vVEKK RNDTNfO SATURDAY. PEG. 11, 1948 OMEGA MEET WILL CHART NEW COILS FOR 1949 Columbus, Ohio The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 35th Annual Grand Conclave, meeting here beginning December 27, will plot trw goals for its 1949 National .Social Action Program and is ex pected to take a strong stand on the issues of Civil Bights, and Federal housing for low income families. During the past year 195 active chapters of the fraternity, located in 38 States and Canada. hav« worked on the Nat’! Social Ac tion program in It > .--everal spheres, including: .Health and 1 lousing; .Employment and Social Security: Education and Culutr ;.l Relations; L.r.v and I.rgssintir.n 'end the l'raternit'. s ann aa 1 Achievement Week Celebration. Approximately si x hundred delegate,', and visitors from tho-v chapters will bung rep. . a on mac*’.' dui ing 1948 and plan an even lrforv extensive pr-j --gram. Dr. Harry T. Penn, the Grand Basileu.-; in a pre-conclave state ment said ''We expect tiros to tie one of the mast important meet ings over held in the history of the fraternity. The ye at 1948 has proved that fratt rnitier must tak< a new rote in facing the chal lenging of a now day. ’ The conclave lor tne tnvt dr- >' will leaturo meetings of the Su preme Council, important policy making committees and a special round-table discussion of under graduate member.- of the Iv.v- • Cater that afternoon the na-j ional officers will present their annual reports. The- initial meet ing is scheduled fer the Ca; mu-bus Gallery' of Fine Art.. The conclave is being enter ♦teined by the lota Pm ami _ tota chapters located in Colum bus. DoonarG 1. Ifollun-u is se , Grand Marshall. Two cl our ladies who have proved to be the last w --"d in big-time promotion: Ann Hodge man and Venice Spraggs (hero is the orchid counter, -adier, help Course if). Frost Proof Cabbage Plants j Onion Sets Lawn Grass Mixture Bone Meal - Cotton Seed Meal Vigoro Lawn Brooms & Rakes S. M. YOUNG 130 E. MARTIN ST. *>IAL 7121 ‘ :d[ . I '' 1.. %/*>* For The Little Lany Brown Dolls Micke,- Mouse aD d Donald Dock Wrist- Watches, C< mb and Brush Sets ; FOR HER (live her a set of Coty’s in gay nolid* y packages also 1 Old Spice Sets, (‘locks etc. Bronze * raft. .Xmas 1 ards. Brown Craft. Xm< s Cards Prescriptions Our Speciality HAMLIN’S DRUG STORE I Raleigh’s Oldest Drug Store 1904 118 IE. HARGETT STREET 1943 ! THIS WEEK'S |o r <: h i i) i ! j The Reverend J, A. Valentine Pastor j Last week marked the end oi j /an epoch in the history of St. ; | Joseph's AME Church. Durham, j ; N'. C. The Rev. J. A. Valentine ; | who has graced the pulpit then- 1 | for 13 years, the longest period! any minister has remained in a j I Method c-t charge in this district' | lias gone to Asheville. N. 0 i Dr, Valentine was born in ' ! Hampton. Vu,. educated at Miller i coliege and Lincoln University ; • and holds AB. STB and DD do ; • greets. During Iris 13-year pas- j ! 1 orate of St. Joseph the Diamond , 'Jubilee was celebrated an I ad j ! the nationally known clergymen land prelates of note were- present During his pastorate ho bubt Ithc dinette in the basement and i laid the foundation for the An- j rurx. and left approximately slß.