\' JEEK. EM DM,, SATURDAY, DLL', da, Ml* PATRONIZE THESE AMIRIISERS FARMERS READINESS FOR MECHANIZATION URGED BY USDAHEAD Citfin;.' white an<j onlon.d farm ers of the S 44'1l to l t make the best u.e .>f i,.i. ham/ , lion. Seereta :> ' A, : i:' ■ Charles F. Brannan m. 1 in a l , address Just week that t!u i•• na. be close to a Inillion. i.-a-v. t!ie Southern region wiFn’.n tvw years. * • S ■ ih. ■ e 1 : : . Bands of mechanical ~ .ilon par. trs, choppers, Jlame-cuitivat' rind other l:r 01 -:.r. ins vy.:- . ment," the Sec: r tar;.' added. H was speaking 'before tia>.• Alabama .Farmers Union I'.iwtiui? i.-i C<-n tie, Ala, U-'ing as a .''.ibyct Better Liv ing, israim.cn ' in: ■! ■ it rnechani/atiui. . rr.t drs:isatsm can !'•: ing a hi n» ;• ,t a h . Jiving to the S.Kit.'y Div.- r hie ’ tiwn. he said, ui!i ,>. • \ he ~p portunily is. in iivt ■ t»>ek 1• ■> •• earing plants tm milk plant., flour and feed mills, bakeries, frozen food establishments, or. 1 manv other industries ' These, the Set i etam state 1 • ereate jobs forth. . • k:m m ’ time off-farm eu pjoyment -k only through .such in.: Ist; ml . pansion." he ihdared. • : ,m the South can he ie to a”...:; « balance b. '■ fa ... that the hi-\ ’. ! pentv " At the Sriitn .>-.-!i:.'!i/ Brannan said man, champ..- \v ;i! take place. -avh a- tin j -m'm ment of larger fanners, oaitlv thfOugn ihc . !.■-•: . ■ !' . :rr ' er on*». with a n> ■.l :..r f. hands to plant. . . . i a vest cimtya '•I 1- irk*that with pro,nor gui-.i mice and a d amy tar- S.-e- c t.iiv assorD-d. t; bevi'iopm- at Will be givd :• n *..| •:/. d MACK’S * HARDER -line ft: (;n.id pic si "WHERE Tin I'KOMISI. IS PERI OR.MI I) PI iOTO CENTER 481 Hay St. PHON! .777 4k lioi ti NEKVM I ON PHOTO I IMSUINti COMPLETE LINE OF Cameras AND Photo Supplies FOR THE Amateur OR THE Professional Hn & i mM | IT’S UP TO Whether Or Not We Have Beer (That hs!) -So Exercise Your Democratic Priv ilege Register And Vote. You May Still 4 Register Dec. J 8 And 2't At The Follow- I ing Places: Person Street School No. 1 Fire Station 1 Court House City Hall Central School Haymount Fire Station THIS ELECTION FOR CITY OF I ' FAYETTEVILLE ONLY _ I Vote According To The Dictates Os Your | Conscience . . . But VOTE JAN. 4, 1949 I farm C rtninly, it will mean that some producers who ore bardy getting by with a hand twin w.t w existence on submnrgmal land, and with a minimum c-f equip merit .sill lcav< tr.e la: m f r ■< ns m in lustry or the service 1 pati-:.ns. But this, is net u bad thing, it tm I* r . they tictti tiit-ii j bring standards," he a-surcu. Continuing. Brannan point 1 rat that other familv sized .a.r. : c-rs veil! get larger acreages He -, :d th. Faimcrs Home Ad.