WEEK ENDING SATURDAY DEC U 1043 PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS B T. POLLOCK ii YND .sON EVUHYTIHNn IV II ' mi M.i I’AIN r mi vimji ,\i ni • 131 So (fueen ! -I • i t Beecb’s Soda Shop WHERE FKJJKNDS MET l DRAFT AND BOTTLED BU R WINES ami sandwiches 336 SO QUEEN STREET the~hub" '‘Where Ihe Price Is Always Lower” KINSTON SAY FRIENDS! IF YOUR SHOES ARE NOT BECOMING THEN YOU SHOS I.H BE COMING TO V E T E R AN’S SHOE SHIM BARLOR AND NEWSSTAND 232 SOUTH Ql El N ST. Negro Weeklies, Magazines Cold Drinks, Candy, Smokes William R. Burney, Prop. WToFsaw it m THE CAROLINIAN FOR SALE 1934 CHEVROLET BUS IN A I CONDITION Running Every Day AM Equipment Included PRICED RIGHT—SEE Mr. Jarvis Buck, P. O. Box 95—— Dover, N. C.' We Do Hauling of all Kind- Also Wreck j Old Buildings AND MOVE THEM TO YOUR DESTINATION Also Or Specialize In Ready Cut Stove Wood. Economy l oads, 3 fiords or 1 1-2 Cords SEE | EDDIE ALDRIDGE j ! 700 Qtiinrrly St. Dial 3917 I rjfj>m*i — ' XPf^cXf^ COWTiNCMTAC FCATCJRtIi J 3/ * ';, |V •»/„ »,' «fl .'Hi«'.'«as. - jpl ~y M2k?t/ i.iwr.>.» ■■■ ■—<? .in i^H—.«iA« T YOU'D LIKE AgAh«MiW ,TO START TPAiN!N6v£T WHERE ? f W > FOUjOW^^ t —7/^ ,l y „r-» S 3 TO -SQUIRM OLTOF (THAT.DAD-y J ! IfWi} ,' -> || ''-^.*.-‘f i '" , '.' l --r ~ FIGHT PREDICTED TO OFFSET SOUTH’S DELAYING TACTICS WASHINGTON <ANI Ne groes ir-torcMcd i’i the quo..:. n inm. going to stand for ! h< south» 1 1: : , delaying tactic:, i,. tying inj; changes in the civil g.tut lit* of the nations minority groups. In the fii si flush of victory, the south's dissidents. failed to realize the full import of the civil rights program wieleij discussed ;>h!l strongly advocated l>y Truman sup porters. From the moment it was first p; iniuigated, civil rights as spon sored by President Trumans group, caught the public fancy and U v, as fighting piece even in tin.- hot test stages of the national conven tion. When You Are Out For SPORTS Stop By The R. 5. BILLIARD ROOM 4! 2 r. Blount St. T ■ nT ,,- rTirT)n - r j ( .. : ,. w , in T1 ir--mm nrwir,- t j- Tirjnju, GROOM HAND LAUNDRY (111) Mitchell Wooten Drive DAMP WASH Quills Blankets Elat Work Vlt A Mrs. William C’ronin. Props BOY/WOTTA IJPE/ - MM WVlhidr into the warm \ \wir>_o _ ■. j |g^H&Ri'"vDUARe^WC _ PI VINO. iTTARJ/ (myowwmotherO \ XwonA trick// ' £ - r'^lr —rzrrx. Vv A, rj|. JUsT THAT I 'M "l f the only fellow on- *-,. ItkeFOOTBAU-team y> ——T 'niw* vw. SECOND SECTION ; rum | . nth! p ■ !'“!• _" | fip.ish.i ’••.•uch i 'he b-> dhs •>. | jc ctions at that time. Now the -Kill.: ,vhh a majority of Demo- [ ( ;■:e y lir 'e i;;i jo tire senate, are. j goh:g t" attempt to forestall <hc I inevitable day of reckoning and do- j mend r. 1 h.orouah ‘>’udy and ur-' voy” of all minority groups, in- j ciuu.inf the Negroes and luerloi Ricans of Hat loin; , Such a r!nd> may last (our yeais! - if it is adopted in the next Ses-• h;n of congress am! !>y that: tune, \ the Dixiecrats and the unrccon- j strutted southerners will come up i with, another proposal. Rcl.vin;' upon the reactions!y He-j publicans for support, the south era bloc hopes to put over some ; strange legislation early in the 81st congress thereby delaying the' civil rights program until later in the session. Tab. is not going to meet iln> apt -oval ■ f A. Phillip Randolph. of the Pullman fan’ porter: Bio", erhoed. Ed. Far Brown of the Na- tiomil Negro Council the most vocal of lobbyists arid they ,ov 1 going to hammer away In fact, both have o’ready get ten in some Fclis as to what they intend do ng and their program has been exposed in the pre-congrcssiomd material being sent out. ft. is rev oanah;y expected that the NAACP will also join in any protest which may come about as result, nt ei'iigi essinnay, p.irticularlv .sen.), ton.