BOS WELL AMENDMENT OUTLAWED M* >!>!!.l’, Am, —The lciij- r t-hy fight to a I rcc. and unrestricted n.n- '■>' for nil American citizens mov ed another step to nn! • Cory Friday when a tnrru- Jtidge Federal Court . iaJ.e. ed the discriminatory i>oa well amendment !• ■ the A inbaton State constitution. # 'I $y % 1 Y||| wkf. % ./<*&£§gt ■ Mil f§jg J §y t' ;. • e. .' .tv mm ,t la i' i o< line *>i Rat-ford loem ‘*! tin- Him ud Vim <*j’ : • N, C. TOP COURT UPHOLDS TRAVF.L SEPARATION LAW Thai the ■ h T be n- 1 •"mixinr. ’ ■■■' •' dorr I.- it V >-ui » "in " Suprcn .-hmkvl A cc'hmi in e ■ '• «nv e. nr! iw ! , The SUCe . m '"’ i; e Lev a (no * held, e 1 " ,!i! •"‘ i ' 1 Connie i' comae*.on of !'•'>.■ • md Ann. a S .aha iV'igi ',<•:. :nd To- < nit A. r.lla-a' .ind iarl Rmini’nl.i) uni: '••■c.iS.; The men had <<■ '.jir-diy be' l r-c.iitcin ed !•• i"i ■»••• an a . in Oraii■ • f m a- l-.II*--' '-a „-ve:.d- a fie; ■ a..! to i.r-vc- .. other scats when a a • i ».» no *r by n Can ' * V "idi < ;i| n;aniy t>n driver in (Tmipcl H;b "« April F 1917 or ma n m i i nsn When anr led. iiv n•- a ■ • member;; of a i lionahy knnv. n •> - ; gaiiizatoin to foster interim. 5 ?.! 'a cranee. ckmrrd !!..•<• tiny weve .•<» travel inn the:-Ugh the .)•' a to ted : the Stnfe'a rturgafion T’-r; ' .said that they were on •< Imsina. trip Tr m ■ ' 1 ■ in the University of NVi ti: hiM town vinra ■ 'Ue i h race riot. Sever".i iW'.hw" were held in the P-v.-a in win. i, be.c ed a tumeii'; dd •a p e (Continued on b a : i a' Ga. Jury Acquits Pair in Mallard Lynching Trial B> Sl\; r GOBRE.SPONDEM Lyons. Ga, - Jealously upuo. ing a reputation founded in i [amy and eidub! -'bod in a vynii and double standard of jus'i* an all white Georgia jury v i Tuesday to acquit two white ru accused of the lynching of a i gro who dared live better than ■white ne;.;hbO!s. The two me!- wcrr Wiliium Howell and .Roderick Clin* both 32-year eld white (sneers ;> neighbors of Robert Mallard, we to-do Negro tV.m'ral supply sal a# % tigpm • t*t t fßaßjaKiPr' * Jasrafl||S|g9jg ■ .‘V: .jlCTtptniiHFilwrT 4 KEYNOTES MEETING ! Rev. G. E. Cheek, president the Wake < ’ounty Mutual C sumers A"Wt»t« ’!> arr >• i■ I■ o ■ l ' 1 ' ’ es „ ielrcers and (mod t tapping from me ie-rroi’ after the dekm-e had called mm ! f r v (roiii f of he h‘ Sgl : i"i ••'re - h ."'.’'l l v , iH Hoi ell (or ■ i>« n ; ' g| Th iorot t .1 r• er and ■ {A. W Currie, t-oned n'l/’r defeir- ■' S| Willi'" • T of;. ~ 4 h< j gig kiicvr Th vci be of go-./d • ■ ueti:T whir they --.v.-ti ;i ■ * believe BYH - M i d undft oath (Continued on nock is! ecu on) S ‘TOO MUCH LOVE' I CAUSES MAN TO I MURDER SPOUSE Hf FAYETTEVILLE - A guars* j rein King fro;a a man':, deep Save |of liia com ••it 1.-nv wife terttllc' he iin the: dealh of the woman nd Continued .»n back Jsl section The miendmcnf. adopted r Ho win IT I'edera! Courb ndinys out I awing primary void resU'ictiony baned upon race or color, called for the reading, writing and nmT pretation of sections of the institution “to the satisfac tion of" local registrar?:. HUGE STRIDES MADE BY CONSUMERS FOR YEAR; PLANS LISTED • I!,;.. ;,;i !< :•(' a?: 1 A' 1 i' v . lip W.ile f a.- .'I eii-.i .Super M-irHvt tom;-, it ■ f: A Urn ot po*at-K.r 1 . .aa. . ' (he C. a 'pa ".ifa; vr f. rid !0' ".; !l : Mciiday hat lha vcnrii'" sf-nls only a . Tb Hr.a G. K- Clici. m • h- ■ ’ iff the Wake Conmimc/d' Motudl A'.ioriataun. c-d Hair. :h ■■ T'A. 000 wcekiv food hsll !