PAGE TWO CHAVIS HEIGHTS .Vi! s Hu - U o'.y> ; it of W ,i:n D. .spl the Ohrisi .i i !: .v'llh ..1 . . M’.'.'i. i’;or., ui i J-:;i;ikixn t :-; ract-. vote. hr . i- . ' it' t. 1 v.:; ;• .: •.i'u nn'ir. S’ A.v s Lospiitl. (.' : M' \>f ?'•/(' South ln* Kim’; has ; - tur« '! home n in’t* tuo iinliri: vs in T . Tmm VoS oik! vinut’h C'om oiina. of I Hyde- tor i’.;./ L Tlivb in New York , j.;n; JacJrsr-n of •' Cha .. ■;: r ■, •dr; 'cri in New York .: v F C’ha’ivii'if'!-. Jr., of Ft. k , v-,-.: horn;- visiting ho; , ,V, Chandlii ;■ of k . a’ of Now York. - ) imnieci rirnno v/utin;. .:. .! o- . Mrs. Evelyn Wesley ■: kr fiouily o: 21 Chavis* We / o .■ T 7 T run ;t■ *'. *. ‘ • *’ y (\>' c - f yf ';i i ; ■' t / •:-; i-.ii's 't i\:> r T ■ A a i»* I.Yl» LS t ' jJ I i J 1 . ■*.{ i\ 1 v i ’ i i Ax cir <■»! d.t / • ck 1 ~ . . !v ; oio , Vo. ksi.iuil, .-i.a.i \: Aiui’.a XJur-.i, Zebu - : ■ H ; 1 l.i’.’f.’orr ; <.-r 28. Tmi'l y.j(] !vl: ... Lu • o i; (,f li’ji.’i,;!). JX-. \ ■. .. G. Pay ho an, i Mir k: Whiteker. both of fta i. .. . ii. v* a. m. Iti Tit dt'or- : .. ... y I ; r . i .] • ■ . Biixtirif/. i: ;.’;o. ; . ; IS ' h I.* (. . j ..! ! ’.Vo jj. ( 00 i .!• ,1.1 1',;:., ; i V, i I ! . o;, :I | 2’.1 ’! i”!,i i. G,o’dru-r, 204 S utl ’ •1., ) ' ~. j , ’O , ■ Cj ... ~,, ;; -.. ■ ; Shepard, Oxford, anil ' » nT o ; , jffik W. ; ■ . t ;t> ,<i rot i;t <»: i- \ k\ ’. : v a.o Aorko Fettifiird, 1 ' - * ’ •• i • -, f j ...; r* * J ~ : i: Dr. w H. PtfiHford and a-. ‘ r 'vr;Jot-J. Alien B ociiio rd. iTaney Lee Gales i .. T o o ilobi'oi Gale; Ar.o'O -1 ’ o .].!,\ in,i Debnam; ■ o • William Po:: ; m 'o j.' r .r: rs of Loss L. ''.. -espondeiji!* above named 0 notice lit. t a procOrT!toji ’Vc * ’ki’led 1,... t'.r’t m to • ■ ■ in Ku; iov Court ol 1 Man < Lint! r. S'.m’j' .* ’ . j ; Jir :: ’1( ■ T’Ct *. 1: 1 tt.od v “’* Ao In ■ i’l’tt'.fea */ Alien B Pec ii .tod wife, if Hi-y Luv'.na ! >fhi if, r; )t:, y i re (;.:!• • ;,l)d hu • b C- • t and any other; i : ; * •*i into <rt in ihr aa l(i , ti-o : ' IV. , i.i, in No To-e of the L of tim Sn • a;ri <.f WaLe Coaoty m N”tth ('.uriii’j and an;- dfrnw to the said eon,- . ' ■ . t.: . dio” | : , ; ■ m I,SU' of lire ■ odit of the •' 1 •; ~l‘ !• a:., or any : 1 ” • i;■ . . *,;at. /'.o. have am* or’ r l.iieit'ii! tie.,, iti,ed in >! 1 -'’ • '.•! i.therliii or tin v ,v:ll • ; 1 ■ . , a’:, ;,i• ii forevor banciJ. o' !f a'le.i'ed that the. ttav-t i 1;t!r in the i.toi,! propfr ly ii * or. i .Jay <•( lie. if*lß. :• it v. ji.soN * a . !■' Kapi i tor Co'trt t vi ( t fn:\ \oi*< »•: •, . liiiLO a.s >\cciulrix ’■: * !' : .tl’ ot ,1; ~!> I<'C J 1 IT l.’i’.e of V, ...k ' Conoty. t.iiis i. to *”t:fy till !* • ■’•■* t-.'-Mcl.r-nix aiimrot the • «.r raid deceased to exhibit . to the undeisigned on nr 1 T'. ree.l>er Id it*t:. or this. I’.nliee vvii! i,,.