PAGE TWO 'ate For Kenneth Spencer Concert Changed To Feb. 1 .riuifii. T «t? Ct ■ <ll cri Con: (•i North (.\ti'oi!rui College ..i-uouiu-ed that the date for .-•tm-ert by Kenneth Spencer, has bei chtiuged to Fob. u will be presented in Duke Audit, >l iuin at 8:10 ~. Ann ir.oi basso a native Ai.e.'.■,: • -v, iu " 'i!_ sjiowed avu .mores: in i.„usic with ■ ■ ie-:;- n.- and with singing in . .iCA qi:a;U - ... ’" : • It;' lit Oi Roland • •• ah-: fa, a sch<« ,r.:p ;■> Kastman. .Srhoo! ■ ; .'.ie i . Rociuv fer. Spence: .: ieit-cJ his course ti: with ..::■ cos bacheior of musL- and e.ul citat'on a performer’* i ibko h-- sans: the role of J«'» uv. .Bat v. itji the St. l.ouit. .ecipal Opera Company ana ;• t! is ; j !'st nu*ior uppcuitmco ..nicest with the Lie Angr ;<• nv OrcwsUd at Holly- I ik-.vl . \. • Vo: k he v.-;.s T-Vu in s untit-rstuo’. in John ;,nd m 3P4!. gave his •< Had recifai. Since then hi- ; ■ i has prop:-vised spectacu '■ ilrport No Bias Irder Upheld By federal Court XMY ! ;RIA. Va. AN1 1 , ■- < ■ la. iiie:; ’ order issued by Ha A I r-tmcstio.s admatistnilioi; An'.iunnl airport was upheld , , -jt'k by Federal Disuse! t V. Brya:.. Tin rulia -. Ti tcl pica sot. injunction H- Air Terminal S<*l vie opened up re-1. ueani . : Lhc- flit-port. : v ■> 1 tie inpinoti -i , Judg. [, 1•: tht> CAA bal i:.. * rUUIiiL! D.'iti cfi v ecluutn')n «-J -’•.H .\irpou re<faimint hidUb:* wen nod 1.; Nvetoes ;.t Xy> -n L.>f j df«e::da:- . Hu* first »dree served ! i;■ H■ v. S»; i; 112 \V u< t J K \V i 1 ins ;nd Kiui L HamsJMi, the • ie* - '.l.', stoi i.f Shiloh Bap! hi iv ‘“»-fh- • nr? Fd; ar G. Brown a. - Mi MM IK sr.KViil i ;. t . |{ev. ivj. Harrison described ; -tit red the restauryut. which i re*-.vr*ed \v : ill the u;• uai nu i\ • • ; driiue passengers &rid . Vi. I’ln-L iwo were ignored , e.: the ■ i i. in«;ip’. Wvdv Tav . • Tt’.vsriam. joined The g;o;rp { 1 • th ti s.i m l* \Y Alt re S \\\ il f'i i■! e(i tne test r* -1:p, ufa -. •-j e Rev Will: - tudertd huff and colicn 4 . Hrev, 7 r; ic-!7.i bant tfi<nv watei iv« j*. st mv •;) i iit-y vc(no ?n' v*. on - i u .: >\ < v j > ixt *.•• ■ vm v .tin .a .inusUtil : vn nt one nin. asked - Charge Mead about, the* - . ' an v is to id Hna the ie.-- ■ ' i Vyjs avY'.iang i ?jst ! .-b c anijf of ;” ■ No r-, riot.-: kerf to be served in the dinning 1 on the floor ..bove the cotli-«- Aliy. Frederick J. It~II. repre »• ■ th«f concessionalr c, ;n an .urr, m» t‘;e chang, < ( poliev -..i.> ' la-' c Tiitny. a : .Hi. y-.o ...... as ttoi actuated by a desire to “World’s Greatest Raleigh Memorial Jjfc AUDITORIUM Thursu, Jan. 13th 8:30 P. M. i~**f Presented by Marvin McDonald and | Rear balcony 1.85 | ’ 4 i wh ae ..■? «*y f Hamlin Drug Co, , w J|| w 118 E. Hargett St. ■■£,;&> ** . - Midi orders filled proimptly. ;. f y ■ Kt s M ! !! \< 1 !; b.t uill ,ipp<-f t Niirfh ( .Uolnia ( < iicyc Hu lyi t iim ‘•i-rii s on i ! '•[ii'iwcr known lor !.is appvaruiti-t. in "Show Rout amt other »u>-'i fame.! presenta tions, will appear in the t V tills * Aiuiitoi inn .i the Durham institution IDs eoniert i- seheii : iiier! io at K:ls i> m yil'ievi ~iyy ■■ -suion at be Wash ■wd • 1 v iwi lie pi |a- of dia . u ;.rj:»nm wf u ■ r.oi I -a-- !, u-' pi *.:kc« the prop- r ronducl r,x ;ho c f '■ i't pc; j. y Judgc* B; y an'. s: dt*- * isior. i fs.dvus Hits eonUiM. and the >:c-mpa»iy hi wen yJI.hV) cl bv Hu j . *. !' •. ; . it t : ,;.C i ted Ollt • ; fiu-,:; li-’fU. •. it ah,eyed the CAA • t it.;- :. : ;d i;, druu-e? as Voy ina ivj ,c vu ; K.'