•>! ;:,l llA: ,'Vlpnl l«t:A MT:ii s:-c- Balder Crunch that we Jtavc been con 1111510° r,; Tl' : Ot LDf’ E’TOd if.. MiV ‘-haven-! I'.ctt cna: '-m jhai’e. ff the O' 1 ■> : '.- K; a 8 via;.>. be d* < 'aice. l "‘ v.-hd- Um cthc- ichov. vv.rM r, the profit e l;i r,har> in t'v-c proPGi v.r l ’ 1; get nowhere HENDERSON MAH ' DRAWS PRISON i TERM IN HEATH HEN IVERSON ini ~rai; -rntcncc in me ... hi.ndcd dm ‘■ H Archie Am ■- I a. b’.v'Oi Conn ucro this ‘yfo-i All: . !■!' v'A'f rriliy *0 , j | , i f ill , f . j Gray last June 1 Gray died after bcw.' cut abou!. ; ihe arms by Amus <" tight du>- ‘ ill:: which Ain': had to dodge a • north- thrown in Gr : hit him with a piece of iron. : - High Crime Rate i n N.C. T raced to War •‘MEMORV ' VINE” OF PKISOM K is WOlfltV Id POEM E J | Officials at the Wake <'<*«»>•■ (v jail are til! scratching f ihelr heads and looking in askance into the < cli of H iliic Gilchrist of J'--’' < umon Street who tins suffered a "lapse of memory." Gik'hns!. mov laemg an m month ■entenre tor possession of ,i gambling dee’eo in the operation *.d * lottery, sayo ilia! h* cannot rernember the name of the man who lolled at his Gannon street residence to col ter t. money ;Hh’ged coUvrted in the operation of a numbers lot tery. 'd whet! iiiichrisi «•»:< m , ;ii, his residence on last .Decem ber 10. officers found a mm '«•> of number tic kets on his person n- and also recovered additional slips in the Gilchrist wood shed is i Off'ciais arc seeking some in manner in which to make Gii :) | ehrist regain bis memory. ••! Tout hi tiff upon the futin'c of Ffhe .!.• •• dam". A. Simp .md, and director of the ciiuca ' !''•!’..•>! eomniiUec ami manager ot ■ lire a.up--'r 'niatket, toe*, f.iie .iiidi . .0 pj;.i,n;-: lor all edlt<'atHttU+ ■ ; Ac f" hr held re Show Uni •vevsity m F.;r~v and f. •> til!. * *'. ,;;.!ioa!iei o credit, unioii to ■ ;be .yperated bv the association. i j The meeting was eiimaxi :i T vita the : •;•! id live persons a in fr; • jra.neea. on tile Asaerja I it.’.-na- ■board of directors. T'tc; a ..! nemhi-.t' 'I md nnatmnnurlv '-'A r .... office hv Ute mc-mbershtp ; ; ri c: U ,!c;i V I. Kaiford, Cbm i .. ; .]. ! j .•;• Ai. ton. Mrs. VI. ; -md A.i■ K i- Gar . The term t i:( tiie newly-elecb d II ?:■!..' -1 incmbers will expiry in . (Continued n I),age «. L;-:t, Peep nil) “Daddy” Grace Followers Converge on Concord to Listen to Man’s Trial CONCORD—-A huge crowd, is expected to be blame on Maine I : Gupouor ( •'.iff .)ud,c.c Henry t- Sti ■ ■.' . of Warsaw a- ccnsfeni 1o j bJanK' ft I .' gi'owjnq rjumlx - .' vs crijncp on. North C. aroJina’'! ' our 1 ; !. <■};< 1-. on ..-,41 Ip I . !' tia V.'.i' * 'A' ’iG ej'ari'l j'U'v a r.m iK-d ! oiv: vi’ k kcrlmoia.l term in the- Wake County bxiperio' I : Coii. • tbs '.vcfk, Judge Stovcns • lid: "We arc now eutci'in: the s* j -jnd, ui Ir.ixeny, stage ni the post i war peri-xl." Devolnping n»*s point, lie !•■’ n! f d iut the f.ict i,n* high c t | •vliai. they can lake from then i ; fellow man. Citing the manner in which evimiii-d s ivi v c r; n utpp c d then,) j selves Judge Steven; told of cast's iie hirh criminals had tniri-.i y.o!!ipie>e v/ith .vinebe., with v/t.-icii 10-, tarry out their nciarpu: db-’di He. listed two major crime) as ' those thai inevitably follow every ; «rai larceny and murder, i He said The degree of ai ga I '•• lion inn;iLuted by the N A ACF in behalf of 10 rcsid-uit.