PAGE SIX JAMAICANS LAUD' PAUL ROBESON RECITAL / BCpsa t, {fßi /jj jj A Miffuikl Nitelife In New York ! i THE LOCAL AGENDA NW YORK (ANP> - DEATH takes no holiday cut;:; Christmi- •., New Year*:; oi what ;.• ' On Friday nigm. Novembu 26 Medical center. Kenneth Brx.:d,, write;. lectuiv;' socialite Mm i - troii of the arts, passed into tlyit sleep from which i:n> av. . ■ m n cnotiu-i sphere . . . Only last May, sitting in Percy Harris;' cornet. Mi Bright and the writer talked at much length about writers and writing-proj ects wf wiir, familiar with. Said K< y to iiiC. "Y* m know ; -u w:. ■ i'*rs TiiiVA I,‘on'ip si ionp .vc: v un*„io; C«oXlci! 11 0 ns that .v *IJ Ivj ••a \«* ti coax aped cyen Du* nr. hearted while *-■ Tiiije.- .n mm. instances 1 3kp v «.*u i •*■ ■. <.■ ■ w/eUi Hoi On lev ••.-■ upr. . .vi i to; - in£ &&ck jiunu- ot luiH’ \ r*>.u Apr -5 Hoi wouio send c.fpy 0 ; n» to critic.! 2c and re edit at times'. La ike yourself.. I though Roi great guv as plain -ip won and seif-re ra it ..*. .m • c.zr- 1.- islet, 1 recall such n r • : . on i May,,. L.'i< , Li.i. .;: .1 ; , ,- - ■ besides yiiji ..ri t. 1 ' ’ P'.\ . lit. Billy Rove Tv t i'ai. U- nr. Butlfii Richard i : , .... : : duces Joe Be-!.., John L«s Clark:-, OtT;*;, a!id :i..r 1s , JS..UVS ran re.' W<- cant led a. that down tow:: eating Spot. "King ! the Sea whole Kcnie-fh 1 .v»-d to go a rut .at Inbote,.-. ansi er.r Bill 1 (Forte, So mails, a, h-. You reader- ■.•. ..!! „t s . : v no Dr. Ralph Bunch, UNA chief, whom Kenneth adnib ed . much and predicted that D: Buueiie With 8t,,0-.! Nations e e an other ‘tlK* ; i<:;‘i< >' > A ;t • • Out Gi The Skill..: (Black Oasis, • ■ tie . .u.d The Ameri. an ■ - mat wiT id att.f r it: n. far e ; ■, . . V ;•; .• Oo!v-eey_ belies a ns' 1 e.- )S 3 mnet O'■ le las* e : I : s': T. It;.-! ;> Trinidad, Me si ' t .drt Happy Khmer New Year. Ralph Edward*, Ot This U > Life’ is off across the country to 6*o on-the-spot Site stovl'M of fi;t■- r «»Uag folks —so. don't lie surprised if some Tuesday night there s a knock: on your door and K£i*ards, with nuke in hand, is there to tell the world all about your life. * * * Even the losers win on Harm-t Heidi* NBC talent program A u-tat of 51 losing contestants have been signed for radio and stage jobs. * * * An international mail order house, dealing iri movie-radio star pin-up photos says it's being deluged with requests for photos of Marie K it ium, the beautiful ' Irtna' of CBS' '“.My Friend Irma." « « u Traditional at: -I esmr ’si Amir themselves is their annual CBS .tmiM Christmas show featuring Amos' classic interpre tation of "The Lord's Flayer." This special pro gram, given for the hist time it: J ft 4fc , a 1 w a v draws thousands Os letters and re ligious leaders have hailed it as one of radios •'greutCßt contri butions" * * « Short Shorts: j Wit Ham Spier.] •' Phi 1i p Mor ri a Fia/house" direc-j tur. first won fame With ius produc- tion of "Sorry. Wrong Number '' It proved so popular tie has had to give a seven times since. Beverly W'lltn, who's heard rs “Puffy" on CBS' “Junior Miss," baa fractured a linger twice In as many months in sports cor,tents at Los Angeles Junior High, . . Kate Smith nod Ted Collin*, broadcast their daily Mutual ‘if ate Smith Sings” show from the niitigue-flJlod living room of Kate’s Manhattan apartment. . NBC's "Hip lawn" mystery drama itevei has u studio audience. Cast members say they 4« better without oniookms. * *■ * According to Bub Hope, Cbrlsf laus Is "the day of tost before you jajv&ri. ekcheugHig the stuff in to readable, saleable language The!>.'.■ a. Stewart is r.ei name- and her proud airar-boy son. Yeinon. thinks of her in terms of ''There a Against the World.