. ti’ it ended .-egrogatio/i i■ ■ fah'iie loHow ihe CAA Vii ■i; .• Att> -Gen. J Luray ’ j f- ; n observer. sahi t;m staU .•oiTiiAi:;; of V ini o. did ap ;pA I** U t : * tuii’ antN Ho did nut .Li i*hj: ( breau-y- the case •• < •• dismiss.;!. <.o ihe gruuruis liivit 1 fv'e»era! rest Hat f.*ji ratfter than •r• e f.Tcan while ; iUt t.-ovs were on* ..Ai, 1 room. Twc, women each are -frernoy $-48,000 ciamayos from *he ■ ; ii • ■ : C-\A ; - , L‘ ..... . * f . . , * i.t: -w. :i tjiDt;.*- my reius • *• O’ varo * i.'.t dm-.up* room y I .... :... UAL V- b \ ■ !:ird l .'..'kill:; $15,000 n -NT S 1,11 . : ii! pc• i arm hints “El>ii-'.u.-v wHJ :,i- *h«-- ktync-.t on f.-rmifi-.; ir, ■: 1 59. Cc-n'muvd hiyn >;ri<i*:;:-f ion < ■ ss. and declining prices i< product.-' vvili com* b::u- to reduce pr.jfits for all but -h e r.Or \ec • <•.on i prf>eiucei s SAt 30i SAS IT IN THE C AROI.IMAN THEATRE IN BRIEF New York - Until he reached I tin- a:;.- of its a low month.- asm. life for tenor sax star Johnny Gi ilTin was a heciic affair, what with ceos stopping him on the -.1:, i late at night inquiring \ '-is ~ge. people calling him Son »y Boy and oven having a tru -nt officer carting him off to iu \ cntlo cour' tor missing r.c.h-»o!. Ho :.i now featured with Joe Mor re band First breaking into Iho bar.;! tmsinc-ss at the ago of Hi with Lionel Hampton's crety. lie ! broke away a yeai agin and has .-I: a mtnni>. r ut Mor: ir k since ikon. RED MILLER TRIO SIGNED BY COOPER Now York -- Negotiations we is completed here this week by Mrs ids.wi Malone, personal manage; id the Rod. Miller Trio, giving exclusive booking rights on them Ralph Cooper. Mis. Maine flew here from Detroit, to ink her sig nature to the pact that will wit ness Coop;- placing the country’s • .-. < i M-nsaton d trio in th t-' ; - . imt.s throughout, the country, Jumping into the forefront r.l --h r thc-ir Bullet record of- l .-ii ! c-.ugiit on with the conn ;:y's music buying public lik ..ild 1 1 : e. this group of stylists i ..i'll! 'jy voted the lop tm . i-o-d otlnictioi: n tin -Hi .slates LEVY HAS HALOCAUST IN COAST NITERY i toll.v woi d, Ca!i f. (ANPj—Juhn L"v,v. noted night Jite iiguir ; businessman and personal man ' agi-r of Billie Holiday was arrest i I here New Yea: 's dav r.n :• ' dc.rgi <;! assault. His arrest \va.- .'nude after fvic person: icylged :• - ..mplaint that Levy pi-r.-tanally as.-aulfed tnon; in a luaLd brutv at Billy Bei g s famous HoHywm.o b.-.: >. Police- -iav j hi.- 1. :i tiegan 1 when two whin men n a gang • 4 lb "inoiiv-t,- and made u i:v * ’ ce-sary advance., to Miss lion day, beiorc and alter her first . ■. It eas .ad that tn< e.n-r, into iu.-i dressing room, .ear the kitchen. Mrs. Berg, wife- of the proprie tor. sumtnentd Levy who app .te ed witn a long sharp instrument tn his hand \vheh he began to i-a rr.disci'irrr.nateL’ WHERE GO PXANISTIC SO GO LA SCOTT -N. V. Yd: k ■ ANP> -- Seme -Vint ' it as to invade ’.he conce; t realm via boogie woagie! Bu( litl!e i laze; -Scot! is doing rust that I And alth.e. gh iscr Carm-.