WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JANUARY 1. 1949 PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS KINSTON POLICE IS SNOT WHILE MAKING ARREST KINSTON - rv-H.'J 0.-- ; .i|. cal polieen'.r.n and ex-Oi uiffnrc . a broken le, when Woodrow Cm d icy. ?(). vh ii ho v, (ryiiig lo .11 -! ■ P i. snatched ho; gun and fired ai ! petal blank ran.'o. Gs. djng v. ,r. ; o,■ ■ '■< ■ ? by; Ofik’oi Fi'Cd Hair . 1 g r 3 equesUn,'-! mercy H . was ,i> rest- \ ed and taken (bo . *at>• % Two companions of C.■ - din vie, ■•lan arrested in connection wiia ■ lac incident. They vore. rG; s Eunice Taylor. :'B. siyer of (he r,p. lcndaitt, .n:d •r r Mr I nd, J>ihn j Taylor. LI ' of 205 Cabarrus S 1 ■ of Raleigh. * ■ , . !. yu■ * o tii Gooding f.r .mi: in;; <| i pi' with m razor. The incident hap pened about :{;4 r > A. M. H Good-; mg's home Gooding held wit I. -; out, bond and the other iao are under 81000 bomb kick I'i;(k;ress C'OCRSK CIHRTEIt IIV TEX-is (IliOl IS MARSHALL, Toy 'AND •« comet chcnsive program o| int.r racial progress is Lome formula., d ' by ,">0 Negro lender,- in Texas ue- ; rici tii .1 :1 ,)■ i r if’ - Texas Co,; - ril of Negr ovgnnizafiojts. ■ ; c'" , :d-' hig so a salenient i-sned here! Thursday by the CmnicilV rhiu man. President Joseph J. RJioao of Bishop College. < The pi ■_ ;■ .:■} rev c, , major problems as arriculturc ed neat',on, rebgjob. rncines.-;, inber. bousing, r trial wULie. civic nghc, ; civil rieid. .in i health. ;• •• if ;;0 i presented to . : ,!m legislature ’ and circulated widely a roar r , races in the true, Dr. Rhoads as- ■ sorted A meeting of the executive com mittee and ■ ; representative of the 21 statewide member organiza tions of the <••uiv.’ti was held ,a Bishop College or, December 23 to draft recommends:ior> so. ■ pm 3|e hearing at {: •- state capitol in Austin on Jam. . v t i . asuing be <;;!! Dr. Kb, •■id: Our natioa.d govern mcr,' aud its subdivisions on at she cross . vads. The new year will be a great program building year. Dim-: iug it we shoU iietermirie the di rection f , Ir . {,. ‘ UCX’ noro*:,,, 0,.0 j,'O' Negro leaders and ori-anizatiuiu, nnust have a serious part in the planning program.'’ THE PARADISE GRILL I At 723 E. Washington Ave. j Carries a variety of Foods. Canned Foods, Milk, Ice Cream, All Kinds of Smokes, Bananas I Mrs. C. Gray. Prop. Phone 4753 • B. T. POLLOCK \N|> SON 1 vi Kv rmvo in hardware paint lII.APQI BARTERS 131 So. Queen st. Phone 4004 X Beech's Soda Shop WHIRL FRIENDS SJI C’l DRAFT AND HOT i t j li HI ! R "IMS AND SANDWICH!,n 33S SO QUEEN MR! V I THEfIUB ‘Where The Price In Always Lower * KINSTON SAY 1 'lt I ENDS! II VOIR SHOPS \RI Nor BECOMING THEN VO! SHOULD Bt. COMING TO V E I E tv' \ N ' S SHOE SHINE PARLOR AND NEWSSTAND 232 SOUTH QUEEN ST Negro Weeklies, Magazines Cold Drinks, Candy, Stnokrs William R. Burnrj, Prop. FOR SALE H*34 CHEVROLET BUS .. IN A S CONDITION Running Every Day AH Equipment Included PRICED RIGHT—SEE Mr, Jarvis Buck, P. O. Box 95—Dover, N. C. We Do Hauling of all Kind. Also Wreck Old Buildings , » AND MOVE THEM TO YOUR DESTINATION Also Oe Specialize In Ready Cut. Stove Wood, j Economy Loads, 3 Cords or 1 1-2 Cords « SEE EDDIE ALDRIDGE 70 Govern'.,r VJili.ird B. 1 ‘iklwi i! in ett ini cud v i,i n ■ivu as 1- ;• • Ida's 2:«ii g'n'eruor last -i-ek ex- [ pres cd pir.siit'i- * be• ■■•cessur,! Fuller Warn n J' Jacksonville support mg d-e rcgioniJ eM":MMn 1 jim crow jir..gram Bark from S. v mini) router coco id which an in lei.si ale biuigpi v. u proposed for actually putting : the pl..n into efteet. C.ddwcll j.;id • he was- especially please.) with I VI arroll's s uv: . f SWEET HONEY BABE and MIDNIGHT !.N NEW OR LEANS. Good .