* some story folks! lieu. Jejfkevb. singing 'When i Wuto My .Sens., ie.ives: you with the lceling that no country cast boast, of a ftncr balls rd-singer titan this young man who , makes tiu.- hearts ot the so-called , weaker sex go—'bong-bong. AL KIBBLER. Duke Ellington’s Soloist, has a sense of touch and feet ling that reminds one of the blind and immortal Helen Keller oil ' i-it some turn ago to Mill ion Playhouse. Kibbler was in ie.du.ei u. ufa Tholn.a Cimther, . ...1 ten ,f a- u -%u. • m .. , a,. \S' .1 A-,s, S'. It no l.u e; f'.ncima and her brother. Guf frit;, met ivli Hrbbi.e: again and s.ftf.-r charting pleasantly wit n rneinbi is of the nasty he ran his sensitive fingers along the young lady's face and . claimed: Know who this cs and called la a s ante, f1 j va l .. t s\,i nod v Knows The Trent ole Ivo S'tii." placed him into the horn rov. ot contemporary band .;oiu LENS OFMSNDS 51.550 WEEKLY NtVV Yolk (ANP ) - Sakua - ~f colored pe: formers and . rtists, long on a a-aus i-a < I MW* Sti pends us-uain paid .vin’c per 'fol'sm-: -. look even mci- an*. . n " : n Lena Horne’s MsWi p. V; t-e'-k demand is the yasdi tusv. And tin.n tiieia is Marion And>s son. vis sc concCTt fee is repot * d to be- $3,000 yes eitss a nu-ni. . i ,. . ... ... ( ,j , ( , n ,, ,|y '■■l .50U |i Ji^Cii'll, Dm. othy ;Vi:iSTiOi . i> remind U3K3 ■ V tj ilw. Wilii tti i\) wt*r. t» . , f . ' . .. A Ilf T T ;. ~ . , Cl. OV hcr.seii t:> • MatU ; of pay and drawim power. Os horn.:-'' this : anuumt. but Kbit CAPS (,K ICkI.V Ki f t K\ it) L Cuii-pk-tcly tinknow;; this Unte Red V’aps—• com.b.j A led Iv Steve Gibson—-will return to North Hol ly weed and Luisy Potte; s Supper e’iub on Dfcv. 17 fur their IXi'vl engugeiTK sit at ih. same apot with m an eipM-mc-nth period. Th- CriiPe who not onlv sing a hi Ink Sp but -a . .. -.• di-n’b!.- •'n Vdii.ius mstiunu-nts. v.ili per form eight weeks i.n thetr corning . 1 dters stint. And an beenusc a single disc toekev. Don Otis ol KL AC. hae uee-e consistently plugging the grour.- since las; De ceivmei Next be t; .It*. t!a- V airs g up to San Francisco for a tiu-«r«- w.-cker at the Beige Room. ( oirtil (»oers \|)i)iainl iimson s Dtlmil PH i’LA --(ANPi - Eddie Hut chi risen voung piano virtuoso and recent graduate of the Phila delphia Musical Academy, war; varnby received m his. guest de but with thy Pwb'.deip:iiu Con cert oivhestru at low). Had her. •recently. Huteihiiuon, .. native of •Philadelphixs, displayed unusual skill in the playing of Gershwin Concert-goers; from all along the eastern seaboard were present and filled the ureheMra. mc-zza• nine and bakamy sectiojis. Tie •orchestra rvas, uikfer the dn-eol>n of R ■ r:riund Fmith. i.hoir ol Eighh-Hv<‘ I*refills "l Sie iVle^sioli Jefferson City. Mo tANPi-- The annual pre-Christmas pro gram at Lincoln university will feature the 85-voice choir in Han del’s (The Messiah) on Dec 12 at Page auditorium with Dr. Oscar A, Fuller, head of .the music d« part mem j meeting. Ail vocalists will be supipprted by full Assisting in the presenttd ion will be T O. Bridge, instruct* r in voMn arid irmsk- ed ucation; Gwendolyn Belcher .nil-.1 Beulah King instructor in pi ano, and Mr« Rowena Sa'vage m voice, . . , URGES RETURN FROM EUROPEAN TO NATIVE MUSIC PORT- All-SPA IN, Trinidad (ANP) Paul R bey on. world famed baritone, has found in Tri nidad (a new sense ol human dig nity.) Interviewed upon his arriv al .-from Jamaica for engagements here roci ntly. he told reporter;;, - Th,- ability to move about in Ja maica and heio without any re strictions whatsoever has given me ;* m-.