PAGE TWO Foimsiac Ten Team League ,'sating The Gun 15 v ALVIN MUSKS - .«»•■». • »■■»•► owtro. •. MHK' -maw*—-no ■ »■■» .Hi— iiiv\K v ■ '■• >[ :•; Ai\T> YOU’Ytt ; ... . ■ . .übi. HA Iru/ji ' • ! ' O ‘•■.•■l ’ . ' ,* J Y f ’*■; ; VlT* j ‘. : s)y O-t ■•:”.• J t«>)- •. ••.-ill iulidoi'. • . • 1 1 ; t’t**, v"’ .• , .i :nc fa M eulorccJ J ' ■ . • I'• .. iv I I>a. >U.IE : GJI Vv i. • - 1 - ‘ , • ■ f.. ]OG.; V. Ho.;: , < ■ ‘i,. J . ■ * *t •• ?■ oi l n< i>■ • - rkhouse And Jackson ...m's Football On Air ■ ! t: a. dunnican ..i. < ,'i Ns' i T: ■»- i ■ • •, rn love.l ]; 1.:;.-. i‘l V ?. Ktit--. '"In• .... f U ui r<;01 - . 5 ; -.'i 1 1.--- :«*; ■: in 1 vuft yi i Kc, vViii'j }"•. If 2« h; : 1 itii’.i < • :U? ii .ii'ii ;:j »*• Cl >..'j 4'. . |‘v .. i'i t. htr l fiiif’Ci Stltlvv, : . .. . . v , I •* ■■■■:.» ■ ' iii iU' was 1 ; o Mich- : 5,.. ...... :‘o, Al’i-r Ling in ! "j . S-ir man- than 10! , i ..pil'd ‘0- p vsitk>n as i' ! •.tv «.f Michi• ; : . ’ . :: kMo! calk-d to i in- j ’ , . ha* .. :l. roach : u.v A.V Via; S. H v t- ... :d lad. 1- that' ' .v.d i' v va hit 1 .it -rad- i ‘-:<.V.r Jev, .- and Oath - j ... :■ Ho diux Kian meeting.! ! i . ; .....a i.d ■ii ’I. started to ' : r . l:J tho I till'•oil'*. ; J : I * ! ; T m’ in* * >!i D Todd I : ..." 10. tliStitUtf ' >TI Ko'i‘l i • . - • .jiUj di, >;./t.00.1 t.A V j ... . AH ; • . . red ; ,s*tit > h:.-, opinion m i t- "id,. /■ :T il Whom hi hu : ■ are alike.: .. !■.>!»!‘poly ■) : ! la lent, j |d ■:-! . ..a-' li;., ! t urn al 1 pfco- . •* .; oii-ntiojifd ivy Stack S. ..... 'd • ..ut ion of t ! a- race lea• f\!ri*-rh\i. 'The v.'u, ai i j n. . an oJ Kvinp, lai.svthi:. . '' ii . . H ] IP.' o*f i.Ju ■ ; i. . t . 'dlukii t n ai<■ taught . oil': t.. hat.: an!• .....i and Lintoir, iiave inel ip iifioofil Thank;.“hung football j j lac ■: 1884. accorcbnß to j a I- oi durinc whkdt time How - tv. -i i: "i : \;u :ir> games. Lincoln ; A. Gc-ne t.ieri k-ote MicmgHn U Levi Jecksoi. Vale. luettleiil.ti |v c; i i-.rv. you noticed (hat Gc-ne Den icuta becaim. the ( (.'.it jed loctb" ner --. play ill the ulu-.-ie "Ea-t versus West” charily • i.titvri ti.vrli i heo tiled for Salt !•' ft: N- Ye.’-: ■ Day. A!-: Q lie::* i '-ack-minded. 1 can't i• • • ■ ;.t ’ %i! relay . , ; 1 jut-; ere my self a coach •couched at a,cal high school) and ..bmit 'iii' •can: it 440 yarn;-' ...' lias! ‘a Reid l mean yuitr , i. ; :jf !-adutuck Eddie '.V, .1,11 ~l.d JIOV-Uld ;I. ■ !'.. : ... !•;: u l')». V*• t\ 111 Li- i ■ ’a t. V K< V.'lli With Ha'i 1 1.-.Oij luUJld 1a:;|1 -MUf . i j.- 1 1 , . ar.d Mel r. . • ‘ Git* . .iii it i <1! y> i• • m-IGI ; i \ i ii-0 tO otr •■- <1 {ll.- , ;.t. iu ItU oo s.k i. order. lio weve* rny “ait tun*-* f : would j ejd ihi:* way— Euh.-'r Peacock. J es£.< Owens Ha-pii Me-teailV and Eddie Tolan Q 1 :a ■. Jim Bivins outsecre 1,• mi". • i a tier - eao u/g whore i-. .1 :. .!•:< d wile < Ljo'.- ;,r •> i \>( : a iTu-a tt iilK.'Uli'id . } l,:>u::h thC'iT v .UOU: G-l ! o! ’ ;. J n ... it;; : . eu get ■ it Tli .. j i i ‘fdii !!.-»*i’<> i‘ hi •Chi' s, V. W-we- have bu nGe l ; played m Wasnmg ton fccl Hi' A'ard Lhj {jjj-j th- i lujv n\)J vvas a Vs -.. y tin J]uig (:V nvit:. th«- ; >.*oi t-a t*t \:::n an- D*< « t!u ganir jj.