-.tuff these two’! . Babe v an insi;; ’lncntal typical, of the ' k-sides entitled Bc-Bc>p which gives fans a taste of the various styles in bop and what future i trends may be. An impressive r. ray of • talent is gathered aoout four leading < xp-ments of lar i':' narm ly i ~y Thom and His Lucky Seven, Coleman : Hawkins and his ork. Korr'.y * Clarke and his 52nd St red Bo vs and Bop King) Dizzy Gillespie and his ork. Luritv decs FROM DIXIE ■LAND TO BE-BOP (Or Condon Meet, Gillespie.! .with BOPPIN : THE BLUES. Dixieland varrie, a flavor of the New Orleans style ITT !) YOUR FAMILY FROM RHODE’S POULTRY AND GROUE.KI MARK LI 708 Qt INN ICR LY ST. When You Nrr Out For SPORTS Slop By T’bo R .S. BILLIARD ROOM 412 E. Blount Sf, CROOM HAM) LAI M)RY tilfl Mitchell Wooten Dili*' DAMP WASH )ui!K Blankets - Flat Work Mr, A- Mrs, William (’room, Prop- I VISIT ANCHOR'S INN Where Friends Meet and Greet Fancy Groceries, Good Beer Always, Good Music i R. F. D. 1, I Mile North of [ Kinston EJmmet Simmons, Prop. BFCOND SECTION ■.s .- line. ai. ::ilcn-tr pa’t us .n i paii entitled JUMP , LNG FOR JANE and HALE STKP DOWN. PLEASE. Kenny Clarke and the hoys do an ..•?<< d mg EPISTROPHY and ROYAL BOOST. Titles CUBAN A BE an 1 < ■ BAN A BOP anneunr- (be ■' trance of King IV-z. and h.is >;• i • :th a pair -- frannlv t N xored with Cuban-African vote! ~nd perouixsion- effects with te-e ole- iazv. ni'chc.strrd sound e Bop the on' which feature; ti ecently deceased Chano Pczo on cong,.» drums in the intro: -he throws in some wen ci voc-'.i sounds throughout the piece. Among the kick artists playitu’; m this alburn art Benny Carte and. Budd Johnson, alto sa> ;; Red Calirndcr. ■oars; Dodo Mai morose, piano; Fats Navarro, trumpet and others, VAUGHN MONROE SINGS Victor does a er-triplele turn ! about in its Musical Smart St series of albums and puls Ork Leader Vaughn Monroe in t;>. vocal spot on eight sides ol ML favorites. The Monroe vocal stys • iiug is heard alone, with chorus and with the Norton Sisters ",'■ -uoh ifmelrss hits »< BEGUIN THE BEGUIN E. THE MOON WAS YELLOW ANNIVERSARY SONG. SOMETHING SENT! MENTAL. OH PROMISE ME, BECAUSE TH E WIIIFFE.N POOF SOM. and WITHOUT A SONG. PAIR JAILED AFTER CRASH A "1 ,-■ Hr, , wii;,.re I-'.,. - ! it!' 21" Siei!i'lfi'dd Street, r- i..- 1 ;my charged with drunken driving and leaving the >ctGft of an acci-! don 1 , Farrar was found Sundav | night shortly after bis cai ran ovci : ■,i 20-so-M cmLankment by Stab H!Cis -, ;i\ Patvolm.., - ] M I’a;, , l.r'ie and R. F. Ad.nns - - -r - i ! Cron; flv. incidcuf Samuel Hinton of 12 \v< .: N.->it.,' i Street, a passenger i>, die -u! - v. 