WEEK E'SEINE. SATX’TiDAY. HIM , HVH PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS B. T. POI JOCK | A O .T. V *.v LRYTiU' f, !\ ft. U.IU , * . J PAINT UF.AIQtVUtTt IF 131 S« QuOi-ll Si l'lui ir : • | f j’.anMaMUNmiMimwranv *• *<•> Beech’s Soda Shop where friends mi; s , j DRAFT AN D BOTTLFD Bl l it WINI. • AM) s.ANDWIf IU 33G SO Ql'l 5 N STREK'I : THE HUB”! “Where The Price | Is Alwavs Lower * ' KINSTON SAY FRIENDS! IF VOI R SHOES All! NOl BECOMING 111? VO) SHOI I D Bl: IOUlVi; m VKTER A A * S SHOE SHIM I'ARLOR AM) NEWSSTAND 232 SOS 1H OS TEN « N' •£ ro SVf e klifs, ,M «t a zincs Cold Drinks, Canili } |||?^ j Radio Programs io t. Rramaii/e (TirLtmas ; N e,\\ fi‘Pi; • !'■ o p? >{: H >: •nria.'. D< -1 .he- '» ,nd mj dc, Ijr ' men- Oy oil marl. t i d,v -r:c. ./iiiiei i.*: CU'eOot Story T■! • lu-.-:vi Sui.-duy-- ;>{ ti:3o |). . Jit. The Dororuber Ift inr,i»rnm v ; Tl: f ro: y of ; ■ aai.tviiy, if j V::u If A frori U;ko f'.i --i the s.V.ry of loscfih and Mar. ! ju'lirr.i ir ,! v ■: ■ ■ r’r : . Ihi.ur :-u , r ;;a:i . :; t ijy. X r ,.;i, and t ; v■ >: next Sun nay ’he proara ;\ Hi 'no S',.: . f Peace. ' bayed < ■ Ir.-Urh o-.e UK dory of the Thr j vV’;-,e iVK'n etching tor the Chr 'Child. utttin Kim, and then b Support Your Paper When You Arc* Out For SPORTS Slop By The R. S. BILLIARD ROOM 112 E Blount St. ( LOOM HAM) EUXDRY (TO Mitchell Wooten Drive ISAIVIP WASH £Juilt-, ■ JRianhets f lat \\ .-rf< Ur. t Amtu;• •Cellego. Am I :.'. ! Ma*s, ' • pledging a r, d lr.udro Thomas W, Gibbs of Eva ’.-, ton. 11l " Negro student, the national organization cf IN- Phi Kappa Psi Frau, riuiy 1 ■ - been severely criticised by Dr. Harry T Penn Grand Ba-ileus of the Omega Pst Pin Fraternity, in a letter to Howard L. Hamilton of Co lu mb us. Ohio, its president. Dr. Penn, also lashed oul at the National Intcrfraice riily Conference for its fait - t ;j take a forthright stand in .tins Ci’se. In his leiler lo Dr. Gilbert M. Meade. Chesterfown Md. President of the conference. Dr, Perm said, "It can only be ;-s-Aimed that your organ iraiicn is Lsiering the ar chaic idea that the hreiher hoed of man is mere fiction.'. Hamilton's letter contained an appeal tor reconsideration ot an unwise step and reads in part, -’Year reconsiders-, tion of this matter is request ed and your repeal of the suspension will bo appreciat ed for the cause of democracy and truth," The President of the An. • i,int Chapter was written a. letter of commendation I,*' il.o courageous stand it took: i: the- Saco of iitmdnent -us pensicn Dr. Penn -.aid, Ti.< r ,\. ) i.,Codt;iiUC liceii-.'-iil , idv a,-iv ecf, twenty via, hy / 'j ■ „ \v \M'ER; >E\\SBOVS Flit) YOl R FAMILY Fit O’i RHODE’S TO I I TRY \\T> GROCI K\ MARKIf 708 QTTNNMtI.Y ST, THE PARADISE GRILL Ai 723 F, Washing tan Aw. Carries a variety cf Feeds, Canned Foods, Milk, Ice Crt-air,;. Ail Kinds of Smokes, Bananas Mrs. C, Gray, Prop. Phone 4753 l HACW | K, ?m M'lbj ffiWTYfcff.tfiyittm/i'-lfc l * ll ***' ii i «i >«— «■——»« iyfwTnni>nwiTimu,> y i : | well, dear, we MA££ ir /thekiPSj Ip ARE HARRY* OUR CAROS WERE ALL WM. .SENT OUT , AN ' WE GOT PR EVENTS By.frs- —•*/ FOR EVERYBODY ON GUP j LIST.. WM>' LESTER, _ I KINSTON Golden Weed Leaders Vie For Negro Tobacco Trade ! VISIT AM DOM'S INN 1 W;-c /<.: ri.if.ad ■ Meet ;.nd Gr- ■ ! * t’.ii.