 1 wm&imvWi. s ! .id ».»,. .~. -..r vb ■ ...S '.' 7, ’. J*— . .. - - MX MISSISSIPIM COLLLC.I PRESIDENTS \t a mreiing hold it Jackson i nih . .Mi--. , re cently, the above leader-. m<l a new eilucationat organi ?;itiod knim n as tln* >T«sfi Oppi Vssneiatlnn of Callrgc ailministra tors wlii. Ii is clesip i,f(| pi unit; aijjtu'r cilncatumal praell.-i for \c K rops In Mississippi From If ft lo rittht, fht*> nnd the* dischai co and intake Fvii no la. Oihcr epir?panics wmi Vi* »nuncii;.<' cOO m:vc siU* tnciudo toe- GrirmoU (Company whiul) irts \w !neii work in on >iw \.-.,\ccr i-'aso •.[}]■• . .. - i nisi. (i:}‘ in ■ K > ; c • • u’enaj. % ,\y v. I'.irh has an aunii' *n.»' ■even nu’ii ns. isli’i . Ua: uu : ‘ r; c'x a i id Ebas<-o \v hU:l 1 icv\>c i- 0 key 01 on t-.r va; ion.- capo, -■ is:t y r :!Ai| is :;S well .. mm.ikt ./ ]U>GV ;; ;;nv, r ! 1 10 Fc 'in s'oik - ;re a! ? k T; IV. 0 channel divei's-mo. e •a-ivniior, ■■ },_■}} v.iil plm V ..l< .- cuh in the Lnmhtr Kiv.v an mis- supnl.y nl Co I inf A ~ j vr.S.I i ' 4 4 I 3M I 1 A 4,1 • | 1 \ I i H I § r ”’~ If | ? |*!' 'S<||(' ‘ * ’ mr TH t CUR[/p ' TAII OR Hi OF FINE SIIIRTIMi FABRICS ' |- ' ' INfll IN MEN'S $4 ANO $5 SHIRTS 1 ,G' V , ■' \ Every blouse is sanforixed-shrunk . . . fine combed kbitfonr hand- IV ' - • -k/ AT!,,. \ \ ■A. \ A > I V\ somcly tailored and derailed Finished with ocean pearl buttons, j |j pd / 1 a-***. ,* f I'Ll /£ |il i. P’* ' • . Xw Ale I. i .. : \ . SBi-h jA, k ! \1 11 COLO g 7.N0 color 11 ' -j 1^ 1 ; i °' ;ANTi ' ,; 1 j | 1 1 ’ (c> i Order * n,w,c ' h ••" \ 1 j B. Sanforised strl pe «l C Sanforized broadciobh « * Addres# - State |j . ihirtin g., . hi fb'cv, ... in grey. aqua, cream, ® * City - ’' ' _. , , * 3, -_7\ r blown or rose with white. blue or white. See: ' 5 Cast* ! ' c * > ' ' . v Aif n I'.l v K S ' LK '' 3R W-’-* * -»* ‘ ‘ A BASEMENT STORE / r/{.////-)(W-rBe$- '> BASEMENT STORE V "£Ailf*N CAIOI.UI 1.-f OUV / ’ s >- THE CAKOUNIAN tacoi) t Kedilic. iirc-iil'nt of .'I t. 111! ( '.Urge; IK Jtarolll ( . H.in.cn, pn-vitient I'.mi :,;ln > < ct!e;;. {.. Mr< «y, presiilenl ic Ku>t < c)!.•;«•, Di IVillum t! !'ipc> prcsiilt tit <>l M. or*) ,\ I'.yt <‘iitti-gc; tv. >| ! ra/.icr. |itr>- id* nt of Vlo.sis.ippi Inttusti i.)l i'olleg*-, nut John t oiij. pic-i *U-n of Nopihern Christian Insti tute. WC ,*: i N* a i:c iiv a j lithiL' ;3. ••' 1 1 nu*k t ; i) »{•»■' !op* i*f>l *. A f '• :u*v nt -■■ vvc.Viicv dill a i.> v irUinily ; ooms]<Me. A ii : . (' ft UC l;i i G 1)1 . .1 J i,<J . Gbln-Hb so, the do of tho tur-i :■ bine rc.dvm ba :*?«;* Pic nt ' bocc pu-u/s; i-d ned vx'ivv pre bCitinnhut vvorj;' •hi hr- v- A iso isiviri;;:: r ie> : Tiu 'i ■ \,v xhicli ivo j .