* • 000 ir. the treasury aside from a , ! weekly balance oi 55000.C0 ana jail of the debts of the church 1 are paid. 1 Dr. Valentine in a .student of I homiletics or sermon uuiL.i.ng. jand his Sunday morning sermons I drew crowds from all walks '>'• : • iife. Many . Indents from N. C. C. ias well as visitors from all <te | nominations came to listen to Un i inspired messages ot Dm ■ alt n tine. The Sunday School Convent; >n , ! wi:l miss the illuminating, lllu.s-; i trative and interesting . lectures j I delivered by Dr. Valentine-. • Durham’s loss is Asm-vile-- • One of the must pleased per- ; sons in Washington about the;, hue-ard-crv 1o make Cm. Hen ; ■ ■ Beniamin Dams Jr., a n / ! ;/; is Joy Albright. VA aide. A-- - ' ■ ps \ year, the big fel ow t wt is chief-of-staff of the air force , , that Negroes would demand tun ;< Ar t: watch the air lorer; vy a ; are ream,’ going ij - i -, integral .nn order! Su the Omegas nonored 2> - - Ni.nn as an >sit; landing P*y- . man. Ch'-uldn’t have happened a nicer guy! _ :< Tot ail number of fariv- Wl,; "’' ! y in Britain has increased b> ; in the past 12 month?. Santa Says: I Try The Drug | Store First! We have a complete line of Gift-'* for every one in the family. A grill for her, him and 1 h e Kiddies too. if Mm W W ¥ \|j Use Our j Lay-A-WayPlan .DUE’S NEGROES! SEEN SWINGING VOTES TO DEMOS' By CARTER JEWELL Atlanta (AND) While white j Democrats in the south are turn-: j ing Republican unde, the force j j of President Truman’s civil right*-; Ipi cram for Noames. another de ! velopmcnt is b< iftg accelerated in the . j.' fi<-. iti- d s ection. It L the jrhi-iU, of Negro voters toward the j ! Democratic.' party. Southern Negroes have for pome time been turning Democrats.; ! T'ht average Negro voter below ; , the she- n and lex- : line ' longer ieete obligated to support ’ the tarty of Abraham Lincoln ; despite the- party's Piston cal ; ak in the emancipation movement.;' ('oiiditionx hav< changed and . pm lies have greatly changed. Two forces have brought about j ! the change Ui allegiance of soutu- 1 ei'n Negroes to the GOP. One was the \ .dories of the NAACP in fighting against lily-white Demo- ■. : crati-r primaries m the south end , file other was the liberal devel- ! < • oprnent in tr.e Democratic party i The greatest progress in the lib eral development in the Dc-maeru , f»; party was during the admini- : -si ration of President Roosevelt. Importance Seen .Bui. Negro voters iu;d or gun to . : sense th« importance ot voting ' ; the Democratic ticket some- years before Mr. Roosevelt became : T.vsiriee'., N«::::.> vote:': in Dixie ; i over two decades ago began to ,- Mtalire- the importance of local | unci state election.; and began w , ; put 11. vaiuo on their pari:- :' Motion in there home elections in \ l : ront. art to the nx-onsitruct i u cut | turn of voting only during tito • j i lection years for president. Negro voters in South Carolina. , ' Cvi.Tgixi. Virginia, North Cuioitna ; : j and a lew other - iiUhern state-• j; I ar<* currently as -devoted to sup- j. ;. .. ' -1 tv. f-X ", r . )\, ; " ;M , jo matter cf expediency as their j - ; lore-TV.hers were to the Republ;- ;can party for ,rx,pedicncy. Rouse-it . It. end f; urn an have greatly at - ' ievierated tne trend toward sol ' . ! Democratic voting cf southern : ; i Negro voters. r It. Virginia Negro Democrats ■ r are- busily organizing to consoli jdar:;,their gains and to win eth < -■, next, year and erpeciuJiy when - tant locfd, state and nati :i- ■ a; <i. etion art- V:eici A nV,I a: f urugrain ;r iievc a'inng in Georgia . . no Sooth. Carolina. Leader, ore ; . xpeiuing tne rncia inent fu:a,- grtater Neva; poi U'-ipal: m in p •• litiex and civic af’a.us in the south . s to pr- ad to ad TV .VoUt aMI states b<a r v; ti'w next ya.: o n- , Hal i. lection Conservatives Bitter . Nleanvonih . ; mservative elc- : ! ! ments uvnvmg tlv .southem white I Demaerab; tux so ui-vappointa-d ; I taxrase the ranks, of the fh-vun i 11 'tans in t.lu- .