- pleaiird in bat oi ii.-eir nr . y All pt'r.utiS indebt ed to ;..od fs,ate vrilJ please make irnnit-uiale psytnenl to me. T*'.).s the day of Dec., 1948. ?.lfi K. MATTIE FEI.TH, boo K. Wesft Street, Execu trix of the estate of John h. Dec. lb. 2k■ Jan. t, b, IS, 22, 1949. are nry.ed to hr prr.scnt John t.’ha vj- s the o' vrirk nt Mi.. Vb’tiirt Wesley of 10 AT, t'.n’i'rtrr iitis I'rt. nurd home a!u . "isitiiiji ’hei brother and sister in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Satnun WL'.iVi of Nk t’folk, Vj , i o'.'rTd.Jy. Mrs Elizaoelh Jenkins and Mrs. Susie Watts: of New York: City wort; gi tests of their a uni, Mrs. Susie McOluiv ol 506 Sutii’t ! iav '.vend Sf rei’f rf;cont iy Mts, W ilke Mae Jlan rnißtoi Wc.sair.tfton. JX ik. Mrs. Jam-.r Htinter, Ourhatn.: Mi; and Mr..; James Han inti ton Apex; Mis. ifi.'i shell Hi -fiit fi, ol Apex; r.jci Mrs. Risbt.tca liciuiott vvere i, rent farmer a*test.-' of M s. Md vrna i: arrow ol 4 (faa; ,s vVay. given at the horn- • o! Mrs. Ideiin A keautifu] sarpteso party was AT. t iw, 3007 Powlr St root in it**!:- n> of Mrs. iVlarv Maude Rogers. H’wk'sses war- Mi, - Idclia Askew atui Mrs Berlie C. Jones The house was b« autifully do ■ coMk. ad anri the trann table ccn itice cloth Candles and a beau Tdkii iartadav raki w r< mt-si * :i on the table Numerous low r, .rifts vyere received. Ciiickcii salad, potato chi'iia, BIRTHS to tin* followinfe cou);)ot lh C- O ( '•' 'll iiV !\\ t)jC pH'vt W N.K San; I■’• 1' end i;.s- Ltc-V Bov-./ ilEiom/t. 3, J• • ill IBch niilh arid -Vi/--. Mad /Mr.':. Bullock Hi., .i : T:; th. 21 > ’ .*. *- , Street, i'. ;. \\ Ann, Occc.niber 25. J'aii'c ■ Ifenry and. M: Eller Burrell Cai v. Route 1. a baby .<on, Jcir-er. Henry, Jr., 1)/(.c’Viber 2’. Thomas Lawrence and M-- Glod.v/ S:nith La’.Vic ru Srn’iot c . .Rout:.* 2. a :->a. wo*. v\.;- , ,A -vv* a Novembm' Hi. ! liartoV. Km.moy Spr nr . * lieu’.o /• a ;•<)«•, /*vjex . o ) i : ; > A r 25. ;] , Mr lb< 1 Sni’.Ui Powell, Neuro .0 son. H i * ; i ]j< . Dt comber 2a. mi mis & flmvmALS Lurch on Thuts T last ■■ anti hiilowrd bv intrvment in tv m- lOi <VIH V, •(Ira: •' W T Vku !v t .. . , ; ~ .i--,..;.- j f ‘. ! li’. ~’ ’i t.v iAurmen't w C it M? H m. C • a. ~ . ... / \y, ■; ~ ~i* *. r. ( , }»v jntrrmont the- Mt. imp. Cemetery, Firm; mYs fr-r B : - Wilks* la ' Hicks who died on Saturday. De on Wcdnr- lav . 1 Inst weak. Funeral a waa., for Osceola T ag-jr v.h'a died ;ri St. Agnes ih'.spifal n Tnursuay. F-a. 23. woe ht!d at tin- Fi.-t Baptist Ci'.urch on fu rdnv of ias-t week. Ifitl rn rut a a ,;i Mt Hofc Crn’.r ,l Final r;tc.. for John MeritU • -.t hir holt i in Wuk < un-tv S;r: k.y rninp tvt'r . ,r,di;ctcd from the At, Matthew - Chu.’