-w feeling of dignity Welcomed with open arms by the citizenry, Robeson was given the freedom ot the city Aid, No* - man Tang, mayor of Port-oi- Spain. On the following day, a huge audience jammed the con cert hall to .hear him in recital, while crowds .stood outside in a heavy rain just to see the man "who wants a better country for ; all tile World and all America." Such was hts reception at the- con cert. he was compelled to give many more encores than any oth er m lists who has visited Trini dad. .Rohe.-:,in traveled that he knew till about tile pro’, ienis ut the V*v ; Indians, having lived with the in iu Loudon *u the -a: I y 30 - He -.aid h< always lell liitiisel! .* eituen *,?) the world a . .veli a an b b and pleaded for iaU*t\ among people. I vVaiit tr. .ve*if; l .>; 1!.»- up liftmen! c*» my pee*pk- of Aid * cas descent and for the enjoyment of a decent life ' Robeson de clared. "I do not warn to cut rnv e...; c, v.iv lhc-;i;. P*.ife tC- t -.i ' back to them any talent ce ei.t t have .-j a to a: *.-:t them m. their struggle. A . to the- recital, it nun t n* leaiikcd that ev<“ry aAist has cer tain dynamic gifts. but wm n these git;.-, aw m;,i y-sidt-d, toe ease with which an audience can Lcconie magni ti/tsi . ■ amazing Ri/hc.-nn's first three numbers were a bit "high brow" to Calyp so ~ loving Trinidadians, whost cultural 1 aste .i 1 > n- t waiHl*.-: la: b*-'. i..'iid folk songs and Negro spiruuals. Quick to sense th pee* *3 tic an neurt- Ron* so shifted to Lord. Gcj ol Ab(aii*n» aik! Honey Bribe. From then on. tbe audience was mvused. Such offerings as Wate: Boy, Passing By. Good News, and Lilt k- Davi*.l Play Oil Ycnir Harp, followed in quick suc cession His audience- requested and got Old Man River and the Volga Boatman, plus excerpt.. *•. orw Shaki -iiva.-'.-'s Othello. RoiiS.j) vu- artist, is one side of his talent. Tin* other, and the rnotl dynamic, is. his humanitar ian traits. He asked that two young ui lists tie featured on hi-, program. They were Joan Matson ami Joseph Goodard, pianists. At fi party ht-.*3d in liis honor. i\< Itfp-iT v, httl' 1 Chinese ei: 3 in his arms and sang a Chinese folk sane He gave a free show for children at the Youth council Sou home of waifs and strays an i the forgotten pc .pie of the NEW BRNBSET FOR EARL HINES A new i3-pice.- orchestra u. ; '.-- ir:g readied for the vet Pittsbut gh •pianist. Fan. Hines, -.vho for ;/.* la>: six months has been pound ing the kei;- a.-, a rr.emb*-; * ! Louis Armstrong’s un.t Hines, in Los Angeles for the :ecenf Bull and Norman Dixie land carnival, revealed that tin new unit would '-break in' on a theatre Lou; with the Armstrong t;i«mbo. The musician who is hir ing 1.1* r nu'ii, writing the bock atvd "uixiuclmg rehearsals is Jcm- LrUi land, a-’-ik* sevt-i a: y-■ a s ago was !"•.(’ ill *■•' ! Wltil A : O:.-'M .tig dS a saxophonist. C*ailand will serve ... the Fat ha*.-, musical direetoi. J«.*e (Baser will continue as the Earl's ut; .-orial manager. viAKiA.N \\\m-yo\ THU Mills ORCHKSTKA SOLOIST New York (ANP; Marian Ancit:si.n's appearumv .-*• sokn.-rt is itr. the l.itilt Orrhcst.' i. u;id fir direction of Thomas K . man in i-t-s lnurth cone/-! ’ oi Bir tioason at Town Hal) he- last week, was ;ic"inlined as a ‘'tri umph' Iv critics and !!• - audi ■ * rice. At iu-. ‘. tiie * .miraitu .-.ii'igcr g.rv’i.- a It-fvtXil ■ll rL uu'iiitv of ru--lf- irnmoialia". ;i* h m mitiug (if Schhigc- dotM -ind an inspiring rendition ol Mozart’.-' Ombra ielice and 1 * s Jcen-w d'Arc au bucher ANDY kfRK IN 1.. A. Th? oik of Ar:dy Kirk pulled into the L. A. Club Congo in No vember, at $3 250 weekly, and will probubi.t hold forth at Ike Central avenue for several, weeks. Cake Wichard is at the | drums. Antic ha.