-uni traiit. n « iii help in thu as in the past. tenant- will 1. added to ownership through FflA He sugseated that seme hum-. . • . will tuk • tncii iand out >f un eennumie er v- mwl diversify. If t \)r -J; ■ r, n\ h ft. V< * bC* .'it“ LCD . • ' raise the livestock m bde up dairying, they m.i\ go in for ; : pcultiy or truck crops. Empiia.-ir m.- Uu- ;mi- 4 : -I -eK iinj poultry pro'iu*.tiou, tn<- he, .eta v said that a,,.;.r the hmitn !!.,-• tru-i 1 used it- um put of eat tie, Uoga, and elnckeu... tile region stib -S not sell- 1 !; cunt m piwductun o! meal ! milk. .<nJ eggs. He said bit- Sou; 1 r-'iitj far rno e ol these loan o pi ~ a sitly pro-'iucing in mdt-r to })>oVi:te it-; pc.•pie wim diets a.V ouat - o*. .Ini and eftieit-r.* • • In del to produce rn- n'i iwe .!.,.iciv. S< Crete.rr Ibamum liir: gmsled that ttic South must i its own forage lie .said the re gion is importing hay while a w , ’ than 10 mill.nn acres of its Dm: : li.•« .! :man said the Soutli vr,ii , continue to grew all the volt. • fur which there is a market, :w no- adv .sec! tin.t vs ay t*> ■ incomn. mm - security, and in amt: is! ; xp: nsion : ibi l :4i.u. d, • VC: rsifiC*«t io * 5. As ioi* Cdl ,-rnaii farmei’s aVi^ i tv t : ma-e* the i mpetitlon **! ; b.rge mechanized units, the So ; uta: v -..id that -..me small is o ; e-rs may gain the advantage ■ : mechanization through coepcra live arcane., meats or av eng _ ' machinery on a custom basis. tMERIt t\ SCENE I*. .Uim Henrik t l.t 1 k*- lot AM' 'Ti y r i.rlerl him into a coufiv . so -i On .vereiies: men: The odds were against him oGloro tnc trial Herein. To - 0 y ict the ntan at i-nsed iSufficient ev■ .deuce they hiked. They eotiidn't hni • Witliout Min; abused; S<>. they convicted him fir being I AVI iTEVILLE ! Ml SIC COMPVNY Kl Kl.ll/.I K I'UOMKilt.-\ms AV> KXOVr OCR RECORDS'* .v?s:; DIAL 4lOO WILLIAM’S j LI N(IIEONFTTE SOfi HILLSBORO ST. SOFT DRINKS - SANDWICHES SECOND SECTION Fwmh FyssiJg |»| ime mm wm JT*l p m m f- I li m fte u m '•! M “M ?,Mki S&ifeS Aml Kk vD ® -wM ml Kid .d U.-Z kaLk. d.L, .; L- A Military Leaders in TJ. 3. and Overseas Confer via Tele-Con rhrnugit ttie magic of ' l.'i, - Cor." u method of dvyi - -aa e -t*■ vnui.icai i-.u: developed dm v ‘Ac: to War !1 ity the Army Sn r-al C. —military lend-rs in W— conduct conferences daily witn h.-ads. of the occupation commands in Europe ii;d the Far Last. y. -itcd in n thiid-tl'-or l’- - t ie>i..-i, the A i ny. cl id's i t a me h.i/i op. a piece d! puner whi-u handed to a teletype operator. The latter pre-'-'-s a few keys. iu:d tlw nvs-eu; i- il-'bed >i b --.e -.1 glass seroeii siivndtaneon-dv ■< th * pentagon Over-cas * anferc-nci* '.‘-•rr ter and in Iterh;;. Frurikturt. Viciira or Tokyo, On a similar soeen ai >r.u-:*le 1 !v i'us» one, an iTieoniiiiv ine.-euii in lepiy I- 01 ejected. '1 he tivn sagos t<main visible while Ihe c.-m • .