-gie h:i ; -l 1 i-eneort on Jan. 2 befori- a larg rhence is only a landmark BEBOP CREATOR ON BROADWAY Nee- Y >. k While man- band ■ have adopted th.:* bebop style ot • music, few. it er.v. quartets can >as{ of singling tins latest mu ■ leal -koni like Babs Gon/ales aim i.;- H Bips and A Bop. who • .pen i jed at the Clique Club on Bmad was- last week. Tin- iinal tan an ; of approval was put on then* bop ping recently when the Capitol i Record firm inked their names , |?o an exclusive writing contract Back in 1941 Babs recogniz.:d * what Dizzv Gillespie and Charlie Parker were attemptng to do and - sttarted working cm a forbvula f make a language out of their ini provisatioas. But it wasn’t urn. ■947 that he and hb quartet trained attention. VOTED TOPS IN POLL New York Topping the coun try's foremost bandleader: for having the best record of '4B in . j the results of a poll just released. , maestro Sonny Tompson conti n -1 ued to win honors with his Mir hole waxed Long Gone tune. The survey was conducted by Bill i imard mag. one of the country’s ■ • top theatrical sheets, who pulled | the record distributors in the 48 | Hates to asi-i rtain what artist.- | ! and records were bought the | - 1 most by the public last season. I | Twelve months ago Thompson 1 * was just another piano-playing Icade- wth a desire to someday I make the bigrime Barnstorming . i throughout th l.inetrlands with ; his band he was finally given :• • .hance o record for MiracL iec ■ ord. His first session witnessed him cutting three standard tun<-s uk! Miracle officials at first Irownc-d on him pitting lvng Gone on wax, but finally gave in •under his persistence. IIAs JUt Kl-V SHOW Chicago, 111. (ANP; —■ A North | : eft-rbe when he lit ©in the new , vv. r wth a weekly Sunday af.or ; neon prgr-mi. Concert in J:;?z. , In starting hi- show. Bran: •' ' femur.-- rc-oordlng of jazz, artist'-.rine in Chicago night sooi nr l.hi rte'• at the time of bi nnogr'*n. His first show ov<w> ctn . *ion WGVL f riturc-d '-f—ord- 1, ' in'? Am-! -one -r-t his second Me-hirr-H Duke Fll'-v't -n. j T. 'v. f .'-'W'ti ‘n "'.'i-', 'b - • i-v- VY'-i-'-’v Tf nvm *K 'n» f' -’ , •md c">“v rxirml.-,h.0 : ; , . .. i, ;, .- • -1. il- , f, ..., I-, r 1 1.-, .4 . . ,*1 f *-. r. t 1 ■ . I 3 —XT J |'-«Po. Hr r era on a Pepsi Cola scholarship ‘ THE CAROi,LN [Afr . -grigr AN i IV ! FOR AN LVf m.i . in- "i i’;il gone in --inn- morl* - ui thoug-lii.*. Lbt to s;i\-|!l;nm" Fes ter Young, it’s all -in nye ii ii- ii Vliic:.(<•'. Ymnii: tet null , in'ilt? --t tile wM oi oin' «yc when a careless smoker dropped m r ‘ 4§J . : RADIO ! AYOKI tt: - Most every c t;, she appeal Biiiie il<>t ida\ the nation’s top singing star is eager, y -ought 1 y disc .joes.t-ys for infer? ii .vs over the air. Pluitn -liows; the Kuiaiuy thrush in Studio of Station Kt RH in Kan -a.: Liiy. Vlo.. rect-mtle engage inent i.r-it to right: Ann Spell man. newspaper columnist I cm Ec> U Y LwC i \ v r« i) l. L _.. i. J . ‘TT ' v .sgg%p. 0 -. ,***... ..-i.:,..; jJu bMJb, ,;>WSa» JOE THOMAS S’iFFI YA GOTTA WATCH—- TI.:- ptetor* ?l arti-i . oi re<-:, eijfci- aud jratfio fame rcpre-i-itt lltc -Ini'; va folUi uaich tUieutg IMS. Lurky ttiiltader. top ini tee- gi umi ne w ideas for tele* \ tsion; 'LI Tortiit. ii p right hi velvet fog voice a.