-, been famous 1 ftxr PS years with his "Clouds ot ■ Jo.v” music: as a youth he look I lessons from Paul Wlihenian’.; fath.y*' Wilberforcfc Avhiteman. In Dssace,!;, PKOF. HAKKV GIL-SMYTHI: (;il,-SYn Uni SI.ATKS fSTC PIANO RECITAL Prof. Hurry G d-Smytht . Hoaci of the Mu ic Department at Shaw Univeisity, will be presented m plan > recital Sunday afternuun Dec )?. at o at Wmstu.U- Salem T'! s *if liei ?. (..\>l!ege lhe con ceit is be my sponsored by tV* t v;t adUAU- Chiijite; *if Kappa AiplUt i'■ i }' i. it emit s -* l W m ! <.»ii -Sa leni A . i aduatk : Howard Univt-r •rnv vvith ti*e Alu- B. ue mv e. .prof. G»i Smyrna uiiCu-Jcd Uie. Peabody a l«<j:• er\ r> iViusie in Baif.i mr-re .aid the Juilliaid Sciatbl oi Music in New Vork iri 1939 k received the Mus. M degree lrorn the Univers.ty of Michigan. Dar in* a i yca i-a t Sh a w pro t . Gi * - biny-hf- ha*; per formed un various oci arson: wain outstcUiUing -.yu: pnomf '-roue of The country. He played vain in*;- Baiunu/i'e Symphony Orchestra in ita home city. Witn the Not h o «:al Smoyhom Orcne.-a. ,j m W;.i.*',.h;iigtor» and y iu-si. pianist with the Goldman Band when it was presented at Rakish Menaa; Auditoriuiii. Hr* ' wa--: euesi oi ? lie Kry) Symphony • a cir*. r:ti a in Us coneeus both in Winston Salem. N C. and in Orangeburg, S. C JUNE. ECKSTINE MAY BRING SUIT AGAINST WALTER By Conrad PHJLADEPHTA (ANP; It \vs ;; ( iii-i* 1 lu-sduy June Eckitine, wifi- of Billy Et-k --stiric. li' av soon institute a law mil against columnist and i adio ii-.-w: man YVa;ti-r YV inchit ll lor :i (statement) over th* an last Sun day night concerning hmself and v’v;nch*.-J i. *i u 111 : g *. as iegu *a i Wirt- kly broadcast, said that June un iii.j way to Ren ~ N 0:,., to sc-cii i- a divorce tru.-n Bill) and for such av« mark, it is rumoi-ed tr.e lornic. ciiorme will bring suit June was hurt in un accident last vVvek while un her wsy ta ; uu-i-t husband. Billy, in Chicago. lit r 15*47 Cad iliac turned ow: rear Di-cai , HI. Others in the accidi nt at the lime were Stae. Ha-.elg.uH. u white dartnet playci who was killed, and Bob Redyresr. the chautlcur. who was uninjur ed. June wax treated fr.-r a broken arm at St. Mary's hospital in D. cutur. Bill arrived .soon after the Occident and took he;’ back with him to thi Wmdv City This week, she arrived in Phila delphia. and will k joined next week hv her husband, upon th-.- completion of his engagement a; the Blue Note ir. Chicago. \u mnn ro s\\<> SELECTIONS mm IIANDKI/S MESSIAH DURHAM ■ - Forth Carolina Col lege': 7"i voice mixed choir is be- P.iiinJMg to the obsersaiice (it the Ciiristiuas season heiv Sunday.! ' lu’t ];i umo: the orest ilti'*-' tien of setecuons fa«m George F Handel -. "Tt;e Messiah ' iri B. Iv Duke Auditoriuiw. Mi-- Ruth Gil-- , ium is director of the choir and j the department >t art. under the 1 I direction of ivks.- F. M Coredce, lias ,prepared <t tableaux ca-Tying out, the holiday seas *•■ Soloists fie this ■ performance; will Lie (,- Mary Banks, Bur- • iin.'-'ton, N C, and Kb iota Cok-v. ; Wilson. K C., soprano,-' Mrs. ( , Ruth ivtward* N. C. College voice in.-'iructor. alu.. Sanui-'i Grtuu PnrtsnKJuth Va„ Tcnni, Samuel William .Philadelphia, Pa., imd i Sune on Hoiimcay Gaiy, iodianu, i bass. Scriptural texts will be read by the Rev. J A. Cannon, campus j miiiiMtei- and Mrs. Victoria Cor- i ! dice Davis, will furnish tm? piano ; acf-otnpemmeri!. Wingy In Hollywood HuLLYWOOD. Cal. Wtngy Manone’s Dixie eonvbo opened on • Holly woed Bquk-vard in the heart <>J Filrotmvn on Nov 4, just as j his "Trumpet On the Wings” book i ; t the books!c» is coast to coast. Hanoiv is at the Royal Room. H- i recent iv wound up a run in a ' iSii-i' Orleans, xiruuy. I'll! 1 ) (iAUOLINiAN HAMPTON CHOIR-i DANCE CROUP IN |XMAS PROGRAMS) HAMPTON. Va. (ANP) -- Hampton institute's cr*-a ti v *..