-u lit -a ;*. /J bTqki* Ihr ; , Tjj i;»t t- el. li 1“ -iol'i .1 at lijvtfc'U. * ,J tit . Ui Iht ijlayri: "U T/A i j matt ? iKijxiU '.i out ’ .;»t eolDnM alhit.-it-f. {, i, t,v D.» ;,*f ITi r rn :'}{•: *ov tv O' s limited it* paJiU dgL \ on tin ti'Bius i.n la)T!t-* vv'hu,j Giilege?;, Jaekson predicts i* bn.qM luluiv .. Nt • .>. u\hh+ttv. DOCTOR SUES IN SWIM POOL BISS DANVILLE. II:.- (AM 1 )-- Di t , ' I.a vVd local phyni - sari, : .< i su:t in court he:u last - -week asking a temporary lnjuiK** | t-,.;n - - restrain the Danville Board educ.JUon from harnng N( gm students from the Danville high ssehooi swimming pool, to g-.-the; with j plea lu. permanent .iiue-itioii an;! $10.00(1 in dam ages. The suit wits filed in behaiJ of the physician's stepson, Ted A-.’! Hi :. junior at tht school ChiH-girig that the Danville • board violated the 14th nnun.irnent. Dr. Lewis said the l- i.-.rd adopted ;« rule which • !u --n:ed Neg”oes the use of fhi pool .-fid denn.-d them admission t. ;h;gh swiirmiing classes; ; iii-caiire oi then race Hi also t-ha:g«-d the lioard with *'c*-.nspir.i --(.-;■’ ’ to d’iscriminate agu-m-rt the 1 olol'ei’i p<-l ‘ions Nf-wntmiMT I ron.if il lioislt i Vlas i.mim N inr !ri \Y inlet Havana (/iNi'.i - Pit' he Dan Mevvi i.iabe oi the Moutr.-.d Roy • ii- an,! !ji-s,t baseman ti,i,. r. Leon ard of tin- Home Vad (.brays ol the Negrti Ns luma: U’lgut- were brought in to b.diJer the weak Mariono riiio ui i!,i * Liban w.u •ir-r ijagehall league ntre last yr.-e s Leoiiard was signed to add hit ting, to die Mananao line up, and N e-vs combe 10 give tin team a wiiifiini' moundsman. Ai ttie tune thev tepwrted. tht: Mari ano nine had won cnl> one out oi 15 gatnas. LOSS OF SEBBB STARS ACCOUNT TOR MEASURE Citictißo '.AN':’. Ncgf • oii-'r uall !*j.* been ieeganized into a new i U tear.) Nearo American ieaaue with an eastern and a ' westci’n division as a result of a joint meeting of the n!d Nation arid Atnei' i'-agui. - ' 1 last week in Chicago. The new si tup became neces sary when Mrs. Essa Manley and Iter Newark led a proces • sion of three teams to drop out of the N.NL in the east The new league will include the six old NAL teams, the thre*; icmaining NN r L teams and a new . organization from Houston. Tex. ' The eastern division will include the New N Cubans. Philadel phia Stars an.! Baltimore Home stead Grays of the NNL. and the Indianapolis Clowns and the Cleveland Buckeyes of the NAL. In the western division will b ■ . Houston and four NAL clubs in cluding th». Chicago American Giants Kansas City Monarch?. Memphis Red Sox and Birming ham Black Barons. Stars from the two divisions will compete against each other in the annual East-West ail star classic at Com lskev park. Dr .J B Martin, president of lift- NAL, was: elected to head ’.lie in w organiza-*ioin. He is also .-•< cn tar.v-treasurer. All NAL of- Peers were reeh.Te.i to their posts Dr. W. S. Martin of Memphis, nap Sain; Wilbui Hayes. Cleve land, sergeant -at-arms' and Ei’ ; VC. i-.- 'it Erie I’a vice pi (‘Siderit, frank -ray Young wn.-. voted puoiic ) ela).jonr, directoi'. Biggest sparks irons the meet ing came Irum Mrs, Manh v' \. 1 . iHused all uii-i aiiv:: to remain | ;j | baseball and blasted Branch ; : Hickey as the cause forth.