-, gar »eaiug lauett:, fur ar«} aide. :i S liming ci-.nn'ttc from a New soi k apartment window Young h;< ’dy if , t-'. i-d treatment in tin- b> ore --of --nets ,i disaster am! -tow buck m lii- old haunts "sendln"' his listeners ti- Spencer, ru.iei! Kansas City promoter; amt Eddie t larke. K( : KII ft sc jockey. i ; Nt w Yc.u Ififti. tintis Bil lit Ituliii:;'. -FC t: : c talk of l e music world, across the nation. Si i> i ui-rent 1> on tour of the La: tie toast anti the northwest. f -'.yd Snelson, Public- Rela tions. i. ■ ■ -t>. • ■ ■? f ■' ' V Wv-- " , (f 3 ,;•« -x v% W if % 4 • Yf MCI I'ORME ; • , PAUL WILLIAMS J«ir Taomas. -vith EU WHt-oVs I-«m. < foot <nr u. has added his fi'Hi iorlMit'n-'.k!’ tor,"-, to a f»U‘ fU. * s.yiim; more KnitOß than I.unt'.t'ford, whilr Paul tVil (i.un-. bottom ri:,!it, hati made innovation!, on the music scene that ace anu in;;. Jersey Girl, 19,1 s “Frame” Winner NEW ARK, N. J. ~ Thai the fin- !* i ,-i brown frames in the land a> ■■ n j: be fi.-umJ in the city of Newark was ! ; indicated in (he results of the na- j Hemal finals of Buddy Iwisoh’s, I thi'ri annual ‘Fine Blown Frai'ie’ J; - iiits! at Laurel Gardens a; local j a iris made a complete >wei p of j, top honors j, Winner and undi: . ■ d ■ sI. fine Blown F. am. eri* Oi 1940" is Mis--. :'U - Kelly o! -t Newark, a iy-yeur old nur -'s aMe i! Mis.-, Kelly won the doe’sinu <:t i Basie Hits Agency Snag, May Quit NEW YORK Count Basie disband his orchestra following the completion of his booking at the R> yal Theater in Baltimore on January 20 because of a snarl in his contract negotiations ai the William Morris Agency, it was re vealed here this week. Basie's difficulties arose out of the lain that the William Morris Agency recently announced cut • t; of its band department and would release from contract;- only leaders who agreed to shift to the General Artist:- Corporation, an ngenev with whom the Morns olKce reportedly had made an agreement to shift its name band Concert Will Present Protest Against Bias NEW YORK - The concert for civil and human rights to he given by Miss Carol Brice, tamed young contralto at Carnegie Hall on Feb rurary 2 has taken on the form oi i national movement. One of the first indications of iin Mi on!-;' public .-entiment favor ing Miss Brice's nob 1 .- .vesture to the National Council of Negi-. Women came from the /American International Singers who uf'tc r hearing - f Miss Brice's offer to Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethwr.o, found --r-presidcnl c.f the National Coun cil of Ne>to Women, also donated their services and will do a g;oup of sen:. with Miss Brice at the oi inter- Ti > American Iniernatton t> i nr o hpi_ Bop Is 1 o Be I he MainWaxinglssue HOLLYWOOD. Culif. Capitol Re cords win do ail out t >r bop and : progressive music. accoiding to u sta'.t-mviit by Janie.- B Conklins • >he firm’s vice-president in i-nao-r of artists repertoire. Alliumi h bop : and progressive- , ...... ■ ms solidly en trenehed themselves as something definitely more than passing fads ; and fancies. W.tii a fir ns belief in the iu ; of these new and modern ideas in popular music, Capitol will wage a full-scale campaign to raise the over-all poplunrity level of the controversial bop and pro gressive styes Stan Kenton, perhaps the most important figure in the promotion of progressive music in the popu lar field, was one of the strongest iniluentdig factors in Capital's ds cision to pursue bop and progres- I sivism so wholeheartedly. It has been Kenton's outstanding success i with his famed Progrtssive Jazz L ; band, as well as libs verbal foiling I ; of the .merits of al forms of mod- Ij cm music which, in large part, I ; have induced Capitol’s executives I to look on bop and progress ivisrn | ; n such t! ftivorable light C onkling - e i d. He, fii!