-f y Groceries, Good beer | Always, Good Music f R. P, I T Mile North cf ! Kinston Emmet Simmons, Prop. I f&IT, LESTER, THERE'S AN £ASY WAY f TO FIX THAT/ PONT YOU ff* — ■ *w ['•" 3' y./Jfi A ' .. . ? " «Ll t#S§i *■ ' if ’aHTW Jr '-/' ; i Wfeaf A j^wwP® # j,- filji* A- s®§pli| II ■ rH i jLffiSHKHjr i . « m CONFEKRIND WITH BERLIN VIA 'I i J.: ON ' -i 1 - ; ivbvu.'c of ir.ilinuy Icaikva in Wnrh -m- d: D-’iii: .i- . 0 ;n: HU u; • *u .. - ; O -if ‘Ju- Army* 5 i ~, , , ; W , ; y..;;,:,. - .! •y, ; . t( ; y-,;. , )V :'i ■ ■ ; THE CAHOLINTAN u> i:v \ i it e» -od pt •'•pokes’n't* - ; d r .Ls occuthk? p ••• a )/ p ) 3/ m IYJ- ;'■ JWiPH') | i *7 :'V ; ’ *\ .. —,—— 'iwmwMmr 'LIKE: IT 2 LISTEN,YOU-YOU YC^T , | 7CASAHOVA MY NAME 14 NOT ! ( PAPMNE/i MUST'VE ArOTTBN tig o A /THECARDS MIXED p ON AL L THE PRESENTS/., : ’> - * - | rncst Nponsor> I usl hilmTida! * .pi?* (.aim* t | !C, j, -1; . ft . i ■'■u . . eiaJ \ a • .1 :. • C' , j : • f ' 1 ' • 1 ■ 1 . . ■ t-r M ;.:a:.uu \\\i> pj-A.VCd lOV ti;.C i ■ 1 It Pav> 1 o V R>-i w; ■" Vi COSH / THAT 1 ■■> } vahn t exactly O; ~/ ' - YYir'-S - ;T> the: IMPRESSION/ i; ' THOUGHT I'DA %/"$/ NMAHf/ WONDER R/wAk |' ■;) -N ■. r I c vy t | y oc- - - . /wait until\\ 7' -Vv^ > ! CALL MR/ J \ A j'—.7 T SiwiYP, yjp \C / U \ ? 7 ANYWAY —I 'M NOT Ml XEdT" _ _. Pj SECOND SECTION FROTHS] PUU* hAP> lforsiw; cm inants MILWAUKEE, VV. mJ Vi.v, F,-r.' pro'.r > play !>'■• Fr Geo. H j Ohmic, S. J v. i- ; ii >. .last < '“'VR A!iil 'j H t:’ 11' ■ * ;! i i_ f O'.] , auditorium b;. the y>;-t ;i sir-poll Players ol Chic;;; '> Intended ns a v >'o-i at. aiest re- j strictn e housing ••ven.i-r - The! i-'ay i.* being h: -ugh nut 1 the Mid',Vl • I i’ I.if'v ' - ' "' l j FLEMING BROS. SERVICE STATION Gas, Oil. Fresh Meats and Groceries, Cold Drinks Icc Cream Dial 21.1-8 Groceries Delivered Ayderr. N. C. STEWART BROS. SODA, j SHOP Where Friends. Meet: and j Enjoy if. Cold Drinks, j; Milk SI takes &. T-e (ream | S. Lee St. Aden, N. C. | I j l>aker‘s Funeral Hume | litviir i,j l.t-miir County Muoial Ktiriaf Association, Inc. i i.- ()l V f N ST PHPNE 2H6 l.Alvm NOANT Belk-Tyiers THT FAMILY DEPT. STORE Quality Merehand i ;.e At Popular Prices KINSTON, N, C. / ;.-0/ DAPHNE, AEE YOU PE Y 1?® / TAlKlNer YOURCOUSiN FOR. iO"^—J|H I A WALK,£M• FT -w\ l <• XV 01D >Oi LIKE 7 Hi. ) v HRf -BNI i , -AV; TOD J , “ 5 ”»“**»»_*» When you can't lean back and listen in £jA ) comfort nr*.-* of bussing or f.tfci.. TAKE IT TO \ DAVIS RADIO SERVICE ■ B 5 I She DEMGND ST. J IN LINCOLN CiTV KINSTON Melaeiii Davit, Prop. -nnntrf>ttwrinr~ n f ) r ,-i,^ (l n i, 1- irrn-r-ni-iw-niirfiri>wnrTitfwn ■•MMminairowTfi-uiaiwu'T-v -rr»< ( fV " / X \^TAOM£NtY \W\ A * MISTER y A; V I r>E P-RHE -'A A y A R } vjx P" 7 -\P -< "-v, n ('CM T '.>TyZ^>"—-•• "\ H l, MM f BREEZY DEAR «'THK'A Kinston Business Men And Women Sponsor This Fage - Patronize Them MODE!{NTSTIC JR. HOTEL IT! ISTASI KY STREET « 11-1 V DAVIS STREI-.'T l-'tiRNISHTD ROOMS Hot And Cold Water FOR i! V7. I T Quiet. Location Automobiles Now In Stock 1948 Chevrolet 2 door Fleet line 1848 P,ym-:u.b 4 door Sedan 1348 Plymouth 2 door Sedan 5948 Ford 2 door Sedan 949 Ford 4 door Sedan 134 b Cbtiv. i-2 ton Pick up Many more to choose from TERMS: 1-3 DOWN Up to 5 8 Months to Pay Balance Immediate delivery on any make or model. No Trade In Required MID-TOWN MOTOR CO. Located N. Queen St. Opp.-.i.'t; Hotel Kinston Op« n Evening-; Until 9 Also Norfolk, Va. 2400 Gramby Si- PAGE FIVE