- «t --cucc oi Negl’O l bail U- 11, C , earl.. iii the past sin ’csy-ni ed i lie hi-v rtrlc iscbiOsOi)' a,id i. ..n-pailella i*tj - -bn’! ti 'cams ,:uii;j : witii tiaiehel I'a'-p -- •* i ;- -. Du-bv of the Cleveland In.i- I ns,is. 'i'hese four pla.vcr.s sin said j ..’.i - acted the colored tails Lorn tin- NNL . one i lllit : owners U, drop Imfr the wcij of th* - Phdad* ; nr, L’ ,r:-’ and the New York Black V.. i-'ts AleEj nigh th-.- iti’.er • dun, decided t t - stay in bavctiali. . Iv .. repo: tedlv man. mun r.s They wet' Kansas Co” w*d i .i ii j'layeis ti.e dcu .l . . ■ ir- -.Vii! lie urafted bj arr.s . - now i' ugu*- Nev.t ,i, i’ll , otdrad vis th -mi ore-: ini Uit-ir soviet'.. (. lab owner., also voted t - at • j.-. ban on i;-la»- .- who .-k.pp-. i ' < : ).ti’uet>; to wla-v in the n -• *-ti* 1 IlCitd Mr.'S: i.) a-ugu. • ‘ '(■"■- given uhtii March 15 : > .pi tb> 11 nit i !u! Ab ’it. 14 ■ f: 0)1: Ia: !’. league v. il be uth t. the* iAi till g ATLANTA OFFERS ATOMIC BOWL Atlanta (ANP* Eves of foot ball wii turn toward Herndon stadiuni here Saturday, Dec. 11. when the Atomic Bowl classic wii make it: di-l-ut starung yth to 15 veai -. Id gi id lovers. The jtS’uti’.; Street YMCA in sponsor- 1 mg this event lor the benefit of its gills’ program, .will present . unique, a double header - tv > L.t.baM game-, in which a j.-tav > ; s is limited to no more lhu:i ■ 2:> pounds. An ai 1 .star team composed of members oi the Butler Si..-.: YMCA G-a-Y league v..i ; rn-- tne Dlta Tvlidgets. playground • champ ions of Nw Orleans far *.!)•.' St.uthcaslern "Yough Fout'aall (hampioriship. The second gain’-’ -i:!) star the Hooke: T. Washing ton Trojans against the David ! Howard Hi Y Baby Ramblers, Letw. •1 j prest-::; cokc iul i-kii. l.ll ;<>n:. tealui big fancy high stf-ppim’ : i n.i jo: 1.411-: .Men-b.-r: d tin Bui!-, i SiicC-f VMCA Fortbal! league represent all oi the elementary and high . (.■ho-.-is in the citv Thcve are cvt-i 1 00 teams in a 700 Ijoy iesguiy Pi’acMt-ds from tin classic will erve to carry ou the Bays' Pro- , ..,iu ui the Butler- Street YMCA. JAMESJOYSEK TO CAPTAIN ’l9 BEARS James A Joyher a junior of fia- j 'i i:*h ha: been named captain ol the Shaw University toolball squaa' lr,; 1949 Joyner Bears defensive l’igni met, a 190 pound s.ix-toocer ucceeds Everett Lattlmore, a s«-u- i : : from Plainfield, M J. who Uie ’ u. viU lose this year by the 1 VI ’.if uht- ,n route i Athletic Director Jamer E. J..yth- - j dug back Jito hit tiie. to discover : tiiat the new captain -.- Ihe fir«t ' local lad to be accorded this honor j .rn 2ti years. Willie Stewart. ATI- I ' American centt- representfed ' No tts Carolina's Capital City last! • m 1922. Joyner will be play my his | l/’ist .a: ..-or, next year. A.&T. AGGIES TIE N. C. COLLEGE EAGLES 6-6 IN ’4B GRID FINAL Groensboru A dct.-mninc-l band of Ninth Cainliiu A. and T. College Aggie • f, off defeat here Saturday afternoon with a thrill-packed .second half attack 1o gain a 6-6 deadlock with C sac it 11--ward Riddick's North Carolina College Eagles from Durham in the final home game of the sea son. The Eagles tallied their mark t*r in the second quarto when Bill Middleton. all-CIAA center from Charleston. S C . intercept id the first attempted Aggie pas.