-' of Montgomery <'our.iy, 'via., w: tindod down by !’re .sidin Judge I .mm McCord of th ■ st)i F. S. Circcuit ourt ol Appools following a tvro-din uring. i - f ' i ' m Jbß mm :v yvvt ' ■' l*i 'e; k vi. .t f. rd.sat! t ;ii.»live Na.i.eiuil T at(‘v President, who ivil! he the pr:n r.ipal .'jieaKcr ... ti“' amuiai meet llij. ol ttie ? l td) -I : l\l \ ;itid ~ Hi., s (vtotin'r i i rittli< ,! xvbieli will be in I Jlitii d,t> i!ifjtd. .Wiiiviiy ! . it H |i. n> *1 |, the Cnifr.i! > V.: \ ; thr* p:,.;t j ! (,y ]i( monljbs. ! have : been in e'.'i.intie; some vvitti j 13n;aii population; in which 101 jto 1.2 murder cases were pending] l on the docket." The judge > ,:pir :'• i s dr-ire tj formulate a ■ v , -.v.■ cotiid. defei , j there crimes, A;: he looked over the docket lor j j ‘he .*.'35.1011, Judge Stevenc- t ; -ij i more than 10 case involving tar j !cony. ■ nc! a maximum number in- 1 jvchiijH assaults and other major j | crime.". He found it difficult to endorse I the manner in which grand juries! are named, saying that sonic of i them irt "luetidious aixd imp .'SSi jWe of nerfornmnee. He '-aid triai J in ordei to intelligently inspect the - j county treasurer's office at least • ,; ten" of the jurors should be certi* j fied public accountants. It was no! revealed 'vb-ther LieTe i ; was a single Ci'A tni He. panel j named of which a Raleigh man is • foreman. NATIONAL YWCfI fIEPD TO SPEAK 6T MEETING HERE Mrs. J BirdsaJT; Calkins, pr« ;i- i IcM-l < f the YWC A’s of the Unit, •d States, will be auc-st sneak •' of the Raleis;): YWCA Annual vleehna on Tii’.!lav night., Jar. <vi r:H weeks i n trie in' ; Km! observing YWCA work in | (Continued on back IM. section) HIMES SWEEP THROUGH AND DESTROY CHURCH Htnderson - Flames of unde minrintd orokin swept thrusiin and '.p'.en klv v ot'cci th; Phillips C ua pei chin cb located abaot -ax miles from here on Tuesday afternoon. The church, a fwo-Mnrv frame ■brut lure .was reduced to ashes Th-pum r.o official estimate of the damage was given, ti »s as* sutned that the overall cost of rc ‘ -f.v; p'J iv edifice vn ill j e SIO-000. -aw -»!» TASTE FOR HAM IS MAN'S I MMHMi IN LHARLOTTE CASE * H ARLOT II A for him proved to be the u, ‘‘ doing of at least one he-s i resi ri» of fine this work as local police officers took into cus tody a man found coming out of a hole in tin- side of a stor age company building with 1 1 | targe, succulent of j The ’man. unidentified, had j patiently removed the hricks from the side of the building until he had fashioned a hole large enough to enter. All this nas done while policemen stood by silently watching. The roan entered the budd ing to emerge minutes later with only a large ham In show | for his patient labor. He was . immediately taken into custody. ESCORTS MLKDKRLSS’ SON ! FRANKFURT, Germany—A Ne ir.t-o ;.:irl v luted onlv y H R. Lee, : iefi by prune early this week for i the United Stales accompanied by : six-ytar-bd Jimmie Ybarbo. son of i Mrs Wilma Ybarbo, white, Other justices who participated in the unaru noua decision wcic F. F. District Judge Clarence Mullins «'••£ w iw of t>m .lii-pago decision, and D.~ i Judge John McDuffie of MoFiie, m inued uu fKige 8, F* Si'Cl’.rui) l ' "l? •.« i "Y .tit; SgJgY ; ; p.iCYa nfe-ui i'M, v*> JsK§gg&Bl§&pr\ ) j| ;* _'‘ /.. ' . ,'*/r V>V”';“; ,s^f. •liamsV. A££- ! 1 S JJt \1 RI'I US HI M) 1 uncial rites were held Su.nda> at, the Hist Congregational ( i .ueh for Mrs. «'•• < l.awrenec, e filter ivliii died suddenly last Tile; da ,i r.V'termion -iftrr having been stricken ill it her home U 70S .Manley Street, tii I.a mt cnee, vho is as Uie x> il’e nf tile Rev. 5.1 rciici . Dawson Named To Head Unit On Expenditures !