-)! flimflamir.g in the par! of the smith'; spokesmen. Sen. Sparkman has sounded off on the civil rights program and wi at he says may be accepted as ’lie tenor of the general belief, Y ut tiei. 'The time is m>t ripe" and "states rights must he respected. Meaty North Carolina counties ,u-: report mg record cotton crops this ve or. THE PARADISE GRILL At 723 E, Washington Ave. Carries a variety o( Foods, Canned Foods, Milk. Ice Cream, AH Kinds of Smokes, Bananas Mrs, C. Gray. Prop. Phone 4753 KINSTON IE r Y|§f%S ■* . ,••• :r /ffMKffjj : M MM tv .. v t sdi ’IIY'N. : .T.P3B* w a-, V The ■ pitomr of elegance, for which iin- luncheon lin'dc-s multi In- promt- I J, r directions tin how in make one of your own. write t.i Neil Scot -uid Associates, till) Manhattan Vvcntje. Nee V ork 26. ,V V and ask for pattern 7587. Simmons f»rn!hers L< I Sale Driving LmhSenis KINSTON .(• •.yeph Simmon ;-nd Bill Simmons, hi others, top pod the i H 28 truck drivei awarded s-dc driving ernhl'-tcts i ’hr Or Pepper Bottling plant, her las: week when they received .-scv ci : y< c!■ titicr.tc-s f.»r . afe dru in,;; Cot H T H'lti hei . high woy petrol director, addressed th safety conic re’ice w I itch was bein ■: ri ■t ■ c ' 'i ; 11 g Os the certificates and vine! was snois'y red by -i T Slit tor Km n insurancp ir»,ut Exports of United >,t :.l r fishei i f'hKt. ! • European market;; ivy de (: i ner| rir, sMc'clly .*.rl r; rt he €>; pence f , miriiit at h-w chh :;nt: locaiv- ere found ;o improve ‘h f &EK‘E£WHIZ//K i AURA WISH r PX jl T) x oXAt HXLXg t at; a --t f. HI CANT I PEc" ■■/•• 'vC": “ *fg& EXCUAEP A / j ~|l ’'A' ;«|-oA' y } \ ..®4J 17—'WiTH X L DISH PAN / 4 Ps3rau /HANDS.W A, '*9k AX 4?) /A ? \ X£/X ) / sa~a \ n'XAi THE CATtOUrnAN Md.iio. wiim, mini I II ! s-AIM. TI.WI IN AIASiAMA 11.0011 BIRMINGHAM < ANPt ,'v j Ihottge. her ee. y. re irirrT'Hi; O • the flood now covering many at. :i:> j cl Hie fouth p; ei.i.ibly two of the j most active have been Thomas Loci McCurdy and -lean McClendon, i white eafr 1 pet ;>tor. McCurdy am! McOencion f' e -->• ! the racial line und formed a pmt-j nership to help save the many \ flood victims McClendon provided i his bout. ,md wit 1 1 the help of Me- j from lheir \v;Pcr filled homes tiv safety. i They rod cut capitalize on the; miss rtuiav -if thc:r feiimv chi-; ■ ' • -.-i {heir i;t McCurdy has < two dory . pou it'd on. j.* jus In (11:•‘i;u AieibnouT ■tU.i Tcim nc:>:-u , Mild is i:luTnieiiioL; Nr.uh mrl South C-amlina In Bi" • mlngham, the damage has aiready pa;,fic,'l the $!O0.000 mark. Tiie American Red Crivs and I " (//Of &AP, fcH ? YYNOW, Wtcy, ') t \ TiME HASN'T TAKEN TOO MUCH / UllJfk l\ M l* 1 Ou f/' / Rosm \ iv-vj " TUP SHEAKW \ - ( 'LET'S HAv'E A >' *(0 'CeT K THEN WE CAN 6£T a t {"that g/rTI A CEffTAOVLY MADE AN IMPRESSION •f - - - ./:< iii SKOONT* SECTION i iVVM I* Protrsls Kirin!: i . “ o!" IV (,ii\ Snmllio:: i - 1 NEW VO!!K i •' i i conii!■ 11' ■ 1 ■ ' imki 1 » *j;> j j wf'i’kt vi h•. • i.* vi'. iii'iii i■- ! for , n 0" i. 'l lxi.in ittii v liii hi 1.11. f i M, f V V , Pro: )K I‘ -1 j I ■ {-5 ' I . 