-, from Bill Jackson and raced 55 yards to cross the g -al standi nr. James Lineberger attempted the placement. The Aggies scored on a 58-yd. march early in the fourth quart er. completing a series of passes that set the stage for Athie Gar rison, r ns-threat halfback from Canton. Ohio, to plunge over from the four-yard stripe for the touchdown. Garrison's aitempud placement was blocked bv James Ellioit. With CaH Gal breath, all- MAA back, pacing the driv« Liu- Ka-.’i' tini ati-ncd early in tin- game. A pass tri ,ii Thoriis Alien to Otto Fuller was good foi 22 yai ds, pla -.-ri!’ the Eagli on th.* Aggie 17. Several nlays later Linebei-g --*>r attempted a place kit T; !jv ■> field goal that was ha. Tv m t and the Aggie:; took; on then own 20, Less than u minute ain , the stall of the second quarter. Mid dleton jumped into the ai; to snatch Jocks mV attempt' <1 i■ • j 13 *s coy the lino and run it V. ,t I >■' the tcuehdown. just a minute .ifUry,-,. is, v)-.-- Gai>- raced 73 yards to !;•••- the v 4 . > J ■ * e* i T «.-» * ' New Talent Seen As Aid In Pirate Basketball Trip HAMPTON. Vs. Hampton's . i basketball squad, at the mom tat i 1 ; in ulus tht* erv :ce< • I *'Curiy ! Wilson, 194 H tT.pPoo-t ':ect. . ;;ti :-”V M to**aJ othor fu.Tball va’P! oj-tu a • ; re rice seastDi jam it. intuit the Suath in a w tit 1 ’ State Col;»*g< at, Sm i-.nai;, *jn Moo • da.N Decani her 13. T:.-e PiTaltM- aiR; w*ii niav ;• r*.-- t*i f j i 60; “a gen lent with GeoTgia State, ‘it the L ilnvv e;]* oiLtht 1)6-1 • Lumber Id; a Konu* with i\lore}*o-ust ] * (. «.•]iepc i*i Alionta, oit Saturday, !j t el l: • be i ih: .jnd -a.e ; *; ’ w«,» c ■t iie• • ’. > 4;D’L* ■■ *_•«’* V’. UP! HHj -bid j. 4 *;?:. : with OPDipJa or pJoritia. uuu.itets. Aitnough seven*' veteran dpr- \ 1 lottjhus att: already ort hand, wot.a i ; truH a noi'vii who are ;,u\v '.villi tot ; }••-’! - H t* •- do. -h -■ 1- ' t ,- . Were are in.v lthri. . i ■ ; -ph«. 'u.oies un trie .ttiiT vho, , L ca c T Ht : j!;ao N GBu<■ k » N» .v a■ o I \v JJ pivt- 1;a- returwees .j urn fm hen n,Ofsry. Aipbi.r; thet-. a-« | Jaroc' F" cantor ftin Aj ty . siid. '-'odi'd from Caiver Vocaiiov.a] i Sthoo!, Md and vVU- • iiarn Osb-arrie pua.d htufi V. < ■ hester M ass Wii lam Aiken I/Ouis:vilJf» l' .’ig-o-i oi the New Yoik Boxing • Cnnimi'sionci :jikl Abe Green of: ;h-.' NBA he said "i,. mik. ~ ,ii , (isiou on u defrusc <4 my welter weight championship i have until' j . DeceniL-e) 2g to suoi tor a delence There iias been a lot of talk about J my hot b' abh to make tbr . weight. I can rn ilu- it okay li 1 , have to, bn!. 1 will give it up il J j . j beat Bolioist-, .1 Zales retires and •i! Credari wiii light rni ' , I'aiiaferro Named I.U.’sj; .Vlos s Valuable Player J BI.OGMTNGTON - ANP)- Junior | i ’ Gvorge Taliaferro an All Bn; Niir. 1 halfback in 1945 and 1941) was. se lected by teammates a*, Indiana’s! l -iiu.-’t valuable player fox tin 1948! ! le.c.ori lu iHii ploys runrihi.,-, and; • passing he marked up Bii. vards. ..mi averaged 40.." yard: pt-. puot ' 1 Besides doing- psueticallv ah the;' punting and passing he i und time < i :inar ntn< passes -stm on de- ' f-nses an uptay 50 !• 06 (Vusn-n-.-- ' of every i-nnip amil be received | i ; injuries, which kept him out ex-! J cept lor a few minute:, at the ! time. Taliaferro stared at the Gary;- Roose\e!t high school before com 1 ling to Indians un - . [j THM CAKOLINIAN Ag.gie Roa umiiu.