•l ie . in Wa-ieegiuii |ir«-i>:ir*i • dr Ull • Wel U'g l it:;.:,wilt. A- • apidly ns ihc w ' *-s at I he ivspec ti vi- * nds of th* .- ■. , • flume their goesti.nis. ivpiies -o t ilistruetK'US the rticssages are. i’:.- a id i.ai'k and forth icr*.'-.;.-: the n, and the conference cotil i-uirs '**r an hour, two hum s, or a-.:;’, a- 1 lb ; matter at. hul'ni a.ay I - tube. •Sessions S.iewl Acti*... Danny, the < o:. :,*• <:-t . . c. n Teie-t'on sessio i r n pos-iiido to Tv-' up a piece w if! y■ a ! wn.cU ordimtrily' v-:• .id r. •') mv n ' couple svi.-i!:s of c.unver-. ional ; oceimic radio trafl’a;. V, i : i all ot the. ... ron.vrn.-d m • ‘ 1 inn of the appeoprint-? wt :• mv! ! iln conference nioii’3 »; the jj,*. linked, a meeting: of ttunds is 1. h ally achieved dmi .- i-.ii d of !he eon . a!'I;; -,a. l.'tmust r-y of cm. l lies -1 tioi! is a- vi •: ; • ■ .p! • -v.u - tiling :■!. t ; : tea- omnin; :. and ni: .•'.stoma’, ie inwvr '-r at the receiving' point. Security ami ata ilia :, in the con duct of the curtterences is She re -.0.-Mdl.il.ty of a highly trained en-up of WA ! ofEcers av-iwi! to the c.mce of the Amy Ohi.-f of Staff. Circuits and fra: vamior. fli.iiit are nuiiiiUiinod bv the Siirr.nl Corps. Pliwed in operptson in Ma ch, lit-14, Tele-Con utilized the Army's world-wide radio teletype net"- ■?*. to play a significant role in many *,l tf.i' top-!ev< j joilnai y siiiiatiubs ■ f the w:u. Where** •• a na 01 ovei-seris hvudfr-iarters vzas located, fi in ( a-. !!,!. 1 1 niy, to ( hungkiug, ( , a,a. i. ,1 x topi:p til ia,t was sot up. Philippine Invasion Mapped A typical ir.-mnee of this drama tic role was an occasion during a Combined ( IDs of Staff confer ence at Quebec, when a deei.-oon as t.- when and where the initial inva sion of ti.*- Philippines siioaid take pla-.v was dope*,<ient u," u d:.t:: from (ieneiai MvAiiiin; s i.e-'-'T quarters, f!y means of commercial la, nd hie's to Washington and S o, t j a:>- cisco, and radio rtietype eitemts 1 >’ way of Brisbane, Australia, direct, eonmsunication with MacArthur in Dutch New Guinea was estal.ih-stied within seven minutes, li. less than a quarter of an hour, the neces sary information which re ilted in the decision to attack at Leyte was obtained. In recent months. Army T.D- Oon facilities made uvu la*.to to lh« fiiale Dep;utme:.t have had an equally valuahlo pait in . these charged with diieet -f our international policy in close town w.ih world trouble spots. During the v ■■tirrent i;,-: !:,-! cii.-v F i t-.- Dep.irtmcnt off . iav have Jr«- : -u nt ly !ie< n linked w f h Bel lie;. 1 and Pans in icur-way coidenuee liookuiis, » I i\ v JtihnNton f armtM ' Make SOO-Busht l (Tub M-.ny .!< i’l'.-toi: County N'l'ero . .'ariners and 4-H meu ■■ - made outstanding corn yieids ltv,.; year L R Jolinsoi.. Ccn.