.h on me laiuisbitre Roan Wuhra sday Su'vivmr bis xvtfo. Mr-*. Annie Merritt five sons. John T. Cam Jaaw a:at R 'wrt M>r ritt lUiU’i;ib. attii J.croy M ■ :;p NJ; ’ioik. Ya.. aiid > w o ca iar.ters. Mrs. Ann;-- J irk. ; art'] ~iCb’i'trude M* tacit. Lav.v ~f \y ,j, • C-vu'Mtv PERSONALS M:’ ,! Ml .1 P H- gv'V'Hl oi Gin,hi it. N J. were in Hairigb Chii-tnii, vi:*'tniK Mis HogW'oodV . fattier. Gee rite WarkloY’n of -iM ' \V South Street, v.lie f ... be* n ron fpied to Sh A*"i '• f:.- Hospital Mi Wa.-i'iington a a ,a.-rllary’ru la st Agnes mi Wcdncmay ~f 1,,-t 1 ’.vi-i.'k ;:r.d Mr and Mis. H h'.WM'.d • i.; a it’ i i :: ::ir V) !ich a (Volvic- A Hint n es A|">; Route 1. la.-- enlisted -r. the army Me- • t.k'la.’K'Ov Cain ol 1102 K I.a .a Stand peni Ciiri;tma!' in :v,;. Mr,, op .1 F:>yetU.v; a .',t..te Tuiclt’i •: Col 1 ’• e sperd • ( V ■ nr. :: 11. the < J!.y «s the gucT J M; a Ola b nr; tf•!7 Cani.istir' ■ Street.. She war., dinner gat ;.l *4 Mu- Lia. rl. Duvn htr ,V;mc ut titiii Cab., Sbeo Monday. Mr .- H Marie Halt ol Br "-klyn N. Y. is visiting ie; parent.*. Mr. : and Mrs. E. VV. Hail, at 215 Sea wall Avonue Mrt Maiind;, Vardergriff and he ■ KMorc Malinda Mitchell hav*: ] returned nonie from New York • City \vh< m th> v spent the holiday ; i with Mrs Vnndeigriff’s dai'j'bler:.. Mrs. Carrivli Kaleigtt and Mr.-v Jaine, Tucker. They reported a i fine t rip. The North Carolina Jersey Cri tie Club will hold its annual ••)•>•( ’■ ■ ing hi Statesville January J 3. V/iUAH !trtuo imoH he fid SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES January 6 13 Thursday. Januar ■; 8 1 5:30 p.m. Ltiril,': Himier G.;, Y Cluib :7:00 p.m. Junior C-iizcrC Club Friday, January 7 7:30 p.m. Pinochle and Bridge- Club f;,00 p.m. YMCA Men’s H* ail*: ! L; X U l> Saturday. January 8 V '.io p.m, Fva-ture Muvii- Sunday January 3 Monday January 10 I2;;')(l p.rn .Mi. T.-to: ;j! Akialire 5'30 p.m. Gra-Y Photo Club 7.30 pin. IP Y Photo Club TOO p in. Ministerial Union Tuesday, January 11 WOO p.m Wnsfhii.gton Gra-Y ClUb 7:30 p.m. We.-Oimutniv Hi-A Ckdi T':v ■ Ah' Wednesday, January 12 6:00 P.m. Crosby Gariicid Gra-Y ( ' 'j . • Cufcterai. Do, mi lory. Library Everyday I. ■■ tinge. Musi:.' n*,om. Recr'-ation ‘ (ti bi,” tennis, bowltn;.;. C uAdiiiui. It'"! m ition. Civ tl \ PEI/ 1. **'• i’-V JOSI.I’HtN S ikULi 11, v>,:jnp Pcoglo s Folio' 1 /.hip u’ 11 - if.*, of and j’jt Js |if*in.i* trai< - ; ; -ih Uk. i hi (lent* U . ■t, ; i , W. Ar xi tf Tgi piil .Til . ’. *’ • i :'. •';' i.. ■ - ’ : f. i :i. !.( 1110 •> ;vi it i !,: t{d iY v;y S'c/ :. Fit Git j >u> ‘x y t t 11 ) i ! t.,! .v*i •'' L.