- dan::.' group and tin- 150-voice i choir are well uncK-rwa-. in theii ' presentatiens cf a varied cultural , fare, in the form of Christmas i pre-grams for the nionthr of Do- : cember. Already, the group have • |.i:cs -nlc-d a fi'esliirinn-sophomorc debate Thursday. Doc. ft, Di. 1 Mordic.i Johnson, Howard uni versity president, will deliver an ! assembly address; on Dec. 16. th.- . dance group, back from a recent .Maryland tour, will present a special Christ mas program, and i the choir .will hold its annua! Christmas concert, Sunday eve ning. Dec. 11. The latter group is scheduled tentatively for a CBS i broadcast Saturday afternoon, : Dec 16. The choir is under the | direction of Dr. Henry N. Swif : ten. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS WONT SUE MISS SCOTT Au.-,1 in, Tex. (ANP) Conc« i t pianist Hazel Scott will not. be sued ior a breach of contract a e result oi he refusal to make a doled appearance bes oia; regii-gated audience on the Uni vers;tv oi Texas campus, it vva disclosed here ia; week, A :• pokesman for the cultural enter taaiiiic-nt cornmitteo ot the uni ve-rsity, which was sponrorin > the event, made this announce ment. .Miss wife of Rep Avium i Clayton Powell Jr. <!>.. N Y*. | ;,aid in an inti-i view follow - : mg the cancellation oi the cun ci it that "rnv stand ~.-i playing ' to is well . known. •'lts :j nialter of pi hu ipk- vvith no-'. 1 couldn t walk out tiu’R* oil IHut ?tup'r Jiici c>ive u concert oc :u\ audience that presenir biirect opp-sit ot the thm-.. i stand f*>r. I simply will not d-> j <>no thing and preach anotnci ’ j IVxus iavv.s pi’ovivle thot ‘sop- | a rale 'but t-quoi" facilities be j made availabl- for whit*.- and Nr j -*< i Sijt'liiuii! Id r’rrsonf lalrfilfd \t !ress in “ Om* lonian Show Atlanta. Ga. Mniv Hutchin b-on. acir&s of si age- screen, n-idio, and television, will b*.-*.-n seen at SiM. b.liuri Cmlg a: S. id pm. **;i * Saturday. December 11, in a ‘ pro- ; ’ Shakespeare’s Heroines. She -C- :del t- )., n .i. !.:- \ -rite iron), coast to coast, and has .'-poctnv.i in 42 stoles an) Canada. A to:nice stud* iu at Barnaul College- at Columbia Dniversity id: -s Hutc-hmson conduct«*il cliu-:- es ;n ballet on week-end visns to h -r home in Pennsylvania. He. V iT*ff- i ;s ion a 1 * ar*-**c- -n th*- stage started as a dancer m the Broad way m-usicai Vanities. Laic si; .-. -is si en in Lady, Be Goad. >.t;r. - ::**;• Fred and Adeie Astaire. Cal lies m the Air. und Hoopla. Wiit'-O Mr. on.i Mrs. Char’es Co burn revived The Yellow Jacket on Bi ad was' M; ,s Hutchinson received her 1 irst legitimate part on Bro.Klway. On a tmir to Cai - iornia with the Coburns, t:u- i young acires.s sigiied a contract ■a ;th Warner Brothers; ami late; at RKO Stud! !N EL ROES LOSING I HERITAGE OF -4 FOLk \ILSHr -* HAM)\ ■Memphis f ANP) .Negro-os j au- in danger of losing their! birthright as makers of true folk I j music," said W. C. 11-ancly. (Gaddy ! ot the id ues), ht-iv last week. Handy haa just arrived from New York to be guest of honoi at the ; 20th annual Blues Bowl football j game. • ! think Negroes are paving i too much attention to European l i music wen in schools,’’ the vi L- 1 * ran compiMOT- av *.-rt<-rl 'Many \ Ne-gro artists belk.-ve it gives them culture- to use European! i forms instead .4 their own native music ’’ He pointed nut that white art ;is Is "ar«. taking; the blues and! I spirituals atv ay from us. changing \ them up some.” He said jar.}:; bands and bluet singers are using j them and making money from ; ; them, ‘*Foi a lung .vh'iie. the white j musicians went lot tin* European f music, but they have discovered the native American Negro mu-i sic. I tyink our poplc should kef p I their heritage.” Just A Day Dream. .. . Hodges Fail To Show I Plans to bav-.