11l -| VI- V ! ■ I! this Wt.H'k , •:b> ill'' Naif mat A..odaii ii foi the j| I Advancement of Colored People. i ! Tbo NAACr charged !ha«- Cm in ! Chaney, • > Negro s.mdti e. had boro j I fired by contractor.'; for the tunm.ll because he had filed i bue coin j plaini liefo; •• the State Commission j | i Aoainst Discrimination. i | J 1 ; Following Chaney'!' /Him* of aj | I complaint in October charging the j | Gcoigt" ft. Flinn Corp. with < m i i ploy Minn! dCeriniinalinn. he re-; ported that he was threatened with I J physical violence by a foreman of j the project. A new complain! filed I by the NAACP on ChaneyV In | half states that he was fired al'b. . ; | cring asked to sec his union book, f I which was in the union office for j j the routine of having a photograph j ! attached to it. Chaney had pro-1 i rented oronf that his union dues! I were paid, and ha; since hud (he: ihook returned In him bv the union, s'*'ji in re-i'inpl' ■> turn fn a fetter to the S C A t> . . NA ACP As: istau! Special C 'iiri.a-l I Man.'in Wynn Perry decl.uvd,; "T'u: 1 is the second inrianee of a| ui.-rhargr of ~n employee for fight.-; "i.*i discrimination and if is j air:! the second time that Mr I Phoney hr,-' been subjected '■» i! violation of his rip-his. The di ■- j cbn: pe ; 'f fir' men who hayr file.; complaints will be continued on- f less Chaney is immediately return-; cd to w ork by order of the Coni'i mission.” Further hen rings on the genei.d charges of race di-'-crm'mat.ion in employ moil of sandho.es were set Dec iiibrr 7. "f’ner civic agencies have scf up em< rgency quarters f u 1,000 hontc persons at. the Birmingham Municipal airport. So tar no deaths I’.uvf been caused by the .i .od VISIT ANCHOR’S INN Where Friends Meet and Greet Fancy Groceries. Good Beer Always, Good Music n F. D.’i.. I Mile Nath yf Kinston Emmet Simmons, Prop. Fvvi ll„ IF IT ISN'T } / WHy7l SALLY SIMMONS // V { H£UO\ WHY, YOU MUST St All y THERE. J vOF rmwEY-cwE now /, me hul/j ffvo, ' ’Vt® »v a K ~- jxxk' rr 7, OH, YES, f. HAVE PLANS OP (OW, N\ R.h7ll7 a , /why she REMINDED me 1 I OF THE WAY YOSt W£RE I \/$ YYEARS A&O.j^ /ItpA ri,'* r I j* r r • ■ ii; i, M L /n c u i X‘ • - 1f ■ oil y»u!>!.i * >d U > :’h l . ■). 1 )Ci r-r a 'i( cd A, 1 ' -ii !'i• . I is ~ ailui'li fo’ fivi ; id f ) i. I'a ii.ip aii senor < ii'ie -i Wr- bni '-'i ;»* , ■ C \\ \\tY:i> ; ” i | I\A D V Mll l-’AMII.V KIHUI RHODES KMfLiin ''sit GltOft Ki M AKKE'I 79* QUIN NEK I V S'l FLEMING BROS. SERVICE STATION Gas, Oil, Fresh Meat; and Groceries, Cold Drinks Ice Cream Dial 212-8 Groceries Delivered Ayden. N. C, STEWART BROS. SODA SHOP Where Friends Meet and Enjoy lee Cold Drinks, Milk Shakes & Ire Cream S. l.ee St. Aden, N. C. linker’s I uncral Home dome nf Lenoir County Mutual Burial Association, Int*. 4iO S. «|t’FI ; .N ST. rHDM 21 ifi I.ADV ATTENDANT BeJk-Tylers THE FAMILY DEPT. STORE Qua lit y M ercVi antl isc At Popular Prices KINSTON, N. C, WHEN YOUR RADIO » ci «■ GIVES YOU TROUBLE »w» wwousßrtii When you can't lean back and listen in Jjf 4 S comfort beeau:;<* of bussing or static jpp TAKE fT T O ' DAVIS RADIO SERVICE || f’| V \ 5 Slip ORMOND ST. V- I'■ in LINCOLN CITY KINSTON Malucbi Vivp* W 'looks like everybody jmmi is HERE TONIGHT. yCTWp ?s?*■ -TV 't&Mk Kinston Business Men \n4 Wonini Sponsor Thu - Patronise Them jvioiu u'NlSTir: .IR, l TOTEL W : O'lV'l n STREET to It ' N DAVI.s STREET iT'R\|sin;n ROOMS Hot And Cold Water i cm ba ru Quiet Location Automobiles Now In Stock 1248 Chevrolet 2 door Fleet line 1943 Plymouth 4 door Scdnn 1948 Plymcuth 2 door Sedan 1.948 Ford 2 door Sedan '94S Ford 4 door Sedan 1948 Chev. 1-2 lon Pick up Many more to choose trem TERMS: 1-3 DOWN Up to 18 Months to Pay Balance Immcdi.itr delivery on any make or model. No Trade In Hoquired MIDTOWN MOTOR CO. Located N, Queen St- Opposite Hotel Kinston Open Evenings Until 9 I Also Norfolk, Va. 2100 Gramby St HASN'T THIS CHILP GROWN UP \ , TO Si. A LOVELY } ,y YOU WO TMWO..// IT WILL TAKE HER /5 YEARS TO WP WITH f 1 CONTINthTAk rKATUHI*?/ PAGE FIVE

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