-.tv ..g.t'ii: -• ‘ r tin- Stab. C’.'dege Emension 1 Smitilfield, Route i. 103 2,'i lu.:!.:n• . '1 iK- 4-H Clubber:' both mernbet'.- 'o i the Richard B. Harrison Club Selma, wen- John Evtr< It* 107.77 biel'Cb. and Ro.-imi: Re ived:;, 300.5 bushel?;. : A total of 102 ionicis and 4 H I j Clubbers entered a county corn I' contest spon-.ored by the Agricui ; tuval Advisory Council. Os that I: number. 52 turnod in completed re- Lc.rd;! showing an average yivld I at 177.61 bushels per acre at a cod l.o; 3(1.0 cents per bushel, Ic.-s luuor I There adults and two 4-H morn- I hers produced yields ranging frerr 1: 1C0.5 to 112.7 bushels per acre k I ; qualify for membership >n ihc I. State's 100-Bushel Cub. The adult: r -.'id their yields were• J T. Hocuit II Middlesex, Route l, 112 7 bushels I' William Barnes, Middlesex. Route 103.5 bushels; and Floyd Vinson I (Service, has repented. . • t.i ‘ •• i ■ : .; ,-jj •• • > ~ >•> > "< •' ' • . *?' '■ ' To W( 4 <•-• v&i . ;l w.-_.c r . f, ’ •" •' ■ Ftsiiiißbßu, VrwVV'V-fe • I . a'i ... . . , M. FT. -- ui ■ ov* < mil go, .!' ;• : . on, . I•' . I, - OS • p:, lit:' 1! ; a: - .'MO III.'":. i'l 1•; ti. i to c. : a • • hi li' M'lllli') It tV i Silt V, : in \ f a- I. a .1, ■ ull', . I, wn I. » • If! n "• • K Hid • . > : .» m ■ -'."i It, it: iv > I I'• : - w,* ,r ; : ,£ - l Suggest I.niw Change I o Opsn Missouri Coilegcs To Negro Students h > p’d; v I * * •■•*!• t : V • UN f . 'i' **. C' *' •.■* • ' t’ 1 i.' l i■li e ;aOu CL. i c. * bj. ■. ■D ; ; ■I 5 ;'C* 7 A it\ t ‘ AiAl» i f '« *' * '• ui’Jl, oO > . I i.ST dl'v T 'TM ( ) \\ .j'.i.'b L" A . o*." 4 »l' 1 .•0? jI V LiU ; O hi. i. O' ’ 11 ; .-. . ] l ■ j, k ;»-jm {I , PJ Ai p.tTVL., 'a • . *S t i v.' ! 1 >' ' A # »«• '' ' 1 • 4 Co* -V- Kn.w.lD : .A. .A .< j-. rc 1 Tlt'-:v:u d D l• i n result jsiratiiTi urojeev ;n 11>47 mU-J CiCC'iiU-.'i t’EC.i .:0J t .H'. '..'Nd 5 ki> won id ifeC 4 hyh kl s<?ed i -r die 194iS t <)p. H iir !io-.VC'v< V- t-'L-l S' Ml J\ .LlU'.‘s A l :i};OWT'VTr, dimmed dr-G-btiu). He : i 3 usi, didn't Hi-;c I.ho i-c.. t u; o:' v ;l;t VlO.dG for a bu:. or .••-cud ufi J 1 spend.in d 0 lot of hit. •;>• un n- ■ •liliZOL. 1 .»>< > 7 * ■V\ 1 > i?Tl ii j-' t 1 tit li J 5 . • * 27 h Y'OEK-i ■ ' d -;hJ ;>-.c dt > •• H.- io:t‘d i(> il, el. tU ' I 1 t tOilil t: jd d ft r'l ii K - Drool. • - Y* to ! ,/<»flsTi poili.d > \v ji 1 refill: v licit! c o -."1 c • ‘ no 1 ferLiivz!' liiv-radv. r Wf( •: th- c - v * l ; y s l i ~p \(i't \ - ; Tupi'Ki*. tH T;v- run :r>nux ■* ( ,i 47 .A A.- , j T/!'i kin ; 'ii h t■:; i ■ - « ' a eld. ycuup Jon' • . i iv- • - i • never .<• o;*nn uu miwh vo/n on •.•nt ! t >I• <*i - -;f } JU•! Ki'Clli ii'TW • -'l, , IJIDP-L' t.L* JTx* l T’V-t)T'j•. i I ‘j!i ; -j . •.