-oufh' .Ti xiaie-. v th ; • , the Democrat? to fail m brie -.vnii ; ' M-Outhern tradition.- o-n tlie ra<->-i ! issue* and help, thus, to defeat! £ : eivd rign-ts lor Negroes. M at toil hi a;;- riailit ■, :v ■ | a two-party syH’"m in the south, 'I out tor,!; the N w D-aai and lie j err a r:.;.. nr program to sotind The I death knell of the one-parlv ruv'lj :: Dixie. But the ?. uth .. :N- I political-!;- and (Dermev Since! the GOP ts kl:;v.'. : ler Ni'",r, support, rt will narciiv to.iov. a course arveptable tu !;u,- sort! i. Liberalism in the saitih is de veloping- nut according v> pr< v tv lines. The people arc ehanyin : and the people make up the; vot t rs. Negrv,. - are jvinnye tne rrnv. ;. of v tees and hev wiii op').< • : 1 candidates not favorable to then' ■ : interests. Their fight, however, is ! j not a lone rare fiehi Tliev vid t of so j vc'lens, h : An average yield of 13 bushels 1 M, , a e i, lei t-i. ■ " : , 'he 'y , hear crop. World eoMoi! production Vviil -r ' cc-c-d eora-.-mpliu-' this year far the ! firs’ Time since >he end -■! World VG,r JT. . i g aw William cHH sBBpHPj* < ■ •!-' ™ m Blended lie Whiskey Jm Retail f^\ v Mp § Prlm> P®s?r~l .I oe [mmy I I 1*3.15 ft **S=£‘st % Fifth* m •iS.-'sf.ts-* ® WK]wt v Waft 86 Proof THE STRAIGHT WHISKEYS IN THIS fKOOIJO ARE *. YEARS OK MORE 01.0.: 35% STRAIGHT WHISKEY, *5 , NEUTRAL SPIRITS DIST’UXO EROM URAiN. awM»»R t *fiu uriio ram. cm BUSINESSMEN DENY SUCCESS OF Nr FEPSLAW NEW YORK < ANP)- -It is the ; belief among numerour business. oxocutivcs here in the cil.v that ! the' Nov York stale FKPC lav. • 1 heralded ab nt three years ago asj a model lav.- in achieving “bolane-; • cmp)i« mem.'’ actually falls far short of L.eir..; the success its art vo<-;:U*s claimed it voukl be As an executive oi ;• large pub lishing firm put it. the general opinion i “FF.PC is being circumvented thmughout tne s.Uiti of New York. The pi-incipie:'-. <>f 'ah ploy under In American system are hr,set! on fact that Me rM-vemmoi'd has un .ie right io dictan cmpt> • - neri !o hiau.-'-'.<-meiit than t-« fou.v .i worker to take n job he does not ,v: iit And Ann-r oan employer. . just not m :ii(- t- hire itiyone they ; don't want." He p' inted out thru, personnel cfficials, charged with the hiring. and firing of -.tenograuhic help in U Iv.s firm, iiave auf been told to! evade er eir< ymveri FEPC. bath raiiier io eraplrv the hurt help Py be found when there is a vacancy. • ‘ "Thru- have hern many Negro mil who have an Died for ) • sirijoyraphers oi typists" f,e:; -aid Wiien no inquired ' why mu/ Negv'tcs had never oecn ernployde ;a- rnswer e-inHi that "none oi shem had ever been ..-tale to pass ’ ■ ost.s give: i .: i ii'iiic.-aT! :• *..i' -ten;.,-: ;‘T.t.v emptovrmM.i. One personnel official was .juot- : 1 r;d as saypiji, "Trn ju. c T ■an y,,a-;n . to hip: anyone unless I feel she ■ will no! only do an efficient job. j. but w ill also main- a kind, el .a ':j.'p<?rirnnCf• ;v. i.U brn u v*rC''.jH to | this office/’ Tin conienxus: of opinion anion the Manh-jU n rxcc.tive ;x feat cnfiuvr-mer.i of the- FEPC avr : irupossible. ’ f'i't* ebtel u; jeclier: ir that Hie stale comi»i'iss.kni : ends agent-s Ercund periodically to in ! VM-.iiy .fc- vepors of violations, i "ni t diese agents find i* hur<i to rove such violations and the- only harm done is that some of our ■ mi:unties arc required to spend a he lime with these bureaucm’s the; they could devote to then ■ rfa'iißir duties-, thus contributing to more efficiency in. the office." The President's i: -s for' civil rights were viewed as being; m:m,-;;,i vote bail in tak;r, : 1 O bulk Ot ;|a. unnorhy /... 