-hed behind pet feet blocking, but tl« pke.- was tidied back and the Eau o were penalized five vnrds for off sides. The Eagl< •■’ threatened .iguin soon af-tc-rworcis when Fullback Albert Jones intercepted a puss from Jesse Jackson and return'd to the Aggie 27. but the Aggie line held at this point. Aftei an xehange of.Kf.its. the Eagles ran 4 up two more first downs in a dole-rlined drive that bogged down when Richard Valentine in'; :i ceptc .1 Allen’s pass on his own ;U and re turned to the 20. The half ended with the Eagles leading 0 to 0. The Aggies started a determin ed drive with the opening of the third period, driving to the 28 be fore losing tqe ball Soon after wards, big Hornsby Howell and Captain Williams plowed through the Eagles line with Hornsby Mocking Turner's punt that ruli , Gai’ii :uii Re 1? yards. Gat rison t'lipp»-d 1:1, to Milton Jo-hnson ioi * ~:ut cord then Fisher and Jeon* Jack-.on dr.ive thionan the lino to. an-die: first down to set the - tage for Garrison to go over Irani the four. The Atyjcs th. 1 .item u or.-m inti r in the period when llowc;! partly blocked Turners punt on the five the ball going .-ut on th. I- a gits 22 Aggie pai-ses tailed -,t lids point. : oyheiruire t- , .varu. -via; 1 ..s '-r. lor the team ias‘. year also is -how - :r:g ;l(> well Ui drills alenu Wit: ii-.,, Ailt I’l aUr • •. ’ >1 m* - sever/, year: back v. !,-•■ a as: rc teriH'd to school from the Service. Charles (Chock > Williams, high (iiy -ua I*l and 47 captain, is k oi schuoi aide: dropping out ii midyear last yeai Isaac U. orl' yi .Mi u; ehead, Jewell Ji/msun. Gus tav IT-II libuif and Gardner Blov-'u are aiuonr the 47 ietienncn v.-ho a e back. W. C TScapi Lewis and : 1 He»; 1 William:! will jo o Pie te. in kiler alon; with Curie . Wit ■ JJ, 11:L -Ht rJjjL'iil:. UM '•Vii! two j; t hhn 11 1 , Lijdlflt'Ji. MiiiiiOlil Alu-il Ull.imjUhKTS ror SIIAVt BEAKS o f l\ IODINE BOWL Vv’ ill-, • lie- .sill.;, 1 : iiaiiint by 3 posnis in the waning minute ut iheir tussle wish the Si.-,-- Be:. - > .$ .: I ,relay . . • i, i e ' j rsl a, 11 ::»: r- 5 lucm Bui! u.ias..-i*.’ ai Hii.ii Field. C-.-tumbia. S. C.. Roy Rctwis Aden's snappy ‘i’*oi terhack, rude over lur a U-ccl’i d, - and a victory tor Alien. The hilly came with less than 8 m tinir* !«.-n i.. tin yaaic . iter Johi- Wo-thairiG Kick iiaci been blocked .md .ecu v<-red on the Stun*. ■ tic* ,:<:() b.-:e Rorl-l':- went OVri oil s|a;,rterbaek sneak. Ti-.g Jacket tailed to c--,overt Ibe Shaw Hvven K-cued il; the o;.eomy m-irut-n's .f lire lourii: }>».-; i..--i alter naviiig been balked tor a'! bui ,-rie down on a goa line st.ii,d by Allen. On the fouilh (own I*j Alfred S-iiild- holdmu. Geurgc Benton placed u neauti -1 iii bout between Uie upri.-ht- Tin iicais. In io Uie 0-0 le;id until Roger:-’ touchdown blasted tin vis itors hope and gave the Jackets 1 heir ninth win of the season Th-c Yellow Jackets were unable to i rpitahxe -,i, .e: earlier sc; -sine oppoi handed them in the pening niinutes J tin- game as 'ei a Shav. kick bad btv.