*! ,u'< : U, i > *; a A'- (lion a. i ' ■ ' \ ■ ' I " “■ f A t &K ■ */§ •• -/ a 'fflP v 4 : ':| fey , ¥ ;§ If |f "Yf Ifsgf ’S' f I wjg AS LEEI TANTES WERE Pllf SENIIED Ahove i-, sbowß the colorful 1' rmation that ilchu i, I t, antes from tin* * astern part cl | the state and their made THE CAROLINIAN V\fHi IV ;.|V •. Cs -liu* fefttltl «»:• .-o li.rv ti.ic Vilr. ; 5- ?t-.\ t., n- ci • T r.» ist* v.-*)ro tjri* i'.. •! -.'ne tt ' li* no lod juddii. •< ’ice. I illll . K*c mil V . i, Dlistujj ■ * Acotdta N. I.CCST:, UJiduivU . • ' VU'H D. CD • 01 % \l ? . l JJi2 '■ i A V • I if S J.*') yi‘L A 5 \\ ' APA '\t Ol' SI .hdOf; d-i.A • T t E v*• v \ iv? c; |. {■' \j r-- - ' •; S c. Aiiiiir:; Ada uhitssx<& ir* du lcet * y}' - p 4 »|1 i, » < > & •> it t «‘iVs S o Ui\! I’U'- c; . . as tlici mc -c presented to socie t> .'it the Raleigh Memorial Au diti 'iiOM at the animal dcbti f ant*hall sponsored hv the Alpha Tin la Omega. Chaplet of i JOiilt liOtCSSCS Bi * I BHnfGh'ne.ws r h\i'- ; T .i .. Vr : . • f, ; .)! ■ j--:: v,ii, M.- ). . • MeGripp, i’ lx §■L 'I f ,siir.iiS * ■ i ■ s" i, t I J<»'U * ••Fincor Stilus tor Airtea I« Sly«ly ■t'.iiw v i oik Dances >. Vr* f i t.fi*.' «3‘ r Ol 1 ( , the 41jjt)m Kappa Alpha SarorUy. i AZiss HwcmiaUyn Harm. of hwiblmif, the p«n at the hail is turn si iu the « , <*nkr. SECOND SEC .'ION YOUR NATIONAL GUARD DIVISONS CONTINUE THE OLD TRADITIONS iVii.'i- is </•.« srveniw.th of a on . m.fi’ntry - ' l l A ~rcd Divia.o- yA .■ sen' A 1 i<;i > . 'i'/wy nr« pre | • •• '■> k- v’-m.'f ’ . ... :*.h -Iwo'- v' !}l ft an * ;/•/>(! ' F'-rcr, twin* < equip ■ ' ?va‘Mb , i j»r vinin--CiJ-t* i- V. <ot7.fi ■'?!(:’ A’’,-- e.e.U »/ ■- r-// (HWjTvMCI/. -NT) '* "fi TJTHY DIVISION- ji*ed from ISuticaal G -at* roops Ivf World Wcr I. as non- 'widsmc" in -ud Wat? 11, lb* 1 » on da i y -V, i Division has »o..irncd ’•>e viuard it. 1- y.».twar mill . i Ivirv eetlabhahmeat. P-* —} "The F.ahti V -h/' wl .. . tamed uiidy* ' . in • fame cis- ono of the . bow Divisions / _j lnfcr.fr/ ".-glments ' 1% —id War I, has / been rest w./jo- ted the 185 tn lafani.-y and / / •'m 6,ice rroro or. utfeg.c. part < * the Dvsrl- I i j titr, !.• aft ' in the metropolitan i j If '? t-.ow Vo.it -trc -. as ats the ~ '<er ivra B«gi» —**■ merits. * l *r> 71s» r.nd !h<;. 108th, and other demerit’ l of tli.. iiyision. The 42 ;a Divi. '-m eurm t its :i, .Vtc-ir* j cs the ’ .lain' -■-* Divi* si on" because 7- .ro>.; £ v. .-.s drawn from National Guard outfit* ::■! :.;C Sirtr-.-i and tha District of Cfllum; ? whets It first formed I in iOi?, Three months ...is in ,u..;v. and ;u I March, IS*3, it went into the line in tins tuneviii' . lot. T t was in the Chusnyagn Mam-- u/*i Aisr *'..tn» off. • ves tie' Rasnhov/ Division made itn r *outr:t 5 sm*»g.a?f ir-.n the v/ar n on- of the most colebral d c-n uation* i.i As u Won.Guord Divsaieo sis W> *- J War H .ad was re s' ; ••ated .... ‘r.