‘A in ibc ...-j iliVo. viii Tx ihc ’ iils? if! ;!m bv-bit pthuk ..)1‘ till': ii ’ «:-.U d'.cr type construction. r II \ :<"['■< y of I.hih'.L Scrvdj- Inc-. i;> l.iL'l. i iJltr’l • <IC*I» 4 i f f ormb iC (ASWFXL F.O. MV! Fs \v VV. I'fl HUM K I \;n K.t.J IMS \ K Stilt I'M i c !||>- I ah'.)' I ; (! 11 . lUt’.llOlU ] ■.■ i .it; arid the chn.-rrh- tbv i a:.-e w> give : u ic\ ( rcm.— •' ,d I h.ii J-'.',,ivinp. nt tni.s i iue' v:i \v -.i .-•t-.a. ed t>v r‘ i 1 (’. cveiii;. r?«)t;K.\M vi i(t- I <|| I' i •" <Ulp .•| 1* i - j ■( . i:i ,i ill :i; g .. 71 r) ... ."' Tb. i... '> in |>t Vi’Hti’. VM.j,', ■ !- i.\ N i11’.,!" \ ,:-l ip i 'if: 1 |;C--1i 1 .!'. ! i..i> Os ivits.. i) k. T e '.<■ . irtu.: pat inr. w cre• yb ' l; 1' etc. i.ea; Klsie |•• I'lic I’lkuv:: F.-dhr i-s '' Ita/el .iohns.'u • fVbat i I ml, .* i; i . 'in! !Vb. : !"•" e n.i;. "Come Yo Tlinnkfui People.'’ •Mamie B.ivmv, "The I- ir t Th.-.ulv:— j giving:" s:do. Gloria Swann, Marian ’ Adao-.-. “The P.Uii- m;" -Tn To ' key." Catherine War sen <d V'l; ! 1( ! till;."! a, . j VV ,: i«, : -wii (iiei| a.{-, .. '., . ■ 1 ' r 22. Func! .at •■■er’.'ii'cs: v->, held ■K iff. Noi’cir in-i -i-: =;; <'• I• ! Baiit -t Clmrcli Tec p I tor TP., Rev. C r> 1 o-.'c ooniiiii . i't! ,he ri '. .s .rvivt’ .;• . c Mem- .-fm. J.dni. \V:.' t; Sa'a.’e!. .ai (. "r., c. ,cc; -al l<".if na aa a.;p .. 7 ) C7l ! () );.. V 7,7.; m : ;V. ■i : ; Who I- : senioi at CCTS Mr. Jla.-.u a , idt-wer SPIT 1 u. (iriTt'H sCUVins Np , -a Th.mk--cGnc ■ !■ ncki a: R.i\ , ; Zi-n !: a ,l •.: iC'aurch ias' week with th< lie, \’ PM-..'.:. or tia- Moi.iu! r ha-.-v .. Cbvu’ch ui Durtiam and hi.- cb-.'iv '•'’uuii • The Re; . T, B W I-,;! , : . d . Zion ( sum itOAitn 'n..v A ■ ia!} Give >. , . server! at the home of KtPc ■ Fk.iV.Me Llnd.-vy Slvee! ~ ; ~ l!l, dec ..: of Iiv■ v.,G;: B.,mist V. p... ;| ... v, rri; ., id c! lise Mi.--.] :! il’V 7. . ■ To,.' TT .1 "■••!;- such .. c ..hi-. ii".'. . iui one all conteia a-.bed ;h.(t it be ’■ ated ~! -.a rahic mtorv,-.! ".i j i( j ;vt;- ; , t jnd tiiHiil; riavcace H. Richardson dur» i II; i !i \vpiV j;; i . . f \it\ ji'ul in'; !1 jC Ti>•* ii k :■?; O !12 hfliifll.iv 4^r7 Santa’s A >.>* 1 .Jm CHRISTMAS j '% Ideas 5 s< IUK BOYS AND % GIRLS •' .ii *• r ' H ~' v, . » ■ .#* A. _' // Top as ;; < ’hnsimu A* VA a (lift Top for Winter iv st\ led and tailored to fit vour little ono. /!. / f/t Price syy9B up <V A Q | USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN j Wo \ro Giyinu Beautiful Wrapped (oft • Boxes W itfi Ail Os Your Purchases, j JACK & JILL I CHILDREN,S SHOP j H> E, HARGETT STREET PAGE SEVEN

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