-fc v <. ; tu liy ,'jj 1 {.. v U't )tni Si i’f 5 - !, $ I I [j t.airlar rnt^iTNNiYf 1 n,j j....... i Gif) I v **<Ul(|l»s 1. YV ii. ( t (\Y ila! ,0;V- ’H'tl v l . nil i 'Tfi mu} Cc I]i t / : ii< ' O/j i f:v J .:CC* . Dit* ai/o r-a snd while. Gv'.a.s bx •. s v/ero v ;<Ki bv .Mr:- Alio v Cotkiti, Twirs Annie Curr t* Tii’s'k* I.,ky Itu, •;>(’, Stanch The i.fiieers es the club are Mrs. A •■•fie (T;k>. (-i'tTdrnt: ~h> Eva ■J we pjesi'i, nf M, v. i.iSmart, sec ;;| ; , Mackiin. treasUi '. i; vid Mr • A,': Lane, business manager. Momiic:; ~re Mi;.-- \;.ti i si I. T- kill- \V,, •*. hucy .Mi.... ’iii-iy \e m. ; , M,-. Eliiiaboth .Mb- N.ria Li ii.-. Mu Mary t oiton J«e -itauc' ,■ . Smart Kolas Sand .{ VISITS ‘NEW YORK Durham Mrs. Minnie Page of 0.10 Lincoln nv’tnue bar. j ,.t.; returned trim the IT N." Y„ vvijt .(■ \d' i‘h* lioljilay i f run Gc,, e, l G ~ After crmcluduu: pleasant vi”',:. A hleh time she ton. :-<i some ol the inter', sting places iciripanied bv Mr Gill, 'returned t Daiiiam Fridas * , ' - 1 ■ oa• MCILTH ..., uie * f lie.' .V ' • ... ... 1 HNicodttmut said: j tjijk. •*»;* •<;•, *.: ’jiff ; Rabbi, wo know thou ! ~ ’ ' S ■. : Jo-3=13. THE RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME* ! 24-HOUR SERVICE 323 HAST CABARKIjS ST. C. A. HAYWOOD, Owner j «awWWltM«iiii»*Mi—MU—■ ■M J m«»»>..tM«t.^,.^.^.... fit .i-.- I|Tf[ .. lf r , . ii_LT.nrm.ifi , ~. ~ ~ . . - , _ i IIE C-VIIOI TNf i\ E MISS LaWS WEBS L.n o.ifßiTM n§yrpi uH; rJ-iCd m n ht p,mm MILU H 3 C AHN£U is C MicS (, lad ■ s . ('.Jdwe'l Law-.*, r! ap.htcr of .\i; , r,d M;; Cl auric I.r.'.r; «,{ Garner ! slid Joseph D. Smith, vm of ’ l Kii Se. it ii th iate ’Si;*. ; Smith <a .Raiei: !. sprt n, ,■ : rie:. S ibtrriay I.)i ,■ ■, be: 25 at i.aO t) ('‘Oci’X in 'lit.* rotT’i- Ol ti)(’ bridi/.*> The Rev. Go*.»rge S-tt»Kos )/.:■• 1 V/. ;<<• Gr. vv}’{;si Ci'urcr. A Goiuei* offic’aiod ot rhe c uubv- ! ii in c/re/nony Ul the presence of J the jiniTM-cliiiie fi»milu-;s und dost* ; .\ p* ; of !Hint Li n;uMc v. • • .-o y-’ v.; b\ ;.l .- Ethd JHiV c.- ,r*ri:i;yt aiui Wiliainis. ■T’ c uricio. i4i\or. in msifby 1 fnther. was a picture of ioveii- ; in a wlij-o crc-oe dr.-.-pod y v.:i 1 oo hc.aildresj* of vbamiiy iacu ’ • k-T jf's w ere. and be/ ; . >». . h.oiiquot Wms of white .uid : voiiov/ I'uye. Her io\’vl*; was OH-' Oeii.c i.> y bacKyioi/nd of Fa In is :-iui tt nis w )ute . iaaioii, {h..o .<CttL-iis and cu: ra.-noo.- Whit< , d,c • •‘•y- trran tlu .11 cuuA- * c -.-Tiw N. V. i. .ri c:n-wo::kor ot ; ; Give hnde v/a>* or oniy atiendanl. J ahe \v : • aUilfd m <• u iKflSIi tftf so» a 1 -out v/i!o s.ivor gi cvssorioy a-nd ‘ . i’. a/j i •.i »c*d r ’i'ilt K!' Y ; Y. .;;i v. .. ntiloflCied I;;. ' ‘fj v»'. Otiv ib •!>0; 1st;: .• in ( i/y i io\ »u rn yt-I K ; «;!•.■•* L liw, a/oyiCu ; ’ <! o \’V. \ colorful roGvption Tile 1 v/t ft yKtlerj b> Misses K:. •. Ib.iT. !■!,Y!i. K’t ■: ,• William.-. I K bp and Blani:, ■ -pied . ■ M: Mattie > mm aunt i,f t! . !,, Me. .vilsre? '!’ e I’• *.’