„ S too lot: .•* ‘ !'<cr«ta-.cly lan ..its A made ? up for last .-.at when it wont into '..ion in Decembe- -744. as part 1 'll the Revtnrth Amy's right !;-nk o’ «aa»hru*V 1- > It ixa- its hist pf.'iit'tratio.'. of -meny in M * !S4S. >a-!n, ttuourfh the \ ri ..".i!.'. -u .■ it toii.d 2 - s oast of th- hi'--, fa' . / ? | {’urih c. t ' • hrveinen. and ad !:•' r Schwciiifu:-.! tn hi. e men | of !i»o 41: . i entered Munich ' ’ u-ra co ..he utorw of "SiOCi) Lv. of ire t<- ;amp at Du.- They .drovo inf > Austria, uu ■’ hotii VI; I -., —occ> ~.'»d K Voiti Germctn film HELP AS iOH i. B. i- ! f\RLEr;- T -?OSF r '.L . 1.1 .. > Dl f , ? fk|s *-}'/• *■. , 3 L. > 'r»? „Af‘t l \ V#.’ V, ■. •’ i " J*. | i- ± A i Jj. 1i t T .1 li.fi i r- * •: \ f i v » j f* V ;j t o p ta J ; \a C hJh:-;' i •.. . . II? »oi r 1 ...* • rn. { i\ , 17 v n ;x 1‘ •, 4; f4b , : Vtir'lt 1■; t r ! uiti, ( i' { | . '-si i•U %. . “ c y ct py ?'*nd »t-uts f > 1417 fK '• -K .s i Phone 1 .'0 ? .vow Oi'ii.V *: Ba!timore Ltittch li t S NSI'..()W ; Open Front :• 71. in 12 I*. ?.f j ’ iln-akfisst Lunci lliitrf? I tOUN KOf'TSiOS. t’rop. 5 ij lX i £ I S B t i l O-NI J I -> | ' ',5 Dora'*’ 'm ?■' ”’’6 'Sin . hi? Hs>y St. J Sr i-’V ..u' (8) "i ' -S. i ✓ Aki : ' A ' “Tast T-Y* | Beard £x k! _ r •» -oMßßsai-j" •*»«-. •ammmt «a»i«r< —M—iiwr - ■ v*m«- * ■ Ja-..!:x Sm>ck Shop best k. . -oc-s " .:ents ; t- -N r WiNES - ' RER ?i3 ini LSBor-.street JACK PHI! UP' -- Prc r AkOUNA <ESI A» 1. -Ai f •VL INVITE YOU - TA THE CA ‘CLif. • ONE TIME. MiSC T 'TiCEL : w.r specialize in :cxl n, steaks, baa b-<iue bERVF ' -TI! A 3?Mi - - •“‘NR Vr*l HAF.T. INC rc'3 pro.,. - > *>. .mt .wanna*mm»■ ~ .Aaitniiaw**** | OROCIT.R &3/ *BGUR CO. | For Chrisl vi©.]*. toys ,/ectr*c h * Jna, wc-p.- j det worses, Xmas lights* tricycled, wag* I obs and a complete line u hardware. I .4fcUr. C 129 Gillespie Street Dial 2UB*- ; - I PAGE THREE [avetti-i ills Yoisr P?sn •. Von 1 Lis Frige. • t rir« ir OiJize I ssm .. ;.t i . ' : ■r, v > i. v. ?'y if xJm. ;-2 .* • /■ i v'• ■■ vo U. : ac.* ii . n «■<} 5H4.-V.ir -dis ns. whe: i ■ r>r.v i*^ 4 * i'c ■ .Be ii.'V it. : L' <4• . ; . t • an .. B f'V i*. 1J -py -- i'; -;i Hit • ;. ; ■ r-n -i xP' .larkiin ?;o,y - ‘tva 1 : J 4 VERN I, A '*i modation We 3 ecialise r t Parties ' 2 ' i.ion. S. C ,-kton 2021 T;.gbv.'uy- 301 ;Vl i iii\JKF c ti’iOCKK ’ v «: • < • ‘ i> ST. AT 1 on* Si I F. ?•. o\{ : T ifi . *. i . • t r i a\t> »> j i ■ t avirv ■ , ;r , * *. ..Vt.-'S 'n i i s: '< zi'tt »;et sj. lie . ry ion j k\y,. • HTKFET f\ i. -sir,; Our | i.'cinUi Fieri. And f i..: - ‘ Set .•••.' ( f f t DIAL 4i45i ..wwsrvyMS.'woto.' • 'Wt ■>«'-' /-■ ■ snuiow* ojv*» -I .yi r wKih.w, »<M*r - ,y.». -aWWfc.l. w»«

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