'also charged with public dnink "C:-s Both men. it w., i ->•!..j, ‘crawled out of the w"recked car! and fled. The aecideut oreuricd ' near Caiv Ere b vrgeinbje.s conlain ~ .i.v nceexsary vitamins m ip. end , lemrnts r,> iin|xn g,- M r i health during the winter months So Much For So Lin Sc f TH/S HELPED j ME TO WALK KINSTON Musical i Jottings | VV c. Hardv, eimu.or. r and .. :;.,bt ot the St. Luu..' Bines an : pc an. d as Ihe guest es tumor nt i L, tenth annua! B. . L-I | I ,•[!)..!I game in Meinn •. . form,, ! j Dec. Ist. and wits quoted as ■ ay- 1 ling. "I think Negroes oie pa" Img ten mucli attention so Pu? •pc an musr ’ Tins sir; a mt r>\ | : iwdiatelv i : ..tight two i ; inu ' icu.v u lit One, was the fact that \ Mr, !!. mH;\ b;n| r. ; ul, t!;n :, : r-, i remark to me mi ay year, ag<-, I and tii,- other was the in: t. bed : ■ there has been for "years, i gen- , j or;i { feeling nmung critics ot mn- j ':-,ie in America dial all Ai.,- ’ ; |can composer.; have somi a bat j I overlooked ‘heir rich heritime ; ;.n ! fncitnalinn to !olth - ire;:-' European schools o! thong hi ;n : composition. In 10'4. Mr Handy expre.s.-ed j ; tii'- Mi,- in ino that >t Am( r: un j Negro musician - would r'udy 1 and May more Bongs and Ids j Bach, ihey would bp m loss Jan- j , ger ;>f ■•losing' artistically and eon- | 1 ncmically, the ihenefit of an Art • Fo; m which. had. he.-n origuuued l .'ey Ncarn Musicians. I ha! is. the • |popular typo as it is being play-; ,ed and sung all over the cuun'.yy , I tod a v Ki thr greater p:i it. !J. ; j music is an outrgovvth Iron the ! 'ol i: rn:i.-.ic ’ A men a • o 1 'i!ih ■,l fd by the Negro. The tact th .u - I PKO star P, :: "I •■■' Ev Ml V .' hop- « : orod by his home town le ;t week • ■ when 1 11 .> fellow citizens ,;rcscr*t led him a cojitplotely furnish'd) I six-room house. wife and son to the new heme, j j handed him the keys to th • fn nl i fdc.v. and told, the Ewells to move | ■i '■ i.'. i\ ■ in. Fund;, for thus gift .vro* col- 1 ■ iecti ■: or, Bar;no Ewcii d-.r. , Sr ptemb. r at special . :■. -v:;. '- ■■ . m his honor. One of his Olyppic- | ; teammates, Harrison Dillard, took ; j'.-’t m that program. !•' c-. ell. at 21. -an «-;••>••• i ;o 1 j phou, finishes in the Ifai and 800 [ yi-civi d.isiu ; and :, = n ■>>' ■ n ’■'• a rung U. S. relay team L tb-c , • Olympics in London last . ■ m WOM \\ HIM) O's imimi in (oi m VVf >M A \ m i ,)) 0\ 13 I>t Citv c-i?gi k, id Mi- od.c>- ■i 13(njii<:in rtf ,;0i :v‘nth ;.LvUl> 'Sire'*? who w-K-f »'Lsargcd wi(h )zv ief itv from Oir pejrson, v-'hn bound ' i'voj; ljnrJur s',.*'.*<) bond for trial ir? W;ik f .Si 1J 'f'Fu i r f ’<»!*•(*-. The dofcndonl Mik\£’Od?y ionK ; $ 1 5 f\ ; m Minb?r ('hcck o{ R • - '• ■* e-■> JS&p yfe feS. •'■„., ." j*B@fl P -oft# "- "« , >V v •■•<&■■ ,'gVG' ' . v . »+£’ '■ .fcrjqqkijuffc? /: ;\ ..., ' - ? f,.. :T" ' ;•■ - ji T~^ ■ An - marker* like three •*.ill he seen by 30,000 private pilot- who fi.v every in Ph over Chicago, a- v< fu!< of prmrram la.mrhei! by Mnrtin-t-enoui naira t**:ipany arei Civil Aeronautics AdminiMralion. Above Wiitiam M. .'''. a erf, |o t . inert m fern* company, exam inc ■ ■ : .-71 atop own plant Direct! ’ ■■. mark* - : nhr\. ; , fii-o „j ;,y similar .. ! to private pilots to be completed w; hip nvd few jponti -■. ,-t . »Nl h ‘ - i % -I { I quhT v ’V V • *fU; i/tV i 111 Jk ' j3G ! ", . It- ~ i ' ITO>V i V ■ ;. ~ ' J '-l . • - |A;I V \ Wm- V;i-HOt)r' : "an . I!'