•( .. T id,-.: Flu:.,,’ j i " ' :: ;'y ’ V O- Or. .b j ■tlvT jl'ifHe *' | • -’Ori- v*,’’• many j/ fi'tini ll ' : ■ 1 guests included Mr. < •d Mi•- Met';,ri wJ Alston, Dr. T ' .' ? y. I , Jf. . \ > , *' t . A r , , ! "v! I.\ P!”|,,J r , : i , M ' : HIGH SCHOOL ;,s ‘ : r,e\eii i ■ Ti Sluiwes of ii;,. " r -' Si -aie portrayed ' Sir i, : ' Jei ' Sterling Brown The :2,n j • 'l*o <’Teu . K:,. ■’ l . ’he iii'.iMc if... emovedi ' SO'Ve.',.-' ~:.d AJ'.e, fit . , l; : ;>, iii.'irtc::' ;,i A. aid T College. Vn- O’ Stringfield iuis returned ' ■ Nor’h Car 1n... Cn|!e.;e and Be- ! M Murpiiv ’. j; , i turned j,,| im joliowi’-.e lorn,,''. (•> | i> rtsidents win, arc it-.din? m! ner str,te...- spciil t:v li.J; lav” >■ ■ ’ 1 :i ueuv Mr. anti Mm Hen- ! ' : ‘■ ■-' n 'il Nr wa rl . \ ,1 Alts ; 0 '' *• Hollingsworth t w -j,. : D T . M . i. ~ !, \\‘■ : j xx.\<> leaching in iOaCOii (i i I •ie- Willie Fennell who m U.uh j 5. V. UIJi.S i'K i l i!i-: SCO* I (fULMIVi; N’.'V, York 'ANTE The- pr-tt.- j ’: sown skinned pirl on th, pi .I I scout calendar foi 1046. is 11 i • « ■ j 1 Jf i.i ii Mi’Kini ?V t V.'• MISS C.S Fi 13 Fi'O I~j WEDS DR. CLARK IN NUPTIALS CONDUCTED IN MOBILE MOBILE, a: Mr s I. obel T im,.. C ’l i.-,"oim ,N Atlanta, Ga I became the brine of Oi WHF.nv, | I i', einau Clark ~f Raieiel; N C ~ donkdo-i ia” eereni, r.y ia id C.hrLtaia.s no,'r. hi tt-.e oi L', ■it Mr* Em-.i:,’ H G ”U r.i ,\io - ecietuoh.v •.•ondticti.d bv iiir Lev C. L . Airs. ! mat/on of h‘ ?ior. Du Goodi/ a t:\u>‘c ircyc oi lia i;:aoin in college* o.nd niodteal /ciiool was the cost in. Th..- b, 'do is the l:le, Mr. and Ml -' J oh,, 2. art li: ( " . : .Ii a of [‘tiiiad,Tit an.-om e', t,I 7T - I* ■ (. ,-: ■ ■ .. , , , Inte William '1 Cla-k ol Bivmlng- Tiie iii’ide v'.al :n a i-lt- suit " mined r, la nzc- henrir was giv en •:ri":' a‘ D: Ot,\er .S Gum,.s who served as proxy for Mr Ci Tholm. M' - Ciarkk- (: .-red dai); \eianv orchids as did that • ! t.hi; matron <■; iiunor vvlto wa.- I'D' 1 : da" ■ a i rt. I; 1. V e ■ the eerem-my i.iuducied Mrs. la;.::-.’.- i.liMat- U.iok.v. v.’l'a;, ; ei’Vt'd I Irk: ■ K G:mms. Lks. p " G ’’ie. Jr, Mr.- Auaad;, Davis sml is GaOrge K s!.may. D" Clari. a .ara,el TT,... •J.-ya r ..... ... . j •., a o.t m\ t t/if;f.‘ ::I‘f •; t ;t■ }?;• joi* - • i,: " a! I Ol' ' : ii-, LAST RITES HELD i;,' w'ke saufiir ran a, 'trsitt Fumy a) si-. vkY-/ lor .ILhn Mor ritf v. no i!iu(! t 1 l i/ !i!.mu* u. Wake Counl\ Sunday irKininn wea: d Woth N ti.i.y aftorrujon ti'oin i he *b M.. ' w < Church an ' Ho. Mi ; An ;io Morrin; live sorw- i •:» rjHiOj Etnafj-nt oi : cva\\ ! Joan 's father is a , oroha- - Used Record Dept. 25c !