-n blocked Though it rec- -vored on hie Shaw 7 yard line, the ball went 0‘ Kr. Means tried the line twice fer Allet. On the third down, Wib Uain Wallace Shaw fullback re •covered an Alien tumbk and the threat, wns averted. i '-a. tug Hu- reniai/ider nt t)if first bah two powerful fuTes battled on almost even terms. The ball chang ed hands 14 time: in tins fierce encounter, while only five first downs, were picked up by each te: m during the half. Otherwise the two stubborn lines refused 10 five ground even in the face ol a 1 -ri'd’ic onslaughter. Thu Yellow Jackets, opened the thb'i pi rind by marching in three IL’St ciuwn: one ol which came on a ,'i‘t s.uil jaunt b. Bowma.i, to the Snaw 13 yard line Means and Hunter hat'd the Shaw line lour 1 lines 1-■! tailed to gam. The Be-.-:- immediately i.,ec;:-)ii h drive of their • • a par.- tint! .lack ,-n to Blown netted :-:fi yara Bellamy Picked tip a \ aril over i-f.-nter and Brown 'nafger! another aerial hurled by J icitsnn to the Allen 20. Saunders Mitchell -kitted right «#a tn> another first down as the period ended. IfWiH'ON PIRATES i psi:i vni bkrforci: [\ KISH wmi CA\l l: NOKl'Uf K Va Tv. . touch ■l. in ili< t'oiii n. l'.- , nv(‘ : 11;. a.,.t0n 3n:>titutc s b(- oU.- > • thiill-,.-ack'- 1 . t.jiset victory uv . ixcviousiy unbc-titcii Wilbert'- -. ; State College here last Saturday in the Shiine-sponsored charily Fi.-Ji Bowl . aine before 3.500 rain-chill- , ed 1 -ns. Tin seen'- vva- 20-lb VVllbei force jumped to a IJ- point 5 lend m the first quarter. .Andy IT. il> Path Ford, and Mickey I Cartel -parked a 58-yani drive - with Edward T ,-lon going over ; 'from tht one and then intercept-, i.ns Jim I): 1 1 aid’.-: pass a moment i Mater ana t unning 3o yards to set | up tb-:- second maker Mickey Cai-i pass ! • Blake White ici.'ita- ■; ; lished the scorer Both sides had b' cut dully execut- 1 ed t-mclidowr. pas.- play- recalled j a, the first half. 1 Richard Williams, Corky Pay- j ton, Janies Bryson and Arnold! Thurmond contributed utn gains j to at third-quarter Hamp-toi march j 'of 60-yards. Byrson capped il -df: by whirring 8 yards t’-i .1 touch- ] du-Ai,. with Dp'b.rd converting Wdocrfo!pc, : -wevc:. struck back - early in tie In.;! quarter when i Cartel j-a 'H 22 yard: to White, wl’,u reversed litMd .aid vvi-tit 13 ii’.a: e ' .-1 Ki r the n ali- 1 -tau-nt time tar cklra p-ai.l t.. deflected. lit I Stopping t': 111 iSKC-l midv. -v ~t the I ;u.ii’t< : ’tie l.reeii Wave -eemt’i! "n Btit after a Uort guilt guv.- Hampton Hie Dali on the Wilber force Dillard pas t'd to James ' Rut Lewis for lu. Then 'heap" Lewis: the ot.he' end. touk reveise and iu• inUTCstudd iii ploying aij duo.-. St mi-pro and coliuge h ams. T'he ti am is Cum posed of to: Tiier (ollege stats It boasts such stars as (Moose) Jackson. Uu. taiii- ct i-lown and nail handle 2 Jduxt-, (Svvct’bvaUi! Morris, of 1 Philadelphia. Pa.. (Kentucky; Let, Kentucky's gilt t-- 'oaakfet • alt. former teammate ol Ralph ' Beard University of Kentucky s ’ All American guard, and - Blue) I'.Miott funner Shav. University • star and member of the National : High School Champictis from ■ Favottfrviile, North Carolina sov 'Mia! years bfsfore the war It is ! t...imposed of 12 members and one • coinbination is no different from the other. The feature of the -•! team is fleet footed (Jumping ■ . Jack; Broad ir reputably the fast • I•1 si man in professional basket : ! bull, 1 : The team is notably the fastest , 1 and most conurai team ever t - pla.v on a Southern flour. It is - booked m North Carolina to, ap- II pioximately one month and a • ; half and then plan tu go out t-> Indiana for several weeks. All teams wishing to book date wit h the Kenny Five art * ked - to contact Mr. Nelson 11 Hums • Jr.. North Carolina booking agent ; .