'a;: V- -e I fI Henry A. VVaibu--, Tin- HTC be in yed to i;e hpe prohinition <mi thei experimeu! ih.n na? f,nl . kiCCOl'dliil: ; Io lhe C\> '( lit i y t*. '•HI! I IN ST. IS St l/\i, hi it mt;u, i;m;s !dl! tills. I'l TTITOim a' 1 i'teri C, Vi 11-lifl - as- Baptist t ’in ini Th- oe-v. P. 11. »'n ! a LlifO! U viiou kislf J- rihaV ! CO-ED 1 CLEANERS Quality * CLEANING * PRESSING * REPAIRING LADIES CLEANING ! i A SPECIALTY CALL 364 l 7 FOR PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE 900 S. Wilmington St. .'. y ON YOUR •g)OKx mas I WSAWE SHOPPING | Use Our Easy Budget Plan S A small down payment a dims yon to choose I from many useful and practical Xmas gifts I -—andl you can enjoy having given- the gifts of your choice while paying for them on our essy.pay plan; and on your own terms. I MOTOROLA RADIOS, WATCHES & APPLIANCES HH* C*~ 1 1 oales | and service company 401 Hillsboro St, Phone 7871 8 j THE CAROLTNTA.N I dim - - ! 1 Tne flecea?-’d i? suivived ny j 1 i seven chudren- Mrs. Louise F. j > I Rcvls, Mrs. M.u-tha T Vandergrh t! ! and Kobe*', Kith on. a j of Raieigii: j Mrs. Bcssi-- F Jon< >- Samuei F.tu j cett. Woe»dr.mv Hinloi:. and Gv-r.-rgo : , I Fmieevtc, ail of N-, w York; f«n tteen grandchildron and one groat grandchild NEGRO BEATEN, FOUR FLA, CO?S ARE INDICTED West Palm R< ach, Fla. (ANP:— c Th>- lent m,] : ,y* : r : have m- 'i ' dieted four white police uffieiiil. here, on a charge of alleged mis- [ . bva-tment ol Aft on Fowlin', a N - .pro. held in jail for b: taking and \ i ntcring a FI : i;I.. cart coast bov / i cot. The local cviminal court * ; iudg,. 'll cr. tort atn a hearing on • in motion filed by Fowler’s oti.vr : ncy, asking that J;..- d*. fendanf 1 : !)e dismissed. : s Fowler's attorney also protest ed agfiinrf ti ■ re-itmucri ielav in bringing tiu: ease to trial. The :state hr.d accused Fowle.. of a',- - ■ temptin.g to bring a .state r j outside Florida t-> prevent hie i t tesifying. Tite judge ;m: xid : i ".en ’ • * HrßuniPnLs in ,thcr cosf t:i -.> w ooh . has p;vimiu-<! u, frt-i- the accused , ]K?t p! .x:urv ateertCP of thr* wit.-- ; ness, it XV ii; ;i;".’?C;o':;ed. Nc rt i j Cni< ■ i 1 n a 1 ; 11 ybv ui y*od , corn crop \ln„ y «dir ir tones nr ■ 0u„- HAIR . d?\r(<cfln Iftulclwd s racf »«v i ll i&jmf ■ : THE IS U.F H. YD.-n a d ; Pop ill yen viaift, the ,11 S'TE k *.RF iljll ( lament fi:- vein s~U\ ytHi -'-s. ii t a-ti-.'M :i: da* rv-.a n tj the hrad aril hai;gs naiuraliy J-mt! me i>a- . Yuv can w«-:tr it ;t ' an iifwweejj -e' .try ■ sivlt. vou like, til is. it* io 20 incites jurist; SIO,OO § SEND NO MONEY) $ SEND SAMP LF, Os YOUR HAIR I pay post ma, n* ors nEi.IV E R Y I * # Jessie Kare ME At; T V PROBIJ rT s 50? FIFTH AVENUE (SUITE 90S; DEPT. NEW YORK 17. N. Y. SEN. CAPPER GIVEN TOLERANCE WARM i W»• ■: h i!ig l■. y(A NP ) ■ Just be- t fore St n. Arthur Capper closes j Pis oi-tiice here aider 2b years as ;• : enator i com Kansas, the Council; • Against Intolerance presented l '.hr with the original painting < I it.: 1948 Seal of Tolerance, Tin . presentation took place at his of • iii-e on Friday afternoon. Doc. 8. • Senator Capper, who has been i 1 .t-chairrna:\ of the council since '940. is being honored in recog nition of h ; s Jotil cry ice to Ihe cause of. detn-ocratk- rights in America. Among - the members f tr». council present at the ceremony we re Dr Mary McLeod Bethunt. ' .John Bropby, director <>: In.du tr : c.l Cnom Con nods . f the CIO; Ccngrcpswot!am Helot) Gahayan Doijgia- of California. Sen. Thro time F. Greene of Rhode Island: William (lhe:>n, p'. ident of b, AFL: Coni;;'eSS!'nan George F CKttlanri of California: Sen. f.<ov• t:eft S:*!lonsf.:>Tl of Massachu setts: Father Maurice to Sheeny j •i tht C.ill: lie Ulfh rr:v <a’j A I'l" ,;a and S n. IT r: : V War- j y.er oi Ni or Ymk. | Dr. H'edSv A. Atiiur-.-rn, ■ , eliainnan of ih Cuum-ii Against Tnto:e:anco. made the pmsc-nM lion I® jml U ' ' d '4-%, vIT kff if: ■ I ■. EASY TERMS THOMPSON LYNCH CO. 20 W. Hargett St. Phone 3-6332 mmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmHmm IT'iiniiiiMiiiMii —I fiTMnmwiniwinnwfi liiwwriiriwiwwniwiiMO'HTi r limi nuimurrwii v —mm"" • wiwirmrwwTfi»iTiinwir»ri ; | I GIFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY DRAMATICALLY NTW! / J NEW in style and beauty! '**' I Distinctive - .dignified. p ■**"• *'•*-'**' : s 1 I NRW incookmgcecity' ' I veniences! More auto- i ? h-'Lu:-—-theater $3 West! .ghouse Qk&M'sjm two-oven electric range I Its popul.irity makes it. the Champion ro••my storag: drawers —i in I;rgrsi I of range value. Its many Westingnouse one easily converted to a -.carrot - I features are those modern home- drawer. For only a few cents a day you I makers want. Also, comes in the get built-in Westinghouse quality, de I Champion, one -oven m kiel with three pendability and long life. OTMf-ft MODELS FROM $214.95 I Hayes-Jackson Electric Co. j 1 133 E. HARGETT ST. J B1 st Congress Will Debate On Asiatic Citizenship Bill 'fVasldfVMt.-m (ANFt C ms.pro - : wfli consider oru of tin.: least j,u"t‘licix.eci issue:, in President! Truman's civil rights program at I its next session This proposal to be prose-.-1. by Rep. Walter H. Judd R 1 Minn.) will call Or the naturali.'. : dion of all persons in the i ;. :< 1 fates rcgrwdlegs. Under ttu.. : >i-J ; *>o,ooo Orientals. rn,,-tiv .] pari- - . legally admitted to the U. >Y. - ;i nave a chanc*. to bccotr..- Ameri can citizens. 'These immigrant;; v, 91 U 2 ! ! to apply just as o v da 1 TAKE A TIP FROM SANTA NOW! Buy Your Dress Wear ’ CS *“**"* . . ’ L Now While Our Stock aL Is Complete And Enjoy |pj|; Our Easy Credit Terms. A ' : Wear As You Pay! <MtVAUV,fc For The Ladies 7> ~w JfpS j # SUI r “ s tlf s SKiRTS n T: y ■ * COATS |SF • SWEATERS w: • • b i.o uses j J| * * ACCESSORIES j i ; For The Man * MEN’S SUITS ! DON’T USE CASH j* 5 OPCOA I S USE OUR CREDIT ! * HA 1S & —- " SHIRTS 0. K. Clothing Co. 113 East Marlin St. Raleigh, N, C. PAGE FIVE I o:-Jiid in- naturalized ; they par the usual tart-. T’vr proposal vrill cull for thu I f..dmil t.'incc of 100 persons a " ■fro-m d indeper- itav ‘•. o'.iritries in A aiui.r -Par du- ju v .• ' Au.-.’jivr 100 of mixed raeia.' <v 1 ■g’O ’u'li! b,-. allowed to i :i>- ! ii - to t-oo U. S. The i . - ."ge oi IhL prop-, d . ;il < • at- st i>.-r• icr ■oi tin* .1 jda.l ':Xv'll;".rn r.-'s ’.Vilicu i. r • • A--'uti‘ - out. v. ( ■ ■ t ...(:;i!>i« n wa. , .jn . ■ i.... r.u i -iip* ‘ CNCl'* ■!' -A.t I • .1, UHd

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