- ai j for $r Co i v \ inc i,i cm LOi 1- JORDAN SI; Vi !i> N ,>u ii., ft It.iby? Pt Stilly Ami fakin' SISil K KOM il l IHOftri T< Vi in i 1 - The Saul m tUi;; Gi:d Don’l I.ike It NEW RECORD DEPT. DURHAM MUSIC CO. Ol RAL.IGH 307 '-outli \Vilnun?lon St. (M ill. H A I Sal<-”>abage ( o FOR MUSIC MACHINES PHONE 8381 f ||LlJsi ljK j \\ <y- AHEAD TO A | S WBrAY merry I CHRISTMAS | ; | & ftt IN '49 / j i) JOIN oon NEW CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW ’ j )) /.jJP CHOOSE ONE Os THESE CLASSES ’>) I I vwiPH. IVoout n*efc!y N»tt,ve in 50 Weeks j(f {( 'T /""Nip- 1.00 ....... 50.00 (7 ! fl w liccTcii } | Mechanics & Farmers Bank DURHAM-RALEiGH I Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. IVII,. Ciiii’k is d• roc Dir ot promo* lion ai:d publicity I > Uk* Soutli-; ci:i field division ni the National j ; I'i'bau I.eayuc w Inch has- it head ;(j livci si i;.’ arid the Atlanta Sc'c.oa of Social Work. She is a member - i ij.-e i.'eb'i biyiTia I hesa Sorority . and formerly .served a, executives liircc r „f tho YWCA Branch at Following their hotu'vmoon the 11 H ::!<;] ah. II ill SO Ek'O/iDI.ASI VIAIJKS (~ U\\MR I) \\ CHICAGO tANp) ... Georg.' Wa,i,in. too Carver day was cell • hi 7 .r e s i tendon;. the National Achieve latent chibs. joc. on the night ol ; Jan. 5 at. t'L.'JO p.d. (CST.i over ; i the Mutual Bru'idcnstihg system. 1 ! Featured swaki.-: - was Dr. Alma 11 liar.v, president and founder of ■ the .sponsoring orgunination. Ii ; ) For a Satisfyiny Snack j Eat A ’ I ! HOTDOC 1 r : j r rom —• PETE and MIKE I Cor. Cabarrus u Dawson Si*. CAPITAL CAB CO,. SAM&STft BEBVX3B HOME-COOKED FOODS And whot ' meal it will be— seasoned exactly right, and every dish boasting a real home-cocked flavor. B & II CAFE 411 S. BLOUNT ST* i ' 1 1 "" Irn 1 " HAYWOOD'S SODA SHOP "Raleigh's Newest Soda Shop" » TASTY SANDWICHES © FOUNTAIN SODAS * ICE CREAM « CIGARS, CIGARETTES « COSMETICS • PERIODICALS JULIUS HAYWOOD, Prop. 427 3. Bloodworih Si. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JANUARY K 1949 three mm n CLUB 80RSLABY Thru.' Wain. men are hems held in the county jail li. .. in con weiu.u 1 . with a break-in which : '.ok place Thursday night <Dc •ember ;■): ■ ■ at the P> art H:c w a Negro radhmu? on U S. i<i«! - wav 04 between Wondelt .uui Zeb- Ii w.-s reported by Nu-kl De puty C. F Moore that Matthew Bridges. 21 and Grady Winston. 17. were charged wiih breaking . t■ ci ctiU.nng an.d larceny and re ceiving. Xu chart. > were made a rains! Milton Hnntor ltd who was boi:n. ; held pf-rding further : nvesl: cat .< a; of the case. taking approximately &70 in cash flora u jukebox, alone vi’h a quantity id cigars oda redd nod , r,d;. Deputy S!> -iiS' H C Hi ,- ' was her work ami the group’ • work that gained the President - approval and a cong]« s.s ion a. and ton t':,., nay a [h, first holiday for Negr-es in Pitt::- Se (W. 2 ] ! w tesll i l Ml\ ITT 315 FAYETTEVILLE St. i j I. I —l ■ 11- fr Vil -ii i rrfi Ti B Slll~ 1 nf i-|--e f--**—.e—--‘l-TSri-1-I -t> ! WAKE salvage co. We Buy sued Sell of Value FURNITURE —• STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS 337 S. Wilmington St Phone 2-2327 j * l*!