-t 7J7 Stiuth Blount Strt-et. H:, , Irish. N«nlh Carolina. At prep nt .- they have a tour scheduli -.1 v. u■: 1 ; the famed grass skirted semi- Pis, .- !r !ii Mop-Mog a Island ,n the- South Pacific Eagles Cage Tram io A ' ii Fla\ 2-1 Games DURHAM Coach John ri. M McLendon of North Carolina ‘ | College has: released a tentative ' j basketball schedule including 24 1 i (tamos for the 1948-49 season j Four of these games at* pro-sea I son exhibition contests to be f | played in December. There v.Ti 1 ; be ten regular season games at home an ten others away. • i The Eagles begin their ex-hitoi •M tion series Saturday, December 4 ' | wut’ii a match against the A and MT Collc-gf .Aggie.:: i|i Greensboro, L The first home game ie slated for '! December 17 when Morris Brown 1 College of Atlanta, yt-oreia. in ! cades Durham. The Eagles play m EBoward University in Washing t i ton. D. C. December 30 and again -': in New York. City on - .ew Year’s : Eve night. WEEK ENDING .SATUUI>A!» i)h< 11, liH* SHAW BEARS CLINCH MYTHICAL N.C. TITLE ■ I’m S.i.iw He 3l . win, -,- ■ d itr ,ir -sw. Tnonl.-gi- r-x 1 y.. • . .:<•(. :in the N-- - < -<• 1 ; 1 (*• --U-- f- - • !,.](•' .) flli it , ai Os au i.uin'. .11 • .’- ill:- , ..: ilt ’ bv heir op; • ion' t- e ' rocor.■: -iiuv. Th-- Bears on live ijasi-,, and - tour Inctiiii.-J "among the five wins, were victories I over i'uur N--.: Carolina .•iggrega t - ns: S’ Ailgustlt)i’'s. A. and " | C. Sirti'n. aniJ Noil.h Car olina C< liege, ermufh to clinch the . myth,cal champi'-i ship i 1 | the Bapf-.sts. Coach Brute- Wilson - lads, who i heart! from till sides thfii tins year'- 'schedule would orelv test i’.,e calibre < t play which '.'tuned theui it. - 1 veur's Cl A A fni-nnpionship. re . ui.’iinc it unconvint-t’d a' the end of 'trie Si- -on With Hampton amt A. j and T replacing S' Haul and I Fayetteville this seamn. the f. ,- Heigh club wa-; defeated only -.nee iby as many as two touchdowns, ;It 10.-’t to Hampton 14-0. Die oilier j contests again-' Florid:. A. and M 1 V’u ginla I’nie.i and Howard vw-ie dropped by 1 2 arid 1! j, 0; •- ie : .spect i \ ely Twillle 1 Zebra 1 Bellamy tovvet 111. jt: 1 il* I !):"t!fi>ai:k t.rotu Big .Stilt'- (■«;'(. V . . - ci>,,.-:-.ti r,t . pert -iln '■i .1 jtij team wei buat-'e-! v/.r-uat FAMOUS HARO-M TROTTERS SPARKLE NKVV T'ORK ' ANP 1 - Aue <‘l teitx. the brainy .•h;.in--.tor<-' oa.ebail and ti.lskt-tball opii.u ~- !!• 1- <;i edited .' i’ii pedtililig Jack)' , Hobini-eiii and Saleliel i’.c-e- -'n :-.i majors , ! We.J lu- is something of 3 bus • l kerf.,J| -iii.wiriali . wet- “pub-i 1 t itcitv tor tree rrabi e- On No- i ve-niLei 26 S.ipeim \vi anj-ien ~ <* j ! full-COlun:*: O. V til (t N V t);i ! j j ; U ■ } .* . U riJ • 'tl !v, tu Butd 8./ie oni-aiined rutviuill* ■ ar.d to .11) marvel who is :,j bueneiu: sen nee out •[ IT-im ■' (• Suite C uky-.t That Was i:r„. . bmg P’-ueh needed publicity 11 , Ids 'an cuiure,l basKetbali uni! ! the K; Oily .Stars with Bold ‘ Buie ami tiie lint or.ali’, -1,1-;,, a , Haritiii (b.;.: ,t. .lie; S boasbn.