- Johnnv H ages | 1 ooen trt tin- L. A Cricket. Club in | ■ Kwehiber were abandoned when GOSSIP OF THE MOVIE LOTS By HARRY LEVETTE Hollywood (ANP) Hope you had da Thanksgiving to be really thankful far. Vair writer had to miss the Donx- Browns football game to look up the records on the Nat (King) Cle divorce case. These records show that the first Mrs. Cole. Nadine, did not receive the S6OO alimony owed her until she- started action for formal charges for non-payment. To Mrs. Dora Moore, welcome back to Los Angeles and the Sen tinel. She will help the paper on the business side while Leon H. ’rYm-'hington is ill Had a Thanksgiving reunion with two friends of long stand ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ben and Anna Lawrence. H*. and I used to be in films together. Ben has cut co? movie work, and is now un expert plasterer and contractor. After a thorough search cast ing directors gli and Mc-Kay have at last found 16 perfect specimens of rugged manhood for Cecil B. DeMilie’s new technicolor spec ific, Samson and Deldah. u.t them a;*-- cx-coiiegc “Rehearsal? Who Needs Rehearsal?” Asks Howard Nw York (ANP) About a week in advance* of each of h i ; live--a-week piogran*' ■( . * t WCBS TV , Bob Ho . ..uyi piun .- | jive bomber, toil-, tBS n:u.-;-■ - rtea.! .mce what In-. .llg f.,- play > When the numbe-t:: arc okayed, : Bob ; ail set until he's on the; .nr. Rehearsing is somctloiig h ;l doesn't bother about. 1 know exactly what I'm go ing to Xu. Bob explain.-. ‘Why ] should I rehearse? ' | The truth is that it he did re : hoarse it wouldn't cuint out the ..ame on The a-.r because in Ins 15 annuli - ui .-.oiig and ebanei , ' accompanying hunr.e-Jf on the pi ano, Bo'p make:, hi- own a:Tange l n.eius. a.-t libs, often breaks off id tilt- middle ~-! a cm; to tell - story. \ It ai; -.tait- d 21) wars ago In' New’.j)). Muss., a su .-urb of Bos ■ ton. where Bob was born. The i 1 i>(jv had iietm ' tooling aro un*.l j j with a (.ikvle’c- and had an ear i to mu-be Then his tatlu-i bough! j a pks> i-r plant. Bob put -a:-, hands 03i X :it j keyunci RO-t • u r^v.* - vo plsy. Scon h-e able to give \ a R0..-d imitation of tho niecnan «ii:a i1 v upo j'a to u pi ano ii c* xiili ; t tiiat in ut at inn Hi pc • . Not lone, after he had diseov-* , < red his talent at the piano, the bay won first prize at an ama teur night, m range i for .. tew local engagements and then set out for Now York and Harlem. He got a job at Tillies Chick • *.-n grill on lx-nnx avenue, ai'.t i there he was discovered by F.i :\vurd Rib \ wh • signed mm and utart* d him mi a r-ar*-cr of tour ing the l-nm-d States and f-.ui , 'opt-'li ail these years, the MAIL CHRISTMAS GREETING* NOW N"w is the time to moil Dims* nias greetings to members of the Armed Forres overseas for early delivery. On December 1 and the week thereafter holiday messages should be sent by air mail, accord jog to advice from the postoffice department. Gift packages mailed prior to November 16 are now on the way in great volume and wili te delivered to American service men and women and civilian era* ploy fp overseas t>efore Den-mber 25 DOCTORS, DENTISTS SOUGHT EY ARMY Doctors and dentist* who hold Army reserve cttimnissioris may now serve on active duty for a minimum of one year, instead of for a minimum duty tom of three years as is required for officers of other branches. Shortening of the length of these voluntary tours has been made in an effort to attract sufficient num bers of doctors ,rnd dentists to meet the needs of the Army as expanded under the current Selective Service program. Liberalization of the active duty tours is expected also to benefit professional men who are finding it difficult to resume or establish private practice st present because oi the shortage of office