#.!/ / . , • \ u Hlf LAM r ’. »■ • j \'- - c2 '■/"'••. ■->. ( ,-*'f'V / ,'i - ''A,aC6 QilfCK POTTOS’. f ' ' v >s' ' ■' ' | : ~-■ ij Ij■ ■ I < ' I [ lA> Cl! f THc COST - T ' , I HLFCTRfDIV FOR ' V/rAG J ■?* j /WtCAGf: 'd-'V'h p./ . \_ '.-.A . ! . sA ! h'EARty 59% z i'NCE 1 r v - -J '. ,_-X ’.l. .. ' L “—^MSSJMSaBWaKWRSHBBBKS'T' '^^ i 77T°r2c/ x /> C M£r TOO ~ AND I'M NOTC-OtWr Y. ( fODOA f -r= mope? Hcmzw&JK wan / - v - THEY 6HVE ME, PRCTTYA- Y ■. •£» AW ■.. ■[ j - ---X ?' ~ jJLjf HOW'S THIS, BREEZY ■Xl'Ll •STAY UP A-a tATE A\y ! V WEUrL,SS\I I APT YOU TWO Y'SE£, EVERY,/■ 1V ASOpT£ :■ W YSA,p,FO/ JNY TROUBLE OR-y fj J f-.Kt OMD SECTION r' v. •■ mr *ml", TTFr) [ID C. HINA •• m; j T’ A A;: MOM - 1 ■' A, '■ - y/ •~• yr^.* f-AT Sir wriTWTiM- waZ ) ] HA/P OODLES OP FUN ]7 ANYWAY TRjr-N OS K TRYING- TO 3R£ A K J V ... - > \ kV* 'paia < /' jii l, i : ; ; \HArn T . *n,■■«■*»w. .wg.fcWWrtii <.•■ l .i,ny«i".‘.- V’vtfn new (ini:;'am i ot ro . i■■■ s; in 1 ii an-i !•! j ll l ■.■rit.'i!<..■■"■' m :11 <••• t iii ii•• 11 eii i:1111f• i ,!| i aii.ii' a> ms ' .ii ■ imiui by Cm I! S l)e pal Pa'Olt of -\;;I i |!lire and I:< V S Minnie fu- r •• fVmt-i sion Ttu- j r.-in, u: | j ,-■ • i.• ■ i r ■,, w fan 'it !(’s. sir. Ii a ■ a.er< idiom. l •• an ! '"boi ' a b.ii'ci! frir.-', Joi Is 'iiiMiti..', ■ .adiouetivc rl'micais. hi eon s(.fueled by (he. Alomit i-'a, ~\- Cnrnm:: top :.i the T• tm; f, - Simpm. itolls: ;iir. Md. Soil ~:: i i' pi'iid -i iia i!; ■‘ - ,'.. |h» ;I-1 j f f o Hna ..i ot PI a ■., i jrdi: v t , j, - • ■ Atp'ii •: 1 11 , • .■• Viujinei-rinp. V vu’ ‘ wm. --r-,- , FLEMING BROS SLR VIU STATION Or’'. Oil, Fresh M u mri Groceries, Cold Drinks Ice C; am Dial 212-8 Groceries Delivered Ayden, N, C STLWAKT BROS. SODA SHOP U lien* P'Ht'nds Mop! i v st. ruu«w r « f> i^Hnan n 4liMi. r , l . I Be Ik-Tylers I THE r AMILV }>F'*T. STORE Qualify Met. h-ouiie At Popular Prices KINSTON, N. C. WHKN YOUR RADIO rn » GIVES YOU TROUBLE gj N V hen you can i Jean back and listen ui ) comfort because of burning or stwtic TAKE IT TO DAVifS RADK) SERVICE ■ £} 1506 DEMOND ST. ' IN LINCOLN CITY. KINSTON i Malachi Davis, Prep, I f Iff WCi-L,CHUCK LEAP V'TAR -S m OVER AND WE'RE CAFE ' SO # j WONTYm Wl RESOLV& NOT TO ACCEPT ? fMRRY r Xm, " "Qamy . Kinston Business Men Aim! Women Sponsor Hus I 1 "age - Patronize Them IMOIH rmsth: jk. HOTEL ii: HJ;A f I V si.i i f Ii:: N, DAVIS STRI.I-.T ‘ rtt si-ui.' O rooms Hot And Cold Water nr >*i a rif Quiet Location n*'*mn»i**r***‘ t ~m. |TT . r -, rrniMmn l Aulornobilcg Now In Stock D'lC Chevrolet 2 door Heel line 11118 Plymouth A door Sedan ITS!’ Plymnith 2 door Sed-art lO'lii Ford 2 door Sedan 'B4B Ford i door Sedan 1948 Chc-v, 1-2 ion Pick up Many more to choose irem TERMS: 1-3 DOWN Up to 18 Months to Pay Balance Immediate delivery on any make or model. No Trade In Required MID-TOWN MOTOR CO. Located N. Ourcn ;il Opposite Hotel Kinston Ob*::*, livening:, Until 3 Also Norfolk, Va. ! 2400 Gram by St- )T— TO LBT MO C .U.VTO THf SHOw JI jr t< w fTHATY DOOD/.. AND I POSIT iLLUyJ LVvONT CHAJLUHOt JOB LOUIS OR < X H API PA THIS N EAR l WON'T L PT) PAP 6-I VP ME MORE THAN A " THOUSAND FOR MY ALLOWANCE 0 PAGE FIVE