-; j : cout leers it):: Roscme iG T,, , turti. Babe Pressley. Nat tSvvc-et water, Clifton and - t.'sei (lt Kill MKO.VCi SI'VII-, On E I’id’iy ;;ite N- -.«-u —a 26 a! ! 6dth Kei.-lliient .rniu-' In, G iobeft oiler- .vl-ipped the pitill: •- ■ HeLrewsi Sjiah.- J 4 to 4a m a tut I. that saw Tatum etov.-tiiv ha: <-1. ■I! : 1 pertOJ nriei •- -re 22 )n ~lj b V ills lonesonit- Tiie 2.5iM) l:m wno I yt-Ded r. appreGatifm .-w r.- t : crack j'-lay • ? Cue Trotters 1 jp. lied by lu in the 1 opinion -•! - ! Rena:.-sauce- Ti el v r .’n.ue f-.r i ”v . rid colored ; r.t tb.d■ :,tj-- 1 Til w f t* ji! llil .; If i 1 ‘,j: 1 ;l [j l p<: l CfcH'.L Ar;u i:(jw v.-» i! pile Jr ,> i:'v. lest New Yaresday dioa-.o Fr&Le | Jest New Years day classic m the ■ I nation, being excewded only by | 1 ihe Rose Bc-wi iii. age. llj! tesfli/. liy iii “1; Kemei yiXt iftad-- in;. 1 .round . met lieli.u ny ac- I'Otintcd for 8 t< tididowiis or 48 a n urn s hi i mis. The Zebi u in Ux) of! ‘I.S2 >•• o' during the «<>.»• and piijss.- . i .i! hei ho. ).. el;.din, .m ■■ .n."' I’ 0 jo!.i. < food i ich. James i, Jackson. ■ rial magi* , cifuj from Alex.a s Va . .vho-a* j hutUni 1 . tu-tird 602 s:u di.-.p stcii- f led : s receive:;- alio pin .-Jh t . i it?'.! limes to net 44 point 1 , by passing Os these five were hauled in h\ U' ihiiuy. two by J -.iner. I (Blinkyi. Bvswri and one by Cap s ill !• e.-re - i .alt i, i ■ i ('tiarie | 'Kentucky 1 ].,ee tolhed on a pas in;e rception. I,alliiritj: - . 1 nci Rnbt-ri Stephen* 'on added touchdown each by the . our>d lou’.e B'inky Brown was Tic surest |ja: s receiver, gathering, j :n art'Ksls which accounted lor 270 vard:- Geoive Benton's educated t < accounted tor six points aft.-: UHiiu-imown and John Wortham, i'iie Bears act punter who cwnie , through the seas l .ii without a ; blocked ,1 vr-t :a i--t ovc v » i yards per *.,% iw-y Wav big All ; 01.-VA y-aai-ii from t. hark; ton S : . okonr-u i.i- .eei-id tor pun i s hi ihtl s-eh . si at tor si-ene be t w vu ~1 lum cl: tn ~ prelim, the ■so ■■■ Sl’as.v With Blue 1 lot!. • times wiili that one-silli of *■*. -viiipped tne Indiana Clark ws's 42 -is in. !’i 'em ti ash ieiituie Muff. make no mts* :- k t in: i tiioi im tvs -s tn: tii.-s! ins kv t \ vit s >1 Mti f,i k f irst 1 1 .ui) J. J Jo> 111 Shew U. i k if O S; t •Cj ,i lV; on X. ( i 'oik-S-e W Middleton N Coliepv 111 L. Way Sha .v U IT W Camion Shaw U. 1 ’ ' ' - :,i •' At. , ;B li Mi.e St. .u.}.. •H T. Bellamy Shaw L’. 'll C Willi. - IS I'.aiiC' li H .? -i li: i) A. Si. i SffOlid IfUlti -A L..i ;11} I.' l l, t .jsSiSW U. ■T A. l.m.vs. 1, ,st Aug. I* f ' Vies.-; A & J . H .it A &> 2. hi AJC-i N V Cnllcsr IT J c e,. ; .i y 1 Co!leg." l£ ii kitimmt A. & 1. ,‘B C 'nr; N C C-Iliege c iii'.c".. Si. Au. e. LEtirhaw A. A T. 1 Ft-Lv: A. Si T * NATIQNM A .*• v,- ti a ct! ct By The N‘cifionol Co iA Bcittiroor* in McrySond 1!G SCHAFEI & $Ol AustinQNichols CLUB RESERVE BLENDED ® WHISKEY iflHSHpfo $2.10, ISivtehslsfl pin * j $ 340 ! M I { ImmsMl \ flllP I. ?fc* WYmkay. t« )Sn ftvivc an J 1 r*« <* *»» M M£? Ssumk akWhfr. l him tIMS* frpinh, Sfc.S (ntisl. § ftCo-Sffi Inc. f V t-MGOW,-M* yon « I owk aaras msm m& mm