*i- :r,\ < ' no. Dawson. L ('.* the |ae-r crrl years the Ttep* .-ccentalive iliinei.s’ Firrt Con . re-sional Distr ct has used a sofi hpokcv, but wecMve. tact arm ; lipjnmacy in keeping npen the channoli of cooperation DCtv. een i-.*- ! electoral ana trie A din ini*. Ti.runh far from • an exponent of' compromise or up - ; peasrment. t fc o Chir ays Con gressman :i n di AS'<-riel Wav I vet eran has carefully avoided file pit falls of incendi .u'v speeches or mud-slinging bo! h on and off of the Hour of Congress. s'rat.on. 1® 1 ! f DAWSON Thun;, ss'ii the year; .■( Wos-d j War II ar u ;ti ‘i.c yearn since. ? r ' Daw son followed 'h‘; cow.-r of ,-c I tios; ’which he laid down to report*''vs ! shortly after if v.’.is ctcetcii to Com r-vsp.p; four tfhiT.s in Hl4it li'* j so. here' hs kud at that- tune, fj , ,j for iis- roopl'S of my What Do You Think? URGE NEGRO MEMBER ON CITY SCHOOL UNIT Sentiment conFnued 1o grow m Rah i T if work for I he. appoint, j mo? ! ■ 1 .j Negro to fill one of! the vacancies on the city school j board which will result from the ! expiration of the terms of Mrs. Hariett Press! v and M’s. Lucille Am ::k irr March - ■ okcsinen for local groups who ~ r,‘r r onk'dr’d by the C AROLIN IAN indicated Sha’ requests would ; >f . ;nade to the City Council for siieh in appointment although no .-pccU.e c u.aid dcs have yet been decided upon K. I Halford, chairman of the Raleigh Negro Citizens’ Committee stated that the matter is one which is scheduled for consideration by his •ughuizatiun at it ■ meeting this week. PERP.Y NAMED BEAD OF RALEIGH SHRINE TEMPLE ! Raleigh's Kabala Temple No. 177, j Shriners lias announced the elec. : non and isntallation of officers to i govern the temple which was i created in 1347. The meeting during which the election and installation of offic -1 (Continued on buck Ist section) pastor of the First C ongrcgalionaJ Church, is shorn! with her daugh tors, Alls. Marion Harris of Nrw A ork t it> ami Mrs. Cecelia Good rum of Philadelphia. The services were conducted l>y the Kr>'. 3. T. Stanley, superintend ent of < onsregationai Christian Churches in the Southeast it a, .a,- -bat i'ar more cm ho accomplished witiiin the counc.: h ,x; ; .y thr.ii can be done oi I j ;• • ;0’ . U«if won I the less determindely for the right •~i th Negroes of America. On man. ; occasions he has drawn inienipprai and bitter criticism for failure ‘ ,\'e -lo at tack.' of the Rankins, tit , [y;. r >Tlands and others of their jlk : But when he lias answered. ». . i answers have been in mere eff ! ~\t othei tunes ; e has born < . j jised for failure *to introduce legs • | l&t'.on which would make it “Io« ,; good in the newspapers”. On at lcssi one such occr-.-iort h ; replied. “The bill would have for better chance of passage if j were introduced this' way." ! Lasi wet k it was announced th; . [Repress nlntive William L Datfcsc ■ was slated to become chairman i hh'' powerful House Conan.lice >. Ex pern! Hares nr the Kxecutivc Tj .! partrrirnts. 31 was further announce ' - (Continued on back Ist section ; st!', ging tb< need foi : ; a I rept 1 1 Continued on page 8, Ist Section> TO AFRICA Bishop U. T. 1 Medford of toe Virginia mid i Albemarle* Conferences o£ the | AMR Church will sail on the ' S, S. Queen Mary on Jan. 25 tor Farts whence he will | go V> AF ica to preside oyfcr 1 the AML conference 4n Liberia, West Africa. He will be accom pa.nSert by Ills daughter,