facilitte*. Johnny, long a Duke Ellington al to sax stalwart, returned to the Duke's band in the east. The Crie > t Club management had been as sured by a west coast agent, who represented himself as Johnny's personal manager that ‘-The rab bit" was anxious to play a coast nitery and the contract oven call ed for Ai Hibbler to come as vo calist. „ WEEK ENDING SAT UK IMY, OKI 11, 1918 athletes. Heading the list are : such men as Everette (Sugarfoot) i Anderson and Reginald (Panama! | Anderson, former football aces; Rov Glenn ol Run Little Chilian fame, and Duke Williams, fov ; merly ol Anna Lucasta. ! Others in this lineup of athletic 1 men, all over six feet tall with no fat on their waistlines includi Jim Davis. Sam Marion r Jr, ; Robert .Lewis. Clifford Holland. ; Lafayette Maxwell, Ralph Dui - ! ham, Daniel, Flam. Charles Dix on and Try Dixon. I They are cast as special body -1 guards and military messengers for the king in the film. More sepia players are expected to have parts in the picture also. Another man welcome 1 back to the - roast is William Nunn of the Courier. He is from me old Million Dollar productions, and brought Lena Horne to Holly - 1 word t play opposite Ralp Cooper in The Duke Is Tops. Well b( *i ggnes the gong for th'.. week. We ll meet again next t ime I pianist-songster has been heard on various radio programs and i has made movies. He achieved a ! cherished ambition when he was 1 (.o-St aired with Richard Kelimer < i. R.-nadwa-. in Early to Bad. In this production, w-hish ran a year an*-} a hail, he did no piano play ing, but sang comic songs. Be - currently is heard singing end playing his own accompani mt nts on Sing It Again, the C riS ■ network quiz program that puts th*. Phantom V* u%' on the rti*’- VV VtV; ' He tills ciuto dates and plays ! the ntighbovhrmd tin ati < - in Now York. He will begin a personal appea; a nee engagement at the (".(.pit,- theati'p m Januarv NIAYU SHORES HIT IN TEXAS U. ORGAN RECITAL T. Curtis ’Mayo, head _oi the. Department of Music at St Aug ustine :• College Raicigh. .North Carolina, won the warm approval ut a large audience of music lov ers. ”31 Texas State University. December 5, for nr. masterful or gan recital second musical • went in the TSU's Fu st Semes tei Lyceum St ries. Mr. Mayo, an Assoc; si - ot to ' American Guild of Organists, dis played great technical and inter pretive skili m a .1 1 Hicuii pro ram played entirely trom weir ! orv. The program began with the ' strong. Bach •’Prelude and Fugm in D Minor. ' in tins selection as m the second and fourth Bach numbers, the "Ave Maria, based on the first Bach Prelude of the i ' Well-Tempered Clavichord" and Hfci- r ;cc N -v. Christian Souls, the recitalist showed fine pedal technique and a solid grasp oi . the style. "New Let Us Sing With Joy. another Bach work, wa s charmingly played. Two Karg- Elert choral improvisations, "O God. Thou Good Gad" and “Now , Thank We All Oust God," De.auti - 1 fully contrasted, were very fine j and particularly moving through the artist’s creative use of dy namic shading. The careful delineation of the m o !.; v e development of the Franck ‘Pa.- torjie," the sense of I program description given to in-. ; delicate "Spinning Song of Du i pro; the atmosphere of joyous inv elation created in ’'Noel" and • the brilliant technique displayed ion "Thou Art The Rock, both Us Mulct, brought forth such j full applause that the organist | jeturned th-t' -by play ; mg 'Di-ton's arrangt-rm-m ol the ! beautiful old ‘.pi ritual. "Swm .