-t|ie p| o *’adt| nc’ttuo He further pointed out that Cap* itop has neverb ten hesitant to —NOW PLAYING! Cary GRANT in “EVERY GIRL SHOULD BE MARRIED” STARTS SUNDAY GLEN FORD TERRY MOORE in “The Return of October” in COLOR by TECHICOLOII Coming Soon! GREGORY PECK ANN BAXTER in “YELLOW SKY” :I I ! I mimmtmrn «WMS*ralWWWWKtfMtt'M*. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JANUARY K>, 194 y the Judge's after being accord! rs a Irenieudoirs ovation by a crowd at some three thousand per. 0r..- In addition to winning a silver levin.! cur and a cash - ward of GOO. Miss Kelly lauded ;> .vevk's - ngagr. • it.-i wth Buddy -l-hnson ai : - i c-iear ,i on s' t th A- ■of 2 > (lu.atet n: Nv-,v York start m,.. ndn January 14. She may ■ -i pay nilim 1 heater dt-'es with the band il her a . de but the Apollo proves ..m-,- . fu!. propei-■tic,*--. SOME SWITCHED Though several u! these bands already have signed with General Artists, there have been several he .dents including Basie. ! have rejected the switch. Basic las been approached with | lucrative contract offers from sev- I .ml other agencies, which he is tin -Me t •- •m*|H becauM' Ids William Morris contract still has almost a i , yeat to run. Basie has no booking eommitt i incut.- iollov. ,ng January 20. and I may disband and take his difficul j ties bet -,re the Ann , icaii f edora i tion of Musicians. | tl Singer?- i- composed of tufty nr - lists of ail races and nut onaliuer. When Mrs. Bethnne was refused | the use of Constitution Hal! by the - Daughter: of the American Rev l u | tion, she was told that the contracts 'must read "for white artist-, only.' | Miss Brice heard of the refusal and | denned iter services for a protest | _•< ncert at Carnegie Hal! or any i suitable place. I The national leaders and •• i izations joining Miss Brice and Mrs ; Bethunc art* making the concert | more than just anolhei musical ! vent. It is now taking on the form j>f ,-i national protest against the DAR's actions an segregation and discrimination in all its ;orn;s. record neglected and so-called un commercial music it: the- past and ; will pioneer again in raisin)' bop and progrcs.-ive music to a high commeicial 1'- \ el. W1 tie th new sound m popular music thus far have been restric ted pretty largely to the big ci ties due to the fact that these styles have had limited record and radio: distribution. Star: Kenton's series of one-night stuns across the uu- , ' on has proved decisively that this modernism is highly acceptable to music le\ei sin c- mimmities of all Capitol. Crinkling said, will new | bring recorded bop and progres-; .-'ive jazz to e .-cry corner of the nation for the first time utilizing i the company’s vast distribution sys- j .tern to blanket the entire country, j With the bands of long-time Cap itol artists Star; Kenton and Benny Goodman and newly-signed Charlie ■ Barnet and Woody Herman. Capi : to! Records has an outstanding 'Tray ol modern musicians to fur ther the new idea.-.