*iiiW« k fTiijij'j»S»Ptn ' **’****•''’* Hunter Brothers . j For Quick Services For FANCY GROCERIES j AND WOOD DIAL 9393 or 3-1998 AND “Never Worry, We Are On Our Way" I ' | Dial 55P7 lor: i | --coal ; —FUELOIL | - KEROSENE | CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE S. CORRELL, Owner ■ DIAL 5567 307 North West [ -I Finance or Borrow On Your €ar j through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE 50. 122 E, Davie Street Phone 3-3231 —— ——-—— 1 ught HAULING HEAVY | LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL I UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Dawson St. | Dial 9478 - 9212 Ed, Umstead, Mgr. - - EW ■ ■■■ ■■■■ $17.25 ELECTRIC HEATER and FAN COMBINATION SPECIAL 12 95 TRADE - IN - SALE On Electric Irons Receive from SI,CO up on your old iron* Now In Sttock - Electric Water Heaters. Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hard-to-get Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES & SERVICE 224 E. Martin St. Claud Taylcr, Mgr, Phone 2-3950 mrin—tn I I --TI r i • ver-- a • ■■•.-! d - United Si-Bos farm poultry mi ion In mid- November war- Li 59 per iOO pourNiß, com u<: red -A’d, $3.(18 1m mia October -an*;i ».75 m ISkvom low- i I's i'ii >iiuc’. u»‘- Y:L ; .E-iued rail l : i, the inoM iavorable hint.e t ( M 3 ii t e ciii c ken- fcu d i;Uie tin- Di».vst favorable .since 19-44. and d, 1 i.ui Key -{.•.p.'tl ratio the most favor* I 25c EACH 5 for SI.OO r e; cord s For Guaranteed Radio Repair RADIO HOSPITAL 405 E. Martin Street Pa nice Radio Service “For Lading Repairs” 40ti GI IMVOO!) WLNt’E Dial 3-3123 We Lick up and Deliver | Complete fN~‘ Home | Furnisher,? !rfi“• | w. ? can fm nic . any room in 1 your b oo; from the living | room to the Iti’v hen.. See us i W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. 121 E. Martin St. i A Lifetime in Flames Why take chances on burning up a lifetime's effort in a single i terrifying hour when if* so simple and inexpensive to pro- ; iecx yourself against any possi ble niishap. Your home and family can be absolutely- pro tected from ANY disaster at but a few pennies a day. We'll shewfyou .how SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT ! BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. i S ' DURHAM N. C. | L™- - — ! DOVE 1 M(Siamip\NY ARTHUR DOVE Prep. I Automatic Phonojrraplis ■ Her;t« n ror Special Occasions 1 and riUt.-d on Commission ■ Basis SELECT RECOKOf OUR SIECIALTF 1 Dial 3-2744 f>9 r. CAB ARKUS ST.

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