■. ; L- • : -.v. Sweet Chariot ’ tti tne groa l , pleasure of the enthusiastic audi j once. Th r . University Choir, under the I direction of Robert Henry, assirt jed the artist, Their rendition of | Handel’s “Hallelujah'’ was up j lifting. Lincoln l . Os Mo., To I Hold Louoflor’s Day •* j. JF.EFFERSON CITY. Mo. -AN Vo | Preparations ate already In mo . lion for the 83rd Founders anru vorsarj at Lincoln university to be observed Sunday, J rosary 9. The afternoon address program • ; will be followed successively toy a ‘ : Founder? Day pinner and an eve ning concert program. i; ,; An electric roaster is a useful i ! supplement to the kitchen range ! rather than a substitute for it That } thy opinion of home equip ' merit specialists for the U. S. De- I psi treem of Agriculture. HOPKINS COMBO BOOKED FOB VET HOSPITAL TOUR * New York (AN P) Veteran.; . Hospital Camp shows has ju*t M.:*ned the oianist-eomuoser-ai • ranger, Claude Hopkins, rid his quartet to join ;ts touring niety jmr, Harlem or. Parade. Harlem On Parade? which is at present on a 22,000 mile lour of 114 army, navy and YA hospi tals throughout the country, to ! one ot 10 variety and legit mate ' units playine. the- Veteran. Has pit,..l Camp shows circuit. , j Hopkins, shortly after gradu ating from Howard university, formed a seven-piece band, and joined the European tour of a , show starring Josephine Baker, jOn his return to the Unite y States Hopkins wrote the score i for a Bioadwav revue played an engagement, at the Savoy ball : room, and did a five-year run at Roselund ballroom. It wa; during this period that his band became ' the first Negro orchestra to play at the movie bail. .decently, following the trend • away from ku -u units »■ pktu ms banded his outfit, and formed tut new group which he rails cross between the Mills Brothers ... ,t Jot MouittW , Wuh Jimmy MeLw on guitar. Prince Hobia-on on clarinet ana sax. and John Biown .is bass, the quartet has become .ne ot the country's outstanding ;nstru | mental-vocal group: Mill.Ktl COl MIL OK ( HI ROHES CIVES SCROLL TO KlUvKt ' ; Cincinnati. Ohio (Atlas News Service: - Branch Rickey, presi dent of the Brooklyn Dodger.- was ; honored with a scroll of citation . from toe Federal Council of i I'iturches. meeting here at the T.aft Auditorium. The- school, flit first of us kind, was presented to Mr, Rickey m : appreciation ot r,u stiong hand again: t rac ia i disetiminai ion which he so ably demonstrated when he si/nH Jackie Robinson as a rnomhei of the Brooklyn Dodgers in DMT. Mr Rubir.son as y u know, male histur, when lie became the first Neyn to be admitted to the Motor league •' Si-ebi. 1 The scroll was ov t - sented by : Chalk: P Taft mt.-ntem .? the Federal Council. 'gwies \s tvi'Kii':: The now! v cvsamzed Capital Citv Basketball lean i:> now seek j j li; with iiv team m this iiva Tliis if’am is mad*? up ot SpTrm-r .<?ho;h men u.-v/ living m i Raleigh. The’ boast *.t such play ers u> the Evans Brothers. C\ Lightnc*i\ A, Johns* -n n<\ other For all poi't jculaT's addre-ss ail ; i respond * - live ■ A i. .o.hriron. 106 Lincoln Conn. Raleigh, N C. Lin eel it, Itp FIGB. NORTH CAROLINA MNDAY A MONDAY 111 1 EMBER 12-13 Alan 1 add and Harms Kct-.l Yirta, Mature. All'i-i t 1-■ rk t * n in a i H KVACE CHEEK ODDiTI SUBJECT « OI OR C ARTOON MOVIETONE VIVVs TUESDAY. DECIMBF.B 14 TeU-r Lorre. 1 aurert Derail IN Confidential Agent Ml SIC'.AL SUBJECT NEWS Ol THE WOULD WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY, • liH LMBflt If. it! Biifv Daniels Sheila Luyse ANI iAN ALL STAR COLORED CAST IN SEPIA CINDERELLA (IT’S HOT AS A fTRECK.ACK*:»;:q t uMFisY SHORT NEWS CLASHES AND l HATTER NO & DAUGHTER Os DON <j FRIDAY A SATURDAY, Oil EME4ES 17-1* DOUBLE FEATURE! * -- Ciuw; "Dutangn Kid’ Starreit IN' Law of the Canyon IHE EAST SIDE KIDS * V . - Lome Out Fighting ALSO CHARTER NO, ? KINO OF THE FOREST RANGERS

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