- in popular mu- i sic, each approaching the problem i individually and according to his! own and imagination While none <4 these well-known i leaders is primarily a bopist him j sell. each ha: acquired ' bop or bop-influenced arid pro- j i gressive sidemen and arrangers ! ! with the end musical product cjis- ' jilayin,: these influences vo-iw j clearly. The Kenton, Goodman, ; Barnet and Herman bands are all: i'king for. and using, new ideas, 1 unfettered by convent ioanl. out of-date forms ad cliches Conkiing added that Capital has : : Iso signe bopist Tad Dameron and : progressivist Bill Harris, both of! whom will form smal combos sea- i Hiring music, and ringers Dave «■■ ■■ "" - • Kw'Vii. EDWIN WILCOX to whom Raleigh is ''home" is still tops in the inusii world and only re n eiitly led the orchestra ol the late Jimmie I unceford in .< spec ial appearance dedicated to iiie- ' memory of Glen Miller, also * deceased maestro, who lost his life in a plane crash during world War !! BROADWAY CHATTER' WARING TO OFFER SPECIAL TREAT New York - The Marry Sun 1 earn- arrangement of Onward - Christian Soldiers is featured on : Tile Fred Waring Show. Thu its ! day evening (January 13) at 10:30 p.m. EST over .station WPTF and I NBC. Although it liar long been 'one o: 1.1 to most popular Waring 'numbers tin- glee club arrang-'- ■ ment is heard lot the first time ;on the Thursday evening show. ;l! is one of the numbers -pub ; 'sited bv Waring'.-: Shawnee . ; Press, most frequently ordered by ; : eh 001.5 and other voeai groups i throughout th- country. Stuart j Churchill will sing his own at rtei N ight ami )n ri Youii«£lcrs Take I rail Rat e Din isioii ' DALLAS- Tex. - Aftc-i a group of v i-.he children from the Holy Trims School Invited St. Peter's '. :-r : to play football and the coi -cd bids won. Our I.udy of Pei - (--lotual Help tram, another while footba! -ciuaii. played the colored - ioM. After the game c loser? cheer ed the colored youth aid shook I hands with them. '1 he Rev. J. A. Lain commented- * "Maybe some day Ire ■ row: - | ups will become a-, these 1 title Dallas v. rite chid re i: and tn-i : will be no racial incident-;." Several spring .sea; uis in tin * ( carl.' -id's piiu-ued s* rawberry ; mW* | u'-: wif 1 1 spring frosts M-vetc ! enough to almost wipe, -tit the ear ly crops, This experience ha- made i plant breedti star; work on frost ! harness of the (lowers a-. a highly desiirabie quality in -■• strawberry. Nort-s Carolina's goal in lespedeza st-cd production sot 1948 has been set at 215,000 acres Lambert and Bros Gonzales. Lam bert, considered the top bop vo : enlist in the country, w:!i not only . 1 be a featured soloist but will also coach other Capitol singers in -he - bop style Lincoln KALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA Sunday Monday Jan 16-1? YVONNE DE CARLO DAN DURYEA —lN— “Black Bart” Color Cariuon Sport Subject News of the Day i Tuesday Jan. 18 GEORGE MURPHY VIRGINIA O'BRIEN —lN— “Tenth Avenue Angel” Plus the Whix Band ol the Year RED INGLE AND HIS NATURAL SEVEN' Oddity Reel Movietfcn* News Wed. Thurs. Jan. 19 2© ’ DOUBLE HORROR SHOWN LON CHANEY —IN— “The Mummy's Ghost” And THE MUMMY’S TOMB’ (See it if you dare! It will scar* your sock* off 11) Plus Ch&pier No. 10 Daughter of Don O ’ Friday ■ Saturday Jan, 21-22 Top* In Double Features!! CHARLES DURANGO , KID’ STARRETT —lN— “Prairie Raiders” AND ROBERT SHAYNE BRENDA JOYCE —IN— SHAGGY’' Also Chapter Ho ? KING OF THE FOREST RANGERS *

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